2-2-3 Outline Design Drawings: Table 2-2.31 List of Drawings
2-2-3 Outline Design Drawings: Table 2-2.31 List of Drawings
2-2-3 Outline Design Drawings: Table 2-2.31 List of Drawings
DWR1 Profile (1/2) of Bemos Raw Water Main (Sta.0 ~ Sta.3 + 450)
DWG 2 Profile (2/2) of Bemos Raw Water Main (Sta.3 + 450 ~ Sta.7 + 062)
DWG 3 Structure No. 9 Improvement of Exposed Pipeline (Plan, Profile & Section)
DWG 4 Structure No.11 Improvement of Exposed Pipeline (Plan, Profile No.1)
DWG 5 Structure No.11 Improvement of Exposed Pipeline (Plan, Profile No.2)
DWG 6 Structure No.11 Steep Slope Road (Plan, Profile and Section)
DWG 7 Structure No.14 Layout of Lower Service Reservoir of Bemos WTP
DWG 8 Structure No.14 Section of Lower Service Reservoir of Bemos WTP
DWG 9 Structure No.15Countermeasure for landslide at Access Road to Bemos WTP (Plan)
DWG 10 Structure No.15Countermeasure for landslide at Access Road to Bemos WTP (Section)
2-2-4 Implementation Plan
The Phases II Project aims at rehabilitation/improvement of Bemos raw water main which has
been damaged by the recent floods and a full renovation of the Lower Service Reservoir of Bemos
Water Treatment Plant. Through the said rehabilitation/improvement, it is expected that those water
work facilities such as intake facilities, raw water main and water treatment facilities ever constructed
under the previous grant aid project may maintain the function stably to be utilized efficiently in the
DNSAS is the implementing agency of the project and the project is to be implemented within
the framework of the grant aid system of the government of Japan. In case if the implementation of the
subject project would be approved by the government of Japan after the due completion of the
Implementation Review study, an Exchange of Note (E/N) be got through between the governments of
two countries and the project will enter into its implementation stage. Under the project
implementation, a single package contract manner will be adopted.
The portions/sections to be rehabilitated under the project are scattered over about 7 km distance
from the Bemos intake weir to the treatment plant. From the city area of Dili to the treatment plant, it
is accessible by public roads but there is no road available to access further upstream area. It is
necessary to transport the required equipment/materials to the working sites of rehabilitation, therefore,
policy is decided to provide access roads for construction on the lower river water channel and terrace.
From Bemos treatment plant to the confluence point with Bemos river, the water channel of
Comoro river can be used as access road with having some leveling works. While for the Bemos river
portion, river terraces on both right and left banks will be availed for access as much as possible. In
case if the leveling work alone can not make it passable, then about 0.3 m of embankment will be
provided with gravel pavement. For the sections where no temporary access road on the river terraces
could be made, the road will be planned at the lower water channel with embankment work of 0.5-1.0
m paved by gravel. The access road for construction shall have the total width of 4.5 m (width 3.0 m +
shoulder 0.75 m× 2), and be provided with sidetracks to enable facing traffic by vehicles as the sites is
not of the clear passage/perspective. Further, there expected to have surface water in the river at the
early stage and ending stage of dry season, though there is none during the mid-dry season, it is
planned to have such river crossing works as temporary bridge and buried drainage pipes in the river
crossing sections.
Demolishing of the existing structures as intake weir and service reservoir etc. shall be made by
through crushing by large-size breaker in combination with the manual work by concrete breaker.
Rubbish and chips of concrete produced shall be hauled and disposed at the designated place as
DNSAS informed.
Steep slope mountains lie in close proximity on both banks of the Bemos river, and there found
a number of exposed rocks here and there with huge stones scattered in the river bed. Some of them
are boulders flown down from the upper stream and it is judged that larger ones are of exposed due to
the erosion/scouring on the neighboring grounds. It is also considered that there may be considerable
number of huge stones in the river terraces extended on both banks.
The huge stones and boulders existing in the river terraces and riverbed will be crushed by using
the large-size breaker. Crushing by using dynamite is not preferable due to the troublesome procedures
for importing and stocking and also the possible negative effect on the local people in the area.
It is estimated that under the project as much as 1,100 m3 of concrete will be used for various
concrete structures and wet masonry etc.
There is a local contractor (Australian finance) who possesses a concrete plant at the area nearby
the downstream of Bemos Water Treatment Plant. Policy has been decided that concrete will be
procured from this local contractor to be hauled by concrete mixer car and delivered to the
construction site.
Under the project, there is one (1) section where pipeline will be re-routed. For connecting with
the existing pipeline, non-suspension method shall be employed as required due to the limited water
supply suspension time. Moreover, removal of the existing pipes will not be executed in principle for
the re-routing sections. In case of removal, however, the pipes shall be cut into pieces of re-usable
length and transferred to DNSAS. Further, in the case of installing air valves, wash-out and isolating
valves on the existing pipes for the purpose of improvement in O & M, non-suspension method is
necessary as required due also to the limited time of allowable water suspension time.
