1.our Amazing God Sample Lesson

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Our Amazing God

Lesson 1

The Most High God

(The Trinity)


Our Amazing God

Lesson #1

The Most High God

Leader’s Lesson Overview #1

“In the beginning God...” These words are as well as in other industrialized nations. This is primarily
foundational as you can get. Everything else proceeds due to immigration rather than conversions, but none-
from the knowledge of God. The psalmist tells us the theless we can no longer assume in religious discus-
beginning of wisdom is the fear (or deep respect) of sions that everyone is talking about the same God.
the Lord (Psalms 111:10). One must know who He is Western culture has been deeply influenced
and His nature to acquire that deep respect. So, it is by Eastern religions in recent years. Many European
here we must begin our foundational study with our nations have been nearly cleansed of any knowledge
children. of God, whereas other nations such as India have
It’s easy to assume they know all about literally millions of gods.
God—doesn’t everyone? But the answer is no! People from these cultures now make up a
Perhaps children who have been raised in Christian significant part of our population. So, we must ask
homes and in a church environment know quite a bit. ourselves who God is, why He is better than any
But it is amazing how many children today have little other god, or why He deserves our loyalty and love.
to no knowledge of the Most High God, Creator of This is not so we can brace ourselves in a defensive
heaven and earth. Even our western culture, which stance towards other religions, but so we can knowl-
at one time was predominately Christian, has been edgably present our loving Heavenly Father to a hurt-
greatly influenced by the religions of other cultures as ing, lonely world. This world is full of children who
people have immigrated into our country. have no knowledge, accurate or inaccurate, of Him.
Religions such as Islam and other Eastern This may include visitors attending your children’s
religions are growing rapidly in the United States, as church.

It’s easy to assume children know all about God—

doesn’t everyone? The answer is no!

Power Verse Our Amazing God

“I call to God, the Most High...who

supplies my every need.”
Psalms 57:2 GNT

Power Verse Discussion

Make sure the children understand the following words and information:

God, the Most High: Ask the children what they think “Most High” means. It means
there is no other god higher, better, and stronger in any way. It’s a no comparison between
Him and other so-called gods.
Supplies: (verb) Gives, provides, furnishes
Needs: Something that is necessary to life—food, clothing, shelter, but also money,
friends, love, health, etc.

Advance Preparation
Part 1 - Props: 1. A football or basketball, 2. Picture of Elvis Presley or another popular
celebrity the children would know, 3. Globe, 4. Tissue dragon.

Part 2 - Props: 1. A real flower which has a nice fragrance, like a rose, 2. Small bowl with
clean water in it and a towel to wipe your hands dry, 3. A round hoop, bracelet, or large ring, 4.
A table lamp with a 100 Watt bulb in it and no lampshade.

Part 3 - Props: 1. Bring something you have made--a painting, sculpture, or craft. (If you don’t
have something of your own, use something your spouse or children have done that is very
impressive.), 2. A rope or cord long enough to wrap around a child’s shoulders a couple of
times, 3. A globe of the earth, 4. A Bible.

Part 4 - Props: 1. None.

Drama Skit - Props: 1. Costumes for 2 Demons: Solid black pants, long sleeved shirt, gloves,
socks (with no shoes), False god #1 & #2 masks, 2. God Costume: White flowing gown, scarf,
and a white beard, 3. Man, woman and child can wear their normal clothing.


Our Amazing God

Lesson #1

Part 1

What Is a God?
Props: 1. A football or basketball, 2. Picture of Elvis Presley or another popular celebrity
the children would know, 3. Globe, 4. Tissue dragon.

