Predictors of University Student Satisfaction With Life, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Achievement in The First Year

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Canadian Journal of Higher Education

Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur

Predictors of University Student Satisfaction with Life,

Academic Self-Efficacy, and Achievement in the First Year
Gabrielle Wilcox and David Nordstokke

Volume 49, Number 1, 2019 Article abstract

Understanding personal factors that contribute to university student
URI: satisfaction with life is important in order to determine how we can better
DOI: prepare students for the transition to post-secondary education and support
them during this transition. This study examined predictors of university
See table of contents student satisfaction with life, academic self-efficacy, and self-reported
academic achievement in their first year of university. First-year students (n =
66) completed selfreport measures of academic achievement, university
well-being, satisfaction with life, personality, and mental health. A linear
regression analysis approach was applied to the data. Results indicated that
Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education academic satisfaction and school connectedness predicted satisfaction with life
but that academic self-efficacy and college gratitude did not, conscientiousness
ISSN predicted academic self-efficacy, college well-being predicted self-reported
achievement, and anxiety predicted achievement but depression did not. This
2293-6602 (digital) study highlights the importance of understanding the personal factors that
influence well-being and achievement during the transition to university.
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Wilcox, G. & Nordstokke, D. (2019). Predictors of University Student Satisfaction
with Life, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Achievement in the First Year. Canadian
Journal of Higher Education / Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur, 49(1),

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University Student Satisfaction with Life / G. Wilcox & D. Nordstokke 104

Canadian Journal of Higher Education
Revue canadienne d’enseignement supérieur
Volume 49, No. 1, 2019, pages 104 - 124

Predictors of University Student Satisfaction

with Life, Academic Self-Efficacy, and
Achievement in the First Year
Gabrielle Wilcox
University of Calgary

David Nordstokke
University of Calgary
Understanding personal factors that contribute to university student satisfac-
tion with life is important in order to determine how we can better prepare stu-
dents for the transition to post-secondary education and support them during
this transition. This study examined predictors of university student satisfac-
tion with life, academic self-efficacy, and self-reported academic achievement
in their first year of university. First-year students (n = 66) completed self-
report measures of academic achievement, university well-being, satisfac-
tion with life, personality, and mental health. A linear regression analysis ap-
proach was applied to the data. Results indicated that academic satisfaction
and school connectedness predicted satisfaction with life but that academic
self-efficacy and college gratitude did not, conscientiousness predicted aca-
demic self-efficacy, college well-being predicted self-reported achievement,
and anxiety predicted achievement but depression did not. This study high-
lights the importance of understanding the personal factors that influence
well-being and achievement during the transition to university.
Il est important de comprendre les facteurs personnels qui contribuent à
la satisfaction des étudiants universitaires à l’égard de la vie afin de mieux
les préparer à la transition vers l’éducation postsecondaire et les soutenir
pendant cette transition. Cette étude a examiné les indicateurs de satisfaction

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des étudiants universitaires à l’égard de la vie, l’auto-efficacité académique,

et la perception de leur rendement scolaire durant leur première année
universitaire. Des étudiants de première année (n = 66) ont complété des
mesures d’auto-évaluation sur leurs résultats académiques, le bien-être, leur
satisfaction à l’égard de la vie, la personnalité et la santé mentale. Les données
ont été analysées par l’approche d’analyse de régression linéaire. Les résultats
ont indiqué que la satisfaction et la connectivité au milieu scolaire ont prédit
une satisfaction à l’égard de la vie et que l’auto-efficacité académique et la
gratitude du milieu scolaire ne l’ont pas prédit. Le souci du travail bien fait a
prédit l’auto-efficacité académique. Le bien-être dans le milieu postsecondaire
a prédit le sentiment d’accomplissement, et l’anxiété a prédit la réussite,
mais pas la dépression. Cette étude souligne l’importance de comprendre les
facteurs personnels qui influencent le bien-être et la réussite au cours de la
transition universitaire.
Earning a post-secondary degree is an important achievement for later job opportuni-
ties. Unfortunately, in the United States, less than half of students who enter university
graduate (Knapp, 2007), highlighting the impfortance of exploring student experiences
during the transition to university. The process of transition to university is both chal-
lenging for many students and important for completing their university degrees, as stu-
dent perceptions of the transition experience and the coping strategies they employ pre-
dict future adjustment and academic success (Perera, McIlveen, & Oliver, 2015; Woosley
& Miller, 2009). The move to university requires many adjustments, including adapting
to increased personal responsibility for academic work and self-care and increased free-
dom (Blair, 2017; Credé & Niehorster, 2012; Fromme, Corbin, & Kruse, 2008; Smith &
Zhang, 2008; Venezia & Jaeger, 2013). These changes in freedom and responsibility im-
pact student well-being and achievement (Burke, Ruppel, & Dinsmore, 2016; Richardson,
Abraham, & Bond, 2012; Stamp et al., 2015). To determine how to support success during
this transition, in the areas of both well-being and academic success, it is important to
examine the factors that impact these outcomes.
Students’ Well-Being
Multiple terms are related to the general idea of happiness. Two terms that research-
ers often use to examine the general idea of happiness are subjective well-being and life
satisfaction. Subjective well-being is defined as the combination of relatively high levels
of positive affect, relatively low levels of negative affect, and relatively high levels of life
satisfaction (Diener, Lucas, & Oishi, 2005). Life satisfaction is a cognitive assessment of
the quality of one’s life overall (Suldo, Riley, & Shaffer, 2006). However, some research-
ers use happiness as a synonym for subjective well-being (Oishi, Diener, & Lucas, 2007),
highlighting the nebulous nature of these concepts.
There are three primary theoretical orientations for what leads to happiness, which
emphasize fulfilling goals, engaging in meaningful activity, and genetic predisposition
(Diener et al., 2005). Goal fulfillment suggests that happiness requires action toward
gaining a specific outcome (Diener et al., 2005; Proctor, Linley, & Maltby, 2009). While

