Ios Question Bank MCQ
Ios Question Bank MCQ
Ios Question Bank MCQ
Interpretation of Statutes
Q1. Who gave the definition “Process by which courts seek to ascertain the meaning of
legislation through the medium of authoritative forms in which it is expressed”?
a. Bentham
b. Salmond
c. Grey
d. Blackstone
Q2. As per cross interpretation of statute is?
a. A process by which courts ascertain the meaning of the statutory provision
for the purpose of applying it to the situation.
b. A cycle by which courts ascertain the meaning of the statutory provision.
c. A process by which courts ascertain the meaning of the statutory provision.
d. None of the above
Q3. What are the natural and probable signs as per Blackstone to interpret the statute?
a. Words, Context, Subject-matter, etc.
b. Effects, Spirit, reason
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q4. Who says that interpretation is “an art of finding out the true sense of any form of
words which the author intended and to drive the same idea as author wanted to convey”?
a. Crawford
b. Cooley
c. Cross
d. Cathey
Q5. What is the relationship between construction and interpretation?
a. They both are same
b. They both are different
c. They are difficult to distinguish
d. None of the above
Q50. What sets out generally the purpose of the act and it often precedes the preamble?
a. Long Title
b. Short Title
c. Preamble
d. None of the above
2. Where in an enactment, there are two provisions which cannot be reconciled with
each other; they should be so interpreted that, if possible effect may be given to both. This
is what known as the
A. Rule of harmonious construction
B. Rule of reasonable construction
C. Rule of ejusdem generis
D. All of above
3. According to which rule of interpretation meaning of word should be known from its
accompanying or associating words?
A. Mischief rule
B. Golden rule
C. Noscitur a sociis
D. Primary rule
4. which maxim means that contemporaneous exposition is the best and strongest in law?
A. Ejusdem generis
B. Contemporanea Exposition Est Optima Est Fortissima in Lege
C. Noscitur a sociis
D. None of above
7. When statute do not profess to make any alteration in the existing law, but merely
declare or explain what it is, then such law is known as ?
A. Codifying statute
B. Remedial statute
C. Declaratory statute
D. Consolidating statute
B. Marginal notes
C. Interpretation clauses
D. All of above
10. As per the rule of meaning of a word should be known from its accompanying or
associating words.?
A. Noscitura sociis
B. Strict and liberal construction
C. Ejusdem generis
D. None of the above
12. Which of the internal aid is used to remove special cases from the general
enactment and provide for them specially?
A. Exception clause
B. Saving clause
C. Proviso
D. Non obstante clause
14. wich among these contain the main object of the act?
A. Long title
B. Short title
C. Preamble
D. None of the above
A. In interpreting statutes, judges should look at the ‘mischief’ which the Act
was passed to prevent
B. There must be no mischief in court
C. In interpreting statutes, judges should interpret the words literally
D. In interpreting statutes, judges should interpret the words as they see fit
21. Lord Wensleydale’s Golden Rule was first adopted in the case of:
a) Grey v. Pearson (1857) 6HL
b) Keshavananda Bharti v. State of Kerala 1973 4 SCC 225
c) Bengal Immunity Co. Ltd v. state of Bihar AIR 1955 SC 661
d) None of the above
23. “If the precise words used are plain and unambiguous, in our judgment, we are bound
to construe them in their ordinary sense, even though it does lead, in our view of the case,
to an absurdity or manifest injustice. Words may be modified or varied where their import
is doubtful or obscure, but we assume the function of legislators when we depart from, the
ordinary meaning of the precise words used merely because we see, or fancy we see, an
absurdity or manifest injustice from adherence to their literal meaning.” Observed in
which case?
a) Keshavananda Bharti v. State of Kerala 1973 4 SCC 225
b) Bengal Immunity Co. Ltd v. state of Bihar AIR 1955 SC 661
c) Becke v. Smith (1836) 2 M & W 191.
d) None of the above
24. In Union of India v. Filip Tiago De Gama of Vedem Vasco De Gama AIR 1990 SC
981, what was held?
a) Court has inherent jurisdiction of interpreting laws so court will mold the meaning
according to the case
b) In a case where the statutory provision is plain and unambiguous, the Court shall
not interpret the same in a different manner, only because of harsh consequences
arising therefrom.
