Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
Student Perceptions of Responsibility for Their Own Learning and for Supporting
Peers’ Learning in a Project-based Learning Environment
Nader Ayish and Tanju Deveci
Khalifa University of Science and
While a common refrain among some educators is that many young adults lack personal
responsibility for learning, little empirical research exists that examines how tertiary students
perceive or operationalize this construct. This research investigated how 124 freshman engineering
students perceive responsibility in terms of what responsibility means, its benefits, and the factors
that contribute to their own and peers’ learning. Students were surveyed in two project-based
learning Communication courses. The survey sought to identify a) students’ perception of
responsibility for their own learning and for supporting the learning of their peers, b) particular
aspects of the courses that contribute to students’ development of responsibility, and c) the effect
responsible behavior has on their own and peers’ learning. Results indicate that most students: 1)
believe that they have more responsibility for their own learning than the need to support their peers’
learning; 2) can identify particular tasks and assignments that require them to be responsible for their
learning; and 3) can recognize the benefits of being responsible for their own learning and for
supporting their peers’ learning, but do not always operationalize this understanding. Results are
discussed and recommendations are made as to how to develop students’ personal responsibility in
team-based courses.
If perceptions matter, then the way students projects in a PBL environment. In this study, we
perceive personal responsibility and its impact on investigate these issues with specific attention to
learning is an area that deserves special attention. This freshman students’ perceptions of their responsibility
is because some educators argue that many young for learning and the need to support the learning of their
adults entering the university lack a sense of personal peers. To this end, we first review the relevant literature
responsibility for their learning and are unaware of how related to the role of responsibility in the learning
their attitude and behavior impacts the learning of process. We then describe how responsibility manifests
others. This has been linked to a number of detrimental itself in PBL environments and whether or not gender
consequences, including poor interpersonal plays a role in students’ responsible behaviors. This is
communication, negative teaming experiences, and followed by a section explaining our teaching context
unproductive learning opportunities (Dallas & Hataaka, and the rationale for the study.
2016; Deveci & Ayish, 2017a). In addition, the
literature is rich in documenting how individual The Relationship between Personal Responsibility
responsibility contributes to individual students’ and Learning
academic performance. However, there is a lack of
research that explores students’ responsible behaviors The relationship between personal responsibility and
and the effect this behavior has on peers. There is also learning has been examined extensively (Bandura, 1993;
relatively little analysis of students’ responsible Cook-Sather & Luz, 2015; Kohns & Ponton, 2006).
behaviors in learning environments based on the Some researchers, for example, argue that a common
principles of project-based learning (PBL). In order to trait among successful learners is that they take an active
address these and other issues, we believe it is role in ensuring that their needs are met and sustained
necessary to better understanding how students perceive over time (Alghamdi, 2016; Setiyadi, Sukirlan &
personal responsibility. Mahpul, 2016). Others suggest that personal
Personal responsibility can be defined as responsibility can lead to life-long learning by
“people[s’ skill of] taking individual accountability for overcoming many of the challenges inherent in
their decisions and actions, together with the outcomes developing deeper and more meaningful learning
they create and their impacts on others” (Linley & opportunities over time (Deveci & Ayish, 2017a; Jiusto
Maltby, 2009, p. 685). While many factors can & DiBiasio, 2006). Indeed, it has been shown that being
influence how one perceives this complex concept, responsible for one’s learning is essential for academic,
from culture to age, this definition fits the context of personal, and professional growth and success (Ning &
our study best because it takes into consideration that Downing, 2012). For example, developing personal
students are active agents of their own learning and responsibility positively contributes to one’s well-being,
their actions directly affect peers. This is especially true self-esteem (Cho & Hongsik, 2015; Deveci & Ayish,
given that students in our study work with peers on 2017b), and psychological health (Ruthig, Haynes,
Ayish and Deveci Student Perceptions of Responsibility 225
Stupnisky & Perry 2009) by empowering individuals to among team members stemming from poor
take ownership over behaviors and actions. communication, unequal work distribution, slacking,
Not surprisingly, many students readily social loafing, and free-riding often arise when a team
acknowledge that they are responsible for their own member does not take responsibility for his or her
learning and that such responsibility can lead to success behavior (Brooks & Ammons, 2003; Jassawalla,
in many aspects of their lives. Yet there is a seeming Malshe, & Sashittal, 2008; Pieterse & Thompson,
disconnect between what students recognize as 2010). The consequences of such behaviors often lead
important and beneficial and what they actually to dysfunctional teams where infighting and overall
practice. As our previous study investigating the poor performance negatively impacts the teaming
relationship between personal responsibility and experiences of members. Indeed, many students report
interpersonal communication at our university suggests, that they prefer to work alone rather than in teams
while many students acknowledge the importance and because of past negative teaming experiences (Pieterse
benefits of being responsible for their own learning, & Thompson, 2010; Tucker & Abbasi, 2016). Self-
they do not necessarily act in ways that demonstrate regulation, therefore, plays an essential role in ensuring
this understanding (Deveci & Ayish, 2017b). Although that team members contribute positively to team efforts
there are complex reasons for this, from a lack of and take responsibility for their learning (Dierdorff &
experience with personal responsibility to feelings of Ellington, 2012; González-Fernández et al.,2013).
