CXC Eng - A - Paper 1A

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insite Choose fram the four optgg, worils missing Nearastions: be ach centnoe hes he ante the meaning ar the sentence, Mark yout 1¢ Word oF pair af words W choice on the anwwer sheet. treatment 20 CAUSE BFEM + «eserves L Justice must be seen to be done, for - resentment + anger - surprise bitterness (A) unfair. (By pronounced. (C) unlawful . (D) — unrewanded . but is always. " An anack on someone when that person is most vulnerable may’ be - (A) inappropriate « thoughrful (By rewarded . (C) destructive . (D) effective. «unkind 3. Hercriticism was constructive and honest, with no... 0+ whatsoever. (A) malice (8) candour (C) coherence (D) directness 4. The journalists were impressed by the. of the statesman whose speeches had a profound anes sewa on all who heard them. (A) eloquence .. effect (B) presence result (C) emotion - sensation (D) appearance -Feaction 5. There are many who would try to.......... your efforts because of their jealousy. (A) assist (B) affect (C) thwart {D) encourage 01218010/1/CSEC 2020 GO AN Ta Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner items 6-10 Instructions: Select the option A, B,C ar D that BEST di mark your choice on the answer sheet. eseribes EACH of the sentences and (A) The sentence is acceptable ns it stands. (B) The sentence contains clichés or misused metnphors, (C) The sentence is incorrect grammatically or faulty in diction. {D) The semtence is too wordy. that is, repetitive or contains redundancies. 6. Its not absolutely necessary for it to be done today. Traffic bottlenecks must be ironcd out if we are to prevent giant traffic conge: 8. ‘The decorations chosen for the venue complimented the theme of the gathering. tuation, I will write a new set of guidelines. 9. Toclarify the 10. He advanced a step or two to meet his attacker who suddenly became alarmed and retreated back four or five paces. Scanned with CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner m 2 13. M4. pecausc of nappruprlate Ream, 2 11-15 Heb some ofthe follo tencesare unacecptal! a . than one inappropriate element. Setect the ONE underlined part that i inappropriate and choose the corresponding letter, a, C. Ifthe sentence is neceptable as it stands, choose D The team was not inne. mood to continue the game and went off the field. No firror a By © P} Had they not been forewarned, they’ might have joined the queue, notknowing that gas was not on sale (a) (B) ©) No Error @) at the station. No Error One of the admirable characteristics of the young is that thes.are not easily scared. (By (c) (D) (A) No mor As John listened to the lesson being taught, he began to Joose interest. (Cc) (a) (a) ‘The problem with the students is that they’ arrive late, gives no excuse. and are nut a) (B) No East spoken to. (cd anned with CamScanner (D) je when (D) | | ch sentence in th FSURReSted answer underlined word, me 16, She paid {Meticulous attention to her work as, vw she attached the beads to the costume, (AY scant (B) careful (C) detailed (@) cautious 17, Themanngerdecided to inform thestaffabout 20, all complaints received from customers. (A) requests (B) demands (Cc) suggestions. (D) compliments 18. They lived ina large. sprawling, dilapidated house. (A) remote (B) _ historic (C) well-kept (D) Scanned with CamScanner section has ONE undertine rs the word which Is closest to d word or phense, Cho orp nthe ‘OSITE In meaning tothe After the story was publish hed in the newspaper his colleagues astimcized him, (A) neeepted (B) discussed (cy nderstood (D) —recogniced ‘The firm was forced to retrench some workers: in order to continue operating. (A) demote (B) employ (C) dismiss (D) promote mn b> ems 21-28 his sect Instructions: Each sentence in thi ina the one NEAREST IN MEANING to the oe 4. The Europeans who were not well off were 1 those whocame to the West Indies in search of wealth (A) Unemployment at home caused Eanes tw come to the West Indies to sec their fortune. (B) — Curopeans settied in the West Indies because they were told that they would become