VBG Group Publ Ab - 2019
VBG Group Publ Ab - 2019
VBG Group Publ Ab - 2019
Promoting safe
and sustainable
Our sustainability efforts are presented in three reporting areas, which Cover: The Öresund bridge
include the five main areas in the Swedish Annual Accounts Act. Sustain-
ability efforts for 2019 are reported in both a sustainability section,
which covers pages 21–24, and in the Directors’ Report on pages 39–54.
Sustainability risks, and how they are managed, are presented together
with other risks in Note 2 on page 73. All three sections are part of the
statutory sustainability report under the Swedish Annual Accounts Act,
which VBG Group complies with. The sustainability report is submitted
by the Board of Directors of VBG Group.
1,600 employees
Own companies
18 countries
Truck & Trailer Equipment
Mobile Climate Control
Ringfeder Power Transmission in sales
presented here of niches in which VBG Group has a leading position globally, with
products that create value for customers, end users and society in general.
1st 65%
1st 40%
1st 1st
The figures provided, linked to the size of the markets
and the market shares of the VBG Group’s divisions,
50% 40%
are based on calculations made from a combination
of public statistics and the Groups’ own estimates.
ince 1991, Onspot has been a wholly owned brand in VBG
Group. The brand dominates its niche, and is a good fit for
the Group’s brand portfolio.
Onspot belongs to the Truck & Trailer Equipment division,
with production in both Vänersborg, Sweden and North Vernon,
Onspot is an automatic tire chain system installed on the rear
axle of a vehicle. The system comprises two wheels with chains that,
when put into operation, are lowered and pressed against the drive
wheels. When the wheels rotate, the chains are placed under the
drive wheels to improve traction. With a better grip on the road,
transportation becomes safer and the risk of delays is minimized.
“The system is an extremely simple and reliable solution. The
product is activated under slippery road conditions and can be
engaged and disengaged with the push of a button on the dash-
board. In pace with increased focus on delivery times, the transpor-
tation sector can complete assignments safely and in a cost-efficient
manner regardless of the weather,” says Eric Jones, Global Sales
Director for Onspot.
The system is adapted to the unique vehicle using a 3D scan
of the undercarriage of the customer’s vehicle, and a customized
mounting bracket is produced. Onspot’s customers can be found in
long-distance transportation, rescue services, public transportation
and municipal operations.
“When we get a call from a driver saying ‘Onspot saved me
today!’ – then the system has already paid for itself,” says Rolf Olav
Tenden, Fleet Manager at Thor Tenden Transport.
“The best thing about Onspot is the combination of safety and
economy – and that the driver can always perform well out there on
the roads,” says Åge Henneman, Fleet Manager at Meyer Logistic
Sverige AB.
Onspot has an R&D division that works on developing the prod-
ucts of tomorrow. Electrification is a driving factor in this work.
Digitalization is also an important trend in which autonomous vehi-
cles are regarded as a possible future customer group for Onspot.
Digitalization is also important from a marketing standpoint, and
the organization has recently assigned crucial resources to ensure
that progress is made in the digital field.
“We have a strong brand in a small niche. It’s a matter of continually
marketing ourselves and emphasizing the importance of using auto-
matic tire chains, since players in the transportation industry could
otherwise choose to drive without them. Expanded legislation and a
greater emphasis on safety, however, mean we have seen increased
demand for our systems – not only for buses but also for waste col-
lection vehicles in large cities,” says Eric Jones, Global Sales Director
for Onspot.
I would like to begin by thanking all our employees for their hard Group more palpably a few years ago, but with the current
work during the year. In summary, 2019 was another strong year usiness structure it was largely offset by the Group’s now
for VBG Group. Our portfolio strategy and diversified business greater international spread and broader customer base.
structure showed our strength, and we successfully maintained a
stable level of sales and healthy profitability. Today, we have a A clearer, stronger VBG Group
solid financial situation with a balanced level of indebtedness. In the fourth quarter of 2019, the Board of Directors decided
I can confirm that we improved our net profit by 10% in 2019. that the two divisions, Edscha Trailer Systems and VBG Truck
For several years, our operations have benefited from the sus- Equipment, would be reported and monitored as a joint
tained high level of business activity we have seen over the last segment: Truck & Trailer Equipment. Going forward, this will
five years. The acquisition of Mobile Climate Control was com- provide a clearer picture of the Group’s primary components:
pleted with good timing in 2016, and resulted in robust struc- truck and trailer equipment, climate control systems for com-
tural growth for VBG Group. Our net profit today is the result mercial vehicles and industrial components.
of this structural growth as well as positive organic growth. In the first quarter of 2019, VBG Truck Equipment signed a
Our performance over the last few years is proof that we strategic agreement to acquire all the rights to BPW’s drawbar
have established a successful portfolio strategy. The Group’s program. Financially, the acquisition was a small one, but
diversified business structure promotes growth for VBG Group strategically it was extremely important. Integration efforts
that is more even and more stable. progressed in 2019, and sales commenced in January 2020.
2019 got off to a good start with stable organic growth for Mobile Climate Control also passed a milestone during the
the Group, and in April we reported our best quarter ever. In year, as strong organic growth resulted in sales that reached
the second half of the year, on the other hand, we saw some of nearly two billion Swedish kronor (SEK 1,998 M). From VBG
our European markets cool off – especially in Germany, where Group’s perspective, this is extremely gratifying since one
the trailer market adjusted its capacity and reduced its stockpile important reason for the acquisition of Mobile Climate Control
of finished vehicles. This development would have affected the was that we saw better possibilities for organic growth in the
operations compared with our operations at the time. The robust customer segment, electric products represent nearly 50% of
growth has generated favorable operating profit, but scope sales, and we envision further increases to this share in 2020.
remains for improvements to profitability through cost savings
and streamlining the business model going forward. Good conditions for structural and profitable growth
Another significant event for the division during the year was After several years of strong organic growth, we have an ambi-
that Division Manager Clas Gunneberg, also the Executive Vice tion to once again create structural growth. Continued growth
President of VBG Group, chose to resign his position. As a con- and acquisitions are part of the strategy. In 2019, there were
sequence, I came in as acting Division Manager for Mobile opportunities to carry out acquisitions, but we chose to abstain
Climate Control during the second quarter. from them since the acquisition candidates were too highly
Three years after the acquisition of the division, I can proudly appraised. Acquisitions at the right time and at the right price
state our portfolio strategy has been a success, and our analysis are important for us.
and investments have performed exactly as intended. I am extremely satisfied with what VBG Group achieved in
Ringfeder Power Transmission reported that its sales levels 2019. We have a stable financial situation and a balanced level
remained stable in 2019. Earnings of indebtedness. Our strategy has
were negatively impacted, however,
by non-recurring costs during the “For the fifth proved successful, and we maintained
a stable level of sales and healthy
fourth quarter. profitability in 2019.
A great deal of uncertainty contin-
Continued focus on our ues to prevail around the world. The
sustainability goals
In 2019, we continued our long- year, we strong business cycle we have seen for
several years is not accelerating at the
term work on achieving our sustain-
ability goals that extend through increased same rate. We have healthy profitability
and financial flexibility owing to a
our net
2022. well-balanced level of indebtedness
One positive development in and financing agreements that provide
2019 was reaching our goal of scope for us to deploy a stop-and-go
reduced energy consumption.
For this reason, we have decided profit” strategy, which is a strength in uncertain
times. A global outbreak of covid-19
to further increase our ambition blossomed in the first quarter of 2020.
as regards the Group’s energy consumption. The management of VBG Group is monitoring the development
The proportion of women in the Group increased compared of this outbreak on a daily basis. At the time of writing, with
with 2018, as did the proportion of women managers, which the prevailing uncertainty, we cannot determine what financial
is a step in the right direction, and we will continue working effect this will have for the Group. Continual risk assessments
for diversity. Here as well, we are adjusting our goals and are are conducted on a daily basis, and the necessary measures are
increasing our ambition. routinely taken.
One of the prevailing trends in the transportation market
concerns reductions in carbon emissions. Truck & Trailer
Equipment is active in a number of projects for developing
high-capacity transport vehicles. These projects have successfully
designed heavier and longer vehicles that have thus enabled a
reduction in fuel consumption per ton shipped. Anders Birgersson
Mobile Climate Control currently has a well-established President and CEO, VBG Group
product range for electric vehicles. For the municipal bus
A changing business
VBG Group operates in a transportation industry that is facing a
paradigm shift. Electrification, automation and digitalization of the
transportation industry, in combination with expanded environmental
The ongoing technological shift has drastically
increased the number of electric vehicles.
The trend is moving towards more connected vehicles
and products, driven by factors such as the search by
customers for increased efficiency and reduced costs.
Digitalization of processes and marketing is also on the
For several years, Truck & Trailer Equipment has played an active role in the
debate around reduced carbon emissions and participated in several projects
linked to heavier and longer transport vehicles. The project has resulted in a
reduction in fuel consumption per ton shipped.
Over nearly seventy years, the Group has In these carefully selected niches, we are work-
built up extensive industrial expertise and ing systematically on identifying companies that
in-depth knowledge of the markets for com- may be of interest for acquisition. They must be
mercial vehicles. In addition, through lengthy well-managed companies with strong brands.
and positive customer relationships, we have They can be divided into two categories:
a solid understanding of our customers’ 1. Companies that complement our existing
needs. With this as a foundation, we work divisions in terms of product range,
from a model based on identifying attractive production, logistics and geographical
niches in which our divisions can distinguish coverage. Typical supplementary acquisi-
themselves by means of sought-after brands tions for us are operations with annual
and products. The niches are to be linked to sales of SEK 50–300 M.
our existing operations in order to benefit
2. Companies in new fields of operation
from the experience and expertise we pos-
that can form a separate division. We are
sess. The ambition is for all of our divisions
looking for companies with annual sales
to be – or over the long term to establish
of approximately SEK 500 M and upwards.
themselves as – the number one or number
two player in their respective markets, with A critical part of our analysis of potential
healthy long-term growth and profitability acquisitions is assessing whether the com-
as a result. pany fits in with the Group, and whether
the company’s core values correspond
with those of VBG Group.
VBG Group’s business model has proved successful over time, and has its basis in extensive
industrial expertise as well as long-term active ownership. Group Management identifies
and acquires companies in attractive niches, preferably specializing in commercial vehicles.
The companies acquired are integrated into the operation, where synergies are sought both
within the divisions and through vertical integration. Group Management is responsible for
the general governance of VBG Group’s three divisions.
VBG Group is a long-term, active owner and the core of our operations lies in acquiring,
owning and further developing industrial companies in business-to-business commerce.
The Parent Company and Group Management are responsible for the overall strategic
governance of the Group, which entails identifying and carrying out acquisitions,
allocating capital, supporting the divisions in the form of industrial know-how as well
BG Group’s active ownership is built on effective
governance of the three divisions, while the
Parent Company and Group Management
have the important task of identifying poten-
tial acquisitions that could create synergy effects and
strengthen the divisions’ existing offerings.
Four Group-wide strategies
The production equipment in the facilities is modern and, With a goal of continuing to create profitable growth, VBG
relatively speaking, highly automated. Moreover, production Group bases and governs its operations on four Group-wide
is largely LEAN-based, and the ambition is to optimize all strategies:
production through continual improvements.
Strong brands and leading
The primary sales strategy is to create demand through market positions in selected
close relationships with end users and to offer complete niches
solutions instead of only individual products.
