CCCApplicationReview SierraCollege

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Enrollment InformationEdit

TermSpring 2023

Educational GoalDiscover/formulate career interests, plans, goals

Major/Program area of studyComputer Basics - Noncredit Certificate (Not eligible for Financial Aid)

Profile InformationEdit

OpenCCC Account

NameVickie J. Lewis

Permanent Address4301 Kembery Drive

Lombard, IL 60148
United States of America (the)

Previous NameNot Provided

Preferred NameLewis

Main Phone(505) 570-3811

Phone TypeMobile

[email protected]

Preferred Method of Contact:Email

Social Security NumberNot Provided

Date of BirthDecember 14, 1998

Mailing Address

Same as My AccountYes


Enrollment Status as of January 22, 2023Adult school student in a high school diploma or equivalency program

High School Education Level as of January 22, 2023Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time

Received a diploma or certificate of completion in CaliforniaNeither

Attended high school in California for three or more years Neither

High School or HomeschoolLyons Township High School, La Grange, IL, US

Grade Point Average3.21

Highest English Course Taken12th grade Advanced Placement (AP) English Composition or Literature

Highest English Course GradeA

Highest Math Course TakenMath Analysis

Highest Math Taken GradeA-

College Education Level as of January 22, 2023No degree


Citizenship StatusU.S. Citizen

Military Status as of January 22, 2023None apply to me


YesLived in California Continuously since January 22, 2021

NoSince January 22, 2021 declared residency in another state for income tax purposes

NoSince January 22, 2021 voted or registered to vote in another state

NoSince January 22, 2021 declared residency at an out-of-state college or university

NoSince January 22, 2021 petitioned for a lawsuit or a divorce as a resident in another state

NoAt any time in the last 24 months have you been determined to be homeless?

NoHave you ever been in court-ordered foster care?

Needs and InterestsEdit

YesComfortable reading and writing English

YesWould like information about money for college

YesReceive TANF/CalWORKs, SSI, or General Assistance

Programs and services in which you are interested

YesAcademic Counseling/Advising

Yes, but not intercollegiateAthletics/Intercollegiate Sports

NoBasic Skills (reading, writing, math)


NoCareer Planning

NoChild Care

NoCounseling - Personal

NoDSPS - Disabled Student Programs and Services

NoEOPS - Extended Opportunity Programs and Services

NoESL - English as a Second Language

YesHealth Services

YesHousing Information
NoEmployment Assistance

NoOnline Classes

NoRe-entry Program (after 5 years out)

YesScholarship Information

NoStudent Government

NoTesting, Assessment, Orientation

NoTransfer Services

YesTutoring Services

NoVeterans Services

Demographic InformationEdit


1: Some high school;
did Levels
not graduate


RaceNot Specified

Supplemental QuestionsEdit

1) Are you taking classes only for fun (not for No

a certificate, degree, or for transfer)?

2) Are you currently pursuing a degree at a No

different institution and plan to take only a
few classes at Sierra College?

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