richer. (CY Financial uificulties at home mage Turepeans who came to the West Inuties devine to seitle there. (D)— Eurnpeany wha came te the West Indies to scch theirfonunes were 25. the ones who were not wealthy, John still wanted to marry Mary even though she had lost all her money, (A) Jokmagreedtomary Mary although she had lost all her money. (B) Mary's money did nat matter to John why still wanted to mary her {C)_— The loss of all Mary's money did fot affect John’s wish to marry her. {D) John intended to marry Mary even if she were to lose all her money The news shocked me so much that | almost forgot what wanted ta say, EWS Was so shocking that | could not move, . "neatly dult't speak again aflerthe hoch wf the news, soe shocked by the news that Hh hatdly speak ‘contd hardly remember my Sage alter such shocking SLC 2020 Scanned with CamScanner ed by fou hon bs ee sentence. rsentences A, 1, Cand [), Chin, Ifstudents’efforts are rewarded they , be encouraged to work harder, “0d students must be encour, ta Seek han. mi (By students ork hardee, they y be praised for their effon. (C) When suulens are praised forge, effons, they excel, (D) Students whose effons ,, compensated generally wort better. No right thinking person who has five im the country will fail to understand my disgust at noise. (A) Every right thinking person wit understand my dispust at noig Inthe country. (B) Noise inthe country isas disgusting to me as itis 0 allright thinking People. (C) My disgust at n ise will be understood by any right thinking Person who has lived in the country (D) Wis inconceivable that a right thinking person in the country sould fail to understand my disgust at noise, GO ON To THE NEXT PAGE Scanned by CamScanner Ucms 2631 carcttly an then #BsMer HETIN 26-31 oy gy. carefully : Read the following por! hy Anstructions: “hat Is stated or implled. Why does the po laughing (line 1)? et feel the horses are 27, Beat That Light {think the horses must be taughing. Kicking up their heels and tall Watching from their green abode 1 The things that drove them off the road, Whinnying in soft derision At breakdown, blowout and collision. Neighing, as they roam the prairies, Motorists’ obituaries. Read the epitaphs' on Monday Of drivers various and Sunday: Beep the hom ond haw! the klavon? For Hebrew, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon: Howling Mayon, beeping hom, The funeral dinge en Monday mom, Usher our the unlucky drivers Without convincing the survivors Here's a curve and here’s a truck, Take a chance, and trust to luch, The neat one's practically standing still, ‘epitaph - r ib ‘s ita short piece of writing ar poem about a dead pers ‘Alaxon — tes facon— a type of loud harn formerly used on motor whicter What are “the things” suggested in lined? (A) He hears them laughin, (A) Vehicles (TH isl ene fey TRE Pate i all thers to roam, (B) Accidents *) They are treated well by help © Explosions owners a ; (Di They were rept (D) Traffic jams hich causes hy Scanned with CamScanner ed With something arm, (B) Breakdown (1 © 6) (cy Pbituaries (line 8 Howling (ine 13) 29. According to the poet, to be most Prone to fatalities? (Ay (By (cy (Db) Scanned with CamScanner What is hat days seemed I¢ Poet's tone in lines 17-182 (A) Sareastic (B) Persuasive (Cy) Indifferent (Dy Enthusiastic ‘Te poet is recommending that drivers drive (A) slowly (B) quickly (C) carefulty (DY recklessly Moms. 32-11 " angwer Hems 3241 0 Instructions: Read the following extract earefally and then The baa What Is stated or implied. Carnival bit him, Anu bis HOF RTE big, and je Ne steelband and masqueraders Were assembling ft building were How ing together in the fy, n The moment Aldrich stepped outsi a sofiness flow over him, and on the strect.t Months of practising ani sewing and painting and of the morning unter the eyes of women and chifdrent who haul avakerel Hrovn steep and Uresse hurriedly to come out and watch their band, to see their people. 