inadequacy, a central factor, as Zimmerman (2002)
notes, is that many students have not developed the The Impact of Personal Responsibility
ability to self-regulate. According to Zimmerman
(2002), “Self-regulation refers to self-generated Personal responsibility has been shown to have a
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are oriented to positive impact on learning (Macaskill & Denovan,
attaining goals” (p. 65). As a concept, self-regulation is 2013). When individuals take responsibility for their
inextricably linked to what it means to be responsible learning, for example, learning is enhanced because it is
for one’s learning (Alvi, Iqbal, Masood, & Batool, not left up to chance (Larmar & Lodge, 2014; Stupnisky,
2016; Kizil & Savran, 2016). Unfortunately, for most, Renaud, Daniels, Haynes, & Perry, 2008). Such self-
self-regulation does not just happen over time as one directed learning encourages individuals to develop a
matures, but must be explicitly developed (Nejabati, sense of agency that can help sustain their growth and
2015; Tuckman & Kennedy, 2011). Educators, in development over time (Fishman, 2014). Indeed,
particular, can play a central role in teaching students “students recognise that the quality of their experience
how to self-regulate and, ultimately, be responsible for does not simply hinge on what they are provided with,
their learning (Nejabati, 2015; Tuckman & Kennedy, but is also linked with their own effort and engagement
2011; Zimmerman & Schunk, 2012). This can occur in with their courses” (Soilemetzidis, Bennett, Buckley,
a number of ways, including through structured Hillman, & Stoakes, 2014, p. 38). This finding is
opportunities such as PBL. particularly noteworthy because it suggests that students,
rather than being passive recipients of knowledge, have a
Project-based Learning and Personal Responsibility vested interest in their learning. In addition, as Anderson
and Prawat (1983) posit, those who feel in control are
Project-based Learning (PBL) has been adopted by a more likely to take responsibility for their own learning.
wide-range of educational institutions as an effective However, as Soilemetzidis et al. point out, in order to
framework to help students develop soft-skills and real- ensure that students are able to fulfill their inherent role
world competencies (Allen, Donham & Bernhardt, in the learning process, “institutions have a vital
2011). As a student-centered, inquiry-based instructional responsibility to facilitate and ensure effort, engagement,
model, PBL shifts the role of the instructor to that of a interaction and active, and deep learning” (2014, p. 10).
facilitator and the responsibility for learning to the Such a joint effort and a sense of responsibility between
student (Onyon, 2012). Learners then engage with an students and institutions can help facilitate meaningful
authentic problem that requires further research in a and sustained learning. Others have also found such
team-based environment (Murray & Summerlee, 2007). partnerships effective and necessary for learning to thrive
Successful PBL is partly dependent on students over time (Kuh, Laird & Umbach, 2004; Tinto, 2010).
taking personal responsibility for their behavior and Personal responsibility has also been shown to
learning (Abraham, Hassan, Ahlam Damanhuri, & positively impact individuals psychologically, leading
Salehuddin, 2016; Murray & Summerlee, 2007). to a number of benefits, including greater self-esteem,
Studies suggest that PBL contributes to students improved relationships, and more effective
assuming responsibility for their own learning and the interpersonal communication (Caprara et al., 2008; Di
need to help peers learn (Dochy, Segers, Bossche & Giunta et al., 2013), as well as enhanced intrinsic work
Struyven, 2005; Savery, 2006). However, conflict motivation and job performance (Humphrey, Nahrgang,
Ayish and Deveci Student Perceptions of Responsibility 226
& Morgeson, 2007). While research has established the and the need to better understand this relationship
many benefits of personal responsibility across a across domains.
