10.2478 - Eoik 2019 0022
10.2478 - Eoik 2019 0022
10.2478 - Eoik 2019 0022
2 2019
ISSN 2303-5005
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics, Bosnia and Herzegovina
This paper presents the application of the multiple regression analysis model in macroeconomic
research using the model of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period from 2005 to 2018. The objective
of the research is to evaluate the effects of macroeconomic factors (independent variables) to gross
domestic product (dependent variable), and based on theoretical and methodological research.
Applying the Enter method, out of six independent variables, they are all included in the regression
model, whereas the sequence of inclusion in the model is the following: foreign direct investments,
Import, Export, Growth rate, unemployment and inflation. Numerous research indicate positive
connection between gross domestic product as the dependent variable and foreign direct
investments, Import, Export, Growth rate, unemployment and inflation, as independent variables.
Other factors negligibly explain the most important indicator of economic activities of a country.
Our assignment is to either confirm or reject the abovementioned statement.
Gross domestic product, multiple regression linear model, Enter method, determination coefficient.
JEL: C44
Numerous factors have effect on economic growth and country development, and one of the most
important ones is gross domestic product (GDP). On the other hand, many factors also influence the
gross domestic product. The selection of these factors represents a subjective issue of the decision-
maker and the analyst (researcher). Besides these, there are also other factors important for the
functioning of economies: market openness, offer and demand for goods and services, unequal
income distribution, population, political situation etc. Natural factors have equally important
influence on economic growth: climate changes, diversification and sustainable development.
With the purpose of quantification of relation between economic growth and other macroeconomic
indicators, we have selected extended multiple linear regression model by applying Enter
method and regression procedures, as well as residual analysis. Enter method gradually includes
independent variables, and then one by one variable is removed from the model (in accordance
with the previously set criteria). The sequence of including independent variables in the model is
determined by the contribution of each specific independent in the explanation of the variability of
the dependent variable.
Gross domestic product (dependent variable) has been analysed, and which is in function of foreign
direct investments, import, export, growth rate, unemployment and inflation, as independent
variables, in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period (from 2005 to 2018). The statistical data have
been retrieves from the Eurostat database. The analysis and model comparison is carried out by
using the programme IBM SPSS Statistics 23.
Gross domestic product. GDP – gross domestic product represents the total value of all the final
goods and services produced in a specific time period on a specific territory. GDP is stated in
monetary units, and includes only goods and services intended for further processing and
production. GDP indicates the measure of production activities and it is a generally accepted
indicator of the condition of a specific economy.
Foreign direct investments (FDI). Foreign investments include: foreign direct investments, joint
investments, portfolio investments, concessions and other forms, such as: greenfield and brownfield
investments, merging, absorptions etc.
GDP growth rate: Growth rate is the ratio between the GDP in the analysed year and the GDP in
previous year, in current prices. Increase of GDP is mostly influenced by the growth of foreign trade
balance, increase of export as opposed to import, and increase of consumption of the population.
Unemployment rate. It represents the participation of the unemployed in the total work power.
Total work power represents the sum of employed and unemployed people, who are actively seeking
work (aged between 17 to 74 years).
Export of goods and services. It includes transactions of goods and services from residents to
non-residents. Export has positive effect on GDP growth, and it indicates the activity of domestic
companies in the foreign market.
Import of goods and services. It includes transactions of goods and services from non-residents to
residents. Export has negative effect on creating GDP because it decreases the positive effects of
export and increases the dependency of one country on products from other countries.
Inflation. Inflation is measured using the index of consumer prices. The index of consumer prices
measures the changes of average level of prices of products and services per main groups of products
and services classified in accordance with their intention in consumption (personal consumption).
The selection of indicators has been carried out based on macroeconomic development indicators
that are available on the website of the European Statistical Office1.
1 http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat.
Table 2 Correlations, indicates the values of the Pearson correlation coefficient between all the
variables. Import is in the strongest correlation with Export (-0,944), following GDP with Export
(0,915), as well as GDP with Import (-0,895); and the weakest correlation is FDI with Import
Table 2.
