2020newskin - Ex-US MGIT Trifold Print Version

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A legacy of trust and leadership in

supporting the goal to eliminate TB

BD BACTEC ™ MGIT™ instruments are
scalable and modular to support
laboratories of all sizes
Refreshed Instrumentation
The BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ 960 and 320 instruments are fully automated systems for the detection of mycobacteria in
digested and decontaminated clinical specimens (except urine) and sterile body fluids.

• Demonstrated performance with • F

 irst line Drug Susceptibility
a new, streamlined design Testing (DST) results
• New pocket style drawer handles • P
 lastic tubes and no sharps for
that do not require compressing safe handling
to open • S
 afety feature added to prevent
• Easy, ergonomic workflow with a multiple drawers from being
new display screen opened at the same time
• U
 SB port for simple software
updates, troubleshooting and
system diagnostic purposes

Data Management
The BD EpiCenter™ data management system with
TB-eXiST provides advanced data management
capabilities that are designed specifically for TB
testing with a set of customized reports, allowing for
the continuous monitoring, storage and tracking of
DST results.
• Offers the ability for users to test and interpret
TB-DST results
• Allows for 1st line DST when needed
• Simplifies multiple-concentration testing
• Display comparative curves
From specimen collection to final result,
BD offers solutions to support M. tuberculosis
and other mycobacteria testing needs

Specimen collection Digestion, decontamination,

plating, staining and microscopy
BD sputum collection system
BD BBL™ Mycoprep™, BD BBL™
Acid Fast and Fluorescent stains,
BD BBL™ prepared media

SIRE and PZA Manual and fully automated

1st line DST liquid culture
BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ systems BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ systems

Direct, fast ID from positive Data management and

MGIT tube reporting tools
BD MGIT™ TBc Identification Test BD EpiCenter™ Data Management
System with TB-eXiST Extended
Individual Susceptibility Testing
A comprehensive portfolio of TB t
BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ instruments
Cat. No. Description Quantity
441743 BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ 320 320 tubes
445870 BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ 960 960 tubes

BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ tubes and supplments

Cat. No. Description Quantity
245122 BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ 7mL tube 100/pk
245124 BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ Supplement Kit 100/pk

According to the CDC,

a culture should be
performed on all
specimens from a
patient suspected
of having TB.1
testing solutions
BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ 1st line drugs, media and kits
Cat. No. Description Quantity
245123 SIRE KIT, 1 bottle each: Streptomycin, Isoniazid, Rifampin, 1/pk
245125 Streptomycin 4.0 Kit 1/pk
245126 Isoniazid 0.4 Kit 1/pk
245127 Ethambutol 7.5 Kit 1/pk
245157 IR (Isoniazid and Rifampicin) Kit 1/pk
245128 PZA Drug Kit 1/pk
245115 PZA Medium 25/pk
245114 PANTA Antibiotic Mixture, Lyophilized 6/pk
245116 OADC Enrichment 6/pk

Specimen collection
Cat. No. Description Quantity
290020 BD Sputum collection system 72
240862 BD MycoPrep™ specimen decontamination kit – 75 mL Kit
240863 BD MycoPrep™ specimen decontamination kit – 150 mL Kit

Prepared tubed media

Cat. No. Description Quantity
220908 Lowenstein-Jensen Medium Slants. 20 x 148 mm tube with cap Pkg. of 10
220909 Lowenstein-Jensen Medium Slants. 20 x 148 mm tube with cap Ctn. of 100

Digestion, decontamination staining and microscopy

Cat. No. Description Quantity
212521 TB Fluorescent Stain Kit T 1 Each
1 250 mL bottle each of TB Auramine-Rhodamine T,
TB Decolorizer TM, TB Potassium Permanganate
212522 1 250 mL bottle each of TB Carbolfuchsin KF, 1 Each
TB Decolorizer, TB Brilliant Green K

BD MGIT™ TBc Identification test

Cat. No. Description Quantity
BD provides integrated, end-to-end TB testing
solutions from culture-based testing to
molecular testing

BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ Mycobacterial System MDR-TB assay on BD MAX™ System

A fully automated solution for mycobacterial A fully integrated, automated molecular platform providing
liquid culture and susceptibility testing. rapid and accurate TB detection and DST for both isoniazid
Offers detection and drug susceptibility testing and rifampicin.
for M. tuberculosis (Streptomycin, Isoniazid, One assay offers detection, identification and first line drug
Rifampin, Ethambutol and Pyrazinamide). susceptibility testing for M. tuberculosis (Isoniazid and

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Diagnosing latent TB infection and TB disease. Accessed on March 15,
2021, at https://www.cdc.gov/tb/topic/testing/diagnosingltbi.htm

BD Life Sciences, 7 Loveton Circle, Sparks, MD 21152-0999 USA


BD, the BD Logo, BACTEC, BBL, MAX, MGIT and Mycoprep are trademarks of Becton, Dickinson and Company or its affiliates.
© 2021 BD. All rights reserved. ( 796-US-0221 May 2021)

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