What is a god? ( Allow for discussion.) It is of their time and money making sacrifices and doing
something or someone people worship and think very things to make their gods happy. They hope the gods
highly of. People can make a god out of anything— will be good to them and answer their prayers.
they can make a god out of money, sports (hold up a But we need to know there is only one true
football, or basketball), education, music, or a movie God. He is a God of love—the Most High God, Cre-
star (hold up a picture of a celebrity). You will know ator of heaven and earth (hold up a globe and spin it).
you have created a “god” out of something or someone It’s important to understand all gods are not equal to
when it/they are the most important thing in your life. each other. Just because the gods other people believe
They are all you talk about, or think about, and what in have supernatural power, does not mean they have
you spend your time and money on. as much power as the Most High God. Our God has no
A god can also be a living being who has competition! It’s the difference between night and day.
supernatural powers, or can do amazing things beyond The Bible tells us there are no other gods like the Most
the normal ability of humans. Because these creatures High.
have powers humans don’t, people are deceived into Actually, these other “gods” are nothing more
thinking they are gods. When you visit with people in than angels the Most High God created in the begin-
other nations, or those of other religions here in our ning of time. They chose to rebel and fight against
country, you will discover many of them believe in their Creator. Their evil leader, Satan, at one time was
literally millions of gods. (Hold up the tissue dragon.) the most beautiful angel God ever created. But he
What’s amazing about these gods is they all allowed his heart to be filled with pride at his beauty.
seem to have some type of supernatural power—to Isaiah 14:14 NLT quotes Lucifer saying, “I will climb to
hurt or to supposedly help the people who believe in the highest heavens and be like the Most High.”
them. It’s real power! Many can tell stories of the bad He has been trying to be as powerful as God
things which have happened because of these gods be- ever since, but it’s impossible. He uses fear and deceit
ing angry at them or someone they know. This brings to get people to do what he wants. But the most High
a great deal of fear to the people. They spend much God uses love, and love conquers all.


Our Amazing God

Lesson #1

Part 2

What Is God Like?

Props: 1. A real flower which has a nice fragrance, like a rose, 2. Small bowl with clean
water in it and a towel to wipe your hands dry, 3. A round hoop, bracelet, or large ring,
4. A table lamp with a 100 Watt bulb in it and no lampshade.

Programmed in the heart of every human being ing He doesn’t know. We can’t keep secrets from Him,
is the desire to worship the true God. This God is very because He even knows the very secrets of our hearts
much alive and active in our world today. “The fool has (Psalms 44:21)! He knew all about us before we were
said in his heart there is no God” (Psalms 53:1). But ever born—everyday of our lives were recorded in His
there is much we need to learn about Him first, which book (Psalms 139:16). We can’t see Him with our eyes
will help us understand why He is the only one worth because He is a Spirit (John 4:24). As a Spirit, He is not
serving. limited to time or space. He can be everywhere at once.
When we study the Bible we discover many We’re told in the Bible the Most High God is a
wonderful things about the Most High God. From the good God and His mercies (or good things He does for
first verse of the Bible we discover He is the Creator us) endure (last) forever. He is a God of endless love
of the universe and everything in it (display the flower, for His creations—especially us. It is this quality of
and gently smell it with pleasure). God is so big He being a loving Creator which sets Him apart from other
can hold the oceans in His hand (cup your hand, dip gods more than anything else.
it in the bowl of water, and hold it up) and measure The whole reason He created the universe
the heavens with His fingers! (Isaiah 40:12) (Spread was for people to enjoy it. He has been planning from
out your hand widely with thumb and small finger the beginning of time to spend eternity with as many
stretched as far apart as possible.) human beings as possible. He has a great plan for each
God had no beginning and no ending—that one of us!
is, He wasn’t born like we are. He just always existed He never changes. He’s the same yesterday,
(Isaiah 43:13). In the same way, God will never die. He today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)! We can always
can’t get sick! He is eternal! (Display the round hoop, count on Him to help us with any problem we have!
and trace its circumference with your finger as an ex- He gives us hope that good things will happen in our
ample of no beginning and no end.) He is also a holy, lives, and He has a wonderful future planned for us.
and righteous God. Our God loves us with an everlasting love, and there is
There is nothing God cannot do, and noth- nothing we can do to ever make Him stop loving us!


Our Amazing God

Lesson #1

Part 3
No Competition!
Props: 1. Bring something you have made--a painting, sculpture, or craft. (If you don’t
have something of your own, use something your spouse or children have done that is very
impressive.), 2. A rope or cord long enough to wrap around a child’s shoulders a couple of
times, 3. A globe of the earth, 4. A Bible.

