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Introduction to Digital Marketing ee Marketing | understand the meaning of digital marketing ® recognize the factors that led to growth of digital marketing. > state the importance of digital marketing > identify the scope of digital marketing j > differentiate between traditional marketing and digital marketing 1.1 Introduction Internet and Communication technology is vastly changing the way we live. It has made the whole ‘world more accessible and connected than ever. Internet has also changed the way businesses are done and opened up various opportunities in the field of product development, service delivery, customer ‘connect and most importantly marketing, Research also indicates that most purchasers research online before making a final purchase. ‘The internet has allowed businesses to sell without the risk of setting ‘up a’physical shop. They can sct up their own website with negligible cost and get connected to their ‘customers. It has also become easier for businesses to connect with their customers, connect with ‘potential customers, understand the market wave and redesign their products and ee ae Social media has provided another way to reach and connect with the customers. Along wit —— aor Arne aoa a =a Lddde © deidd 1.4 Growth of Di re tal marketiog h lucton of supportive polis digtal Ind rare ndurty is expected to grow st 2 CAGR of 1.6 Scope of Digitol Marketing ig maring ha wie pe ay ct et 8 hl argon! ig a aches ie, Ton Ds tedemlying aus its ital matingt perte encsrncn neste (ROD). Dig arkting inlodes following aspects: ? ~ Website Planing and Development ‘Seven main steps of web development. 1) Information Gathering a ‘Planning (Defining purpose: goals of website), te ro sport espe co customers: Ot at pe soapy ene gel oes ay cenk ABE 7, Retablishing 22 Omalchanncl Mazketing Strat ligt marketing ‘igtal marketing platforms ft isalso important fategy i develop an 0 |. Maintaining Brand image: Becavse ofthe ince Challenging forthe businesses to maintain connect with | presence. Iti important to identify and highlight he wn rand, Maintaining customer connect, providing ged fe the most dopants sad te 0 tion and seat tang sna hve vy ‘hab mae ih ac emai, “sb msn (da Bap The Bj bb "Thre canbe sue ‘retenladshae cated int poset ie ¢ CCK ode (IIPII I 4. Economic factors The wl oni wn ete at et and er ase te eo errupren be dome seb been FTE user oh mire and mco rt rer econ Ce ae ac and thar eye 8 making tod gy te oc Per rere cars are nerstats change rates Rese ofan, Taxes Boman : 13 Types ot Digit Marketing Digs Masiting canbe ominous teense merece AM OS ator pa a ot fhe es, a reese eugene a a ga me |e PELL IPO eam og oma [BED alo bas longer sles cycles and {o build customer knowledge. Provic castomers longer 4. Detailed Description vs. Broad Des ‘B28 marketing regres detaled descrip service beings before aking Purchase ‘ecruse pene companies arto a rery hr and dpc mysage ae requratome cea + tnonde to formalate an elective to adres BOB costomers with tango Wich ae SHAKT ps 55. Rational vs. Emotional ‘Decision are bated on rationally and logic. Thus itis ery import eres Jogi return an investments. Whereas pers are more spontaneous ad \ ‘based on emotional value of Online Buyer Behaviour + 2nd Models pac. a ” ———— Learning Oui > understand the vario oe contributing towaeds online ious types . consumers and the factors contsbuting 7 > identify the factors lea: 10 good a mer experience ictors leading to good an 16 0 good and bad consumer experi determine the relationshi te lstonship herween technology and Cuormer Relations Management | 3.1 The Marketing Strategy : Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning & Differentiation “The objective of marketing isto create value addition for the customers and build profitable customer relationships to achieve customer retention. Now, the question arises before the marketers that how does the company create value addition for the customers? ‘The answer is through “marketing strategy. ‘The next possible question may be what kind of marketing strategy shouldbe designed? The answer to this would be definitely a target marketing strategy that must focus on customers needs and wants Tis | target marketing strategy is also referred as “customer-driven marketing strategy’. Seeeeeratannanisnenennsnnsnn== >on aaa) eres eer deren marking snicgy te tow STP Nh 1 at Senn > cgi Suez ay atin aor cro ae ‘aa ‘asfes ete It is also not probtable for ee hts en Snr rs a a ‘Siti ees tv serene aint caninng ic mts coin ne eck spent ome | oe aoe ye atrpmee oker sedans ee oar on am 4 Spi Ferme poem a8 Os BS ES son amb Epi : en eae Benefits of STP Marketing folowing are the key considers in resting an STP markting rato he een ime oe | 7 mewn avaiable ater ad ser eae for defining a market Hike os «Industry wise lassifcation (ike ariclture, etal transportation 6 © Product wise clusion ik, health and beauty, food and beer) © Country wise lassi (ike nd, Avsteal,ct=) | srpmannerin srearecy: PROCESS | = E9-C tncAcomessorenenscneerct_| ) | ray niacivanse coh Semon D ‘Soo Togs auense mus cleat define