100 Most Common Words in English

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Most Common
Words in English
Part of
No. Word Pronunciation Translation Example

I just bought a new shirt and

determiner, strong /ðiː/ some new shoes. The shirt
1 the -
article weak /ðə/ was pretty expensive, but
the shoes weren't.

What do you want to be (=

2 be verb /biː/ a fi what job do you want to do)
when you grow up?

We received another
3 to preposition /tuː/ la (spre) invitation to a wedding
this morning.

She has the

4 of preposition /əv/ de
face of an angel.

We kissed and
5 and conjunction /ænd/ și
hugged each other.

There was a
6 a article /ə/ un/o
sudden loud noise.

7 in preposition /ɪn/ în What's that in your hand?

conjunction că, care, It was so dark that I

8 that /ðæt/
et al. acest, acela couldn't see anything.

Do you have time to

9 have verb /hæv/ a avea
finish the report today?

10 I pronoun /aɪ/ eu I'd like a coffee, please.

el/ea Where's my key? It was

11 it pronoun /ɪt/
(obiecte) on my desk a minute ago.

There's a phone
12 for preposition /fɔː/ pentru
message for you.

13 not adverb /nɒt/ nu, nu-i He's not as tall as his father.
Part of
No. Word Pronunciation Translation Example

Look at all the

14 on preposition /ɒn/ pe
books on your desk!

Mix the butter with the

15 with preposition /wɪð/ cu
sugar and then add the egg.

Don't ask Andrew,

16 he pronoun hiː/ el
he won't know.

She'll soon be as
17 as conjunction, /æz/ ca
tall as her mother.
et al.

18 you pronoun /juː/ tu/voi etc. You look nice.

The only thing we can

19 do verb, noun /du/ a face do now is to wait and
see what happens.

We'll meet you

20 at preposition /æt/ la
at the entrance.

determiner, acest/ Can you sign this

21 this /ðɪs/
adverb, noun această form here for me?

The play's good, but not
22 but adverb, /bʌt/ dar
that good - I've seen better.

"Jo's got a new boyfriend."

23 his /hɪz/ lui "Oh really?
What's his name?"

The book was translated

24 by preposition /baɪ/ de
by a well-known author.

What time does the flight

25 from preposition /frɒm/ din
from Amsterdam arrive?
Part of
No. Word Pronunciation Translation Example

Where are my glasses?

26 they pronoun /ðeɪ/ ei/ele They were on the table
a minute ago.

If you don't hurry

27 we pronoun /wiː/ noi
up we'll be late.

I'm sorry,
28 say verb et al. /seɪ/ a spune
what did you say?

possessive I like her new style.

29 her /hɜː/ (al/a) ei
adjective It's amazing.

I met Helen last week.

30 she pronoun /ʃiː/ ea
She is so sweet.

Is it Tuesday or
31 or conjunction /ɔːr/ sau
Wednesday today?

32 an article /æn/ un/o That's an easy question.

Clare will be five

33 will verb, noun /wɪl/ voi/va etc.
years old next month.

possessive (al/a) Do you want

34 my /maɪ/
adjective meu/mea any help, my dear?

He had two slices
35 one determiner, /wʌn/ unul/una etc.
and I only had one.
adjective, et al.

determiner, tot/toate She has four children,

36 all /ɔːl/
adjective, et al. etc. all under the age of five.

We realized it would be
37 would verb /wʊd/ aș/ai/ar etc.
easy to find another car.

38 there /ðeər/ acolo Put the chair there.
pronoun, et al.
Part of
No. Word Pronunciation Translation Example

39 their /ðeər/ (al/a) lor He gave them their coats.

40 what /wɒt/ ce/care etc. What time is it?
adverb, et al.

41 so /səʊ/ așa/deci etc. The house is so beautiful.
adverb, et al.

Put those books
42 up preposition, /ʌp/ sus etc.
up on the top shelf.
et al.

în Please wait out here,

43 out /aʊt/ afara/afară we will call you when
adverb, et al.
etc. the doctor is ready.

I'll pay you double if

44 if /ɪf/ dacă you get the work
noun, et al.
finished by Friday.

45 about /əˈbaʊt/ despre etc. What's that book about?
adverb, et al.

cine/pe cine I don't know who

46 who pronoun, noun /huː/
etc. to ask to the party.

a lua/a He went to the

47 get verb /ɡet/
obține etc. shop to get some milk.

Which time suits you

48 which pronoun /wɪtʃ/ care (din) better - 12:30 or
one o'clock?

We don't go to the cinema

49 go verb, noun /ɡəʊ/ a merge etc. very often
these days.

mie/pe mine
50 me pronoun /miː/ She gave me some money.
Part of
No. Word Pronunciation Translation Example

51 when adverb /wen/ când When are you going?