High customer value in the
Diversified customer base
The aftermarket work is characterized by close customer
relationships. This, together with the divisions providing International expansion
products that by nature need to be replaced or serviced,
means the divisions have a strong, well-developed after-
market business.
The Group Management of VBG Group focuses on creating
conditions for increased international expansion and a diversified
customer base while the divisions pursue product development
and marketing for increased customer value in their products
and ever stronger brands and market positions.
Group Management-related
Examples of activities in 2019 Examples of focus for 2020
customer base • Restructured Ringfeder Power • Acquisitions that complement our
Transmission’s sales channels in Brazil existing operations in product range
to reach new customer segments and geographical coverage
Examples of activities in 2019 Examples of focus for 2020
expansion • Established sales of drawbar • Continued development of VBG
couplings in Brazil Group’s business in Brazil and China
BG Group’s overall objective is long-term profitable growth. To achieve this
goal, all of the Group’s operations are based on four Group-wide strategies.
One of these strategies is high customer value in the products. The divisions
will stand at the leading edge, developing the products and services of the future.
continued stable financial position and healthy returns for our shareholders.
> 10%
Average annual sales growth over a five-year
3,000 30
period, of which >5% attributable to actual
organic growth and >5% to structural growth.
2,000 20
1,000 10
0 0
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
In 2019, sales increased by 6.7%, all of which was organic
growth. Total average growth over five years was 25.7%, Acquired sales Growth over a five-year period
of which 13.3% was organic growth and 17.8% structural Organic sales Targets over a five-year period
> 12%
Average operating margin (EBIT margin), rolling
In 2019, the EBIT margin was 11.7%; over a rolling 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
five-year period, the EBIT margin was 11.6%. Annual EBIT margin Targets, rolling five years
EBIT margin, rolling 5 years
efforts are grounded in our values – the
Keystones – and our Code of Conduct, which
has its starting point in the UN’s Principles for
Corporate Social Responsibility.
A sustainable business strategy and we refer the reader to the Board of Directors' Report on
VBG Group works with sustainability, which is now an integrated pages 52–54 for more detailed information on the stakeholder
part of our overall business strategy, throughout the entire and materiality analysis conducted in the Group in 2017. Sustain-
Group; refer to pages 12–19. Sustainability issues hold a central ability risks, and how they are managed, are presented together
position in VBG Group; this remained the case in 2019. We have with other risks on page 73, in Note 2 Risks and risk manage-
chosen to report on our sustainability activities on pages 21–24, ment. In our analyses we know that corporate social responsibil-
ity, in which we show respect for people and the environment,
not only enables a more sustainable society but also creates
business opportunities, lowers costs, and reduces risks.
Values and Code of Conduct form the foundation
• New environmentally profiled policy for company VBG Group’s sustainability initiatives are grounded in the Group’s
cars in Sweden. shared values – the Keystones – and the company’s Code of
• Truck & Trailer Equipment manufacturing site Conduct. The Code is intended to clarify how we are to relate
in the Czech Republic was ISO 14001 certified to our various stakeholders, and which requirements we can
during the year.
impose both internally and externally. All the divisions are
• New 15% energy savings target in plants, as
covered by the Code of Conduct, and it forms the foundation
the previous target of 10% was reached in 2019.
for the daily work of both employees and partners.
• Increased proportion of women managers.
VBG Group’s energy con
Energy consumption, kW2
sumption is to be reduced by
15% up through 20221.
VBG Group’s waste genera
Total waste products, kg2
Recyclable waste products as
% of total waste products
Environmentally hazardous
waste products as % of total
waste products
2.7 3.6 3.6 2.4 75.9 82.5 85.0 17.4 13.2 13.7
2017 2018 2019 2022 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
All of VBG Group’s produc
Environmental certification 20193
Persons in senior positions, %
20.3% 22.5%
The proportion of women Men 83 83 80
managers must follow the 2017 2018 2019
proportion of women in
the organization in total.4
Target updated, since previous target has been met 2
Per production hour 3
Under ISO 14001 or the equivalent 4
Number of women, based on headcount
BUSINESS ETHICS pace with the Group expanding globally, especially in conjunc-
tion with establishment in developing countries.
In all the countries where VBG Group conducts operations, we
VBG Group must make a positive contribution to social
will comply with the laws and ordinances in force. If uncertainty
improvement and create opportunities for the local population
arises and the law provides no guidance, we will follow the Group’s
by placing the same stringent requirements on suppliers and
shared standards and principles. We must have an honest approach
collaborating partners as we do on ourselves.
training 2018, % training 2019, %
Completed Completed
Engagement and responsibility Standards on Auditing and generally accepted auditing standards
It is the board of directors who is responsible for the statutory in Sweden. We believe that the examination has p
rovided us with
sustainability report for the year 2018 on pages 21–24 and that it sufficient basis for our opinion.
has been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act.
The scope of the audit A statutory sustainability report has been prepared.
Our examination has been conducted in accordance with FAR’s Gothenburg, 27 March 2020
auditing standard RevR 12 The auditor’s opinion regarding the
statutory sustainability report. This means that our examination Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB
of the statutory sustainability report is substantially different and Johan Malmqvist
less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Authorised Public Accountant
the “Great Place to Work” certification.
Africa Europa
15 24 27 25 9 50 17 13 7 13
Age <30 30–40 40–50 50–60 >60 Age <5 5–10 10–15 15–20 >20
In the competition for talent, we also regard offering opportuni- Satisfied employees are a prerequisite for success
ties for further growth in the Group as important. Our employees are ambassadors for the Group, which is why it
is important that they feel satisfied at their workplaces. Employees
Excellent potential for competence development who feel satisfied and enjoy their work are more productive and
With employees in 18 countries, there is excellent potential for enable greater success. VBG Group has a long-term perspective
the exchange of competence and progress within the Group. concerning its operations, and strives in every aspect to be a
In our opinion, regular competence development promotes stable, secure employer. We work continually to improve health
the Group’s diversity, efficiency and increased competitiveness. and safety at our workplaces, which includes everything from
Moreover, we believe it leads to reduced employee turnover. noise levels to ergonomics.
Competence development is pursued at both an overall level Sick leave in the Group remains low at 3.4% (3.1), though
and an individual level for our employees. it increased slightly year-on-year. We regard a low level of sick
In 2019, three employees began management training at leave together with employee turnover of only 10.3% (11.8)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology’s Executive School. Since as solid proof that our employees are satisfied and that they
2010, 21 employees have completed the program. perceive the work environment in the Group as positive.
One of our owner foundations, the SLK Employees’ Foundation, During the year, one of the Group’s operations – Mobile
also offers a training scholarship that all employees in the Group Climate Control in Toronto – received the “Great Place to Work”
can apply for. 143 persons applied for scholarships in 2019, and certification. The award is based on an anonymous employee
34 scholarship recipients received a total of SEK 465,000. survey, the results of which were positive and indicated a high
level of satisfaction among employees.
Grounded in our values
The core values of VBG Group can be summarized in its Keystones:
Overall View, Business Orientation, Professionalism and Team-
work. Alongside our Code of Conduct, these constitute a guide
for how all of VBG Group’s operations and employees are to act
in internal and external relationships. * The SLK Foundation (SLK is the Swedish abbreviation for drawbar
couplings) is an owner foundation in which the majority of the
Board of Directors comprises employees in VBG Group companies.
n Vaughan, a town outside Toronto, Mobile Climate Control “The certification is solid proof that our employees are satis-
has its largest and most comprehensive production facility. fied, and that our work on continually trying to improve our
The operations here are in the bus, off-road, utility and work environment is appreciated. Moreover, the award gives
defense vehicle segments. The Canadian facility produces us the opportunity to use the Great Place to Work logo on our
complete climate control systems for vehicles, which includes web site and in social media, which is extremely positive for
heating, ventilation and air conditioning. recruitment purposes.”
The facility in Vaughan has approximately 450 employees. To be an attractive employer, the Toronto operations also
There is a great deal of diversity as regards age, gender and collaborate closely with the educational system. Employees are
ethnic origins – for example, 32 nationalities are employed in offered professional development through various courses
the various areas of operation. Employee turnover is low – both with and without scholarships. To attract new employees,
approximately 2.7% – indicating that employees are satisfied the plant has internships in which the interns could be offered
and tend to remain for the long term. permanent employment after the completion of studies. During
In pace with the ongoing shift in technology within the industry, the year, 24 persons took internships over a period of 4 to 12
the management at Vaughan asked itself last year how talent could months.
be attracted going forward. In addition to offering competitive sala- “The Group’s shared values, or Keystones – Overall View,
ries and pension benefits, they wanted to emphasize employee Business Orientation, Professionalism and Teamwork – in
satisfaction. They decided to conduct an employee survey, and combination with Mobile Climate Control’s local core values are
selected the “Great Place to Work” certification scheme. regarded as an important competitive advantage in recruitment,
This certification is based on an anonymous employee survey, and a contributing factor to the high level of satisfaction at
and requires at least 70% of all employees to submit a positive Vaughan. I would say a major reason for our employees’ satis-
response as regards their employer. The results for Toronto were faction is the extremely open environment we have. We have
89% positive. Bob Kuzminski, President North America for fun together and we are driven by the view that none of us are
Mobile Climate Control, is proud of the distinction: better than we are as a collective,” Bob Kuzminski says.
profit after net financial items and earnings per share – reached all-time highs.
Net sales Gross margin
The Group’s growth of 6.7% was Gross margin fell from 34.1% to
3,725.4 exclusively organic, as there were 33.7%, where Truck & Trailer
no corporate acquisitions during Equipment increased its gross mar-
the year. gin from 38.3% to 40.5%, Mobile
3,500 Climate Control’s margin fell from
26.9% to 26.5% and Ringfeder
Power Transmission’s margin fell
from 48.0% to 45.3%.
Sales administration
and R&D expenses
2,500 Total costs for selling, administration and R&D
increased SEK 8.5 M to SEK 791.6 M, which in
relation to sales was 21.2% compared to 22.4%
500 –274.9 11.7%
–136.7 –27.2 –38.0
Net sales Cost of Gross profits Selling Administration Research and Other Operating Net finance
goods expenses expenses development operating profit (EBIT) items
sold income/
300 M
rate differences regarding hedge accounting
for net investments in foreign operations, SEK
1.4 M; and translation differences regarding
Equity 2019
With comprehensive income of SEK 313.7 M
and after payment of dividends to shareholders
of SEK 112.5 M, equity increased SEK 201.2 M
to SEK 2,427.7 M.
397.0 299.5
10.7% (Earnings per
share 11.98) 14.2
SEK M 547.8
31.2 14.7%
32.1 12.5%
450 11.7%
400 –127.7
Operating Amortization EBITA Depreciation Impairment EBITDA Other Net interest Tax paid Cash flow Decrease in
profit (EBIT) of intangible of PP&E of right-of non-liquidity expenses before changes inventory
assets use, IFRS 16 items to working
Cash flow before change in working capital Cash flow from operating activities
Apart from depreciation and amortization, there were other items in operating Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 438.9 M,
profit that did not affect liquidity and, when eliminated, positively impacted a full SEK 185.3 M better year-on-year. The difference
the cash flow by SEK 10.7 M. Additionally, the cash flow was charged with SEK between the years is entirely the result of the change
26.9 M in net interest paid and SEK 127.7 M in taxes paid. Cash flow before in working capital, which was SEK -154.1 M in 2018
changes in working capital thus amounted to SEK 403.9 M. compared to positive SEK 35.1 M in 2019.
