Ureauv: 5 X 100/5 X 29 ML 12011025
Ureauv: 5 X 100/5 X 29 ML 12011025
Ureauv: 5 X 100/5 X 29 ML 12011025
UREA U V 12011025
Intended Use
No interference for
This reagent is intended for in vitro quantitative determination of urea in serum,
plasma & urine. Bilirubin up to 20 mg/dL
-Urease / GLDH methodology Ascorbic acid up to 50 mg/dL
-Linear up to 300 mg/dL Haemoglobin up to 1000 mg/dL
urease Calibration
Urea + H 2O ——————————> 2NH3 + CO2 Agappe Multicalibrator (Product Code: 11610002) is recommended for calibration
of the assay.
2NH 4+ 2α -ketoglutarate + 2NADH ————> 2L-Glutamate + 2NAD+ 2H2 O
Quality Control
Kit Components It is recommended to use Qualicheck Norm (Product Code: 11601003) or Qualicheck
Path (Product Code: 11601002) to verify the performance of the measurement
Reagent/ Product Code Description procedure.
Component 12011025
Each Laboratory has to establish its own internal quality control scheme and
Urea U V R1 5 x 100 mL Buffer (pH 7.6) 100 mmol/L procedures for corrective action if controls do not recover within the acceptable
ADP 0.7 mmol/L tolerance.
α-ketoglutarate 9.0 mmol/L
GLDH >1100 U/L Reference Range
Urease >6500 U/L It is recommended that each laboratory should establish its own reference values.
Urea U V R2 5 x 29 mL NADH 0.25 mmol/L The fol lowing value may be used as guide line.
2-Oxoglutarate 5 mmol/L Serum/Plasma : 10-50 mg/dL
Urine : 20-35 gm/24 hr
Risk & Safety
Results obtained for patient samples are to be correlated with clinical findings of
Material Safety data sheets (MSDS) wil l be provided on request
patient for interpretation and diagnosis.
Reagent Preparation
Urea U V R1 & R2 Reagents are ready to use.
1. Linearity
Reagent Storage and Stabil ity The reagent is linear up to 300 mg/dL. If the concentration is greater than linearity
The sealed reagents are stable upto the expiry date stated on the label, when stored (300 mg/dL), d ilute the sample with normal saline and repeat the assay. Multiply
at 2-8 OC. the result with dilution factor.
2. Comparison
Open Vial Stability A comparison study has been performed between Agappe reagent and another
Once opened the reagents are stable up to 90 days if contamination is avoided. internationally available reagent yielded a correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.9962 and
On-board Cal ibration Stability a regression equation of y = 0.9609x.
Calibration is stable for 20 days. 3. Precision
Intra Run Inter Run
Reagent Deterioration
Control Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Level 2
Turbidity or precipitation in any kit component indicates deterioration and the
n 20 20 20 20
component must be discarded. Values outside the recommended acceptable range
for the Agappe Qualicheck Norm & Path control may also be an ind ication of Mean (mg/dL) 35.8 95.5 35.15 94.69
reagent instabil ity and associated results are invalid. Sample should be retested SD 1.17 2.11 0.92 2.31
using fresh vial of reagent. CV(%) 3.28 2.21 2.63 2.44
To avoid contamination, use clean laboratory wares. Close reagent bottles Accuracy (mg/dL)
immed iately after use. Avoid direct exposure of reagent to light. Do not blow into Control Expected Value Measured Value
the reagent bottles. Control Level 1 32.6 ± 9.8 32.3
This reagent is only for IVD use and fol low the normal precautions required for
Control Level 2 102 ± 23 103
hand ling al l laboratory reagents.
Waste Management Qualicheck Norm 40 ± 8.42 41.6
Reagents must be disposed off in accordance with local regulations. Qualicheck Path 126 ± 18 127.3
4. Sensitivity
Serum,Plasma (Do not use l ipemic or hemolysed sample) - Do not use
Lower detection Limit is 1 mg/dL
anticoagulants containing fluorides and ammonium ions.
Urine - Diluted to 1/100 with distil led water. Multiply the result with dilution factor.
1. Tal ke, H. and Schubert G.E.Kiln-Wocchsr 43: 174 (1965)
2. Kassirer,J.P.,New Eng. J.Med. 285,385 (1971)