number of domains, the way students perceive personal
responsibility is less known and has received less Our Context, Rationale for the Study, and Research
attention, especially in our regional context. Questions
Student and Teacher Perceptions of Personal We conducted this study at the Petroleum Institute
Responsibility and Learning (PI)1, an engineering university located in Abu Dhabi,
the United Arab Emirates, which offers undergraduate
Overall, little research exists that explores and graduate degrees in various engineering disciplines.
student or teacher perceptions of personal PI’s mission is to provide the oil, gas and energy
responsibility (Lauermann & Karabenick, 2014). sectors in the UAE with talented and well-balanced
Part of the issue likely stems from the way engineers to contribute to the country’s social and
researchers attempt to measure personal economic development. With this aim in mind, the
responsibility. For example, as Lauermann and university recruits nearly 500 students a year.
Karabenick (2013) point out, researchers tend to ask Currently, it has approximately 1,960 graduate and
questions that are general in nature rather than undergraduate students (evenly split between males and
specific to students or teachers. For example, rather females) on segregated campuses. All students are on
than ask teachers to affirm, “I feel responsible for full scholarships. The vast majority of students, Emirati
my students’ learning,” they are often asked to nationals, also receive a monthly stipend if they
affirm, “I can help my students learn.” maintain good academic standing.
Consequently, as a number of researchers suggest, Our study came about after our personal
such studies do not offer insight into how students observation that many freshman engineering students
or teachers perceive personal responsibility (Biesta, enrolled in two required project-based learning (PBL)
Priestley, & Robinson, 2015; Eka, 2014). This is Communication courses seemed to lack a sense of
surprising given the recognition that the way one personal responsibility for their learning or were
perceives personal responsibility directly affects unaware of the impact such a lack of personal
their learning and the learning of those with whom responsibility has on the learning of their peers. It also
they engage. This study aims to help fill the gap in builds on our earlier research that examined the
this area. relationship between personal responsibility and
interpersonal communication (Deveci & Ayish, 2017b).
Role of Gender on Personal Responsibility Results from this study indicated that conflicts
stemming from poor interpersonal communication often
Little research also exists in the area of gender and led to poor teaming and performance. We believe,
responsibility, especially in our regional context. While therefore, that understanding how students perceive
our experience teaching the same subjects to males and personal responsibility, especially within a PBL
females on segregated campuses at our institution environment, offers the possibility of improving
suggests that female students tend to be more instruction and the learning and teaming experience of
personally responsible, research suggests that there is students. This is particularly important because PBL is
often little difference between the two genders (André a widely-used instructional model found across the
and Mandigo, 2013). Given that the concept of personal globe. Although research offers insight into the
responsibility is highly contextual and culturally bound, relationship between personal responsibility and
teasing out differences between genders is difficult. For learning, less is known about how students perceive
example, Cesur and Ertas (2013) found that females responsibility, as well as what students’ sense of
were more responsible than males in planning what to responsibility is for supporting their peers’ learning.
study, adjusting how they learn, and correcting errors in Part of our study sought to better understand these
their assignments, while Üstünlüoğlu (2009) reported important aspects of personal responsibility and
that females demonstrated more responsibility in terms learning. With these points in mind, this research aims
of participation related to autonomous language to answer the following questions:
learning. However, other studies revealed that there are
no statistical differences between gender and personal
responsibility behaviors (Edgar, 2015; Severiens &
Dam, 2012). Given that gender, at times, impacts 1
PI has merged with Masdar Institute and Khalifa
responsibility points to the complexity of the University of Science and Technology since completing
relationships that exists between these two variables this study.
Ayish and Deveci Student Perceptions of Responsibility 227
1. a. To what extent do students feel responsible for meetings, and personal development portfolio. The last
their own learning and for supporting their peers’ section asked students to indicate the extent to which
learning? they agreed with a list of benefits of being responsible
b. Do student perceptions change according to that apply to themselves and their peers.
gender and course attended? The validity of the instrument was comprised of
2. According to students, what aspects of their several stages. First, we drafted the questionnaire
Communication course requires them to be ourselves based on the literature on the topic as well as
responsible for their own learning and for on our own teaching experience with a consideration of
supporting their peers’ learning? all relevant domains as suggested by Greco, Walop, and
3. How do students perceive the effects of responsible McCarthy (1987). In order to increase its validity, we
behavior on their own and peers’ lives? also had two other faculty members in our department
examine the instrument. The questionnaire was revised
Method and improved based on their feedback.
