HRM Case

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SIVEY | Publishing ‘SIsB W17263 POWERTECH INDIA: REDESIGNING WORKFORCE COMPOSITION ‘isnakna Liajumda, and Rudant nakraborty wrote this cast Soll fo rosid0 materia tr ass Us.880 Re autho.8 du not intend to arate ether e eutve & vee fve handling w @ mavageral Stusbon “he authurs may have ds jused verten names ‘nd ener Mdontifnng tfermanon to rote. confidential. ‘his nub ation may nat be tra sintted, pholo-opiid,cigized ar ethernse reproduced i any norm ar by ay means without the permission 0: the Copyright holder. Reprodt.ton vf tis metenal is rot wovered unde, ithonation Oy any rewrodtn.ton rights ‘xgan atin ‘To arr copies or request permissior: fo rexroduc> materials. conta. vey Fublshng wey Business School, «vesiorn Unwersty, Londun unteno, nada, NuiG ONT, ( 519.661 320s fe) cases@Ivey c3, stay eyeases com copyright © 201% Ivey eusiness Schoo! Foundation. Version 2016-08-21 Ii late Feomuary 2013, Neil Malhotra, vice-p-esident, huinan resources (HR), of PowerTech India Private Limited (PowerTech India), was in his office at the company’s Gurgaon headquarters studying the organizational chart of his firm with interest. In his seven-year tenure with the company, he had watched the organization grow considerably. What Malhotra loved most about his job was the company’s com.nitment to follow best practices in HR snanage nent and the people-oriented approach that made the work a creative, feel-good, and dynamic process. Until now, expansion has been the catchphrase of the organization, as it strove to carve a niche for itself in the highly competitive power sector. she focus was still on growth, so retention of talent was more crucial than ever before. But a recent meeting with PowerTech India’s managing director made Malhotra wonder if the expected turbulent times ahead would require a reconsideration of the company’s key human resource policies, which had become a hallmark of the organization, POWER: THE SITUATION IN INDIA ‘The rapid industrialization of India, after its independence in 1947, necessitated high growth in the energy and power domain to support the country’s resurgence." Throughout the early decades of the republic, entry for private companies in the power sector was highly restricted, limiting their involvement in providing installation and maintenance services to the power facilities of industrial units India ranked third among the producers and consumers of electricity in the world and accounted for about 54 ‘per cent of the world’s power generation.” 1he main sources of power in India were thermal power (65 per cent), hydroelectric power (22 per cent), nuclear power (3 per cent), and renewable energy (10 per cent). POWERTECH :ND‘A PowerTech India ranked 12th among providers of power generation, transmission, and distribution in the Indian sub-continent. Established in 1968, the firm initially provided balance of plant (BOP) solutions to ‘lan Power Industy,”Indlan Miror a cessed March 14, 20.6, wwe ndlannjnor ce-nuindlan-indussria

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