During the time of Indonesian rule, most of the construction works had been undertaken by
Indonesian nationals. While for those construction works under the re-construction program aided by
UN, WB, ADB and so forth after the social disorder in 1999, most of the works were carried out by the
foreign contractors. Concerning Japanese contractors as many as 5 construction firms have ever
participated in the construction works in Timor-Leste for road, irrigation facilities, port, water works
and schools, they are Tobishima Corporation, Dai Nippon Construction, Toa Corporation, Wakachiku
Corporation and Mirai Construction Co.
In Timor-Leste today, there are construction contractors in 2 manners, one solely by local nature
and the other affiliated by foreign companies (Australian and Singapore). Most of the local companies
are of small scale without personnel of high technical standard and construction equipment and
machineries, thus in many cases tends to procure required technical staff and construction machineries
after contract signing. While some of the foreign-affiliated companies are found capable enough with
having a certain number of machineries, resident technicians and engineers (Foreign and local), and
are doing some works as sub-contractor of the foreign companies and/or supply construction
machineries and concrete.
As these companies are capable as mentioned above and considered that the quality in
construction could be secured but the unit costs of the works tend to be higher as compared with the
case of local contractors. Those Japanese contractors are usually performing the job through
sub-contracting with plural number of the local foreign-affiliated companies depending on the kinds or
As is the case, under the subject project, policy is confirmed that appropriate local construction
companies be positively employed depending on the kind of works in parallel with the direct work by
main contractor which will be undertaken in a manner local technicians engaging the work with due
guidance by the experienced technicians from the third countries.
In Timor-Leste, those engineers and technicians who have enough knowledge and techniques on
construction works are quite limited. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange the construction crew
consisting with experienced technicians from the third countries like the Philippines to guide the local
technicians and workers. For the form work, however, higher accuracy is to be secured and it is
considered necessary to have Japanese nationals assigned to this job and guide the local technicians
and workers. For the anchoring works too, it is considered necessary to assign a Japanese national
technician since it is of special technique.
Construction materials which can be availed at the site are sand and gravel and all the others are
imported ones. Price of the construction materials in Timor-Leste is comparatively higher than the
neighboring countries. Also in recent years, the price escalation is considerable due to the escalation of
transportation cost as caused by the price escalation of crude oil especially since the year 2006.
Moreover, those construction materials as cement and reinforcing bar etc. are available in the domestic
market, but the stock ready for sale is rather limited. The said materials are imported mainly from
Indonesia, Australia and Singapore and direct purchase from these countries may result in more
economical purchasing in the case if the quantity exceeds a certain level.
Accordingly, in case if purchasing from Japan and third countries is more advantageous in view
of the quantity, delivery period and economic efficiency, materials will be procured from these
countries. Further, the policy is to apply the JIS standard for the steel pipes and valves and to procure
testing equipment from Japan and the third countries since local suppliers have no experience in
handling these materials and equipment.
2-2-4-1-5 Policy on Construction Scheduling
The climate of the project site is of tropical monsoon type where rainy season and dry season
are clearly demarcated and in the rainy season there are quite intensive rainfalls causing often floods.
The project site is surrounded by steep slope mountains also and the run-off speed is very high.
Table 2-2.32 Duration of Rainy and Dry Seasons and Mean Monthly Rainfall
Season Duration Mean monthly Year of Data
Rainy Nov.-Apr. 115 mm-156 mm 1953-1999
Dry May-Oct. 15 mm-74 mm 1953-1999
In view of the above, the policy on the construction scheduling may be confirmed that for those
construction works to be undertaken in the river bed shall start with the access roads at the early May
and followed by the full scale construction to be completed by the end of October.
Fig. 2-2.22 Rainfall Stations and Isohyetal Line Map
2-2-4-2 Implementation Conditions
At the upstream of Bemos river, there found surface flow throughout a year, while downstream
reach there, sub-surface flow may appear in the full dry season, though early parts of dry and rainy
season which are in the scheduled construction period surface flows appear also. Therefore, it is
planned that a coffer dam will be built at the upstream of the intake to be rehabilitated and a by-pass
channel be provided. Design flood discharge is determined for planning the coffer dam and by-pass
channel and taking into account the construction method and construction procedure for each related
structure, construction period shall be adequately fixed.
Through the consultation meeting with the DNSAS, it was confirmed that water supply
suspension is impossible during 6:00AM-10:00AM and 3:00PM-9:00PM each day taking into account
the peak time of water demand and also water supply suspension shall be limited only for three (3)
days in a week. Therefore, possible suspension time in a day is fixed for 5 hours of 10:00AM-3:00PM
and it is necessary to adopt construction/installation methods which enable to finish within the fixed
time available for re-routing of pipeline and installation isolated valves and etc. If it is necessary,
non-suspension method shall be considered too.
