Year 7 Study Guide

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The Egyptian British International School

Year 7

Mid-Term Assessment Study Guide

Subject Material to be covered
English Paper 1: Fiction Reading Comprehension- Language and structure

Paper 2: Non Fiction Reading Comprehension- Writing- Literature (Private peaceful)

Adventure 1.1

 Elements and features of adventure stories

 Narrative structures: chronological and non-chronological
 Context clues for vocabulary
 Explicit and implicit information
 Summary writing
 Future tenses
 Predictions for a narrative text
Quests 1.2

 Development of a narrative
 Features of monologue
 Writing a monologue
 Character voice
 Tone
Train trouble 1.3

 Using anecdotes in a text

 Implicit information
 Vocab from the extract
 Traits of a narrator
A Hard Journey 1.4

 Elements of poetry
 Implicit and explicit information in poems
 Alliteration and sibilance
 How to analyze and respond to poetry
Danger 1.5

 Create suspense in a story

 Vocab from the extract
 Features of suspense
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Creating suspense 1.6

 Planning narrative writing

 Story openings
 Writing and editing a narrative
Hey you down there 2.1

 Presenting and describing characters

 Sentences openings
 Vocabulary from extract
Down the hall 2.2

 Compound-complex sentences
 Vocabulary from the extract
 Adding dialogue to texts


Chapters 1-7

Focus on:

 Characterization
 Themes
 Main plot events
 Description of setting
 Suspense

N.B. All material in the copybook, google classroom and Workbook are to be used for
reference when studying.
Math Topics included :
1.1 Adding and subtracting integers
1.2 Multiplying and dividing integers
1.3 LCM by listing method
1.4 HCF by listing method
1.5 Divisibility test 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 9 and 10
1.6 Square and cube numbers
3.1 Multiplying and dividing by powers of 10
3.2 Rounding
4.1 Ordering decimals
4.2 Adding and subtracting decimals
4.3 Multiplying decimals
4.4 Dividing decimals
4.5 Making decimals calculations easier
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5.1 A sum of 360
5.2 Intersecting lines
5.3 Drawing lines and quadrilaterals
2.1 Constructing equations
2.2 Using expressions and formula
2.3 Collecting like terms
Resources :
Course book , work book , copybooks , sheets , graded classwork , pop quizzes and google
Science Unit 1Cells
1.1 plant cells
1.2 animal cells
1.3 specialized cells
1.4 cells, tissues and organs

Unit 2 Materials and their structure

2.1 solids, liquids and gases
2.2 changes of state
2.3 explaining changes of state
2.4 the water cycle
2.5 atoms, elements and compounds
2.6 compounds and formulae
2.7 compounds and mixtures
Unit 3 Forces and energy
Topic 3.1 (gravity, weight and mass)
Learner’s book
Google classroom (HW and CW)
All in class practice packs and sheets

Humanities Year 7: “Geographical enquiry student book 2”

• Introduction about Geography
• Enquiry 1: Frozen landscapes p.8-9
• Enquiry 1.1: How does ice erode landscape? P.10-11-12-13
• Enquiry 1.2: Which glacial landforms exist in upland areas and how are they formed?
• Enquiry 1.3: Do corries prefer northing slope? P.16-17
• Enquiry 1.4: What other glacial landforms are there? P.18
• Enquiry 2: On thin ice p.22-23
• Enquiry 2.1: What are Russia’s claims to the Arctic? P.4-25
• Enquiry 2.2: How is the Arctic being exploited? P.26
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• Enquiry 7: The world’s other population problem? P.106
• Enquiry 7.1: What is happening to the population in the European Union? P.108
The book, the PPTs the copybook and the sheets are main resources of studying.
Glossary words p. 118 to 122
(abrasion, arctic, arête, arid, aspect, back wall, bedrock, birth rate, continental shelf,
corrie, death rate, Demographic Transition Model, drumlin, erratic, Exclusive Economic
Zone, exploitation, freeze-thaw, glacial, glacial trough, glacier, gross domestic product,
hanging valley, hemisphere, human geography, indigenous people, Industrial Revolution,
interglacial, moraine, overfishing, physical geography, plucking, Pyramidal peak, ribbon
lake, spur, Sub-Saharan Africa, tarn, treaty, United Nations Convention of the law of the
sea, Youthful population )