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meaningful activity also involves action, the pleasure attained from the action itself is
more important than the outcome (Diener et al., 2005). Finally, genetic predisposition
proposes that while there is day-to-day variation in individual ratings of happiness, there
is a level of stability suggesting that it is both a state and a trait (Diener et al., 2005).
Social connectedness, the subjective experience of interpersonal closeness (Lee &
Robbins, 1995), is important in fostering a successful transition to university. Student-
athletes in university demonstrated significantly higher levels of connectedness than non-
athletes (Armstrong & Oomen-Early, 2009), indicating the importance of structured op-
portunities for engagement. Frequent, casual interactions with classmates also increase
university students’ reporting of happiness and sense of belonging, suggesting that not
only are close relationships important but that casual interactions contribute to feelings
of connectedness and belonging (Sandstrom & Dunn, 2014). Regular interactions, both
casual and more intentional, contribute to feelings of school connectedness.
While the effect size was small, in a study by Allen, Robbins, Casillas, and Oh (2008)
the impact of first-year academic performance and social connectedness demonstrated a
significant direct effect on the rate of maintaining enrollment in university in third year.
Higher levels of social connectedness are also related to lower levels of loneliness and
adjustment difficulties (Duru, 2008) and are correlated with emotional learning and
achievement motivation (Turki, Jdaitawi, & Sheta, 2017). While males and females in
university did not differ in their perceived levels of social connectedness, they differed in
the qualities they needed to feel socially connected, with females desiring physical prox-
imity and males desiring social comparison or guidance (Lee & Robbins, 2000).
Bandura (1977) defined self-efficacy as the combination of believing that an action will
have a specific result and believing that one is able perform that action. These two beliefs
together impact student behaviour, including effectively implementing strategies, which,
in turn, positively influences academic performance (Pajares, 2002). For example, stu-
dents who believe that completing readings before class will improve their performance
and who believe they are able to complete the readings before class are more likely to pro-
actively set aside time to read and, consequently, to complete the readings before class.
Students who think that completing the readings is not an effective strategy are not likely
to read the assignments. Additionally, students who think that they are unable to com-
plete the readings before class, even if they think that completing the reading assignments
ahead of time would be an effective strategy, are unlikely to actually read the assignments.
Relatedly, students with high self-efficacy tend to frame work demands as challenges
rather than threats, which results in higher expectations for their performance as well as
higher actual academic performance (Chemers, Hu, & Garcia, 2001). Easy success does
not lead to a strong sense of self-efficacy because it does not foster the fortitude neces-
sary to work through challenges. The belief that one can perform an action to bring about
a specific result is gained through a cyclical process of persevering through challenging
tasks and successfully completing them. Repeatedly surmounting obstacles convinces

