MIT2 29F11 Lect 12

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29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics

Fall 2011 – Lecture 12

REVIEW Lecture 11:
• End of (Linear) Algebraic Systems
– Gradient Methods
– Krylov Subspace Methods
– Preconditioning of Ax=b

– Classification of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and examples
with finite difference discretizations
• Parabolic PDEs
• Elliptic PDEs
• Hyperbolic PDEs

2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 1


• Classification of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and examples with
finite difference discretizations
– Parabolic PDEs, Elliptic PDEs and Hyperbolic PDEs
• Error Types and Discretization Properties
– Consistency, Truncation error, Error equation, Stability, Convergence
• Finite Differences based on Taylor Series Expansions
– Higher Order Accuracy Differences, with Example
– Taylor Tables or Method of Undetermined Coefficients
• Polynomial approximations
– Newton’s formulas
– Lagrange polynomial and un-equally spaced differences
– Hermite Polynomials and Compact/Pade’s Difference schemes
– Equally spaced differences
• Richardson extrapolation (or uniformly reduced spacing)
• Iterative improvements using Roomberg’s algorithm
2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 2
References and Reading Assignments

• Part 8 (PT 8.1-2), Chapter 23 on “Numerical Differentiation”

and Chapter 18 on “Interpolation” of “Chapra and Canale,
Numerical Methods for Engineers, 2010/2006.”

• Chapter 3 on “Finite Difference Methods” of “J. H. Ferziger

and M. Peric, Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics.
Springer, NY, 3rd edition, 2002”

• Chapter 3 on “Finite Difference Approximations” of “H. Lomax,

T. H. Pulliam, D.W. Zingg, Fundamentals of Computational

Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation). Springer, 2003”

2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 3

Classification of

Partial Differential Equations

(2D case, 2nd order)
y n(x,y2)
Quasi-linear PDE for  ( x, y )

A,B and C Constants n(x1,y) n(x2,y)



(Only valid for two independent variables: x,y)
• In general: A, B and C are function of: x, y ,  , x ,  y
• Equations may change of type from point to point if A, B and C vary with x, y, . etc
• Navier-Stokes, incomp., const. viscosity: Du  u  (u  ) u   1 p   2 u  g
Dt t 
2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 4
Partial Differential Equations

ELLIPTIC: B2 - 4 A C < 0

Quasi-linear PDE for  ( x, y )

A,B and C Constants n(x1,y) D(x,y) n(x2,y)




2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 5

Partial Differential Equations

Elliptic PDE

Laplace Operator

Examples: Laplace Equation – Potential Flow

Poisson Equation
• Potential Flow with sources
• Heat flow in plate

Helmholtz equation – Vibration of plates

U  u   2u


• Smooth solutions (“diffusion effect”)

• Very often, steady state problems
• Domain of dependence of u is the full domain D(x,y) => “global” solutions
• Finite differ./volumes/elements, boundary integral methods (Panel methods)
2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 6
Partial Differential Equations

Elliptic PDEs

Equidistant Sampling u(x,b) = f2(x)


u0,y)=g1(y) ua,y)=g2(y)
Finite Differences

i-1 i i+1
u(x,0) = f1(x) x

2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 7

Partial Differential Equations

Elliptic PDE

Discretized Laplace Equation

u(x,b) = f2(x)
Finite Difference Scheme

Boundary Conditions
u0,y)=g1(y) ua,y)=g2(y)

i-1 i i+1
Global Solution Required u(x,0) = f1(x) x

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Elliptic PDE:

Poisson Equation

SOR Iterative Scheme, with Jacobi

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Partial Differential Equations

Hyperbolic PDE: B2 - 4 A C > 0

Examples:  2u 2  u
(1) c Wave equation, 2nd order
t 2 x 2

u u

(2) c 0 Sommerfeld Wave/radiation equation,

t x 1st order
(3)  (U  ) u  g Unsteady (linearized) inviscid convection
t (Wave equation first order)
(4) (U  ) u  g Steady (linearized) inviscid convection

• Allows non-smooth solutions

• Information travels along characteristics, e.g.:
d xc
– For (3) above:  U( x c (t ))
d xc
– For (4), along streamlines: U
• Domain of dependence of u(x,T) = “characteristic path”
• e.g., for (3), it is: xc(t) for 0< t < T 0
x, y
• Finite Differences, Finite Volumes and Finite Elements
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Partial Differential Equations

Hyperbolic PDE

Waves on a String
 2u ( x, t )  2u ( x , t )
c 2
0  x  L, 0  t  
t 2 x 2
Initial Conditions

Boundary Conditions u0,t) uL,t)

Wave Solutions

u(x,0), ut(x,0) x

Typically Initial Value Problems in Time, Boundary Value Problems in Space

Time-Marching Solutions: Explicit Schemes Generally Stable

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Partial Differential Equations

