Act-5 Diffraction of Light
Act-5 Diffraction of Light
Act-5 Diffraction of Light
To observe diffraction of light due to a thin slit between sharp edges ofrazor
Two razor blades, adhesive tapes, a screen a source of monochromatic light (laser pencil) black and
a glass plate.
Diffraction is a phenomenon of bending of light around the coner or edges of a fine opening or aper-
ture. Diffraction takes place when order of wavelength is comparable or small to the size of slit or aperture.
The diffraction effect is more pronouncedifthe size of the aperture or the obstacle is of the order of wave-
length of the waves. The diffraction patterm arises due to interference of light waves from different sym-
metrical point of the same wavefront. The diffraction pattern due to a single slit consists of a central bright
band having alternate dark and weak bands of decreasing intensity on both sides.
-Black paper
Cut the small slit in between the sharp edges of blades and place at a suitable distance from a wall or
screen of a dark room.