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people that they are capable, increasing their self-efficacy and their persistence in tackling
challenging problems (Bandura, 1997). Not surprisingly, then, high levels of self-efficacy
promote the development of academic motivation and success.
Academic self-efficacy. Academic self-efficacy—belief in one’s ability to complete
the regulatory tasks needed to succeed academically (Zimmerman, Bandura, & Martinez-
Pons, 1992)—predicts academic achievement, effort, perseverance, and decreased pro-
crastination in high school and university (Di Giunta et al., 2013; Feldman, Davidson,
Ben-Naim, Maza, & Margalit, 2016; Komarraju & Nadler, 2013). Interestingly, students
who have low expectations for their academic performance tend to adopt an avoidance
approach, attempting to not look bad, and as a result often do not seek help (Hsieh, Sul-
livan, & Guerr, 2007). There are gender differences in self-efficacy, with females reporting
higher levels of confidence in their use of study and organizational strategies and effort
maintenance (Pajares, 2002); however, adolescent males report small, but statistically
significant, higher levels of academic self-efficacy related to most specific content areas
compared to females (Huang, 2013).
High levels of academic self-efficacy positively impact goal-directed, self-regulatory
behaviours; they also positively influence grades both directly and indirectly through set-
ting higher goals for academic achievement (Pajares, 2002; Poole & Evans, 1989). Setting
smaller, proximal goals on the path to a larger distal goal is particularly helpful in assist-
ing students to see progress and increase their confidence. Receiving frequent feedback,
especially when students are encouraged to connect their performance with effort, results
in greater self-efficacy and skill development (Pajares, 2002). In a review of the influ-
ence of academic self-efficacy on academic performance, Honicke and Broadbent (2016)
found that academic self-efficacy was moderately correlated with academic performance.
Richardson, Abraham, and Bond (2012) found that academic self-efficacy was moderately
correlated with university grade point average (GPA). One Canadian study identified a
positive correlation between students’ academic aspirations and actual academic perfor-
mance and between time spent studying and academic achievement in university (Chow,
2007), suggesting that setting high goals is related to engaging in goal-directed behav-
iours toward those goals and ultimately to achieving high goals.
Academic competence. Academic competence typically requires engaging in
specific activities related with success, including spending time reading and complet-
ing coursework. However, over half of high school students report that they spend three
hours per week at most on coursework but that this is sufficient for them to competently
complete their assigned tasks (McCarthy & Kuh, 2006; Vinson et al., 2010). These study
habits do not adequately prepare students for the demands of university. Competence
requires more than simply having skills and knowledge; it also requires executive func-
tioning in order to effectively organize, choose, and perform behaviours that are likely to
be successful (Bandura & Schunk, 1981). Through this process of mastering skills, people
develop intrinsic motivation for tasks that initially were not intrinsically motivating for
them. Bandura and Schunk (1981) found that when elementary school children set at-
tainable sub-goals in learning math concepts, they improved math skills, perceived self-
efficacy, accuracy in assessing their skill, and interest in math, which was originally not
intrinsically interesting to them. Additionally, all students who were persistent, whether
or not they set attainable sub-goals, were more likely to succeed.

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Academic Satisfaction
Academic satisfaction or satisfaction with academic studies is somewhat analogous
to job satisfaction, and definitions sometimes prioritize cognitive, affective, or attitudinal
dimensions (Wach, Karbach, Ruffing, Brünken, & Spinath, 2016). Students in a teacher
education program were more satisfied with the content of their program when they re-
ported high levels of intrinsic motivation and were more satisfied with the conditions of
their program when they assumed that the courses would not be difficult (Wach et al.,
2016). Further, students who were achieving academically were more satisfied with their
program (Wach et al., 2016), suggesting a link between academic competence and aca-
demic satisfaction.
Students’ Gratitude
Gratitude is both a state, a temporary feeling or behaviour, and a trait, a stable char-
acteristic (McCullough, Emmons, & Tsang, 2002). Gratitude is the positive emotional
response experienced in relation to receiving a benefit from an external source (Renshaw
& Bolognino, 2016). While there has been limited research examining college gratitude
(This is a US scale, which uses university and college interchangeably.), overall gratitude
is positively correlated with academic and social integration, GPA, life satisfaction, and
positive emotion, and negatively correlated with levels of depression and anxiety, and the
number of self-reported course withdrawals and failures (Emmons & McCullough, 2003;
Mofidi, El-Alayi, & Brown, 2014).
McCrae’s and Costa’s (1987) Big Five model of personality includes the traits of ex-
traversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness; of these,
conscientiousness and openness are most closely related to strong academic performance
(Credé & Kuncel, 2008; Poropat, 2009). Individuals with high levels of conscientiousness
tend to demonstrate specific characteristics such as planning and organization, self-regu-
lation needed to avoid procrastination, sustained effort, persistence, and methodic analyti-
cal thinking (Di Giunta et al., 2013); consequently, conscientiousness was negatively cor-
related and procrastination, and it was positively correlated with GPA (Richardson et al.,
2012). It is not surprising, then, that conscientiousness, in conjunction with openness and
self-esteem, contributed to academic self-efficacy in high school students (Di Giunta et al.,
2013). Additionally, despite the popular view that characterizes individuals who are consci-
entious as being rigid, especially in their impulse control, the aspect of executive function-
ing most closely associated with conscientiousness was cognitive flexibility, or the capacity
to adapt effectively to changing demands (Fleming, Heintzelman, & Bartholow, 2016).
Mental Health
Findings from studies indicate a high prevalence of distress and mental health symp-
toms among university students. One Australian study found that undergraduate stu-
dents reported significantly higher rates of distress (83.9%) than the general population
(29%), with females reporting higher levels of distress than males (Stallman, 2010). In

