Jresv67an6p615 A1b
Jresv67an6p615 A1b
Jresv67an6p615 A1b
JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Sta ndards-A. Physics and Chemistry
Vol. 67A , No.6, November- December 1963
and eq (6) , in t his particular ins tance, r educes to : ca tion of eqs (4) and (5), t he ,'alue f 2.024 mM·g- I
was selected for q2 corresponding to (W jV )2= 0 .04
0.566 - q 0. 501 e-O.0604t . g·cm- 3 (i. e., W 2= 2.0 g) and the cOl'l'esponding value
1.130- q of (coh was, con sequently, 0.3 779 mM ·cm- 3 • N o
m easurement was avn,ilfl,ble fo1' q l corresponding to
T A B LE 1. Data of batch adsorpti on R un #201 0.1 890 mM ·cm- 3 for (co) I and (W / VL = 0.02 g·cm- 3 •
(Dryden and Kay) Howe\rer , a conventional plot of the data by Burgers
Acelic acid:
V= I00 m]
Coconu t charcoal:
W =3.0g
showed very little sca t ter of th e points, h en ce an
00=0.0306 meq- ml-! Sieve si?c: (8 on 10) interpola tion was m ade between the close neighborin g
T emperature: 30 °C values r esulting in ql ~ 1.683 mM .g-I .
Stirring rate: 400 rp m
- - - - -- - - - ---
> m .\[ ·cm- 3 (J·cm- 3 mA['g-' m]o, [ ·(/- I
rrhc parameters wete computed [rom col umn adsorption. Each poin t on both TABLE 5.- Data oj batch adsorption Hun #221
c urves rcprcsellts the average or throe to five indi vidual determinations. Ihllls (C. E. Dryden )
with esse ntially the same in it.ial concentrations wl!rc used, namely , 0.10 mCf]·ml- 1 Acelic acid: Cocon ut cha rcoal:
\1=100 JIll 11'= 10.0 g •
co=0.0301) JIlCq'JIll - l S ievc size: (8 on 10)
'rcm peraLure: 30 ':I e
Stirring rate : 400 rpm
to have a minor effect at most compared with the T A BLE 8. Batch comparison : effect of stilTing rate
influence of changes in TV. 1 "~100ml lV~3 . 0g
The values of qo and of k1' of course, should b e Co =O.03 mCQ·ml- i rremperature: 30 °C
-constant if the ideal conditions assumed in the
derivation of the theory were closely approximated. R un rrin g I
No. 1Stirate QO
The rate of s tirring was varied in three steps from W= 3.0g Sieve size: (8 on 10)
o to 400 rpm within each of two sets of experiments.
The sets differed from one another in regard to sieve meq·ml- 1 [ 11leQ,g-1 ml·meg- I .mi'n- l
e. Effect of Sieve Size fe2 . Furthermore, it would b e extreillely desirable
~'he influence of partide ize on Lhe parameters to be able to use on ly one equation for both adsorption
del'llTed frOIll th e batch ~Ldso l'pLio n experim ents a nd desorption.
conftrms the findings of the colum n runs. Very The difl"erence beLween Lbe two p rocesses should
b e r eflected only in Lhe bo und ary cond itions. Tn
, . little, if any, change in qo is eloid ent from table 10- b ,
alt hough t he siel' e size ranges in fiv e steps from (8
Oll 10 ) Lhrough (8 0 on 100 ), other fa ctors being con-
the clerivtttio n of Lhe ~ld s orpLion eq uati on Lhe initi al
conditions r eq ui red all or LI1C acl sorbab le species to
he in the solution phase. Co nvrrscly , ror desol'p t ivu
stan t. At t.he s~me time, howe\' er, the accompany-
mg \' alue of kl mcreased markedly with decreasino' the adsorb able species ini Li~t n:v lI'o uid bc entirely
particle size. T~bles 10- a , 10- c, and lO- d sho \~ in the adsorbed phase . To procced 011(> s tcp furlhrl" ,
t he sa me lack of dependency of qo although only it might be stipulated that bot h ~td so rpt ion and
two runs were available for comparison in each case. desorption should be considered , rro1l1 Lhis poinL of
In a preceding paper [2], the adsorbent im' oll' ed view, as special cases of an ini t ifLl co ndi Lion wllCre
was a senice bone char which had been subject ed some of the adsorbable species m ay pxis t in olu lion
to J~umerous cy:cl~s of adsorption, partial desorption , while the r emainder is adsorbed. Th e process which
drYll1g , and k~l l1l~g. Its prior history may have would subseq u ently tfLke place migh t either be acl-
been reflected In Its dependence of qo on sie l'e size sorption or clesorp tion , depending upon the levels
in. co ntrast . with the prese nt st udy. This very of t he interrelated variables. These various concepts
pomt was dIscussed in some detail at that time. m ay b e r eco nciled by use of the term "resorpli on "
to def! ne Lhis resumed sorption process.
TAB IJE 10.- Batch co m pa?'ison: e.D·ect oj particle si ze In the original derivation of eq (6), the qUi\,ntity
Co = 0.03 rneq · rn j- l Sti rri ng rate: 400 rpll l
Co was defined as the co ncen tntL ion or lhe ads orb ~lble
Te mperatu re: 30°(' solu te b erore ~l n y ad sorp tion Imd tftkell phtce. !for
t he gcneral casc (applic!1ble as well in t.he original
-,.' -Hun ~0. 1 Sicve size gO
CRSC), Co should be r edefi ned as foll ows:
lOr a lI'=l.Og
r' Co = the COllccn Lration th at would E'xisl aL any Lim o
i r all of t h e ttd sorbable species were ass L1 1n ed
me,,· a- I ml·meq- 1. min- 1
to be ill the sol u Lion phasc.
