12 Principles

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12 Principles of Language Learning and

1. Native Language Effect: A learner's native language
creates both facilitating and interfering effects on learning.

2. Communicative Competence: Fluency and use are just as
important as accuracy and usage. Instruction must aim at
organizational, pragmatic and strategic competence as well as
pronunciation, intonation and stress.

3. Anticipation of Rewards: Learners are driven to perform by

the promise of positive reinforcement, tangible or intangible;
long or short-term.

4. Language-Culture Connection: Learning a language also

involves learning about cultural values and ways of thinking,
feeling or acting.

5. Language Ego: Learning a new language involves

developing a second identity with a new mode of thinking. This
new identity can be fragile and defensive.

6. Meaningful Learning: Providing a realistic context to use
language is thought to lead to better long term retention, as
opposed to rotate learning.

7. Interlanguage: Second language learners generally follow a

systematic process, during which they need feedback (teacher,
peer and self) to eliminate logic errors and achieve
8. Automaticity: Subconscious processing of language for
fluency can only be achieved without overanalyzing or too much
attention to language forms.

9. Self-Confidence: Success in learning a language requires

that learners believe that they can learn it.

10. Strategic Investment: Success in learning is dependent on

the time and effort learners spend in mastering the language
learning process according to their ability.

11. Risk-Taking: Taking a gamble and experimenting with

language slightly “beyond” what is certain or known promotes
language development and growth.

12. Intrinsic Motivation: The most powerful learning “rewards”

to enhance performance are those that come from the needs,
wants and desires within the learner.

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