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another study, 13.8% of undergraduate respondents has positive screens for depression
and 2.9% for anxiety, and while rates of positive depression screens were similar for males
and females, females were more than twice as likely to screen positively for an anxiety dis-
order (Eisenberg, Gollust, Golberstein, & Hefner, 2007). Of the students who screened
positively for one disorder, almost one-quarter screened positively for a second condition
(Eisenberg, et al., 2007). A U.S. study found that more than one-third of students re-
ported a mental health problem (anxiety: 4 to 7%; depression 13 to 15%) and 60% of those
students reported a mental health problem two years later, but many of these students
did not think that they needed to pursue help (Zavin, Eisenberg, Gollust, & Golbertein,
2009). Additionally, students who reported increased mental health problems achieved
lower GPAs (Stallman, 2010). In a longitudinal study examining the impact of mental
health problems on achievement, Eisenberg, Golberstein, and Hunt (2009) found that
depression alone predicted low GPA, and that the combination of depression and anxiety
was a particularly strong predictor of poor achievement.
Current Study
1. The main purposes of the current study are as follows: to investigate whether uni-
versity student well-being predicts student life satisfaction and academic achieve-
ment; to investigate whether the personality factor conscientiousness, together with
life satisfaction, predict academic self-efficacy; to determine whether university
student well-being predicts academic achievement in transitioning undergraduate
students; and to determine whether anxiety and depression predict achievement
in transitioning university students. In addition, an analysis of gender will be con-
ducted on the variables used in the current study to determine whether there are
any domain-specific differences prior to entering variable into the main regression
analyses. There were five research questions for the current study: Are there gender
differences in the variables measured in the current study?
2. Does university student well-being, as measured by academic satisfaction, academic
self-efficacy, school connectedness, and college gratitude, predict satisfaction with
life in transitioning undergraduate students?
3. Does the personality factor conscientiousness and life satisfaction predict academic
self-efficacy in transitioning undergraduate students?
4. Does university student well-being predict achievement in transitioning university
5. Do anxiety and depression predict achievement in transitioning university students?
The sample for the current study consisted of 71 participants (19 male, 52 female).
This sample was taken from the population of first-year transitioning students. Mean age
was 19.04 years with a standard deviation of 1.75 years (range: 18–25 years old). Partici-
pants were recruited from undergraduate programs across various university faculties:
science (31.8%), arts (30.3%), business (15.2%), medicine (9.1%), education (3%), kinesi-
ology (3%), and nursing (3%), and the remainder had not declared a major (4.6%).

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Academic achievement. Students reported their first semester grades as a percent-
College Student Subjective Well-being Questionnaire (CSSWQ). Subjective
well-being was measured using CSSWQ, a 16-item self-report behaviour rating scale for
measuring undergraduate students’ college-specific wellbeing. It is comprised of four sub-
scales with four items per subscale, measuring the following: (1) Academic Satisfaction
(e.g., I am happy with how I have done in my classes.), (2) Academic Efficacy (e.g., I am
an organized and effective student.), (3) School Connectedness (e.g., People at this school
are friendly to me.), and (4) College Gratitude (e.g., I feel thankful for the opportunity to
learn so many new things.). Responses are recorded on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1
(strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). Item responses are summed to create subscale
scores, and subscales can be combined to create a total score. Research shows that each
of the subscales of the CSSWQ and the total score possess adequate internal consistency
reliability. The coefficient alphas for each subscale and the total score are as follows: Aca-
demic Satisfaction, α = .88; Academic Efficacy, α = .86; School Connectedness, α = .83;
College Gratitude, α = .79; and total score, α = .91 (Renshaw, 2018).
Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Satisfaction with life was measured using
the SWLS, which consists of five items examining respondents’ global judgement of life
satisfaction, which is thought to converge highly with emotional well-being. The items are
comprised of statements such as “In most ways my life is close to ideal.” Responses are
recorded on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).
Item responses are summed to create a total score. Higher scores indicate greater satis-
faction with life. Test-retest reliability has been reported to be strong (α = .87; Diener,
Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985). Considerable evidence for the construct validity of the
SWLS has been reported (e.g., Diener et al., 1985; Pavot, Diener, Colvith, & Sandvik, 1991;
Pavot & Diener, 1993).
Mini-markers. Participant personality was measured using Saucier’s (1994) Mini-
markers. This is a 44-item self-report scale used to assess dimensions of personality ac-
cording to McCrae’s and Costa’s (1987) Big Five personality model. The measure provides
scores for extraversion (e.g., Bold), conscientiousness (e.g., Organized), intellectualism
(e.g., Creative), agreeableness (e.g., Cooperative), and emotional stability (e.g., Relaxed).
Participants rated how much each personality adjective described them using a 9-point
Likert scale. The score for each participant is determined by taking the mean of the rating
for each item under each factor. The scale has a five-factor solution, with each factor hav-
ing an internal consistency of α = .78 to α = .87. These adjectives were selected from Gold-
berg’s (1992) 100-item measure and were selected based on factor purity. Because the
items were selected from a previously and more widely used measure of personality due
to their robustness, the Mini-markers have demonstrated concurrent validity. Addition-
ally, the scale has demonstrated convergent and divergent validity similar to Goldberg’s
(1992) measure, with comparable correlations between personality facets and academic
achievement (Dwight, Cummings, & Glenar, 1998), as well as gender, age, life satisfac-
tion, and emotional intelligence (Palmer & Loveland, 2004).

