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Manual en
For v4.0.9.
SHT utility work in service mode with SA and ROM on HDD SAMSUNG.
Incorrect actions with this tool may result permanent data loss or damage HDD. The same effect may be due to errors in the
Use at your own risk. Author doesn’t take any responsibility for possible damages.
Before any operations with HDD you should backup resources with «Operations > Read the resource». With
saved resources you can always return HDD into original state.
Table of contents
List of used terms ..............................................................................................................................................................2
1. Program installation and first start ..........................................................................................................................3
2. A brief description of the functions .........................................................................................................................4
3. Work with program ....................................................................................................................................................7
3.1. Identification HDD...................................................................................................................................................7
3.2.1. Utility settings (Utility configuration) ...............................................................................................................8
3.2.2. Select / Create HDD Profile ...............................................................................................................................10
3.2.3. Set IDE port data ................................................................................................................................................10
3.2.4. Set COM port data .............................................................................................................................................11
3.3. Work with BURN ...................................................................................................................................................11
3.3.1. Creation the Burn test result Report ...............................................................................................................11
3.3.2. Load Burn’s and files ........................................................................................................................................12
3.3.3. Commands start and resume Burn Test (Burn-In Test Cmd) .....................................................................14
3.4. Work with service area (Work with SA) .............................................................................................................15
3.4.1. SA structure test ...............................................................................................................................................15
3.4.2. Table modules SA.............................................................................................................................................16
3.4.3. Read/Write modules .........................................................................................................................................17
3.4.4. Read/Write tracks .............................................................................................................................................19
3.4.5. Clear SA .............................................................................................................................................................20
3.4.6. Zone allocation table ........................................................................................................................................21
3.4.7. Edit HDD ID........................................................................................................................................................22
3.4.8. Edit module FIT .................................................................................................................................................22
3.4.9. Edit module MLIST ...........................................................................................................................................23
3.4.10. Information from SA .......................................................................................................................................24
3.4.11. M/C DATA ........................................................................................................................................................24 MCF TO FILE ................................................................................................................................................24 MCF TO DISC ................................................................................................................................................24 Create MCF from File....................................................................................................................................25 Conv. *.rpm > *.bin......................................................................................................................................26
3.5. Work with RAM.....................................................................................................................................................26
3.5.1. Read/Write RAM ................................................................................................................................................26
3.6. Work with Terminal..............................................................................................................................................27
3.6.1. Define baudrate.................................................................................................................................................27
3.6.2. Set baudrate .....................................................................................................................................................27
3.6.3.. Read/Write ROM...............................................................................................................................................27
3.6.4. Info dump ROM .................................................................................................................................................28
3.6.5. Show Heads Map ..............................................................................................................................................28
3.6.6. Read/Write module FIPS ..................................................................................................................................29
3.6.7. Clear module FIPS ............................................................................................................................................29
3.6.8. Remove LED 1Axx ............................................................................................................................................29
3.6.9. Fix bad module FIPS ........................................................................................................................................29
3.7. Work with Defects................................................................................................................................................30
3.7.1. Defect table Report ...........................................................................................................................................30
3.7.2. Edit defects........................................................................................................................................................30
3.7.3. Clear ALIST........................................................................................................................................................31
3.7.4. Move A-LIST in S-LIST .....................................................................................................................................32
3.7.5. Reconstruction S-LIST ......................................................................................................................................32
3.7.6. Reconstruction T-LIST ......................................................................................................................................32
3.8.1. Work with S.M.A.R.T..........................................................................................................................................32
3.9.1. Security subsystem...........................................................................................................................................32
3.10.1. Work with registers .......................................................................................................................................33
3.11. Tests....................................................................................................................................................................34
3.11.1. Heads test........................................................................................................................................................34
3.11.2. Logical scan ....................................................................................................................................................35
3.11.3. Read/Write LBA...............................................................................................................................................35
3.11.4. Read/Write CHS ..............................................................................................................................................36
3.11.5. Low Level format ............................................................................................................................................36
3.11.6. Service area test .............................................................................................................................................37
3.12.1. HDD resources backup .................................................................................................................................37
3.13. Run BURN-ln test...............................................................................................................................................38
3.13.1. Types of Burn-resources ................................................................................................................................38
3.13.2. Select of Burn-resources ................................................................................................................................38
3.13.3. Order of loading and passing of the BURN test. ..........................................................................................39
3.13.4. Order of loading and passing of Servo of the test. ......................................................................................41
3.13.5. Burn-In Script editor.......................................................................................................................................42
3.14. Menu <<Tools>> .................................................................................................................................................43
3.14.1. Work with the file .............................................................................................................................................44
3.14.2. Reverce bytes ..................................................................................................................................................45
3.14.3. Converting of WORD/ASCII ............................................................................................................................45
3.14.4. Recalculation of checksum ............................................................................................................................46
3.14.5. System of notations ........................................................................................................................................46
3.15.1. Database ..........................................................................................................................................................47
3.15.1. Table of the P/N codes ....................................................................................................................................49
3.15.2. Creation of the journal with writes about files..............................................................................................51
3.16.1. Repair of HDD SAMSUNG ..............................................................................................................................51
3.16.1. Hot swap ...........................................................................................................................................................51
3.16.2. Incorrectly HDD capacity is defined ..............................................................................................................52
3.16.3. Interpretation of the file on alphabetic codes...............................................................................................52
3.16.4. Collect Main code from ROM and Overlay ...................................................................................................53
4. Connection of a disk. ..............................................................................................................................................54
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................................................55
How to contact us ........................................................................................................................................................55
Samsung Error Codes .................................................................................................................................................56
1. Program installation and first start
SHT requires for work PC with:
⋅ OS: MS Windows 2000, XP, Vista (x86, x64), 7 (x86, x64);
⋅ At least one ATA port sata or pata, in IDE mode (not AHCI or RAID);
⋅ Working ATA port must be disabled in Windows device manager;
Program is distributed as installation package. You should double-click on package and follow the instructions of the setup
dialog (Fig.1.1). After installation has finished you will find a new start menu entry and desktop icon if selected. If you install SHT
first time, you need install TVicPortInstall41.exe, located at directory with the program in “RES” folder (Fig. 1.2). If you update
installation there is no need to reinstall TVicPort.
At first start program show license agreement (Fig. 1.3). If you agree, you should select «I agree» and set «Not to show this
warning» to disable displaying this window each launch.
Next you need select working offers to install way for automatic creation directory(Fig. 1.4).
Warning! For the convenience of working with a database, set the overall path of the directory Base Burn files and
Base Burn resources in folder Database. You can put a flag on Checkbox
“Automatically create a Database directory” after appear confirmation message,
The program will automatically install directory and create subdirectories (Fig. 1.4).
Recommend doing HDD Backup in the Database folder.
Typically use folder with installed program. Example: «c:\Program Files\Samsung
Next , after HDD identification, program creates a basic profile directory for work HDD. Example «c:\Program Files\Samsung
utility\Base resource\PANGO\SP0411N - TW100-13 - 0611J1BW727834\»
2. A brief description of the functions
On Fig. 2.1 shown program interface. In window title you can see version, current program settings: ATA port address, COM
port address and baud rate. DEMO version in title adds string “DEMO”. Utility in DEMO can work with “Trinity” family in read only
mode. Work with older families not limited.
At bottom located panel with status register, error register and terminal Rx/Tx leds. In status bar shown current HDD profile
Table 1 contains toolbar buttons description, table 2 - menu items. Depending on selected HDD family and utility work mode,
some functions can be disabled.
By default start HDD identification in normal mode with SA reading (and Techno
passport read)
In submenus:
1 – «Identification in normal mode» - the same as default.
2 – «Identification in safe mode» - identification HDD in safe mode without SA
Identify HDD reading.
3 – «Read Passport from HDD» - read passport from HDD, including Techno
4 – «Read Passport from File» - read passport from VU_IDFY.bin
In normal mode SA modules table and Zones distribution table load from SA
In safe mode SA modules table load by default.
