metals and alloys like nickel, copper and iron that are known traps. Factors like the shape and the size of the feeder and
for high melting temperature. The process starts with the feeder neck, location of the feeder, insulating sleeves and
molten metal poured into a sand mould and allowing it to covers, fins and chills have been taken into account in
solidify at room temperature. The sand mould is then broken designing the feeder system to avoid shrinkage defects at
and the final finished casting product is removed. Fig.2 shows different regions [20]. At the same time, a perfect gating
the various steps and components involved in the sand casting system can ensure smooth, complete and uniform filling with
process. Previous research work shows defects such as less time enabling detection and elimination of many defects
improper pattern, wrong gating system, poor of sand quality,
molten metal composition affecting the performance of the B. Based on component orientation of gating system
sand cast products [13-14]. The main purpose of introducing the gating system is to
connect a number of casting cavities for achieving higher
productivity [20]. On the other hand, in the horizontal feeding
system, the symmetrical arrangement of gating was found
more suitable for a thick wall casting, exhibiting uniform
temperature distribution, flow and air entrainment. In
addition, the simulation results show the possibility of a 30%
reduction in rejection arising from feeding system related
defects. Researchers have also analyzed the defects after the
machining on plate at various thicknesses 5 and 10 mm
components using ultrasonic test results [21] and found no pin
holes or gas porosity. The results have exhibited
achievements of a good surface finish of the product using a
Fig. 2 Steps and components of sand casting process. dry sand mould. On the other hand, the percentage of porosity
Further, parameters like the grain size and bonding material was found to be low in the case of air-set sand mould
are also found to play a significant role in achieving a quality compared to other types of sand mould. Further, air-set sand
casting product [15-16]. However, the design of the feeding moulds produced class thin-walled sand cast components of
system is identified as the key factor for producing good below 1.5 mm thickness with the use of the combined effect of
quality parts with the least cost. However, the selection of an additive layer manufacturing and casting simulation
effective feeding option is no easy job due to variations from techniques [22].
component to component, requiring an extensive trial and
error process [17]. C. Based on Gating and Riser Location
A research work was carried out on the runner design (main
A. Significance of feeding system in casting process and side runner) in obtaining defect free quality product.
It is well a known fact that the efforts of all the small scale Modification in the straight runner as a tapered runner and a
sand casting industries are towards achieving quality products reduction in oxide layers were found. The straight runner flow
at a low cost. Consideration of the design of the gating system allows air entrainment and produces uneven filling shown in
is inevitable for achieving success in this task [18]. Fig.4 Increased filling ratio and uniform metal entry were
Accordingly, industries are trying with 'Right the First Time' observed in the tapered runner flow. A change in the fillet
approach to minimize time consumption. However, radius of tapered runner was done automatically using design
attainment of this in the real time sand casting process is no optimization with MAGMASOFT. Further, different
easy task. Hence, lots of trial and error methods are still being optimization goals were used for achieving a quality product
undertaken by small scale industries. with minimum production time through control over the
various manufacturing parameters like geometric feeder
system (location and shape and size of runner, gate, riser) and
chills [18]. In one of the works, the gating system design was
done for eliminating the oxide layer and sand inclusion that
occurred due to the existence of the turbulence flow.
Experiments were carried out using two different gating
designs, namely, the pressurized gating system (PGS) and the
new version gating system (NVGS) for achieving this. Fig.5
shows the defects in the casting were analysed with the
support of a simulator software. Results indicate melt velocity
Fig.3. Elements of a typical gating system [20]. as one of the critical factors leading to the formation of oxide
layer based on the type of flow. Accordingly, casting products
On the other hand, large scale industries have started formed by NVGS design do not exhibit any oxide layers and
implementing the simulation techniques which are found to be sand inclusion defects. This was eventually confirmed from
less time consuming in the selection of the optimum the final inspection using a scanning electron microscope and
parameters for appropriate condition. In the forthcoming Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy analysis [23].
section, various designs of gating systems are discussed with
the support of experimental and simulation results [19]. Fig.3
shows the casting components with the experimental set up of
a runner, liquid basin, sprue, well runners, gates and slag
flow rate through the four gates. The results have led the in molten metal took place due to the back follow dynamics
selection of appropriate material for correct gating system which trigged the refilling of the unfilled volume and thus
from the simulation model various condition as reported by wastages of material can be minimized by 11% [35].