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Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21). Depression and anxiety were mea-
sured using the DASS-21, a 21-item scale that provides brief measures of depression,
anxiety, and stress (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995). There are seven items for each of the
subscales. The items are comprised of statements such as “I find it hard to wind down.” Re-
sponses are recorded on a 4-point Likert-type scale ranging from 0 (did not apply to me at
all) to 3 (applied to me very much, or most of the time). Research supports the reliability
and validity of the DASS-21 with coefficient alphas of α = .85 for the depression subscale, α
= .81 for the anxiety subscale, and α =.88 for the stress subscale (Osman et al., 2012). The
DASS-21 anxiety and depression subscales possess significant positive correlations with
the Beck anxiety and depression inventories respectively (Osman et al., 2012).
Following approval from the Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board (CFREB) at
the University of Calgary, the researchers contacted undergraduate instructors from all
faculties to seek permission for classroom recruitment at the beginning of the winter
term. After receiving permission, the researchers presented a general invitation to stu-
dents during regularly scheduled first-year undergraduate lectures. The researchers pro-
vided interested students with a link where participants provided self-report data using
an online survey system (FluidSurveys). When participants visited the survey website,
they were provided with the appropriate consent documentation and asked to indicate
that they consented to participating in the study. Once into the survey, participants were
asked to provide their demographic information, previous high school achievement, and
first-term achievement, and to complete all of the scales. The estimated time to complete
the survey was approximately 20 minutes.
Data Analysis
All data analyses were conducted using SPSS 24.0. The first part of the data analysis
involved checking the integrity of the data (i.e., outliers and missing data as well as testing
the assumptions of the statistical tests for the analysis). This involved visually inspecting
histograms and boxplots, as well as skew and kurtosis values for each of the variables that
were to be entered into the regression analysis. To determine whether there were gender
differences on the variables utilized in the current study, a series of t-tests were conducted
utilizing a Bonferroni correction to adjust the nominal alpha in order to protect against
familywise error. Gender analysis was conducted prior to the regression analysis to en-
sure that there were no differences, as subgroups with differing intercepts and/or slopes
can bias the result of a regression analysis. To answer the main research questions, scale
scores were entered into a series of linear regressions. Linear regression implied direc-
tionality in the relationship between one or more predictor variable and an outcome vari-
able (Kerlinger & Lee, 2000). The first two regression analyses were conducted utilizing
the entire data set; however, due to missing data on the achievement (GPA) variable, the
third and fourth regression analyses were conducted on a reduced sample.

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Data Inspection
Visual inspection of the data revealed that there were five cases with 100% missing
data. These cases were dealt with by utilizing listwise deletion, resulting in 66 participants
(Tabachnick & Fidell, 2012). Once these cases were removed, there was less than 3% miss-
ing data for any single variable. This was also the case for each participant, where there was
also less than 3% missing data. Multiple imputation was utilized to deal with the remain-
ing missing data. Visual inspection of boxplots revealed that there were no outliers present
in the data. Histograms and skew and kurtosis values were checked to assess whether the
assumption of normality was satisfied and all variables demonstrated acceptable levels
of skew and kurtosis, thus satisfying the assumption of normality (Tabachnick & Fidell,
2012). In addition, of the 66 remaining participants, there was 59.1% missing data for first
semester grades, meaning that only 27 participants provided information pertaining to
their achievement. Since academic achievement was an important outcome variable for
the current study, a decision was made to conduct a separate set of regression analyses on
these participants using this smaller sample. Participant data where achievement informa-
tion was provided was copied to a secondary data set. The number of participants utilized
in each regression analysis are indicated in the results of the regression analyses.
Descriptive Statistics
Means, standard deviations, minimum value, maximum value, and skew and kurtosis
values for each of the measures used in the current study are listed in Table 1. Bivariate cor-
relations between all of the variables measured in the current study are listed in Table 2.
Gender Analysis
To address research question one, an analysis of gender differences was conducted on
the variables used in the current study. All participants in the study indicated that they
identified their gender as male or female. Results from the series of t-tests utilizing Bon-
ferroni corrections indicated that there were no gender differences for any of the variables
measured in the study.
Regression Analysis
The main analysis of the current study consisted of four linear regression analyses to
answer questions two through five. Across all regression analyses conducted, inspection
of the Durbin-Watson value, tolerance values, and residual plot indicates that there was
no evidence of violations of the assumptions related to regression. The first linear regres-
sion (n = 66) utilized the four subscales from the CSSWQ (i.e., academic satisfaction,
academic self-efficacy, school connectedness scales, and college gratitude), with satisfac-
tion with life as the outcome variable. This resulted in a model where these variables ac-
counted for 49% of the variability in the participants’ satisfaction with life, R2adj = .485,
F(4, 61) = 16.32, p < .001. The standardized coefficients for academic satisfaction and
school connectedness were β = .32, p =.005 and β = .45, p = .001, respectively. Academic
self-efficacy (β = .10, p =.39) and college gratitude (β = .06, p =.53) were not significant
predictors in this model.