For the rehabilitation/improvement of the Lower Service Reservoir, it is planned that water be
distributed to the users of Dili city through the Upper Service Reservoir. This requires water supply
from the treatment plant to the Upper Service Reservoir. The Upper Service Reservoir is situated at
higher level than the treatment plant and temporary pumping facilities are required for this purpose.
The existing Lower Service Reservoir is of excavated type with having treatment facilities on
the south side, and on the east side the Lower Service Reservoir is located near the foundation works
of wet masonry revetment to protect the slope under the Upper Service Reservoir. As is the case, it is
planned that the two (2) side walls as mentioned shall remain as they are during the construction. In
order to protect the side walls from collapsing due to earth pressure, some measures like anchoring
may be needed.
It is necessary to make compensation for the standing trees and lands required for the project
facilities such as grit chamber and access roads for construction. The government of Timor-Leste is
requested to take necessary actions to complete required compensation procedures based on the
Implementation Reivew as well as Detailed Design prior to the commencement of construction works
under the project.
Access roads for construction are planned basically to pass either river low water channel or
river bank terraces, but there are possibilities that the local residents may claim that they own the lands
in river terraces. This requires DNSAS to carry out proper orientation/explanation to the local
communities concerned, and those facilities temporarily removed for the subject project construction
purpose shall be restored as a responsibility of the construction contractors.
Under the project, it is expected to have some concrete placing under the condition of high
temperature. In case of concrete placing where mean daily temperature may exceed 25℃, the
placing shall be performed in conformity with the technical specification of “hot weather concrete”.
With this concern, due attention shall be paid by the contractors in practicing proper slump control
during concrete mixing and also the curing by water so as not to cause cracking caused by shrinkage
and temperature fluctuation. Further, the hauling distance from ready-mixed concrete plant to the
placing site via, it is necessary to manage the time needed for mixing and hauling and placing to be
within 1.5 hours in case of temperature exceeding 25℃ and 2.0 hours in case of lower than 25℃.
Construction sites are scattered over the river terraces, courses and channels in the mountain
areas, and there are possibilities of robbery of equipment and materials if stocked at the sites.
Therefore, it is preferable to have a stock-yard provided at the suburb of Dili city and be transported to
the construction sites on daily basis. In case if it is necessary to store construction machineries and
materials, some counter-measures for prevention of possible robbery shall be worked out.
2-2-4-2-9 Technicians and Labors for Construction Works
Jobless ratio in the urban area of Timor-Leste is quite high and accordingly the labor market is
in the oversupply state. However, since the time of Indonesian rule, those categories of job which
requires higher knowledge and techniques have been monopolized by Indonesian nationals and the
present situation is that there are very few engineers and technicians locally available.
Based on the past experience in implementing grant aid projects in Timor Leste, it is a
customary practice to procure/employ required labors from the communities located nearby the
construction sites and many of the local residents are in the jobless state, then, a kind of short term
rotation manner is necessary to be adopted. Being different from each locality, but long term
employment can not be expected, anyhow (Only 2 weeks rotation), then the productivity of the labor
seems to be low.
・ Need for informing the discharging in advance (10 days before in case of 3-6 months
employment, 15 days before in 6-12 months and 30 days in longer than 1 year case)
・ No stipulation about the discharge allowance but pay is customarily practiced.
・ Paid leave: 1 day for 1 month working and in case of non-use, to be paid/compensation
・ Working hours: 8 hours/day (Maximum 12 hours including over time), 44 hours/week
・ Over time: 150% for week days and 200% for holidays
It can be said that the handling/unloading capacity of Dili port is quite limited. Accordingly if
there are a number of cargo ships in the port, it will take many days for unloading and for custom
clearance. While there expected major parts of equipment/materials needed for project construction are
to be procured from Japan and other third countries, it is necessary to make a sound construction
scheduling with due time allowances for transportation and custom clearance.
The subject grant aid project will be implemented and operated with the demarcation of the
obligations as shown below.
2-2-4-3-1 Obligations of the Government of Japan
・ Pump operation cost for supply of water from treatment plant to the Upper Service Reservoir
during the construction of the Lower Service Reservoir
・ To secure necessary permission on using the land for landslide countermeasure
・ To explain the project detail to the municipalities and communities around project site, and to
obtain their consents.
・ To ensure that Japanese Contractor can sand and gravel without charge from Bemos and
Comoro River for the construction work of Phase II Project
・ Payment of commission and A/P handling charges to Japanese bank based on Banking
・ Exemption of custom duty on the imported equipment/materials at the port of unloading and
assistance in custom clearance
・ To bear the cost of custom duty on goods and services
・ Proper use and O & M on the facilities rehabilitated under the subject grant aid project
・ Advanced information to the local residents on the suspension of water supply
・ Counter-measures for the damages on the facilities caused by disaster and floods occurred prior
to the commencement of construction works under the grant aid, and supplementary measures
for protection, if necessary
2-2-4-4 Consultant Supervision
In performing the detailed design and construction supervision for the subject project, attention
shall be paid on the following matters and due organizational set-up is necessary towards successful
After the E/N is exchanged by and between broth governments, the government of Timor-Leste
will sign a consulting service agreement with a Japanese consulting firm. The consulting service
agreement shall be divided into two phases, one for the detailed design and the other for the
construction supervision.