1 a ™ and cheer thes and Ww accompany them, te tramp the pavement, while the masqueraders occupied the sire, ay Som of yuard, right inte Port-of-Spain ” I1hit hima, the red and black nnd gold and green. the catours and the feathers and the Satin, and the people's faces with that look in their eyes, and the smell af cologne and face powder, ang 10 the smell of grease and the look of wonder on the children’s faces, and the little Fellars with saijoy caps on; and what reverence and what awe as they alone int the whole warld hau the real eyes ig see the real thing. te see herves. 10 see giants, 19 see pods. ull. as if he were seeing with the boys” eyes, Alurick fel a nving with furious tears. Aldrich is. fascinated by tallness and a pride. felt his hair rise on his head, And full of brimn 1S fell again the fierce love and hope that he had doubted in himself, fe felt that yes, there was a place here for him, that there was something to say yes to, and people before whom and on whose hehalf he could dance the dragon. With a strong, piercing scream, he stepped into the street, his chains rattling, his arms outflung. his head lolling, in a slovs threatening dance of the Beast, sa that the people of the Hill turned to him, recognizing him, said “Yes! Yes! 20 = That is Dragon! Adapted from Earl Lovelace, The Dragon Cant Dance, Longman Group Lid, 1979, pp. 135-137. 32. The words “hit him” (lines | and 8)are 33. “And his heart grew big” (line 1) means used to emphasize the impact of that Aldrick (A) the excitement of camival (A) wanted to cry (B) objects being thrown at persons (B) felt great pride (C) collisions taking place on the strects (C) felt quite angry (D) the noise and the smells of carnival (D) wanted to join a band Scanned with CamScanner 36. 37 waste (tension (C) hard work (D1 excitement The repetition of “ang in 4 ae : s yi extract is intended to show > OF the (A) the specific activities involved in costume maki (B) how important each of the act is to the band (C) the continuous nature of the Activities involved in preparing (D) the boring nature of the many 40, ies before carnival itself Lines 4 and $, (women and children ... (A) time was passing quickly (B) noone wanted to miss the spectacle (C) the people had overslept that moming a, (D) people did not have much clothing to put on “What reverence and what awe” (line 11) reveals that the spectators were (A) captivated (B) astonished (C) bewildered (D) —apprehensi Scanned with CamScanner The reaction of the people tn Aldrick's dance was ane of Ay ay cy «wy Jaughter and fear The last sentence af the extract (lines 17-20) gives the impression that Aldrich's dance Mended ta be (A) cheerful (8) amasin: (Cy surprising AD) frightening In describing curnival, the writer makes Use of the senses. Which of the following Senses is NOT used in the extract? {AY Taste (By Sight (C) Smelt (D) Hearing The MOST suitable title for the extract is (A) The Wenk Dragon (B) The Dragon's Heart (cy The Decline of Camival (D) — Camival in Port-of-Spain Moms 4219 swer Hems 4249 on the hen an boa and fully and Instructions: Read the fallawing pastage C7 what is stated ar implied, . rt from mankind, they : filled with living things i Pencigrcteitad thal swing eet Se IS a yy ael fe! ee A comin rong Srrrechamesi. AC ticg os tt ONS ahs hei dinoswurs riled. Burman, they dd ong before man walked upon the ey he I melt lis spect sllresersan ail se Te el hath the world and hims © quali) S comparatively brief history. or the thinker. Purposeful change through thought: he is man. . ceaselessly pulsing. day and night, from Childhiny re rrmiliar idea: but it is a less Famili F CONE y rocess of learning. It was by learning qf The human brain works like the lieat a to old age. That man thinks all the time iss Suan story might he a ne, Farback i he warm jungles, somdhy «el © urselves into men. . to ceased tw be ani Hs and made oursely formed, and oUF tW0 sndertul human brain was . th by cell and retlex by refles, the wonders a ir ingenious, adaptable iniiaculbes human powers: our fantastically intricate speech and eur ing Plable hang, hat The earliest tools were scarcely more than lumps ob nohes with a few ners chipped off to fit the hands roughly; but gradually, century by