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microcontrollers with
CapTIvate technology

The most noise immune capacitive touch MCUs and

first to offer an IEC 61000-4-6 certified solution

Pradhyum Ramkumar
Product Marketing Engineer
MSP Microcontrollers

Texas Instruments
As a technology leader, TI’s role is to understand the challenges its customers will
face and develop products that will provide solutions that make it easier for them
to implement innovative technologies. For example, we’ve heard from many of our
customers who are developing industrial equipment that they need to design simple
interfaces that can tolerate harsh operating environments subject to noise, dirt and
liquids which can interfere with the reliable operation of mechanical buttons (Figure 1).

We recommend capacitive touch technology to • Buttons, wheels, and sliders: Engineers

those customers because it offers an exciting and are no longer restricted by the limitations of
cost-effective alternative to mechanical buttons mechanical buttons. Wheels and sliders enable
across industrial and commercial applications. For the design of more efficient and intuitive UIs.
example, mechanical push buttons on a coffee pot • Reliability: Touch-based UIs are not
have seams in which liquid and coffee grounds susceptible to breaking like mechanical buttons.
can seep into the enclosure, potentially causing They also offer increased protection from
damage. With a touch-based user interface (UI), an environmental factors.
appliance can be protected by a seamless metal or • Proximity sensing and gestures: Identify
plastic enclosure. when users are within range of a system
enables a whole new level of power
Environment Noise

Industrial Design

management and efficiency. Furthermore

Haptic Feedback

gestures allows user to interact more intuitively.

Cold Temp/


• Manufacturing: Simplified design and reduced

component count reduces manufacturing
Kitchen ++ + ++ O + complexity and cost.
Home automation + O + O + • Aesthetics: Capacitive touch-based UIs have
Industrial O ++ ++ + + a more sleek appearance that is attractive to
Consumer electronics ++ O O O ++ users and can be hidden until lit. Devices are
Medical O ++ ++ O + also easier to keep clean.
Automotive ++ + O + ++
Wearables O + + O ++
Figure 1. Developers of industrial equipment need
to be able to design simple and reliable interfaces with capacitive touch
to tolerate harsh operating environments.
Capacitive touch enables a better user experience,
To help its customers take full advantage of the
as well as a wide range of differentiating features,
benefits of touch-based UIs, TI has created the new
ultra-low-power MSP430FR25x/26x family of MCUs

MSP430™ FRAM microcontrollers with CapTIvate™ technology 2 October 2015

with CapTIvate™ technology (Figure 2). The MCU with ease-of-use in mind, so engineers do not
has been designed to enable simplicity in small and need to become capacitive-sensing experts to take
large home appliances, personal electronics, factory advantage of touch-based UIs.
and building automation systems. As previously mentioned, the first devices to use TI’s
With their efficient architecture, MSP430FR25x/26x CapTIvate technology are the MSP430FR25x/26x
MCUs are the industry’s lowest power capacitive family of FRAM-based MCUs. By integrating
touch technology, making this family ideal for capacitive touch as a self-contained analog front
implementing interfaces in devices such as end with a full-featured FRAM MCU, TI enables
battery-operated electronic locks, portable developers to build true single-chip systems (see
electronics and appliances with ENERGY STAR Figure 3 on the following page). The MSP430 MCU
requirements. The technology offers features that architecture provides sufficient processing capacity
provide a robust and reliable performance in noisy to support operations such as driving LCD, LEDs,
and harsh environments as well as the ability to haptic feedback or any other system management
tolerate moisture. The high sensitivity of CapTIvate tasks without requiring a second MCU. This has
technology allows the use of thick overlays to the added benefit of speeding design and lowering
protect equipment and can be used with metal overall system cost.
panels to implement metal-on-touch capacitive TI’s CapTIvate technology is extremely sensitive; it
buttons. The technology has also been designed has the ability to measure changes in capacitance
as small as 10 Femto Farad (fF)
MSP430FR253x/263x MCUs Temperatures –40°C to 85°C and sense a wide dynamic range
MSP430F2(5/6)3x of capacitance, up to 300 Pico
Memory Power & Clocking
Up to 16 MHz
Farad (pF), allowing systems to
Up to 16KB FRAM (with PMM with BOR, POR, PUC & SVS
segment protections for provide:
code/data) LFXT
System Module
Up to 4KB SRAM DCO • Reliable operation with thicker
MPY32 16KB ROM FLL overlays, up to 60-mm glass
Data Protection REFO • Greater proximity sensing
CRC16 Debug VLO range, up to 30 cm
Embedded Emulation
Serial Interface
Real-time JTAG/SBW
GPIO • Enhanced resolution, up to 10-
2 × UART + IrDA or SPI
Bootstrap Loader
Up to 17 GPIOs with
bit usable resolution for sliders
1×I 2C or SPI 8 CapTIvate IOs