Hyperbolic PDE

Wave Equation
 2u ( x, t )  2u ( x , t )
c 2
0  x  L, 0  t   t

t 2 x 2


Finite Difference Representations u0,t) uL,t)


i-1 i i+1
u(x,0), ut(x,0) x
Finite Difference Representations

2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 12

Partial Differential Equations

Hyperbolic PDE

Introduce Dimensionless Wave Speed

Explicit Finite Difference Scheme

u0,t) uL,t)

Stability Requirement:
i-1 i i+1 x
c t u(x,0), ut(x,0)
C  1 Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition (CFL condition)
Physical wave speed must be smaller than the largest numerical wave speed, or,

Time-step must be less than the time for the wave to travel to adjacent grid points:

x x
c or t 
t c
2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 11, 13
Error Types and Discretization Properties:


Consider the differential equation (L symbolic operator)

L ( )  0
and its discretization for any given difference scheme
Lˆx (ˆ)  0

 Consistency (Property of the discretization)

– The discretization of a PDE should asymptote to the PDE itself as
the mesh-size/time-step goes to zero, i.e
for all smooth functions  : L ( )  Lˆx ( )  0 when x  0

(the truncation error vanishes as mesh-size/time-step goes to zero)

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Error Types and Discretization Properties:

Truncation error and Error equation

Truncation error  x  L ( )  Lˆx ( ) Remember:
 does not satisfy the FD eqn.
– Since L ( )  0 , the truncation error is the result of inserting the exact
solution in the difference scheme
– If the FD scheme is consistent:  x  L ( )  Lˆx ( )  O (x ) for x  0

– p (>0) is the order of accuracy for the FD scheme Lˆx

– Order p indicates how fast the error is reduced when the grid is refined

Error evolution equation

– From Lˆx (ˆ)  0 and   ˆ 
 where ε is the discretization error, for

linear problems, we have:   L ( )  Lˆ (ˆ   )  Lˆ (

x x x

 Lˆx ( )   x
– The truncation error acts as a source for the discretization error, which is
convected and diffused by the operator Lˆx
2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 15
Error Types and Discretization Properties:


– A numerical solution scheme is said to be stable if it does not amplify

errors that appear in the course of the numerical solution process

– For linear(-ized) problems, since Lˆx ( )   x , stability implies:

Lˆx1  Const. with the Const. not a function of x
• If inverse was not bounded, discretization errors ε would increase with
– In practice, infinite norm Lˆx  Const. is often used.

– However, difficult to assess stability in real cases due to boundary

conditions and non-linearities

• It is common to investigate stability for linear problems, with constant
coefficients and without boundary conditions
• A widely used approach: von Neumann’s method (see lectures 13-14)

2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 16

Error Types and Discretization Properties:


– A numerical scheme is said to be convergent if the solution of the
discretized equations tend to the exact solution of the (P)DE as the grid-
spacing and time-step go to zero
– Error equation for linear(-ized) systems:    Lˆx ( x )

– Error bounds for linear systems:

  Lˆx1 ( x )  Lˆx1  x
For a consistent scheme:  x  O (x p ) for x  0
Hence   Lˆx1  x   O (x p )

Convergence <= Stability + Consistency (for linear systems)

= Lax Equivalence Theorem (for linear systems)
– For nonlinear equations, numerical experiments are often used
• e.g., iterate or approximate true solution with computation on successively finer
grids, and compute resulting discretization errors and order of convergence
2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 17
Finite Differences - Basics

• Finite Difference Approximation idea directly borrowed
from the definition of a derivative.
 ( xi 1 )   ( xi )
 '(xi )  lim
x 0 x
• Geometrical Interpretation
– Quality of approximation

improves as stencil points

get closer to xi

– Central difference would be

exact if  was a second

D xi D xi+1
order polynomial and points

i-2 i-1 i i+1 i+2

were equally spaced

Exact Central
Backward Forward

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 18


Taylor Series, Higher Order Accuracy

How to obtain differentiation formulas of arbitrary high accuracy?

1) First approach: Use Taylor series, introducing higher-order terms

x 2 x 3 x n n
f (xi1 )  f (xi )  x f '(xi )  f ''(xi )  f '''(xi )  ...  f (xi )  Rn
2! 3! n!
x n1 ( n1)
Rn  f ( )
n  1!
• For example, how can we derive the forward finite-difference
estimate of the first derivative at xi with second order accuracy?
x 2  f ( xi1 )  f ( xi ) x
f (xi1 )  f (xi )  x f '(xi )  f ''(xi )  O(x 3 )  f '(xi )   f ''(xi )  O(x 2 )
2!  x 2!