He works for a company

52 make verb, noun /meɪk/ a face
that makes furniture.

She can speak

53 can verb, noun /kæn/ a putea
four languages.

54 like /laɪk/ a plăcea etc. I like your new haircut.

He wants to spend more

55 time noun /taɪm/ timp
time with his family.

That's my kind of
56 no /nəʊ/ nu/niciun etc. holiday - no email, no
phone, and no worries.

I'll just finish this,

57 just adjective /dʒʌst/ doar etc.
then we can go.

If you see Kevin

58 him pronoun /hɪm/ lui
give him my love.

"Where did he go?"

59 know verb, noun /nəʊ/ a cunoaște
"I don't know."

a lua/a I would like to

60 take verb, noun /teɪk/
procura etc. take this dress.

oameni/ Many people never

61 people noun /ˈpiː.pəl/
popor do any exercise.

62 into preposition /ˈɪn.tuː/ în/la etc. Let's go into the garden.

Annette worked in
63 year noun /jɪər/ an
Italy for two years.
Part of
No. Word Pronunciation Translation Example

possessive (al/a) tău/

64 your /jɔːr/ It's not your fault.
adjective dvs etc.

Did you have a good

65 good adjective et al. /ɡʊd/ bun/bine etc.
time at the party?

determiner, There's some cake in the

66 some /sʌm/ niște etc.
pronoun kitchen if you'd like it.

We asked if the
67 could verb /kʊd/ ar putea etc. computer could access
the internet.

I've lost my keys. I can't

68 them pronoun /ðem/ le/pe ele etc.
find them anywhere.

Turn the light

69 see verb /siː/ a vedea
on so I can see.

adjective, alte/celelalte Are there any other

70 other /ˈʌð.ər/
pronoun etc. people we should ask?

conjunction, You always walk

71 than /ðæn/ decât etc.
preposition faster than I do!

apoi/atunci Let me finish this

72 then adverb /ðen/
etc. job, then we'll go.

I may eat something

73 now adverb /naʊ/ acum etc. later, but I'm not
hungry now.

a se uita/a Look at all these

74 look verb, noun /lʊk/
privi etc. toys on the floor.

adverb/ doar/numai I was the only

75 only /ˈəʊn.li/
adjective etc. person on the train.
Part of
No. Word Pronunciation Translation Example

76 come verb /kʌm/ a veni etc. Here comes Adam.

77 its /ɪts/ său/lui/ei etc. The dog hurt its paw.

The sign over

78 over preposition /ˈəʊ.vər/ deasupra etc.
the door said "Exit".

a (se) gândi/a I don't think Emma

79 think verb /θɪŋk/
crede etc. will get the job.

asemenea, She's a photographer

80 also adverb /ˈɔːl.səʊ/
la fel etc. and also writes books.

When you take the

81 back noun, adverb /bæk/ înapoi etc. scissors, remember to
put them back.

Let's go for a walk

82 after preposition /ˈɑːf.tər/ după etc.
after breakfast.

a folosi/a Use scissors to

83 use verb, noun /juːz/
utiliza etc. cut the shapes out.

84 two number /tuː/ doi/două They have two houses.

How do we get to
85 how adverb /haʊ/ cum etc.
the town from here?

possessive We bought our house

86 our /aʊər/ /ɑːr/ nostru etc.
adjective several years ago.

lucru/a lucra What time do you

87 work verb, noun /wɜːk/
etc. start/finish work?

primul/dintâi This is my first
88 first number, /ˈfɜːst/
etc. visit to New York.
Part of
No. Word Pronunciation Translation Example

I can't do it as
89 well adverb /wel/ bine etc.
well as Marie can.

drum/mod Do you know the

90 way noun, adverb /weɪ/
etc. way to the restaurant?

adverb, chiar/nici I don't even

91 even /ˈiː.vən/
adjective măcar etc. know where it is.

adjective, nou/recent What's new in

92 new /njuː/
noun etc. the fashion world?

93 want verb /wɒnt/ a vrea/a dori I want some chocolate.

We can't go to Julia's
pentru că
party because we're
94 because conjunction /bɪˈkəz/ /deoarece
going away that

determiner, Is there any of that

95 any /ˈen.i/ orice etc.
pronoun lemon cake left?

I found these photos

96 these ðiːz/ aceste etc. while I was cleaning out
my cupboards.

a da/a oferi Can you give me

97 give verb /ɡɪv/
etc. some money?

He runs five
98 day noun /deɪ/ zi
miles every day.

determiner, What is the most

99 most pronoun, /məʊst/ cel mai etc. beautiful city
adverb in the world?

noi/pe Thank you for driving

100 us pronoun /ʌs/
noi/nouă etc. us to the station.

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