Religious Education G12 Mock

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Mock Examination for School certificate ordinary level

Religious education 2046/1


Time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Instructions to candidates
1. Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet.
2. There are twelve (12) questions in this paper.
3. Answer four questions only
4. Answer one question from section A, one question from section B, and one question from
section C
5. The fourth question may be chosen from either Section A, section B or section C.
6. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Information for candidates

1. All questions in this paper carry equal marks
2. Cell phones and calculators are not allowed in the examination.

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1. (a) Relate the story of the announcement of Jesus’ fourth coming birth to Joseph. [5]
(b) When Joseph discovered that Mary was pregnant, what ways were open to him in dealing
with such a case? Give two ways. [4]
(c) (i) The only thing I know is that Jesus is the long awaited messiah, says James. State three
Christian purpose of the Messianic kingdom you would give to James. [6]
(c) (ii) Give three points on how people protect themselves from diseases in Zambian modern
society? [6]
(d) Give two points to show the similar beliefs found in Christianity and Islam with regard to how
God directs human lives. [4]
2. (a) Give an account of the naming of John the Baptist. [5]
(b) State two significant points on the purpose of John’s life and Ministry. [4]
(c) (i) A couple has a new baby. They agree to give the baby a Christian name but the relatives
insist on giving the baby the same name of the grandmother. State two reasons her relatives
would give to maintain their stance and state one Christian argument the couple would give to
keep a Christian name for the baby. [6]
(c) ii. Why is it important for a baby in Zambian modern society to have a name? Give three
points. [6]
(d) In what ways are Christian teaching on religious duty and family loyalty different from those of
Zambian tradition? Give two points? [4]

3. (a) Narrate the incident when Abraham was tested by God. [5]
(b). What can Christians learn from this story. Give two points. [4]
(c). (i). The school manager at Katiya secondary school found Ruth a pupils from her school at the
hostel in the company of men. Ruth tried to hide but was caught. When asked why she was at the
Hostel instead of her parents’ home, Ruth replied, “the devil tempted me”. State two ways in
which temptations come to people and one way in which people can overcome them? [6]
(c). (ii). How do people in Zambian modern society overcome temptations? Give three point. [6]
(d). In what ways are the Christian teachings on temptation similar to that of Hinduism? Give two
ways. [4]

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4. (a). Narrate the story of Jesus healing the paralytic man. [5]
(b). State two significant points on why Jesus healed the sick? [4]
(c). (i). Mubita has been married for ten years when suddenly his wife was diagnosed with
diabetes and she loses her sight. Mubita develops a negative attitude towards his wife. Give three
points of Christian teachings on how he should treat his wife. [6]
(c). (ii).How should people people’s attitude towards chronically sick be in modern society? Give
three points. [6]
(d). In what ways are the teachings of Christians on attitudes towards the sick similar to those of
Zambian traditions. Give two points. [4]

5. (a). Narrate the story of a widow and the judge. [5]
(b). Describe occasions when Jesus prayed. Give two points. [4]
(c). (i). “I have been praying for employment for a long time but my prayers have not been
answered”, complained Nawa. What Christian advice would you give Nawa on how God answer
prayers? State three points. [6]
(c). (ii). Why do people pray in modern Zambian society? Give three points. [6]
(d). Give two similarities between Christianity and Zambian Traditional Religion with regards to
prayers. [4]

6. (a). Tell the parable of the Ten girls virgins. [5]

(b). What does the parable above teach Christians today? State two points. [4]
(c).(ii). “I do not like what the Religious Education teacher was saying on the sights of the coming
Judgment”. John said to Muleya. “I missed the lesson, what did she say were the signs of the
coming Judgment?” Asked Muleya. State three signs of the coming judgment John would tell
Muleya. [6]
(c). (ii). How do people in Zambian modern society prepare for the coming judgment? Give three
points. [6]
(d). State two points of similarities between Christians and Hindus on their beliefs about personal
judgment. [4]

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7. (a). Narrate the rejection of Jesus at Nazareth. [5]
(b). State two ways in which Jesus reacted to his opposition in this occasion. [4]
(c). (i). You belong to an opposition party that is organizing a demonstration against the aligning
of certain districts to other provinces. You refuse to be part of the demonstration, as a Christian,
what reasons would you give for refusing to attend the meeting? State two points. [6]
(c) (ii). How do people react to opposition in Zambian Modern Society? State three points. [6]
(d). In what ways are Christian teachings on suffering different from that of Hinduism? Give two
points. [4]

8. (a). Relate the story of the transfiguration of Jesus. [5]

(b). State two teachings Christians learn from this incident about suffering. [4]
(c) (i). Pastor Numbwa’s first church was in a village where there was a lot of Witchcraft, adultery,
gossiping and drunkenness. Because of his powerful message, all the people in the village turned
against him. They even evicted him from the house they had given him. He felt sad and was
about to give up. State two points of Christian advice you would give to the pastor on why
Christians should suffer from the sake of God’s kingdom.
(c) (ii). Explain why the Disciples of Christ had difficulties in accepting Jesus as the suffering
messiah in Zambian Modern society. State three points. [6]
(d). State two similarities between Christianity and Zambian Traditional religion teaching on
suffering. [4]
9. (a). Relate how Paul faced opposition from a Jewish magician. [5]
(b). How did Paul react to the opposition? State two points. [4]
(c) (I). Kasumpa, who is a Christian, visited his friend Mundambo who persuaded him to have a
girl friend. Kasumpa refused to give in because of his Christian values. As a recruit, Mandambo
started mocking and despising him. How should Kasampa react to his persecution? Give three
points. [6]
(c) (ii). How do people react positively to opposition in modern Zambian Society? Give three
points. [6]

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(d). In which similar ways do Christians and Muslims react to opposition? State two points. [4]
10. (a). Describe the stoning of Stephen. [5]
(b). Give two reasons why Christians moved away from Jerusalem after Stephen’s death? [4]
(c) (i). Mutinta is the only Christian in a Muslim family. He finds it difficult to evangelize to them
and is almost giving up. Give three points of Christian advice on how he should react to
persecution. [6]
(c) (ii). How can people in modern Zambian society maintain peace with each other? State three
points. [6]
(d). In which ways are Christian teachings on resolving differences in the community different
from those of Zambian Traditional Religion? State two points. [4]

11. (a). Describe the incident when the scribes and Pharisees brought a woman caught committing
adultery to Jesus. [5]
(b). (i). What was the punishment for adultery in the Old Testament? [2]
(ii). What is the difference between adultery and fornication? Give one point. [2]
(c) (i). Kazonga is a Christian. She has a serious problem of not being satisfied sexually from her
husband. She is now having sex outside marriage. Explain to Kazonga the standard of sexual
behavior for a Christian. Give three points. [6]
(c) (ii). What should be the positive reaction of people in modern society towards those who
offered them? State three points. [6]
(d). In what ways is the teaching of Christians on adultery different from that of Zambian
Traditional religion? State two points. [4]
12. (a). Relate the story of the rich young man. [5]
(b). State two negative effects of riches on a person’s life. [4]
(c) (i). Your keen Christian friend refuses to accept a very high paying job because he fears to be
rich. Give three points of advice to show him that God actually wants his people to be rich. [6]
(c) (ii). What are the positive attitudes of people in the modern Zambian Society towards wrong
users of wealth and possessions? Give three points. [6]
(d). In which ways are the Christian attitudes to wealth similar to those of the Hindus? [4]

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