Vocabulary Glossary File 1
Vocabulary Glossary File 1
Vocabulary Glossary File 1
1_4th Ed
Student's Book Wordlist
English (EN) Part of Pronunciation Example sentence Spanish (ES) File Section
affectionate adj /əˈfekʃənət/ My children are very affectionate. They always want to hold my hand. cariñoso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
ambitious adj /æmˈbɪʃəs/ She’s very ambitious . She wants to be a top surgeon. ambicioso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
assertive adj /əˈsɜːtɪv/ It’s important to be assertive otherwise you will never get what you want. asertivo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
attractive adj /əˈtræktɪv/ That car’s not very attractive . It’s so square. atractivo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
compassionate adj /kəmˈpæʃənət/ The nurses were kind and compassionate. They looked after me very well. compasivo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
considerate adj /kənˈsɪdərət/ My boyfriend is very considerate. He always thinks about what I would considerado File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
creative adj /kriˈeɪtɪv/ I want to work in a creative profession like advertising or design. creativo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
envious adj /ˈenviəs/ I’m so envious . I really want one of those cars. envidioso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
famous adj /ˈfeɪməs/ She's a famous architect. She won several awards for her work. famoso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
glamorous adj /ˈɡlæmərəs/ You always look so glamorous . How long does it take you to get ready? glamuroso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
helpful adj /ˈhelpfl/ The staff were really helpful . They answered all of my questions. servicial File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
impulsive adj /ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/ Can’t you think about things more carefully? You’re always so impulsive . impulsivo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
loveable adj /ˈlʌvəbl/ He's an energetic and loveable child. He's always so friendly and happy. adorable File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
possessive adj /pəˈzesɪv/ My girlfriend is really possessive . She doesn’t like me talking to other girls. posesivo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
powerful adj /ˈpaʊəfl/ He’s a rich and powerful businessman. poderoso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
rebellious adj /rɪˈbeljəs/ I was really rebellious as a teenager. I never did what my parents wanted. rebelde File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
reliable adj /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ It’s much less stressful working with reliable people. de confianza File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
responsible adj /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ My son is very responsible. I trust him to make the right decisions when he responsable File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
is on his own.
sensible adj /ˈsensəbl/ My daughter is only 14 but she’s very grown up and sensible . sensato File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
sensitive adj /ˈsensətɪv/ Don’t listen to them. You’re always so sensitive about other people’s sensible File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
sociable adj /ˈsəʊʃəbl/ She’s really sociable . She’ll talk to anyone. sociable File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
thoughtful adj /ˈθɔːtfl/ That's so thoughtful of you - thank you! How did you know I wanted a atento File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
passionate adj /ˈpæʃənət/ I'm passionate about engineering. I love studying it. apasionado File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
addictive adj /əˈdɪktɪv/ Coffee is really addictive . I need at least three cups a day. adictivo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
affordable adj /əˈfɔːdəbl/ Rent is so expensive in Britain. For most people, it’s just not affordable . asequible File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
colourful adj /ˈkʌləfl/ I like this colourful t-shirt more than the white one. colorido File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
comfortable adj /ˈkʌmfətəbl/ I don’t care about fashion. I just want to feel comfortable . cómodo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
dangerous adj /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ Everyone drives too fast here. The roads are really dangerous . peligroso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
desirable adj /dɪˈzaɪərəbl/ Everyone wants to live there. It’s a really desirable part of town. codiciada File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
dirty adj /ˈdɜːti/ The room was so dirty that I asked for a different one. sucio File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
easy adj /ˈiːzi/ The test was really easy . I think I’ll get 100%. fácil File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
endless adj /ˈendləs/ It's a beautiful island. There are endless beaches to visit. innumerable File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
expensive adj /ɪkˈspensɪv/ That’s too expensive . Can we look for one that costs less? caro File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
healthy adj /ˈhelθi/ Your diet is really healthy . I eat too much fatty food. saludable File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
impressive adj /ɪmˈpresɪv/ His presentation was really impressive . Everyone was listening for the impresionante File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
whole hour.