Scope of the consulting services under the detailed design phase shall include the followings.
1) Field survey as needed for designing and detailed design (including stability analysis of
structures as retaining wall, stability analysis of anchor and variety of examination works)
2) Preparation of tender documents based on the detailed design
3) Estimation of construction cost based on the detailed design (Review on the cost estimate
under the Implementation Review Study) and fixing of ceiling price
4) Assistances in PQ evaluation, attendance in tender, tender evaluation and assistances in
contract negotiation.
It is planned also that the following designated engineers, specialist as well as staff will be
assigned as a consultant’s team to perform the consulting services as mentioned above.
Scope of the consulting services under the construction supervision phase shall include the
Concerning the organizational set-up for the construction supervision, the Project Manager will
assume the overall responsibility of construction supervision with having a Resident Supervisor
assigned at the project site throughout the construction period. Further, the Electrical Engineer will be
assigned for the spot-supervising on the electrical restoration works for the service reservoir and an
inspector will be assigned to attend the completion inspection at the time of termination of
construction works. Under the construction supervision plan for the subject project, a Civil Engineer
from the third country (Philippines) is to be assigned as the assistant to the Resident Supervisor.
For the control of quality and completed quantity, it is planned to apply the following quality
control methods. Inspection/test results shall be recorded for each item of works and such specification,
structure and functions as specified in the contract shall be secured It is expected that concrete is to be
procured from the local contractors in Dili and in case of mixing in place quality inspection is
necessary to be undertaken for each section of concrete placing depending on the importance of the
Works Items to be controlled Method Frequency
Reinforcement Strength Tensile strength test Once
bar Assembling condition Rebar assembling inspection Every parts
Form, Support Setting Location Fixing location & method Every parts
Strength Design & calculation report As required
Anchor Mortar Compressive strength test Each day
Flow-table test
Structure as As built dimension Measuring dimension For major parts
Water proofing Quality of material Check of quality certificate Every certificate
works Condition of coating Visual Every service reservoir
Existence of leakage Water impound test - ditto -
Mechanical Installation accuracy Installed position For all equipment
equipment Function measurement For all equipment on operation
Loaded operation test test
Pipe material Strength, dimension Check of mill test report Each approval
Piping works Appearance, dimension Visual, size check Every delivery, Every installation
Torque Torque wrench As required
Welding Color check 5% of welded length
Existence of leakage Water pressure test Every new alignment
In undertaking the quality control as specified above, the following standards/guidelines are to
be applied and during the course of detailed design a consultation meeting with DNSAAS shall be
held so that the selected standards be reflected in the tender documents.
Further, concerning the standards for construction supervision, the Resident Supervisor assigned
shall prepare them referring to the followings and apply the same with keeping them at the site office.
- Guideline for standard construction supervision under Grant Aid project, JICA
In Timor-Leste, almost all the construction materials are imported ones except sand and
rock/stone materials. Due to this there are several liner-ships are on services and several construction
materials suppliers are operating the business with imported materials from Indonesia, Singapore and
Australia. With this situation, construction materials in general are available in Timor-Leste except
some special ones.
In price-wise, however, materials available in the country are comparatively higher than the
neighboring countries and also due to the limited quantity of materials handled by the whole-sellers in
Dili, direct purchase from the neighboring countries may be advantageous in case of big quantity of
materials to be procured.
In view of the above-mentioned situation, whether the materials be purchased from the local
dealer or by direct purchase from the neighboring countries shall be judged taking into account the
transportation cost, delivery period and the price itself. The following table shows possible sources of
materials to be procured.
Under this project, it is planned to procure the concrete from the local contractor who has a
concrete plant in Dili and there expected no need for purchasing aggregate materials in large quantity.
While the project requires procuring much stone materials for uses in wet masonry revetment and wet
stone pitching works. Aggregate and stone materials are available by collecting from the Comoro river
and others and materials dealers purchase the aggregate and stone materials from the local residents.
Therefore, such aggregate and stone materials are to be purchased from the local dealers as said.
(2) Cement
Cement is all imported and mainly it is of made in Indonesia generally. In case if a lot of cement
is required for construction purpose, cement is either purchased from the domestic whole-seller or
local contractor or procured directly from the exporter in Indonesia. The cement price at the time of
field survey (1 month period) has been escalated two times due to the global basis price escalation for
all the commodities.
There is a report that Indonesian-made cement can not secure 35N/square mm, required strength
for the high strength concrete, and due attention shall be paid in case of using the Indonesian-made
cement for the high strength concrete.
(3) Concrete
At the downstream area of Bemos Water Treatment Plant, there is a local contractor (Australian
finance) who has a concrete plant, and many of the constructors purchase the concrete from this local
contractor. Through testing no problem is found in its quality and for the project cement is planned to
be procured from the same local contractor. Further, in case if it is necessary to use partially
cast-in place concrete, such concrete shall be prepared by using aggregate, cement and water
satisfying the specifications and applying the mixing ratio as confirmed satisfactorily in the
mixing test.
