M+qraq,: DTRFR
M+qraq,: DTRFR
M+qraq,: DTRFR
d er-*s{ d q'
frqq:AgQqtdq of sr* ,i+Egq q-fren 1ftsq<-zozz) 11rqal
sr-[m] er+rro 6-rrir t fu ffio-qraq of tqqq Qt-gs qtrFil-f,o s \tr]Klfi qftet (u.ruu.sc./M.com./M.sc.
(Home Sc.)/M.Sc. (Ag.)- illrd semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper), LLB.- lllrd & Vth semester, LLM. - lllrd
Semester, B.Sc. (Ag.) & B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.) lllrd, Vth & Vllth Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper) dstrT B.Sc.
Science) & B.Sc. Home Science (Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics) lllrd & Vth Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper)
t*"r"1 (frwrw-zozz) ftm-o r) cR"T o-{-d qri o.r Frufq fuq3rur t
0e.01.2023 t
€dr{o' - w-A-ffirgrl-i I
Eilsfrs (cfiHr)
cfrftfi ffifuo at q-d{rpf Vi effir+o' orffi ifra '-
o.' * a,nqpqeTZ11+<T67oRw rffiETr (fu€Er-zozz). dtrfr qqq fua M+il-d-q
cfrq{, t-{d o) qa-{r"f G enqr+6 Eilffi & nBd I
03. Aqfdfld rr6f{o, qfr rddqfr o) qro qfr E-dqfr "ft d g+ef I
,, q.flt-frrqhqrdq atrgr$e oi qs srdiq d qrer fo gwr s<ffid qAEn ortrrq o) ie![r{e q-{ sqEfel o-{IqT
qrfl gfttr{d o.f t
lnference - ll: lnternal Estimation, H-3032 M.A. (English) Victorian Fiction and Prose G-3012(Old)
M.Sc. (Statistics)
Sequential Analysis & Non-
Parametric lnference
Numerical Analysis G & H-3049 M.A. (English) English Phonetics and Linguistics G-3012(New)
(new course2014-15)
H-3062 M.A.&M.Sc.(Geograph Recent lssues in GeograPhY G&H-30'18
[/.Sc. (zoology) Chordata
(New & Old
Textile testing and quality control u-31 10 Nn.A. (Hindi) Adhunik Kavya (Chhayavad G-3025(OId)
M.Sc. (Home Sc.)
Pari nt
Clinical & Therapeutic Nutrition v-31 18 NI.A. (Hindi) Adhunik Kawa (Chhayavad G-3025(New)
lil.Sc. (Home Sc.)
Advance Housing and lnterior w-3'125 M.A. (Home Sc.) Therapeutic Nutrition G-3030
NI.Sc. (Home Sc.)
M.Sc. (Ag.) Principles and Practices of weed J-3005 M.A. (History) History of Ancient lndia (From G-3037(Ord)
lvlanagement Earliest times to 600 B.C.E.)
M.Sc. (Ag.) Chemistry of Milk Products J-3011 NI.A. (History) History of Medieval lndia (Till 1526 G-3037(New)
J-3021 (Philosophy) Contemporary lndian Philosophy G-3045
M.Sc. (Aq.) Topics in Plant Breeding N,'1.A.
Agricultural Finance & Co- J-3041 N4.A. (Urdu) Urdu Nazm G-3062(Ord)
[/.Sc. (Ag.)
Plant Bio-chemistry - Il J-3031 M.A. (Urdu) Urdu Nazm G-3062(New)
M.Sc. (As.)
lil.Sc. (Ag.) Fundamentals of Fruit Production J-3061 M.A. (Political Sc.) Public Administration G-3070(Old)
Diffusion and Adoption of J-3051 M.A. (Political Sc.) Western Political Thought G-3070(New)
M.Sc. (Ag.)
Manaqement Accounting l-3oo'l (ord) [4.A. (Psychology) Health Psychology G-3077
(Time 02:00 M. To
shift - 09 A.M. To shift - 00
Code No.