Load burn file or burn resources «*.bnr» in HDD
Load BURN 's
In submenu -> Work with Burn
Show SA Modules table
SA Table
In submenu -> Work with SA
Show terminal window
In submenu -> Work with Terminal
Trinity HDD(F1-F4,M7-M8) Family operations
In submenu -> Work with Trinity
Меню «ATA»
ATA > Soft Reset Soft reset
ATA > Recalibrate HDD Recalibrate HDD
ATA > Sleep mode HDD Go sleep mode HDD
ATA > Setting mode HDD > Set DMA 100 mode Set DMA 100 mode
ATA > Setting mode HDD > Set DMA 66 mode Set DMA 66 mode
ATA > Setting mode HDD > Set DMA 33 mode Set DMA 33 mode
ATA > Setting mode HDD > Info SATA mode Information data rate HDD
ATA > Setting mode HDD > Set SATA2 mode Setting data rate HDD 3 gb
ATA > Setting mode HDD > Set SATA1 mode Setting data rate HDD 1.5 gb
ATA > Settings > Set Max LBA (HPA) Set max LBA in HDD
ATA > Spin up Run HDD drive
ATA > Spin down Stop the HDD drive
ATA > Windows Process Off PC, Reboot PC
ATA > Exit Exit
Меню «Operations»
Operations > Work with Burn Work with Burn
Operations > Work with Burn > Burn test result report Creating a report on the results of BURN test
Operations > Work with Burn > Load file in HDD Download file in HDD
Operations > Work with Burn > Load BURN 's in HDD Download BURN resources in HDD
Operations > Work with Burn > Burn In Script editor Edit Burn in Script
Operations > Work with Burn > Burn In Test command Run Burn In Test, resume Burn In Test
Operations > Work with SA > Information from SA > Host Information on set maximum LBA
Protected Area
Operations > Work with SA > Information from SA > Part Information HDD part number
Number (PN)
Operations > Work with SA > Information from SA > File File information with which passed Burn test HDD
system information
Operations > Work with SA > Information from SA > Burn-In Information on completion of the Burn test
test status
Operations > Work with SA > M/C DATA > MCF TO FILE Save modules from HDD in file MCF
Operations > Work with SA > M/C DATA > MCF TO DISC Save modules from file MCF in HDD
Operations > Work with SA > M/C DATA > Create MCF from Create file MCF from files modules SA
Operations > Work with SA > M/C DATA > Conv. *.rpm > Converting modules of PC3000 in standard modules with a
*.bin change in expansion
Operations > Open the working folder Open the working folder
Menu «Database»
Menu «Tests»
Tests > Logical scan “UA” Logical scan in the user area
Tests > Physical scan “UA” Not yet available
Tests > Heads test “UA” Heads test
Tests > Service area test “SA” Surface test SA
Tests > Read / Write LBA Read / Write LBA
Tests > Read / Write CHS Read / Write CHS
Tests > Low Level Format Low Level Format
Menu «Tools»
Tools > Hex editor Hex editor
Tools > Edit the file Edit file
Tools > Reverse byte Reverse byte
Tools > Convert WORD / ASCII Convert WORD / ASCII
Tools > Recalculate CheckSum Recalculate CheckSum
Tools > Сalculate DEC / BIN / HEX Сalculate DEC / BIN / HEX
Menu «Settings»
Settings > Utility Configuration Utility settings
Settings > Set HDD <Profile> Setting HDD profile
Settings > Set IDE port data Set IDE port data
Settings > Set COM port data Set COM port data
Menu «Help»
Help > Manual > Russian language User Manual in Russian language
Help > Manual > English language User Manual in English language
Help > Error Codes Description of error codes
Help > Website > Russian forum Open technical support forum
Help > Website > Arabic forum Open technical support forum
Help > Website > English forum Open technical support forum
Help > About About
Table 2. Program menu items.
Fig. 3.1 Select family.
Attention! If the HDD is Sata interface. the panel «Interface HDD» is necessary to set option on SATA; similarly, if the HDD has a
PATA interface. you must set option the PATA.
1. Normal - Run the utility with the reading of all the necessary modules.
2. Safe mode - Run the utility without recourse to the modules of the service area. It produced only attempt to read technological
passport (without recourse to the SA surface).
The normal startup mode after a precise selection of the family utility reads drive technological passport table modules and other
additional information from the service area, where reading results are displayed in the report.
Samsung drives often stay in the "busy" state, if the prelaunch internal diagnostics showed the destruction of official information, at
which the drive can not operate properly with the user data area (for example, damaged translation modules). Such destruction does
not interfere with work with service area, so a separate supply to the soft reset command drive displays it in readiness. Wait for the
drive ready before pressing button- «ID». If the drive does not come out in readiness, should apply a soft reset, so that in case of
success HDD parameters to initialize correctly. If after this command the drive did not come out with the normal mode, it may
indicate an error in the ROM or modules affecting the system start. From the technological passport utility retrieves the zone
allocation table. SPT service area, version of Flash ROM, and the amount of the drive heads. Some of these settings can be changed
in the «Utility configuration» dialog.
Table modules in HDD read from FIT module. If the reading has been made in error or error analysis showed module
structure, the table will be loaded with the values stored in the utility as constants. Not all families have a Samsung drive FIT
module. for such families always use the default table modules. In the dialogue, "Utility configuration" can be used to change the
tool table modules on the "default modules table" or "Table of modules from the service area."
Fig. 3.2 Utility configuration.
1. Select Work Dir - Use the Browse button, you can change the path to save resources. After changes path is created
automatically Base resource folder.
2. MCF File - The utility has the ability to work with MCF file (image SA HDD). Use the Browse button to specify the path to
the MCF file to work up with him.
3. MC Access Mode - Selecting utility for work the HDD or MCF file.
4. Select family - You can configure the utility to any family of HDD and the selection of PATA / SATA interface.
5. Mode utility – Utility options Normal mode and Safe mode.
6. Drive information – After identification HDD show: модель, flash version and P/N HDD.
7. Technological parameters - Technological parameters HDD: number of heads, number of cylinders in SA, SA SPT. There is a
possibility to change the listed Techno Parameters (enter in window).
8. Mode addressing - It allows you to change the addressing mode 28/48 bit. Especially useful for (HDD Trinity).
9. Byte registers - It allows you to change the addressing registers 8/16 bit.
10. Size sector in user zone - It allows you to change the size of the sectors UA Zone: 512 bt <> 4096 bt (AF).
11. Set init Head - Set head to which the utility reads SA modules when HDD identification.
12. Table modules SA - Allows you to download the table of the HDD modules from the file (02 FIT), or load the default.Defect
editor options - Options when editing defects.
13. Ignore error – Ignore errors when loading defect table (SLIST, TLIST, DLIST).
(With the flag set to work with defects is not recommended), only to see the defects.
14. Save defects in file - Automatically save the edited file defect sheets.
15. Set Hd for writing defect - Number heads for which you want to write to HDD defects.
16. Read/Write on sectors - Setting reading / writing mode, for utility initializing the HDD, and when editing defects.
17. Logs – Option automatically save log operation at the close of the utility.
18. Power - Settings for the switching power supply (PC 3000 or LPT).
3.2.2. Select / Create HDD Profile
Mode is used to search for and view the contents of the HDD profile changes. After identifying the HDD before the first actions of the
HDD output dialog window HDD profile, where are asked to select a folder to save resources. HDD profile can be changed as
required Menu Settings> Set HDD <Profile>.
3.2.4. Set COM port data
The standard data rate of HDD SAMSUNG terminal - 57600 b / s, the maximum 115200 b / s. When you first start the
utility, data rate Com port is automatically adjusted to the standard 57600 b / s.
Attention! For correct operation of the terminal with HDD necessary to COM adapter (for homemade) as possible have less wire
length and most importantly a separate power supply.
It contains tests intended for analysis, start-up and resume BURN-In tests on the Samsung drives.
1. General information - data about the state of the module BRSLT Burn test is complete. It contains the result code (stop test),
and step numbers of successfully completed test steps as well as the total number of errors during the test and other additional
information. When the test is complete Burn errors by content - the module can make an approximate analysis of the reasons
for stopping the test.
2. Burn test execution time - these modules BTIME about the time each step of the test.
3. Total Burn Test errors - the total number of errors in the performance of Burn test in each zone for each head, made up of
ELOG module.
4. The total number of errors Burn test through the steps - the total number of errors when performing Burn test in each
test step, consisting of the ELOG module.
5. Burn Test Log error - the contents of the ELOG module. It contains a list of all (except 0x7F) errors found during the
execution of the Burn test.
When parsing the ELOG module is not considered an error recording the ECC(0x7F). It is assumed that it was
"recovered" error, that is, errors that managed to restore the standard drive operation means (ESS - the algorithm). The number of
sucherrors often exceed the amount of the other several times. In the formation of the defects table drive also takes into account
all types of errors except 0x7F.
Fig. 3.7 Load file BURN. Fig. 3.8 Load BURN resources (*.bnr).
This mode is intended to be loaded into BURN-In tests the drive codes (Burn Code, HTBI Code, HT Code, FFlash) code or
the normal operation mode (Main Code). It is also possible to load a module Burn-In Script. To specify the required code to
download, select it in the list or click the mouse on the line below in the 2 windows should see the file name and size in bytes.
Description of options:
Set flag Downsize
The option is available for families of Samsung drives that support the creation of models Downsize not launch a special
Burn-In Test (Downsize Burn-In), and the installation of «Downsize» flag before testing. Install Command flag «Downsize» is
supplied through the terminal.
Setting option allows editing the module header Burn-script any value on BURN. This heading indicates the need to start the
drive test (not for the Trinity).
Options for working with the heads map (Disabling bad heads is only available while simultaneously loading N / T or
FFlash code):
It should be noted poor physical number of heads that should not appear in the heads map . That is, if the drive has a head
"0" and "1", and specify only the head "1", then the head of "1" will be disabled by software. Change heads map is available both on
the ATA. and via a terminal (not supported by all family).
Attention! Regardless of the setting of this option - a write of the resources (Burn-In Script, Geometry Script for HDD Trinity
architecture) will be made through the terminal. Some resources are not load commands ATA - analogues.
Context menu
• View journal with file(s) - View journal with marked files.
• Load files from journal - Load files from the journal in table.
• View Burn resource (*.bnr) - Not yet available.
• Buffer (Main Code) - Load to buffer Main Code.
• Buffer (FFlash, HT/Burn Code) - Load to buffer FFlash or HT/Burn Code.
• Buffer Servo Code (SCCODE) - Load to buffer Servo Code.
• Buffer (Burn-In Script) - Load to buffer Burn-In Script.