All the reinforcing bar being availed in the country is imported one. The most are from
Indonesia and followed by Australia. The price is even higher than the market price in Japan due to the
inclusion of high transportation cost. Under the project, it is estimated that as much as 40 tons of
reinforcing bar is required and policy of procurement is to purchase the same made in the third
countries which secures the quality standard and available in the local market.
For the existing raw water main from Bemos intake to the treatment plant, steel pipes of JIS
standard are used. Under the subject project, steal pipe needed for renovation of lower reservoir in
Bemos Water Treatment Plant is planned to be procured from Japan. Isolating valves and air valves too,
source of the procurement is planned to be Japan.
Such materials for form-work as form-tie, wooden cone and separator are not available in
Timor-Leste and planned to be procured from Japan. Also the materials for temporary works as
steel-scaffolding and steel supports are not commonly available in the market in Timor-Leste and
planned to be procured from Japan. While, such materials used for temporary works as colgate pipes
and PVC shall be locally procured.
2-2-4-6-2 Procurement of Construction Machineries
Under the urgent re-construction program implemented with the UN aid, there were high
demands for various construction machineries and several local contractors affiliated by foreign
contractors own various types of common construction machineries such as backhoe, bulldozer, dump
truck and truck crane. As is the case, these machineries are available in Timor-Leste on rental basis.
It is noted, however, that the rental cost of these machineries remains at very high level similar
to the previous case, since these machineries were urgently imported from neighboring countries by
local contractors without having any rental market and most of the rental contracts were concluded
with very high rate at the time of UN’s urgent re-construction program implementation.
In case of construction machineries to be used on long term basis, there are possibilities that the
cost of machineries procured from the third countries or Japan can be lower than the rental cost in
Timor-Leste, and therefore, procurement of construction machineries shall be determined through
examining the assignment period of the machineries and other relevant factors. The following table
shows the possible sources of the procurement of major construction machineries.
Project implementation schedule is planned with the following period where dry season factor is
the key in accomplishing efficiently work progress for such river structures as intake facilities and also
the service reservoir of Bemos Water Treatment Plant.
Year 2010 2011 2012
Month 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5
Rainy Season Rainy Season
Implementation Consultant
Consultant Agreement Agreement
Review Study
Field survey
Detail Design
Detail Design
Approval of Tender Document
Construction Contract
Preparation Work
Structure No.12 Comoro river right bank Steep slope
road section
Structure No.14 The Lower Service Reservoir & valve
chamber of Bemos water treatment Plant
Structure No.15 Counter-measure for land slides at the
access road to Bemos water treatment plant
In order to secure smooth project implementation and operation and maintenance, obligations of
the measures to be undertaken by the Government of Timor-Leste during preparation, procurement of
equipment, construction and operation and maintenance under the Grant Aid Project is outlined as
(1) General
1) To secure lands necessary for the facilities to be constructed and installation of the materials and
2) To provide facilities of electricity and others needed for the Project implementation at outside
the sites,
3) To bear the necessary commission to the bank based on the Banking Arrangement,
4) To ensure prompt execution of un-loading and customs clearance for the materials and
equipment to be brought into under the Project,
5) To exempt Japanese nationals from customs duties, internal taxes, and other fiscal levies which
will be imposed in Timor-Leste with respect to the supply of materials, equipment and services
or to bear the same,
6) To accord Japanese nationals who offer services for the Project for their entry into Timor-Leste
and stay therein for the performance of their works,
7) To operate and maintain the facilities and equipment provided under the Grant Aid properly and
effectively, and to inform the condition of the operation and maintenance of the facilities and
equipment as requested by the Japanese side,
8) To bear all the expenses other than those to be borne by the Grant Aid, necessary for the
implementation and operation and maintenance of the Project.
(2) Obligations to be Undertaken Prior to and during the Implementation of the Project
1) To bear the necessary pump operation cost required for water distribution for about 6 months
during construction in association with the implementation of improvement work of the Lower
Service Reservoir and Valve Chamber in the Bemos Water Treatment Plant.
2) To inform beneficiary completely through explanation meeting to local residents, newspapers
and/or advertising boards regarding interruption of water supply that will continue for five hours
from 10:00AM to 3:00PM and three days a week as the maximum due to the improvement work
of the Raw Water Main.
3) In order to obtain the permission and royalty exemption for mining river stone material, DNSAS
shall make arrangement to clear the following procedures in accordance with the on-going the
Present Project experience.
• To obtain the permission from agencies concerned for mining river stone material,
• To obtain the permission from the Ministry of Infrastructure (MOI) on the aspect of river
flow management,
• To obtain the permission from the National Directorate for Environmental Services, Ministry
of Economic & Development with regard to environmental aspect,
• To obtain the right of quarry works from Forestry and Water Resources Department,
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and
• To explain the project details to the municipalities and communities in and around the
project sites, and to obtain their consents.