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Table 1. Descriptive statistics

Mean Standard Minimum Maximum Skew Kurtosis
CSSWQ: Total Score 18.68 5.44 5.00 28.00 -0.37 -0.57
CSSWQ: Academic Satisfaction 21.97 3.78 11.00 28.00 -0.67 0.13
CSSWQ: Academic Efficacy 21.12 3.63 14.00 28.00 -0.03 -0.90
CSSWQ: School Connectedness 24.60 3.40 15.00 39.06 0.52 4.57
CSSWQ: College Gratitude 86.37 12.50 54.00 112.00 -0.22 -0.40
Mini-Markers: Extraversion 41.91 10.74 13.00 64.00 -0.26 0.38
Mini-Markers: Agreeableness 54.07 9.87 31.00 69.00 -0.33 -0.84
50.90 10.53 19.00 71.00 -0.89 1.02
Mini-Markers: Emotional
39.73 11.39 9.00 69.00 0.10 0.41
Mini-Markers: Openness 50.98 10.04 30.00 71.00 0.01 -0.71
Satisfaction with Life 22.74 7.42 5.00 35.00 -0.47 -0.45

The second linear regression (n = 66) utilized the personality factor conscientious-
ness with academic self-efficacy as the outcome variable. This resulted in a model where
conscientiousness accounted for 42% of the variability of the participants’ academic self-
efficacy, R2adj = .421, F(1, 64) = 41.16, p < .001. The standardized coefficients for conscien-
tiousness were β = .63, p < .001.
The third linear regression (n = 27) utilized the CSSWQ total score as the predictor
and academic achievement as the outcome. The total CSSWQ score was used instead of
subscale scores in this regression analysis due to the small sample size, resulting in a lim-
ited ability to mine down into subscale scores due to reduction in power and the limited
number of factors that could be entered into the regression. The purpose of this analysis
was to determine if global college student well-being was related to achievement. This
resulted in a model accounting for 48% of the variability of the participants’ academic
achievement, R2adj = .484, F(1, 25) = 7.66, p = .01. The standardized coefficient for the
CSSWQ was, β = .484, p =.01.
The fourth linear regression (n = 27) used the DASS-21 anxiety and depression sub-
scale scores as the predictors, with academic achievement as the outcome. Stress was not
entered into the model due to high collinearity with anxiety and depression. The purpose
of this analysis was to determine if aspects of mental health were related to academic
achievement. This resulted in a model accounting for 32% of the variability in academic
achievement, R2adj = .32, F(2, 24) = 7.08, p = .004. The standardized coefficients for anxi-
ety and depression were β = -.55, p =.004 and β = -.114, p > .05, respectively. Depression
was not a significant predictor in the model.

CJHE / RCES Volume 49, No. 1, 2019

Table 2. Bivariate Correlations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. CSSWQ: Total 1                     

2. CSSWQ: .83**  1                   
3. CSSWQ: .77**  .48**  1                 
4. CSSWQ: School .82**  .54**  .60**  1               

5. CSSWQ: College .62**  .32**  .30*  .42**  1             


6. Mini-Markers: .18  .23  .14  .16  -.02  1           


7. Mini-Markers: .47**  .30*  .34**  .44**  .38**  -.11  1         

CJHE / RCES Volume 49, No. 1, 2019


8. Mini-Markers: .52**  .29*  .63**  .49**  .21  .080  .36**  1       

9. Mini-Markers: .35**  .30*  .34**  .34**  .07  .11  .36**  .47**  1     
University Student Satisfaction with Life / G. Wilcox & D. Nordstokke 114
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
10. Mini-Markers: .27*  .22  .17  .20  .24  -.07  .24  .19  .06  1   

11. Satisfaction .67**  .59**  .51**  .66**  .26*  .17  .38**  .51**  .49**  .07  1 
with Life 
12. DASS Stress -.25* -.36** -.19 -.26* .16 -.13 -.01 -.23 -.58** .18 -.47** 1

13. DASS Anxiety -.21 -.34** -.13 -.23 .14 -.28* .06 -.28* -.39** .22 -.43** .74** 1

14. DASS -.48** -.43** -.38** -.43** -.19 -.18 -.33** -.49** -.54** .11 -.57** .59** .63** 1

Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01

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University Student Satisfaction with Life / G. Wilcox & D. Nordstokke 116