I want to show you something I made. (Hold Some day there will be a great final battle be-
up your item.) I’m really proud of what I have done. tween all the little false gods and the Most High. But, the
Do you think this is good? (Allow for response.) But false gods are doomed. Their fate is sealed, and they know
as good as this is, it is not better or greater than me— it. They are trying to ruin as many lives and take as many
the one who made it, correct? It can’t do the things I people to hell with them as they can. It’s the greatest battle
do. It can’t create anything else. It can’t even think! I of the universe, and we’re in the middle of it! Every time
am the creator of this object. As the creator, this item we choose to disobey God, we are taking sides with the
will never be greater, more creative or more powerful devil against Him. Every time we choose to obey God we
than me. are taking sides with God over the devil. We’re in a war
The Most High God is the creator of everything, from the day we’re born between God and the forces of
and all other “gods” were created by him. Those be- evil gods, but we’re the winners!
ings—or demons—could never be greater than the one Hell is a place of punishment for the enemies
who created them. They aren’t even really “gods”! But of God. It was created for the devil and his angels, for
because they have supernatural powers human beings human beings. Heaven is our home when we love and
don’t have, they have deceived people into believing serve the Most High God. Angels are in the throne
they are! room with God constantly. He’s preparing a place for
They like to show off their power to make us to live with him right now. He wants to bless us and
people afraid of them. God doesn’t have to show off. be our best friend. No other gods of any other religion
He sits in the heavens and laughs at them. These gods want to bless us or be a friend of any kind to us!
try to steal mens’ hearts away from the Most High. Heaven is God’s throne and the earth is His
They rule them with fear, pride, and selfishness which footstool. He built the whole universe (spin the globe)
wraps people in bondage and their hearts in prisons around His love for people. As we read the book He
(wrap the rope around a child while you’re talking.) wrote just for us, the Bible (hold it up), His love for us
But, the Most High is a God of hope, loving kindness, is revealed in every page. You can always talk to God
happiness, joy, humbleness, and is totally unselfish anytime and anyplace. He’s always listening and look-
(take the rope off the child). It should be our goal to be ing for those who will worship Him. He is a God who
like Him! has never sinned!


Our Amazing God

Lesson #1

Part 4

Friendship With God

Props: 1. None.

One of the most wonderful and amazing side our hearts. But, He can do it and will do so to any
things about the Most High God is He deeply loves man, woman, boy or girl who asks Him to. No other
people. In fact, the Bible tells us the entire reason He god promises to do this. No other god has the ability to
made them in the first place was to be His best friends. do this! It’s not even a concept available in other reli-
(Bring a child up to the front and either hold their hand gions. Only the God who made us, loves us, and cares
or put your arm around their shoulders.) Best friends are about us has chosen to be so closely involved in every
very special. You don’t want just anybody to be your minute of our lives to lead, guide, help, and bless us.
best friend. Best friends are one of a kind. What do we do with best friends? (Allow for
Who would have ever thought the God of the response.) We play with them, talk with them, go plac-
whole universe would care for little tiny mankind? es together, tell them our secrets, cry on their shoulder
(Rhetorical questions not requiring response.) What when we’re sad, and laugh together when we’re happy.
can we possibly give to the God who created the world When we have a best friend we want to do everything
and everything in it? What can we offer this God who together!
has everything, knows everything, and is so powerful? In the same way, when we become best friends
King David wrote, “What are human beings that you with God, we take Him with us when we play, (hold
think of them?” (Psalms 8:4a GNT) the hands of the child, skip around in a circle in play)
Yet, not only does He love us and wants to be we talk to Him, tell Him our secrets, cry on His shoul-
best friends with us, but He has gone a step further. He der when we’re sad, and laugh together when we’re
has done something no other so-called god can do. He happy. Though we cannot see Him with our eyes, or
has chosen to never leave us nor forsake us, and has hear Him with our ears, He’s with us all the time.
chosen to live on the inside of us if we allow Him to. The more you talk to Him, the closer you
Imagine that! The King of the universe loves become. Prayer is the word we use to describe talking
you so much, He wants to move right into your heart to God. We can pray anytime and anywhere. Then He
and be with you forever! This alone is a miracle. It’s a talks back to us in our hearts, and through His Word,
glorious mystery how the God who fills the universe the Bible. Like with our natural friends, we have to
and holds the oceans in the palm of His hand can fit in- spend lots of time with God to develop a good friendship.


