Force Traditions of Weik
Force Traditions of Weik
Force Traditions of Weik
In the far off Weik system, a colony ship was lost. This ship, sent Along the more rural areas of Weik, there are many great
during the early days of the republic, was carrying many of the towers dotting the land. Within these towers lie the order of
core and inner core races onboard. After crashlanding, the the Skyholme Astromancers. A rather unique Force Tradition,
surviviors did their best to survive on the harsh, primitive Astromancers are hardly a tradition. Each one of them pursues
planet. With many generations, the populace forgot of Galactic the force in their own way. However, there is one thread binding
society and fell into a mediveal level of technology. them: the pursuit of knowledge.
Darkside force useres of the worst sort, they act like the Sith
of Legend and spend their days exclusively exploring the
dark side of the force and the dangerous arts held within.
Their towers are known as horrid places from which few
ever return. A meeting with a Lucite is an easy way to meet
ones end.