Ivestock Udging: Purpose and Standards
Ivestock Udging: Purpose and Standards
Ivestock Udging: Purpose and Standards
Revised 6/2022
Purpose and Standards
To understand and to interpret the value of performance data based on industry standards.
To develop the ability to select and market livestock that will satisfy consumer demands and
provide increased economic returns to producers. Provide positive economic returns to producers
as well as meet the needs of the industry.
To become proficient in communicating in the terminology of the industry and the consumer.
Foundation Standards: 2.4, 2.7, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 9.0, 9.1
Teams consist of four members, with all four individual scores counting as the team score. All team
members are eligible for individual awards.
Beef 1 50 200
Beef 2 50 200
Beef 3 50 200
Sheep 1 50 200
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Sheep 2 50 200
Sheep 3 50 200
Swine 1 50 200
Swine 2 50 200
Swine 3 50 200
Keep/Cull 50 200
Tie Breaker
1. The team or individual scoring the highest total reason score(s) will be the winner.
2. If a tie still exists, the total score of the individual or team will be used to determine the high
individual or team.
Sub-contest Awards
Sub-contest awards will be given for high teams and individuals in the following areas: Beef, Goats,
Sheep, Swine, Livestock Test, Team Activity, and Reasons. (Beef, Goats, Sheep and Swine include
Keep/Cull, and Reasons if applicable to that species. Reasons sub contest includes all reason scores.)
I. All contestants shall be allowed 12 minutes for placing each class. Two minutes will be allowed for
each set of reasons. The team activities will be allotted 30 minutes to complete.
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II. There will be ten (10) classes judged consisting of three classes each of the following: beef cattle,
sheep and swine. The tenth class judged will be meat goats, either breeding or market animals.
III. One judging class will be based on EPD performance data. Each year the class will be rotated
from beef to swine. The following data will be used for the EPD class:
A. Swine: EPD’s or live animal data (derived from the Stages program) representing litter size,
backfat, line eye area, and days to 250#. A management statement will include only the
intent of progeny and what females will be mated with.
B. Cattle: birth date, EPD’s, and accuracy percentages for birth, weaning, yearling, and
maternal. A management statement will include only the intent of progeny and what bulls
or females will be mated with.
IV. In addition, there will be one keep/cull class made up of eight (8) animals. The contest organizer
will designate the species to be used. The top four animals used in the keep and cull class will
total 50 points. Any of the remaining animals may receive points.
V. Written test – A multiple choice exam will be given. The objective exam is designed to determine
team members’ understanding of the livestock industry. The exam will consist of 25 multiple
choice questions drawn from a compiled test bank of 250 questions, which will be posted to the
CATA website no earlier than December 1 and no later than January 31. Thirty (30) minutes will be
given for the exam. (50 points)
VI. Team Activity - The team activity portion of the livestock evaluation CDE will be separated into
two sections. The sections will focus on a market activity and a breeding activity. Teams will be
split into two pairs to work on the two activities. This will be decided randomly by the committee
and announced at the event; therefore, all team members should be prepared for each section.
A. Market Activity (100 points) - Two team members will be assigned to participate in the
market activity. Students will work collaboratively to provide a response to the scenario
provided by event officials. Team members will view a video auction (Western Video
Markets, Superior, etc.) and purchase a group of animals (steers, heifers, market hogs, etc.).
They will use a laptop and determine mileage and transportation cost. Predetermined
animal pick-up and delivery locations will be provided. Participants will be required to
calculate several expenses possibly based on weight, quantity, processing cost per head and
transportation cost. Value will be determined by final sale price. Teams’ final answers will be
derived from several steps (including calculation of cost and income), which can lead to the
accumulation of partial points. Examples of costs and income are animal cost,
transportation, labor expense, feed consumption, feed conversion rate, feed cost and
market value. The marketing scenario may address terminal and/or seed stock emphasis.
B. Breeding Activity (100 points) - Two team members will be assigned to participate in the
genetics activity. Students will work collaboratively to provide a response to the scenario
provided by event officials. Teams will be given a group of females (heifers, gilts, ewes, etc.)
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with performance data, ultrasound data, etc. A group of four or five males (bulls, boars,
rams, etc.) with performance data and genetic background will be used to determine mating
decisions. Mating decisions will need to correlate with a given outcome scenario
(replacements, market cattle, show cattle, bulls) and an environmental scenario (labor
availability, weather, terrain, feed availability, etc.) provided by the committee. Teams’ final
answers will be derived from several areas, which can lead to the accumulation of partial
points. These areas are mating methods (artificial insemination or natural), cost of mating
methods, sire selections for environmental conditions and specific pairings (more than one
sire that can earn points with some of greater value than others).
VII. Oral reasons will be given on four of the ten classes of livestock, one in each species with one
being either swine or beef performance. The four classes of livestock on which oral reasons will be
given will not be announced until after the contestants receive their contest numbers. One of the
four reasons classes will be based on the performance data class. A minimum of three different
judges will listen to and score reasons for each class on which reasons are given.
D. Livestock test will be graded by scantron and be worth two (2) points per questions (50
points total).
IX. The host university and contest coordinator will release the following information through an
email by 6 p.m. the Friday before State Finals:
A. Names and types of classes to be judged, including reasons classes. * Subject to change.
B. Special instructions (i.e. injured animals, judging site conditions, last minute changes,
requests for special needs, etc.)
X. The first team in the State Championship contest is eligible to represent the State of California at
the National FFA Competition, or at any other contest accepted as a substitute by the CATA, and
the second team is eligible to represent the State of California at the Denver Stock Show FFA
Judging Contest in Denver, Colorado or at any other contest accepted as a substitute by CATA. In
any case, the first team is barred from further competition within the state in livestock contests. If
the second or third team(s) represent the State in out-of-state competition, they are not eligible
for further competition. No team placing lower than third will be permitted to represent the State
at the National FFA Contest.
XI. Use a custom JudgingCard, double-sided sheet, for all livestock judging classes, including reasons.
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XII. The contest will be administered, planned, organized and facilitated by a committee of California
college and university livestock educators and professionals selected by the current State FFA
Advisor at his discretion.
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