Inox ETicket

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Ticket booked successfully ‘Booking details have been mailed to classiccybercafe2019@gmall com ‘Thank you for heing an INOX patron. As our valued customer you are entitled to 10% discount an official INOX merchandise at CelfiDesign BOOKING DETAILS (ID: TTA7FAL) (oR cose atte Drishyam 2(Hindi)(U/A) INOX Neelyog Square Mall,Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai UT A i Box office tion Box Office is onthe Ground floor Class Name siuver at Price:(axt ven0e enience charge zs200 ° czez0619613 : 2raaacieo6a 26 ° 7468 8 7468 oa lassiecybereste20 19@emailcom Brant totale 58130 | : SesnosnaT7 Em Eee Gee “Total: = 581.36 is inclusive ofall Taxes & chargs (SAC code. 999615) \Conveniance fee er ticket i levies on all icket. Tickets purchased not be cancel or refunded. Tickets purchased for a panticular multiplex are vala for tnat multiplex only. laren the age of 18 fs cannot be adi for movies certified & Please carry proof of age for movies certifies Please purchase ticks: econ abave the age of 3 years ‘Outside food and veverages ae not allowed inside tne cinema premises outside food and beverages are not allowed inside the cinema premises Ticket holders are we ie by the policies laid down Entry allowed only for vali ticket holders INOX Manageme In cage a tickets lost oF misplaced, a duplicate tienes cannar be iecues. ‘Thehnoler ofa physical tcket/E-Tieket with ragsteres Numer ofthat articular transaction is daamasto be the owner af he ticket Pleace ada at icketing 10 your adaress book to ensure email dlivary in your inbox. Patrons une he influence of aleanol or rage will ot be allowed ineide the Cinema Premises Inox cin nae does not take responcibility of loss or damage to articles nat patione may unknowingly cary ince the Auditorium yout Page for NOX Cinemas i for representational purpose anly anc actual sas layout might vary rome lie lapsop, cameras, knives, weapons, fighter, maten box eigaretes, firearm Il types of inflammable onject are suictly pronibited. res and are strictly prohibited Items ike cary helmets, handbags are not allowed inside the the EEnuy willbe denied fr pation/e with any eymotom related 0 COVID-S. nd liable for et Price is inelusive All patrons shall be solely responsibil 1 isks pertaining tothe Covid-19 virus upon entry to theatre premises. Entry will be denied for patron/s with any symptom related to COVID-19. ‘Ticket Price sinelusive Al patrons shall be solaly responsible and able for any risks pertaining tothe Covi vis upon entry to theatre premises INOX ote Directors, officers, employees or ite group companies or ineuers and any othe related parties shall not be Fable diecty or inareety in any manner whatsoever if any pation at any times infected withthe Covid-18 virus or for any injury whether personal ar incidental or otherwise and/or for any pecal indirectincrect, punitive, incidental oF consequential damages or any damages wnatsoover Please wear mask at all times Nom invasive temperature check ie mandatory at Cinema enty Please follow all social distancing norms Only for Maharashtra Cinemas : AAs per Govt. notification - No Foca & Bevarage shall be allowed insice the screening aucitanum se of Aarogya Setu app ie mandatory. Oniy for Vizag Cinemas ie. Varun Beach, CMR and Chitralaye: Only guests between 10 years and 65 years of age are permitted to watch movies in ne multiplex. For Dathi Properties ‘Contactless food and beverage purchase wansaction and self pick-up from the counter. Decision(s) taken by INOX shall be final and binding Fights of aomiscion reserved

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