English Question Paper 2013

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CBSE sample papers, Question papers, Notes for Class 6 to 12


Class: XI Max Marks: 40

Date: 8.7.2013 Time allowed: 1½ hours

General Instructions:
• This question paper has 7 questions and 4 printed pages.
• All the questions are compulsory.
• Write the correct serial number of the question before attempting it.
• Draw a line after each answer.


1. Read the following passage carefully:

The Way Human Body Defends

The defence mechanism of human body is a gift of nature provided to human beings. The power
of our body to fight against various disease producing agents is known as defence mechanism.
This defence mechanism depends upon various factors which can be categorized mainly into two
types – common factors and special factors.

Amongst the common factors, the most important is the health of human beings. We all know if
we have a good health, our body automatically remains protected against diseases. For keeping
good health, one should take a nutritious balanced diet. A balanced diet is that which contains
carbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamins in proportionate amount.

The skin saves us against many micro-organisms producing diseases, provided that it is intact. In
case there are cuts or abrasions on it, the micro-organisms penetrate the body through those cuts
and abrasions and can cause diseases. Therefore, a cut or an abrasion should never be left open.
In case there is no bandage available, it may be covered by a clean cloth.

Some bacteria reside on and inside the human body. They are our friends and are useful for us.
They do not cause any disease and by their presence they do not allow disease-causing
organisms to settle on those places. For example, the micro-organisms, present in the human
saliva secrete a chemical which does not allow diphtheria causing bacteria to grow inside the oral
The human body secretes a variety of fluids, which are killers for disease causing micro-
organisms. For example, gastric juice (acidic in nature) secreted by our intestinal tract kills all
organisms which enter our body though food.

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There are a few sampleactivities
automatic papers,ofQuestion
our bodypapers, Notes
known as forphenomenon’
‘reflex Class 6 to 12which protects
the body against many infections. This reflex phenomenon includes sneezing, coughing, and

Fever is one of the most important constituents of the defence mechanism of our body. The
organ which regulates the temperature of our body is known as hypothalamus and is situated in
the brain. When micro-organisms after entering the body release toxic products and these reach
the brain through blood, the hypothalamus starts increasing the temperature of the body and the
person gets fever. This fever is very useful for the human body because due to the increase of
temperature, the micro-organisms which are the root cause of the problem get killed.

We are living in an environment which is full of bacteria. Many of these bacteria can produce
serious diseases, but all of us do not suffer from such diseases. It is due to a special power
present in our body to fight these diseases. A part of this special power of our body is known as
innate immunity. This we gain during our lifetime.

In a nutshell, we can say that since nature has provided us with defence mechanism to fight
against so many diseases, let us maintain it or rather increase it by the way of immunisation.
- Rakesh Singh [The Tribune]

Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given

a. One should have a nutritious balanced diet because ………. . 1

(i) it has food items of various tastes (ii) it is recommended by a dietician
(iii) it keeps one healthy (iv) it has all essential items

b. The defence mechanism of the body is important as…….. . 1

(i) it protects us from diseases (ii) it checks deterioration of the body

(iii) it saves us from depression (iv) it builds up the wear and tear

c. In order to check the micro-organisms penetration in the human body, …… . 1

(i) we must cover the whole body (ii) we must rub insect repelling oil
(iii) we must use antiseptic solutions (iv) we should keep cuts and abrasions covered

d. Gastric juice secreted by our intestinal tract kills all extraneous organisms as …….. . 1

(i) it flows very fast (ii) it is acidic in nature

(iii) it prevents their multiplication (iv) it is a natural stimulant

e. We can increase our defence mechanism by……………………. . 1

(i) developing friendly bacteria (ii) checking infection through reflex phenomenon
(iii) seeking proper immunization (iv) suppressing fever in initial stages

f. Find words in above passage which convey the same meaning as the following. 3
(i) component (para 7) (ii) resistance (para 8) (iii) discharge (para 4)

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CBSE sample papers, Question papers, Notes for Class 6 to 12

2. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the acute shortage of water
in your area and suggesting ways like rain-water harvesting, etc. to conserve water. You
are Satish of Vikaspuri. 8


3. The following passage has not been edited. Write the error and the correction in your
answer sheets. 4

The process of borrowing a book from the school

library is very simple. Each student is issuing a a. _____________
library card. The library maintains the record of all b. _____________
books in catalogues. The student which wants to borrow c.______________
a book have to fill up a requisition slip bearing d. _____________
the name of the book and it’s author. If it is available e. _____________
it is at once issued for the student against his borrower’s f. _____________
card. Incase it has been issued to another card holder, the g. _____________
student is asking to contact on a particular date h. _____________
when the book is due.