Our Amazing God

Lesson #1

Drama Skit
So-Called Gods
(Based on Isaiah 14:12-14)

Actors: Two demons (false gods), God, one man, one woman, one child.
Costumes: Each demon is dressed in solid black--black pants, black long sleeved shirt, black gloves, and
black socks with no shoes. No skin should be showing. Everything should be black. Their heads and necks
can be covered with a black stocking cap, or cloth. One will wear the False god #1 mask, the other will wear
the False god #2 mask. God should be dressed in a white flowing gown with a white scarf draped over His
head and shoulders. If you have a white beard, it can be added for greater effect. The man, woman and child
can wear their normal clothing.

Scene I: The man and woman are sitting at the table quietly. The incense, bowl, and matches are on the table but
not being used. No one else is on stage. Suddenly the two demons come flying into the room hollering angrily, and
roll on the floor as though they have just been thrown out of a house. The demons do not see the people, and the
people do not see the demons. The people will stay unaware of them throughout the entire skit, never looking at
them or responding directly to them, until it’s time to worship. For a special effect, turn the lights off in the room
and have spotlights on the actors.

False god #1: Just who does He think He is anyway? (Stands up brushing himself off.)

False god #2: (Shakes his fist toward heaven angrily) You’re gonna pay for this! You’ll see!

False god #1: He can’t treat us like this--throwing us out of heaven the way He did.

False god #2: He just did, stupid! (Stands up and brushes himself off.)

False god #1: Oh, yeah...

False god #2: But He hasn’t seen the last of us yet. (Slams his fist into the palm of his hand angrily, but
hurts himself, and shouts “Ouw!” and shakes his hurting palm.)

False god #1: I don’t know what we can do. After all, at least two thirds of the other angels stayed in
heaven with Him. There’s only a third of us angels that got kicked out! We’re outnum-
bered two to one!

False god #2: (In the face of his friend.) Don’t ever call me an angel again! I don’t want to be identified
with those wimps!

False god #1: OK! OK! I won’t! (Looks away, then back slowly.) So,KIDS
like, IN
MINISTRY want to be
called then? Our Amazing God
(The False god #2 suddenly sticks out his chest, throws his head high in the air, places his fists on his sides with
elbows out as he faces the audience.)

False god #2: (Very arrogantly) You can call me GOD!

False god #1: What?! (Laughs hysterically like a chimpanzee might do, bending over holding his stomach
as he howls.)

(The False god #2 with hands still on his hips leans over right in the face of the False god #1 and waits for the
other guy to quit laughing.)

False god #2: I said call me GOD! (Looks up to heaven and shakes his fist to the sky shouting angrily.)
Because I will be greater than the Most High God!

False god #1: (Scrambles nervously to back away from his buddy and gets very serious.) Alright! No
problem! Whatever you say, boss.....but.....who’s going to believe you?

(The False god #2 looks menacingly around the audience, then spies the two people sitting at the table who re-
main oblivious to him as he begins to chuckle and stalks around the table looking at them like a tiger stalking its

False god #2: Just watch this! (Standing between them and facing the audience he grabs the table and
shakes it. The humans look at the table then at each other with very wide eyes.)

Man: Did you do that? (Begins to slowly back away from the table.)

Woman: (With a shaky voice) N-no, I-I-I th-thought you d-d-did!

False god #2: This is just too easy!

(He lifts the table into the air as though it is levitating and sets it back, still chuckling as he watches the reaction of
the humans. Both humans panic and jump away from the table shrieking in fear.)

Man: It’s a god!!! No one could have that kind of power unless he was a god! Maybe he’s angry
with us!

Woman: What should we do?

False god #2: (Gets right in the man’s face and screams) Worship me, you fool! Or you’ll be sorry! (He
immediately sits down on the floor with crossed legs, back straight, head looking straight
ahead at the audience, with the palms of his hands facing upwards. He is completely quiet.)

Man: I-I-I think we’re s-s-supposed to w-w-worship h-h-him. (The man and woman immedi-
ately grab the incense, place it at the feet of the demon, light it, then bow down before
him with their faces to the ground. They stay there.)