researchers [20]. The same research group have referred to an
earlier case of the study of numerical simulation of flow of III. KEY FINDINGS FROM SAND CASTING PROCESS IN
water and aluminum alloy LM6 through a multi-gate gating VARIOUS ASPECTS
system which has been pictorially represented [31]. Results
showed increase in the discharge of molten metal 1.7 times A. Surface roughness
that of water. They have analyzed eleven sets of iteration with Sand grain fineness and poring temperatures are also
different gating systems using the end sprue arrangement. being identified as the factors affecting the surface
Researchers have designed a novel multigate by connecting roughness in the sand casting process [16].
three gates in various 3D-L junctions with the runner. This The surface quality was seen as depending mainly on the
design shows the velocity of the stream as equal even with the type of the sand used in the casting process.
occurrence of pressure drops. The coefficient of discharge Accordingly, air-set sand have been found exhibiting
(Cd) for the single (L1 - junction) and multi - gate runner better surface finish compared to other sands namely,
system was also measured. In both cases, the Cd values were dry sand and sodium silicate sand [22].
almost the same and followed the fiction loss of 30% The type of molten metal flow during mould filling has a
applicable for all the filling system. The filling time for this major influence on surface quality. Accordingly, the
conduction was 1.43 time longer than friction free condition formation of vortex flow leads to the increasing surface
[32]. roughness which is seen occurring due to the mould
erosion. Hence it is important to avoid vortex flow type
to obtain the smooth surface finish [36]
B. Geometric modifications
The design of a tapered runner and an increasing runner
radius can avoid uneven metal entry into the component
and eliminate the formation of oxide layers [19].
Horizontal feeder: It enables getting minimum
solidification and air entrainment defects, which are
observed via ultrasonic testing of rectangular shaped X
metal casting component [21].
Fig. 8 (a) Water flow experimental setup and Mould assembly In four cavity pressure plate application, the major
for metal pouring [20]. design changes like increasing the poring cup area are
known for automatic decreases in metal pressure,
In one of the studies, the filling process on sand casting
reduction in the runner thickness caused change in the
product of AC4C material was monitored through in-situ
flow in turbulence to laminar flow [23].
process using X-Ray apparatus. Results indicated minor
Single down spure feeder design can lead to a reduction
effects from change made in the liquid melt flow based on
in cold shut shrinkage and crack formation defects
back pressure of gas in the mould cavity for the pressurized
compared to the two down sprue system in the case of
feeding system and sand mould with perfect air permeability
steel part valve body [27]
Proper positioning of chills and risers facilitates uniform
The importance of feed path with respect to the distribution of temperature during the solidification
solidification process and generation of hotspot was discussed process. This can minimize shrinkage defects [37].
through the use of a new model called gradient vector method Shrinkage porosity is reduced due to minor changes at
[34]. The results of analysis of this method were compared outer radius, inner radius, thickness, length, angle and
with those of the other two methods, namely, Modules chamber for the L, V and Box shape LM25 component
Vectors Method (MVM) and Level Set Method (LSM). [38].
Though, MVM and LVM models exhibited good agreement
C. Numerical Simulation
with the experimental results revealing the hot spot mobility,
Gradient Vector Method (GVM) was found to be superior due In the case of mass production, uneven metal entry can
to the benefits of time saving, yield optimization and be minimized through proper selection of the optimum
suitability for multi junction casting with respect to various runner design using MAGMASOFT simulation software
boundary conditions [34]. The faster rate of filling system for which is also used for analysis of the filling time and air
entrainment [19] in the cast product. The simulation
GVM and other simulation results obtained through LSM.
results for different metal castings using the gating
The reduction in wastage of Co- Cr-W alloy for a selected
mould design was discussed using ANSYS®FLUENT flow
simulation. Results indicated the role played by the variation The mobility of hot spot and temperature distribution
in the design of gating system and gate location in the casting can be analyzed with the use of Auto-Cast X1 software,
quality, minimizing the metal wastage, increasing the refilling which was demonstrated in rectangular wear plate with
character and avoid the unfilled errors. The changes in the the effect of varying location of feeder design [21].
