Eileens Message Book No 5
Eileens Message Book No 5
Eileens Message Book No 5
20th October 2006 (Night Prayer – Smithfield) 11th September 2006 (3am)
My children, Unlock the key to your heart and break the chains that bind you. Come
I ask you to remain fervent and faith filled in your prayer life. I need you to close to me, your Mother and let me guide and help you. Do not remain
join my army of prayer warriors to help in the redemption of the sins of distant and alone any more but know that you have Heavenly help. All you
mankind. Do not be afraid. Be bold and courageous in this faith journey need to do is ask. Turn away from the lures of the world which hold you
you take. I will protect you under the cloak of my Immaculate Conception. captive. Break the bonds of sin and despair. You are not alone. I am your
Come to me with your prayers and let me guide and help you. Let me lead Heavenly Mother and I care for you and want to lead you to the love of the
you to my Son. Trust in Him and His Most Sacred Heart. Do not worry and Father through Jesus His Son. You stay so closed and self sufficient, not
fret over material wants and possessions. These will not lead you to the trusting in anyone. I want you to know that it is all right for you to let go of
path of salvation. They distract you from the path you need to take. I want the controls and reveal that inner vulnerability. Trust in me and my Motherly
you to learn the ways of your Lord and Saviour. This is the way which will love for you and I will give you the help you need. Let go and let God your
lead you to life eternal. Learn to accept the peace and joy of my Son Jesus loving Father be your guiding hand. I know that you have felt hurt from
into your heart. Let go of the fears and your feelings of agitation you events in your past and you have difficulty in letting go. I ask that you take
experience. Be still and stay close to Jesus by your prayers, by reception of this journey with small steps at a time. Spend some quiet time each day in
the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar and by spending time in front of Him in prayer and reveal the areas of hurt and ask my Son Jesus to heal you of
Adoration. Share with Him your worries and your concerns. Hand over these hurts that have kept you bound. Do not stay distant any longer but
these burdens that you hold onto. Pray for the help you need to live this life come close to your Heavenly family and be filled with the grace needed to
anew. Accept the graces and gifts of your Heavenly Father through Jesus start your life afresh. Learn to accept the merciful love given to you from my
His Son by the Holy Spirit. You will be given all you need. Trust in the Son Jesus and let this love flow out to others. I know that you feel so alone
Divine Will of your Heavenly Father. Be obedient to His commandments but I want you to know that you are never alone. Confide once more in your
Heavenly family and be lead on this road of discovery; this road which leads to you this night. It is important that you learn the ways of your Lord and
you to life eternal. You have stayed so strong and self sufficient but I ask Saviour. Learn the lessons needed to live your life anew. Practice the
you now to learn how to change and grow into a trusting child of God. Let virtues given to you through the Holy Spirit. Learn that gentleness and
go of the controls and learn how to rely on the Heavenly help that is waiting compassion is the way which will lead you to life eternal. Be faith filled, full
for you. All you need do is ask and I want you to know you will receive. of hope and love for God and for your neighbour. Be prepared to strip back
The ways of the world are so fleeting and will soon pass away but your the areas of arrogance and pride you have and learn the ways of your Lord.
eternal life will last forever. Spend time each day in prayer and embrace Do not be afraid to embrace humility in your life. The work you do for your
this new life which is offered to you. Use the many gifts God gives to you loving Father and His Son Jesus should always done for the glory of God
through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the courage and strength with no wish for personal recognition and praise. I want you to learn more
needed to change and grow. Ask for the help of the angels and saints and how to meet all those who are put in your path where they are on their faith
receive this precious gift which awaits you. Receive the love of your Father journey. Do not judge others but instead embrace others with a Christ-like
through Jesus the Son in the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. I am your love. Show others the love of Christ by the way you lead your life. Are you
Mother of Grace and I will guide you to these graces which await you. ready to be Christ to others? Will you be His eyes, His ears, His hands, His
Come close and accept this help I long to give you. feet. Learn to change and grow into a faithful child of God trusting Him in all
you do. Do not rush ahead of God’s plan and try to do everything in your
13th September 2006 (1.30am) way. Be patient and be prepared to wait until the time is right. Let God
Come to me all you who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest. your Father lead you through the merciful love of His Son. Spend time each
day with Jesus in quietness and prayer. Be still, my little one, so that He
Listen to the words given to you by my Son Jesus the Christ and do not can fill you with His peace and love. The ways of your Lord are always
carry these burdens alone any longer. Confide in Jesus and know that He done in gentleness with peace and joy in your heart. Learn how to be
will give you the help you need. Many struggle on alone in darkness and contemplative and listen to the words of God given to you by the Holy
despair and do not ask for the help needed. I remind you that you are Scriptures and through the gentle whisperings of the Holy Spirit. I remind
never alone on this journey of life. Do not stay self sufficient and you do not rush ahead of God’s plan for you. Let God your loving Father
independent but ask for the Heavenly help you need. Many carry heavy reveal His plan for you one moment at a time. Learn to be obedient to His
crosses and do not realize that they have spiritual help waiting. Let Jesus Divine Will in your life. Trust Him in all you do. You are not alone in this
be your help. He is your merciful Saviour. He understands your suffering journey you take. Recognize that God puts people in your life to help you.
and pain and wants to comfort and help you. Come close and receive the Listen to the advice given to you and let go of the controls you hold onto
balm to soothe your aches and pains. Abandon yourself to His care and let and let God lead the way through the precious gift given to you of His Son
Him give you the rest you need. Spend time with Jesus each day in Jesus. Receive this gift into your heart and learn the way to be His
quietness and reveal to Him your innermost thoughts and receive the grace instrument of peace and love to all who He asks you to love and care for.
to be whole again. Receive the merciful love of your Lord and Redeemer Learn how to trust Him more fully in all you undertake to do to further the
and He will give you the courage and strength you need to pick up your Kingdom of God. I am your Mother of Divine Love and I will lead you to this
cross and carry on. Turn away from the ways of the world in which you are love which awaits all of God’s hurting children.
given quick solutions to your problems. Receive the nourishment you need
from your Prince of Peace and know that the peace He longs to give you is You are called to be fervent in your faith with childlike trust, clinging onto the
lasting. Open your heart and receive this Divine love He offers you. Come hope of God your loving Father’s perfect plan for you and to reach out in
before Him with a humble and contrite heart and receive the grace you Christ-like love with true humility of heart to the many that are put in your
need to live your life anew. Be still and know that your Lord and God is path through the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit.
near, to help and guide you in all you do. Listen to my Motherly wisdom
given to you to sustain you on your journey of life. I care for you and my 20th October 2006 (Morning Prayer – Jesus)
heart aches when God’s children are so distant and alone. Come back into I ask you to be more balanced in the life you lead. God your loving Father
the shelter and do not try and weather the storms of life alone. Stay under created you to have balance in your life. Take time each day for Me your
the mantle of my protection and I will lead you by the hand to the light of Lord and Saviour. Spend time with Me in quietness and prayer. Take time
matter how difficult your worldly life may seem you are not alone. The Christ Jesus, your Divine Redeemer. Accept this light and love and let Him
more you trust the more graces you will receive. Nothing is too difficult in flood your soul. Let go of the burdens you carry alone. Be filled with the
the eyes of your Lord and God. Be patient and persistent in your prayers love of your Lord and let this love flow out in never ending circles to all who
given always with true humility of heart. Do not give prayers to earn God puts in your path each day. Come close and receive the rest you need
rewards with God. Humility and trust go hand in hand. When you trust to live your life anew.
completely you walk the journey of life one day at a time. Each event
that happens is understood to be for a purpose. Nothing is by chance. 13th September (6am)
Let go of any controls that you cling to and learn to take this journey with You have two choices. You can choose to stay locked to the past or you
Me your Lord and Saviour one small step at a time. Do not be afraid to can choose to step out in faith and move forward towards your Heavenly
change and grow. Study the path My Mother took. From the time when Inheritance and accept the light and love of my Son Christ Jesus. Receive
the Archangel Gabriel appeared and told her to not be afraid she trusted the many graces given to you freely so you can live your life anew.
in God's fiat for her. My little one come to Me with a childlike trust and let
me lead you down the path of salvation. Let me open your eyes to the 14th September 2006 (Morning prayer – Jesus)
path you need to take. Ask for the help you need. Do not continually My Child,
ask God your Father to help you then take the problem back and try and Be patient. I will guide and help you. Stay steadfast in your faith. Do not
fix yourself. Learn to trust in my saving power. Come before Me and be lured into the ways of the world by those who are off the path. Stay
ask for My help and let Me lead you to the love of the Father in Heaven. strong and steeped in prayer and self sacrifice for these lost souls. I remind
Receive the gifts He longs to give you. Do not fear these crosses of life you to stay close and bring all your concerns before me. Do this missionary
you bear. Accept them lovingly and let us travel the road to Calvary work of God’s love quietly and with gentleness of heart and I will show you
together. Be joyful and accept Me as your Prince of Peace into your the way which leads all to life eternal. Trust in me and my Divine love for
heart. Open your heart and learn to be vulnerable once more. Trust in you and for all. Trust on the days when you have difficulties and feel alone.