4. Look at the sentences given below in a disorderly form. Rearrange them to form
meaningful sentences. 2
a. you / do / fast/ why/ speak/ so?
b. some/ history/ ancient/ I/ would/ books/ look at/ like to/ Indian/ on
c. area/ in/ this/ any agency/ don’t/ have/ you?
d. watered/ not/ so far/ has/ the plants/ the gardener


5. Read the stanza given below and answer the questions. 4 marks

Some twenty-thirty-years later

She’d laugh at the snapshot. “See Betty
And Dolly,” she’d say, “and look how they
Dressed us for the beach.” The sea holiday
Was her past, mine is her laughter. Both wry
With the labored ease of loss.

a. Name the poem and the poet. 1

b. How old was the poet’s mother at the time of the snapshot? 1
c. What does the poet remember vividly about her mother? 1
d. What does the word ‘laboured’ in the last line mean? 1

6. Answer the following in about 30 to 40 words each: 2 x 4 =8 marks

(a) Which thought about the grandmother was often revolting and why? 2

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(b) How do youCBSE sample
think papers,
our attitude Question
helps papers,
us in facing Notes
life’s for Class
problems? 6 toyour
Write 12 answer with
reference to the lesson ‘We’re not Afraid…’ 2
(c) In the lesson ‘We’re not Afraid…’, how did the weather change on January 2?
How did they feel? 2
(d) What efforts were made to face the rough weather? 2

7. Describe the friendship between Khushwant Singh and his grandmother. 6 marks

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CBSE sample papers, Question
Sector papers,
10, Dwarka, Notes
New for– Class
Delhi 1100756 to 12

Session: 2013-2014
Class XI: Unit Test – 1

Answer Key (set 2)

A1 a. (iii) it keep one healthy
b. (i) it protects us from diseases
c. (iv) we should keep cuts and abrasions covered
d. (ii) it is acidic in nature
e. (iii) seeking proper immunization
f i. constituent ii.immunity iii. secrete

A2. Letter writing

Content: 3 marks Format: 2 Grammatical Accuracy: 3
A3. (a) issuing issued (b) the a
(c) which who (d) have has
(e) it’s its (f) for to
(g) being been (h) asking asked

A4. (a) why do you speak so fast?

(b) I would like to look at some books on ancient Indian history.
(c) Don’t you have any agency in this area?
(d) The gardener has not watered the plants so far.

A5. (a) Shirley Toulson (b) about twelve years or so

(c) laughter (d) forced

A6. a. The narrator’s grandmother was very old and wrinkled. She had stayed at this stage for
the last twenty years. People said that once she was young and pretty. The narrator couldn’t
even imagine her being young. So the thought was revolting to him.

b. Positive attitude – source of energy – family unity – support – courage – believing that one has
to try and not give up – every cloud has a silver lining – becoming each others’ strengths –
taking responsibility

(c) The weather changed for the worse on January 2. Now the waves were gigantic. As the ship
rose to the top of each wave, they saw endless enormous seas rolling towards them. The
screaming of the wind and spray was painful to the ears.

(d) In order to face the rough weather, the speed of the ship was slowed down. They
dropped the storm jib. They lashed heavy mooring rope in a loop across the stern. Then they
fastened together everything and went through their life-raft drill. They attached lifelines, put on
waterproof clothes and life-jackets.

A7 . Khushwant Singh’s grandmother was closely involved in bringing him up when the author
lived with her in the village during his early life. She used to wake him up early in the morning.

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While bathingCBSE samplehim,
and dressing papers, Question
she sang papers,
her prayers Notes
. She hopedforthat
Class 6 to 12
the young boy would
learn it by heart. She then gave him breakfast-a stale chapatti with butter and sugar. Then they
would go together to the temple school. While the author learnt his lesson, the grandmother
would read holy books. They returned home together. A turning point came in their friendship
when his parents called them to city. Although they shared a room, she could not help him
much. She hated music, science and Western education. The common link of their friendship
was gradually snapped.

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