extension of riser gate fillet radius can facilitate back pressure Similarly, FLOW Cast
and, in turn, eliminate unfilling errors also. As a result, a rise software can also be used
for identifying the hot spot and the solidification process A. Angle gate
[22]. This simulation results showed good agreement This can be used for specific applications. Regarding the
with the experimental results for the application of the design, the structure of the angle gate (Refer Fig.9 a) is almost
engine block. equal to that of the edge gate but this provides a small angle of
MAGMA software was found to be an efficient tool for inclination with respect to horizontal. Normally, this gate is
identifying a suitable gating type which can help attached to the component at the machined edge to enable
reduction in the formation of turbulence flow [23]. filling the hot spot first.
Further, factors like mould filling time, velocity of
casting, porosity and identification of hot spot can also B. Center gate
be simulated using this software [30]. The center gating system is appropriate only for the
Solidification sequence, solid fraction time and components with a thicker cross section at the center and the
temperature distribution were analyzed using Flow 3D extension of center lever. The center gating is simple in
software for break disc and flywheel application. construction and can produce a higher yield compared to the
previous two gating systems (Fig.9 c). However, the quality of
NOVACAST software was used for identifying the the product is found to be not up-to the expected level of
volume flow rate and filling time [31] in LM6 cast
accuracy due to the existence of turbulence and uneven
filling. Further, it can be used only in some special cases
The optimum gating design and gating location can be where the component has the machining surface only at the
identified using ANSYS FLUENT simulation software top face.
which would help to enhance the yield [35].
ProCast software was used for simulating the heat flux C. Edge gate
and heat transfer coefficient of the cast component. Use Gating system of this type has a simple structure connected to
of this software, helps finding good accuracy in the component through the front face of the edge gate (Refer
simulation result for the heat conduction study in Fig.9 e). Edge gate design can facilitate smooth flow of metal
cylindrical casting model [39]. and can therefore, minimize the formation of hot spots and
The dynamic poring method was seen as better than the eliminate porosity and holes defects. This design is well
ProCast simulation results obtained from the top and suited specifically for plate shape components having smaller
bottom poring methods. This is a movable gating system thickness (approx. < 25 mm thick).
which can be positioned at the top of liquid metal
surface [40].
ProCast simulation was carried out on WE54
magnesium alloy with the effect of different riser
diameter. Results showed 60 mm riser diameter with the
riser length of 80 mm length riser as the most suitable
ProCast software with the simulation of sand casting
process. The simulation results, showed the slot gate
system exhibiting a better performance than the bottom
gating system with respect to solidification and
shrinkage porosity [42].
The simulation result was one of the important aspect of
the cast research. Reduction in casting defects like
shrinkage porosity, blowhole and pinholes present in the
case of contact wheel were found through the selection
of a proper optimum feeder design with the help of
AutoCast simulation software which leads to the
Fig. 9 Geometric structure of (a) Angle gate, (b) Cut section
optimum yield of the casting [43].
of Angle gate, (c) Centre gate, (d) Cut section of centre gate,
(e) Edge gate, (f) Ring gate and (g) Cut section of ring gate.
D. Ring gate
A detailed review process, led to the observation of only few It is suitable only for cylindrical components like pinion
research focus on the study of molten metal velocity can leads housing (pipe shape components). It goes into the selection of
to minimum the casting defects such as oxide layers, internal other types of gating systems for the cylindrical components
cracks, flow marks and porosity. The manufacture of thin wall which create flow marks, porosity and below hollows defects.
sand casting product has been found to be limited, requiring Generally, the design and structure of the gating for
further attention towards achieving optimum pouring manufacture are complicated. Fig.9 f, demonstrates the usage
temperature and riser and gate location. Achievement of this of ring gate in circular components. In the case of edge gate
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I.Rakumar, received the Degree in mechanical
engineering and master degee in CADCAM, He is a
Associate Professor of mechanical engineering,
Kalasalinagm Academy of Research and Education,
Krishnankoil, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, India.
research areas of interest metal casting.