• If we retain the second-derivative, and estimate it with first-order

accuracy, the order of accuracy for the estimate of f’(xi) will be p=2

2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 19


Taylor Series, Higher Order Accuracy Cont’d

x 2 x 3 x n n
• Using f (xi1 )  f (xi )  x f '(xi )  f ''(xi )  f '''(xi )  ...  f (xi )  Rn
2! 3! n!
x n1
( n1)

Rn  f ( )
n  1!
• Estimate the second-derivative with forward finite-differences at first-
order accuracy:
x 2 
f ( xi1 )  f ( xi )  x f '(xi )  f ''(xi )  O( x 3 ) 
2!  * ( 2)  f ( xi2 )  2 f ( xi1 )  f ( xi )
   f ''(xi )   O(x)
4x 2 3  * (1)  x 2
f (xi2 )  f (xi )  2x f '(xi )  f ''(xi )  O(x )
2! 

f ( xi1 )  f ( xi ) x
f '( xi ) 
 f ''(xi )  O( x 2 )
x 2!
f ( xi 1 )  f ( xi ) x f ( xi  2 )  2 f ( xi 1 )  f ( xi )  f ( xi 2 )  4 f ( xi 1 )  3 f ( xi )
 f '( xi )    O ( x 2
)   O ( x 2 )
x 2! x 2

2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 20

Figure 23.1
Chapra and


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Taylor Series, Higher Order Accuracy: EXAMPLE

Problem: Estimate 1st derivative of f = -0.1*x^4 - 0.15*x^3-0.5*x^2-0.25*x +1.2 at
x=0.5, with a step size of 0.25 and using successively higher order schemes.
How does the solution improve?
%Define the function L11_FD.m %% Central difference
f=@(x) -0.1*x^4 - 0.15*x^3-0.5*x^2-0.25*x +1.2; %Second order:
%Define Step size df=(f(x+h)-f(x-h)) / (2*h);
h=0.25; fprintf('Second order Central difference: %g, with
%Set point at which to evaluate the derivative error:%g%% \n',df,abs(100*(df+0.9125)/0.9125))

x = 0.5; %Fourth order:

df=(-f(x+2*h)+8*f(x+h)-8*f(x-h)+f(x-2*h)) /
%% Using forward difference
%First order:
fprintf('Fourth order Central difference: %g, with
df=(f(x+h)-f(x)) / h; error:%g%% \n',df,abs(100*(df+0.9125)/0.9125))
fprintf('\n\n First order Forward difference: %g, with
error:%g%% \n',df,abs(100*(df+0.9125)/0.9125))
%Second order:
df=(-f(x+2*h)+4*f(x+h)-3*f(x)) / (2*h);
fprintf('Second order Forward difference: %g, with
error:%g%% \n',df,abs(100*(df+0.9125)/0.9125))
First order Forward difference: -1.15469, with error:26.5411%
%% Backwards difference
Second order Forward difference: -0.859375, with error:5.82192%
%First order:
First order Backwards difference: -0.714063, with error:21.7466%
df=(-f(x-h)+f(x)) / (h);
Second order Backwards difference: -0.878125, with error:3.76712%
fprintf('First order Backwards difference: %g, with
error:%g%% \n',df,abs(100*(df+0.9125)/0.9125)) Second order Central difference: -0.934375, with error:2.39726%
%Second order: Fourth order Central difference: -0.9125, with error:2.43337e-014%
df=(f(x-2*h)-4*f(x-h)+3*f(x)) / (2*h); Why is the 4th order “exact”?
fprintf('Second order Backwards difference: %g, with
error:%g%% \n',df,abs(100*(df+0.9125)/0.9125))

2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 24


Taylor Series, Higher Order Accuracy


• Approach:
– Incorporate more higher-order terms of the Taylor series expansion
than strictly needed and express them as finite differences themselves
– e.g. for finite difference of mth derivative at order of accuracy p, express
the m+1th, m+2th, m+p-1th derivatives at an order of accuracy p-1, .., 2, 1.
– General approximation:   mu  s

 m    ai u ji   x
 x  j i r
– Can be used for forward, backward, skewed or central differences

– Can be computer automated
– Independent of coordinate system and extends to multi-dimensional
finite differences (each coordinate is usually treated separately)
• Remember: order p of approximation indicates how fast the error is
reduced when the grid is refined (not the magnitude of the error)

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Interpolation Formulas for Higher Order Accuracy

2nd approach: Generalize Taylor series using interpolation formulas
• Fit the unknown function solution of the (P)DE to an interpolation curve
and differentiate the resulting curve. For example:
• Fit a parabola to data at points xi1 , xi , xi1 ( xi  xi  xi1 ) , then
differentiate to obtain:
f ( xi1 )  xi   f ( xi1 )  xi1   f ( xi )  xi1    xi  
2 2 2 2

f '( xi )   
xi1 xi (xi  xi1 )

• This is a 2nd order approximation

• For uniform spacing, reduces to centered difference seen before
• In general, approximation of first derivative has truncation error of the order
of the polynomial
• All types of polynomials or numerical differentiation methods can be
used to derive such interpolations formulas
• Polynomial fitting, Method of undetermined coefficients, Newton’s
interpolating polynomials, Lagrangian and Hermite Polynomials, etc
2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics PFJL Lecture 12, 26
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2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics

Fall 2011

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