4) To make emergency measures and rehabilitate the facilities by the government own budget in
case the raw water main would have been damaged by the flood before implementation of
Japan’s grant aid project.
2-4 Project Operation Plan
Production Unit, Dili O&M Division, Dili Water & Sanitation Department is in charge of
operation and maintenance work of Bemos raw water main and Bemos water treatment plant. Two
contracted caretaker workers living in neighboring village inspect on foot along pipeline to the intake
and keep clean the screen everyday. Also other two staffs operate the plant and care for the Lower
Service Reservoir. Chief operator is resident in quarters inside the compound.
In the case that facilities are damaged or leakage occurs, if it is a minor nature, the staff
belonging to Technical Unit, Dili O&M Division, Dili Water & Sanitation Department repairs it
directly. When disaster strikes the facilities or pipe is broken seriously, Dili Water & Sanitation
Department requests Planning & Development Department to repair it. Then Planning & Development
Department makes survey, design, and cost estimation for tendering and supervises the repair work to
be done by a contractor.
DNSAS will be responsible to manage properly the improved facilities with the above O & M
system and staffing after the project implementation. Recommended work items are shown on the
following tables. The project of human resource developing in waterworks authority in Timor-Leste as
a technical cooperation project by Japan is now proceeding with DNSAS. Strengthening of O&M
activities in water treatment plant is set up as a result to be accomplished through the project and the
expert teams dispatched from JICA will edit the practical O&M manuals and then give technical
guidance to DNSAS staff.
Table 2-4.2 Operation and Maintenance Works on Bemos Raw Water Main
Work level Daily check Periodical maintenance
Management items Check of logbook Check of periodical maintenance record
of High-level unit Check of record on parts replacement
Assigned Work Cleaning of intake screen Scouring of sluiceway and grit chamber
for implementation Cleaning of drain and gutter Covering on the newly exposed pipe
unit Weeding of maintenance pass Flush out of sludge drain pipe
Check of sluice valve and air valve
2-5 Project Cost Estimation
On the basis of previously described demarcation of works between Japan and Timor-Leste,
itemized shares of cost undertaken by Timor-Leste are estimated as follows.
The contents of this project are the improvement works for the existing facilities in use and it
does not lead a large increase in operation and maintenance cost. Estimated operation and maintenance
cost for Bemos raw water main and Bemos water treatment plant is shown in the following table.
Table 2-5.1 Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost
for Bemos Raw Water Main and Bemos Water Treatment Plant
Annual Cost
Facilities Item Basis
Bemos Soil covering for the 2,900 estimated as filling soil and compaction
Raw Water newly exposed pipe covering30cm × width2m × length200m / year
Main Cleaning and check for 2,040 Level-1 staff(1) 85US$/month×2persons
intake and valves
Sub total ① 4,940
Bemos Power 1,272 106US$/month (average of Jan-May, 2008)
Water Chemicals 32,448 2,704US$/month (average of Jan-May, 2008)
Treatment (sub items)
Plant Coagulant Aluminum sulfate (powder)
injection ratio 20mg/L(2)
× flow volume 77,444 m3/month(3)×1.6US$/kg(4)
= 2,478US$/month
Disinfectant Calcium hypochlorite (effectiveness 60%)
injection ratio 2.5mg/L(2)/0.6
× flow volume 77,444 m3/month(3) × 0.7US$/kg(4)
= 226US$/month
Plant operation 2,220 Level-1 staff(1) 85US$/month×1person
Level-2 staff(1) 100US$/month×1person
Sub total ② 35,940
Repair work and Spare parts ③ 21,248 0.5% of direction construction cost(5)
450,million yen × 0.005/105.89US$/yen
Total 62,128 ①+②+③
Unit cost for Operation and Maintenance 0.067US$/ m3 62,128 US$/year ÷ (77,444m3/month(3)×12)
to the distributed water volume
from Bemos water treatment plant
2-6 Other Relevant Issues
(2) Procedures for Securing Permission for Sand and Gravel Collection
For the rehabilitation works for raw water main, it is expected that construction contractor will
take sand/gravel material in and around the site for which permissions are required from NDES and
the Minister in charge of natural resources. The C category as mentioned above implies the judging by
NDES that the subject project will cause a little environmental impact due to the little quantity of sand
and gravel materials used for the project and accordingly permitted. However, it is necessary to
confirm further that the classification shall be valid and effective until the completion of the subject
project implementation.
In the application for permission from the Minister of natural resources, it is necessary to attach
information (outline) on construction works under the project and locations showing material
collecting as planned, and these information can be available in the construction plan documents
which will be submitted to DNSAS after the construction contract becomes effective. After the
contract signing, DNSAS is to obtain the construction plan documents soonest possible and proceed to
apply for the permission from the Minister, as agreed upon.