• Buffer (Burn-In Script 5400) - Load to buffer Burn-In Script 5400.
• Buffer Servo Burn-In Script (SCSPT) - Load to buffer Servo Burn-In Script.
• Buffer (Geometry Script) - Load to buffer Geometry Script.
• Buffer (1K Geometry Script) - Load to buffer 1K Geometry Script.
• Buffer (Geometry Script 5400) - Load to buffer Geometry Script 5400.
• Buffer (Downsize Geometry Script) - Load to buffer Downsize Geometry Script.
• Buffer (Overlay) - Load to buffer Overlay.
• Buffer (Overlay 5400) - Load to buffer Overlay 5400.
• Buffer Servo Overlay (SCOVERLAY) - Load to buffer Servo Overlay.
• Delete File - Delete file with the table.
• Clear Buffer - Clear buffer.
• Clear Table - Cleaning table with loaded files.
This mode is designed to search and load in HDD codes BURN-In tests or resource with the extension * .bnr. To specify a code
to load, select it from the context menu when you install this flag. Perhaps viewing journal with marked files (View journal with file
(s)) and if necessary, download the files from the log table (Load files from journal). Journal it is created in the database by
searching or browsing files or resources (* .bnr). Also be possible to upload single files in the table or resources (* .bnr).
Attention! Depending on the selected family, available boot options may vary.
3.3.3. Commands start and resume Burn Test (Burn-In Test Cmd)
This function is used to start, resume or stop Burn test (Fig. 3.9). All features are available only for the HDD TRINITY
architecture. For the HDD classical architecture is available only one function the START Burnin only through the terminal. There are
situations when, during the test Burn HDD issues error and the test is stopped after a simple command RESUME BURNIN Burn test is
not continued. Then it may help the RESUME Burnin team (after error). The principle of operation of this command is: SA utility
reads a specific module and corrects it (erases error), and then writes it back to the HDD, automatically commands the resumption
Burn Test. If this feature does not help resume the Burn test, then you need to check for the presence in SA Burn overlay BOVLY001
(exception HDD F1, F2).
3.4. Work with service area (Work with SA)
Context menu
1. Soft Reset – Soft reset .
2. Deselect all – Uncheck all the modules.
3. Select all – Select all modules.
Performs analysis of the integrity of the firmware modules, and «Report» tab
report is generated about the structure of the service information, which includes the zone allocation table, table module and the
results of reading. The dialog box shown in Fig. 3.10.
Most of the Samsung drive modules do not have a checksum, so the criterion of integrity, is read without errors and the presence of
the correct module header. Some modules may not have a title or in general be completely filled with zeros before the first time the
drive will be used.
Check SA structure is produced at 0 head drive, which is usually the system. For other drive heads kept a copy of the most service
modules the system head, and while the drive is writing for all heads - it can be used when restoring service information, if the
integrity of these copies is not broken. Errors in SI structure for other heads do not affect the drive. On disbud HDD up service
modules do not.
Description of the error after the test:
1. Module has an invalid headline - module has the wrong headr or not.
2. Module was read off error - module does not read or read errors.
3. Module is read but CheckSum - module has an incorrect checksum.
3.4.2. Table modules SA
Mode is designed for interactive work with modules SA (Fig. 3.11). There is a built-in Hex editor (Fig. 3.13). In this mode, you
can work with the modules individually (the piece), open in the Hex editor to edit and save a file, or to the HDD selected by the
head. Selecting the read / write module and the head number mode, in which the operation is carried out is carried out in the
context menu (right click on the table SA)> Setting of the read and write (Fig. 3.12).
Conext menu
• Setting of the read and write – selection of modes of reading / writing, and head number.
• Read module from HDD – read module from HDD.
• Save module – save module.
• Read module in (Hex editor) – read module from the HDD and open Hex Editor.
• Open module for Write – open the module for writing in the HDD.
• Write module into HDD – write module in HDD.
• Select All – select all modules.
• Deselect All – deselect all the modules.
• Clear result – clear the table of modules from the read / write results.
Fig. 3.13 Hex editor.
15. Write 1 Block – Writing of modules the whole blocks.
16. Write by blocks – Writing of modules blocks.
17. Write on sectors – Writing of modules on sectors.
3.4.4. Read/Write tracks
Dialogues of reading/write of tracks of SA are shown in Fig. 3.16-3.17. There are following settings:
Frame "Read modules in"
1. Save modules – the Button for installation of a directory where will remain modules.
2. Save MCF – the Button for installation of a directory where will be kept an image of MCF.
3. Profile folder – Reading SA tracks in the folder of the HDD profile.
4. Database folder – Reading SA tracks in the folder of the database.
5. Set path to folder – Reading SA tracks in the specified folder.
6. Skip Error – to Skip reading errors.
Frame "Read options"
7. Read by blocks – Block reading SA tracks.
8. Read on sectors – On sectors reading SA tracks.
9. Read composite – Composite reading SA tracks.
10. Skip error – to Skip reading errors.
Frame "Load modules from"
11. Review – the Button for loading of SA tracks from the folder of the HDD profile.
12. Add – the Button for addition of SA tracks from the specified folder.
13. Frame "Write options"
14. Write by blocks – Write of SA tracks blocks.
15. Write on sectors – Write of SA tracks on sectors.
3.4.5. Clear SA
Attention! technical parametres it is also possible to expose manually in "Settings> to Utility configuration".
Attention! Cleaning of a service area will make not possible access to the user zone, and can result in not operability of HDD.
It is possible to use cleaning of a service area before start of Burn In test if in HDD the insertion of HT code or FFlash is
already written. After cleaning it is necessary to switch off and include power. The microprogram, without having found SA modules
and the module of a script, will begin check of a service area and will create the main SA modules. The termination of such test can
be observed if to connect HDD to the terminal. After the test it is necessary to check heading of the BISPT module and to write
Burn code or HT code.
From practice cleaning of SA on families is not recommended: T166S, STORM, PARAGON, M7S2, M7E.
If cleaning of SA that on above-mentioned HDDs before loading of BURN resources is made it was impossible to switch power.
3.4.6. Zone allocation table
Context menu
• One automatically move position up – automatic movement of one position up.
• One automatically move position down – automatic movement of one position down.
• All automatically move position down – automatic movement chosen positions down.
• Set Max Lba – the Max Lba Installation (value undertakes from a <End Lba> position).
The test (The table of broadcast of zones) is created for the purpose of change of an order of broadcast of zones and
(cutting) of zones, undesirable to use, by command of installation of the maximum LBA (SET MAX LBA) of Fig. 3.19.
Such opportunity exists for PALO, RUBICON, P80A, POSEIDON, DELHI, CAESAR, P80M, TRIDENT, T166, STORM2, TRIDENT3,
PARAGON families, F1_3D, F2_EG, F3, F3_4D, F4, F4_3D, M7S2, M7E, M8E.
After moving of defective zones to the end of the table it is necessary to choose an option of restriction of volume and to
specify final LBA (double click on a zone with this LBA).
Command of SET MAX LBA - Giving of standard ATA of command in HDD.
To edit CONFIG - Editing the module 06 CONFIG or 5D CONFIG2 or 9D PARAM_DM.
The all made changes to remain after pressing of the Ok button. That changes came into force, it is necessary to switch off and
include power of HDD. At the end of the test the tab of the report of editing opens
tables of broadcast of zones where to be output the list of the displaced zones and the table before and after.
3.4.7. Edit HDD ID
Fig. 3.20 Editing Model, serial number and maximum capacity of HDD.
2. Editing serial number: Change of S/N due to editing of the module 07 SNTBL. As initial value from the passport of HDD
undertakes. That change of the edited S/N came into force, it is necessary to switch off and include power of HDD.
3. Restriction of volume of LBA: Function of editing Set Max Lba. Restriction of volume is carried out by giving of standard
ATA of command in HDD or editing the module 06 CONFIG, 5D CONFIG2 or 9D PARAM_DM in a service area. That change
came into force, it is necessary to switch off and include power of HDD.
Because of emergence of defects in SA there can be a need to transfer the module or group of modules to other SA cylinder.
This mode gives an opportunity of editing contents of the catalog of HDD modules. Work both with the module 02 FIT which is in SA
and with the image of ROM containing the catalog of modules is possible.
Context menu
• Read FIT from HDD - to Consider and load into the table the FIT module from HDD.
• Load from file FIT - to Consider and load into the table the FIT module from the file.
• Load from ROM (RUBICON, P80A) - To load the catalog of modules from ROM into the table.
• Save In ROM (RUBICON, P80A) - To keep the catalog of modules from the table in ROM.
• ReLoad in Table modules - to Reboot the catalog of modules from the table FIT in the table SA.
• Write FIT in HDD - to Keep the edited FIT module from the table in HDD.
• Save FIT in ROM - to Keep the edited FIT module from the table in ROM.
• Edit - to Edit the module in the table FIT.
• Shift on 1 cyl more (+1) - to Move modules 1 cylinder higher in the table FIT.
• Shift on 1 cyl less (-1) - to Move modules 1 cylinder lower in the table FIT.
• Recalc CheckSum - to Count checksum in the table FIT.
• Select all (checked) - to Note modules in the table FIT.
• UnSelect all (checked) - to Deselect from all modules in the table FIT.
• Clear table - to Clear the table FIT.