Me. Nothing is too difficult when we travel this road together. Do not I am your Good Shepherd and I will guide you in all you do. I want you to
always want the easy way. Learn to accept the difficulties and recognize the many I put in your path. Guide them back onto the narrow
challenges you face in your daily life. I have work for you to do but first I path by the Christ-like love you show. Do not judge their actions but guide
need you to begin to strip back the layers of self which block you from them by your steadfast faith and give to them the keys to the Kingdom of
coming close to Me. I want you to come before Me with a child-like trust God – give to them the way which leads to life eternal – reach out to them
and leave those many burdens you carry and let Me give you rest and and let my love flow out by the Christ-like love you show. I ask you to
nourishment needed. Let My Mother be your example and your guide. courageously proclaim the word of God when you are called upon. Speak
Let her Motherly wisdom guide you to My Most Sacred Heart where My truth with a sincere heart. Call upon the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to give
love and mercy flows in an unending stream to you and for all. Bathe in you the words needed to proclaim the Good News. Do not fear the
the wounds flowing from My heart. Let Me soothe and comfort you. unknown. Embrace the truth and lead others on the path of righteousness
Abide in Me as I am in you. Read Matthew 18:3-4 by your example. Be humble and giving with a generous spirit and believe
that God’s plan will be revealed to you when the time is right. Stay close,
"Unless you change and become like little children, you will not be part my little one and let me be your shield and protection. You are not alone on
of my kingdom. The one who humbles himself like a little child is the this journey of Divine love you take. Trust in Me and My saving power for
greatest in the kingdom of Heaven." you and for all. Let me reveal to you the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
Let Me reveal to you the truths of your faith. Let me reveal to you the Divine
18th October 2006 (Morning Prayer Jesus) love of your Father through Me His Son by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
I am your Good Shepherd. Let me lead you.
Dear Mother of Divine Love,
18th October 2006 (Night Prayer – Tempe) When the Archangel Gabriel appeared to you and told you that you were to
My child, become the Mother of God you accepted and were obedient to these
I want you to humble your heart and listen to my words of wisdom I give commands with complete trust in your heart. Help me this day to be
obedient to the Divine Will of the Father. Help me to trust in the Divine opened to you. Receive the bountiful love of your Father through His gift to
Mercy of the Son and help me to accept the Divine Love given to me by the you of His Son and accept willingly the many graces given to you by the
Father through the Son in the grace of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Holy Spirit. Let me as your Mother of Grace guide you to these graces
which await you and in turn let them flow out to others by the love you give.
16th September 2006 (Night Prayer) 16th October 2006 (Night Prayer)
My child, Be nourished this night by your Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus in readiness
When you listen to and obey the Divine Will of your loving Heavenly Father, to step out on this mission of God’s love. Be content to take each day one
you come close to the Divine Love He has for you. Do not base your step at a time. Meet people where they are on their faith journey and be the
obedience out of fear of being punished for not doing the right thing but encouragement they need to grow deeper in their love of God through
instead learn the Way of Divine Love. When you trust completely in Jesus coming closer to His Son Jesus. Listen to the words given to you and act
you learn the ways of your Lord. You learn the way of Divine Love. Jesus upon them. Stay patient and persevering. Learn the lessons of your
gave His life for mankind because of His infinite love for all. He obeyed His brothers in Christ the Apostles who also stepped out boldly to proclaim the
Heavenly Father because of His Divine love of His Eternal Father. I ask Word of God. I ask you to follow by their example. Speak the truth which is
you to learn the lessons you need to be a disciple of Divine love by so desperately needed to be heard. Christ Jesus is the Truth. Let all know
following my Son Jesus’ example. Abandon yourself to the Will of your of His merciful love. His ultimate sacrifice given for them to establish the
Eternal Father out of love not fear. Be docile to His leading. I have told you new covenant with God’s people. Bring them to the knowledge of the
many times to let go of the controls you hold onto so tightly and let God meaning of this in their lives. The new covenant means that Jesus suffered,
your Father guide you through the merciful love of Christ Jesus. Listen to died and rose again so you could live your life anew. This life lived anew
the words given by my Son “Not my will Father but yours be done”. He through the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. Be thankful of these gifts
abandoned Himself on the merciful love of His Eternal Father and accepted you have been given by your Heavenly Father through Christ Jesus in the
the painful cross He knew He must carry. Do not try and side step the Holy Spirit. Make use of them in every part of your life. Do not selfishly
crosses in your life. These crosses will help you to learn how to trust in the keep these gifts to yourself but understand the command given to you.
guidance of your Heavenly family. Pick up your cross and be united by your Love your Lord and God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and
suffering to Jesus. Understand that you will also receive a resurrection in all your strength and your neighbour as yourself. If you follow these
your life as well. On the other side of your suffering is life to be lived in the commandments you follow all God’s commandments. The way to achieve
fullness of God. Learn to accept this life given to you in abundance. This life eternal is through accepting the Divine love given to you freely and
life you can live anew. Learn docility of the Spirit. Be patient and letting that Christ-like love be passed on through your actions to others.
persevering on this journey you take. Do not always want quick fixes to all Strip back any areas of selfishness and learn how to give without expecting
your problems. Accept instead that your life is a journey. Let me lead you reward. Give to me, your Heavenly Mother many acts of selflessness and
on this journey of Divine love. Be willing to face the challenges that each love. Do not attract attention to these acts of love but instead always do
new day brings with trust in your heart and the knowledge that nothing is this work in a quiet, unassuming way. Your reward will be great in Heaven.
too difficult when you trust in your Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. I am Do not be afraid to be humble, trusting and obedient servant of your Lord
your Mother of Divine Love and I will help you to learn to trust more fully in and God. Step out this night and be a servant of united love. Let my
the Divine love of your Father through His Son Jesus by the grace of the Motherly love consume you and together let us reach out and touch the
Holy Spirit. hearts of those who feel abandoned and rejected. Let Christ’s love burn
brightly in your heart and ignite the hearts of those who are put in your path.
17th September 2006 (Night Prayer)
My child, Morning Prayer 18th October 2006 (St Joseph's North Sydney - Jesus)
Look to your Heavenly family above for the guidance and help you need. My child,
Stay close and let me as your Mother of Divine Grace give to you the Remind my hurting people the need for them to change and grow more
graces you need to continue this missionary work of God’s love. Let me child-like and trusting in their faith. This life they are living on earth is so
give you the protection of my holy mantle. I ask you to persevere. The time fleeting and will pass away in a blink of the eye. I want you all to
is coming where you will need to put into practice the lessons that you have concentrate more on your spiritual journey and I need you to trust that no
take. Let all know the depth of My love for them. Help them to understand
the need for them to come close to My Mother. She is your Seat of Wisdom been taught. I begin you to listen to the words of wisdom that the Father
and in this role will help you to obtain wisdom you need to live your life has allowed me to give to you. Strip back the areas of arrogance and pride
anew. Through her love and guidance you will receive the graces you need and listen and follow the instructions which have been given. It is important
to sustain you on the difficult moments you face. Let My Mother, so full of that you understand the need for you to be humble of heart. I need you to
grace, lead you on this path of salvation. Let her lead you to My most be compliant to the Divine Will of your Heavenly Father. I have asked you
Sacred Heart. Trust in My love through the wisdom and love of My Mother. many times to make time in your day for quietness and prayer. This is a
When you accept this love given freely in your life you will find that you will discipline which is important for you to follow when you spend this time
learn more fully the journey of trust and My love will shine out for others to alone with my Son Jesus. He can reveal to you more fully the mysteries of
see through the merciful love you allow to flow out by the Christ-like love the Kingdom of God and He can give you the guidance needed so you do
you show to the many who are put in your path. Be My lighthouse of love not rush ahead blindly doing all by your own means instead of trusting and
shining brightly to lead many through the treacherous waters of life to the being led through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Listen more intently. Be
calm still waters which awaits them through My most Sacred Heart. Come still and sit in your soul where your Lord and God awaits you. He wants to
close and be nourished by this living water, this spring of salvation. spend time with you but you are always rushing and give to Him lip service
instead of an enduring relationship of truth. Do not be afraid to come close
16th October 2006 (Midday prayer) and share with Him those thoughts you keep so deep within. I remind you
Be still my precious child and listen to the words of advice I want to give you that it is not the quantity of prayer given because of obligation but Jesus
before you step out to do God’s missionary work of Divine love. Take time wants you to grow deeper in His Divine love by spending quality of time with
each day to prepare for your day by seeking a place to be still so that you Him. Spend time in silence and listen to the words He longs to give you.
can come before your Lord and God with a humble heart and receive the Take time each day to read the Holy Scriptures and listen to the advice
graces needed. It is important that you are disciplined in this prayer time as given through this Word of God. Understand more fully the meaning to be
it is in the quietness that you will hear the words of wisdom given to you docile of spirit. Be gentle and humble of heart and learn the lessons of your
through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Set the boundaries with those who faith family - the saints who practised these virtues and were rewarded with
try and draw you away from these precious moments of quietness and Eternal life through their persistence and patience and their abandoning of
prayer. Be still and know that your Lord and Saviour is near to you. their will to the Divine Will of their Eternal Father. They followed the path of
Receive the nourishment needed by reading the Scriptures. Receive Jesus their Divine Redeemer and had no fear to pick up their crosses and follow
as often as you can in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Be replenished Him in all they did to further the Kingdom of God. I ask you again to step
each day through the graces of the Holy Spirit. Stay patient with those you out in faith, embrace your cross and trust in the merciful love of Christ Jesus
meet. Understand that it is because of their thirst for knowledge of the truth and let Him lead you on the path to salvation. I will help you on this journey
that they sometimes rush ahead of His plan for them. Teach others the way of Divine love. Trust completely and be born again in the Spirit of God.
to live their lives anew. Teach them the love of my Son Christ Jesus. Show
others the love of God and His perfect plan for you and for all. Lead others 18th September 2006 (Night Prayer)
to this path of salvation. I want all of God’s children to understand the way My little one,
to achieve life eternal. The way is through my Son Jesus. He is the way, Do not be frightened to come close to me. I am your Heavenly Mother and I
the truth and the life. The way to receive this spring of salvation is by love and care for you with a love which has no earthly comparison. I cry
coming close to Jesus and learning more fully the lessons given in the with you in your pain and I rejoice with you in your joys. Come close and
Scriptures. Never be afraid to pick up your cross and follow Him. confide in me and let me guide you in all you do. Do not be afraid to step
Remember your cross is but a slither of His. Unite the crosses in your life to out alone in your faith journey. You will meet others who will be put in your
the cross of salvation which my Son carried for you and for all. Do not try path so trust in your Heavenly family and step out in blind faith even though
and carry your burdens alone. Come close and receive the graces needed the way ahead seems dark and foreboding. Let God your loving Father
to strengthen you. Humble your heart and ask for the help needed. reveal His plan to you through His Son Jesus. Come before your Lord and
Understand to need to ask so that you can receive. Seek out the truth in Saviour in prayer and thanksgiving and be nourished from the spring of
your life and know that you will find. Knock on the door and it will be salvation. Surrender yourself to the Divine Will of your Father and let Him
mould and shape you into the likeness of Christ Jesus. I remind you to is close at hand when you will be asked to stand up for your faith. Will you
embrace your crosses and accept that your journey of faith is one which have the strength needed to be bold and courageous in your commitment to
requires you to change and grow into a trusting child of God. Do not turn your Lord and God? Do not waste this precious time given to you. Spend
away from any difficulties you face but understand that it is necessary for the time needed daily to gain the nourishment of your faith by reading the
the layers of imperfection to be stripped back a little at a time for you to take Scriptures. Learn as much as you can about the ways of your Lord and
on the nature of your Lord and Redeemer. Do not want to take the easy Saviour. Come close to Him in prayer. Spend time with Him in adoration or
road but accept your trials as the way which will lead you on the path of in front of the Holy Tabernacle. Make use of these many graces you are
salvation. I want you to concentrate on your own journey and reach out to given to help you grow deeper in your spiritual life. I remind you to persist
all you meet with love and compassion. Do not be so concerned about on those difficult days when the trials beset you. Do not give up. You will
where others are on their spiritual journey that you loose the focus of God’s gain much more spiritually when you learn to trust your Lord and God even
plan for you. You are asked to judge not the actions of others but instead to when the way ahead seems filled with trials. Call upon the merciful love of
love the person and allow God to strip back the layers of imperfection. I your Lord and Redeemer and ask to be replenished with the graces needed
remind you once more to never forget that you must first take the plank out through the Holy Spirit to give you the courage and strength to continue. I
of your own eye before you attempt to take the splinter out of the eye of want you to understand the importance of your being disciplined in your
others. Humble yourself and reach out with Christ-like love. You do not prayers and acts of selflessness and love. Put the love of God first in your
know the hurts and wounds that others carry. Pray for the healing of these life and let your Heavenly Father open your heart to enable you to
wounds instead of judging them so harshly. You are asked to imitate Christ experience a deep conversion of your heart. When you learn to surrender
Jesus and to be an instrument of His love, mercy and compassion. All of your will to your Eternal Father you learn the way of His Son Jesus. I ask
God’s children are on a journey. All have choices offered. Some choose you to trust my little one and be ready to live your life fully for the glory of
the narrow path which leads to salvation and others want to take the easy God. Do not fear. You will be given all you need. Be filled this night with
road which leads to perdition. Bring many back onto the narrow path by the the graces of the Holy Spirit and be prepared to step out to do the
endless love you show to all. I will be with you on this journey of Divine missionary work of God’s love. Listen to my words and let me guide you to
love. these graces given through my Spouse the Holy Spirit. I am with you.
Have courage to step out and help those so desperately in need.
20th September 2006 (morning prayer – Jesus)
I ask you to help to shepherd my people back onto the narrow path by the 16th October 2006 (Morning Prayer – in front of tabernacle – Jesus)
bountiful love you show. There will be many who are put in your path for On this your special day accept my gift I give to you. Accept me, your
you to help and guide. Do not feel overwhelmed Prince of Peace into your heart. Accept the bountiful love I have for you.
with feelings of inadequacy but trust in Me and My merciful love for you and Take this love with you as you journey into the unknown to spread my
for all. Turn to Me and let Me guide you in this missionary work of God’s message of hope and love to all. Do not be afraid. Be courageous and
love. Do not try and do this work by your own means but be patient and let faith filled and let My light shine brightly to the many you will meet. There is
me fill you with the graces of the Holy Spirit first. I want you to be an much work for you to accomplish and a small amount of time to do it. Be
instrument of love and peace, never judging or condemning anyone but nourished by My love to strengthen you. Stay close to My Sacred Heart
instead always reaching out and showing others my compassion, my and put your complete trust in Me. Show to all My Divine Mercy.
mercy, my Divine love. Are you ready to be My hands, My feet, My ears, Encourage them to come to Me in their hour of need. Let them know My
My eyes? Will you be tolerant of those who speak ill of you? Will you merciful love for them. Help them to trust Me more fully in their lives. My
persevere on the difficult days? Will you pick up your cross and follow Me? child, you are loved beyond compare. Pass this Divine love on to all you
I await your word to Me. Trust in Me, my little one, and I will give you the meet. Pray always to be given wisdom in every situation. Wisdom will tell
courage and strength to step out in faith and be my disciple of Divine love. I you when to sit and when to rise up, when to step out boldly and when to
ask you to humble your heart and learn the lessons needed to live this life stay background, when to speak and when to remain silent. Wisdom will
anew. Be a servant of love to all reaching out in service and love to others. help you to discern every moment so that all you undertake to do for your
Do not want to be first but instead accept the challenge to be last. Step Heavenly Father is done for His praise and glory with true humility of heart.
away from always wanting to be in the spotlight and understand that the Do not fear. Come close to Me and I will be your guide on this journey you
13th October 2006 (Midday prayer) better path is by your humble obedience to the Divine Will of the Father.
My child, Learn to listen to the inspiration given to you through the Holy Spirit to
Do not be afraid to journey into the unknown. I want you to remind yourself discern every situation. I will guide and help you to trust in Me and the love I
that this journey you take is a journey of Divine love. I know it is painful long to give you. Go now with my peace and joy and be a servant of God’s
when you strip back the layers of self. Embrace this pain and know that an love.
abundant life awaits those who persevere through the difficulties and
struggles of life. This life is waiting for all of God’s children – a life to be 20th September 2006 (Night Prayer)
lived anew with the gifts and graces given in abundance through the Holy Come close to me and let me protect and guide you. I am your Mother of
Spirit. I want you to step out in blind faith and cling onto hope; trust, my Good Counsel. Listen to my words I give you this night. I give you dire
little one. I am your Heavenly Mother and I am with you always. I feel your warning, my faithful remnant, do not be lured into the trap the evil one sets for
sadness and despair and I want to tell you to weep no more but instead you. Beware of falsehoods spoken. I have told you so many times to speak
embrace this new life which awaits you. Be compassionate to those who less and to reach out with endless love to others never judging them but
offend you and learn the lessons of your Lord and Saviour. He walked the offering them Christ-like love. The tongue is a poisonous arrow when used to
walk with those that others shunned – the tax collectors, the lepers, the speak evil and untruths against others behind their backs without giving them
prostitutes. I ask you to meet others where they are in their spiritual opportunity to defend themselves from these untruths. Strip back your pride
journey. Show Christ-like love and compassion to all. Do not speak in a of always being right and open your heart up and listen to the truth. My Son
condescending way as if you have it all together and they are ignorant. Jesus is your only Way, your Truth and your Life. You have been asked to
God’s children all suffer at some time with spiritual blindness. Be happy to be a true imitation of Christ Jesus in all you do. I want you this night to
allow your Heavenly Father to strip back the layers and open your eyes to examine your conscience well and ask the question – do I imitate Christ in all
the areas in your life which need to change and grow. Maintain balance in I do? Do I discern every situation and pray for Heavenly help or do I rush
your life. Each person is on their own spiritual journey. Allow each one to ahead in arrogance and pride and do all my own prideful way? Do not be a
change and grow in their own way. Always be an instrument of Christ’s weapon that satan uses to cause conflict and dissention. Turn away from the
peace and love, judging no one but instead meeting them in the same way wicked ways of the world. Humble your heart and learn the lessons needed
as my Son Jesus met all. You will know in your heart when God requires to be a true child of God trusting in the Divine Will of the Father through
you to speak up for your faith. In the meantime be prepared to remain Jesus His Son. You are given so many graces to help you stay on the
humble and background and slowly learn to change your own heart. Accept narrow path. Strip back the areas of self and humbly ask for forgiveness for
the healing of your hurts which is offered to you. Let the scars from these the wrongs you have done and accept these graces and blessings given to
wounds be used in God’s time to help others who as yet do not understand you through the Holy Spirit so you can live your life anew. How can you step
the width and depth of God’s love for them. Take this time which is given to out in faith and be a disciple of Divine love if you are so consumed with the
you to be nourished and strengthened before the next stage of God’s plan ways of the world? Be careful that you are not so judging and observant of
is revealed to you. Be filled with the peace and joy of Christ and learn how others that you overlook all your own imperfections. Pray that any areas of
deeply you are loved by the Father through His Son in the graces of the spiritual blindness be revealed to you to enable you to change and grow into
Holy Spirit. a true imitation of your Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. Stay on the
narrow path which leads to salvation. It is most important that you follow the
14th October 2006 (Night Prayer) instructions given to you before you step out and take on responsibility to do
My children, my faithful remnant, the missionary work of God’s love. When you rush ahead without thinking
I ask you to stay close to me by your prayers and acts of self sacrifice. Stay you do not hear the gentle whisperings of the Holy Spirit. Remember that
strong with your commitment to pray and do not become distracted with the you will need to be filled with the virtues of the Holy Spirit to be a true child of
ways of the world. You are called in the every day running of your life to God. You will need to be steeped in humility. You will need to love others
recognize the many that need your help. Do not shut yourself away from with a Christ-like love. You will need to obey God’s Divine Will. You will
the world but instead step out and be a true imitation of my Son Jesus to need to be steeped in gentleness and compassion, to be patient and
the many who are abandoned and rejected by the world. I remind you to persevering and you will need to have faith and hope in God’s plan for you
take the opportunities given to you to strengthen your faith because the time even on the days when it seems so dark and you feel alone. Are you ready,
this journey of love? There is much to discover for those who open their
my little one? I remind you prepare well for the time ahead. Pray for the
hearts and learn to accept and trust in the love of the Father through the
guidance you need to step out in faith to be a Disciple of Divine love.
Sacred Heart of His Son Jesus by the grace of the Holy Spirit. You are not
alone; let us take this journey of new discoveries together. Let me lead you
21st September 2006 (Night Prayer - Jesus)
to your Prince of Peace.
My child,
I ask you to humble your heart and learn the lessons needed through the
13th October 2006 (Morning Prayer – Jesus)
love of my Mother. She trusted completely in the Divine Will of the Father
My little one,
and said “I am the handmaid of the Lord.” I want you to learn how to love It is important that you let go of the need to be in control of every situation
others with a servant’s heart. Do not possess any ulterior motives of self.
and instead surrender your will to the Divine Will of your Lord and God.
To be a missionary servant of God’s love requires being selfless and giving.
You will not have peace in your heart while you still demand perfection of
There are still many areas of pride which you need to address. Let go of
yourself and others. I want you to realize that you are not perfect but you
the need to be always given praise for deeds done and the need to tell
are loved beyond compare with all your little flaws and imperfections. Allow
others how many you have helped. This is not the way of God. When you
Me to strip back the layers of self. Let Me come close and help you in the
parade your deeds for all to see do not expect to be also given rewards by
healing of your heart. Do not be afraid to trust in My plan for you. I know
your Heavenly Father. A servant’s heart is one of total humility. A true
that you feel the need to be self sufficient and you find it difficult to rely on
servant of God is not always looking to be given the praise and glory but
others. Do not worry anymore. Let go of the controls and let Me guide you.
instead places the honour to the rightful heir – your Father in Heaven. I ask
Let the way you lead your life be always in gentleness and trust not anxiety
you to change the way you lead your life. Come before Me this night and and fear. Trust completely my little one even though you feel confused and
seek forgiveness for your areas of pride and ask for the grace to start anew.
do not yet understand My plan for you. Be patient and persevere in your
Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you inspiration to recognize those areas
prayers and quiet time. I allow you to feel the darkness and a sense of
which need to change and grow. Do not be blind and hard headed and
abandonment to help you to trust Me no matter how dark the way ahead
think that everyone else is a fault. Accept the challenge given to you to strip
seems. Let go of the many concerns you have held onto and abandon
back the areas in your life so that your Heavenly Father can mould you into
yourself completely to the Will of your Heavenly Father. God’s missionary
a child of God. Learn the lessons needed through the Holy Word given to
work of love is always done in a quiet peaceful way. Learn My way. Accept
you to help you to change and grow. Do not arrogantly pick and choose
the cross as part of the way which leads you to life eternal. Allow the
who to love. You have been asked to love all. Love the person not the
Father to mould you into a child of God. Be flexible like a piece of clay
actions. Change the way you lead your life before you take up the
ready to be moulded. Do not allow yourself to become dry and brittle and
challenge to reach out and be a disciple of God’s love. Remember your life your heart to become like stone. Let the moisture into your heart. I am the
is a journey and you are asked to accept the challenge to continue to grow
moisture you need. I am the living water come down from Heaven. Drink
spiritually. I ask you to listen to the messages given to you by My Mother.
from My well of salvation. Accept this nourishment which is offered to you.
Stay close to her Immaculate Heart and let her draw you close to My
Receive my merciful love. Open your heart to My Divine love. I know you
Sacred Heart. Open your heart up to the love offered to you and do not be
say to me that you are trusting and you are open to My love but then when
afraid to take this journey of faith. A journey of change. Pick up your cross
you experience the difficult moments in your life you become closed and
and follow Me. I am your Lord and Saviour. Let me lead you on a journey
you feel that you have been abandoned. I want you to trust in My love
of discovery of self. Let me lead you to your Heavenly inheritance. Let me regardless of what the day brings. Pray to Me through my Divine Mercy
lead you to your life anew. Let me lead you to life eternal. Go now with My
when you experience doubts and are full of fears and know that I will give to
peace and love. Take up the challenge offered to you to come and follow
you My merciful love. I ask you to trust in Me and My love in every part of
Me. your day, not just a small portion. You will be looked after. Begin this
journey of trust.
22nd September 2006 (Midday prayer)
I thank you my beloved Consecrated Sons for your faithfulness in the
service of your Divine Redeemer Jesus the Christ. I ask you to continue to
imitate Him in all you do. I ask that you shepherd God’s hurting people
with your acts of love and then allow your Heavenly Father to do the rest. back onto the narrow path which leads all to salvation. Do not hesitate in
Hand over any hurts and concerns you have to Him by the prayers you offer this task you have been given but pray to be given renewed courage and
to His Son Jesus and know that your prayers are heard and will be strength to step out boldly in this important role of leading God’s people.
answered. Be patient and understand that your way is not always the There is much work to be done and such little time to achieve it. Hesitate
answer. Let God your loving Father show you the way. Jesus is the way. no longer but be bold and courageous and ready to serve your Lord and
Pick up your cross and follow Him in all you do. You will be given the Master at all times. You are never alone in this journey of service and love.
courage and strength needed to persevere; so trust and bring all before Be strong in your commitment to love honour and serve your Almighty
God and ask Him for the help you need. He wants you to ask for His help Father in all you do. Give endless praise to Him for the many graces and
as He will never interfere with the free will He has given you. Do not be too blessings He bestows on you to help you further the Kingdom of God.
proud to ask for help. I am your Mother of Perpetual Help. Let me help you There are many who are distant and have hurts they hold onto deep within.
as you learn more fully the love of your Heavenly Father through Jesus His Search out and find these lost sheep and bring them back into the fold. Be
Son by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Accept this Divine love offered freely true imitations of my Son Christ Jesus by the merciful love you show to all.
and let it flow out to those who are difficult to love and the many others put Pray for the guidance needed in all situations and listen to the gentle calling
in your path each day. of the Holy Spirit in your life. Do not fear you will be given guidance and
help in all you do. I am your Mother of Hope, your Mother of Good Counsel.
11th October 2006 (Night Prayer) Let me take you by the hand and lead you to the love of your Lord and
My child, Saviour Jesus the Christ. Stay close to me and give to me many prayers
I ask you to be the encouragement needed for those who feel despair and and I will intercede for you to your Father in Heaven through Jesus His Son
hopelessness at the moment. Let your enthusiasm and passionate love of and will guide you to the many gifts and graces given by my Spouse the
God and His son Jesus shine out by the Christ-like love you show them. Do Holy Spirit. Stay close to the Holy Trinity three in one and receive the
not be afraid to let this love burn brightly. Let your intentions always be spiritual nourishment needed to step out in faith and be a Disciple of Divine
pure and selfless and in this way you will lead many back to the love of love.
God. The work is plentiful as many feel so lost and alone in their journey of
life. Be welcoming and accepting of all and always reach out with a 22nd September 2006 (3pm prayers – Jesus)
compassionate and giving heart. Take time to listen to your Lord and God My child,
through the inspiration given by the Holy Spirit so that this missionary work Stay close to Me and be led always in gentleness and with my peace in
of love is done always in gentleness. Let go of any judgements you may your heart. Do not be anxious but trust in Me. There is much work to do.
form in your mind and instead be prepared to reach out in Christ-like love Many of God’s Consecrated Sons are carrying heavy burdens and feel so
and meet people where they are on their faith journey. Let your faith be one lost and alone in their journeys. I want you to reach out with my love and
of simplicity. Be childlike and trusting of the Divine Will of your Heavenly help them to understand that they are not alone. Help them to understand
Father. Do not be concerned if you do not know what tomorrow holds. I the importance of God’s plan for them. It is necessary for them to carry
remind you to trust and let God give you the guidance you need. This does their crosses for the redemption of the sins of mankind. Help them to know
require you to spend time in quietness and prayer each day. Make the time that it is most important that they embrace humility of heart. They need to
for God and believe that He always makes the time for you. Surrender your let go of the arrogance of self importance and come back to the obedience
will over to His loving care and walk with the trust and faith that you will be of the Divine Will of their Heavenly Father. Many rush ahead doing all with
looked after in your every need. Let go of the need to be in control and trust selfish motivation instead of serving the hurting people of God with a
in Jesus. He is your Lord and Redeemer. Let Him fill you with His merciful selfless nature and a servant’s heart. Spiritual blindness abounds both in
love. Do not fear walking into the unknown. Bring all your fears before the clergy, religious and also among the flock. There is a great need for
Jesus and let Him fill you with His peace and love. I am your Mother of change to happen within my Bride. The old must die for the new to rise up.
Peace and I will help you to obtain this Divine peace which I know you have Stay close, my little one and let me reveal more to you of the mysteries of
searched for in such a long time to find. Stay close to my Immaculate Heart the Kingdom of God. Go with my peace and love to serve your brothers
and I will lead you to the eternal peace which is gained when you come and sisters in Christ.
close to my Son Jesus and His most Sacred Heart. Are you ready to take
22nd September 2006 (Night Prayer) so that you learn to rely completely on His Divine Will and you are less
My little one, inclined to rush ahead with your own agenda. Be prepared to strip back
Do not be afraid to become little and insignificant in the eyes of the world. any areas of self. Let the purification begin in your spiritual journey. Be
When you humbly surrender your will to your Eternal Father and strip back ready to be tested like gold and silver. Let all your motives be pure and
all areas of pride and arrogance He is able to use you in a powerful way to know the fruits which come from a pure heart will be rich and plentiful. Go
help in the redemptive work of mankind. I ask you again to humble your through the doubts and the feeling of darkness to emerge on the other
heart and let go of the personal agendas you have and learn the ways of side. Be happy to endure any discomfort for your Lord and God. Learn to
your Lord and God. Imitate my Son Jesus by your selflessness and by trust even on the days of darkness and let my son Jesus lead you into the
spending time with Him in quietness and prayer. You are asked to listen light which awaits those who persist. Be patient, my child. Let God reveal
more attentively to the words given to you through Scripture and also your imperfections a little at a time. Walk the walk of your Lord with blind
through my messages which I have been allowed to give to you. Do not faith. Trust in Him and His saving power for you and for all. Do not fear
rush ahead in reckless behaviour but learn the lessons needed. The ways the unknown. Let God your loving Father guide you through His Son
of your Lord are always in gentleness and peace. This will not be achieved Jesus. Stay close to Him by your prayers and let Him reveal to you the
when you are always pushing ahead with all your own agendas. Step back mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Put on your armour of faith and let us
and be prepared to remain background until you are asked to come take this journey together. I ask you again to be bold and courageous to
forward. Take the time to change and grow. When you are always thinking step out and be a warrior for your faith. Pray for the endurance needed.
how much those around you need to take heed of the message you miss Never give up. Cling always to the hope of your Heavenly Father; united
the point completely. This is spiritual arrogance and you need to be aware as one let Christ Jesus fill you with courage and strength through the
of how easy it is to fall into the trap of satan where you continually judge grace of the Holy Spirit so you can continue this missionary work of God’s
others. All of God’s children need to be prepared to humble themselves love.
and embrace the changes in their own lives. I ask you to take the blinkers
off your own eyes and pray to be given the awareness of the areas in your 10th October 2006 (Night Prayer)
life which need to change and grow. Make use of the Sacraments given to My children,
you by your Heavenly Father to help you in your spiritual journey. These The time is fast approaching when you need to put into practice the many
graces are given to you in abundance. Receive my Son Jesus often lessons you have learned through my messages. Do not become
through the Blessed Sacrament and ask Him to remain with you as your complacent and begin to not take notice of the meaning of the words
guide and protection. Accept His merciful love and let this love flow out to given to you. Stay awake because you do not know the hour when your
others. Humbly come before Him in the Holy Tabernacle and admit your Lord and God will call on you. I ask you to be disciplined and ready at all
faults and make use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation to begin your times to do the Divine Will of your Heavenly Father. It is easy to be
spiritual journey once more. Step out in faith and be prepared for the time distracted by all that is happening around you and you then loose the
ahead. Embrace the love of your Father through Jesus His Son by the focus on your spiritual life. I ask you to have the strength needed to be
abundant graces and blessings of the Holy Spirit. Be an instrument of committed to your prayers and acts of love to help in the conversion of
peace and love to all. hearts. Remember that no act of selflessness and love is too small.
Practice these little acts of kindness and consideration as often as you
25th September 2006 (Night Prayer) can. Turn away from anger and bitterness and instead embrace
Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let your will be done according to gentleness and compassion. Learn the lessons of Christ-like love through
the Father’s word. I ask you to not be afraid any longer. I am the humble your Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. Do not get caught up in disharmony
servant of the Father and I ask you to take up the challenge to surrender but instead still the waters of discontent and derision by the Christ-like
your will over to your Heavenly Father. I ask you to embrace true humility in love you show to all. Do not take offence when others hurt you by their
your life. I remind you again to be selfless and generous of heart. Many thoughtless words. I want you to see beyond these words spoken in
are consumed with selfish desires. I ask you to be selfless and giving. anger and realize the wounds that these people carry deep within. Pray
Offer many little self sacrifices in atonement for sins committed. There are for the healing of their insecurities and hurts and persevere with them
so many ways you can humbly serve your Lord and God. Do not fear even though there are many times when you feel like giving up. Persist
mysteries of the rosary. My faithful remnant around the world, my prayer change in your life. I ask you to be steeped in your prayers and quiet time
warriors, my blue army are the strength needed to fight the wickedness to hear the words of your Lord and God. Stay on the well light path which
which abounds in the world today. Do not fear persecution because you leads you to salvation. Do not be distracted by the ways of the world.
are committed to me through your prayers. Do not worry about those who These distractions lead you into the darkness. Do not choose the easy
mock you. Offer prayers for your persecutors and pick up this cross that road. I remind you that the struggles and difficulties are the way you will
you have been asked to carry. Remember the many that mocked and beat change and grow into a trusting child of God. I ask you to trust me and the
my Son Christ Jesus. Be united with His suffering and together you help in Motherly love I have for you. I ask that you trust in the Divine Will of your
the redemption of many. I call my entire remnant to be bold and Father. I ask that you trust in the merciful love of my Son Jesus. I ask you
courageous in this time of uncertainty. Do not be afraid to suffer to accept the love of your Father given through the merciful love of the Son
inconvenience for the sake of you Lord and Saviour. Lead many back to by the grace of the Holy Spirit. I want you to understand the ways of your
the love of God by the Christ love and perseverance you show. Pray for the Lord and God. Humble your heart and learn how to serve your fellow man
many children who have turned their backs on God and who lead lives that with Christ-like love and compassion. Trust in the love of your Heavenly
are centred on themselves. Do not be afraid to give prayers and self Father and draw close to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus through coming
sacrifice and acts of selflessness and love for the salvation of your children. close to my Immaculate Heart. Let me open your heart up to this love
Remember the faithfulness of St. Monica who gave many years of sacrifice which awaits you. Abandon yourself completely to the will of your Father
and prayers for her son Augustine. Learn the lessons of patience and and let Him reveal His plan for you and for the salvation of mankind. His
perseverance from this holy woman of God. Be trusting that God your plan is perfect. He will not interfere with the free will He has given you so I
loving Father does hear your prayers offered humbly for your children. Be say to you do not be afraid to say yes to the Father and to commit to be a
steadfast in your commitment of prayer and cling always to the hope of your servant of your Lord and God, serving all with a humble heart and let the
Heavenly Father. Be faithful and giving never losing hope or giving into love of God flow out to many who are put in your path. Your deeds will be
despair. Stay close by your prayers and bring all your loved ones under the known by the Christ-like love you show to all.
protection of my Immaculate Heart and let me guide and help each and
every one to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Spend time each day in your 26th September 2006 (Night Prayer)
commitment of prayer. Be still and receive the nourishment needed by the My child,
love of the Father, through Jesus the Son in the graces of the Holy Spirit. It is important that you spend time each day in prayer and quietness. Do
Know that these graces will help and sustain you in you missionary work of not become distracted by the ways of the world and forget about this special
God’s love. Be not afraid, I am with you always. I will fill you with the time each day you spend with your Heavenly family. I remind you to be
graces needed through my Spouse the Holy Spirit. Stay close through your disciplined with this request. Pray to be given the guidance if you are
prayers. having difficulties and you will be given inspiration through the Holy Spirit as
to how you can make the time available. Be prepared to forego some of
9th October 2006 (Night Prayer) your simple pleasures as a self sacrifice and realize that you choose the
My children, better path when you choose to honour your Lord and God by spending
It is most important that you stay very close to me at this time. You need to time with Him in prayer. This time you spend together alone with Jesus will
remain disciplined and steadfast in your prayers and acts of love you give help you to grow deeper in your spiritual journey. You will begin to notice
each day. Pray fervently for the peace of my Son Christ Jesus, your Prince that the peace of Christ Jesus will descend upon you and you will be more
of Peace will reign upon the earth. Pray for the salvation of many of God’s patient and persevering in all you do to further the kingdom of God.
people who are so distant. Pray for the conversion of hearts. You live in Remember that the work you undertake to do for your Lord and God must
trying times. Your faith will be tested and purified. Be courageous to stand be always done with a gentle, humble heart. Spend time with Jesus and let
up and be counted. Pray to be given endurance and strength to persevere Him reveal to you the areas in your life which need to change and grow.
no matter what each day brings. Do not fear the desert experiences in your Open your eyes to His way. I remind you again that it is necessary that you
life. Understand more fully the meaning of your desert times. Contemplate are disciplined and committed to your prayer life before you step out to do
on Christ Jesus who went into the desert for 40 days and nights before He the missionary work of God’s love. It is most important that you do not rush
began His ministry. Let your Heavenly Father purify you and your intentions ahead because of your impatience. Be still my child and let God’s plan be
revealed to you a little at a time. Remember that God’s timing is always at 7th October 2006 (Night Prayer)
the perfect time. Let go of the controls and trust. Pray to receive the gifts My little one,
needed from the Holy Spirit to help you to be patient and persevering. You I ask you to look to your Holy Family as an example of how to live your life.
will know when God wants you to step up and reach out with Christ-like love The families of the world are fractured and broken because of the lures of
to others. Discern the will of God. Take the time needed in preparation. satan. Many families strive to achieve much material wealth and
Give to me many prayers and little acts of self denial. All these little acts of possessions and in going down this path they have sacrificed their spiritual
love and self sacrifice help you to become more disciplined and enable you lives and the result is evident. There is division and brokenness because
to humble your heart and hand over all to your Heavenly Father. I am with too much pressure is put on their families. They work long hours and the
you and I will help and guide you as you learn the ways of your Lord and simple pleasures of sitting sharing a meal are lost to the fast pace of life.
Saviour. Be still and let Jesus reveal to you the mysteries of the kingdom of Look at your life and examine the areas of family life which need to change.
God. Go back to spending quality time together. Learn how to pray together.
Teach the little ones how to pray. Teach them how to recognize and be
27th September 2006 (Night Prayer) grateful for the abundance of food and the many graces and blessings they
You have learned many lessons and I ask you to now put what you have have in their lives. Remember the saying “the family who prays together
learnt into practice. Do not rush because of your desire to please but be stays together”. Strengthen your family by putting the love of God first and
steeped in patience and let God your loving Father work through you. I know that you will receive many graces to sustain you. Pray for all your
remind you to take heed of the many messages given to you. Do not want needs with a humble heart and know that God hears and answers your
everything to happen by your terms. Humble yourself and surrender your prayers. He will look after all your needs. I want you to know that your faith
control over to the Divine Will of your Heavenly Father. Do not commit family is also of great importance. Remember that you are the body of
yourself to serve your Eternal Father and then take back the controls and Christ. If one member hurts then it affects the whole body. Learn to be
try to do it by your own human effort. This is not the way of your Lord and tolerant of those in your faith family who you have difficulty with. Pray for
God. Meditate well on the path my Son Jesus took and know that this is the the Heavenly help needed to reach out to them with Christ-like love. Help
way you know, love and serve your Divine Lord and Master – by the Christ- others who are broken and carry deep wounds to know the love of the
like love you show to others in your loving actions and by having enough Father through Jesus the Son. I remind you to let go of the judgements you
courage to pick up your cross and follow the path of your Lord and Saviour. place on others and learn to be the true body of Christ. Be forgiving and
The path will have difficulties and trials. Do not always want the easy compassionate, full of merciful love for all. Let go of any past hurts they
pathway but humbly accept the more difficult path. Many lack courage and have caused you and reach out always in love. Pray for the conversion of
strength to commit to serve their Lord and Master because they want their the hearts which are hardened with bitterness and resentment. Offer little
lives to be easy and uncomplicated. I warn you tonight if your life is easy acts of self sacrifice and love to be used for those you find most difficult to
and you put worldly possessions first you are on the wrong path. This path love. These acts of humility do help. Nothing is too small. Begin this path
leads to nowhere. Turn back before it is too late and choose the path which of selflessness for your brothers and sisters in Christ and for your family
leads you to life eternal. Be prepared to offer acts of self sacrifice out of and then let God heal their hearts. Trust and let this healing take place
love of God and your fellow man. Be selfless and giving. Teach your when the time is right. Stay steadfast and persevering in your faith journey
children well and know that when you plant the seeds in fertile soil and and unite your family with the United Hearts of Jesus and me your Mother
nourish them well you will have a rich and plentiful harvest. Turn away from Mary. Take small steps and achieve greatness in this journey of love. You
the distractions and lures of this world which compromise Christ Jesus will have the protection and love you need. You will not be alone. Trust.
values and do not fall prey to the deception of satan. Short term pleasures
will soon pass away. Live your life not for the now but for your future – your 8th October 2006 (Apparition Night)
life which leads you to your life eternal. Accept the need for you to have My child,
discipline and boundaries. Do not rebel against the lessons of life which will Do not be fearful because you feel the heaviness of the weight of sin
help you reach your chosen path. Recognize more clearly the many graces committed throughout the world. You are protected by the prayers you give
God your loving Father gives you. He is a God of Divine love and wants to Me each day. My rosary is a powerful weapon which will destroy the rule
you to have abundant life. Be prepared to change and grow and learn the of satan. Bring to me many flowers by your praying and meditating on the
light and love. Trust in My love and together we will bring many back to the many lessons given to you through the messages which I have been
love of the Father through the merciful love of Me the Son and the Holy allowed to give you. Be filled with the love of your Lord and Redeemer and
Spirit will flood their souls with many graces and blessings. This abundant be prepared to pass it on to the many God puts in your path.