101.1 472.5
3.8 438.9
Decrease in Decrease in Change in Cash flow from Net Net Dividend Cash flow Opening cash This years Closing cash
accounts accounts other operating investments amortization paid, 2019 for the year and cash change in cash and cash
receivable payable receivables/ activities of loans equivalents and cash equivalents
liabilities equivalents
ability to maintain its strong financial position means security, and creates
scope for future development and investments.
Cash and cash Lease liability
equivalents The introduction of IFRS 16 means that liabilities
Cash and cash equivalents in the balance sheet also increased, as a lease
increased by SEK 101.1 M during liability was recognized. At year end, lease
the year to SEK 472.5 M. liabilities totaled SEK 156.4 M.
2, 427.7M
Right-of-use assets
As a result of the introduction of IFRS 16, rental
contracts and leases are regarded as non-current
assets in the form of right-of-use assets. At the end
Equity at the end of the year.
of the year, these totaled SEK 154.7 M.
Equity 2019
With comprehensive income of SEK 313.7 M
for the Group and after dividends to share
holders of SEK 112.5 M, equity increased
to SEK 2,427.7 M. The equity/assets ratio
increased to 57.8%.
+ + – –
Other provisions and liabilities 64.6
Accrued costs
Cash and cash
A 155.9
Deferred tax liabilities
Pension provisions Deferred tax liabilities
Tax assets 67.3 230.2 224.6
Equity 2018
Proposed dividend
Brands etc.
797.2 The Board of Directors proposes a raised
Brands etc. ordinary dividend of SEK 5.00 per share
798.9 (3.50) and no extra dividend (SEK 1.00
the preceding year). This means a total
dividend of SEK 5.00 per share (4.50),
Right-of-use assets corresponding to a disbursement of SEK
for IFRS 16 154.7 B 125.0 M.
Machinery and Machinery and
equipment 162.4 equipment 194.7
In 2019, the share price for the VBG Group Series B share Foundation for Allergy and Asthma Research, the SLK Employees’
increased 24.2% to SEK 157.50 (SEK 126.80 at the preceding Foundation and the VBG-SLK Foundation. Of the total number
year end). The highest share price (SEK 169.50) was noted on of shares in the company, 90.51% are owned by institutions,
16 July and the lowest (SEK 125.00) on 15 February. A total of including the three foundations and the VBG Group’s repurchased
1,429,404 VBG Group Series B shares were traded during the shares. Foreign ownership is 14.11%.
year, equivalent to a turnover rate of 6.3% (7.4). The VBG Group’s
market capitalization at year end was approximately SEK 3.9 Dividend and dividend policy
billion (3.2). Since the company’s initial listing on the stock exchange in 1987,
and including the dividend of SEK 5.00 (4.50) proposed by the
Total return Board to the 2020 Annual General Meeting, the company has
The VBG Group’s overall objective is sustainable and profitable paid an average dividend amounting to 35.9% of the net profit.
growth, which creates the conditions for stable, healthy returns The average over the past ten years amounted to 38.9%. In
over the long term for the shareholders. The total return (i.e. March 2012, the Board adopted a dividend policy which says
the change in share price plus reinvested dividend) for the VBG that the company normally will pay out 30% of the net profits
Group Series B share during 2019 was 27.8%. Over the past to the shareholders. The proposed dividend for fiscal year 2019
ten-year period, the total return for the VBG Group Series B is equivalent to 41.7% (41.2) of the Group’s net profit, corre-
share was 136.7%. sponding to a dividend yield of 3.17% (3.55).
or more occasions to transfer these shares in connection with
The VBG Group had 4,727 (4,308) shareholders at year end. The
Series A shares, which represent 51.95% of the votes in the VBG The proposed dividend for fiscal year 2019 is
Group, are held by the three foundations: the Herman Krefting equivalent to 41.7% of the Group’s net profit.
Herman Krefting Foundation for Allergy and Asthma Research 817,400 5,109,042 5,926,442 22.62 28.28
The SLK Employees’ Foundation 1,134,600 1,134,600 4.33 24.16
VBG-SLK Foundation 488,000 14,000 502,000 1.92 10.42
Lannebo fonder 3,688,884 3,688,884 14.08 7.85
SEB fonder 2,939,322 2,939,322 11.22 6.26
Swedbank fonder 2,336,000 2,336,000 8.92 4.97
Nordea fonder 1,855,757 1,855,757 7.08 3.95
IF Skadeförsäkring AB (publ) 1,099,192 1,099,192 4.20 2.34
Didner & Gerge Småbolag 1,058,936 1,058,936 4.04 2.25
HSBC BANK PLC W8IMY 341,938 341,938 1.31 0.73
Ten largest shareholder groups 2,440,000 18,443,071 20,883,071 79.72 91.23
Total other shareholders 4,120,977 4,120,977 15.73 8.77
Total number of shares outstanding 2,440,000 22,564,048 25,004,048 95.45 100.00
VBG Group AB, own holding 1 1,191,976 1,191,976 4.55
Total number of registered shares 2,440,000 23,756,024 26,196,024 100.00
Without voting or dividend rights.
OMX Stockholm_PI
Number of shares traded, thousands
60 0 Source: Nasdaq
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2015 2016 2017* 2018 2019
* New share issue February 1:1.
Claes Wedin
60 180
40 120
20 60
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Total return, %
Adjusted share price, SEK
Board of Directors’ Report 39 Note 14 | IFRS 16 81
Consolidated Income Statement 55 Note 15 | Interests in Group companies,
Consolidated Balance Sheet 56 changes in carrying amounts 82
1) Refer to page 54, Significant events after the close of the fiscal year.
Tax expense resulted in a total net debt of SEK 655.3 M (647.9) at December
Tax expense for the year was SEK 97.5 M (100.1), of which cur- 31, 2019.
rent tax accounted for SEK 100.6 M (99.3) and deferred tax for The ratio of interest-bearing net debt to equity was 0.27 at
SEK –3.1 M (pos: 0.8). Tax expense for the year corresponds to December 31, 2019 (0.29 at December 31, 2018) and the ratio
a tax rate for the Group of 24.6% (26.8), attributable in part to of net debt to consolidated operating profit before depreciation/
the tax rate in Sweden dropping to 22.0% from 21.4% as of amortization and impairment (EBITDA) improved to 1.20 (1.30).
January 1, 2019. The Group’s goodwill increased by SEK 14.7 M owing to currency
effects of SEK 6.4 M and an additional adjustment of SEK 8.3 M
Capital expenditures to the goodwill value of Mobile Climate Control. The Group’s
The Group’s total investments for the year amounted to SEK goodwill at year-end amounted to SEK 1,143.3 M (1,128.6),
116.4 M (47.5), of which investments in intangible assets totaled which in relation to equity corresponded to a ratio of 0.47 (0.51).
SEK 30.5 M (2.2). Investments in property, plant and equipment
totaled SEK 85.9 M (45.3), of which SEK 10.4 M were purchases Personnel
under IFRS 16. At December 31, 2019, there were 1,612 employees (1,573)
in the VBG Group, of which 213 (213) in Sweden. The Group
Exposure in foreign currencies, risks and uncertainties employed an average of 1,596 persons (1,561) in 2019, repre-
A detailed account of the Group’s exposure in foreign currencies, senting an increase of 2.2%. Of these, 218 (215) were active
relevant risks and uncertainties is provided under Note 2, “Risks in Sweden. The cost of salaries and social security contributions
and risk management.” increased 10.3% to SEK 885.6 M (803.1).
Group trend, SEK M 2019 4/19 3/19 2/19 1/19 2018 4/18 3/18 2/18 1/18
Net sales 3,725.4 847.3 909.1 979.4 989.6 3,492.4 868.8 874.8 931.2 817.7
EBITDA 547.8 96.2 137.4 151.2 163.0 497.4 108.3 127.4 137.3 124.4
EBITA 467.1 74.9 117.3 131.3 143.6 449.3 95.8 115.2 125.3 113.0
Operating profit (EBIT) 435.0 66.8 109.4 123.3 135.5 417.6 87.9 107.3 117.3 105.2
Operating margin (EBIT), % 11.7 7.9 12.0 12.6 13.7 12.0 10.1 12.3 12.6 12.9
Operating profit after
financial items (EBT) 397.0 61.8 103.9 109.6 121.7 373.1 81.1 100.9 105.6 85.6
Profit after tax 299.5 53.6 73.7 83.2 89.0 273.0 60.5 71.2 77.8 63.5
Earnings per share, SEK 11.98 2.15 2.95 3.32 3.56 10.92 2.42 2.85 3.11 2.54
Cash flow from
operating activities 438.9 121.9 145 72.0 100.0 253.6 46.6 97.0 37.0 73.0
ROE (cumulative), % 12.5 12.5 14.0 14.8 15.6 12.8 12.8 13.4 13.4 12.3
ROCE (cumulative), % 12.4 12.4 14.1 14.8 15.7 13.2 13.2 14.0 14.1 13.5
Equity/assets ratio, % 57.8 57.8 55.8 55.2 54.2 56.7 56.7 54.9 53.9 54.1
EBITDA, effect of IFRS 16 34.3 9.5 8.5 8.2 8.1
EBITA, effect of IFRS 16 3.0 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.4
EBIT, effect of IFRS 16 3.0 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.4
Loss after tax, effect
of IFRS 16 –2.8 –0.3 –1.2 –0.1 –1.2
Sales, SEK M 2019 4/19 3/19 2/19 1/19 2018 4/18 3/18 2/18 1/18
Sweden 288.0 70.1 60.2 75.5 82.2 275.9 69.2 58.1 73.3 75.3
Other Nordic countries 201.3 49.6 44.9 51.8 55.0 194.7 47.6 48.4 50.1 48.5
Germany 462.9 93.2 112.0 126.3 131.4 514.7 121.2 121.4 135.9 136.1
Other European countries 564.9 122.1 127.2 151.0 164.6 576.2 133.6 134.1 158.4 150.1
North America 1,891.4 423.9 486.3 501.9 479.3 1,648.6 414.2 441.8 449.0 343.7
Brazil 80.5 21.2 21.0 17.9 20.4 62.9 17.1 16.6 13.6 15.7
Australia/New Zealand 100.8 32.7 26.0 20.4 21.7 73.6 19.0 16.1 13.3 25.2
China 37.2 11.5 8.1 8.2 9.4 45.6 14.9 12.4 12.3 6.0
Rest of world 98.4 22.9 23.3 26.5 25.6 100.1 31.9 25.8 25.4 17.0
Group 3,725.4 847.3 909.1 979.4 989.6 3,492.4 868.8 874.8 931.2 817.7
The profitability of a hauler is firmly linked to fuel consumption. Moreover, the division has a strong market position in sliding
Now that the customers of haulers are also imposing their own roofs for trailers and railway wagons under the Edscha TS and
demands for the environment and carbon emissions per ton- Sesam brands. The division pursues sales in approximately 70
kilometer transported, new demands are being imposed on the countries, in which its offering is addressed to several different
products. Stricter safety requirements are something that the customer groups.
haulers must also comply with. This is why we, as a customer- • For drawbar couplings, the most common customer segment
centric supplier, are developing new technologies (e.g. sensor is body builders.
technology with software) and solutions to overcome these
• For automatic tire chains, the most common customer
problems. Prime examples of new solutions are the VBG MFC
segment is users of commercial goods vehicles and
fully automated drawbar couplings, the Onspot automatic tire
emergency vehicles.
chains and Edscha TS’s electrically controlled sliding roof for
tipper vehicles. • For sliding roofs, the largest customer segment is manufacturers
Moreover, Truck & Trailer Equipment is taking part in a num- of tarpaulin-covered trailers.
ber of projects with end users, truck manufacturers and other Truck & Trailer Equipment’s continual focus on traffic safety
suppliers to develop applications for longer, heavier vehicles and has gained the division a reputation as a knowledgeable, value-
autonomous vehicles. creating partner in the area. The ability to deliver customized
The competitors in the market for drawbar couplings are few, systems solutions rather than individual products is the division’s
but despite this the competition is tough and intense. Rockinger strongest competitive advantage.
in Germany and Orlandi in Italy are the main competitors. The For several years, Truck & Trailer Equipment has played an
market for automatic tire chains and sliding roofs is also experi- active role in the work to reduce carbon emissions. The division
encing tough competition. The main competitor in tire chains is has taken part in several projects associated with longer, heavier
RUD, in Germany. For Edscha TS, there are primarily three major vehicle combinations that have resulted in lower fuel consumption
competitors: TSE (owned by trailer manufacturer Schmitz per ton shipped. Truck & Trailer Equipment is well positioned to
Cargobull), Versus Omega and Autocar. meet changing customer needs going forward.