Analog Timers
and wheels
CapTIvate™ Touch
1 × 10 bit SAR ADC
on-chip bandgap for
Watchdog Timer Up to16 CapTIvate IOs, • Reduce false detects in
2× 16-bit TA w/ 3CC regs 64 buttons
battery voltage monitor.
Wake-on-Prox, presence of large parasitic
On-chip temperature sensor 2× 16-bit pure TA zero CPU State Machine
(up to 8 ch) capacitance loading
Real-Time Clock (Counter only ) Dedicated 16-MHz Oscillator
Dedicated 16-bit Timer
• Smaller form factor through the
32-pin QFN/TSSOP
24-pin QFN ability to use smaller electrodes
24-pin DSBGA (TBD)
MSP430FR25x/26x MCUs with
CapTIvate technology can also
Figure 2: TI’s first devices to utilize CapTIvate technology are the
scan four electrodes in parallel in
MSP430FR25x/26x family of FRAM-based MCUs.

MSP430™ FRAM microcontrollers with CapTIvate™ technology 3 October 2015

Figure 3: By integrating TI’s CapTIvate™ technology as a self-contained peripheral with a full-featured MCU,
TI enables developers to build true single-chip systems that can accurately detect touches even when the
CPU is asleep.

500 µsec. This allows for improved common-mode including IEC61000-4-4 for electrical fast transients
noise rejection and lower power consumption. (EFT), IEC61000-4-6 for common-mode noise (CMN)
Furthermore, with fast scans and high sensitivity, and IEC61000-4-2 for electrostatic discharge (ESD).
MSP430 FRAM MCUs with CapTIvate technology The high performance of CapTIvate technology
can enable 3-D gesturing applications. is important for achieving better noise immunity.
Greater sensitivity translates to the ability to
Reducing the effects have small electrodes or sensors. The CapTIvate

of noise technology analog front end is also able to maintain

good performance even when the system requires

Noise is a primary challenge facing designers of long traces in the PCB. CapTIvate technology

capacitive touch-based systems because noise can minimizes the effects of noise using various

come from internal or external sources. It can trigger hardware-based control mechanisms:

false detects that can be dangerous—imagine an • Integrator-based charge transfer: The

induction cooker turning itself on inadvertently due method of operation enables CapTIvate
to powerline noise. MSP430FR25x/26x MCUs technology to make robust capacitive
have incorporated several features in-silicon to measurements.
meet the rigorous requirements of applications • Oscillator: The oscillator allows oversampling
that must operate in noisy environments and meet and frequency hopping functionality
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards, independent of the MCU’s DCO (digitally