Date & DaY Class Paper Name
Class Grammar, EssaY & G-3082(Old)
M.Com. Operations Research l-3001(New) M.A. (Sanskrit)
M.A. (Def. S!qle$- National Security - | G-3095
M.A. (Phy. Edu.) Sports Psycholog'
h ift T i m e 0 2 0 0 P M T o 0 00 P M
00 A. M T o 1 0 n N o N
shift - I me 0
Pa r Name code No.
Date & Day Pa er Name Code No. Class
Class History of EuroPean Painting G-3000
Phytochemistry and Metabolism H-3002 M.A. (Drq. & Ptg.)
11Jan-2023 M.Sc. (BotanY)
Classical to ea Renaissance
Wednesday M.A. (Education) Educational Guidance and G-3003
NI.Sc. (Chemistry) SpectroscoPY H-3008
M.A. (Economics) Economics of Deve lopment & G-3007(old)
M.Sc.(Physics) Nuclear and Particle Physics H-3028
M.A. (Economics) lnternational Economics G-3007(New)
N/t.Sc. (Statistics) Engineering Statistics, Qu ality H-3033
control and Reliabil G-3013(Old)
G & H-3050 M.A. (English) Twentieth Century British Poetry
M.A.&M.Sc.(Maths) Complex Analysis G-3013(New)
H-3063 I\,1,A, (E lish 20'h Centu British P
M.Sc. (Zoology) Develo mental Bio
u-311 1 [i].A.&NL Sc.(GeograPh lnlerdisciplinary Resea rch Methods G&H-3019
M.Sc. (Home Sc.) Fashion marketing and (New & Old
v) and Techniques
merchandising Same)
v-31 19 t\,1.AH indi Bharti ashastra
M,SC, me Sc. lnstitutio nal Food Administration G-3026(New)
w-3126 M.A. (Hindi) Kavyashastra (Bhartiya evm
l\il.Sc. (Home Sc.) Advance and APPlied Ergonomics
Apparel Design and Construction G-3031
Agronomy of Fodder, Forage, J-3006 [i].A. (Home Sc.)
M.Sc. (Ag.)
Med icinal and Aromatic C
J-3012 M.A. (History) History of Ancient lndia(600 B.c.E G-3038(Old)
M.Sc. (Ag.) Elementary Food Science
to 550C.E
t-1.l)) M.A. (History) History of Medieval lndia (Ti[ 1526- G-3038(New)
M.Sc. (Ag.) Bio-technology in Crop
1707 A.O
I ment G-3046
Elli rce Economics J-3042 M,A Philoso h S ocra an d P ol iti ca P h lo SO
M,SC 'IIIIIE-.nr r
shift - I .-.-
Date & Day
Class -- paper ttame lcode No. Class
(Music) of lndian and other
Date & Day
Shift-l(Time09:00 A.M. To '12:00 NOON ) shift - Time 02:00 P.M. To 05:00 P.M.
Class Paper Name Code No. Class Paper Name Gode No.
13Jan-2023 lil.Sc. (Botany) P ant Lcoloqy and Pl-ytogeograohY H-3003 M.A. (Education) Teacher Education G-3004
M.A. (Economics) Indian Economic Policy G-3008(Old)
Friday M.Sc. (Chemistry) Analytical Chemistry H-3009 I
Any one as per specialization M.A. (Economics) Financial lnstitutions and Markets G-3008(New)
Nil. Sc. (Physics)
M.Sc.(Physics) (i) Electronics - Special Paper - | H-7027 N4.A. (English) Twentieth Century British Fiction and G-3014(Old)
(ii) Solid State Physics-Special Paper-l H-7028 M.A. (English) English Language Teaching and G-30'14(New)
English in lndia
(iii) Nuclear Physics- Special Paper-l t-7a29 M.A.&M.Sc.(Geograph Advanced Geography oi Uttar Pradesh G&H-3020
(New & Old
(iv) Spectroscopy Special Paper- M.A.&M.Sc.(Geograph Applied Geography G&H-3021(Old)
M.Sc.(Physics) - I H-7033
M.Sc. (Statistics) Operations Research - | H-3034 M.A. (Handi) Vishistha Rachnakar;
(i) Kabirdas c-3027(D(Ord)
(ii) Soordas G-3027(iD(Old)
(iii) Goswami Tulsidas
(iv) Jai Shankar Prasad G-3027(v)(Old)
(v) Munsi Prem Chand G-3027(vi)(old)
(vi) Sachhidanand Heeranand
Vatsayayan "Ageya"
Nil.A. & Iil. S c. ( M ath s) Mathematical Methods G & H-305'1 M.A. (Hindi) Patrakarita - Prashikshan G-3027(New)
00P 05:00 .M.