We also computed the Cronbach Alpha test for each
Participants of the main sub-sections of the questionnaire sections 2
and 3). The Cronbach Alpha computed for the sub-
One hundred and twenty-four freshman section on factors contributing to students’ feeling of
engineering students participated in the study. Sixty- responsibility for their own learning was found to be
eight (55%) were COMM 101 students, while 56 (45%) 0.803, while it was found to be 0.832 for factors
were COMM 151 students. Twenty-one (17%) students contributing to their feeling of responsibility for their
were male, and 103 (83%) were female. Their ages friends’ learning. On the other hand, the Cronbach Alpha
ranged between 17 and 22, with a mean age of 19. was 0.74 for the effects of responsible behavior on own
learning, and 0.864 for the effects of responsible
Data-gathering Instrument: Questionnaire on behavior on peers’ learning. Collectively, these indicate
Responsibility (QRIC) for students that the questionnaire was reliable.
Table 1
Students’ Perceived Level of Responsibility for Their Own Learning and for Supporting Peers’ Learning
Max Min x̄ SD t p
I am responsible for my own learning. 5 2 4.29 .68
I am responsible for supporting my peers’ learning in 5 1 3.57 .91 7.0042 .0000
my COMM class.
p< .05
Ayish and Deveci Student Perceptions of Responsibility 228
Table 2
Students’ Perceived Level of Responsibility for Their Own Learning and for
Supporting Peers’ Learning According to Gender
Male Female
N=35 N=89
Max Min x̄ SD Max Min x̄ SD t p
I am responsible for my own 5 2 4.1 .73 5 3 4.3 .66 1.592 .0569
I am responsible for 5 1 3.69 .9 5 1 3.53 .91 .8037 .2115
supporting my peers’ learning
in my COMM class.
p< .05
Table 3
Students’ Perceived Level of Responsibility for Their Own Learning and for
Supporting Peers’ Learning According to Course
COMM101 COM151
N=96 N=28
Max Min x̄ SD Max Min x̄ SD t p
I am responsible for my own 5 3 4.3 .67 5 2 4.2 .75 .4224 .3367
I am responsible for supporting 5 1 3.54 .92 5 1 3.63 .9 .6445 .2602
my peers’ learning in my
COMM class.
Table 1 shows that the students’ responses regarding according to gender and course attended. Analysis of
how responsible they felt for their own learning ranged the data to determine if gender and course played a role
between a little (2) and a lot (5) with a mean of 4.29. This in students’ responses can be seen in Tables 2 and
indicates that students have a fairly strong tendency towards Table 3 below.
taking responsibility for their own learning. However, a As can be seen in Table 2, the female students’
more detailed analysis of student responses revealed that responses regarding agency for their own learning
only 42% of the students felt they were fully responsible for ranged between 5 and 3 (SD=.66) with a mean of 4.3.
their own learning. Interestingly, a larger number of students The range in the male students’ responses was greater
(47%) thought they had a lot of responsibility (4) for their with a standard deviation of .73 and a mean of 4.1.
learning, while 13 students (10%) thought they had only a However, the difference between the two data sets was
little responsibility for their learning. Only one student not at a statistically significant level (p=.0569>.05). In
thought s/he had no responsibility. When these data are terms of responsibility for supporting peers’ learning,
compared to students’ thoughts on the extent to which they the male students’ average was slightly higher (3.69 vs.
felt they were responsible for peers’ learning, the average is 3.53) with a similar range between responses. However,