MSP430™ FRAM microcontrollers with CapTIvate™ technology 4 October 2015

controlled oscillator), thus increasing reliability in wheel interfaces and proximity sensing. TI has
noisy environments. developed several innovative technologies to make
• Zero-crossing synchronization input this possible.
pin: The pin allows touch detection to take Typically, capacitive-sensing controllers on the
place during AC power supply zero crossing market today require the CPU to wake and check
events. The result is higher conducted noise electrodes. The high power consumption of the
performance. CPU, combined with how long the CPU takes to
• Spread spectrum clocking: This clocking wake, substantially impacts the power required to
method lowers electromagnetic radiation scan electrodes. This raises power consumption to
emissions that can interfere with system more than 20 µA per sensor for current-generation
circuitry. touch controllers.
• 1.5 V voltage regulator: Ability to drive In contrast, MSP430FR25x/26x MCUs have zero
sensors at 1.5 Volts reduces emissions CPU wake on touch. It is implemented as a finite
compared to driving them at higher voltages. state machine that can actively monitor up to
CapTIvate technology further improves reliability four sensors for touch/proximity while the CPU
through software-based signal processing. Among is asleep. When an event occurs, the finite state
the signal processing algorithms in use are multi- machine wakes up the CPU for processing the
frequency, oversampling, dynamic threshold event. The result is outstanding power efficiency;
adjustment, AC noise filtering and debounce. when scanning four electrodes, power consumption
Together, this combination of high performance is only 0.9 µA per sensor. This level of productivity
with hardware and software features provides high helps engineers meet ENERGY STAR compliance
noise immunity designed to help developers achieve requirements and drive years of operating life from a
compliance with EMC standards. For example, the single coin cell battery.
CapTIvate technology EMC reference design offers For applications needing more than four electrodes,
conducted noise immunity up to 10 Vrms and ESD MSP430FR25x/26x MCU consumes as low as 1.7
and EFT up to 4 KV peak voltage. A full test report µA per button (assuming 16-button self-capacitance
from a third-party laboratory can be found at or 64-button mutual-capacitance solution at 8-Hz sampling frequency).

The industry’s lowest Ferroelectric Random

power capacitive touch Access Memory (FRAM)
MCU for greater power
Appliance and industrial designers face increasing
pressure to minimize power consumption in their
Industrial applications typically need to store data
next-generation designs. MSP430FR25x/26x MCUs
when the system is powered down or experiences a
have been designed to provide the lowest power
power failure. TI’s FRAM MCU technology combines
in the industry for capacitive touch button, slider,

MSP430™ FRAM microcontrollers with CapTIvate™ technology 5 October 2015

the speed of SRAM with the non-volatility of FRAM In simple terms, self-capacitive is the capacitance
memory to provide robustness with flexibility and between a single sensing electrode and ground,
efficiency in a single memory technology. where the user’s finger acts as ground. It provides

Comparable to Flash in price, FRAM offers superior performance for applications that require long-

write speeds (100 times faster), read access (no range sensing (proximity), high sensitivity, greater

wait states at up to 8 MHz), endurance (virtually noise immunity or ultra-high resolution sliders and

unlimited at 1015 cycles) and energy efficiency (6 wheels. In contrast, mutual capacitance measures

times better), making it a universal memory that the capacitance between a transmit and receive

can be used for both code and data. Developers electrode. As a user’s finger approaches and

have the flexibility to partition how much memory is touches the panel, the capacitance measured

allocated for program code and how much for data between each electrode changes. Mutual

storage. This allows developers to make optimal capacitance is ideal for applications that require

use of memory, even as specification changes arise, a large number of buttons, have sensors that are

without having to change to a new processor with a tightly spaced, or require moisture rejection.

different memory configuration. This means developers do not have to compromise

The MSP430FR2633 FRAM MCU allows engineers the performance of one part of the touch-based UI

to quickly create differentiated applications. For to accommodate another.

example, consider an electronic door lock. With

non-volatile FRAM, the lock can log information Moisture rejection
such as which individuals have used the door, when
they used it and whether their code was entered To provide a robust experience for users, a touch-
correctly. This value-added functionality can be based UI must be water tolerant. Water and other
implemented without adversely impacting battery life liquids have a different dielectric than air and are
or increasing system cost. conductive, creating the potential for a variety of
issues engineers must address. This can generate