The division also focuses sharply on trends in digitalization,
Operations and consequently is now investing in digital marketing for its
Through its strong brands, Truck & Trailer Equipment has a lead- four brands: Onspot, VBG, Edscha TS and Ringfeder. In addition,
ing global position in developing, manufacturing, marketing and the division is working on digitalization in its product offering.
sales of equipment for commercial vehicles. Drawbar couplings One example of a new product offering in the division is sensor
are sold under the VBG and Ringfeder brands; additionally, the technology for coupling and roof equipment. This technology
division has a leading position in automatic tire chains sold under increases functionality for the user, leading to increased traffic
the Onspot brand. safety and enhanced efficiency.
Share of Group sales Share of the divisions’ EBITA Share of Group employees Average number of employees
32% 46% 23%
Truck & Trailer Equipment’s primary operations reported a Depreciation of property, plant and equipment for the year
record-high performance in 2019 as regards both sales and was SEK 31.1 M (21.4), which meant that EBITDA totaled SEK
earnings. In addition, all the rights to BPW’s drawbar program 255.0 M (240.3). Amortization of intangible assets was SEK 5.5
were acquired, which supplements the division’s offering and M (5.3), which resulted in an EBIT of SEK 218.4 M (213.6). Total
strengthens its position in Western and Central Europe. There depreciation/amortization charged to the division was SEK 36.6
was also an investment made in a robotic bending cell in Väners- M (26.7), of which SEK 9.4 M pertained to depreciation/amorti-
borg, which will enhance the efficiency of flows and shorten lead zation in accordance with IFRS 16.
times going forward. The division also launched a new website The division’s working capital (inventory, trade receivables
for the VBG brand, which will strengthen it further and promote and trade payables) decreased SEK 20.8 M during the year to
increased value creation for the customer. SEK 256.4 M (277.2); with the added value of SEK 177.5 M for
A new underrun protection program that complies with the property, plant and equipment, operating capital totaled SEK
new, tougher legal requirements (Regulation 58) was launched 433.9 M (405.9), of which SEK 33.7 M pertained to right-of-use
during the year. These legal requirements mean that vehicles assets in accordance with IFRS 16. Return on operating capital
must be able to withstand greater forces and have a lower (ROOC) for Truck & Trailer Equipment — that is, EBITDA as a
permissble ground clearnace to prevent colliding vehicles from percentage of the average operating capital — decreased to
being pushed under the truck or trailer in the event of a rear-end 56.1% (58.0).
collision. Computer calculations of strength and deformation New capital expenditures during the year increased to SEK
are no longer enough. The underrun protection must be tested 65.3 M (15.8), of which SEK 25.0 M pertained to the acquisition
in physical environments – with reduced allowable vertical of rights to BPW’s drawbar program and SEK 4.6 M was pur-
deformation – to be approved. chases in accordance with IFRS 16.
In 2019, Truck & Trailer Equipment had an average of 362
Financial performance employees (363), and 357 persons were employed at December
Sales decreased by 3.2% to SEK 1,203.6 M (1,243.1). As of the 31, 2019 (359 at December 31, 2018). Personnel costs for the
second quarter, the trailer market has stagnated and it reached year totaled SEK 253.9 M (244.6), resulting in a cost per
what is likely its lowest level in the fourth quarter. Altogether, employee of SEK 701.2 thousand (673.8).
sliding roof sales for the full year decreased SEK 87 M year-on-
year. Sales of drawbar couplings and automatic tire chains The division, going forward
increased, however, by approximately SEK 40 M. Adjusted for To meet the needs of the market and to address prevailing
currency effects during the year, actual organic growth for Truck trends, Truck & Trailer Equipment has a clear strategy going
& Trailer Equipment was –5.7%. Despite the loss in volume for forward. The division is reviewing opportunities for acquisitions
sliding roofs, Truck & Trailer Equipment could report an increased and increased internationalization. Moreover, with a strong
EBITA since the dominant drawbar couplings operations as well as focus on digitalization as regards product offerings and internal
the automatic tire chains product area noted strong performances procedures as well as marketing and sales, Truck & Trailer
in 2019. EBITA increased to SEK 223.9 M (218.9), with a strength- Equipment intends to create sustainability and profitability for
ened EBITA margin of 18.6% (17.6). some time to come.
Sales/Earnings, SEK M
Truck & Trailer Equipment 2019 4/19 3/19 2/19 1/19 2018 4/18 3/18 2/18 1/18
Net sales 1,203.6 276.6 268.1 316.4 342.5 1,243.1 316.3 278.4 320.4 328.1
EBITDA 255.0 52.4 54.9 65.8 81.9 240.3 61.0 45.7 57.9 75.7
EBITA 223.9 44.4 47.0 58.1 74.3 218.9 55.5 40.4 52.5 70.5
EBITA margin, % 18.6 16.1 17.5 18.4 21.7 17.6 17.6 14.5 16.4 21.5
Operating profit (EBIT) 218.4 43.0 45.7 56.8 72.9 213.6 54.2 39.0 51.2 69.2
Operating margin (EBIT), % 18.1 15.6 17.0 17.9 21.3 17.2 17.1 14.0 16.0 21.1
EBITDA, effect of IFRS 16 9.6 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.5
EBITA, effect of IFRS 16 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0
EBIT, effect of IFRS 16 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0
Sales, SEK M
Market 2019 4/19 3/19 2/19 1/19 2018 4/18 3/18 2/18 1/18
Sweden 245.0 60.1 50.8 63.3 70.8 234.7 58.8 48.9 62.1 64.9
Other Nordic countries 156.9 39.0 33.7 40.8 43.3 152.7 37.0 38.5 38.6 38.6
Germany 258.4 49.8 58.9 73.3 76.3 300.3 72.0 65.8 80.1 82.4
Other European countries 334.4 67.8 74.1 91.1 101.4 359.0 81.1 79.3 101.0 97.6
North America 112.0 35.8 27.2 23.5 25.5 99.7 36.2 24.0 19.2 20.3
Australia/New Zealand 68.7 19.2 18.2 15.1 16.2 61.5 16.0 13.1 10.0 22.4
China 3.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 3.3 14.4 8.0 3.1 2.8 0.6
Rest of world 24.9 4.9 5.2 9.2 5.6 20.7 7.2 5.7 6.6 1.2
Truck & Trailer Equipment 1,203.6 276.6 268.1 316.4 342.5 1,243.1 316.3 278.4 320.4 328.1
Share of Group sales Share of the divisions’ EBITA Share of Group employees Average number of employees
54% 40% 57%
• Buses, which can be divided into the sub-segments of transit, customers, which both benefits Mobile Climate Control’s after-
coach, school and shuttle buses market business and creates added value for the customer. Work
• Off-road vehicles in infrastructure, agriculture, forestry, is being carried out in parallel on digitizing internal procedures in
mining and materials processing administration and production.
In 2019, Mobile Climate Control continued capturing market
• Utility vehicles such as emergency and service vehicles
share and displayed strong organic growth with stable profitabil-
• Defense vehicles for transportation of troops ity. Both the compact segment in off-road and buses displayed
Through its own brand, Mobile Climate Control, the division positive performances.
enjoys a strong position in North America across all segments. The trade war between the US and China during the year
In Europe, the brand is strong in climate control systems for impacted the operations of Mobile Climate Control to some
utility vehicles and in heating systems for buses. extent, since certain products and components are manufactured
Mobile Climate Control’s brand is strong, and the conditions in China and then sold in the US. Mobile Climate Control man-
for a competitive offering are created through the division’s aged this in a satisfactory manner.
continual efforts in product development One major advantage
for the division is the possibility of offering customized climate Financial performance
control systems through in-house development, design and Mobile Climate Control reported strong growth in 2019; sales
manufacture. As part of product development, the division has increased by 15.7% year-on-year to SEK 1,998.4 M (1,727.3).
its own prototype lab for testing where the entire vehicle can be Taking exchange rate changes into account, the actual organic
driven in on site to test and optimize the climate control system. growth was 9.0%. EBITA for the full year rose to SEK 193.0 M
In pace with the growing trend for electrification and digitali- (173.9), with an EBITA margin of 9.7% (10.1).
zation, Mobile Climate Control is placing substantial focus on Depreciation of property, plant and equipment for the year
resources in these areas. The developments in electrification are was SEK 31.8 M (13.4), which meant that EBITDA totaled SEK
positive, with increased deliveries of customized products for 224.8 M (187.3). Amortization of intangible assets was SEK 21.4
electric vehicles. In digitalization, the division is working to meet M (21.5), which resulted in an EBIT of SEK 171.6 M (152.4).
new needs that arise by developing connected products for its Total depreciation/amortization charged to the division was SEK
53.2 M (34.9), of which SEK 17.3 M pertained to depreciation/ Mobile Climate Control increased its workforce in 2019,
amortization in accordance with IFRS 16. employing an average of 902 persons (875). At December 31,
The division’s working capital (inventory, trade receivables 2019, 911 persons (870) were employed in the division. Person-
and trade payables) increased SEK 20.1 M during the year to SEK nel costs increased to SEK 447.7 M (379.2), resulting in a cost
444.6 M (424.5); with the added value of SEK 232.4 M (110.9) per employee of SEK 496.4 thousand (433.4).
for property, plant and equipment, operating capital totaled SEK
677.0 M (535.4), of which SEK 110.6 M pertained to right-of-use The division, going forward
assets in accordance with IFRS 16. Return on operating capital To meet the needs of the market and to address prevailing
(ROOC) for Mobile Climate Control — that is, EBITDA as a trends, Mobile Climate Control has a clear strategy going
percentage of the average operating capital — decreased to forward: By continuing to focus on connected products and
32.2% (38.6). customized advanced climate control systems as well as more
New capital expenditures during the year totaled SEK 25.9 M deliveries for electric vehicles, Mobile Climate Control will
(21.0), of which SEK 3.4 M was purchases in accordance with create sustainable growth and improved profitability.
IFRS 16.