-t 00 12:O0 - ll
Date & DaY No. Class Name
Class Name
& Dried and Dairy 13 M.A. u) Special StudY (Prose):
M.Sc. (Ag.) (Any one of the Following)
(a) Sir Syed G-3064(New)
(b) Prem Chand G-3066(New)
(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 067(New)
M.A. Kina
shift - ll 00 P M T o 0 5 0 0 P M
me 0
shift - I me 09 0A.M T o 1 0 0 N oo N I
Code No.
Date & DaY Code No. Class Pa r Name
Class Pa r Name
H-3004 M.A. (Drg. & Ptg.) History of Modern Painting - G-3001
M.Sc. (Botany) Elementary BiotechnologY
17-Jan-2O23 Western (Neo-classism to Cubism)
Educational Techno logy G-3005
l(AnY one of the NI.A. (Education)
M.sc. (chemistry) Elective -
followin An o ne o ut of th e fo
a Bio-ino nic Chemis H-3010 M.A Economics
M,SC Chem a nd u S tri al E co no m ics G-7006 old
anic Che H-3011 M,A. Economics
M.Sc. Chemis b B
b E co no m lcs of I nfra S tru cture G-7007 o
c Bio- sical Chem H-3012 M,A, Economics
M.Sc Chem (c) Economics of Hea Ith & G-zooalota;
M.A. (Economics)
M.Sc.(Physics) lAny one as Per sPecialization )
(d) Economics of lnsurance G-7009(Old)
(i) Electronics- Speci al Paper - ll H-7030 IU.A. (Economics)
Opti onal Pao (one of the
H-7031 M.A. (Enslish)
M.Sc.(Physics) OSolid State Physics- Special f.lllowino'l
r-ll (a) English Language Teaching G-3015(old)
(iii) Nuclear Phys ics-Special H-7032 NI.A. (English)
P r-ll (b) Translation Studies G-3016(otd)
SPecia I Paper H-7034 M.A. (English)
N4.Sc.(Physics) fv) Spectroscopy -
- no: lM.A.&M.Sc.(Geog raph Ecology and Environme nt G&H-3022
(statistics) Anv one of foll (New & old
lM.sc. Patrakarita - Prash ikshan G-soza(ota)
(a)Decision Theory & BaYes ian H-303 5 M.A. (Hindi)
M.Sc. (Statistics)
lnference OR
H-3036 M.A. (Home Sc.) Traditional Textiles & Em broideries G-3033
M.Sc. (Statistics) (b) Stochastic Process & Survival
of lndia
Anal IS G-ao+o1ota1
M.A. (History) Socio-Economic and Cultural
M.A.&M.Sc.(Maths ) Optional Papers (Any one of the History of Ancient lndia (From
Earliest times to 1200 C.E
Socio-Economic and C ultural G-3041 (Old)
lvlechanics G & H-3052 M.A. (History)
M.A.&M.Sc.(Maths) History of Medieval lndia (From
1200 c. E. to 1707 C.E
Contemporary Western G-3048
G & H-3053 NLA. (PhilosoPhY)
N,4.A.&M.Sc.(Maths ) Agabraie Coding Theory Philoso I
00 A.M. To NOON shift - !l 00 P.M. To P
shift - |
Date & Day Name Code Class
Programming in C and Data &H M.A. (Urdu) Special StudY (Poetry) (AnY one of
cture the following)
Meer 065(aXold)
(b) Ghalib G-3065(bxold)
(c) lqbal G-3065(cXold)
Mathematical Statistics G & H-3055 ItI.A. (Urdu) Special StudY (Poetry) (AnY one of
the following)
(a) Meer G-3065(New)
(b) Ghalib G-3068(New)
(c) lqbal (New)
-l A.M. To shift - 02 To P
Code No.