In this study, we asked five questions related to students who are transitioning to uni-
versity. In the first, we found that there were no difference between males and females on
any variable measured in this study. Other studies found variable gender differences on
similar measures. For example, Turki, Jdaitawi, and Sheta (2017) found no differences
in social connectedness or achievement motivation, but they found that males demon-
strated higher levels of social emotional learning. Another study (Eisenberg et al., 2007)
found that females reported higher levels of distress, related to mental health, than males.
Our finding could be due to the characteristics of the students who chose to participate
and the measures we used.
In answering the second question, we found that academic satisfaction and school
connectedness accounted for 49% of the variance in satisfaction with life, and that aca-
demic self-efficacy and college gratitude were not significant predictors of satisfaction
with life. In the current study, the academic satisfaction subscale of the CSSWQ reflected
students’ perception of their academic performance at university and its importance to
their overall satisfaction with life. This finding is in line with other research on academic
satisfaction and satisfaction with life (Wach et al., 2016) and with research examining the
role of school connectedness with adjustment (Duru, 2008), well-being (Sandstrom &
Dunn, 2014), depression (Armstrong & Oomen-Early, 2009), and retention (Allen et al.,
2008). Turki and colleagues (2017), however, found that social connectedness was cor-
related with social and emotional learning but not with adjustment. While our measure of
the impact of school connectedness on well-being was somewhat different from the focus
of other studies, the results of most other studies examining comparable constructs were
similar to our results. In the current study, academic self-efficacy was not a significant
predictor of satisfaction with life, which is surprising given the amount of research that
has demonstrated this relationship (Chemers et al., 2001; Di Giunta et al., 2013; Honicke
& Broadbent, 2016; Komarraju & Nadler, 2013; Richardson et al., 2012. The non-signif-
icant finding in the current study could be due to the measure that was used. The non-
significant find pertaining to college gratitude was also somewhat surprising; however,
there is not a great deal of research focusing on this construct.
Conscientiousness accounts of 42% of the variance in academic self-efficacy in answer
to the third question. This finding is in line with other research indicating that students
who are organized, precise, and persistent in their approach to work are more likely to be-
lieve that they have the skills necessary to complete difficult aspects of coursework, which
is an integral component of self-efficacy (Bandura & Schunk, 1981; Di Giunta et al., 2013).
While not in a university population, Di Giunta and colleagues found that conscientious-
ness contributed to academic self-efficacy as well, suggesting that personality, specifically
conscientiousness, is an important factor contributing to successful academic transition
to university.
In answering the fourth research question, we found that college well-being accounted
for 43% of the variance in self-reported achievement. The measure of college well-being
was broad and included academic satisfaction, academic self-efficacy, school connected-
ness, and college gratitude. Our findings are supported by other studies suggesting that
higher life satisfaction (Rode et al., 2005) and higher well-being (Chow, 2007) are corre-

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lated with higher GPA. In answering the final research question, we found that anxiety ac-
counted for 32% of the variance in achievement and that depression was not a significant
predictor of achievement. This finding is in line with other research finding that increased
mental health problems are related to decreases in academic achievement, specifically in
GPA (Eisenberg et al., 2007; Stallman, 20010. The finding that depression was not a pre-
dictor of achievement was surprising, however, because Eisenberg and colleagues (2009)
found that depression alone significantly predicted lower GPA, and that a combination of
depression and anxiety was a strong predictor of poor achievement.
There are multiple practice implications from this study. Students would likely benefit
from increased preparation for university both through their high school experiences and
during the transition. While we did not measure specific study skills, some of the ques-
tions on the conscientiousness subscale asked questions in this vein (e.g., if students were
organized, efficient, etc.). Research suggests that current high school expectations do not
prepare students for the work demands of university, as they can achieve satisfactorily with
three or fewer hours per week spent on coursework in high school (Bandura, 1997; McCar-
thy & Kuh, 2006; Vinson et al. 2010). Additionally, students who reported taking challeng-
ing course loads in high school also reported that they felt that those challenging classes
prepared them to complete the work required at university (Nordstokke & Wilcox, 2018).
After students have entered university, they may benefit from programs to support
social connection, effective learning strategies for the differing demands of university,
and mental health—both fostering mental health and providing help for those who expe-
rience mental health symptoms, especially in the areas of depression and anxiety. Foster-
ing a university culture of safe help-seeking could expand beyond mental health to aca-
demic support. This could be aided by helping students identify their academic and study
skill strengths and weaknesses and creating easy paths to seeking help embedded within
courses rather than expecting students to seek out the supports, as students who need
supports often do not seek them out (Feldman et al., 2016; Vinson et al., 2010).
Unfortunately, students who report high levels of distress and symptoms of mental
health diagnoses do not always acknowledge that they need help or seek out supports,
even when those exist. By encouraging help-seeking behaviours (Zavin et al., 2009), uni-
versities can help to address this. For example, they can examine barriers to accessing
services offered, such as lack of information, stigma, and logistical difficulties in access-
ing services (e.g., location, hours, scheduling) to determine university-specific strategies
for reducing those barriers. Preventatively, programs that promote positive engagement,
not only with peers but also with faculty, are important in successful transition support
programs (Vinson et al., 2010).
There are several limitations to the current study that should be addressed. It should
be noted that these limitations do not invalidate the results of the current study but should
be addressed to strengthen future work. The first limitation relates to the measures that
were utilized. The CSSWQ was selected because it is a multidimensional measure of col-

