OOP - Assignment - 2 - Spring 2021
OOP - Assignment - 2 - Spring 2021
OOP - Assignment - 2 - Spring 2021
Object Oriented Programming (CS217)
Plagiarism: Plagiarism cases will be dealt with strictly. If found plagiarized, both the involved parties will
be awarded zero marks in this assignment, all the remaining assignments, or even an F grade in the
course. Copying from the internet is the easiest way to get caught!
Deadline: The deadline to submit the assignment is 2nd May 2021 at 11:59 PM. Late submission with
marks deduction will be accepted according to the course policy shared earlier. Correct and timely
submission of the assignment is the responsibility of every student; hence no relaxation will be given to
Bonus: In case you implement any additional feature which you think is worth of bonus, make it
prominent so that we can see it at runtime.
• Each question will be graded on the basis of your effort, additional marks will be awarded for
using good programming practices, including: memory efficient programs, well-written, good
design and properly commented.
• All programs must be generic.
• You can change the argument, return type and also add new data members in the given
structures and classes.
• Follow the given instructions to the letter, failing to do so will result in a zero.
Question 1: Overlapping rectangles – A rectangle is identified by its four coordinates, as shown in the
figure below. Make a structure to hold data for every rectangle, there is bare minimum information that
you to store for each rectangle i.e. its coordinates. You can also improvise and make additional members
in the structure if you think it will help in doing any of the following tasks. Write the following functions:
1. Generate n number of rectangles
2. Find and return the area of all the rectangles, given the rectangles in the above format
3. Sort and return all rectangles in the ascending order based on their area.
4. Find the set of rectangles that overlap the largest rectangle
5. Write a function main (as a controller) to call the above functions in the correct order to identify
the set of rectangles that overlap the largest rectangle
Question 2: Smart mirror – You customize smart mirrors for your customers. For each customer the
options that they may want to display on smart mirror may include: upcoming Tasks, Time, Weekly
quotes and Date. Your task is to write a C++ program using the knowledge of structures and OOP that will
be able to customize display for any user.
Remember all these tasks should be accessible only through the mirror. It is not required that you display
the tasks in the manner shown below; however the options should cater for all possible user choices. Also
note, that in order to avoid clutter on the mirror, you can display a new screen for choosing to edit, add,
and exit back to the main mirror screen.
Question 3: Bookshop – You have to develop a software for a bookshop. The overall objective is that the
program should be able to calculate total sales, salaries of salesman, types of book sold, and record each
customer data. You have to enter data of three salesperson and at least 10 books (try to enter data of three
different types of books History, Science fiction, and Adventure). Consider following structures, you can
always add additional data member if you feel it will result in better/efficient design:
struct Salary{
double fixedSalary ; //every salesperson has a fixed salary for a daily wager Rs. 15000/-
double comission; //2% of sale price of all the books sold
struct Customer{
int cust_No;
char* cust_Name; //duration of project
Address cust_Address; //structure itself
Book bk; //
struct Book{
int id;
string type
char* bookName;
char* authorName;
double price;
1. chooseDealer(): Out of the four players one is chosen randomly to deal the cards for the first time
(referred as “dealer”). The person to dealer’s right is the one who announces trump suit and is
called “trump-caller”.
2. Deal_and_Tumps():The dealer deals a batch of five cards to each player (five cards for each player
would be chosen randomly from the available cards). The trump-caller player looks at his or her
five cards and (without communication with any other player) chooses and announces the trump
suit. Then the dealer deals out all the remaining cards in batches of four (13 cards per player).
3. revealCards(): Although, this is not done in the game as only the player knows his/her cards but
this function is just to ensure that cards have been dealt correctly
4. oneTrick(): The objective is to win the trick, so you have to carefully implement an algorithm that
chooses the card with the potential to win the trick (ranking of the cards have already been
mentioned). The player to dealer's right leads any card to the first trick. All the other players must
follow suit. When all four players have contributed a card the player of the highest card of the
suit that was led wins the trick unless one or more cards of the trump suit were played, in which
case the highest trump wins. The player who won the trick leads any card to the next trick.
5. game(): The object of the game is to score courts by winning the majority of the tricks (hands).
This will be called trick function repeatedly unless a team has won 7 tricks. In case the other team
has not been able to win even a single trick the game will continue so that the former team may
end up winning all 13 tricks.
6. switchDealer(): The dealer is always a player from the team that lost the previous deal, so that
the winners of the previous deal call trumps.