Chapter 3 Project Evaluation
Chapter 3 Project Evaluation
3-1 Recommendation
It is noted that the followings are the matters to be undertaken by the Government of
Timor-Leste for Implementation of the Phases II Project.
It is noted that the followings are the matters to be undertaken by the Government of
Timor-Leste and related recommendations to bring about the project effects positively and in
sustainable manner.
(1) Sand Flushing Works for Intake and Raw Water Main
With the implementation of the subject grant aid project, a grit chamber and sand sluiceway will
be newly provided at the intake facility. Before the project those accumulated sands had been removed
from the pipeline on a regular basis, but after the project the same will be deposited at the intake,
requiring a regular sand flushing works. Also, the number of wash-out attached along the pipeline be
increased considerably. It implies that through the facilities improvement as mentioned, the sand
flushing works become much easier as compared with the previous situation. It is, therefore, necessary
for DNSAS to secure required O & M personnel and budget and undertake O & M activities
systematically in a sustainable manner.
Bemos River is a steep slope river and it is expected that such erosion and sedimentation will be
repeated every year during the flooding periods even after the subject rehabilitation/improvement
works under the project be completed. Therefore, it is deemed necessary for DNSAS to take regular
maintenance/repair works such as earth covering for the newly exposed pipes and repairing of gabions
damaged due to erosions. This shall include such preventive measures as required in various aspects so
as to avoid any large scale accidents/damages which may cause breaking of pipes and water supply
Concerning the Bemos Water Treatment Plant, the treatment unit which is the core of the plant,
has been lately rehabilitated as the grant aid project by the Government of Japan in 2007, and with the
implementation of the subject project, raw water supply for the plant will be stably secured as
originally planned and further the sustainable use of service reservoir can be secured for a long term
basis, operation of the plant to satisfy a systematic water supply plan could be possible. To this end,
DNSAS is requested to secure required staff and budget for practicing the reliable/steady plant
operation in addition to regular and timely procurement of chemicals, O & M of electro-mechanical
facilities and quality control of the treated water and etc.
and Zone 4 of the service area will be adopted with hourly water supply restriction during the
construction work for Bemos raw water main and the Lower Service Reservoir, and at the same time
in zones 2,4 and 5, it is expected also to have pipe laying works for water supply main and distribution
branches under the ADB project. In view of the above, it is quite necessary to have a good
coordination among DNSAS, ADB, the above mentioned JICA technical cooperation project and the
subject grant aid project concerning the manner how to secure water supply for the people in the
relevant zones.
Among others, the subject grant aid project will cause an effect to increase the raw water supply
to the Dili water supply system, and it is necessary to materialize the project effect in the form of
increased water supply quantity as well as increased supply hours within the service area or in the city
area. To cope with this, the following-mentioned associated conditions are to be fulfilled mainly by
In view of the above requirement, it is considered quite important to have the project effects as
derived from ADB supported project be materialized as soon as possible.
・ Target beneficiaries of the project are 5.7 million peoples (at 2006), which is 35 % of the population
of Dili, in zone 3 and 4 of water supply service area in Dili.
・ The project purpose is to secure safety and sustainable water supply to zone 3 and 4 of water supply
service area in Dili, and also contribute to the improvement of BHN in Timor-Leste. Improvement of
water supply facilities will bring improved people's lives. It is important to improve the water supply
condition in order to stabilize people's livelihood considering that riots have occurred in the past in
・ Bemos River, which flows near the target sit of the Project, is steep stream and flood occurred in
every rainy season gives the big damage to the water facilities near the river, therefore, it is necessary
to rehabilitate the damaged facilities as soon as possible. Lower service reservoir in Bemos water
treatment plant has deteriorated, it is possible to collapse in case of no rehabilitation, it is required to
rehabilitate soon.
・ Intake and pipeline, which will be rehabilitated in the Project, is adapted to gravity flow system.
Periodical sediment works become easy by improvement of intake and adding the wash out facilities.
It is possible to maintain the facilities by present staff and present budget of DNSAS. Water delivery
system of the water treatment plant after the rehabilitation of lower service reservoir is same as
present condition, daily peroration and maintenance of the fasciitis can be done by present staff.
The high technology and special equipments will not be used in the Project.
・ In Timor-Leste, one of the priority target of national development plan is to improve the nation
health , it’s strategy is to become that 80 % of urban people can access the safety water during 24
hours. The project contributes to achieve the above purpose.
・ The purpose of the Project is to secure the enough water supply in Dili. The Dili water supply system
is public service under DNSAS, it is necessary to increase the income of charge in order to secure the
labor cost and OM cost. It is required to strength the finance of DNSAS, however, the Project doesn’t
have high profit which the private sector would invest.
・ The amount of drawing water will increase after the Project, but it is assumed on the plan, there will
not big influence in human life and agriculture and fishery. During the construction, there will not
minus influence to social environment, such as resettlement, traffic obstruction, community
interruption, influence of remain and cultural heritage. About consideration of natural environment,
there is plan to flow the water treated from construction dirty water in the site.
