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from theory to practice


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I. Introduction to information security (models of

II. Cryptology: cryptography and cryptanalysis;
III. Course profile;
IV. References;
V. Examination.
I. Shannon model for information
• Claude Elwood Shannon (April 30, 1916 – February 24, 2001) published, in
1949, Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems discussing cryptography from
the viewpoint of information theory.
Shannon model for information
transmission - cont
Information security attributes
• Confidentiality;
• Integrity;
• Authenticity;
• Non-repudiation;
• Availability.
Model for security
Cryptographic algorithms are mathematical objects used in cryptographic
modules (software, firmware and/or hardware) . These crypto-modules are used to design
cryptographic products (applications and/or devices). The cryptographic products are used
to protect data in communication systems or in specific applications.


Cryptographic Module


Application / System
II. Cryptology
Some example: crypto algorithms
• Cryptographic algorithms ensure: confidentiality
and integrity (authentication, non repudiation and
protection against errors) of the data;
• Two type of algorithms: asymmetric (two
different keys, one for encryption another for
decryption, based on the computational difficulty
of several problems: e.g. RSA [factoring], ElGamal
[discreet log problem] and their extension to Elliptic
curves) and symmetric (the same key used for
encryption and decryption, e.g. AES).
Symmetric ciphers: block and stream

Block cipher Stream ciphers

No internal state Internal state
Message Encrypted message
Key function n Additive stream cipher General stream cipher
n ((Pseudo)random key generator
Encrypted message memory
Plain message + + Plain message

Asymmetric ciphers: example RSA
USER A: Open directory
Na = pa . qa A Nb = p b . q b
pa . qa tow secret large primes Na pb . qb tow secret large primes
φ(Na) = (pa-1).(qa -1) Ea
φ(Nb) = (pb-1).(qb -1)
Ea = open key of A B
Nb Eb = open key of B
Da = Ea-1 [mod φ(Na) ] Eb Db = Eb-1 [mod φ(Nb) ]

A signs Document M to B:
Da (M,S) Ea Da Ea
M = S (A signes M) S =M =M’ (Verify M’=M)
gcd (Ea , φ(Na) ) = 1 gcd (Eb , φ(Nb) ) = 1
Practical example: Challenge-Response
Identification Mechanism
Setup : Agree on a secret key Ki
and one-way function F
Prover A Verifier
Ki Ki Rv

Who are you? : proof by using Rv that you know Ki Generate random value R
Auth request (Challenge)
RES=F(Rt, Ki, Rv)

I am A, and this is the proof: RES, Rt ?

If RES = F(Ki, Rt, Rv)
(Response) then accept
Course profile
• Classic ciphers: Cesar, substitutions, Playfair, Hill,
polyalphabetic,transpositions, mixed systems;
• Statistics: estimation and statistical tests;
• Algebra: Computation in Galois field, Chinese
Remainder Theorem etc.;
• Pseudorandom generators;
• Symmetric ciphers: AES candidate ciphers;
• Asymmetric ciphers: Merkle-Hellmann, RSA,
ElGamal, EC;
• Cryptographic protocols: Diffie-Hellmann;
• Cryptousage (PKI, e-mail security, IPSEC etc.);
• Evaluation versus cracking.
• J. Menezes and P. C. van Oorschot and S. A.
Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC
Press, fifth edition, ISBN 9780849385230, 2001.
• B. Scheneier, Applied Cryptography: Protocols,
Algorithms, and Source Code in C, John Wiley &
Sons, Second Edition, ISBN 0-471-12845-7, 1996.
• D. Naccache and E. Simion, Information security
and Cryptology. Applications, MATRIX ROM,
ISBN 978-973-755-675-2 , 2011.
• D. Stinson, Cryptography Theory and Practice,
CRC Press, Third edition, ISBN 9781584885085,
• Proposal: write an essay of max 3 pages
about your experience in information
• Others proposals?
• Now let’s decide!
Thank you for your attention!

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