We used the Enter method, where the initial situation implies that all independent variables are
included in the model, without any restrictions. Then one by one variable is excluded from the
model according to a predefined criteria that is related to the value of the F to removal statistics. The
following table (Table 3) indicates that, according to the defined statistical criteria, all independent
variables were retained in the regression model.
Model Variables Entered Method
Inflation, FDI, Import, Unemployment,
1 Enter
Growth Rate, Exportb
a. Dependent Variable: GDP
b. All requested variables entered.
We now move to Table 4, Summary Model, which provides key information about the validity
of the regression model. Table 4 presents two regression models: the first model containing an
independent variable and the second one with two independent variables.
Multiple correlation coefficient of the dependent variable (GDP) and independent variables (FDI,
Import, Export, Growth rate, Unemployment, Inflation) is 0,966, meaning that their connection is
very strong.
Determination coefficient is 0,932, meaning that 93,2 % of the variability of the dependent variable
(GDP) could be explained by the effect of the independent variables (FDI, Import, Export, Growth
rate, Unemployment, Inflation).
The value of the adjusted determination coefficient of 0,874 is close to the value of the regular
determination coefficient (0,932), due to favourable ratio between the number of variables included
in the model and the total number of observations.
Based on retrieved regression coefficients, our multiple linear regression model can be presented
as it follows:
dependent variable (in our example - GDP),
independent variables (in our example – FDI, Import, Export, Growth rate, Unemployment,
= unknown parameter with the independent variables (FDI, Import, Export, Growth rate,
Unemployment, Inflation),
error which reflects all the influences on the dependent variable (GDP) that do not originate from
the independent variables (FDI, Import, Export, Growth rate, Unemployment, Inflation)
Table 5 presents regular regression coefficients – under B and standardized regression coefficients
Table 5. Coefficientsa
Unstandardized Coef- dardized 95,0% Confidence Inter- Collinearity
ficients Coeffi- val for B Statistics
Model cients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta Lower Upper Zero- Partial Part Tol- VIF
Bound Bound order er-
1 7476,930 11385,199 ,657 ,532 -19444,788 34398,648
FDI ,639 1,282 ,085 ,499 ,633 -2,391 3,670 -,196 ,185 ,049 ,329 3,040
Import 1,333 ,940 ,733 1,418 ,199 -,889 3,556 ,895 ,472 ,139 ,036 27,662
Export ,228 1,017 ,135 ,224 ,829 -2,177 2,633 ,915 ,084 ,022 ,027 37,572
Growth -468,346 242,380 -,290 -1,932 ,095 -1041,485 104,792 -,257 -,590 -,190 ,428 2,335
Unempl. -,006 ,017 -,045 -,337 ,746 -,046 ,034 -,332 -,126 -,033 ,546 1,831
Inflation -251,522 321,310 -,161 -,783 ,459 -1011,299 508,255 -,501 -,284 -,077 ,229 4,372
a. Dependent Variable: GDP
In our example, and based on retrieved regression coefficients, our regression model can be
presented by the following equation:
Apart from the written model, it can be further concluded that out of all the analyzed independent
variables, Import has major effect on GDP, followed by FDI and Export.
Economic theory and practice do not know any unique set of indicators that affect GDP. The very
complexity of this phenomenon relativises any attempt to establish an unchanged list of indicators.
Therefore, in selection of these indicators is based on subjectivity of the authors. The actual number
of indicators remains to be seen in the specific analysis, taking into account their interdependence
and the occurrence of duplicity, since these two facts directly influence the selection of the optimal
number of indicators.
With the purpose of quantification of relation between macroeconomic factors and GDP, we have
used multiple linear regression model. The analysis showed that GDP with as much as 93.2%
can be explained by the influence of independent variables: FDI, Import, Export, Growth rate,
Unemployment, Inflation. Other factors negligibly (6.8%) explain the most important indicator of
economic activities of a country.
Out of all the analysed independent variables, Import has major effect on GDP, followed by FDI
and Export.
From the abovementioned we can confirm the set hypothesis of this paper that the selection of
predictors defined in the multiple linear regression model is significant, in terms of Bosnia and
Herzegovina GDP development over the observed period.
The research results may be useful to developers of economic policies for bringing the right
decisions in solving external shocks and crisis, in order to focus their activities more precisely in
the direction of economic growth and overall progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina economy.
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