On HDD of classical architecture the microprogram uses in work the catalog of modules from ROM, and to be in the module
02 FIT only its copy. HDD of architecture Trinity also contain the catalog of modules in ROM, but this catalog is used at the initial
stage of initialization of the microprogram before from SA the module 02 FIT is loaded. Therefore on HDD of classical architecture it
is necessary to edit the catalog of modules twice: once - in ROM, and at times - in SA. It is enough to make changes in SA for HDD
of architecture Trinity only.
Operations procedure for change of coordinates of the module 02 FIT on HDD of classical architecture:
1. To write the edited module 02 FIT in HDD. (the editor not to close).
2. To identify HDD (that the changed catalog of modules was loaded in the table SA).
3. To rewrite modules according to new coordinates.
4. To open in the editor the kept image of ROM (Save FIT in ROM) according to new coordinates of the catalog of modules
the utility automatically will make changes in ROM and will keep in the file.
5. To write the changed image of ROM in HDD.
Operations procedure for change of coordinates of the module 02 FIT on HDD of architecture Trinity same,
as well as on classical, only without change of coordinates in an image of ROM.
Attention! All process of editing FIT needs to be made without switching of power of HDD.
RUBICON and P80A families have no FIT module, the catalog of modules at them to be stored in ROM.
The M-LIST module contains the list of defects of a service area. The MLIST editor is intended for manual change of its
Context menu
• Create M-LIST (Size) - to Create the new MLIST module (to enter the module size into byte).
• Read MLIST from HDD to load into the table the MLIST module from HDD.
• Open M-LIST from file - to Open and load into the table the MLIST module from the file.
• Save M-LIST in file - to Keep from the table the edited MLIST module in the file.
• Write MLIST in HDD - to Keep from the table the edited MLIST module in HDD.
• Create defects - to Create defects in MLIST.
• Sorting Table - to Sort the table MLIST after addition of defects.
• Add (defect) - to Add defects to the table MLIST.
• Edit (defect) - to Edit defects in the table MLIST.
• Delete (defect) - to Remove defects in the table MLIST.
• Select All - to Note defects in the table MLIST.
• Deselect All - to Deselect from all defects in the table MLIST.
• Clear table - to Clear the table MLIST.
HPA Status
Host protected area ............... : Is not set
Part Number
Function gives the chance to learn P/N from HDD. If necessary it is possible to recognize suitable Burn by P/N files from
Database> Code P/N. Only the first 4 figures are considered.
Burn-In test
[END] (Status:0x02, Stop condition:0x0000)
The fig. 3.23 Write MCF in HDD.
Context menu
• Soft Reset – Soft reset.
• Load modules from folder – to Load modules from the folder.
• Add modules from folder – to Add modules from the folder.
• Add module from file – to Add the single module.
• Cleaning table modules – to Clear the table of the loaded modules.
• Deselect all – to Deselect from all modules.
• Select all – to Select all modules.
Function is intended for creation of an image of the MCF file from earlier kept modules, the main thing in the folder of
modules there has to be a VU_IDFI.bin module. The Save MCF button specifies a directory where the created MCF file will be saved.
The Open files button specifies a way to the folder with modules. Later in the specified directory it is possible to see the created MCF
file with expansion (*.mcf). Example: MCFS.mcf. The context menu is similar to the Write modules window.
The fig. 3.24 Creation of MCF from files.
Context menu
• Soft Reset – Soft reset
• Load modules from folder – to Load modules from the folder.
• Add modules from folder – to Add modules from the folder.
• Add module from file – to Add the single module.
• Cleaning table modules – to Clear the table of the loaded modules.
• Deselect all – to Deselect from all modules.
• Select all – to Select all modules.
Context menu
• Soft Reset – Soft reset.
• Load modules from folder – to Load modules from the folder.
• Add modules from folder – to Add modules from the folder.
• Add module from file – to Add the single module.
• Cleaning table modules – to Clear the table of the loaded modules.
• Deselect all – to Deselect from all modules.
• Select all – to Select all modules.
Rice 3.26 Reading/write RAM Dialogue
Context menu
• Update table - to Update the table of RAM modules. (to increase quantity of RAM, input in Blocks).
• Read Block - to Read block RAM.
• Save Block - to Save block RAM.
• Write Block - to Write block RAM.
• Deselect all - to Deselect from all RAM modules.
• Select all - to Select all RAM modules.
• Open Block - to Open block RAM.
Dialogue of reading ROM offers preservation of ROM in the folder of a profile <HDD Rgofile> Data\ROM or in the database.
Reading ROM is carried out from 2 to 5 minutes. Process is displayed on the information panel OF THE UTILITY.
Note! Speed of reading of ROM via the terminal can be considerably increased due to increase in speed of SOM of port.
Attention! At write ROM it is necessary to be convinced that the version of ROM and overlays in a service area coincide. Otherwise
after write ROM, switching off and inclusion of power the HDD will not be able to leave in readiness any more.
Example log:
Семейство: M8E 2.5(SATA) Model:
: HN-
Size Dump .............................. : 524288 byte
CheckSum Dump .......................... : Ok
Offset FIPS ............................ : Ox00001000
Size FIPS .............................. : 4096 byte
CheckSum FIPS .......................... : Ok
Type Firmware .......................... : Main Code
Original Name .......................... : 2AR8fxuM.169
Platform Id ............................ : 0х45
Heads Map .............................. : 0, 1
3.6.6. Read/Write module FIPS
Fig. 3.29 Read FIPS Module. Fig. 3.30 Write of the FIPS Module.
Reading and write of the FIPS module are possible only for HDDs of architecture Trinity. Tests are used for reading and
write from ROM of the FIPS module containing various information on results of the last Burn-test. Access to the module is possible
as on ATA. via the terminal.
Cleaning of the FIPS module is carried out by means of giving on HDD of terminal command. This procedure is useful when
before Burn the test it is necessary to expose the heads map by default and as required when HDD does not leave in readiness
because of the damaged FIPS module in ROM.
Attention! Cleaning of the FIPS module not always helps to remove HDD in readiness because of the damaged FIPS module
in ROM. In case of failure it is necessary to use the <Fix bad module FIPS> function.
To expose before Burn the test the heads map by default it is necessary to write first of all in HDD HTBI code, after to make cleaning
of the FIPS module. That changes came into force it is necessary
to switch off and include power of HDD.
This function is intended for correction of the damaged FIPS module in ROM. In the program 2 options of correction of the
FIPS module are realized.
1. Fix bad FIPS in HDD - the utility reads out an image of ROM from HDD, automatically repairs the FIPS module later writes
back corrected image of ROM in HDD.
2. Fix bad FIPS in ROM - the utility works with image of ROM from the file, automatically repairs the FIPS module later writes
back corrected image of ROM in HDD.
Attention! This function of experimental character. If this way does not help to correct
the bad FIPS module, try to make cleaning of the FIPS <Fix bad module FIPS> module. As a last resort, it is necessary to edit an
image of ROM in the HEX editor and to write the modernized image of ROM through a programmator.
3.7. Work with Defects
1. Profile folder - to Save the report in the folder of the HDD profile.
2. Database folder - to Save the report in the folder of the Database.
3. Save report - to Save the report.
4. A-list - Reading and analysis of the ALIST module.
5. S-list - Reading and analysis of the SLIST module.
6. D-list - Reading and analysis of the DLIST module.
7. T-list - Reading and analysis of the TLIST module.
8. Show defect list - to Show a total defect a leaf.
Reading and analysis of modules of tables of defects is carried out; ALIST, TLIST, SLIST, DLIST. Besides the table of total of
defects on each zone and on each head for SLIST, DLIST modules is formed. The SLIST module except writes about defective
sectors contains writes about defective tracks.
The mode is intended for work with defects from the table of the SLIST module. as this module contains writes about all
defective sectors and tracks of the HDD. The table of defects of the SLIST module is loaded and opens the editor of defects. When
saving this table all writes about defects together with corresponding changes are saved in modules SLIST_H, SLIST, TLIST, ALIST,
CONFIG and CONFIG2 (for HDDs of classical architecture) or PARAM_DM (for HDDs of architecture Trinity). Na to a basis of these
modules the HDD carries out creation of the dynamic translator. Also change of the list of defects of the HDD is reflected in them.
Attention! After preservation of defects for the correct work of a disk it is recommended to execute low-level formatting (for HDD of
some families - surely!).
Fig. 3.33 Editor of Defects.
Context menu
• Create New Table Defects - Creates the new empty table (PCHS).
• Open Table Defects - Opens earlier saved table of defects of the file (clears the previous table).
• Save Table Defects - to Save the table of defects in the file (a special format).
• Save Table Defects In txt - Saves the table of defects in the text file.
• Copy in Report from Table defects - Copies contents of the table of defects in the report.
• Add (PCHS defect) - to Add defect in the PCHS format (Cyl, Head, Sec).
• Add (LBA defect) - to Add defect in the LBA format (Logical block addressing).
• -to Edit Edit (PCHS defect) defect (editing).
• Delete (PCHS defect) - to Remove defect(s).
• Select All - to Select all defects.
• Deselect All - to Deselect from all defects.
• Select Heads - to Establish a mark on a certain head.
• Select range of the cylinder [64.... 2...] - To establish a mark in the set range of cylinders.
• Select range of the zone [0... 24... 48] - to Establish a mark in the set range of zones.
• Read S-LIST (for defects edit) from HDD - Reading from HDD S-LIST with the subsequent loading in the table.
