Awareness of Industry4 Questionnaire

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Supplementaru Materials: Questionnaire

Personal Status & General Information

Q1. Sex
Male Female Other:
Q2. Age
17 or below 26-35 46-55
18-25 36-45 56 and more

Q3. Status
Unemployed Entrepreneur Other:
Student Retired
Employed Houseperson

Q4. Highest education achieved

Primary (5th) Higher Secondary (12th) Doctorate, Medical or Law
Upper Primary (8th) Bachelor degree or higher
Secondary (10th) Master

Q5. Residential place *(choose one)

Kerala Telangana Lakshadweep Islands
Tamil Nadu Pondicherry (union (union territory)
Karnataka territory) Andaman and Nicobar
Andra Pradesh Islands (union territory)

E-Mail and Internet Communication

Q6. Do you have an e-mail address?
Yes No
a. If yes:
Q6.1. On average, how many e-mails do you send approximately per day?
Q6.2. On average, how many e-mails do you receive approximately per day?
(Scale for both questions)

None 4-9
1-3 10 and more

Q7. How often do you use the following social media and communication channels?
Almost daily At least once a week Less often than once a week Never

Q8. Which of the following devices do you personally own?

Smartphone PC or Notebook None
Keypad Cellphone E-book reader
Tablet Video-Game console

Q9. Which of the following apps do you personally use?

Google Drive iCloud None
OneDrive DropBox

Industry 4.0 Awareness (In General)

Q10. Before now, have you ever heard about Cloud Solutions so far?
Clouds are online servers that provide you free space for your files (music, photos, documents).

Q11. Before now, have you ever heard about Mass Customization so far?
Mass customization describes the ability to design and produce customized products with the same efficiency and speed of
the current mass uncustomized production process, without affecting costs negatively.

Q12. Before now, have you ever heard about the Internet of Things so far?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects, computers, cell phones, people,
manufacturing machines, being connected to the internet. In the IoT, the connected devices should be able to identify
themselves and communicate to other devices without human interaction.

Q13. Before now, have you ever heard about the Industry 4.0 concept so far? (so called 4th Industrial
Industry 4.0 represents the 4th industrial revolution that has occurred in manufacturing. Industry 4.0 brings the ability of
machines, devices, sensors, and people to connect and communicate with each other via the Internet of Things (IoT). It s linked
to the 3rd industrial revolution, where we are using interaction between human and machine, where machines are automated
and involved in manufacturing processes.

Q14. Before now, have you ever heard about Smart Manufacturing so far?
Smart Manufacturing is a combination of capabilities from multiple areas to improve productivity using automated processes
and data collection.

Q15. Before now, have you ever heard about Smart Cities so far?
Smart City is a city where all infrastructure, processes, and services linked to lifecycle of the city include smart solutions and
IoT connected parts that are managed through the server.

Q16. Before now, have you ever heard about 5G so far?

5G is the fifth generation of mobile networks (replaces the current 4G and Long-Term Evolution networks). It allows data
transfer in between devices with multiplied speed compared to current 4G.

Q17. Do you have any previous experience with IoT or I4.0 concept?
Scale for Q10 Q17
Yes No

South India Region

Q18. In your opinion, is IoT and Industry 4.0 concept implementation important for South India´s
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises. Small enterprises in India less than 100 employees. Medium enterprises in India
100 999 employees.
Q19. In your opinion, is IoT and I4.0 concept cost-effective for South India´s SMEs?
Q20. In your opinion, are South India´s SMEs ready to implement IoT and I4.0 concept?
Q21. In your opinion, how important is it for South India´s SMEs to invest in training their workers
for new technological processes and prepare them for IoT and other innovations in
Q22. In your opinion, how important is it for SMEs in South India to approach Smart Manufacturing?
Q23. In your opinion, how important is e-Commerce for South India´s SMEs?
E-Commerce is the activity of buying or selling products on online services or over the Internet (i.e., on-line shopping).
Scale for Q18 and Q21 Q23
Not at all
Slightly important No opinion (I don´t know) Fairly important Very important
Your Opinion

Q24. In your opinion, in which order should be transformation process be implemented in SMEs?
Smart Logistics means that all operations and processes associated with the logistics of goods are controlled by autonomous
operating systems. Smart Manufacturing is a combination of capabilities from multiple areas to improve productivity using
automated processes and data collection. Organizational and Business model is a plan for the successful operation of a
business, identifying sources of revenue, the intended customer base, products, and details of financing. (For each column
choose only one answer)
1 2 3
Smart Logistics
Smart Manufacturing
Organizational and Business models
Q25. In your opinion, is IoT and I4.0 concept implementation important for you personally?
Scale for Q19, Q20, and Q25
No Rather no No opinion (I don´t know) Rather yes Yes
Your Opinion

Q26. How many times in the last 12 months did you shop online?
0 1-2 3-5 6-9 10-19 20 and more

Q27. In your opinion, do you see any Smart City in South India in next 10 years?
No opinion

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