century, as Hees hen ected, AU they 15 are chipped and smoothed and rounded and sharpened until they are na on te cient but almog handsome. It is impossible to louk at those stone tools, and to Imagine their makers, withing feeling pity, admiration and allection for our clever, industrious ancestors, and without ren our reverence for the growth of the human mind. ening After the stane tools eame the control of fire, the skilful, almost magical. transformation ot 20 Jumps of earth into hard pottery and durable metal, the creation of the Wheel. Equally wonderful, Perhaps more wonderful, was the invention or development of plants. Almost everything we cunsume, except animal food. is part ofa plan, earefilly bred from selected stock: wheat, sige, fruits, tobacco, hemp, cotton. Some intelligent man or woman found each plant growing wild in the jungle, tasted of tested it, and by patient experiment discovered how to rear and improve it This was one of the teal beginnings af tisiprosed the plants, and the plants im, sn. and vrew together Cultivated Jess were devised, the tod alter . In that slow, patient process. met Froved men. Men ceased to live at random: they ste! elds made men invent Tules and observe seasons; therefore alerular was established, and astronomy became a science. By st ze owth, we moved [rom Primitive animalism, through primitive human savagen." Source: Unk? Scanned with CamScanner Th Be gid when the dinnsau ter's ew OF the plaave “ay they imended to Se ret” tle a) i (A) indicate the time whieh thay (B) compare theants with thedneee AEHONS: * remind the render a evolution (Ps the process of 8, THE purpose Of paragraph | (lines 1-6) Is wo (A) show how man has tran ansfo world and himsele tthe (B) compare the development of man with that of other Jiv ‘ing things (C) give examples of the living thi found on land, in the air and ag water (D) trace the history of eivlization fram earliest times to the hegi man ing of 44. In lines 7-8, the writer's comparison between the human brain and the heart serves to (A) draw attention to the fact that the brain never stops working (B) stress the fact that it is the brain which separates animals from man (C) _ indicate that both organs are crucial to the working of the human hody (D) point out that because these organs are similar their importance is forgotten 45. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the writerasa source of man's remarkable powers? (A) Man's reflexes (B) The human braia (C) Man's capacity for speech (D) The dexterity ofthe human hands MIIRMIAMICSEC 2020 Scanne; with CamScanner 46. a, 4B. 49. ‘One quality af our (oot making mneestors, Wlentitied by the writer in praragraplt3 (ives 131M, 4A) iy {C)hankworking (D)— unimiginative ‘The writer's intention in lines 13-18 is ter rcknowledge the skill of man aly 1A) IB) trace the development uf {C) underscore the slaw pre change (D) show the relationship between efficiency and beauty Jn paragmphs 4 nnd $ (lines 19-30), the author links the actual beginnings of civilization with the (A) cultivation of plants (B) discovery of the stars (C) establishment of the calendar (D) observation of seasonal change According to the passage, in what order did the following accomplishments take place? 1. Refining of stone tools Il. Transformation of earth into pottery I. Command of the element of fire IV. Perfection of plant life (A) LIVULIE (B) LANA (C) MWY (D) IVIL GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Scanned by CamScanner “ie IS 50-5, ih sally wi" Ansteuction: Readl the fallawing extrast CH "at ls stated ar implied. Clestiat isnot just for tourists; many: (0 © Celestial duriny a long weekend for 9 in - ighdour ry able ese go mul an unssver Herts $0-S4 00 th, a ands find themselves hy mn That is Ieee ud 50. MUCH 10 yftee Fe ch to to do ‘ROW thal on this tiny iste there is 80m" sansa many AEDS, Sty Allthe tei 2 at Be SP he afternoons waking (0 be send SR ihe leisure time you have dat pt ches: DUSK i the wana SOUM prefer to spend your helidny Seer Tg rhe POOM TT auesell wih 3 MEW and Fagin TUMpHious breakfast in bed. louneine