• Add defects from A-LIST - Adds to the table defects from the A-LIST module, previously schitav it.
• Add defects from D-LIST - Adds to the table defects from the D-LIST module, previously schitav it.
• Add defects from T-LIST-Adds to the table defects from the T-LIST module, previously schitav it.
• Write S-LIST (edited defects) in HDD - Writes in HDD data from the table of defects (edited).
• Sorting - Sorting of the table of defects as ALIST, TLIST or DLIST. Sorting is optional. At preservation of defects in the HDD
table it will be automatically sorted.
21) Double delete - to Remove the repeating tracks or sectors (function still crude).
22) Group in tracks - to Group in tracks (at select of the cylinder with many bad sectors aggregates).
23) Add Table Defects (PCHS) - Adds defects from the saved file of defects to the main table, without deleting current.
The command carries out cleaning of the table of the renominated sectors and corrects the table of reserve area. This
command can be useful before performance of logical scanning with the subsequent concealment of defects.
Sometimes this table is filled in in the course of recovery of data because of multiple errors. In this case it is also possible to
execute cleaning of A-LIST for return of sectors with data on the places, however it is necessary to consider that the sectors
renominated before restoration process could be occupied with the user data which after cleaning can be partially destroyed.
Cleaning of A-LIST does not influence the translator.
• Cleaning of A-LIST'A with "command of initialization of A-LIST". It is carried out by the HDD after giving on it the
corresponding command, that is the HDD itself clears A-LIST and carries out initialization of the microprogram.
Note! For HDDs of architecture Trinity in the utility the command of cleaning of A-LIST via the terminal is built in.
During the test data on defective tracks are read out by the utility from the S-LIST module. After check on a correctness
(in case of its successful end) these data it will be transformed to a necessary view, and from them the T-LIST module is anew
formed. After end of the test it is necessary to switch off and include power of HDD.
Information on passwords in HDD SAMSUNG of classical architecture and Trinity, F1 and F2 family to be stored in the module
SECURITY, and in F3, F4, M7S2, M7E, M8E, MP4, MT2, MT9 families in the PROFILE module. Command of Security Info after
giving in
HDD of the corresponding command outputs information on the established password and level of protection. If it is not possible to
erase the password by a utility method that enough to rewrite the SECURITY or PROFILE module from the same family HDD. But
to consider that the PROFILE module contains various information on a configuration: max LBA installations, passwords, parameters
of sector, CACHE control, etc.
3.10.1. Work with registers
At the first select of this point the ATA CMD folder in the root folder of the utility is automatically created (the way does not
Script example:
SHT - script identifier
SEND_SUPERON - to send super on
SEND_REG/0000 00FF 0001 0000 0000 E0 80 - on read
SEND_REG/0000 00FF 0001 0000 0000 E0 82 - on write
SLEEP/400 - delay
WAIT_BUSY/ - timeout BSY
WAIT_DRQ/ - timeout DRQ
SEND_FILE/FILE - to send the FILE file is a name of the file (the FILE name can be changed)
RECEIVE_FILE/FILE - to accept the FILE file it is a file name (the FILE name can be changed)
CREATE_BUFER/131072 - to create the buffer 131072 it is the size
SAVE_CREATE_BUFER/PATERN - to save the created PATERN buffer it is a name
//before commands means to skip the utility as the comment in a program code
SEND_REG/0000 0002 0056 0000 0000 E0 80
We save and close a script. Then in the Work with registers menu we load a script of Script.txt into a text field,
we identify the screw and we press the Process button.
If everything is made correctly, then in the second text field we will see result.
We open the ATA CMD folder and we see the accepted SERIALNO file.
The received file can be opened in the HEX editor and to edit.
It is possible to write back it such script.
SEND_REG/0000 0002 0056 0000 0000 E0 82
3.11. Tests
Function is intended for testing of heads of the HDD in service area and in the user area. If the test to be carried out in a
service area that it is necessary to enter the cylinder which is not used into the field Test cylinder
HDD (approximately last cylinder). In the field of Number of sectors it is necessary to enter quantity of the tested sectors (no
more SPT). In the field of heads to choose the quantity of the tested heads. If to set a flag on the option To write that during the
test the utility will make not only the test for reading but also for write too.
As the options Service area and User area choose area for testing.
Attention! In User area density of plates is 10 - 15 times higher than in Service area therefore it is more effective to carry out
the test
in User area. Also it is necessary to remember that the test of the heads can destroy the user and SA data on HDD. You do not
carry out the test of heads on working HDD.
3.11.2. Logical scan
The test Logical scanning is intended for identification of bad sectors. Scanning happens blocks from 1 to 256 sectors. At hit of
a head on bad sector - the utility saves it in the file which at the end of scanning is saved in the <HDD Profile> \Defects\Scan
Defects.lba folder (in the LBA format).
At addition of the Scan Defects.lba file in the editor of defects, the utility suggests to load defects in the PCHS or LBA format.
10. Open in Hex editor - After reading the file opens in Hex the editor (for viewing).
The test reading or write is logically intended for editing or preservation of certain sites (USER) of a zone. There is a
possibility of on sectors copying logically from one disk on another.
The test of reading/write on physics is intended for editing or preservation of certain sites (USER) of a zone, advantage of
the test in comparison with logical that there is an opportunity to read given (pieces) at insignificant destructions in SA (provided
that the translator is not broken).
The test Low-level formatting is intended for write of an all user surface. Write happens blocks on 256 sectors. Write to be
carried out in the PIO mode, very long.
It is more effective to make write of an all user zone third-party programs in the DMA mode.
3.11.6. Service area test
This test is (on sectors) intended for identification and concealment of bad sectors in the field of Sa.Test carry out in the
presence of HTBI code or FFlash. If there are suspicions on existence of bad sectors in the field of SA, first of all it is necessary to
make (reservation of resources), further to write in HDD, HTBI code or FFlash. When carrying out the operation Write scan the
all SA area and modules will be erased. During the test, at hit on bad sectors the utility remembers them and at the end of the test
the MLIST editor with data on bad sectors opens. After preservation of defects in HDD, it is necessary to switch off and include
power that changes in SA came into force.
Further to make write of the all earlier saved modules from the <HDD Profile\SABackup folder. It does not make sense to see
to Burn-In test MC test as Burn-In test included this function.
Attention!!! The MC on sectors test test without existence of HTBI code or FFlash cannot be carried out, later
writes of defects in HDD, will change coordinates of SA modules.
1. Read modules SA – Reading SA modules.
2. Read Tracks – Reading tracks of SA.
3. Read modules RAM – Reading RAM modules.
4. Read FIPS – Reading the FIPS (TRINITY) module.
5. Read ROM – Reading ROM.
6. Read FIPS – Reading the FIPS module.
7. Save Report – to Save the report.
8. Select Heads – Select of the heads of HDD for reading.
The test is intended for fast reservation of resources with HDD. Reservation is available on ATA or Terminal. Preservation of
resources is possible both in the working catalog, and in the folder of the database.
Select of reservation is carried out by installation of tags. For reading modules and tracks select of reading on the heads (Select
Heads) is provided. Reservation on the terminal demands connection to it. At installation of a flag Save Report at the end of
reservation the report of reservation in the <HDD Profile\Logs folder is created.
After pressing of Ok the utility reads out the chosen resources in the <HDD Profile\SABackup folder.
best way to learn an exact set to HDD it to see FSI module contents in the HEX editor. After search it is necessary to define what of
the found files to write in the HDD.
For start of the test in the HDD it is necessary to write Burn Code. DS models are called HDDs whose density of write is
one plate less declared for this family by the producer. For example, the SP0612N model (60 GB, 2 heads) is DS model from
SP0812N (80 GB. 2 heads), SP0802N with three included heads is DS model from SP1203N, HD753LJ (750 GB. 6 heads) is DS model
from HD103UJ (1000 GB. 6 heads).
Attention! Testing of HDDs of architecture of Trinity is recommended to be made only those resources which are recommended for
HDDs with data of the P/n. Use of incompatible resources can lead to failure of the block of magnetic heads.
Attention! For the aid to the user function of definition Burn of files for HDD of architecture Trinity of the menu work from a trinita
of Work with files> Inform from Burn file is integrated into the utility.
For families. VANGOPLUS, PANGO, PALO, MAGMA, M40S, RUBICON, P80A before start of the test is necessary:
1) To execute the write BURN of resources in the HDD
• "BURN-IN Script" it is necessary most to edit module heading with END on BURN
• "Burn Code" or "Downsize Burn Code".
2) To switch off and include power of the HDD.
1) before start of the test it is necessary:
2) To write an insertion of "FFlash" in the HDD.
3) To switch off, include power of the HDD.
4) To correct heading of the BISPT module (a test Burn script) for BURN (instead of END. FAIL or CONT).
5) To write an insertion of "HTBI Code" in HDD.
6) To switch off, include power of the HDD.
With a speed of rotation of a spindle of 7200 rpm at HDD of architecture of Trinity it is necessary for receiving full-size
1) To make the write "HTBI Code".
2) To switch off and include power of the HDD.
3) To execute cleaning of service area.
4) To switch off and include power of the HDD.
5) To write "Burn-In Script".
6) To write "Geometry Script".
7) To write "Downsize Geometry Script" (optionally).
8) To write "1K of Geometry Script" (optionally).