Sales/Earnings, SEK M
Mobile Climate Control 2019 4/19 3/19 2/19 1/19 2018 4/18 3/18 2/18 1/18
Net sales 1,998.4 440.7 511.1 532.5 514.1 1,727.3 421.8 460.4 476.8 368.3
EBITDA 224.8 31.9 64.6 66.8 61.4 187.3 33.9 57.0 64.7 31.7
EBITA 193.0 23.2 57.0 59.0 53.9 173.9 30.3 53.4 61.4 28.8
EBITA margin, % 9.7 5.3 11.1 11.1 10.5 10.1 7.2 11.6 12.9 7.8
Operating profit (EBIT) 171.6 17.9 51.6 53.7 48.4 152.4 25.0 48.0 56.0 23.4
Operating margin (EBIT), % 8.6 4.1 10.1 10.1 9.4 8.8 5.9 10.4 11.8 6.3
EBITDA, effect of IFRS 16 20.2 6.1 4.8 4.7 4.6
EBITA, effect of IFRS 16 2.9 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.5
EBIT, effect of IFRS 16 2.9 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.5
Sales, SEK M
Market 2019 4/19 3/19 2/19 1/19 2018 4/18 3/18 2/18 1/18
Sweden 39.6 9.1 9.4 11.0 10.1 36.7 9.0 8.3 10.1 9.4
Other Nordic countries 39.6 9.7 10.1 9.6 10.2 36.8 9.5 9.1 9.8 8.3
Germany 33.2 7.5 8.7 8.8 8.3 30.6 7.3 7.8 7.7 7.8
Other European countries 164.6 38.3 38.1 41.9 46.3 153.2 36.0 38.2 39.6 39.3
North America 1,673.9 364.1 431.5 450.4 428.0 1,429.9 348.2 386.0 398.7 297.0
China 16.4 5.2 3.2 4.5 3.6 14.4 3.1 4.4 4.9 2.0
Rest of world 31.0 6.8 10.3 6.2 7.7 25.8 8.7 6.6 6.0 4.5
Mobile Climate Control 1,998.4 440.7 511.1 532.5 514.1 1,727.3 421.8 460.4 476.8 368.3
Share of Group sales Share of the divisions’ EBITA Share of Group employees Average number of employees
14% 14% 20%
• Shaft-hub couplings include locking assemblies and shrink In 2019, the division continued its work on strengthening its
discs for mechanical power transmission. Locking assemblies internal procedures in order to achieve a higher level of produc-
are commonly used in many different operating areas including tivity in its operations. This contributed positively to earnings for
freight management, the mining industry and energy produc- the year. In a generally weaker market, Ringfeder Power Trans-
tion, with specific uses in, for example, cranes, hoisting mission reported stable earnings that were nonetheless nega-
devices, turbines and industrial pumps, while shrink discs tively impacted by non-recurring costs. A new website for the
are often used in transmissions for industrial use. division was also launched during the year as a stage in
• Shaft-shaft couplings comprise couplings primarily for the increased digital marketing. Furthermore, the efficiency of the
food, packaging and automation industries as well as for sales organization in Brazil, where Ringfeder Power Transmission
heavy industrial applications. sees significant opportunities for growth going forward, was
• Friction springs are common in drilling equipment and in
industrial rolling mills. Additionally, friction springs are used
Financial performance
for shock absorption in aircraft and to earthquake-proof
For the full year, Ringfeder Power Transmission increased sales
buildings, bridges and power plants.
by 0.3% to SEK 523.4 M (522.0). Taking exchange rate changes
Over the last few years, Ringfeder Power Transmission has into account, actual organic growth was –3.6%. Owing to
enhanced the efficiency of the division’s logistics and production non-recurring costs of approximately SEK 7 M in the fourth
processes, and streamlined its product portfolio towards more quarter, EBITA decreased to SEK 67.2 M (74.2) with an EBITA
profitable products. margin of 12.8% (14.2).
In pace with increased industrial manufacturing in several Depreciation of property, plant and equipment for the year
markets, the division is focused on expanding in new growth was SEK 16.1 M (13.0), which meant that EBITDA totaled SEK
markets and increasing its local presence in the form of propri- 83.3 M (87.2). Amortization of intangible assets was SEK 4.7 M
etary sales resources. (4.3), which resulted in an EBIT of SEK 62.5 M (69.9). Total
The competitive advantages for Ringfeder Power Transmission depreciation/amortization charged to the division was SEK 20.8
comprise primarily leading-edge technical expertise, a broad M (17.3), of which SEK 3.5 M pertained to depreciation/amorti-
product portfolio and an offering that meets strict requirements zation in accordance with IFRS 16.
for precision, reliability and quality.
The division’s working capital (inventory, trade receivables were employed in the division. Personnel costs totaled SEK 155.0
and trade payables) decreased SEK 11.3 M during the year to M (148.8), resulting in a cost per employee of SEK 478.5 thousand
SEK 203.9 M (215.2); with the added value of SEK 120.4 M (473.9).
(107.6) for property, plant and equipment, operating capital
totaled SEK 324.3 M (322.8), of which SEK 7.5 M pertained to The division, going forward
right-of-use assets in accordance with IFRS 16. Return on oper- To meet the needs of the market and to address prevailing trends,
ating capital (ROOC) for Ringfeder Power Transmission — that Ringfeder Power Transmission has a clear strategy going forward:
is, EBITDA as a percentage of the average operating capital — Continued focus on growth markets, more efficient deliveries and
decreased to 24.5% (27.9). production processes, and transfer of best practices in various
New capital expenditures during the year totaled SEK 20.1 M applications among markets.
(10.3), of which SEK 0.2 M was purchases in accordance with With this strategy, Ringfeder Power Transmission will create
IFRS 16. growth and further strengthen profitability going forward.
During 2019, Ringfeder Power Transmission had an average of
324 employees (314). At December 31, 2019, 336 persons (335)
Sales/Earnings, SEK M
Ringfeder Power Transmission 2019 4/19 3/19 2/19 1/19 2018 4/18 3/18 2/18 1/18
Net sales 523.4 130.0 129.9 130.5 133.0 522.0 130.5 136.2 134.0 121.4
EBITDA 83.3 16.1 20.5 23.8 23.0 87.2 19.8 26.8 21.0 19.6
EBITA 67.2 12.0 16.4 19.8 19.1 74.2 16.5 23.6 17.7 16.5
EBITA margin, % 12.8 9.2 12.6 15.2 14.3 14.2 12.6 17.3 13.2 13.6
Operating profit (EBIT) 62.5 10.7 15.2 18.7 17.9 69.9 15.4 22.5 16.6 15.4
Operating margin (EBIT), % 11.9 8.2 11.7 14.3 13.5 13.4 11.8 16.5 12.4 12.7
EBITDA, effect of IFRS 16 3.5 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9
EBITA, effect of IFRS 16 –0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 –0.1
EBIT, effect of IFRS 16 –0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 –0.1
Sales, SEK M
Market 2019 4/19 3/19 2/19 1/19 2018 4/18 3/18 2/18 1/18
Sweden 3.4 0.9 0.1 1.1 1.3 4.5 1.4 0.9 1.2 1.0
Other Nordic countries 4.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.4 5.3 1.1 0.9 1.7 1.6
Germany 171.3 35.9 44.4 44.2 46.8 183.8 41.9 47.2 48.1 46.0
Other European countries 65.8 16.0 15.0 17.9 16.9 64.0 16.4 16.6 17.8 13.3
North America 105.6 24.1 27.7 28.0 25.8 119.1 29.9 31.8 31.1 26.4
Brazil 67.6 17.5 18.6 15.6 16.0 57.1 14.4 14.8 12.7 15.2
Australia/New Zealand 31.2 13.3 7.6 4.9 5.4 11.3 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.6
China 17.4 6.3 4.9 3.7 2.5 16.8 3.9 4.9 4.6 3.4
Rest of world 56.3 15.2 10.4 13.8 16.9 60.2 18.7 16.2 14.1 11.9
Ringfeder Power Transmission 523.4 130.0 129.9 130.5 133.0 522.0 130.5 136.2 134.0 121.4
the Group during 2017. This resulted in nine material issues for VBG Environmental impact and environmental policy
Group and its stakeholders. Of these nine material issues, the six The Group works actively with environmental assurance in both
that are of greatest significance to and have the greatest impact on production and administration. Although the environmental
the Group and its stakeholders are reported below. The long-term impact of its operations is small, it is nonetheless natural for
work in these selected areas continued in 2019: the Group as a leading player to take an active role in efforts to
protect the environment. This is done by limiting the impact of
Environmental responsibility the Group’s own processes on the environment, but also by many
Waste products, consumption and emissions of the products manufactured boosting efficiency in the transport
The Group strives to be as efficient as possible in using both finite sector and thereby helping to mitigate the environmental impact
and renewable resources. The re-use of excess heat to warm up from truck transportation, for example. The VBG Group’s environ-
company premises and the installation of units to chill water in the mental policy states that the Group safeguards both the external
production process – which minimizes the consumption of fresh and the internal environment. The company’s business activities
water – can be named as examples. The Group also strives to utilize shall be conducted so that:
raw materials as efficiently as possible. This includes marking the • relevant legislation is observed and environmental impact due
parts of products that can be re-used, and thinking strategically to unintentional releases of materials and energy is prevented
on how production processes are designed. and the occurrence of noise is decreased.
• all employees are aware of their own and the Group’s environ-
Environmental impact during use mental impact.
The Group has far-reaching partnerships with several customers • the environmental impact of the products throughout their life
to ensure they use our products correctly, with the least possible cycle is taken into consideration.
impact on the environment. • environmental aspects are among the criteria in the choice of
suppliers and contractors.
Social responsibility
Human rights Action plans and contingency plans prepared in consultation
The Group supports and respects internationally proclaimed human with the relevant authorities are to be in place in order to
rights. The Group also imposes requirements on suppliers and mitigate and prevent the effects of any unintentional discharges
collaborating partners for accepting the Code of Conduct, or alter- and incidents. As regards the Group’s Swedish companies, Truck &
nately having their own equivalent code approved by the Group. Trailer Equipment’s production unit in Vänersborg is environmentally
certified under ISO 14001 and conducts activities requiring a
Business ethics permit under the Environmental Code. The permit is needed for
Compliance with laws the handling of large quantities of cutting fluid. Mobile Climate
To ensure compliance with the laws and ordinances in force where Control’s facility in Norrtälje is also environmentally certified
the Group conducts operations, there are routines for monitoring in under ISO 14001.
the form of internal and external checks.
Outlook for 2020
Anti-corruption The Group makes no forecast.
The Group works actively to counteract corruption in all stages.
As a part of this effort, selected employees who have customer The work of the Board of Directors
or supplier contacts — as well as employees in Accounting and HR The Board of Directors of VBG Group AB (publ) consists of six
— will undergo recurrent annual anti-corruption training. members elected by the AGM. The AGM did not elect any deputies.