darquaintine er poices are endless, ng SOUVenir Shopping ar mingling with hE Culture, With so many different things" to jough. is by fo! Anice alternative to the typical trav do what comes naturally here and take it stops for an cat and a drink, while chatting 4 awn 3 Is ‘The most developed areas of Cel resorts and scattered, mudest gues! vals al cals’ Me island jence the ples st expt of the mos! nerary. willl sched rap as you nd admiring So” testial are relative houses can be found, sing sights. sounds and Scenery fy, i fun and yam Ways of ean led times far pectic activites 5, pull overal lookout points ne extraordinary places of inte Jy modem. with numerous trendy hotels, fe, addition to the intemational aiqpir ; see palceitiesc hite sandy beaches, yh. singly infinite stretch of wh ly beaches, whic, Along the Caribbean const there is a 5 vibrant and scenic capital and port that isthehg area favourite with tourists, Bliss Tow of all the island's activities. 50. What is the writer's MAIN purpose? 51. (A) To state the location of Celestial {B) To encourage tourists to ¥ Celestial (C) — Tocompare the various attractions in Celestial (D) — Todescribe the iny at Celestit \portant features 0121801 04/CSEC 2020 Scanned with CamScanner Adapted from "Top Tourist Tans The Guardian, 22 August 2006, p64 According to the extract, Celestial i located (A) inthe capital (B) in Bliss Town (C) inthe Caribbean (D) near the coastline Scanned bv CamScanner qhe repetition of the words “so much” and o many” serves to ize the variety of attractions in Celestial (B) highlight the writer's lack of words to describe Celestial (C) summarize the list of activities fram which visitors can select (D) convey the writers excitement about the variety of things to do Which of the following phrases suggests the variety of experiences Celestial offers. as presented by the writer? ine 8) (A) “your choices are endless” (B) “engaging ways” (line 9) (C) “nice alternative” (ine 17) (D) “what comes naturally” (line 13) Scanned with CamScanner M. According to the extract, visitors te Celestial may stay at all of the following EXCEPI (Ad hotels (B) resorts (C) rest stops: (D) guesthouses Scanned by CamScanner Ornoss . oo Semrae 2-26 4ncoosmv se -e ee MZOHe Mase mMENy ~ Ibe cad the folloning advertiverient carels stated ar implied. bbean are all talking about it E GONE! ‘4 Teenagers across the Cari ACNE B ‘ Tested by a“ Dermatologists #1 product ~ on the market unsightly blemishes? ontidence back? for graduation? s with Do you want to clear all Do you want your ¢ Do you want a date You can do all these thing: ACNE BE GON Now available in stores near you at this special introductory price oF 00, $9.99 {while stocks last) It really works! Take the CHOCOLATE TEST! You can cal anything you want and not break out with ACNE BE GONE!” Side effects include swelling and rashes. Consult your doctor. aay 7z2z-. mOSemraez ANCOODmDVe =e eRe mMZON se mee MzZN> Scanned with C tly and then answer lems S864) on wy, e Scanned by CamScanner ~{?. Which ofthe following techniques are jepersuade in this advertisement?) wt §? L Showing of the container IL Financial enticement II, Appeal to fears and desires (A) Land I only (p) Land Il only (C) Wand Hlonly (Dp) Leland tt Alanguage device used in the advertisement to persuade is (A) paradox (B) metaphor (C) hyperbole {D) _ thetorical questions Scanned with CamScanner 60. fihe size of What might be the purpose 0! ide effects? the font used to describe the si (A) It suggests that the side effects are minor, (B) — Ithides possible using the product (C)— Memisdireets the to erroneous conch sequences oF er and leads s about (D) —tdemonstrates that the problems ‘are minor in comparison to the benefits. under the have The words “while stocks la: checked price MOST likely would the effect of (A) — enticing the customer to save he reader to buy the (B) product quickly (C)__ prompting Caribbean people to ge in search of the product (D) fooling the prospective buye thinking he/she needs the product Scanned by CamScanner

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