Date & DaY Code No. Class Paper Name
Class Name
M.Sc. (Chemistry) Computer Chemists H-1012
Chaudharv Charan Sinqh Universitv' Meerut
Examination Programme for LLB & LLM
lltrd & Vth Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper)
For All Affiliated Colleg es & University Campus, December -2022
shift - 02 .M. To 00P
hift-l 09:00 To 12:00
c Code
Date & Day Name
Limitation Act K-5001 LLM Constitutionalism And Constitutional DeveloPment
0-Jan-2023 LLB Civil P rodecure Code E nal and
in lndia
Tuesday of L-3005
LLM -l eneral Law L-3009
LLM and P of Cri
Law K-3003
16-Jan-2023 LLB
S P.M. To P
To 12:00
Date & Day CIass
Class Law L-3004
17-Jan-2023 LLB Land L-3008
Tuesday General of L-3012
LLB Law And Easement K-3004
Ghaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut
(For Main/Ex. & Back PaPer)
Examination Program me for B.Sc. (Ag.) lllrd/Vth & Vllth Semester
(For All Affiliated Colleges) Dec-2022
,l shift I I (Ti me 02 00 P .M. T o 05 :00 P .M. )
shift l (Time 0 9 :00 A.M. To 2:00 NOON ) ode No
Date & Day Code No Paper Name
Paper Name
lntroduction to Plant BiotechnologY
09.Jan-2023MondaY D-791
- l) D-391 Rained agriculture Dry Land Forming and water shed
10-Jan-2023TuesdaY Millets and Pulses CroPs (Field CroPs
tvlilk and Milk Proces sing
11-Jan-2023WednesdaY D-792
D-392 Silviculture and agroforesrtY agro forestry End specialforestry
12-Jan-2023ThursdaY Principles of Plant Breeding (ICAR)
Post Harvest I\il an agement of F ruits and Vegetables
3-Jan-2023FridaY croPs D-793
Production technologY of medicin al aromiatic and sPice
144an-2023SaturdaY Farm Structures, Power and Machinery and aroma crops (ICAR)
Plant corps spices medicinal
rop Pests a nd I ntegrated Pest Manag eme nt
16Jan-2023MondaY D-794
D-394 M anagement of p roblem S soild and water la nd
174an-2023TuesdaY Environmental Science and Agro EcologY D-595
Weed Management
18-Jan-2023WednesdaY D-795
D-395 Dairy Chemistry and animat nutrition animal nutrition including
1 gJan-2023ThursdaY Natural Resource Economics and Farm Management
Economics D-596
Diseases and their Ma nagement
Chaudhary Gharan Singh UniversitY, Meerut
Semester (For Main PaPer)
Examination Programme fo r B.Sc. (Ag.)Hons lllrd
(For AllAffi liated Colleges) Dec - 2022
shift il (Time 02 00 P .M. T o 05 00 P .M.)
shift I (Time 09 :00 A.M To 1 2:00 NOON ) Name
Paper Code No
Date & DaY Paper Name Code No
Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut
Examination Scheme of lllrd & Vth Semeser (December'2O221
Main & Back PaPer Examination
shift (Time 0 9 :00 A.M. T o 1 2 00 NOON ) Shift -l! (Time 02:00 P.M' To 05:00
Date & Day I