Surat Penawaran B.Inggris Rajudin
Surat Penawaran B.Inggris Rajudin
Surat Penawaran B.Inggris Rajudin
Ahmad Yani Street, No.314 Surabaya
Telp 021-4207722
Email : [email protected] ,
To :
Mr. Daniel
Cental Blue Factory, Ltd
13 Collyer Quay b1-11
Ocean Financial Centre
With Respect,
Responding to Mr. Daniel email on December 2021. We will gladly send you a list of the types and prices
of the computers we sell. The following is the list :
The method of payment is by Cash On Delivery (paid when the goods reach the buyer) and can
also be paid in installments with a down payment. Payment can be made in three instalments.
Along with this letter, we also attach a brochure about the products we sell.
If you want to buy our products, we will give you 40% discount for the first purchase. For
further information, you can contact us to Ahmad Yani Street No.314 Surabaya or call our hotline
Thus we wrote this letter. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Best Regards,
Director of PT.KARYA UTAMA