RHS 160x80x3.2
RHS 160x80x3.2
RHS 160x80x3.2
RHS 160x80x3.2
RHS 160x80x3.2
Depth h 160.0 mm
EN 10210-2
Width b 80.0 mm Condesa
Thickness t 3.2 mm 80.0
Sectional Area
Sectional area A 14.80 cm SC y
Area moment of inertia about y-axis Iy 501.00 cm
Area moment of inertia about z-axis Iz 170.00 cm
Polar area moment of inertia Ip 671.00 cm
Radius of gyration about y-axis iy 58.1 mm
Radius of gyration about z-axis iz 33.9 mm
Shear area in y-direction Ay 3.29 cm
Shear area in z-direction Az 9.45 cm
Torsional constant It 403.00 cm
Torsional constant (St. Venant) It,StVen 0.48 cm
Torsional constant (Bredt) It,Bredt 402.52 cm
Secondary torsional constant It,s 41.57 cm
Section modulus for torsion Wt 72.60 cm
Warping ordinate with respect to shear center max ω 10.36 cm
Warping constant with respect to shear center Iω 534.21 cm
Warping radius of gyration with respect to shear iω 8.9 mm
Warping section modulus with respect to shear center Wω 51.55 cm
Warping statical moment with respect to shear center max Sω 10.62 cm
Plastic section modulus about y-axis W pl,y 77.00 cm
Plastic section modulus about z-axis W pl,z 47.50 cm
Plastic shape factor about y-axis αpl,y 1.230 --
Weight G 11.6 kg/m