222 (8 011 10) 0.72G 2. 19
217- 8- 9 ( 12 on 16) . 672 2.64
l:, (12)
I ((8011 10)
12 on 16)
0.42 1
. 462
I 5,26
5. 19
6.1. Desorption experiment . Next, it is ascertained by use of eq (8)
tha t N = 1.338 . The coefficient of t in the exponent
The consequ ence of sub tracting qr from t he of eq (13) can now be determined as well as th e
numerator and denominator of the coefficient of e factor :
in eq (13 ) can impart a nega tiye value to this factor
which immedia tely iden tifies the process fLS one of (M - N) - qr
desorp tion. It is instructi \'e to consider th e batch
desorp tion da t fL of table 11 as an example of th e (M + N) - qI
use of eq (13 ) in this cfLp acit y . The table con tains
t he data collected by Dryden in Run #224 . Accordingly , t he desorpt ion equation reduces to:
t of acctic ac_______________
id p reaclsorbed on t hc__char-
____ __ __ 7.26 meq 9·800 -q= _ 0.283 - 0. 136t.
'W eigh t of wc t charcoaL ___________________ _ 8. 036 g 3.476- q e ..f)
vVeigh t of d ry charcoal (W ) ________________ _ 5. 22 1 g
D iffe re nce (assum ed to be excess wa ter) ___ ___ 2. 82 ml It can be seen tha t as t b ecomes large, the righ t side
Wa te r a dcled _____________ ____ ____________ _ 100. 00 ml
Tota l wa ter prese nt , (l ')-------------------- 102. 82 rnl of the equfL tion approaches zero . Therefore, th e
limiting value of q must be 0.800 in agreem ent
_ 7.26 _ 39 ._]. _ 7.26 with table 11. At the other extrmne the value of
Qr - 5 .221 - 1. 1 meq ·g , cO-- I02 .82 q predicted for 1 min is 1.33 compared with 1. 190
as seen from the table. The remaining desorp tion
= 0.07061 m eq·ml - 1 . experiments r eported b y Dryden [5] yield resul ts in
substan tial agreem ent wit h the example gil-en here.
While i t is possible, analy tically , to soh-e the de-
sorp tion equa tion usin g fL m ethod based on the sam e 6.2. Resorption
principles as in the case of adsorp tion, it is con-
siderably more involved. It is extrem ely sensitive The rem ark able yersa tility of eq (13 ) canno t b e
both to t he accuracy of each of the t hree or four fully apprecia ted un t il som e examples of r esorption
m easured points used, as well as to the sligh test are considered . Fortuna tely, it is not necessary t o
departure from the assumed model. For these redesign additional exp erimen ts to illustrate these
r easons t h e usefuln ess of this m ethod for determin- applications.
ing t he param eters is purely academic. For t he first exa mple, consider desorp tion Ru n
#2 24 just discussed. The desorp tion equation pre-
T ABLE 11. D ala oj balch des ol' pli on R un #224 dicts q= 0.81 m eq· g- l for t = 30 min . Suppose t hat
(C. E . D r yden ) after desorptioll h ad p rogressed for 10 min , th e
Acet ic acid: Coconut charcoal: process were halted by physically sep ara tin g t h e
St irring rate: 400 rpnl Sie,'e s ize: (8 on 10) adsorben t from solu tion for an indefinite period of
T emperature: 30 °C t ime. Ultima tely , adsorben t and solution could b e
r ecombined , t hus perm it tin g t he desorp t ion process
t o b e r esumed. R efer ence to t able 11 discloses
that when t= lO min , 0 .9 12 m eq· g- I is t h e obsenred
meq'ml- 1
0. 0102
meq-rr l
1. 190 value of q which , consequen tly , would become the l
2. 0
3. 0
. 014
1. 115
1. 058
n ew valu e for qI in the r esorp tion pr ocess. N either
4.0 .0188 1. 020 M nor N would change, sin ce the weigh t, volume,
5. 0 .0201 0. 989
i .5 .0221 . 955 concentra tion , etc., were no t altered . The new
10. 0
15. 0
. 0266
coefficien t of t he exponentilLl in eq (13 ) would be:
20. 0 . 02i 5 .849
30.0 .0282 .835
45.0 . 0293 .814 0.800 - 0. 912
60.0 . 0299 .802 - 0. 0437
3.476 - 0.912
proceed for , say, 20 min, and the amount adsorbed condition corresponded to a q valuc of 0.802 meq·g-l
pel' gram at that t ime were considered the new as indicated in the last column of table 12. In his
initial conditions; what would the resultant re- second batch before d ilution, Co was 0 .1376 mcq.ml- 1
sorption equation become ? Again, M and N would while after dilution , it l'eycrLed back to 0.06880
be unchanged, but now qr (instead of being zero as meq·ml- 1 . The final co nccnLn1Lion or t he sccond
at the b eginning of t h e original experiment ) would batch after dilution cOlTcsponded Lo 1'f = 0.8 16 m eq·g- l.
take on the new value of 0.4667. Immediately, the If the prese nt theory f1ppl ic Lo Freu ncllich's
I resorption equation in that instance could be written: experiment, it ou ght to b e possibl e to ass ig n r eason-
able values to the three parameters, qo, lei , and le2 ,
I 0.S66 - q + 0.lS0 e-0.0604(/-20) consistent with results already di sc usscd for similar
~ 1.130-q systems under s ubstantially the sa me ('0 nci.iLi.ons. If
it is estimated that
i where the coefficient + 0.lS0 is determined from
0.S66 - qr
" I