・ The project is general civil works, it is possible to implement by local contractor and/or using local
worker and foreign engineer under the Japanese contractor management. The construction material
and equipment is planed to procure from Timor, Indonesia and Japan, it is no problem to procure.
The following effects are expected after renovation of Bemos – Dili water supply system by the
implementation of this project.
It is possible to supply water continuously without damaged by flood after rehabilitation. Water
supply volume will increase and it is possible to reduce the stop of the water supply, because
maintenance becomes easy after installation of wash out facilities and grid chamber.
・ After rehabilitation of the water supply system, the supply for raw water to water treatment plant will
be stabilized therefore it contributes to improve the water supply and sanitation in Dili.
・ By stabilization of raw water supply, it is possible to operate water supply facilities and to supply water
deliberately, it contribute to establish water fee collection system.
As mentioned previously, this project contributes to improve sanitation and public health in Dili.
Therefore, it is relevant to carry out project by Japan grant aid. It is possible to operate and maintain the
facilities by DNSAS after the rehabilitation, because of enough budget and staff. Thus, it is judged the
implementation of Project is high relevant and effective.
Appendix-1: Member List of the Study Team.......................................................................... A1-1
Appendix-2:Study Schedule ......................................................................................... A2-1
Appendix-3:List of Parties Concerned in Timor-Leste ............................................... A3-1
Appendix-4:Minutes of Discussions ........................................................................... A4-1
4-1 At Field Survey of Study............................................................................ A4-2
4-2 At Explanation on Draft Study Report..................................................... A4-14
Appendix-1 Member List of the Study Team
Mr. Kosuke HIROTA Chief Engineer Manger, Project Operation Division No.2,
International Department, Sanyu
Consultants Inc.
Mr. Osamu MATSUBARA Civil Engineer for Chief, Project Operation Division No.2,
Landsliding Prevention International Department, Sanyu
Consultants Inc.
Mr. Takanori NAKAJIMA Geologist for Landsliding Chief, Project Operation Division No.2,
Prevention International Department, Sanyu
Consultants Inc.
Mr. Asaharu NAGAHARA Construction Planning / Cost Adviser, Project Operation Division No.2,
Estimation International Department, Sanyu
Consultants Inc.
Mr. Takamitsu INOUE Civil Engineer for River Chief, Project Operation Division No.2,
Structure / Construction International Department, Sanyu
Planning / Cost Estimation Consultants Inc.
Appendix-2 Study Schedule
Mr. Hiroshi Mr. Kosuke HIROTA Mr. Osamu Mr. Takanori Mr. Asaharu Mr. Takamitsu
Chief Engineer
Date Team Leader Civil Engineer for Geologist for Construction Civil Engineer for
Landsliding Landsliding Planning / Cost River Structure /
Prevention Prevention Estimation Construction
Planning / Cost
☆Request of
Oct. 14
quotation to local
Oct. 15
Oct. 16
Trip Tokyo - (11:30am, SQ637, 17:40) - Singapore - (19:00, SQ948, 21:30) - Denpasar ☆Coordination
Oct. 17 Tripe Denpasar - (10:35, MZ8480, 13:25) - Dili
Team meeting
Sun Team meeting
☆Meeting at JICA Timor office
Oct. 18 ☆Meeting with DNSAS and explanation on Ic/R and Questionnaire
☆Survey on landsliding and Preparation of sounding test
☆Courtesy call to EOJ ☆Survey on landsliding ☆Site survey on other structure
☆Site survey on other ☆Sounding test ☆Site survey on other structure
structure ☆Market survey on construction material
Oct. 19 ☆Confirmation of and interview to local contractor
Tue natural condition and ☆Collection of quotation and checking
social condition and re-request if need.
☆Confirmation of ☆Survey for safety management
development plan and
assistance by other donor
☆Survey on
environmental and social
Oct. 20 conditions
Wed ☆Confirmation of the
obligations of the
Government of
☆Team discussion about survey result
☆Preparation of a report on the survey result ☆Receiving the quotation
Oct. 21
Thu ☆Discussion with DNSAS about M/D ☆Making plan on the countermeasure for ☆Preparation of cost estimation
☆Signing on M/D landsliding
☆Preparation of cost estimation
Oct. 22 ☆Preparation of a report on the survey result
Fri ☆Report to DNSAS and confirmation of schedule
☆Report to EOJ, JICA
Oct. 23
Sat Tripe Dili - (15:25, MI295, 18:10) – Singapore
Oct. 24 Tripe Singapore - (23:45, SQ638, 07:50) – Narita
Appendix - 3 List of Parties Concerned in Timor-Leste
No. Name Position
Ministry of Infrastructure
1. Mr. Arq. Januario da Costa Pereira Secretary of State on Electricity, Water and Urbanization
National Directorate of Water and Sanitation Services (DNSAS), Ministry of Infrastructure
1. Mr. Joao Pereira Jeronimo Director
Appendix-4 Minutes of Discussions
This part is closed due to the confidenciality.