In addition, the Unionen/Swedish Association of Graduate Engi-
Fair competition neers/Ledarna and IF Metall trade unions each appoint one mem-
It is important that the Group compete on fair and equal terms. ber and one deputy member. Company officers take part in Board
Relationships with business partners are marked by honesty at all meetings by submitting reports or serving in the post of secretary.
stages. The Group complies with the laws and ordinances in force The Board of Directors held 9 (12) meetings during fiscal year
in the countries where the Group operates. No form of reward or 2019. The work of the Board follows an annual plan designed to
advantage will be given to customers, potential customers, regimes, satisfy the need of the Board for information. In all other respects,
government authorities or representatives of instances that are in the work of the Board is subject to the special rules of procedure
violation either of applicable legislation or reasonable and generally the Board has adopted governing the division of responsibilities
accepted business practice. The Group’s employees may not accept between the Board and the President. The 2019 Annual General
money, gifts, or other types of remuneration from third parties that Meeting (AGM) appointed a Nominating Committee, and
could affect their objectivity in taking business decisions. the Board appointed an Audit Committee and a Compensation
Committee on behalf of the AGM. The company’s auditor reports Significant events after the close of the fiscal year
his observations to the Board every year based on his review and In the fourth quarter of 2019, the Board of Directors decided
gives his assessment of the company’s internal control. that two divisions, VBG Truck Equipment and Edscha Trailer
Systems, would be reported and monitored as a joint segment:
Guidelines for remuneration to senior executives Truck & Trailer Equipment. On March 10, 2020, the Board made
The 2019 AGM passed a resolution adopting the following a follow-up decision to organizationally incorporate Edscha
guidelines for remuneration to senior executives. The guidelines Trailer Systems into the VBG Truck Equipment division. They also
pertain to remuneration and other terms of employment for the decided that the expanded division would adopt the name of the
Group Management of VBG Group and other senior executives. segment: Truck & Trailer Equipment. The decision also means
Fixed salaries shall be market-related and based on the individu- that the primary company in Truck & Trailer Equipment, the
al’s responsibilities and performance. In addition to a fixed Vänersborg-based VBG Group Truck Equipment AB, would
annual salary, variable remuneration that is limited and based on acquire all the companies included in the division that are owned
the Group’s or the respective division’s financial performance by the Parent Company, VBG Group AB. Thus, like Mobile
compared with established goals shall also be paid. For senior Climate Control, Truck & Trailer Equipment becomes a legal
executives, the variable portion can amount to a maximum of sub-Group. The decision was announced in a press release on
50% of their fixed annual salary. In addition, long-term variable the morning of March 11, 2020.
remuneration in the form of shares and/or share-based instru- A global outbreak of covid-19 blossomed in the first quarter
ments in VBG Group AB can be paid out through participation in of 2020. The management of VBG Group is monitoring the
long-term incentive programs decided by the General Meeting. development of this outbreak on a daily basis. At the time of
In addition to the above remunerations, other benefits may also writing, with the prevailing uncertainty, we cannot determine
be provided such as company car and health care. The manage- what financial effect this will have for the Group. Continual
ment generally enjoys pension benefits as provided by law and risk assessments are being conducted on a daily basis, and the
collective agreement (ITP plan). It is, however, possible for the necessary measures are being routinely taken.
individual to opt for other pension arrangements at the same
cost for the company. Persons residing outside Sweden receive Proposed distribution of profits
the pension benefits that are customary in each particular coun- In proposing the dividend, the Board of Directors has taken into
try. For officers residing in Sweden, the period of notice of ter- account the Parent Company’s and Group’s short- and long-term
mination on the part of the company is six to eighteen months, liquidity requirements, development potential, financial position
and on the part of the employee six months. Severance pay in and investment needs. Bearing these factors in mind, the Board of
addition to salary during the period of notice may not exceed Directors of VBG Group AB (publ) proposes that the 2020 Annual
one year’s salary. For officers residing outside Sweden, periods General Meeting resolve to approve an increased ordinary divi-
of notice and severance pay that are customary in each particular dend of SEK 5.00 per share (3.50) and no extra dividend of (1.00),
country are applied. The Compensation Committee decides on thus a total dividend of SEK 5.00 (4.50) for the 2019 fiscal year.
salaries and other terms of employment. The proposed dividend entails a total distribution of funds from
Guidelines concerning remuneration to senior executives for the Parent Company of SEK 125.0 M (112.5), corresponding to
2020 have been updated to reflect changes to Chapter 8, Sections 5.1% of the Group’s equity – or 8.4% of the Parent Company’s
51–53 and Chapter 7, Section 61 of the Annual Accounts Act equity – at year end. The Group reported profit after tax of SEK
(2005:551) and to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code 299.5 M (273.0), which means that the proposed dividend com-
(the “Code”). The updated guidelines will be presented at the prises 41.7% (41.2) of the net profit for the year for the Group.
AGM in April 2020 and can be found on pages 102–103 in the
Corporate Governance Report. The following funds in the Parent Company are available for
distribution by the AGM:
The VBG Group share and shareholders
Earnings per share for the year (average) increased 9.7% to SEK Retained earnings SEK 1,194,310,475
11.98 (10.92), measured against 25,004,048 shares. At Decem- Net profit for the year SEK 183,027,784
ber 31, 2019, equity per share (total outstanding) was SEK
SEK 1,377,338,259
97.09, compared with SEK 89.04 year-on-year. At the end of
the year, the share price was SEK 157.50, which corresponds
The Board of Directors proposes that these funds be distributed as
to a market capitalization of SEK 3,938 M, compared to a share
price of SEK 126.80 and market capitalization of SEK 3,170 M
Dividend to shareholders SEK 125,020,240
year-on-year. The number of shareholders increased by 419
Carried forward to new account SEK 1,252,318,019
during the year, totaling 4,727 (4,308) at year end.
SEK 1,377,338,259
Non-current assets
Intangible assets 12
Brands, customer relationships and other intangible assets 797,219 798,889
Goodwill 1,143,333 1,128,601
1,940,552 1,927,490
Property, plant and equipment 13
Land and buildings 187,329 186,151
Plant and machinery 118,189 100,747
Equipment, tools, fixtures and fittings 49,524 51,341
Construction in progress 26,935 10,304
Rights of use under IFRS 16 14 154,660 —
536,637 348,543
Long-term investments
Deferred tax asset 16 67,259 63,843
67,259 63,843
Current assets
Inventories 17
Raw materials and consumables 334,153 322,158
Work in progress 79,937 85,059
Finished products and merchandise 224,571 227,648
638,661 634,865
Current receivables
Trade receivables 24 467,202 491,163
Current tax assets 21,270 25,470
Other receivables 29,082 41,351
Prepaid expenses and accrued income 18 25,506 19,673
543,060 577,657
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash on hand and demand deposits 472,474 371,369
472,474 371,369
Non-current liabilities
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 21 230,165 196,853
Deferred tax liability 16 219,638 224,568
Other provisions 22 24,317 22,451
Lease liability under IFRS 16 23 131,091 —
Liabilities to credit institutions 23 741,161 1,170
Other non-current liabilities 1,857 1,857
Total non-current liabilities 1,348,229 446,899
Current liabilities
Liabilities to credit institutions 23 — 821,535
Trade payables 202,988 212,744
Current tax liabilities 8,815 36,663
Other liabilities 29,687 28,225
Lease liability under IFRS 16 23 25,310 —
Accrued expenses and deferred income 26 155,947 151,251
Total current liabilities 422,747 1,250,418
Operating activities
Operating profit before financial items 435,037 417,615
Depreciation/amortization 112,818 79,803
Other items not affecting liquidity 29 10,670 24,864
Interest received, etc. 4,599 2,984
Interest paid, etc. –31,565 –36,765
Tax paid –127,652 –80,743
Cash flow before change in working capital 403,907 407,758
Investing activities
Investments in intangible assets 29 –30,566 –2,211
Investments in property, plant and equipment 29 –75,386 –45,024
Cash flow from investing activities –105,952 –47,235
Financing activities
Repayment of loans –40,000 –80,000
Change in utilization of credit facilities –55,812 564
Warrants — 1,873
Amortization of lease liability –28,211 —
Dividend paid –112,518 –81,263
Cash flow from financing activities –236,541 –158,826
Net profit and comprehensive income for the year 183,027 222,123
Non-current assets
Intangible assets 12
Trademarks and other intellectual property 381 835
381 835
Property, plant and equipment 13
Equipment, tools, fixtures and fittings 3,369 1,229
3,369 1,229
Long-term investments
Interests in Group companies 15 1,992,658 1,992,658
Non-current receivables, Group companies 292,563 348,645
2,285,221 2,341,303
Current assets
Current receivables
Receivables from Group companies 131,911 109,802
Other receivables — 1
Prepaid expenses and accrued income 18 7,587 3,906
139,498 113,709
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash on hand and demand deposits 306,270 232,441
Non-current liabilities
Liabilities to credit institutions 23 741,122 —
Total non-current liabilities 741,122 —
Current liabilities
Trade payables 2,021 1,771
Liabilities to subsidiaries 458,271 409,625
Liabilities to credit institutions 23 — 820,493
Current tax liability 1,916 160
Other liabilities 2,046 2,103
Accrued expenses and deferred income 26 10,031 11,226
Total current liabilities 474,285 1,245,378
Non-restricted Total
SEK ’000 Note Share capital Statutory reserve equity equity
Operating activities
Operating loss before financial items –6,530 –11,097
Depreciation/amortization 1,120 2,592
Other items not affecting liquidity 29 47,165 65,685
Interest received 15,760 16,161
Dividend received 170,650 216,536
Interest paid, etc. –21,107 –31,799
Tax paid –2,066 1,817
Cash flow before change in working capital 204,992 259,895
Investing activities
Investments in subsidiaries — –100
Investments in property, plant and equipment 29 –2,808 –500
Cash flow from investing activities –2,808 –600
Financing activities
Dividend paid –112,518 –81,263
Warrants — 1,873
Repayment of loans –40,000 –80,000
Change in utilization of credit facilities –53,775 —
Cash flow from financing activities –206,293 –159,390
Equity 2,431.5 –3.8 2,427.7
Total non-current liabilities 1,217.1 131.1 1,348.2
Total current liabilities 397.4 25.3 422.7
Total equity and liabilities 4,046.0 152.6 4,198.6
Net sales 3,725.4 3,492.4 3,002.0 1,543.9 1,315.3
Acquired volume (incl. full-year
effect from preceding year) — — –1,309.2 –150.2 –52.0
Currency effect –168.2 –100.5 –20.0 –6.9 –84.5
Net sales excluding acquisitions and currencies 3,557.2 3,391.9 1,672.8 1,386.8 1,178.8
Actual organic growth 64.8 389.9 129.0 71.5 –8.0
Organic growth, % 1.9 13.0 8.4 5.4 –0.7
Provisions for pensions 230.2 196.9 185.7 175.7 165.6
Loans 741.2 822.4 878.0 1,793.1 25.5
Lease liability 156.4 — — — —
Bank balances –472.5 –371.4 –321.4 –276.4 –144.0
Interest-bearing net debt 655.3 647.9 742.3 1,692.4 47.1
Operating profit before depreciation/amortization of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment.
Operating profit 435.0 417.6 351.1 184.0 134.7
+ Depreciation/amortization 112.8 79.8 77.2 47.6 43.3
EBITDA 547.8 497.4 428.3 231.6 178.0
Operating profit before amortization and impairment of intangible assets.
Operating profit 435.0 417.6 351.1 184.0 134.7
+ Amortization of intangible assets 32.1 31.7 31.7 12.2 11.2
EBITA 467.1 449.3 382.8 196.2 145.9
Interest-bearing net debt 655.3 647.9 742.3 1,692.4 47.1
EBITDA, rolling 4 quarter 547.8 497.4 428.3 231.6 178.0
Interest-bearing net debt/EBITDA 1.20 1.30 1.73 7.31 0.26
Profit margin
Profit after financial items as a percentage of net sales.
Net sales 3,725.4 3,492.4 3,002.0 1,543.9 1,315.3
Profit after financial items 397.0 373.1 315.6 168.2 134.5
Profit margin, % 10.7 10.7 10.5 10.9 10.2
ROOC by division
EBITDA as a percentage of average operating capital, expressed as property, plant and
equipment and working capital (inventory, trade receivables and trade payables).