9) To give command of start of Burn-In of the test.
Attention! If in the course of testing of the HDD too large amount of defects is found and "Downsize Geometry Script" is loaded, it
will be used automatically for decrease of model to Downsize.
Attention! Regarding sets of "Downsize Geometry Script" it is integrated into "Geometry Script". In case of use of such sets after
passing of the test the HDD model can also change on Downsize.
With a speed of rotation of a spindle of 7200 rpm at HDD of architecture of Trinity it is necessary for receiving
Downsize of model:
1) To make the write "Downsize Burn Code".
2) To switch off and include power of the HDD.
3) To execute cleaning of service area.
4) To switch off and include power of the HDD.
5) To write "Burn-In Script".
6) To write "Downsize Geometry Script".
7) To write "1K of Geometry Script" (optionally).
8) To give command of start of Burn-In of the test.
With a speed of rotation of a spindle of 5400 rpm at HDDs of architecture Trinity it is necessary for receiving full-size
1) To make the write "HTBI Code (5400 rpm)".
2) To switch off and include power of the HDD.
3) To execute cleaning of service area.
4) To switch off and include power of the HDD.
5) To write "Burn-In Script (5400 rpm)".
6) To write "Geometry Script (5400 rpm)".
7) To give command of start of Burn-In of the test.
Attention! HDDs with a speed of rotation of a spindle of 5400 rpm Downsize of models have no.
On HDDs of classical architecture the test begins in 5 minutes after power switching. In a waiting time and passings of the
test all registers of a state are repaid. If at this time to give soft reset, the HDD will leave in a ready state, and will have an
opportunity to work with a service area (for restart switch off and include power). If the HDD left in readiness at once, BURN-IN
Script means it is empty, or its heading contains "END" or "FAIL". Also the error at the write Burn Code is possible.
Burn-In the test on HDDs of architecture Trinity begins right after giving of terminal command of start of Burn-In of the test. It can
be given manually ("to Operations> Work with Burn> Burn-In Test command "Operations> Work with Burn> Load
Burn's"). In the course of testing the HDD does not extinguish registers and is in a condition pseudo of readiness. If during
the test to the HDD any ATA command is given, Burn-In the test will come to the end with an error of "LED 2308" (Firmware Assert).
In this regard, before start of the SATA test the cable is recommended to be disconnected. For interruption of the test it is necessary
to switch power of the HDD and a tax of soft reset. To renew Burn-In the test, it is necessary to give via the terminal command of
renewal of testing ("> Work with Burn> Burn-In Test command"). Also Burn-In the test can be renewed, having switched
power of the HDD. In 5 minutes the test will renew from the same step on which it was interrupted.
Attention! The SATA cable needs to be disconnected before start of Burn of the test. Shutdown of the cable "on hot" in the course
of testing is perceived by the HDD as giving of soft reset. Burn-In the test at the same time is interrupted.
Attention! If Burn-In the test on HDDs of architecture Trinity is interrupted to the 70th step (NT the test), then testing will need to
be started anew. From the 70th step (the beginning of Burn of the test) inclusive the HDD saves results of last tests in the module
9A BINEWSAV, and after power switching (or giving of command of renewal of testing) testing automatically continues from that
step on which the test was interrupted.
Attention! If after switching of power of the HDD testing long time does not renew, it is necessary to give command of renewal of
Burn-In of the test manually. For this purpose in the beginning on ATA or via the terminal "Soft reset" moves, and then - command
of renewal of testing.
If during the test to connect the winchester to the terminal, it is possible to see that at start of each test and performance of some
actions in it the HDD displays the message. Let's give part of such messages:
BStep 00003 (Ond 0024) :
BStep 00004 (Ond 0069) :
BStep 00006 (Ond 0069) :
BStep 00007 (Ond 0069) :
BStep 00025 (Ond 001C) : Test head : OOTest zone : 07Age : 050SAgc : OOAlAsc: FFF2Test head : 01 Test zone :
07Age : 0406Age : OOSOAsc: 0007 BStep 00026 (Ond 0010) :
Passing of the test on HDDs with the RATA interface. and also its termination can be observed on the connected light-
emitting diode. It is connected to contact 39 IDE sockets and + 5B of power (Fig. 3.42.).
The fig. 3.42 Connection of a Light-emitting Diode for supervision over process of Burn of the test.
Fig. 3.42. Connection of an external light-emitting diode for supervision of process of self-testing of the HDD.
After the termination of the test the HDD has to stop a spindle and begin blink continuously a light-emitting diode. It is
easy to define the termination of the test and in the terminal, there the HDD continuously removes the lines "LED 00 0000" - "LED"
designates a blinking. "00" - the code of positive result, other value will speak about an error.
If the HDD does not stop a spindle and does not show any other signs of the termination of the test during very long time
(more than 2 days), it is possible to interrupt the test. For interruption it is necessary to switch off, include power and to give soft
reset on the HDD, then to check a condition of the test on BISPT module heading. If the heading CONT - the test it is necessary to
continue (to switch off and include power without reset giving) if END - the test is successfully complete if FAIL - the test came to
the end because of errors.
After a successful completion of procedure of testing, it is necessary to switch off and include power of the HDD and to
write in ROM of "Main Code". "Downsize Main Code" or "Main Code (5400 rpm)" (depending on what Burn Code was loaded before
the test). That is, for "Downsize" of model it is necessary to load "Downsize Main Code". After loading switch off and include power
of the HDD. Now it is ready to work.
Attention! Downsize Main Code for HDDs of architecture Trinity does not exist. After passing of Downsize Burn Code Main Code has
to be written.
Attention! After passing of the BURN test on HDDs of TRIDENT family initialization of S.M.A.R.T is also more senior. can not occur.
In that case S.M.A.R.T. it is necessary to initialize manually, having executed command: "Operations> S.M.A.R.T> Clear
Attention! If before testing start the service area was cleared, serial number of the HDD is lost. Instead of it HDD is defined by the
P/n. It is possible to restore or change serial number or by Operations> Work with SA> Edit HDD ID test. or having rewritten saved
earlier modu 07 SNTBL. After editing serial number it is necessary to switch power of HDD and to re-read the passport.
If the test came to the end with an error, it is impossible to write "Main Code" as the HDD can then cease to respond to
the requests. Open the report on results of Burn of the test (Operations> Work with BURN> Burn test result Report menu) and
analyse the possible reasons of unsuccessful end.
If on the HDD modules of defects are crowded, it is necessary to try to start "Downsize" the test (with the write
"Downsize Burn Code"). At own "Burn-In Script" the file of the HDD usually there is a function of transition to model "Downsize", that
is during the test the HDD can consider "Downsize Burn Code" from the P60CODE module (for PALO) or from the P40CODE module
(for PANGO), to write in ROM and to continue the test. If after the termination of the test in the ATA-passport the name of model
changed addressed to younger model, then it is necessary to write not "Main Code", a "Downsize Main Code". For convenience in the
program the table is realized
codes of errors in the menu Help> Error Codes.
After the termination of a servotest in the terminal it is possible to observe a code of the termination of the test (LED 00 0000).
The order of loading and passing servo the test is identical to Burn to the test.
Attention! From practice it is noticed that it is undesirable to clear SA before Burn-In Test on families HDD PARAGON, T166S,
STORM2_G, M7S2, M7E. In case of a failure of Burn of the HDD test will not give access to SA, because of not created SV_TBL
module. The only option HDD will be to return to life only the HOT SWAP method.
3.13.5. Burn-In Script editor
Function is intended for editing the Burn-In-Script parameters from HDD or the file and monitoring of passing of Burn-In
test with a conclusion of steps of the test to the log.
Editing a script is possible on disks of classical architecture (to Triniti). By means of the editor it is possible to change script heading,
time before start of the test after inclusion, to change an order of passing of tests and their parameters.
At select in the Set Parameters Burn-In-Script context menu the window shown in fig. 3.26 is displayed.
For change of parameters of a step of the chosen test it is necessary to choose in the Edit Parameters Burn-In-Script context
menu. The window of the editor of a step of the test is shown in fig. 3.46.
Fig. 3.45 of the Burn-In Script Settings. Fig. 3.46 Editor of Parameters.
When editing parameters of the chosen step of the test the following options are available:
1. The field displaying the current chosen test.
2. The field in which if necessary it is possible to choose other test for change of the current test.
3. Three fields displaying current settings of the test (0,1,2).
4. Three fields for change of setting up the test (0,1,2).
3.14.1. Work with the file
Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
00000000 46 49 54 20 20 20 20 20 02 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 FIT ........
00000010 41 30 0A 00 AE 00 10 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0..®... .......
00000020 9E 00 4D 4C 49 53 54 30 20 20 00 00 01 00 00 29 ћ.MLIST0 .....)
00000030 02 00 46 49 54 20 20 20 20 20 01 00 0A 00 00 09 ..FIT ......
00000040 04 00 4D 4C 49 53 54 20 20 20 0B 00 28 00 00 29 ..MLIST ..(..)
00000050 00 00 46 53 49 20 20 20 20 20 33 00 01 00 00 09 ..FSI 3.....
00000060 9B 00 53 56 5F 54 42 4C 20 20 34 00 06 00 00 09 ›.SV_TBL 4.....
00000070 68 00 46 44 54 5F 54 42 4C 20 3A 00 01 00 00 09 h.FDT_TBL :.....