3.57. The difference between the two statements was also at the difference was not statistically significant.
a statistically significant level (p=.000<.05), indicating On the other hand, Table 3 shows that COMM 101
students’ comparatively reduced tendency for accepting students’ average rating for responsibility for own
responsibility for supporting their peers’ learning. The range learning was slightly higher than that of COMM 151
of responses varying from 5 to 1 (SD=.91) also supports this students’ (4.3 vs. 4.2) with a lower standard deviation
finding. A more detailed analysis of student responses (.67 vs .75). However, the t-test conducted to determine
showed that four students (3%) believed they had no the level of significance between these data sets yielded
responsibility for their classmates’ learning, seven students a negative result (p=.3367>.05). On the other hand,
(6%) had little responsibility, and 43 students (35%) had an COMM 151 students had slightly more tendency
average amount. These findings suggest that students tend to towards responsibility for supporting their peers’
perceive that they have more responsibility for their own learning despite a lack of statistical difference between
learning than they do for supporting their peers’ learning. the student responses. The second research question
Part two of the first research question was related asked respondents to consider what aspects of their
to student perceptions and if their perceptions changed Communication course required them to be responsible
Ayish and Deveci Student Perceptions of Responsibility 229
Table 4
Factors Which Contribute to Students’ Feeling of Responsibility for Their Own
Learning and for Supporting Peers’ Learning
For own learning For supporting peers’ learning
Factors Max Min x̄ SD Max Min x̄ SD t p
IRWA 5 2 4.44 .81 5 1 2.53 1.39 13.3559 .0000
Individual literature 5 1 4.32 .83 5 1 2.5 1.36 -10.4002 .0000
CRA 5 1 4.1 1 5 1 2.5 1.4 10.5949 .0000
Team literature 5 2 3.9 .75 5 1 3.94 .89 .3845 .3504
Proposal 5 2 4 .7 5 2 4.03 .76 -.4321 .333
Team research 5 2 4.12 .75 5 2 4.19 .7 .7864 .2162
Team presentation 5 2 4.17 .77 5 2 4.12 .8 .4878 .313
Team meetings 5 1 4.1 .9 5 1 4.03 .92 -.4865 .3135
p< .05
for their own learning and for supporting peers’ appeared to have the greatest role in students’ responsible
learning. The summary of results for this question can behavior for supporting peers’ learning.
be seen in Table 4. The third research question was related to how students
Table 4 shows the students’ tendency to think perceive the effects of responsible behavior on their own
that individual assignments (e.g., individual and peers’ lives. The results for this question can be seen in
reflective writing assessments, individual literature Table 5 below.
reviews, and careful reading assignments) had a As is seen in Table 5, the strongest effect of students’
much greater effect on the development of personal responsible behavior on their own learning was related to
responsibility for their own learning in comparison to academic performance and confidence, both of which
supporting their peers’ learning. There were marked received an average rating of 4.31. These were followed by
differences between the averages for each of these skills development (4.3), productivity (4.25), positive
factors (4.44 vs. 2.53, 4.32 vs. 2.5, and 4.1 vs. 2.5 reputation (4.2), and increased quality of work (4.2). The
respectively) with differences at statistically students’ perception of these benefits for supporting their
significant levels (p=.0000<.05). On the other hand, peers’ learning was generally different. Although they
the team assignments (i.e., team literature review, agreed that their responsible behavior would have these
proposal, team research report, team presentation, effects on their peers’ lives, they tended to be more neutral
and team meetings) received similar ratings related in their perceptions. The differences between the data sets
to their effects on student development through were also statistically significant (p=.0000<.05,
personal responsibility for their own learning or p=.0000<.05, p=.0000<.05, p=.0001<.05, p=.0335<.05
supporting peers’ learning. The impact of these respectively). Another positive effect of student responsible
factors was evaluated to be relatively strong with the behavior on own and peers’ lives was regarding
student ratings of > 4 for all factors except the team relationships with peers. The students agreed that both their
literature review which received a rating of 3.9 for own and their peers’ relationships would be enhanced if
own and 3.94 for peers’ development of they adopted a responsible attitude in their learning. There
responsibility behavior. This similarity relative to the was no statistical difference between the data for this benefit
student thoughts on the effect of team assignments (p=.0618>.05). Regarding the effect on relationships with
was supported by the lack of statistical significance students’ own and peers’ family members, the students did
between the scores (p=.3504>.05, p=.333>.05, not seem to have a strong opinion. Despite this, a rating of
p=2162>.05, p=.313>.05, p=3135>.05 respectively). 3.6 for the former in comparison to 3.05 for the latter
When we analyzed which factors were considered to indicated that this benefit was perceived to be more for their
have the most effect on a student’s or peers’ learning, own lives. The difference was also at a statistically
individual reflective writing assessments with a rating of 4.44 significant level (p=.0000<.05). The students also appeared
were perceived as contributing the most to a student’s feeling to be neutral about the effects on reduced stress and more
of responsibility for their learning. On the other hand, the free time for themselves and their peers (3.5 vs. 3.47, 3.33
students’ responsible behavior for the team research report vs. 3.2 respectively).