Inventories 638.7 634.9
Trade receivables 467.2 491.2
Trade payables –203.0 –212.7
Working capital 902.9 913.3
Property, plant and equipment 536.6 348.5
Operating capital 1,439.5 1,261.8
EBITDA, rolling four quarter 547.9 497.4
Average operating capital, four quarter 1,492.3 1,261.8
ROOC, % 36.7 39.4
VBG Group AB (publ) in Vänersborg is the Parent Company of an nized in the balance sheet and that amortization of leased assets,
international industrial Group with wholly owned companies in the separate from the interest expense of the lease, is recognized in
US, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, India and China as well profit or loss.
as nine countries in Europe. For 2019, operations were monitored VBG Group applied a modified retrospective approach when
and reported in three segments: Truck & Trailer Equipment* (with transitioning to IFRS 16 on January 1, 2019, which means the
the divisions VBG Truck Equipment and Edscha Trailer Systems), 2018 fiscal year is not restated. Lease liability is the total present
Mobile Climate Control and Ringfeder Power Transmission. value of all future fees until the lease has expired. The simplified
The Parent Company is a limited company registered and rule was applied during the transition, meaning the right of use
domiciled in Vänersborg, Sweden. The address of the head office (before adjustments for any advance payment) corresponds to
is Kungsgatan 57, SE–461 34 Trollhättan, Sweden. the lease liability. The discount rate is VBG Group’s incremental
The Parent Company’s Series B share is listed on the Nasdaq borrowing rate for each currency. Exemptions to not recognize
Stockholm Mid Cap List. short-term leases and assets of low value were also applied.
* Refer to page 54, Significant events after the close of the fiscal year. 67
interest. The excess that consists of the difference between the in which case gains/losses are recognized in other comprehensive
cost of the acquisition and the fair value of the Group’s share of income. Exchange gains and exchange losses on operating receiv-
identifiable acquired net assets is recognized as goodwill. ables and liabilities are offset against each other and recognized
Intra-Group transactions and line items, as well as unrealized among other operating income or other operating expenses.
gains on transactions between Group companies, are eliminated. Exchange gains and exchange losses of a financing nature are
Unrealized losses are also eliminated, unless the transaction recognized in profit or loss under financial items.
constitutes evidence of the existence of an impairment loss for
the transferred asset. The accounting policies for subsidiaries have Group companies
been changed where applicable in order to guarantee a consistent The earnings and financial position of all Group companies
application of the Group’s policies. with another functional currency than the presentation currency
This report may contain rounding differences. are translated to the Group’s reporting currency as follows:
(i) assets and liabilities are translated at the closing rate
Tax (ii) revenue and expenses are translated at the average exchange
The tax expense for the period consists of current and deferred tax. rate
Tax is recognized in profit or loss, except when the tax pertains (iii) all exchange rate differences that arise are recognized
to items recognized in other comprehensive income or directly in as reserves within equity
equity. In such cases, the tax is also recognized in other compre-
hensive income or equity, respectively. For currencies that have the greatest impact on the Group,
Current tax is calculated on the taxable profit for the period the following currency exchange rates have been used:
in each individual legal entity. Closing rate, Dec Average currency
Deferred tax is recognized in its entirety, in accordance with 31, 2019 exchange rate 2019
the balance sheet method, on all temporary differences arising SEK/BRL 2.2512 2.3990
between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying SEK/CAD 7.1283 7.1277
amounts in the consolidated financial statements. If, however,
SEK/CZK 0.4098 0.4124
the deferred tax arises as a result of a transaction that constitutes
SEK/EUR 10.4336 10.5870
the initial recognition of an asset or liability that is not a business
SEK/PLN 2.4445 2.4632
combination and that affects neither the carrying amount nor the
tax base on the transaction date, it is not recognized. Deferred SEK/USD 9.3171 9.4573
tax is calculated with the application of tax rates and tax laws that
On consolidation, exchange rate differences that arise as a
have been enacted or announced as of the balance sheet date and
consequence of translation of net investments in foreign entities
that are expected to apply when the concerned deferred tax asset
and of borrowing and other currency instruments that have been
is realized or the deferred tax liability is settled.
identified as hedges of such investments are posted to equity.
Deferred tax assets and tax liabilities offset each other when
Goodwill and adjustments of fair value that arise in connection
there is a legal right of offset for current tax assets and tax liabilities
with the acquisition of a foreign entity are treated as assets and
in question, and when the deferred tax assets and tax liabilities are
liabilities in this entity and translated at the closing rate.
attributable to tax charged by the same tax authority and pertain
to either the same tax subject or different tax subjects, when the
IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
intention is to settle the balances through net payments.
VBG Group’s recognized net sales relate to income from sale of
Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent it is likely that
goods. Where appropriate, net sales have been reduced by the
future taxable surpluses will be available against which the temporary
value of discounts and returns allowed. Income from sales is
differences can be utilized.
recognized when control of the goods is transferred and there are
no unfulfilled commitments that could influence the customer’s
Effects of changes in exchange rates
acceptance of the goods. Goods are often sold at volume discounts
Functional currency and reporting currency
based on accumulated sales over a 12-month period. Income from
Items included in the financial statements for the different entities
the sale of goods is recognized based on the price in the contract,
in the Group are stated in the currency that is used in the primary
less estimated volume discounts. Historical data is used to estimate
economic environment where the enterprise is active (functional
the anticipated value of the discounts, and the income is recog-
currency). For all entities, the functional currency is the currency in
nized only to the extent that a significant return is not likely to
the country where the entity operates. The Swedish krona, which
occur. A liability (included under Accrued expenses and deferred
is the Parent Company’s functional and reporting currency, is used
income) is recognized for anticipated volume discounts in relation
in the consolidated financial statements.
to sales up through the balance sheet date.
A receivable is recognized when the goods have been delivered,
Transactions and line items
as that is the point in time when remuneration becomes uncondi-
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to the functional
tional (i.e. only the passage of time is required for the payment to
currency at the exchange rate prevailing on the transaction date.
occur). The Parent Company’s recognized net sales relate to income
Exchange gains and exchange losses arising in connection with
from sales of services to subsidiaries in the Group and is recognized
the payment of such transactions and the translation of monetary
in the period when the services are delivered.
assets and liabilities in foreign currencies at the closing rate are
recognized in profit or loss. An exception is when the transactions
constitute hedges that meet the conditions for hedge accounting,
Inventories one year, whereas current liabilities have a tenor of less than one
Inventories are measured, with application of the first-in first-out year. This category includes liabilities to credit institutions, trade
principle, at the lower of cost and net realizable value on the payables and other current liabilities.
balance sheet date. The cost of own-manufactured semi-finished
and finished products has been calculated as the manufacturing Borrowing
costs of the products including attributable manufacturing over- Borrowing is initially recognized at fair value, net after transaction
heads. Due provision has been made for obsolescence. costs. Borrowing is thereafter recognized at amortized cost, and
any difference between the amount received (net after transaction
IFRS 9 Financial instruments costs) and the repayment amount is recognized in profit or loss
Financial assets and liabilities are measured and recognized in the allocated over the term of the loan with application of the e ffective
Group and the Parent Company in accordance with the regulations interest method.
in IFRS 9. Under IFRS 9, financial instruments are classified into
categories. The classification depends on the intent behind the Financial derivatives and hedge accounting
acquisition of the financial instrument. Company management The Group holds financial derivatives in order to hedge its foreign
determines the classification at the original point in time of the currency. Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value. The
acquisition. The categories are: Financial assets and liabilities Group identifies certain derivatives as hedging instruments in
measured at fair value through profit or loss, Financial assets and order to hedge the variability in the cash flow associated with
liabilities measured at amortized cost, and Financial assets and highly likely transactions arising from changes in foreign currency
liabilities measured at fair value through other comprehensive exchange rates. When the Group initially identifies hedging
income. A financial asset or financial liability is included on the conditions, the objectives of risk management and the strategy
balance sheet when the company becomes a party to it under the of the hedging are documented. The Group also documents the
contractual terms of the instrument. Trade receivables are included financial relation between the hedged item and the hedging
on the balance sheet when the invoice has been sent. Liabilities are instrument, including whether cash flow changes in the hedged
included when the counterparty has delivered and a contractual item and hedging instrument are expected to cancel each other.
obligation to pay exists, even if the invoice has not been received.
A financial asset is removed from the balance sheet when the Cash flow hedges
rights in the contract are realized, fall due, or the company loses When a derivative is identified as a cash flow hedging instrument,
control over them. A financial liability is removed from the balance the effective portion of the changes in the fair value of the deriva-
sheet when the commitments in the contract are fulfilled or are tive is recognized in other comprehensive income and is accumu-
otherwise extinguished. Acquisitions and sales of financial assets lated in the hedge reserve. Ineffective portions of changes in the
are recognized on the transaction date, which constitutes the date fair value of the derivative are recognized immediately in profit or
the company commits to acquiring or selling the asset, except in loss. For all other hedged forecast transactions, the accumulated
those cases where the company acquires or sells listed securities, amount in the hedge reserve and hedging cost reserve is reclassi-
when settlement date recognition is applied. fied to earnings in the same period(s) the hedged anticipated cash
flow impacts profit or loss. If the hedging no longer meets the
Financial assets at amortized cost criteria for hedge accounting, or the hedging instrument has been
Assets held for the purpose of collecting contractual cash flows, sold, fallen due, liquidated or redeemed, the hedge accounting is
and where these cash flows only constitute capital amounts and discontinued prospectively. When the hedge accounting for cash
interest, are measured at amortized cost. Assets in this category flow hedges is discontinued, the amount that has accumulated in
are initially recognized at fair value including transaction costs. the hedge reserve is retained in equity until it is included in the
After the acquisition date, they are recognized at amortized cost cost of the non-financial item at initial recognition (for hedging of
using the effective-interest method. a transaction that results in a non-financial item), or it is reclassified
to the earnings in the same period(s) the hedged anticipated cash
Trade receivables flow impacts profit or loss (for other cash flow hedges). If the
Trade receivables are amounts attributable to customers as regards hedged cash flow is no longer expected to arise, the amount that
the sale of goods or services performed in operating activities. has accumulated in the hedge reserve and hedging costs reserve
Generally, trade receivables fall due for payment within 30 days, is immediately reclassified to earnings. Exchange rate changes
and all trade receivables are therefore classified as current assets. regarding receivables and liabilities related to operations are recognized
Trade receivables are held solely for the purpose of collecting in operating profit or loss, whereas exchange rate changes regarding
contractual cash flows, and are thus measured at amortized cost. financial receivables and liabilities are recognized in net financial
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents consist of funds and balances immedi- Amortization of financial assets
ately available at banks and similar institutions. The Group assesses future anticipated credit losses linked to assets
recognized at amortized cost. The Group recognizes a credit
Liabilities reserve for such anticipated credit losses on each reporting date.
The Group’s other financial liabilities are initially recognized at For trade receivables, the Group applies the simplified model for credit
fair value, net of transaction costs. Other financial liabilities are reserves — that is, the reserve will correspond to the anticipated
subsequently recognized at amortized cost using the effective-rate loss over the entire life of the trade receivable. Expected credit
method. Non-current liabilities have an expected tenor longer than losses are recognized in consolidated operating profit or loss.
Transaction risks can be utilized without reservation. At the end of 2019, unutilized
The Group’s net flows of payments in foreign currencies give rise credits amounted to SEK 559 M. The maturity dates of the loans
to transaction risks. The total value of net flows in foreign curren- are shown in Note 23.
cies amounted to a value of approximately SEK 607 M.