00000080 0C 00 43 48 4E 5F 54 42 4C 20 3B 00 1E 00 00 29 ..CHN_TBL ;....)
00000090 06 00 43 4F 4E 46 49 47 20 20 59 00 05 00 00 09 ..CONFIG Y.....
000000A0 5D 00 43 4F 4E 46 49 47 32 20 5E 00 03 00 00 09 ].CONFIG2 ^.....
000000B0 07 00 53 45 52 49 41 4C 4E 4F 61 00 02 00 00 09 ..SERIALNOa.....
000000C0 08 00 42 49 5F 53 43 52 50 54 63 00 12 00 00 00 ..BI_SCRPTc.....
000000D0 09 00 42 49 5F 52 45 53 4C 54 75 00 01 00 00 09 ..BI_RESLTu.....
000000E0 0A 00 42 49 5F 43 52 54 52 41 76 00 01 00 00 08 ..BI_CRTRAv.....
000000F0 0B 00 46 4E 4C 5F 54 45 53 54 77 00 08 00 00 00 ..FNL_TESTw.....
Example: It is necessary to cut off the file from offset 0х10 to 0khb0.
We open the file the Open button in the field of near button to appear the file size.
We enter in the field of Cut from the first value in a DEC format (0х10 = 16) later into the field Cut before the second value (0XB0
= 176). In the field of Size of the Created file to appear the size of the created file. Further we press the Cut button if everything
passed successfully, then the Save button will become active. As a result we will receive the file of 160 bytes in size at the exit.
2. Stick Loader to ROM - Initially this function intended for a fastening of a loader with image of ROM.
Example: It is necessary to unite two separate files in the uniform file.
1 file = 1024 bytes, 2nd file = 2048 bytes. We open 1 file the Open Loader button in a window nearby to appear its size. We
open the 2nd file the Open ROM button nearby in the field to appear its size, later in the field Size
to appear value of the general size of two files. Later we press the button Ok if everything passed successfully, then the Save button
will become active.
3. Create file - Function for creation of the empty file of a certain size.
Example: It is necessary to create the empty file of 131072 bytes in size. We enter value into the field Create buffer
131072, further we press the Create button if everything passed successfully, then the Save button will become active.
3.14.2. Reverce bytes
Function of revolution of bytes. We open the necessary file the Open File button nearby in the field to appear the file size, further we
press the Swap Byte button. If everything passed successfully, then the Save File button will become active.
Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
00000000 46 49 54 20 20 20 20 20 02 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 FIT ........
00000016 41 30 0A 00 AE 00 10 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0..®... .......
00000032 9E 00 4D 4C 49 53 54 30 20 20 00 00 01 00 00 29 ћ.MLIST0 .....)
Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
00000000 49 46 20 54 20 20 20 20 00 02 00 05 00 00 00 00 IF T ........
00000016 30 41 00 0A 00 AE 00 10 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A...®... ......
00000032 00 9E 4C 4D 53 49 30 54 20 20 00 00 00 01 29 00 .ћLMSI0T ....).
Function of converting intends only for transformation of the log of a conclusion of the terminal in the WORD format in ASCII the
00000000: 23 65 F6 0C 00 00 00 4D 01 00 00 4D 01 00 00 26
00000010: F0 41 2D E9 30 D0 4D E2 00 40 A0 E3 04 60 A0 E1
00000020: 00 00 8D E2 1B 02 00 FA 80 51 9F E5 7D 1D A0 E3
00000030: B2 0A D5 E1 40 00 C0 E3 B2 0A C5 E1 70 71 9F E5
Offset word
We open the text file with data in the WORD format the Open button. In the field of Size file to appear value of the size of the file.
In the field of Get size we enter value of the size of the created file (*.bin) at the exit. In the field
Offset we enter value of length of offset (Offset = 8). In the field of Cmd we enter command which was applied for reading of a
dump of WORD. If it is necessary to turn bytes, then we put a flag on Swap byte. Later we press the Convert button if everything
passed successfully, then the Save button will become active.
Function of a .prednaznachen for transformation of units of notation of DEC <> BIN <> HEX.
3.15.1. Database
Note! For convenience of work with the database establish directories of burnovy resources, files and SA in one general directory.
Place all burnovy files in the Burn files folder, and burnovy resources (*.bnr) in the Burn resources folder, if any. The working Base
resource folder differs from the Base resource folder in the database. During the first work with HDD to reserve a resource it is
necessary during the reading modules, tracks, as ROM or SaBackup to choose the option In Database in a dialog box. If the directory
of the working Base resource folder differs from Database directory that the subsequent work with HDD will not mention in
advance saved resource in the database.
The mode is intended for search of a certain necessary file for HDD in the Burn files base.
The set flag on the option Fast search means that search will be quickly run but taking into account what the name of the searched
file has to coincide with the name entered into the field (the whole word). If the flag is not set, then search happens more slowly,
but there is a possibility of search of the file as regards the word.
The mode is intended for search of a certain necessary HDD resource in the HDD resources base.
Search to be known in the set parameters - Model, Firmware or Flash version. The option Flash version is available in the
presence in folders and subfolders of HDD families of the VU_IDFY.bin module. If search gives result
that the folders meeting criteria of search will be loaded into the right field. Also functions will be available
viewing of contents of the folder, viewing of modules in the HEX editor, copying, removal movement etc.
The mode is intended for search of necessary Burn of a resource (*.bnr) for HDD in the Burn resources base.
Search to be run in the set parameters - P/N and Family. Burn resources from the utility of SHT in a format (*.bnr) have a name,
for example: 4938_F1_1D.
Parameter 4938 means P/N, and F1_1D HDD family. If search of Burn of a resource took place positively, then in the right field it is
possible to see the resource found Burn. Functions of viewing of contents Burn of a resource, a mark in the journal will be available
to the subsequent loading of a resource in HDD copying, removal, movement etc.
Fig. 3.57 Search of Burn of files. Fig. 3.58 Search of the Description of Files in the P/n.
Fig. 3.59 Editing Code P/n.
The mode is intended for search of the description of necessary files for HDD on P/N, with the subsequent search of a set of
Burn of files in the Burn files base. All data are stored in the ciphered Code file.
To be available a possibility of editing, addition, removal and preservation of writes in the Code P/n base.
The module 00 FSI we see HTBI code name (1AG29quB.124) with which HDD held Burn test. Next to the database menu
click File search and type in the file name 1AG29qu, the final letters and numbers (B.124) not to introduce, B means Burn .124 = ID
platform. Be sure to remove the flag from the Fast search option. The resulting search result is shown in Figure 3.61. Select all files
with the extension (* .124). If you have available SaBackup is not to think how to apply where the file compare files simple program
HexCmp.exe: Overlay file module 19 BOVLY001.bin, Burn-In script module 99 BINEWSCR.bin, Geo script module
2A GEO_00.bin, 1k Geo script module AE GEO_0000.bin and DSgeo script module AC GEO_0000.bin. Otherwise, to determine name
file the destination see the table P / N or letter code of the file name.
Fig. 3.60 Search of the File. Fig. 3.61 Naydenye files in the Burn base of files.
3.15.2. Creation of the journal with writes about files
The mode is intended for a mark of necessary files for the subsequent loading in Load BURN’s in HDD or Load file in
HDD. After a mark of files in the journal files.ini in which to contain all writes about noted files is automatically created.
Attention! The journal has restriction to 30 files and no more than one write about the file with expansion (*.bnr).
The file with expansion (*.bnr) after other noted files first of all is loaded into a consequence of loading of files from the journal in
Load BURN’s in HDD or Load file in HDD.
Hot swap for receiving access to a service area is the simplified version of the hot swap procedure.
The HDD of the same family with the same card of heads, a compatible payment of electronics and the compatible microprogram is
necessary for this procedure. The majority of payments of electronics and microprograms of HDDs of classical architecture are
compatible in families. Compatibility of a payment of electronics and microprograms of HDDs of architecture of Trinity is determined
by Platform Id. which at compatible HDDs has to coincide.
Operations procedure at hot swap:
1. To connect to the utility the donor HDD.
2. To include power.
3. To give command of sleep.
4. To accurately turn off a payment of electronics and to rearrange it on the HDD patient.
5. To make test reading on different heads of modules through "The catalog of modules",
in parallel watching behavior of the HDD in the terminal.
6. In case of successful reading modules to restart the utility and to start diagnostics of the HDD. In case of failure to try to
analyse the log of the terminal and to define the behavior reason.
In problems of recovery of data the technique of "Hot Swap" is sometimes used. Procedure is necessary when the disk is not
initialized and does not leave in readiness on inclusion, at the same time information in the terminal does not indicate malfunction of
heads, or electronics payment is simply faulty. Then it is possible to try to get access to SA and user information by means of the Hot
Swap procedure.
Procedure purpose: in case of errors in service area to carry out an inspection of SA information and to try to restore it: in case of
malfunction of a payment of electronics and need of access to the user data - to copy necessary modules and to repeat the Hot
Swap procedure. It is also possible to execute Hot Swap if the destroyed modules did not manage to be restored, and in the Hot
Swap procedure they are not used (the all modules used at Hot Swap e have to be without destructions of information in them).
It is necessary to use the family for "patient" modules as HDDs of Samsung have the dynamic translator which is under construction
every time at inclusion of power of the HDD of these modules.