Ayish and Deveci Student Perceptions of Responsibility 230
Table 5
The Effects of Being a Responsible Student
Own life Peers’ lives
Effects Max Min x̄ SD Max Min x̄ SD t p
Academic 5 2 4.31 .72 5 1 3.86 .84 4.5443 .0000
There was no difference between the data sets for these perceive such assignments as unimportant to peers’
effects at statistically significant levels (p=.4337>.05 & learning is important, because all assignments in our
p=.1857>.05). COMM courses are intended to integrate the principles
of PBL. If some assignments are not helping students
Discussion develop a sense of responsibility for their own learning
and need to support the learning of their peers, then
This study sought to better understand how adjustments should be made to the way such
students perceive responsibility for their learning and assignments are structured, delivered, and assessed.
that of their peers in a Communication course that Results for part one of the first research question
incorporates the principles of PBL. Results indicate that indicate that students believe that they have more
students see particular individual assignments—such as responsibility for their own learning than they do for
the in-class individual reading and writing assessments supporting their peers’ learning. This finding is a bit
(IRWAs) and individual literature review, which is unexpected given the context of our study. After all,
assigned at the beginning of the semester—to be very Emirati culture is considered collectivistic, and students
important to their individual learning. These tasks, tend to exhibit behaviors and attitudes that mirror those
however, are not considered important to the learning associated with being part of a group rather than what
of their peers. On the other hand, other tasks—like the we usually associate with individualistic cultures. One
team research report, which is a collaborative project— reason for this finding may be due to the nature of
are considered important for both their and their peers’ schooling in the UAE. Schools in the UAE tend to
learning. These findings, while not surprising, suggest follow a more western (and, in particular, US) structure
that the way tasks and assignments are structured within (Darwish & Huber, 2003; Palfreyman, 2014). This is
a PBL environment matters if one essential goal of particularly true at the tertiary level where most
team-based projects is to develop in students a sense of universities, like ours, follow a US model of higher
responsibility for their own learning and support for education, including the use of English as a medium of
their peers’ learning. For example, students likely see instruction (Ayish, 2019; Findlow, 2006; Mouhanna,
the IRWAs as minimally important for peers’ learning 2016). As Bielenberg and Gillway (2007) found, PBL is
because they are written individually under testing generally absent in K-12 education in the UAE, so most
conditions, scores are applied to the individual grade students entering our COMM classes as freshman have
component of the course, and students’ overall course had little exposure to teaming, collaborative learning, or
grade is not directly impacted by how well or how the principles behind PBL. Therefore, while it may be
poorly teammates perform on them. This is the case for understandable why many students in our study do not
other individual assignments, including the individual necessarily see that they have a responsibility or even a
literature review. Understanding why students may vested interest in helping peers learn, this finding is a
Ayish and Deveci Student Perceptions of Responsibility 231
reminder that tasks need to be carefully designed in impact on how they perceive their sense of
order to help students develop a sense of responsibility. responsibility for supporting their peers’ learning.
In this way, students can benefit the most from the While both assignments involve group work, whole
essential features of PBL, including the need for class discussions, and reflection in preparation for
individuals to take responsibility for their own learning completing the task, it is possible that the emphasis
while helping their peers learn. placed on the IRWA, from its name to the way
Results for the second part of the first research students are individually assessed, makes most
question indicate that in terms of gender and course, students see it as only relevant to their own learning.
COMM151 students had slightly more tendency Yet, the intention of the IRWA is to evaluate how
towards responsibility for supporting their peers’ much students have learned about a particular
learning despite a lack of statistical difference between communication skill (e.g., intercultural
student responses. This finding suggests that second- communication) in relation to and through their
semester students with more PBL experience have interactions with others in class. It is possible,
developed a more nuanced understanding of their therefore, that students, when responding to our
responsibility toward supporting peers’ learning, which survey, may have lost sight of the importance of
provides some support for the findings of previous classroom discussions on the seminar topics.