False god #2: (Throws his head back and laughs.) They called me a god! See, I told you! They think
I’m god!!!

False god #1: Wow, boss! They really did! (Hopping around the bowing humans like a real chimpanzee


KIDS and
IN MINISTRY pointing at them.) All you had to do was a few magic tricks, and they think you have the

Our Amazing God

same power as the Most High God does! That’s so cool! Boy, can we have fun with this! When I
tell the other guys, why, they’re all going to want to be gods too!

(Just then a child walks into the room holding God, the Holy Spirit, by the hand. As they enter the lights come on,
and the demons act like they are being blinded by the light. The humans are still unaware of what is happening at
this point.)

False god #1: Oh, no! We weren’t expecting this! It’s a kid and the REAL God! What do we do now, boss?
What if that kid really knows the power of God???

False god #2: (Trying to block the light from his eyes as he watches the movement of the child and God.) Quiet,
you fool! I’m thinking!

Child: (Walks right up to the people, not seeing the demons. The False god #2 remains seated in front of
them, but acts like he is repelled by the child’s presence, almost fearful.) Hi, you guys. What are
you doing? (He touches the man on the back and the man and woman sit upright and look at

Man: We’re worshiping our god.

Child: What god? (Looking around not seeming to notice the False god #2.)

Woman: This one right here. (Pointing to the False god #2.)

Child: (Looks and shakes his head.) That isn’t a god. It’s a just a plain old demon trying to act like the
Most High God. He’s just a fallen angel trying to show off his powers. (The False god #2 cringes
and acts like he’s trying to tell the child to be quiet, putting a finger over his lips.)

Man: (The man and woman look at the False god, then back at the child.) How can you tell? We saw him
do powerful things, and we were afraid to not worship him.

Child: Fear is his biggest tool! All he’s really got to control you with is fear. The Most High God gets
rid of all your fears and fills you with love, peace, and joy. That guy’s biggest fear is that you’ll
discover who he really is, and that he’ll no longer be able to frighten you with his magic tricks.
Watch this!

Child: (The child points at the quivering demon.) Devil, in the name of Jesus, GO!

(The Holy Spirit walks over to the False god #2 and flicks his shoulder with His finger. Both the False gods shriek
with fear and pain-like sounds, scramble to get to their feet, not able to exit fast enough. The man and woman
jump to their feet ecstatic with joy, clapping their hands and laughing.)

Child: There is no comparison between the Most High God, and the demons who try to show off their
powers. The Most High is a God of love. He’ll never try to make you worship Him through fear
and magic tricks. Besides, they’re doomed to spend eternity in hell for all the trouble they’ve

Man: (Raising his hands in excitement.) Praise God! We’ve been set free!

Woman: All our fear is gone! Now we know who the true God is! That’s who we want to serve!

(All exit excitedly, with the child holding the hand of the Holy Spirit.)


Our Amazing God

Lesson #1

Review Questions #1
Review questions are a very valuable teaching tool. They not only show us how well the children have
learned, but they show us how well we have taught them. We never deliberately use “trick” questions. We
try to make our questions simple and clear. Review questions should not be designed so only your brightest
students will get them. Using these questions at the beginning of the next week’s lesson “The Goodness of
God” is a great way to refresh their memory as to what you discussed and is a great launching pad to begin a
new concept. (Make sure you read about this section in “Tips For Using This Curriculum.”)

1. What is a god? Something or someone people worship and think very highly of.

2. How can you tell if you have created a ‘god’ out of something? It’s the most important thing in your life.
It’s all you talk about and think about, and what you spend your time and money on.

3. Are all gods equal in power and strength and ability? No

4. There is one God Who has no competition. Who is it? The Most High God

5. When was the Most High God born, and when will He die? He always existed and will never die.

6. Which God is the creator of all things? The Most High God

7. Name some of the things God is like. He is all powerful, all knowing, He knows the secrets of our hearts,
He is good, merciful, has endless love for us, desires to be our friend, He never changes, etc.