For this procedure it is necessary to find the HDD of the same model with the same card of heads!!!
Sequence of actions for performance of the Hot Swap procedure:
1) To give power on "donor HDD", to enter the utility and after initialization to give command of "Sleep".
2) To accurately turn off a payment - electronic engineers of "donor" and to fasten it on a germoblok "the HDD - the patient".
3) If this family of HDDs has own table of modules in a service area (module 02 FIT), then there is a probability that an
arrangement, the size or the number of modules of "patient" and "donor" differ. Therefore it is necessary to open the
Reading Modules menu and to subtract the module 02 FIT from the HDD. Then to open the Utility configuration menu and
to load the table of modules of the only a few file.
4) To start the Reading Modules test and to subtract from the HDD all modules, except some modules of logs, big by the size.
5) To switch off power and to rearrange a payment back on a germoblok of "donor".
6) To rewrite on "donor" all modules of "patient" except the module of overlay (OVERLAY) and modules of various logs (ELOG,
RCOLOG, DLIST, P60CODE, etc.). Modules of logs can be rewritten, but they do not bear functional pressure of work of the
HDD and therefore will not influence procedure of proofreading of data. Modules have to be written in "donor HDD"
according to the table of modules of the patient.
7) To switch off and include power of "donor".
8) To give command of sleep and again to rearrange a payment of "donor" on a germoblok of "patient".
9) To begin proofreading of data on "patient". At the same time switching of power and giving of commands of initialization
should not be made.
Attention! At the operations Hot Swap it is impossible to rewrite the OVERLAY module as it is part of the microprogram and has to
correspond to the microprogram finding in ROM at the time of power inclusion.
Attention! There is a situation when after the carried-out test Burn the HDD shows incorrect value of the maximum available LBA
because of failure of the test microprogram. For example can show 500 MB of available LBA. In such situation it is necessary to open
the table of broadcast of zones and at the end of the table to look at final LBA, after to edit by means of Operations> Work with
SA> Zone allocation table or Operations> Work with SA> Edit HDD ID.
According to available information of Burn files are deciphered on the last letters in a name
1. 2AJ03T6B.D31 - HTBI code.
B.D31 = B is Burn code and expansion. D31 is ID platform.
2. 2AJ03jkM.131 - Main code.
M.131 = M it is Main code and expansion.131 it is ID platform + overlay.
3. 2AJ03T61.B31 - Burn-In Script.
1.B31 = 1.B it is idle time of Burn-In Script and 31 it is ID platform.
4. 2AJ03T62.B31 - 1K Burn-In Script.
2.B31 = 2.B it is 1K of Burn-In Script and 31 it is ID platform.
5. 2AJ03T61.G31 - Geometry Script.
1.G31 = 1.G it is idle time of GEO Script and 31 it is ID platform.
6. 2AJ03T62.G31 - 1K Geometry Script.
2.G31 = 2.G1.G31 = 1.G it is idle time of GEO Script and 31 it is ID platform.
7. 2AJ03T6D.G31 - Downsize Geometry Script.
D.G31 = D.G is Downsize GEO Script and 31 it is ID platform.
8. 2AJ03T61.V31 - Overlay.
1.V31 = 1.V it is Overlay 31 it is ID platform.
Function is intended for independent assembly of Main of a code by means of a dump of ROM and the module
73 MOVLY001.bin. It is necessary to specify only a way for saving the file, to ROM and the module
73 MOVLY001.bin. The utility automatically processes a dump of ROM and the MOVLY001.bin module 73, later fastens them together
the loader also counts checksum of the received image of Main of a code.
4. Connection of a disk.
The utility works with the hard drive on ATA and COM ports. The majority of operations can be executed through ATA.
Connection on the terminal (COM port) is necessary for operations with ROM, passing control burn tests, diagnostics in the absence
of readiness on the interface, etc.
The disk has to be connected to the computer in the ATA port (SATA, PATA) included in the IDE mode (not AHCI or RAID).
The port needs to be disconnected in a device manager (see fig. 4.1) for an exception of the conflicts at the appeal to a disk. Also in
system the TVicPort driver has to be installed (see item 1).
For connection of the terminal it is necessary to use the UART converter with the TTL 3.3V levels. The USB adapter example
on a chip of CP2103 is shown on rice 4.2.
At connection of the terminal signals of Rxd, converter Txd are used. The arrangement of contacts of connection of the
terminal for various disks is shown in fig. 4.3-4.6.
For check of operability of the UART converter it is possible to close its conclusions of Rxd, Txd and to type the text in the connected
SHT terminal. It has to at once is removed in a terminal window.
In case of incorrect connection of contacts of the converter to a disk it will be impossible to execute the operations
"Operations> Work with Terminal". Then it is necessary to check repeatedly connection and at
need to trade places of Rxd, converter Txd.
Fig. 4.1. An example of the disconnected port. Fig. 4.2. USB-UART TTL converter.
In case of the additional questions which are not described in this documentation Samsung (Samsung) is recommended to
get acquainted with subjects ". Repair and restoration of HDDs", the I-IV parts at the forum in the section
Hardware" Magnetic data carriers
Attention! Owners of earlier acquired versions v4.0.0, v4.0.1, v4.0.2, v4.0.3, v4.0.5, v4.0.6.
The prevention from the developer of this software.
At above-mentioned versions of the program there was a number of errors (defects), in functions connected with (work with
If work with defects (with HDD of architecture Trinity) above-mentioned versions of the program was performed
and when checking HDD (surface USER) the HDD fell in BUSY or in a stupor and the answer in the terminal was removed by the
inscription "DEBUG HALT xxxxxxxx", it meant that the amount of defects in the S-LIST module or in the PARAM_DM module is
incorrectly counted.
It is possible to return to an initial state defect modules following the instruction from the author:
1. To reserve the HDD (SABackup) resources
2. To restore the S-LIST module, using the Reconstruction S-LIST function.
3. To check the restored S-LIST module for a correctness (schitav it with HDD and having loaded it in the editor of defects).
4. In case of successful restoration of the S-LIST module, it is possible to continue the necessary various operations connected with
How to contact us
Company: ICCSYS
Mail: [email protected]
QQ: 2766349138
Developer: [email protected]
Active mail: [email protected]
Note! Manual will be updated with addition of new functions and with updating of the utility.
Samsung Error Codes
BURN IN Stop condition Description:
00=End of Program
01=Unknown Stop Condition
02=Invalid Stop Condition
11=Bias force too high error
12=Seek error
13=Head Unlatch error
14=Bias calibration error
15=Spindle speed error
16=Spin-up error
17=Track zero not found error
18=NP-offset test result error
19=AB-slope test result error
1A=Total gain calibration error
1B=Loop gain calibration error
21=Head skew calibration result error
22=VCM bias force check result error
23=Seek time error
24=1 track seek time too long
25=1/3 stroke seek time too long
26=Full stroke seek time too long
27=Head switching time too long
28=Spin up time error
29=Latch force too low
2A=Too many PES error
2B=STW fail
2C=Servo defect in maintenance cyl
2D=Excessive servo defect per zone
2E=Excessive servo defect per drive
2F=Too many gray error
31=Too many real servo defect per drive
32=Error logging over flow
33=Excessive defect per drive limit
34=Excessive defect per zone
35=Excessive defect per head
36=Excessive defect per track
37=No defect map exist
38=Defect free format error
39=Servo defects too close
3A=Too many scratch
3B=Too many dlist in buffer
3C=Too many ecc error
3D=Too many write fault
41=Error rate too high
42=Too many error during Gap Filling
43=Head compensation cal test is bad
44=Excessive soft error
45=Format error
46=Burn-In script error
47=RCO timeout error
48=Final test error
49=Continuous test
51=PCB not ready error
52=Load system table fail
53=Maintenance write error
55=Burn-In code version downlevel
57=Power-on initialization error
59=Bad killing head information
5A=IPC related error
5B=Maintenance read error
5C=Function test timeout error
61=CPU RAM error
62=Sequencer RAM error
63=Buffer RAM error
64=Flash ROM error
65=Burn-in script error
66=Head unique test error
67=Serial number checksum error
68=Excessive TA error
69=Excessive seek error
6A=Servo ram error
6B=? Wrong BurnIn Overlay
71=FSAM error
72=FGRAY error
73=PES error
74=Index error
75=Head Margin Test error
80=Burn-in Go
82=BLPL Test Fail
83=Head unique test error
85=Excessive TA error
86=Excessive write fault error
87=Calibration error
88=Latch force too low
89=Latch force too high
91=Rco criteria system write error
92=Rco criteria system read error
93=Rco criteria not found
94=Rco header system write error
95=Rco result system write error
96=TF Rco result system write error
97=Write boost optimize fail
98=Weak head test fail
99=Find test track fail
172F=Track defect in maintenance cyl
1731=Too many servo defect
1743=Total gain verify bad
MC Access Errors:
H/M Screen:
FOD Errors:
Timeout Errors:
2303=O Pattern write fail after RCO
2304=Read Screen Error
2305=Failed compiling
2306=Unrecognized Opcode (opcode cmd function not available)
2307=Script Error
2308=Firmware Assert
2309=2nd Downsize Error
230A=5400 rpm DownSpeed Criteria: Zone Cutting Bug
2353=5400 rpm DownSpeed Criteria: Zone Cutting Bug
Version Mismatch:
Defect Overflow:
OEM screen: