Determination of Salt Content in Crude Oil, Turbine Oil and Some Refinery Products Volumetrically

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Print ISSN: 0974-2115 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Determination of salt content in crude oil, turbine oil and some refinery
products volumetrically
*Qasim Y. Mohammed
Erbil Polytechnic University, Koya Technical Institute, Oil Technology Department, Erbil, Iraq
* Corresponding author: E-Mail: [email protected]
Salts (as chloride) in crude oil, diesel, kerosene, gasoline and turbine oil was determined. The samples under
this study collected from different places in Kurdistan region, Iraq.
The extraction process occurs in toluene, mixture of absolute and acetone using dual extraction apparatus at
60°C for 20 minutes, finally the chlorides was determined volumetrically.
The final results for various samples show a salt content (ppm) of crude oil (307.32 – 441.58) ppm, diesel
(19.68 – 579.27) ppm, kerosene (102.02 – 531.94) ppm, gasoline (92.76 – 563.76) ppm, turbine oil (recycled)
30.77 ppm and turbine oil (used) 324.55 ppm.
KEY WORDS: Crude oil, Turbine Oil, Refinery Products, Dual Extraction.
The presence of salt in the crude oil leads to several problems during transporting and the refining processes,
including corrosion of lines, fouling, and also the deactivation of catalysts employed at the refinery (Al-otaibi, 2003).
The chemical composition of these salts varies, but the major portion is nearly always: Sodium chloride, lesser
amounts of calcium chloride, and Magnesium Chloride (Erik Fetter Pruneda, 2005).
In petroleum industry, there is great variation in salt content oil depending on the source and the producing
wells or zones within field (Mohameda, 2003).
The most common methods used to measure salt content in petroleum industry are: Classical Mohr’s method
(IP 77, 1972), Potentiometric method (ASTM D-6470, 2015), and Electrometric method (ASTM D-3230, 2013).
The concentration of sodium chloride as a contaminant depends on: Fuel additives, Water content in the
system, and the sodium salt involved in the system. This method is reasonably accurate; rapid and since only one
extraction is required.
Tested samples: Samples from different fuel stations of crude oil, diesel, kerosene, gasoline and turbine oil at (Erbil,
Sulaimania and Koya, Kurdistan region, Iraq) tested to determine the salts concentration using dual extraction
apparatus from Linetronic Technologies (Switzerland).
Reagents: Toluene from (Aldrich - Sigma ), Absolute ethanol from (Aldrich - Sigma), Acetone from (BDH), 5 N
Nitric Acid from (BDH) , 0.05 N Potassium Thiocyanate from (Scharlau), 0.05 N Silver Nitrate from (Merck) and
Ferric ammonium sulphate (Ferric Alum Indicator) from (Merck).
Procedure of test: The crude oil salt removal was carried out using a dual glass extraction apparatus from Linetronic
Technologies (Switzerland) which is specially designed in accordance with the IP 77 (1972), (Smith, 1992). The
extraction apparatus consists of a 500 ml boiling flask, Hopkins reflux condenser with aspirator, thistle tube, heating
tube, 250W heating coil and 400ml Pyrex beaker.
In most experiments, 80 g of the sample Weighed into a 250 ml beaker and heat it to 60°C. Heat 40 ml of
toluene to the same temperature and add it slowly to the sample with constant stirring until solution is complete.
Transfer this solution quantitatively to the flask of the extraction apparatus through the thistle tube, and wash it in
with two 15 ml portions of toluene, each at about 60°C.
Without allowing the mixture in the flask to cool, add 25 ml of hot absolute ethanol and 15 ml of hot acetone.
Boil the mixture vigorously for 2 minutes, remove the source of heat and when boiling has ceased add 125 ml of
distilled water. Boil the mixture for a further 15 minutes.
Allow the phases to cool and separate. Draw off the lower layer and filter it, if necessary, through a Whitman
No.41 or equivalent filter paper (because some alcohol and acetone remain dissolved in the toluene phase, the volume
of extract available is taken as 160 ml.
Measure into a beaker 100 ml of the extract and add 5 ml (5 N) of the nitric acid. Cover the beaker with a
clock-glass and bring the contents to the boil. Test the vapours periodically for hydrogen sulphide with lead-acetate
paper and continue to boil for a further 5 minutes after a negative result is obtained. Cool and then rinse the contents
of the beaker into a titration flask with distilled water. Add 10 ml of isopropyl alcohol and 3 ml of ferric alum
From a burette add 0.5 ml of the 0.05 N thiocyanate solution. Titrate the mixture with 0.05 N silver nitrate
solution to a colorless end point, agitating the contents of the flask continuously, and add an excess, of 5 ml of the
silver nitrate. Stopper the flask and shake it vigorously for 15 seconds to coagulate the precipitate.
January - March 2017 34 JCPS Volume 10 Issue 1
Print ISSN: 0974-2115 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Titrate slowly with the thiocyanate solution until the end point is approached, as indicated by slower fading of the
red coloration. Shake the flask again and continue the titration drop-wise until a red coloration persists after vigorous
shaking. Make a blank titration by repeating the procedure, replacing the 80 g of sample with 95 ml of toluene.
The determination of salt content on crude oil and its products its product is an important task, the extraction
procedure used for this purpose involved using of an extracting solvent such as toluene, xylene and others, as a
consequence, a good homogenous condition in the mixture must be satisfied (Montserrat Fortuny, 2008).
The extraction procedure involving heating of very viscous samples may represent a risk to the experimental
setup. The increased viscosity of the sample means that a totally mixing energy needed to keep the homogeneity at
the same desired level (Qasim, 2013).
Toluene is recommended as a diluent for the oil, since it has good solvent action on most petroleum’s, with
consequent low fire and poison hazards, and a low specific gravity. The efficiency of salt extraction by this method
depends greatly on the agitation given to the mixture after addition of the water (Jakoby, 2004).
The shaking time of 5 minutes given in the above procedure had been found sufficient to extract at least 95
percent of the salt from even the most difficult samples. Usually, in the usually, in oil salt content determination,
extremely accurate analyses are not required, and some sacrifice may be made in accuracy in order to permit a rapid
determination (Jim Barker, 2013). Controlling the temperature during procedure is a very delicate job, because
heating will decrease viscosity and reduce the continues phase viscosity (Abdulfatai Jimoh, 2004).
Any excessive heat might lead to evaporation, which results not only in a loss of oil volume, but also in a
reduction in price because of decrease in the API gravity (Fortuny, 2007).
Salts in emulsion sometimes come in solid crystalline form, so, the need to dilution with freshwater to dissolve these
crystals and dilution has become a necessity in desalting processes (Al-Otaibi, 2010).
The results of cumulative salt contents obtained using this procedure for all samples are displayed in Tables
1, 2,3,4,5 and figures 1,2,3,4 and 5.
Table.1. Salt content in different samples of diesel as % NaCl and ppm NaCl
No. Sample % NaCl ppm NaCl
1 K- Energy 0.02045 171.570
2 Iran – 1 0.027465 231.8065
3 Iran – Inzily 0.01636 137.9136
4 Sulaimaniah 0.014025 117.8116
5 Baz – Erbil 0.007468 579.270
6 Bakor – Erbil 0.015778 90.2966
7 Kawergousik 0.001690 19.684
8 Aso – Koya 0.003693 43.9269
9 Koya – 1 0.005843 52.4994

Figure.1. Flow chart shows salt content in diesel samples

Table.2. Salt content in different samples of turbine oil as % NaCl and ppm NaCl
No. Sample % NaCl ppm NaCl
1 Turbine oil ( recycled) 0.00350 30.7715
2 Turbine oil ( used) 0.0374 324.558

January - March 2017 35 JCPS Volume 10 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 0974-2115 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Figure.2. Flow chart shows salt content in turbine oil (as recycled and used) samples
Table.3. Salt content in different samples of gasoline as % NaCl and ppm NaCl
No. Sample % NaCl ppm NaCl
1 Houger – Erbil 0.02454 181.806
2 Amraz – Koya 0.07596 563.765
3 Sulaimaniah -1 0.01227 92.765
4 Sulaimaniah -2 0.05726 436.454

Figure.3. Flow chart shows salt content in gasoline samples

Table.4. Salt content in different samples of crude oil as % NaCl and ppm NaCl
No. Sample % NaCl ppm NaCl
1 TT – 02 oil field 0.03564 307.325
2 TT-15 oil field 0.04149 326.534
3 Ainzala oil field 0.04850 441.587
4 Khormala oil field 0.04382 408.220
TT- Taq Taq area in Kurdistan region – Iraq

Figure.4. Flow chart shows salt content in crude oil samples

Table.5. Salt content in different samples of kerosene as % NaCl and ppm NaCl
No. Sample % NaCl ppm NaCl
1 Koya – 1 0.01285 102.021
2 Koya – 2 0.03272 259.271
3 Sulaimaniah -1 0.06723 531.949
4 Ranya 0.04090 324.089

Figure.5. Flow chart shows salt content in kerosene samples

January - March 2017 36 JCPS Volume 10 Issue 1
Print ISSN: 0974-2115 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
The salt content as NaCl (as % and ppm) in crude oil, turbine oil and some refinery products (kerosene,
diesel and gasoline) was determined, by extraction and then, titration. The samples were collected from different
places at Kurdistan region, Iraq.
Insincerely thank for the Koya technical institute, Oil technology, chemical analyzing department, for
providing the necessary infrastructural facilities during my research.
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