Consider following structures, you can always add additional data member if you feel it will result in
better/efficient design:
struct player{
int id;
int t; //duration of project
cards* cardsInHand;
struct card{
char i;
string suit;
Question 5: Table Tennis Fantasy League - You have to develop a table tennis fantasy league. Here are the
details of league: no. of teams (4) and no. of player per team (3). Each team will have to play the other
team twice, so you can calculate the total number of matches. Consider following classes, you can always
add additional data member if you feel it will result in better/efficient design:
class Player{
char* name;
string type; //type of the player “attacking” or “defensive”
double points; //randomly assign points between 30 to 40 randomly
// constructors
class Team{
char* teamName;
int teamRank;
Player* teamPlayers;
class Match{
int Match_No;
Team homeTeam;
Team awayTeam;
You have to write at least the following functions. Also decide which functions will become member
functions of which class. Only names of the functions are given you can have any number of arguments in
1. addPlayers(): Add players data so that they are available to be picked by teams.
Sr. No. Name Type Points Availability
1 Name Player 1 Attacking 35.93 true
2 Name Player 2 Defensive 33.08 true
3 Name Player 3 Attacking true
. . . . .
. . . . .
15 Name Player 15 Attacking 39.10 true
2. returnPlayers(): This function is supposed to return player of certain type (attacking or defensive).
3. assignRanks(): Assign ranking to the 4 teams on the basis of random number.
4. teamSelection(): Form the team on the basis of strategy, a defensive team will prefer two defensive
players and one attacking player. Whereas an attacking team will prefer two attacking players and
one defensive player.
5. playerSelection(): Player selection function where each team chooses their pick one by one. Once a
player is picked by a team change his status to false (meaning sold).
6. generateMatchStats(): This function will generate match status. Assign a winning team players’ point
between 10 and 20 randomly. For the losing team assign them points between 5 and 10 randomly.
7. bestPlayersInMatch(): Display the information of the best player of both the teams
8. UpdatePlayerPoints(): After a match update ranking points of players
9. printLeaderBoard(): Prints the sorted list of player in all teams
10. printTeamRanks(): Prints the ranking of teams
Question 6: Plane Landing problem – Plane landing is an optimization problem and need sophisticated
algorithms to assign landing time and runway to each plane. You have to develop a very simplistic solution
to the plane landing problem. Here is the assumption for the problem that you are going to solve:
Input to the program is a schedule of flights who are going to land in 10 minutes. For each flight you will
have to enter some following information: flight number, remaining fly time (this time is updated when it
contacts the AirController), scheduled landing time (this time of all the flights have to be within this 10
minute window). Sample data might look like this:
Airport for which we are designing this solution has only three runways. Each runway can be used for
landing. Once a plane is allocated to a runway it will be occupied for at least 2 minutes.
Consider following classes/structures, you can always add additional data member if you feel it will result
in better/efficient design:
class AirController {
// think about the private data members...
// constructors
struct Runway {
int id;
string type;
status availability;
int dur;
int s_Time; //start time of each task
class Flight{
// think about the private data members...
string flight_No; //
double arrivalTime; //arrival time which is known at the departure.
double remaingFlyTime; //how long can the fuel last it no runway is available
double scheduled_landing_Time; //
Runway rn; //
// constructors
Question 7: Scheduler – An organization can potentially work on multiple projects at any given time. Each
project consists of multiple tasks, which is the work that is to be performed in the project. You have to
implement a class which takes the task information from the user for a project. Then calculate completion
time of the project.
PART A: Calculate the completion time of the project given the task information. How to determine
project completion time? This link may be helpful: https://www.workamajig.com/blog/critical-path-
Consider following structures, you can always add additional data member if you feel it will result in
better/efficient design:
class task{
int id;
int dur;
int s_Time; //start time of each task
int e_Time; //end time of each task
int* dep; /*list of predecessors of this task - To simplify we assume that a higher number task will
depend on a lower number task e.g. T2 can depend on T1 OR T4 can depend on T2 but the
opposite is not true.*/
char skill; //required for PART B
Resource res; //required for PART B
setTaskDuration();//change task duration of all tasks
set_nth_TaskDuration();//change duration of a specific task
printTaskDependencyList();//print dependencies of a specific task
class project{
int id;
int t; //duration of project
task* tasks;
// provide definitions of following functions...
Project();// default constructor
Project(task* ts, int n);//initialized the project with n tasks
PART B: Consider that now you have to make the same schedule but also have to pick resources and assign
to the tasks. Each task has a special skill required for its completion (we will use 4 skill types ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’,
and, ‘D’). Now you will have to generate completion time by assigning resources to the tasks. If a resource
is not available, then the project will be delayed. Enter data for 10 resources using the following structure.
struct Resource{
int res_Id;
bool res_Availability;
int res_Skill;