Self or mutual false detects across a number of sensors, especially

if the liquid has pooled on the panel.
capacitance and
To enable water rejection, CapTIvate technology
proximity: can use a dedicated guard channel for detecting
No-compromise design anomalies such as changing environmental
conditions so it can accommodate them. The
MSP430FR25x/26x MCUs give engineers a high CapTIvate Touch Library provides software to
degree of flexibility when designing capacitive handle guard channel management, making it
touch-based systems as they support both self- and straightforward for developers to build robust
mutual-capacitance sensing and proximity sensing systems for applications where the presence of
in the same design. This allows developers to select water is commonplace.
the right sensing method for the task at hand.

MSP430™ FRAM microcontrollers with CapTIvate™ technology 6 October 2015

Support for plastic, adjust themselves to maintain responsiveness
and sensitivity.
glass and metal
Enhancing touch
CapTIvate technology works reliably with plastic interfaces with haptics
and glass overlays. The high sensitivity of CapTIvate
technology allows for 60-mm thick glass overlays Haptics refers to a mechanism that provides tactile
as well as 25-mm thick plastic overlays, while (vibrational) feedback to users when a button is
metal overlays provide another method to create pressed. Employing haptics can enhance user
innovative touch solutions. In case of metal overlays, safety by increasing user confidence when operating
a button press involves an actuation force that devices by confirming UI inputs through feedback
bends the metal sheet making a small change in increases. This results in faster input, fewer errors
capacitance detected by sensors mounted below and improved productivity. For example, an 18
the panel. Metal overlays allow for designs that percent reduction in extra/secondary glances at the
are completely agnostic to dirt and moisture in the UI can be achieved by adding haptic feedback[1].
environment. As metal touch involves an actuation
TI has the largest portfolio of haptics drivers in the
force, it also registers a gloved touch. Furthermore,
semiconductor industry and supports eccentric
CapTIvate technology also differentiates force of
rotating mass (ERM), solenoid-based, piezoelectric,
touch, allowing for differentiated human-machine
and linear resonant actuators (LRA). Integrating
interface designs.
haptics driver with an MSP430FR25x/26x MCU is
easy. When a touch is detected by the capacitive
sensors, the MCU sends a haptic code over I2C to
Compensating for
the haptic driver. This in turn causes the actuator to
manufacturing move in a specific pattern, creating a vibration.
During manufacturing, variations in the thickness CapTIvate Design
and size of such materials can negatively impact Center: Flexibility and
sensitivity. As a result, the responsiveness of
systems can differ from panel to panel. Rather
ease of use
than require manual tuning to compensate for
In addition to being the lowest power capacitive
manufacturing variations, CapTIvate technology
touch technology, MSP430FR25x/26x MCUs are
can be configured to automatically adjust its gain
also the easiest to design with. Developers of all
and analog front settings. Developers specify the
programming skill levels can create capacitive
expected capacitance count to detect a touch and
touch solutions with minimal effort; allowing them
the system adjusts itself to hold to this baseline.
to focus on designing the application instead of
Automatic sensitivity adjustment can be enabled in
the nitty-gritty details. With CapTIvate Design
the field as well, allowing systems to continuously
Center, designers can start tuning their sensors in

MSP430™ FRAM microcontrollers with CapTIvate™ technology 7 October 2015

five minutes or less. The program is available for • Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL): IP-
® ® ® ®
Windows , Apple OS X and Linux . The five-step specific, “bare metal” access to the CapTIvate
guide below shows the streamlined design process. peripheral
• Basic touch layer: Access to basic proximity
1. Drag and drop sensors into the GUI
and touch detection functionality as well as
• Example: 5 buttons, 3-element slider,
filtering capabilities
1 proximity sensor
• Advanced feature layer: Provides button,
2. Configure each sensor
slider, and wheel processing
• Self capacitance or mutual capacitance
• Communications layer: Includes
• MSP430FR25x/26x MCU device selection communication protocols
• Tweak auto-generated I/O configuration • Low-level serial drivers: Basic interface
3. Real-time tuning capabilities
• Display sensor data – Bar chart/Oscilloscope These layers simplify implementing functionality
• Tune performance – Touch threshhold, and provide developers access to the advanced
debounce, filter settings capabilities needed. The application is notified of
• Optimize for noise immunity, power, sensor updates through a user callback mechanism.
sensitivity, range using menus Sensor configuration is automated with CapTIvate

• Guidelines are available to show engineers Design Center and factory sensor tuning and

how to easily set thresholds and test them. programming can be done at one time.

