Renewal Premium Receipt: Har Pal Aapke Sath!!
Renewal Premium Receipt: Har Pal Aapke Sath!!
Renewal Premium Receipt: Har Pal Aapke Sath!!
Policy No Plan Inst. Prem(Rs) No Of Inst Total Premium CGST Branch | Agency
Name Term Mode Due Fr Late Fee SGST*/UTGST Code
Revival D.O.C. Sum Assured Due To CD Chgs + Total Amt Next Due
(Yes/No) Xcharge Reg. No.
119426714 834 2,202.00 1 2,202.00 26.34 100 |02710100
KM 25 QLY 06/22 17.40 26.34 09/22
Yes 15/03/2019 2,00,000.00 06/22 0.00 + 0.00 2,272.08 01AAACL0582H1Z0
Page Total (Rs) 2,202.00 2,202.00 26.34
17.40 26.34
0.00 2,272.08
Grand Total (Rs) 2,202.00 2,202.00 26.34
17.40 26.34
0.00 2,272.08
Manvi Kumari
D/O Sh Ashwani Kumar P
R/O Vill Chak Jafar
Jammu For Life Insurance Corporation of India,
181206. Sh Pervinder Kumar(163453)