Ca PCPNDT 141003081218 Phpapp01
Ca PCPNDT 141003081218 Phpapp01
Ca PCPNDT 141003081218 Phpapp01
Female sex
State/UT ratio as per
Census 2011
1 Haryana 877
2 Delhi 866
3 Chandigarh 818
4 Dadra & Nagar 775
5 Daman & Diu 618
Future doesn’t look so bright!!!!
Legal Action To Stop Female Foeticide
I. History
II. Definitions
– Techniques
– Places
– Qualified Persons
Procedure for Registration
Minimum Requirements for Registration
– Process of Certification
– Rejection of Application for Registration
– Cancellation or Suspension of Registration
– Provision for Appeal
– Renewal of Registration
– Rejection of Application for Renewal
IV. Prohibitions
A. Prohibitions
A. On places
B. On persons
C. Miscellaneous
– Prescriptions and Regulations
– Penalties
A. Offence by persons
B. Offence by a company
V. Instrumentalities for Implementing the Act
– Policy Making Body
– Implementing Authorities
VI. Maintenance and Preservation of Records
VII. Search and Seizure
I. Search and Witnesses
– Seizure and Preparation of List
– Sealing
– Collection of Evidence
• 1860
– Indian Penal Code, punishing causing of miscarriage and other like offences
• 1978
– directive banning the misuse of amniocentesis in government
• 1985
– Dr. Sanjeev Kulkarni, Mumbai
– Thesis of 200 sonography & abortion centres
– Misuse of sonography machines for female foeticide
• 1988
– Embryo testing restriction law, Maharashtra
– Maharashtra Regulation of Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act
• 1994 (20th September)
– Places
– Qualified Persons
Qualified Persons
A. Gynaecologist
B. Medical Geneticist
C. Paediatrician
D. Registered Medical Practitioner
E. Laboratory technician
F. Radiologist
G. Sonologist or Imaging Specialist
A. Gynaecologist
means a person who possesses a post-graduate
qualification in gynaecology and obstetrics.
• The Rules framed under the Act further
qualify the qualifications by providing
additional requirements for a gynaecologist
when employed by a genetic counselling
centre or a genetic clinic but do not
necessitate the engagement of a
gynaecologist by a genetic laboratory.
• For a genetic counselling centre, the gynaecologist
must have
– 6 months experience in genetic counselling ; or
– 4 weeks training in genetic counselling .
• For a genetic clinic, the gynaecologist should have
adequate experience in pre-natal diagnostic
procedures i.e. should have performed at least 20
procedures in chorionic villi aspirations per vagina or
per abdomen, chorionic villi biopsy, amniocentesis,
cordocentesis foetoscopy, foetal skin or organ biopsy or
foetal blood sampling etc. under supervision of an
experienced gynaecologist in these fields.
B. Medical Geneticist
includes a person who possesses:
– Degree, or
– Diploma
in genetic science in the fields of sex selection and pre-
natal diagnostic techniques
or has experience of not less than two years in any of
these fields after obtaining-
– Any one of the medical qualifications recognized under the
Indian Medical Council Act, 1956; or
– A post-graduate degree in biological sciences.
The offence under the Act shall be tried only in a court of the Metropolitan Magistrate or a
Judicial Magistrate of the First Class.
• The drafts of complaints that can be filed by
the Appropriate Authority in court are
annexed herewith as Annexure-VI.
• The reply that can be filed by the Appropriate
Authority to an application for anticipatory
bail is annexed as Annexure-VII.
Good Faith
• No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding
shall lie against the Central or State Government
or the Appropriate Authority or any officer
authorized by them for anything which is in good
faith done or intended to be done under the Act.
• Thus the Appropriate Authority can perform its
duties under the Act without any fear of any type
of legal proceedings being initiated against
A. Policy Making Body
B. Implementing
A. Policy Making Body
• A Board is required to be constituted by the
Central Government which is known as the
Central Supervisory Board (hereinafter
referred to as the Board).
• The Act makes provision for inclusion of
government officials, specialists as well as
representatives of welfare organizations in this
Accordingly the Board is to comprise of:
a) Chairman (ex-officio)
– The Minister in charge of the Ministry of Department of Family
b) Vice-Chairman (ex-officio)
– The Secretary to the Government of India in charge of the Department
of Family Welfare.
c) Three members (ex-officio) appointed by the Central
Government to represent the Ministries of Central Government in
charge of
– Women and Child Development,
– Department of Legal Affairs or Legislative Department in the Ministry
of Law and Justice, and
– Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy.
d) Director General of Health Services of the Central Government
e) Ten members appointed by the Central
Government, two each from amongst-
1. Eminent medical geneticists;
2. Eminent gynaecologists and obstetrician or expert of
stri-roga or prasuti tantra;
3. Eminent paediatricians;
4. Eminent social scientists; and
5. Representatives of women welfare organizations.
f) Three women members of Parliament
– two elected from Lok Sabha and
– one from Rajya Sabha.
g) Four members appointed by the Central
Government (on the recommendation of the
respective State Government or of Union
Territory) by rotation to represent the States
and Union Territories.
h) Member Secretary (ex-officio)
– An officer, not below the rank of Joint Secretary
or equivalent of the Central Government, in
charge of Family Welfare.