dhe oa vale) markt fervent © etc rkner there are severalroney that cabs HOKE HONS Seer Ea=ar=r5 DECC ERE rors a a een cnt ‘Marketing mis hasbeen discus i etal afer the STR "The STP process company in eting hemo abe come aa SRE products and marketing ommnications that zp ose cose 3.2 The Internet andthe Marketing Nix Jerome McCarthy fst proposed the oder for fhe Pine Ys the book nied, ae ee atiog A Manan Approac. Thee fur abe Soc proved andard meh ot voy ens seperate 16 ies \ hice inthe ontine marketing mix means A ae th cise rn eet os roe ar Pe ae ne en nt det et one os “Seca ine Produc Sy and exfral Silence ‘The first P in online dng mice product A prod Delete oem ceca n ix While developing allowing questions: Prt Pee ate : eS Bat ce mca ike throat sume Soe arte earemeace re ere cetera ssenet be Wp yer yu TSS oer or nm pel mph +SEE Sen yor cmon ae mre any ere or pent cep yo AE SSTR tegen ony on engin nanny aaa os woe woe a ces oa a | Taraneh tiicnacan : RS) ra erence ratte tiring BS | psy foc meta sara wn bentnne of canens tor a yaa unter ae ae erred oe selscnsloy eget tena ten "oo ame camp chert pal Scone csr pment Mem a i eet Seen tris oor a rach wich Gea wi evens aR focvsent se Website Planning and Development eve Domain = ce: Cony cote For tcc whos oes ar hati posse Testor isa oe ma ‘se balan Ser i fants or meh gang nd ope. og a Forenming secs boing te . 1) Understand your target audience and fale keywords ga ven Tak vers your bn fetes eee sce cnet epi eS arnt cen TD) Desig Gots THe ces atc be evn er oaths catcur coe -_Somemmrarvomingod ir eather Content Testing content testing” odie for whom e or tt wi oes Tureen ora bt woe oda a ene nimenten He vanes of 201 cin of oma 1 eer oe ae eT a, tnt be ee sein ever ania ct met tn ee scam een See eat , forgone web besing 1) Senet 0 agentes (s\ internet Marketing munication pouron youre wie sao ase ee FOE SS even sting Sepewe come Ser See i he ep at and My PPE co Ly em that oy Tian Srmnicae wie ie ender 1 ans commie Si Se ct ee cen yhoo. ser endo ‘\ cin and commen 2g en ne ee te =| rst ac ate timarenmnn eh ie ma 8 = «ual ret OF OUP S| ent oe pac toma re an conn er hg ya Peace eran Berented adlences ad to boos th Pe ie busine we i toe ea Sh emer tnconred parrot : ah erica ce ype ni nr Se cnr te are ec e at Tn en eon any rh Fe EE ead riyoesigeremenens, SP vet ine eia omi Su cara een | eta ee cee agus an iets oe ean ee nina «| Rs Kee ce tes ema tee pa cee aac wana {eer Mime a website asby mere Here sos pny * os uch 5 oe Pu te te Ia lage umber of 5 Jar eet etait e ant ere a een wih oe, ei as and Fh nation management i etion mam ne tds = ‘Online PR: Online public relat word a mouth and decreasing ot manag ET arity of activites organized and se "erin compancs 1 Premate ee ee a rt i eal Loa Se econ oe ot ae te ere ise et Sa aac a aa met Ferg oat eae ean Pee green ee enter cena OSL “t aero ree pe aa Reise oe PT 2 a wrk eae mao rem ure eu a pons att ccna cn d earn cnn cena Serbs Tana) 0 se tos of e mag Met meena her epee cn wane ce cl ara the yen of he company Ht cen ne ivi se Tecan nr once na es TT hel eee re ge me et ely gee the be el 1 corde ye ae mae Neandshae coe ern te hip te Sine Tren etn ea, pvr renin me wate be yey ets ed 2 Rianne sac ed tenant el ai “chara een cad OWS {na Marking te a sey Sabet gata eA a oo ee i ee 2) Keep your ma aan ooh ‘ re een a you oor cig tne I es abe ae aa 6) Auto automaticaly cpsure sharing te menage Yl a share pes chcig, one can sat Seaver 2 iecan work © 1) Now sberbe Sorany ofthe ved Ema Wh eal = ay ravide teaingma 5) Tracking of dts: Te Toundertand at Tike greetings on Birth Eien collected from that 10038 Pe? : 4) Driver for Bosiness Growth & 2, campaigns ca fou enterprises rotary channel to 2a therefore be said that 2 eee for busines Er 9) Open Rate: i jefereall marketing aE Gr how many cus fom According 1 Bt oe onstesed ia on Mund that tbe averaBe OP reitwas aiso found und fue weicome emai PP as a as iS se igh A bets can nue et tao colect nd eve emg ‘ifemation from the customers 5; aa ee 10) Custome! toget Silt pegs ere re aay eee re id hemselves, wide entertaining and aia viel marting 6 hod fox promoting ausinessranacit I creating awazenes of You) i the busines slobll | smatketing accordingly. 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Types of Blogs eves wih a cnbinton og core rane nape hem beet mrt tae or qatomers eye anata tae atone and cantly em muchbener ay | 5) Social Media Posts: Social media patos rae ter, Linkedin and Tots help businessesreach So a cfootenesaaaldbete réaton 19) Gifs nnd Memes: You must have ren people SIE Me oe come My Dole Se proved sees cin popolareutar, They ave become th among ought ype of coment ark ‘om the network today 10) Podcast: Podcasting ges you sharing one of thei favorite ment vend she perm ce et oe bn th ie mined or cal Podcasting provides = great wy 10 sn stener ca =} 704 COS seetine He deving. riding the en, work 5 uanranang unaligned arbcme seating Link ing i cng imei conten ‘Secon dou ea eed cont thot ti “TORE paar ist et cast anor ee hey sank bins + Sina rerio eg eerie Set sf not fies oe +. 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