4. Auto-generate configuration file and fully

compile in Code Composer Studio™ IDE CapTIvate MCU
or IAR project.
development kit
• No projects tweaks are necessary unless
application code needs to be added. To further accelerate evaluation and design, TI
5. Compile firmware, Flash firmware and offers a range of development boards and kits.
Run. As an example, the CapTIvate MCU development
kit (MSP-CAPT-FR2633) enables developers to

CapTIvate technology evaluate and design with all the capacitive touch
capabilities of the MSP430FR25x/26x touch-
Touch Library based MCUs (Figure 4 on the following page).
This bundled kit contains the eZFET programmer/
TI provides a comprehensive CapTIvate Touch
debugger with TI’s EnergyTrace™ technology,
Library for implementing enhanced features beyond
MSP430FR2633 MCU processor PCB, isolation
legacy capacitive touch capabilities. The library is
PCB for battery operation and EMC/EMI testing,
imaged in ROM, freeing up memory on the MCU for
and sensor PCBs for demonstrating mutual-, self-
use by the application.
and proximity-sensing capabilities. For accelerating
The library offers access to different application haptics development, the kit includes a DRV2605L
layers, including: haptic driver included in the CAPTIVATE-PHONE

MSP430™ FRAM microcontrollers with CapTIvate™ technology 8 October 2015

Start tuning sensors in 5 minutes or less with CapTIvate™ Design Center

1. Drag & drop 2. Configure 3. Real-time tune


4. Generate 5. Build
Figure 4: The MSP430FR2633 CapTIvate™ MCU development kit allows user to evaluate self and mutual
capacitance, proximity sensing, gestures as well as metal overlays.

electrode panel. TI also offers the DRV2605 Haptics the MSP430FR25x/26x MCU architecture with
evaluation kit and DRV2667 evaluation board that CapTIvate technology and speed their time-to-
can be used with external actuators. market.

CapTIvate-Metal Sensor PCB will be available With MSP430FR25x/26x MCUs, engineers have
as an add-on kit to demonstrate metal touch the ability to introduce capacitive touch to a wide
capabilities. range of applications quickly and cost effectively.
Not only does capacitive touch address the reliability

Documentation and issues of mechanical buttons, it enables innovative

interfaces with differentiating functionality. TI has the
reference designs for lowest power capacitive touch sensing technology
CapTIvate technology available in the industry today and offers developers
an ecosystem of tools to help them achieve the
The CapTIvate technology guide is a one-stop performance and reliability required for even the
shop for all documentation for this new technology. most demanding industrial applications. These tools
It can also be accessed within the CapTIvate Design accelerate design through their flexibility and ease of
Center. The tool contains in-depth information on use, enabling engineers to build robust touch-based
getting started with CapTIvate technology and systems without having to write software drivers or
advanced design topics for designing sensors, become capacitive-sensing experts.
optimizing for low power, moisture and noise
Learn more about CapTIvate technology today:
immunity. Code examples are also available for
designers to quickly evaluate the capabilities of

MSP430™ FRAM microcontrollers with CapTIvate™ technology 9 October 2015

Pitts, 2011: Page 8 from Mark Toth’s “TI Haptic
Drivers for HMI”

Important Notice: The products and services of Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries described herein are sold subject to TI’s standard
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CapTIvate, Code Composer Studio, EnergyTrace and MSP430 are trademarks of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks are the
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© 2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLAY044


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