Arabic ‫ القراءة‬-: ‫ أوال‬:-

- ‫الحرية‬
- ‫صيانة المال العام‬
‫ النصوص‬-: ‫ثانيا‬:-
- ‫ـ من مكارم األخالق‬
- ‫ـ عشقناك يا مصر‬
‫ قصة عقبة بن نافع‬-: ‫ ثالثا‬:-
-‫ـ الفصل األول و الثاني من قصة عقبة بن نافع‬
‫ النحو‬-: ‫ رابعا‬:-
‫همزة القطع و ألف الوصل ــــ أنواع الخبر ــــ باإلضافة إلى ماتم دراسته سابقًا‬
‫ التعبير (الفته او برقية ) – خط وإمالء‬-: ‫خامسا‬
‫ الدين اإلسالمي‬:
1 ) ‫ ( حفظ‬12 ‫ إلى‬1 ‫ـــ يس من اآلية‬
) ‫( تفسير‬27 ‫ إلى اآلية‬13 ‫من اآلية‬
2 ‫ـ مظاهر قدرة هللا‬
3 ‫ـ التأمل في صنع هللا‬
‫باإلضافة لألحاديث الواردة في الدروس‬
‫ القصة‬:-
4-‫ـ الفصل األول و الثاني من قصة أسماء بنت أبي بكر‬

-: ‫التربية الدينية المسيحية‬

‫ درس الهوت السيد‬+ ‫ درس بعض صفات هللا‬+ ‫ درس هللا واحد مثلث االقانيم‬+ ‫درس وحدانية هللا‬
. ) 7-1 :1 ( ‫ محفوظات يوحنا‬+ ‫المسيح‬
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ICT Movie Making / editing . Used Application (OpenShot)
should be able to design to:
 Launch the application
 Save the file.
 Import images to the application/ tracks
 Organize tracks [ add/ delete]
 Trim images.
 Add more than one image per slide
 Transform/ rotate & resize images
 Add slide transition
 Animation a slide/ text (caption)
 Add / format titles.
 Add music
 Create a title slide
 Export the file as a movie.

German Die Deutschprofis ( A2.1)

*E-Mail schreiben
* Dialog
*Nebnsätze mit “weil”
* Perfekt mit haben
*Verb gefallen/nicht gefallen
*Verb finden
Die Präposition aus ( aus- aus der- aus
den )
3-Wortschatz: Lektion 1 (Meine Erlebnisse)
*Die Souvenirs ( das Stofftier/das Freundschaftsbändchen/das Taschenmesser………….)
* Die Projekttage (Weckmänner backen- Schutzengel –Holzwerkstatt- Bilder auf Steine
*Die Länder ( Deutschland-die Schweiz- Frankreich…………)
*Die Adjektive ( weich/hart/süβ…………….)
4. Lesen


* Power Points auf Google classroom Woche (2-3-4-5-6-7)

Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch * Lektion 1*

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For Oral Exam : Study all Vokabeln und W-Frage

Social Studies ‫ جغرافيا‬:

1-‫ظواهر كونية‬
2-‫مجموعتنا الشمسية‬
1-) ‫الدولة القديمة ( عصر بناة االهرامات‬
2-) ‫الدولة الوسطى ( عصر الرخاء االقتصادى‬
French  *Livre PIXEL 2:
- Unité 4 (les gourmets)
- Livre p.  46 – 47 - 48 – 49 -50

*Compréhension écrite:
Non vue
* Langue (Vocabulaire et grammaire)
 -Les gourmets
 -La liste des courses
 -Verbe s’appeler - habiter - avoir
 -Les articles partitifs (du- de la – de l’- des)
 les articles contractés (au – à la – à l’)
 préposition chez + personne
 Verbe boire – manger au présent p.48
 Verbe prendre (ppt présentation)
 Exprimer la nécessité (il faut + verbe a l’infinitif ) p.49
 Exprimer la fréquence p.48
 la négation p.48
 la quantité p.50
*Production écrite :
 Se présenter
 Ou’ est ce que tu vas..? (les magasins)
 Qu’est ce que tu achètes..  ? (les aliments)
 Que manges -tu pour le petit-déjeuner / le déjeuner / le diner ?
 Qu’est ce que tu préfères ? qu’est ce que tu ne manges jamais?
 Combien de fois tu prends des produits laitiers / produits sucrés/ céréales/ des
protéines ?
 Qu’est -ce qu’il faut manger pour être en forme?

*Ressources :
The Egyptian British International School
- Toutes les fiches (travail noté – vérification – devoirs – fiche explicatives)
- Présentation Power point et tous matériels sur google Classroom : (semaine 1/2/3/5/6/7)
- Cahier de classe
- Cahier d’activité
*Evaluation orale: compréhension orale et production orale
L’évaluation orale aura lieu pendant la semaine des examens (semaine 9 : 12 17 /11/2022)
pendant le cours de Français.
Production orale:
 Présentation: Se présenter
 Les magasins et les vendeurs: Ou’ est ce que tu vas..? Qu’est ce que tu achètes..  ?
 Que manges -tu pour le petit-déjeuner / le déjeuner / le diner ?
 Les gouts et les préférences: Qu’est ce que tu préfères ? qu’est ce que tu ne manges
 Combien de fois tu prends des produits laitiers / produits sucrés/ céréales/ des
protéines ?
 Qu’est -ce qu’il faut manger pour être en forme?

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