luxurious adj /lʌɡˈʒʊəriəs/ They only sell luxurious brands here. You’ll find cheaper things at other de lujo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
messy adj /ˈmesi/ This room is very messy ! Can you clean it? desordenado File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
noisy adj /ˈnɔɪzi/ It’s too noisy in here. I can’t concentrate on my work. ruidoso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
peaceful adj /ˈpiːsfl/ It's quiet and peaceful in my garden. I can't hear any traffic noise. tranquilo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
profitable adj /ˈprɒfɪtəbl/ He’s really rich. He has a very profitable business. rentable File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
recognizable adj /ˈrekəɡnaɪzəbl/ The opera house is an immediately recognizable symbol of the city. reconocible File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
restful adj /ˈrestfl/ It was a calm and restful day. We relaxed outside. tranquilo File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
risky adj /ˈrɪski/ That idea is too risky . You could lose a lot of money. arriesgado File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
spacious adj /ˈspeɪʃəs/ I need a more spacious office. I have too many things for this space. espacioso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
stressful adj /ˈstresfl/ My work is so stressful at the moment that I just can’t relax. estresante File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
successful adj /səkˈsesfl/ He’s one of the most successful actors ever. He has won so many prizes. exitoso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
suitable adj /ˈsjuːtəbl/ Can you find me a more suitable room? This one is too noisy. adecuado File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
useful adj /ˈjuːsfl/ Phones are so useful now. I can do everything I want to on mine. útil File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
careful adj /ˈkeəfl/ She’s really careful with money. She never wastes any. cuidadoso File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
careless adj /ˈkeələs/ He’s really careless . He always breaks things. descuidado File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
hopeful adj /ˈhəʊpfl/ I’m hopeful I’ll get the job, but I won’t know until Monday. confiar File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
hopeless adj /ˈhəʊpləs/ This is hopeless . We’ll never get there on time. no haber esperanza File 1 Vocabulary Banks - Adjective Suffixes
be called /biː kɔːld/ This is my baby. He is called James. llamarse File 1 Names
be short for /biː ʃɔːt fɔː/ Hi! My name is Mike. It is short for Michael. ser el diminutivo de File 1 Names
change (your) name /tʃeɪndʒ jɔː neɪm/ If you don't like it, you can change your name when you are 16. cambiar de nombre File 1 Names
first name n /fɜːst neɪm/ His first name is Edward. His full name is Edward Sheeran. nombre de pila File 1 Names
full name n /fʊl neɪm/ This author had a long name. His full name was John Ronald Reuel nombre y apellidos File 1 Names
initials n pl /ɪˈnɪʃlz/ This writer used her initials on her book: J K Rowling. inicial File 1 Names
maiden name n /ˈmeɪdn neɪm/ Are you married? What was your maiden name before you got married? apellido de soltera File 1 Names
married name n /ˈmærid neɪm/ I used to be called Ellie Smith until I got married. My married name is Ellie apellido de casada File 1 Names
middle name n /ˈmɪdl neɪm/ My daughter's name is Amy Mia Thompson. Mia is her middle name. segundo nombre File 1 Names
name after phr v /neɪm ˈɑːftə/ We're going to name him after my father, Peter. llamar (a alguien) como File 1 Names
nickname n /ˈnɪkneɪm/ His name is Edward, but everyone uses the nickname Ed. apodo File 1 Names
pseudonym n /ˈsjuːdənɪm/ She didn't want to publish the new books under her real name so she used seudónimo File 1 Names
a pseudonym.
beige adj /beɪʒ/ What colour shall we paint the walls? ~ Beige is a neutral colour. beis File 1 More words and phrases in File 1
bright adj /braɪt/ I'm wearing a bright red T-shirt. You'll be able to see me! claro File 1 More words and phrases in File 1
cream adj /kriːm/ Is the dress white? ~ No, it's a bit darker. It's cream . crema File 1 More words and phrases in File 1
dark adj /dɑːk/ What does the tree look like? ~ It has dark green leaves. oscuro File 1 More words and phrases in File 1
khaki adj /ˈkɑːki/ Khaki is a good colour to wear if you want to hide in the fields or by trees. caqui File 1 More words and phrases in File 1
maroon adj /məˈruːn/ I don't want red shoes. I like these maroon shoes. They're slightly darker. granate File 1 More words and phrases in File 1
navy adj /ˈneɪvi/ What colour was your school uniform? ~ We wore navy blue. marino File 1 More words and phrases in File 1
pale/light adj /peɪl/ /laɪt/ My favourite colour is light blue . pálido/claro File 1 More words and phrases in File 1
scarlet adj /ˈskɑːlət/ I've got a red car. It's very bright red - it's scarlet. escarlata File 1 More words and phrases in File 1
turquoise adj /ˈtɜːkwɔɪz/ Do you want to paint your room? ~ Yes, I'd like a turquoise room. I love the turquesa File 1 More words and phrases in File 1
colour blue.
suitcase n /ˈsuːtkeɪs/ How heavy is your suitcase ? We're allowed 15kg. maleta File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
sports bag n /spɔːts bæɡ/ I'll take my sports bag today. I'm going to the gym after work. bolsa de deporte File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
backpack n /ˈbækpæk/ I'm going hiking at the weekend. Can I borrow your big backpack ? mochila File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
rucksack n /ˈrʌksæk/ I'll take a rucksack to carry our water and sunscreen today. mochila File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
dark adj /dɑːk/ My suitcase is dark and it has a pink handle. oscuro File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
light adj /laɪt/ Is this your rucksack? The light one? oscuro File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
greyish blue adj /ˈɡreɪɪʃ bluː/ Can you see my suitcase? It's small and greyish blue . azul grisáceo File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
hard plastic adj /hɑːd ˈplæstɪk/ This is my suitcase - the hard plastic one. It keeps everything safe. plástico duro File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
canvas adj /ˈkænvəs/ I've just bought a new canvas bag to take on holiday. lona File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
synthetic material n /sɪnˈθetɪk I've lost by bag. It's black, medium size and made of synthetic material . material sintético File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
logo n /ˈləʊɡəʊ/ Is this your bag? ~ No, mine has a different logo. logotipo File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
label n /ˈleɪbl/ They put a label on my suitcase to show that it is heavy and difficult to etiqueta File 1 Practical English - describing luggage
It's lovely to see you. /ɪts ˈlʌvli tu siː It's lovely to see you. Did you have a good journey? Me alegro de verte. File 1 Social English
It's great to see you, too. /ɪts ɡreɪt tu siː juː It's lovely to see you. ~ Thanks. It's great to see you, too. Yo también me alegro de verte. File 1 Social English
Let me take that. /let miː teɪk ðæt/ Let me take that. It looks heavy. Permíteme que te ayude. File 1 Social English
weird adj /wɪəd/ I've never seen that message before. It's weird , isn't it? raro File 1 Social English
miss v /mɪs/ I really miss you. When are you coming to see me? echar de menos File 1 Social English
That's awful. /ðæts ˈɔːfl/ That's awful. Everything has gone wrong today. Es horroroso. File 1 Social English
It's not your day /ɪts nɒt jɔː deɪ/ It's not your day, is it? Maybe tomorrow will be better. Hoy no es tu día File 1 Social English
Oh wow! /əʊ waʊ/ Oh wow! I forgot that I packed this. That's great. ¡Oh, vaya! File 1 Social English