• The Act also specifies the terms of the various
members and prescribes the procedure for the
meetings of the Board which is to be further provided
for by regulations made by the Board.
• It is mandatory for the Board to meet at least once in
six months.
• Importantly, if a person, in the opinion of the Central
Government, has been associated with the use or
promotion of pre-natal diagnostic technique for
determination of sex or with any sex selection
technique, he shall be disqualified from being
appointed as a member of the Board.
• In the amendments it has been clarified that
no member other than an ex-officio member
shall be appointed for more than two
consecutive terms.
Functions Of The Board
• The functions of the Board as specified under the Act are:
i. To advise the Central Government on policy matters relating to use
of pre-natal diagnostic techniques, sex selection techniques and
against their misuse;
ii. To review and monitor implementation of the Act and the rules
made thereunder and to recommend to the Central Government
changes in both;
iii. To create public awareness against the practice of pre-conception
sex selection and pre-natal determination of sex of foetus leading
to female foeticide;
iv. To lay down code of conduct to be observed by persons working at
Genetic Counselling Centres, Genetic Laboratories and Genetic
v. To oversee the performance of various bodies constituted under
the Act and take appropriate steps to ensure its proper and
effective implementation.
• The Board is also to perform any other functions
as may be specified under the Act such as
specifying abnormalities or diseases for which
pre-natal diagnostic techniques can be conducted
or the conditions which are necessary to exist
before the conduct of these techniques.
• Thus the Act envisages the Board as the main
body which is to make recommendations on
policy maters and on amendments that are
necessary in the Act.
• The Supreme Court vide its order dated 4.5.2001 had
also directed the Board to lay down a code of conduct
under section 16 (iv) of the Act to be observed by
persons working in bodies specified therein and to
ensure its publication so that the public at large can
know about it.
• Pursuant to this, the Board has laid down a Code of
Conduct to be observed by persons working at any of
the facilities. This provides that all persons including
the owner, employee or any other persons associated
with facilities registered under the Act/the Rules shall-
Code of Conduct
i. Not conduct or associate with, or help in carrying out detection or
disclosure of sex of foetus in any manner;
ii. Not employ or cause to be employed any person not possessing
qualifications necessary for carrying out pre-natal diagnostic
techniques/procedures and tests including ultrasonography;
iii. Not conduct or cause to be conducted or aid in conducting by himself
or through any other person any techniques or procedure for selection
of sex before or after conception or for detection of sex of foetus except
for the purposes specified in sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Act;
iv. Not conduct or cause to be conducted or aid in conducting by himself
or through any other person any techniques or test or procedure under
the Act at a place other than a place registered under the Act/the Rules;
v. Ensure that no provision of the Act and these Rules are violated in any
vi. Ensure that the person conducting any techniques, test or
procedure leading to detection of sex of foetus for purposes not
covered under section 4(2) of the Act or selection of sex before or
after conception is informed that such procedures lead to
violation of the Act and the Rules which are punishable offences;
vii. Help the law enforcing agencies in bringing to book the violators
of the provisions of the Act and the Rules;
viii. Display his/her name and designation prominently on the dress
worn by him/her;
ix. Write his/her name and designation in full under his/her
x. On no account conduct or allow/cause to be conducted female
xi. Not commit any other act of professional misconduct.
State Supervisory Board
II. Under the amended provisions of the Act, a
State Supervisory Board or the Union
Territory Supervisory Board is required to be
constituted by each State and Union
Territory having a Legislature;
State/Union Territory Supervisory
a) Chairperson, ex-officio
– The Minister in charge of Health and Family Welfare in the State
b) Vice- Chairperson, ex-officio
– The Secretary in charge of the Department of Health and Family
c) Secretaries or Commissioners in charge of ex-officio
– Departments of Women and Child Development,
– Social Welfare,
– Law and
– Indian System of Medicines and Homoeopathy, ex-officio, or their
d) Director of Health and Family Welfare or Indian System of
Medicines and Homoeopathy of the State Government,;
e) Three women members of Legislative Assembly or Legislative
f) Ten members to be appointed by the State Government
out of which two each shall be from the following
i. Eminent social scientists and legal experts;
ii. Eminent women activists from non-governmental
organizations or otherwise;
iii. Eminent gynaecologists and obstetricians or experts of stri-
roga or prasuti tantra;
iv. Eminent paediatricians or medical geneticists;
v. Eminent radiologists or sonologists;
g) Member Secretary, ex-officio
– An officer not below the rank of Joint Director in charge of
Family Welfare
• The Act also specifies the terms of the various members
other than ex-officio members as three years, co-opting of
members and procedure for the meetings of the Board.
• The number of co-opted members cannot exceed one-third
of the total strength of the State Board. The co-opted
members shall have the same powers and functions as
other members, except the right to vote and shall abide by
the rules and regulations.
• It has been clarified that if a member of the Legislative
Assembly or member of the Legislative Council who is a
member of the State Board, becomes Minister or Speaker
or Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly or
Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of the Legislative
Council, she shall cease to be a member of the State Board.
• It is mandatory for the Board to meet at least
once in four months