life awaits all who accept the love I long to give them. All that is needed is
to begin the journey of trust in my most Sacred Heart and the love I have to 29th September 2006 (Morning Prayer – Jesus)
give to you and to all. Learn from my daughter Therese, my little flower of My child,
love and imitate her childlike trust and love in Me her Lord and Saviour, her I ask you to trust even though God’s plan has not become revealed to you
Prince of Peace. in its fullness. All that I require of you is your commitment to persevere with
your prayers and to love your Heavenly Father with all your heart, mind and
6th October 2006 (Night Prayer) soul. Do not be concerned about what the future holds but stay gentle and
My child, trusting and let God reveal His plan to you moment by moment. You have
Be prepared. You are soon to begin your missionary work and I want you nothing to fear. God your Father is a loving, caring Father who wants to
to take the time over the next week to prepare by your prayers and offerings give you abundant graces and blessings and wants to mould you into a
of selflessness and love. The need is great with God’s hurting people. loving child of God humbly trusting with a selfless, compassionate heart. I
They carry such heavy burdens and need to be reminded that God’s plan am your Lord and Saviour. Trust in Me and the love I want to give you. Let
for all is one of hope not despair. Stay close to the most Sacred Heart of me guide you towards this Divine plan of hope. Come before Me with a
Jesus and learn more deeply of His merciful love and the need for you to humble heart and together let us take this journey one step at a time. Do
completely trust in His plan for you. God your Father will provide you with not rush ahead with thoughts which fill you with fear. Be patient and wait on
all you need so trust in His Divine Providence. Reach out in Christ-like love the words of Divine love of your Lord and Master. You will be protected so
wherever you go. Do not avoid those who you have difficulty in loving but surrender your will, my little one and trust in Me and the saving power of My
instead pray to be given courage to love them. Spend time each day in love for you and for all. Stay close to Me in your prayer time each day and I
quietness. Do not neglect this precious prayer time as it is necessary for will reveal to you the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Open your heart to
you to remain disciplined in spending time with your Heavenly Family. It is receive my merciful love. Remember you are never alone on this journey
easy to become distracted in your busyness and to forget to give the prayer you take. Let go of any concerns and begin to trust more fully in the love of
time needed. Set the boundaries which are necessary and learn the way of your Father through Me the Son and accept the many gifts given to you
the Lord by going to your room and closing the door and taking the time in through the Holy Spirit. Live with your Lord and God always in the present
stillness and prayer. You will see the fruits of the Spirit when you learn to moment. I ask you to maintain balance in your life. Take time for prayer,
be disciplined in your prayer time. I also ask you to learn to live more in the take time for others, and take time to nourish yourself. Do not rush ahead
present moment with your Lord and God. Do not rush ahead because of with reckless abandon. Be still and listen. God your loving Father is a God
your enthusiasm to please God. Be more contemplative and ready to sit of order. Learn the discipline needed to lead a fulfilling life. Look after your
with God in the present moment. Do not spend your time worrying and soul, look after your mind and look after your body. You have been given a
fretting about events and matters which you have no influence over. Let precious gift – your life. Be respectful and caring of all human life. Do not
your prayers be offered to help in the redemption of mankind but do not get treat it as a disposable item. It is a gift from God. Turn away from the
caught up in the worries about what is to come. Concentrate more on your grave sins committed throughout the world of the senseless destruction of
own spiritual journey and be ready to change and grow into a trusting child the innocent unborn. Be prepared to step up and defend these innocent
of God. Be patient and let God work on transforming you into an instrument victims through your prayers and self sacrifice. Be prepared to fight for the
of Christ’s love. Let His peace reign in your soul and be prepared to give right for all to live their lives to the full. Trust and know that in due season
this peace and love to the many that are put in your path. Do not be caught all will be reveal to you and to all. Be prepared to step out and be a warrior
up in worrying for so many things around you that you make no room to of faith.
receive the Prince of peace into your heart. Come close to my Immaculate
Heart and I will guide you to the most Sacred Heart of Christ Jesus your
Lord and Saviour.
30th September 2006 (Morning Prayer – Jesus) There are many ways that God will use you as an instrument of peace and
Lord give me guidance as to how to lead people to you. love. Take this journey one step at a time. Say yes to your Heavenly
Father and let Him use you to help in the redemption of mankind. Do not
Be gentle and humble of heart and the fruits of labour will be known by the rush ahead and make wild guesses as to the plan God has for you. Let go
Christ-like love you show. Always be compassionate and caring, never and instead be still and listen to the whisperings of the Father through
judging of others. Humble your own heart and leave God to look after Jesus His Son by the inspiration given through the Holy Spirit. Be open to
others. It is difficult to reach out in love if you have already placed a harsh the Spirit in your life. Do not try and achieve all through your own efforts but
judgment upon them. Change your thoughts and learn to love others from instead let the Holy Spirit work through you. This requires you to be
deep within. Do not fear persecution. I want you to understand that you steeped in humility and to be gentle and giving with Christ Jesus’ servant’s
have taken the better path. This path of Divine love leads you to eternity. heart. Trust in my Motherly instincts and concerns for you and give to me
Be a bright shining light to others by the endless love and compassion you your prayers and I will lead you to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let every day
show. I remind you to strip back the prideful thoughts and judgments you be always a prayer of trust and acceptance in the Will of the Father through
place on others. Be more concerned with your own journey and the sins of Jesus His Son. Pray and invoke the trust of Jesus by saying “Sacred Heart
pride you commit and know that by your total surrender to the Will of the of Jesus I put my trust in you”. Begin today to trust more deeply in a plan
Father I will be able to fill you with the graces needed to enable you to step which as yet is not fully revealed to you.
out in faith and reach out with child-like trust and faith to many who are put
in your path. Embrace humility in all you undertake to do for Me, your Lord 6th October 2006 (Jesus Morning Prayer)
and Saviour. Let go of your prideful ways and be cleansed of the sins you Trust my little one, complete trust. This is what is required of you when you
commit. Let me use you as an instrument of peace and love. When you step out to do the missionary work of God’s love. You can achieve anything
are filled with pride and arrogance and your own selfish agendas it is when you give me your trust. You can move mountains. Be patient and
difficult for you to be an instrument of peace and love. Let go of the controls accept that each day is a journey towards your Heavenly inheritance. I am
to always be right and let God the Father take charge of your soul. Listen to the way. I am the truth. I am the life. Let me illuminate the path you need
the advice you are given. Take heed of the warnings. Do not put off any to take. Be full of trust even though you are stepping out in blind faith and
longer the need for you to grow spiritually. I will be with you to help you. as yet do not know what the future holds. You have no need to be
Stay close to Me, My little one and let Me show you the way which leads concerned. All will become evident when the time is right. Will you trust in
you to life eternal. Let My light shine brightly in your heart so you too, can my love for you my little one? Will you give Me your heart, open and
guide many by My merciful love you show. Be steeped in prayer and self caring? Are you ready to meet the challenges of each new day with a
sacrifice before you step out to do this missionary work of God’s love. humble, trusting heart? I am with you each small step you take. I will give
you the guidance and help you need. I will fill you with the graces of the
30th September 2006 (Night Prayer) Holy Spirit to give you wisdom to discern every situation. I will be with you
Do not stray off the path because of ignorance or because you have grown every step of the way on this journey of the heart you take. Stay close to
lukewarm in your faith. Now is not the time for you to sit on the fence and My most Sacred Heart and let our hearts together with My Mother’s
put the distractions of your worldly life as your main priority. Turn away Immaculate Heart be united as one. There is much work for you to do.
from this futile existence and come back to your faith. Learn once more Have courage to surrender yourself over to the Will of the Father and be
how to love honour and serve your Lord and Master with all your strength, prepared to be My instrument of peace and love. Let Me give you the
with all your heart, soul and mind. Do not plead ignorance and lack of time nourishment needed to strengthen you. Stay close to Me in the time to
as to why you no longer spend time in quietness and prayer with your Lord come by your prayers and receive Me as often as you can in the Blessed
and Saviour. You have been given many opportunities. Do not be blinded Sacrament of the Altar. Receive my peace and love and be that guiding
by the many distractions in your life. Turn back and live your life with the light to show many the path which leads them home. Many are drifting in
focus being firstly on the love of God and learn to reach out to all you meet an ocean of despair and have lost the way back to the shore. Be their
with the love of Christ Jesus. Go back to a simple life and enjoy the many lighthouse of hope and by the Christ-like love you show you will beam out
graces given to you by your Heavenly Father. I ask you to trust once more brightly to guide them back to the path which leads them to their Heavenly
inheritance. Do not be afraid to step out in faith and be this instrument of
and strengthened by His merciful love and then step out with blind faith to in my Son Jesus and His love for you and for all. Do not stay blind to the
be a disciple of His Divine love. Humble your heart and understand what lures of satan. He wants your life to be busy and your mind to be always
this commitment means. You are called to serve others with a humble rushing and distracted by worldly matters. He does not want to see you
contrite heart, forgiving others who offend you and showing endless love accept the merciful love of my Son Jesus and to step out in trust and
and compassion to all. Do not be afraid to take this path of selflessness. It faith as he knows that when you take this path of love, trust and humility
will have its difficulties but the rewards will be great. Let the fruits of the of heart a peace will come over you which is evident for others to see.
