NCP Alzheimers Disease
NCP Alzheimers Disease
NCP Alzheimers Disease
Subjective Data: Disturbed Short term goals: Assess the patient’s Findings from the After a week of nursing care,
thought overall cognitive assessment are used for client should have
process After 6 hours of nursing function and further evaluation and to demonstrated behaviors like
Wanders out of related to intervention: memory. guide treatment.
the house at changes in
night cognitive Client will have Perform complete Get a baseline for
States that he abilities as minimal wandering nursing assessment interventions and monitor
“sees things that evidenced by behaviors. progression of disease
aren’t there” illusions,
Is able to dress, delusions, Client’s family will Assess neurological Help determine
bathe, and feed hallucinations. have an status and level of necessary interventions
himself understanding of confusion routinely, and progression of
Has trouble required care per facility protocols disease.
figuring out how demonstrate
to use his appropriate coping
electric razor skills and utilize Assess for Clients in the earlier
His wife is community depression or stages who are still able
distressed about resources. reclusiveness to understand that they
his cognitive are losing their sense of
decline Long term goals: reality may become
His wife says depressed and
that she is After a week of nursing withdrawn.
depressed and intervention:
cannot watch
him at night and Communicate Helps increase the
get rest herself. Client will achieve effectively. Speak in possibility of the client
functional ability at a slow and low, understanding what is
Objective Data: his optimum level comforting voice being communicated.
with mod alterations
CT scan: within his Call client by name Repeating the name
Moderate environment to Speak face-to-face helps the client maintain
cerebral atrophy compensate for a sense of self-identity.
Client should have Orient client to
demonstrated environment as often Helps client feel safer
enhanced memory as needed and reassured of their
and orientation to Calendars surroundings. Promotes
time, place and Pictures awareness of
significant person. Signs environment.
Maintain schedule
and routine Helps the client maintain
an awareness of time of
day and offers a sense of
security and reality.
Encourage the use of
complementary and These activities can help
alternative therapies reduce stress; stress can
such as exercises, aggravate memory loss.
guided meditation,