research indicating that PBL is both compatible with The results for the third research question suggest
student learning (the way some students learn) that students have a mixed view and, in some cases,
(Schmidt, Loyens, Van Gog & Paas, 2006) and the way even ambivalence toward the effects of responsible
some students perceive the learning environment behavior on their own and peers’ lives. This is
(Peters, 2010). With an effective PBL environment, important to note, because instilling personal
therefore, first-semester students should be able to responsibility for learning and helping students
develop their sense of responsibility even sooner, not recognize the need to be at least somewhat responsible
only for their own learning, but also for supporting their for helping peers learn is an essential PBL component
peers’ learning. This, in turn, should increase second- and outcome (Hmelo-Silver, 2004; Savery, 2006) and
semester students’ tendency toward responsibility. This one that moves beyond the classroom and into the area
is particularly true if students see that such of life-long learning.
responsibility is necessary for success (i.e., it can lead, Given that students identified that increased
for example, to a better final team research project and academic performance, confidence levels, and
overall course grade). improved relationships with peers would be enhanced if
The results for the second research question they adopted a responsible attitude toward their
suggest that the extent to which students identify learning, this suggests that they are cognizant of the
particular tasks and assignments that require them to benefits of being responsible. Yet awareness alone is
be responsible for their own learning and support apparently not enough to ensure that students practice
peers’ learning depends on a number of factors, responsible behavior for their learning or support the
including the kind of task involved, whether the task learning of their peers (Kivela & Kivela, 2005). This
is individual or group-based, and where the task falls finding highlights the importance of monitoring student
during the semester. This finding echoes earlier behavior and attitudes carefully in a PBL environment
research that suggests that student perceptions of and adjusting tasks and activities if necessary to help
tasks are influenced by the way a PBL environment them operationalize this practice. Getting students to
is structured. Dochy et al. (2005), for example, found recognize the inherent value of being both personally
that “students value the key variables of the learning responsible for their learning and being willing to help
environment as powerful (i.e. enhancing learning)” peers learn is an essential first step for success in a PBL
(p. 41). It also suggests that some students may not environment. It is also important for developing
necessarily see the interdependent nature of some of students’ lifelong learning skills. In a recent study, we
the tasks assigned to them, thus making the PBL found that students’ lifelong learning skills are
environment less effective than it might otherwise be positively affected by skills of learning reciprocity
(Blumberg, 2000). (Deveci, 2019). Some of these skills include students’
In our particular context, it may be that the way attitude towards sharing their knowledge with peers and
tasks and assignments are designed and introduced helping them to learn, openness to different
affects students’ perceptions of those course perspectives, work with people with similar learning
components. For example, students identified the needs, and willingness to change communication styles
individual reflective writing assessment (IRWA) as according to others’ preferences. Collectively, these
having the greatest impact on how they perceive their skills encourage students to assume active
sense of responsibility for their learning. Conversely, responsibility for their own learning, as well as for
the team research report is cited as having the greatest supporting their peers’ learning.
Ayish and Deveci Student Perceptions of Responsibility 232
Limitations and Recommendations for Future supporting peers’ learning. Given that most universities
Studies in the Gulf region follow a western (and US in
particular) framework, better understanding how local
One key limitation of this study stems from the culture, which is collectivistic, interacts with a
number of male participants. While we believe that we university’s individualistic culture relative to
were able to adequately interpret the data from the responsibility and learning would be invaluable in
twenty-one males (out of a total of 124 students) offering insight into how best to meet student needs.
included in the study, we are cognizant that having a
relatively equal number of male and female participants Conclusion
would likely have strengthened any gender
comparisons. Another limitation is the lack of instructor The findings from this research are particularly
perspectives. Studying how instructors perceive important since they offer insight into how students in our
student responsibility for their own learning and for Communication courses perceive responsibility and its
supporting the learning of their peers would add insight effect on their own learning and support for peers’ learning
into our findings and lend a voice to key players in a in a PBL environment. While the majority of students
PBL environment. A third limitation is the lack of data believe that they have more responsibility for their own
on participants’ grades. Analyzing student and learning than they do for supporting their peers’ learning,
instructor perceptions of the impact responsibility for most students also recognize that being responsible for
learning has on grades would deepen our understanding their own learning and supporting their peers offers
of this complex relationship. A fourth limitation is a benefits to all. Acting on this realization, however, is
lack of interviews. While this was a quantitative study, problematic, because only a minority of students actually
including a select number of carefully constructed operationalize what is, for many, just an awareness.