Holy Spirit shine out for all to see by the Christ-like selfless love you show. You justify the reason you are so distracted and say that it is necessary
Learn the humility of your Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. Experience the for you to achieve success by taking this worldly path. You search in so
agony He felt when He was alone in the Garden at Gethsemane. He felt many places to find fulfilment. I say to you to search no longer. Learn
abandoned by those who had grown so close to Him yet He persevered. the lessons of trust through the Divine Mercy of Christ Jesus. Come
Pray that you will also gain the fruits of patience and perseverance to back close to Him and let Him fill you with His love. Be prepared to
continue on those difficult days. Never give up. Cling onto the hope of this make changes in your life. Spend time each day in quietness and
life to be lived anew; this life where the many gifts and graces of the Holy prayer. Read the Holy Scriptures and receive the Sacraments often.
Spirit can flow out to help many back onto the path which leads all to their Stay close to My Son and let Him show you the way to your Heavenly
Heavenly inheritance. Stay close to those who can help and support you Inheritance. I am your Mother of Grace and I will give you the guidance
through the difficult moments and bring to me your Heavenly Mother many and help you need. Have courage to step out in blind faith and follow
prayers offered humbly and really believe that your prayers are heard and your Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus and learn once more to live your life
answered by your Father in Heaven through Jesus His Son. Be still and let to the full through the many graces given by the Father through the Son
Christ Jesus peace and love come down upon you through the Holy Spirit of in the Holy Spirit.
Divine Love which is the love that the Father has for His Son Jesus and
which Jesus has for the Father. Be filled with this Trinitarian love and begin 2nd October 2006 (afternoon prayer)
the day anew. Be bold, courageous and ready to be a disciple of God’s My child,
love, through the love given by Christ Jesus your Prince of Peace. Do not be afraid to forego worldly pleasures. Give to me many little acts
of love and self sacrifice. You give much joy to your Heavenly Father
5th October 2006 (Night Prayer) when you choose to humble your heart and learn to serve others with
My child, faithfulness and selfless love without bringing attention and praise to
Trust completely. I need you to have patience and perseverance. The your good deeds. Do not fear this path of humility you take. It is
Father’s plan will be revealed to you. Do not worry about that which seems important that you strip back the areas of pride and selfishness for God
to be impossible in your eyes. Nothing is impossible in the eyes of God. All to work through you. Be ready my little one to commit to serve your Lord
that is required of you is your complete trust in God your Father’s Divine and God with a servant’s heart. Do not be concerned about what others
Will. Let go of all concerns and be prepared to let your journey proceed one think. I want you to understand that the path to your Heavenly
moment at a time. You have nothing to fear. Follow the intuition given to inheritance is steep and covered with obstacles to block your way. It is
you. Pray always before you proceed and be guided by your Heavenly necessary for you to pick up your cross and follow your Lord and
family. Let God’s plan be achieved in right order. It is important that you Saviour. I want you to choose the better path. Do not want the easy
change and grow and let go of all controls and let God your Father be path but accept the crown of righteousness offered to you. Remember
always your guiding force. Let God’s guiding hand lead you on the path of the crown given to your Lord and Redeemer was a crown of thorns.
salvation through the merciful love of Christ Jesus. Do not be afraid to take Accept the many little thorns that accompany you on your journey and
this journey when you are not yet aware of the destination. You have learn more fully the ways of Christ Jesus. Courage my little one do not
nothing to fear. It will be revealed to you when the time is right. Let go of worry about the way ahead. Be happy to take this journey of life one
all anxieties and concerns and hand over all to your Heavenly Father. step at a time. Each step leads you to salvation – to your life eternal. Be
There is much to achieve with a short time to do it. Let God the Father use patient and giving and let Christ Jesus walk beside you in all you do. I
you as an instrument of peace and love. Do not think that this is not for me remind you that there are many who need to know the love of the Lord.
but know that God’s plan is infinite and beyond any human understanding. Will you commit to be an instrument of peace and love by the Christ-like
love you show to all? Open your heart and receive the love offered to you 3rd October 2006 (Night Prayer)
by your Heavenly Father through the love of the Son by the grace of the I weep with the despair of God’s people at the daily acts of violence and
Holy Spirit. Be humble and step forward this day and begin this journey of senseless destruction of human lives which happen in the world in so many
Divine love; this journey which leads you to your Heavenly inheritance. I different ways. When will the people who commit these acts realize that
am your Mother of Divine love and I will guide you. Say yes to the Father they are on a one way path to damnation? I implore you to pray more than
and embrace this new life offered to you and to all. Pick up your cross and ever before for those who seek to cause heartache and pain and have no
follow Christ Jesus and receive the many gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit hesitation in taking the lives of others will see the error or their ways and will
to give you the courage and strength needed to do this missionary work of open their hearts to the love of God and turn away from the lures of satan. I
God’s love. remind you to never give into despair but cling to the hope of a new Heaven
and a new earth. Purification of the heart, mind and soul is necessary for
2nd October 2006 (Night Prayer) this to happen. Open your eyes up to the purification which needs to begin
Prepare the way of your Lord and Saviour. Make straight the paths which in your own life. Do not think of the many others who need to have a deep
lead you towards your life eternal. Learn the courage of your brother in conversion of their hearts but instead concentrate on your own spiritual
Christ John the Baptist and prepare the way of the Lord. I ask you again journey and offer acts of love and self sacrifice for those you know who are
take time in preparation and spend the time given to you in quietness and blinded to the truth or have strayed from the path. Show the love of your
prayer with Christ Jesus. Do not ignore the warning signs given by the Lord and Saviour to all who are put in your path and pray for the healing of
Father. Change the way you live your life before it is too late. Recognize past hurts of those close to you and then be still and trust in the love of your
the distractions in your daily life which draw you away from the love of your Heavenly Father. Remember that God’s hands are tied until those who are
Lord and God. Prepare well for the time ahead. I remind you of the need so distant and blinded to the truth open their hearts to receive the love of
for discipline in your prayers and quiet time. Many times you rush ahead God. Are you willing to be God’s instrument of peace and love? Will you
because you are filled with the distractions of the world. Concentrate more step out in blind faith and be Christ to those who have caused you hurt and
on your spiritual journey and hand over any concerns you have to your Lord anguish? Will you let go of the hurts that others have caused you? Are you
and God. You have nothing to worry about. Your Heavenly Father is a God prepared to show Christ-like love even though you are unsure of the
of abundant love and His generosity is beyond comparison. Trust and response you will get? I ask you again humble your heart, pick up your
really believe that He will look after you and your needs. Open your eyes to cross and follow your Lord and Saviour. Do not be concerned about the
the many times He has provided for you yet you have not realized that the outcome of every situation you face. Trust and take each day with little
grateful thanks should be given to your Eternal Father. He always wants steps of trust and love and let your Eternal Father do the rest. Love
that which is best for you. Do not place judgments on your Heavenly Father endlessly even on the difficult days when the worries of the world weigh you
because you have been let down by those close to you. Let go of the down. I will help you to learn to trust. I will show you how to be obedient to
prayer demands you place on Him to have all which happens in your life be the Divine Will of your Heavenly Father. I will guide you to the merciful love
answered in your time and know that your Father hears your prayers and of my Son Jesus. Receive this love and let the peace of Christ Jesus reign
always responds in a way which is best for you. You lack in patience and I in your heart regardless of the circumstances which surround you.
ask you to learn to hand over your concerns to God and then trust in His
judgment instead of continually saying you trust then taking back the 4th October 2006 (Night Prayer)
situation and trying to fix it yourself. This is not trust. Be still my child and My child,
learn the lessons form my Son Christ Jesus. Learn gentleness and wisdom Have courage. You have been chosen to do the missionary work of God’s
to discern the situations which occur in your life and on the days when you love. I know there are days when you feel disillusioned and so alone in this
do lack the trust needed be recognizing of it humble your heart and begin journey you take. Listen to me. I am your Mother of Divine love and I want
again to live your life anew. Let the graces of the Holy Spirit flood your soul. to remind you that you are never alone. You must remain disciplined in
Step out in faith and accept the love of your Lord and God by these many your prayers and quiet time for God’s plan to be revealed to you. When you
gifts given to you through the Holy Spirit. Strengthen your resolve to serve become distracted and so busy you loose focus on what is required of you.
God with a humble heart, full of trust, love and compassion for others. Come close and let the love of my Son Jesus flood your soul. Be nourished