8. If an artist paints a picture, is the picture greater and more wonderful than the artist who made it? No

9. God created all things, including the angels who rebelled and became demons. What have these demons
tricked some people into believing about themselves? They are also gods, and are equal in power to the
Most High God.

10. The Most High sits in the heavens and when he looks down on those other so-called gods, what does He
do? He laughs at them.

11. Some day there will be a final great battle between the Most High God and the demon-gods. What will
happen to these false gods? They will be cast into hell forever.

12. What was the main reason God made human beings? To be best friends with them.

13. God wants to be so close to us, He actually wants to move into someplace and live. Where is this? In the
hearts of men, women, boys, and girls.

14. How many other gods can also live inside of us? None

15. What types of things do you do with best friends? (Refer to page 19 for answer.)


Our Amazing God

Lesson #1

Sword Drill #1
Encouraging children to bring their Bibles to church gives value and importance to the Bible in your children’s ministry.
To reinforce this, you may want to include a time of fun competition where a set of six to ten children compete to see
who can find certain scriptures the fastest. The one who finds the most verses the fastest wins. We have included a list of
scriptures with each lesson that reinforce the concepts in the lesson—scriptures that you would otherwise not have time
to read. The following scriptures are taken from the New King James version of the Bible unless otherwise noted.

1. 1 Kings 8:23 (kjv) And he said, Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or
on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk
before thee with all their heart:

2. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

3. Joshua 24:15 (gnt) If you are not willing to serve him, decide today whom you will serve... As for
my family and me, we will serve the Lord.”

4. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (gnt) Do not let anyone deceive you in any way. For the Day will not come until the final
Rebellion takes place and the Wicked One appears, who is destined to hell.

5. Isaiah 43:13 Indeed before the day was, I am He; And there is no one who can deliver out of
My hand; I work, and who will reverse it?

6. John 4:24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

7. Psalms 139:16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were
written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.

8. 2 Peter 2:4 (gnt) God did not spare the angels who sinned, but threw them into hell, where they are
kept chained in darkness, waiting for the Day of Judgment.

9. John 1:2-3 (gnt) From the very beginning the Word was with God. Through him God made all
things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.

10. Isaiah 14:12-15 How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut
down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your
heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I
will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I
will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ Yet you
shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit.


Our Amazing God

Lesson #1

Experiencing God #1
Worship Music: Any song with lyrics that talk about the greatness of God in a slower,
worshipful fashion. NOTE: To help find songs visit
Type in the lyrics you want to find, and it will give you song ideas. Most children’s ministries do not have
the luxury of a live worship group, so using CDs, DVDs, or MP3s is an alternative.

No matter what nation you live in, chances are (Hopefully it is only a 3 or 4 minute song.) This
very good there will be children who visit your time encourage them to: 1) close their eyes so
ministry who have never heard of the one true they can focus completely on God and not what is
God. The Bible calls Him the Most High God. happening around them, and 2) raise their hands
They may have never heard of Jesus either. But as a symbol they are showing God they want Him
today we’re focusing on the Most High. Even above all other gods.
children who know Him, and perhaps are already Be led by the Spirit and make sure the chil-
Christians are being indoctrinated to never elevate dren are still engaged and you have not lost their
one god or religion over another. They are being attention. If they are, play the song quietly in the
taught all gods are equal and all religions have background again allowing the children to come
equal truth, and thus all lead to heaven. forward one at a time and talk to God. Prompt
Today you want to emphasize that there is no them to say things such as, “God, you are the only
god like the Most High, the creator of heaven and god I want to serve.” Or “I choose you above all
earth. Today as a beginning step to a relationship other gods.” Other prayer ideas are, “I love you
with Jesus, His son, we want to encourage them to above all other gods.” “There is no god as mighty
seek a relationship with the Most High God. and wonderful as you.” “You are greater than any
Begin playing your song. If it is new to your other god, and can do things no other god can do.”
children, display the lyrics, and sing the song as a Write down a list of prayers, so when a child
group. You may want to bring attention to the lyr- comes forward who doesn’t know what to say,
ics and how they speak of the glory of our God. you can feed them a prayer idea. The goal is to
After they have sung it once and have become bring attention to the greatness of our God, and
familiar with the words, play the song again. get the children to confess Him as theirs.


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