interviews would offer insight into the thinking of some To get students to move beyond simply
participants and help clarify questions a closed-item recognizing the importance of being responsible for
questionnaire cannot adequately answer. their learning or for supporting the learning of their
Future research can examine how students perceive peers, it is necessary to provide them with concrete
the role instructors play in their perspective of personal opportunities within a PBL environment to see how
responsibility for their own learning and for supporting being responsible can lead to more meaningful learning
that of their peers. The influence an effective instructor and overall performance. One way to do this is to
plays on the learning of students is well established. How carefully evaluate tasks and assignments. Assignments
that influence impacts a students’ sense of responsibility should be structured in a way that promotes
for learning within a PBL environment would add responsibility for learning. For example, we can assign
valuable information that could inform course design. tasks and research topics on the interconnectedness of
Additional research can also analyze how students student behaviors. We can also create individual
perceive the impact their sense of responsibility has on writing examination questions that ask students to
their individual and team grades. Identifying any links consider the effect their behaviors have on others. This
between perceived responsibility and grades can be incorporated into the intrapersonal
throughout the semester would be useful in helping communication seminar by focusing more on the
students better understand the impact that being emotional intelligence component of the unit.
responsible for their learning or supporting the In addition, rather than assume that students see the
learning of their peers has on their performance. interrelated nature of assignments, making such
Conducting a longitudinal study of students as they connections explicit will help those students who do not
progress through their four years of undergraduate feel a strong sense of responsibility for their own
study to identify any particular factors that affect how learning or for supporting their peers’ learning. This can
they perceive responsibility for their own learning and take the form of class discussions that help students
for supporting peers’ learning would also be very understand how individual assignments are connected to
useful. This is particularly important in the Gulf region other assignments and contribute to peers’ overall
(and other parts of the world) where segregated learning. Framing such tasks in a way that captures the
campuses often exist. Findings can then be used to essence of the skill so that students more easly recognize
inform the design of freshman courses, like COMM its learning outcome has been shown to be effective
101 and COMM 151 in particular, to ensure that tasks (Mergendoller, Markham, Ravitz, & Larmer, 2006).
and assignments are structured in such a way as to best In the end, better understanding of how students
support students’ sense of responsibility for learning. perceive responsibility for their own learning, as well
Finally, research can consider the role culture plays as the need to support peers’ learning, is an essential
in how students perceive and operationalize personal first step in creating an effective PBL environment that
responsibility for their own learning and its impact on contributes to student growth and development.
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Ayish and Deveci Student Perceptions of Responsibility 236
Questionnaire on Responsibility
This questionnaire is designed to better understand how students perceive responsibility for one’s learning and for
supporting peers’ learning. Please respond candidly and know that your responses will be kept confidential. Thank
Section A—Demographics
1) Your age:
3) Gender: Female Male
4) Course: COMM101 COMM151
5) Your nationality:
Section B—Responsibility
1. To what extent do you feel you are responsible for your own learning in COMM class?
Not at all A little Somewhat A lot Quite a lot
1 2 3 4 5
2. To what extent do you feel you are responsible for supporting your peers’ learning in COMM class?
Not at all A little Somewhat A lot Quite a lot
1 2 3 4 5
3) Indicate the extent to which the following tasks and assignments in your Communication course require you to be
responsible for your own learning.
Not at A little Somewhat A lot Quite a lot N/A*
In class writing examinations (IRWAs) 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Individual literature review/source summary 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
4) Indicate the extent to which the following tasks and assignments in your Communication course require you to be
responsible for supporting your peers’ learning.
Not at all A little Somewhat A lot Quite a lot N/A*
6) Indicate the extent to which you agree that your responsible behavior toward your peers benefits their learning.
Benefits Completely Disagree Neutral Agree Completely
disagree agree
Increased academic performance 1 2 3 4 5
Increased positive reputation 1 2 3 4 5
Improved relationships with peers 1 2 3 4 5
Improved relationships with family 1 2 3 4 5
Improved skills 1 2 3 4 5
Increased confidence 1 2 3 4 5
Increased productivity 1 2 3 4 5
More free time 1 2 3 4 5
Reduced stress 1 2 3 4 5
Increased quality of work 1 2 3 4 5
Other (please specify): 1 2 3 4 5
Other (please specify): 1 2 3 4 5
Other (please specify): 1 2 3 4 5
*Thank you for taking the time to help us better understand the important role responsibility plays in your learning.