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lege student well-being (Renshaw, 2018); however, a potential issue with such a broad
measure is that it may not adequately represent the subscale constructs (e.g., academic
self-efficacy), possibly explaining some of the null results reported in this study. Addition-
ally, this was the only global scale of college student subjective well-being available. To
address this in future studies, we will either employ other measurement scales, if avail-
able or develop measurement instruments. The DASS-21 provides only a snapshot of the
mental health status of students (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995), and therefore does not
fully reflect the extent to which students are experiencing mental health challenges. A
particular point to note is that the anxiety component of the DASS-21 only explores so-
matic aspects of anxiety and does not address the importance of other aspects of anxiety
(i.e., rumination and cognitive symptoms). To address this in future studies, more com-
prehensive mental health assessments will help to determine more completely the rela-
tionships between student mental health, transition, and achievement.
A second limitation of the current study is related to challenges in recruitment and stu-
dent responses. Several attempts to recruit transitioning students were made, but overall
there was low participation in the study. In addition, many more females than males par-
ticipated in the current study. This may have resulted in an imbalanced representation of
female/male experiences. However, since there were no gender differences on the vari-
ables utilized in the current study, this is not likely. A final challenge faced in the current
study pertained to student reporting of their grades. There was over 50% missing data on
this variable; to address this in future research, partnerships will be developed with the
university registrar to ensure access to more complete data.
Future Research
How best to support students as they transition into university is an area requiring ad-
ditional research. One area to address in future research is the experiences and outcomes
of specific at-risk populations. University has become more accessible to individuals with
high-incidence disabilities, including mental health diagnoses, learning disabilities, at-
tention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and high-functioning autism. However,
gaining admission to university is not enough; these students have unique needs that
require supports in order for them to successfully complete university, and there is a
need to further determine how best to do that (Moriña, Cortés-Vega, & Molina, 2015).
There are also students who enter university who do not have an official diagnosis but
are at risk of an unsuccessful transition due to undiagnosed or undisclosed diagnoses or
subthreshold symptoms. Research to help identify these students early in their university
experience will help to develop appropriate supports that will increase their likelihood of
successfully completing their degree. Increased internationalization has resulted in stu-
dents attending universities in North America whose first language is not English, and for
whom Western culture is foreign. It is also important to continue to research the factors
that support successful completion of university in the areas of both academic success
and well-being for these unique populations.
This study found that satisfaction with life was predicted by academic satisfaction and
school connectedness, academic self-efficacy was predicted by conscientiousness, and

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self-reported academic achievement was predicted by both college well-being and anxi-
ety. These findings suggest that it is important to support student mental health during
the first year of university. They also indicate that aspects of conscientiousness might be
important points of focus in terms of developing skill-building programming, as this per-
sonality factor seems to be a multifaceted construct and some aspects appear to be skill-
based. This would suggest that programming could be developed to address these issues
for some students. Finally, academic satisfaction and school connectedness are important
factors related to student satisfaction with life, and universities should explore ways of
engaging first-year students in terms of fostering their connectedness to the institution
and supporting students to promote their academic satisfaction.
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Contact Information
Gabrielle Wilcox
Werklund School of Education
University of Calgary
[email protected]

Dr. Gabrielle Wilcox is an Associate Professor in the Werklund School of Education at

the University of Calgary. She earned a PsyD in 2009 from the Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine School Psychology. She works in the area of School and Applied
Child Psychology in the Werklund School of Education and is a member of the Hotch-
kiss Brain Institute and the Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research and Educa-
tion. Dr. Wilcox’s current research focuses on improving our understanding of how to
support student learning and preparation for post-school requirements. Specific areas of
research within this include neuropsychology for intervention, mental health in schools,
transition planning, and university-level instruction.

Dr. David Nordstokke is an Associate Professor in the Werklund School of Education at

the University of Calgary. He received his PhD in 2009 from the University of British
Columbia in Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology. He teaches courses
in the area of measurement, research design, and statistical analysis. Dr. Nordstokke
conducts research across a variety of educational and psychological contexts. Much of

Dr. Nordstokke’s current research revolves around youth transition/youth mental health
and factors (e.g., resilience) that are related to successful transition and positive life
and mental health outcomes. Many projects that Dr. Nordstokke engages in are interdis-
ciplinary and collaborative in nature, and his typical role in this type of research has him
focusing on designing sound research studies, selecting valid measurement strategies,
and applying statistical models to data that are gathered across a number of disciplines.
Another part of Dr. Nordstokke’s research is focused on applied methods that include
(1) the design of research studies, (2) the collection and statistical analysis of data, and
(3) the interpretation and dissemination of results.

CJHE / RCES Volume 49, No. 1, 2019

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