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
26. The side heading given to every section of the statute which summarises the effect of
the whole section known as
a) Marginal Notes
b) Title
c) Heading
d) Proviso
28. According to which rule of interpretation old statutes should be interpreted as they
would have been at the date when they were passed?
a) Expression unis est exclusion alterius
b) Contemporanea Exposition Est Optima Est Fortissima in Lege
a. Labour
b. Welfare laws
c. Criminal laws
d. None of the above
18. If there is any appearance of in consistency between the schedule and specific
provision in An enactment, the shall prevail?
b. Provisions
c. Both will be applicable as per situation
d. None of the above
19. Heydons case deals with ?
a. Mischeif rule
b. Rule of reasonable construction
c. Noscitur a sociis
d. Golden rule
20. Non obstante clause usually starts with the word ?
a. Provided that
b. Notwithstanding anything contained
c. Save as provided otherwise
d. Any of the above
21. isused to remove special cases from the general enactment and provide
for them specially?
a. Exception clause
b. Saving clause
c. Proviso
d. Non obstante clause
22. Ut Res Magis Valeat Quam Pareatis also known as ?
a. Long title
b .Short title
c. Preamble
d. None of the above
24 .Heydons case,in 1584,was resolved by the?
b. Literal Rule.
c. Mischief Rule.
d. General Rule.
46. Which of the following statements is a definition of the phase 'ratio decidendi'?
a. The verdict
b. The material facts.
c. A hypothetical situation.
d. The legal reason for reaching a decision.
47. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. The Supreme Court is bound by its own previous cases.
b. The House of Lords is the highest court of appeal in England and Wales.
c. There are no appeals from decisions of the Court of Appeal.
d. A principle of law set down in a case may be overruled by statute.
48. Which of the following is the most accurate description of the Golden Rule of
a. Justice must be served
b. Literal meaning must always be adopted without fail
c. Literal meaning must always be adopted except when it leads to absurdity
d. All of the above
e. Context must be understood properly
49. Illustration: In Hindustan Lever Emplills Company Limited (TOMCO) and Hindustan
Lever Limited was in dispute. The employees of both Hindustan Lever Limited and
TOMCO were concerned about the amalgamation. One of the grounds of attack against
the scheme was the absence of approval of the central government as required under
S.23 of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969. That, however, was
deleted in 1991. The Supreme Court stated that it is significant to take into account the
mischief that was sought to be cured through the amendment of the statute.
Accordingly, the court held that once the said section has been deleted from the statute
book, the requirement of prior approval of the Central Government cannot be brought
back through the backdoor. The Supreme Court was applying what rule of
a. Deletion Rule
b. Mischief Rule
c. Literal Rule
d. Ejusdem Generis
e. both a) and d)
50. Illustration: In the phrase ‘horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, or any other farm
animal’, the general language ‘or any other farm animal’ — despite its seeming breadth
— would probably be held to include only four-legged, hoofed mammals typically found
on farms, and thus would exclude chickens.
This is an example of which rule of interpretation?
a. Ejusdem Generis
b. noscitur a sociis
c. Literal Rule
d. Both a) and b)
51. What Statute is an aid in the interpretation of Statutes?
a. General Clauses Act, 1897
b. Interpretation of Statutes Act, 1897
c. Law of Legislations, 1897
d. All of the above
52. While applying the literal rule of interpretation, it is important to keep in mind the:
a. language
b. theme
c. context
d. applicability
53. Illustration: While interpreting a statute, one has internal and external aids to
construction. Question: Which of the following in not an Internal aid to construction?
a. long title
b. preamble
c. headings
d. definitions
e. Parliamentary history
54. Delegatus non potest delegare
a. Debtor follows the person of the debtor
b. An action does not arise from a bare promise
c. A delegated power cannot be further delegated
d. The law does not concern itself with trifling matters
55. expressumn facit cessare tacitum
a. Private disadvantage is counter balanced by public good.
b. The reason of a decision.
c. . An action does not arise from a bare promise
d, express mention of one person or thing is exclusion of another.
a. What was the mischief and defect for which the common law did not provide?
b. What was the common law before the Act was passed?
c. What was the remedy Parliament passed to cure the mischief?
d. All are above
a. IV
b. V
c. VI
d. VII
87. Operation of law means…..
a. prospective operation of law
b. retrospective operation of law
c. both as above a and b
d. none of above
88. What is mean repeal of law?
a. change in law
b. amendment in law
c. removal or reversal of law.
d. none of above