The currency flows with the greatest impact on earnings are Capital risk
inflows in USD and EUR to SEK. An exchange rate difference The Group’s goal with regard to the capital structure is to safe-
of 10% between EUR and SEK affects the Group’s earnings by guard the Group’s ability to remain in business so that it can
approximately SEK 13 M, while the effect of a similar change continue generating return to the shareholders and benefit for
between USD and SEK is approximately SEK 23 M and an exchange other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal capital structure
rate difference between CAD and SEK yields an earnings impact of in order to keep the cost of capital down.
SEK 55 M. Net flows are not hedged. The Group’s long-term goal is that the equity/assets ratio should
exceed 40%. The equity/assets ratio at 31 December 2019 was
Translation risks 57.8%.
Total non-restricted equity in foreign companies amounted to
approximately SEK 1,275 M. This is an investment in foreign cur- Sustainability risks
rencies which gives rise to translation risk when translated to SEK. Based on the materiality analysis performed in 2017, we have con-
This exposure is hedged in part by borrowing in the corresponding tinued our long-term sustainability efforts. The four areas identi-
currency. The currencies that are affected the most by changes in fied as particularly important remain:
exchange rates are the EUR and SEK, with a 10% change between
the two yielding a currency impact of approximately SEK 17 M. Bullying and harassment
A 10% change in exchange rates between CZK and SEK yields a It is highly likely that bullying and harassment take place, but it is
currency effect of approximately SEK 15 M, while a similar change difficult to know the extent since it is often surrounded by silence.
between USD and SEK would entail a currency impact of approxi- Management: A whistleblower service for employees to anony-
mately SEK 55 M. Other currencies affected are SEK against CAD, mously or openly report any offenses was introduced and estab-
where a 10% change yields a change in exchange rate of SEK 22 M, lished in 2018. The service is available to all employees in the Group.
and for SEK against PLN a change in exchange rate of SEK 12 M. One report was made in 2019. The Group-wide efforts around core
values continued during the year. These activities include studying
Interest rate risk needs for new policies and guidelines.
Interest rate risk refers to the risk that changes in the interest rate
level will have a negative impact on the Group’s earnings. Borrow- Corruption in the purchasing organization
ing with a fixed interest rate exposes the Group to an interest rate The risk of corruption is deemed to be highest in connection with
risk with respect to fair value. purchasing and procurement.
In June 2019, the Group signed a new financing agreement, a Management: The VBG Group Code of Conduct outlines the
revolving facility of SEK 1,300 M and an overdraft facility of SEK types of relationships that the Group’s employees are to have
100 M. It is a three-year agreement with two extensions of one with suppliers and partners. The VBG Group arranges an online
year each. The loan currently bears a three-month interest rate. anti-corruption training course every year to raise awareness
The maturity dates of the loans are shown in Note 23. among managers and employees. 435 people were selected to
take part in the training for 2019. At year end, all the selected
Credit risk employees had undergone the training.
Credit risk refers to the risk that one party in a transaction will be
unable to fulfill its obligations, causing the other party a loss. The Child/slave labor among suppliers/sub-suppliers
risk that customers will default on payment for delivered products The risk of child or slave labor is highest in high-risk countries
is minimized by thorough checks of new customers and follow-up in Asia, South America and Africa.
of the payment behavior of existing customers. Management: The VBG Group Code of Conduct regulates
The Group’s trade receivables amounted to SEK 467 M at year the requirements that the Group imposes on its suppliers. We do
end and are recognized at the amounts that are expected to be not accept slave labor or child workers as a labor force. We have
paid. All receivables are expected to be paid within 12 months. procedures in place for continuous monitoring and control to
The geographic distribution of the trade receivables largely ensure supplier compliance. We require our suppliers to accept
matches the distribution of sales by region. The Group’s bad our Code of Conduct or have their own similar code of conduct.
debt losses normally amount to less than 0.05% of sales; refer to
Note 24. The finance policy regulates how credit risk is minimized Discrimination
for financial instruments. This is done by restricting short-term The risk of discrimination varies between different countries, as
investments to interest-bearing instruments with low risk and do the underlying reasons for discrimination. This is why discrimi-
high liquidity and by limiting the maximum amount that may be nation can often be difficult to detect.
invested with any given counterparty. Management: Work is being conducted to establish Group-wide
processes for recruitment and salary levels to minimize the risk of
Liquidity risk discrimination.
Liquidity risk, in other words the risk of not being able to meet the
Group’s capital needs, is controlled by having sufficient cash and
cash equivalents and granted but unutilized credit facilities that
• Truck & Trailer Equipment is an internationally leading supplier • Ringfeder Power Transmission is a global market leader in
of systems to customers in the truck industry and includes the selected niches within mechanical power transmission as well
brands VBG and Ringfeder for coupling equipment and as energy and shock absorption. The operation includes the
Onspot for automatic tire chains as well as Edscha TS and Ringfeder and Henfel brands. The customers are machine
Sesam as a supplier of sliding roofs for trailers. Customers are manufacturers, companies in the mining industry and other
mainly truck manufacturers, body builders, trailer manufacturers, high-tech companies all over the world.
haulers and importers. No sales are transacted between the divisions, and unallocated
• Mobile Climate Control is, through its own brand, an indus- costs are Group-wide overheads. Assets in each division consist
try-leading supplier of complete climate control systems primarily of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets,
(HVAC systems) to commercial motor vehicles, primarily in inventories and receivables, but exclude cash on hand and securities.
North America and Europe. The customers are mainly found Liabilities consist of operating liabilities but not tax. Investments
in four market segments: buses, off-road vehicles, utility consist of purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangible
vehicles and defense vehicles. assets.
Truck & Trailer Mobile Climate Ringfeder Power
Sales per geographical area 2019 Equipment Control Transmission Group
Truck & Trailer Mobile Climate Ringfeder Power
Sales per geographical area 2018 Equipment Control Transmission Group
2019 2018
Royalty income 32 31
Capital gain on property, plant and equipment 20 681
Exchange rate differences — 21,166
Other 8,655 3,670
Total 8,707 25,548
2019 2018
2019 2018
Salaries and other Social security Salaries and other Social security
remuneration contributions remuneration contributions
Salaries and other remuneration broken down by country and among Board members, etc. and other employees:
2019 2018
Board and President Other employees Board and President Other employees
2019 2018
Average number of employees Number of employees Of whom men Number of employees Of whom men
Parent Company
Sweden 8 5 9 5
Total in Parent Company 8 5 9 5
Sweden 210 181 206 177
Norway 7 6 7 6
Denmark 5 4 5 4
France 3 3 3 3
Belgium 15 9 14 9
UK 8 4 8 5
Germany 160 127 150 104
Czech Republic 136 81 142 84
Poland 167 102 175 116
US 223 181 214 160
Canada 443 403 433 387
China 54 23 48 20
India 45 32 29 27
Brazil 99 90 106 95
South Africa 13 7 12 8
Total in subsidiaries 1,588 1,253 1,552 1,205
Group total 1,596 1,258 1,561 1,210
Remuneration to Board members and senior executives of basic salary, variable remuneration, other benefits, pension and
In accordance with a resolution by the 2019 AGM, the Chairman other remuneration. By “other senior executives” is meant the
and members of the Board receive a total of SEK 1,750,000 in five persons (including Clas Gunneberg) who, together with the
fixed annual fees. Of the total fee, SEK 100,000 is paid to the President, comprise Group Management. The proportions of
Audit Committee and SEK 50,000 to the Compensation Commit- basic salary and variable remuneration should be commensurate
tee, to be distributed by the Board of Directors. with the individual’s powers and responsibilities. For the President,
Employees of VBG Group AB (publ) do not receive a Board fee. variable remuneration may not exceed 50% of basic salary. The
Remuneration to the President and other senior executives consists variable remuneration of other senior executives may not exceed
33–50% of their basic salary. The variable remuneration is based Board of Directors and senior executives
on actual outcome in relation to set goals. Pension benefits and 2019 2018
other benefits for the President and other senior executives are Number Number
payable as a part of the total remuneration. The retirement age on Of on Of
closing whom closing whom
for the President and other senior executives is 65 years. date men date men
The President has an employment contract that expires with a
notice of termination of six months. Variable remuneration is not Group
(incl. subsidiaries)
pensionable. The President can set aside 35% of his fixed salary
Board members 28 24 27 23
in pension provisions. Variable remuneration is not pensionable.
In the event his employment is terminated by the Company, the Presidents and
other senior executives 37 35 37 35
President is entitled to receive six months of employment benefits
and severance pay equivalent to 12 months’ salary. The equivalent
period for other senior officers is 6–18 months. Compensation to All Board members in the Group’s subsidiaries are employees.
the President for the 2019 fiscal year has been determined by “Senior executives” refers to Group Management and Division
the Compensation Committee. Compensation to other senior Management teams, and the persons who are Presidents of the
executives has been determined by the President in consultation subsidiaries.
with the Compensation Committee.
As of the 2018 AGM, all Board fees are paid as salaries to Board 2019 2018
members. The payments occur twice a year, with the result that Number Number
the cost in 2019 pertains to half of the Board fees resolved at the on Of on Of
2018 AGM and to half of the Board fees resolved at the 2019 closing whom closing whom
date men date men
2018 corresponds to one and a half years of Board fees owing Parent Company
to the new payment plan. Board members 8 5 9 6
Presidents and
Related-party disclosures other senior executives 5 4 6 5
There have been no related party transactions in 2019 that have
significantly affected the company’s financial position and results.
Cost of goods sold 51,663 37,410 — — The difference between the tax expense according to the Swedish
Selling expenses 42,963 34,267 — — tax rate and the actual tax rate comprises the following sub-items:
Administrative expenses 13,698 6,669 1,120 2,592 Non-recurring effect of new tax rate in Sweden – from 22.0%
Research and to 21.4% – regarding deferred tax totals SEK 5.3 M.
development costs 4,494 1,457 — —
Total depreciation/amortization 112,818 79,803 1,120 2,592 Group Parent Company
2019 2018 2019 2018
Group Parent Company The Group has allocated goodwill to three cash-generating units
2019 2018 2019 2018 that correspond to the lowest level at which goodwill is monitored
as part of the internal control in the Group, which coincides with
Trademarks, customer
relationships and other the Group’s three divisions.
intangible assets Goodwill and trademarks are subjected to impairment testing
Opening costs 968,836 962,488 34,687 34,687 annually and when there are indications of impairment losses.
Purchases for the year 30,566 2,230 — — The recoverable amount for cash-generating units is determined
Sale and retirement of by the company management and is based on discounted cash
assets –1,397 –390 — — flows for the 2020 budget and business plans up to 2022.
Translation differences 3,008 4,509 — — For the period after the forecast interval, sustained growth
Closing accumulated of 2.0% (2.0) is estimated, which is deemed to correspond to
costs 1,001,013 968,836 34,687 34,687 long-term inflation assumptions. With the above assumptions
and using a discount rate of 8.0% (8.0) after tax, the value in
Opening amortization –169,947 –134,616 –33,852 –31,664
use exceeds the carrying amount for these three cash-generating
Amortization for the year –32,110 –31,655 –453 –2,189
divisions. The discount rate was determined based on expected
Sale and retirement of cost of capital, weighted between borrowed capital and equity.
assets 1,281 371 — —
An increase in the discount rate of 1 percentage point and a
Translation differences –3,018 –4,047 — —
decrease in operating profit of 20% would, individually, not
Closing accumulated
give rise to any impairment of goodwill in any of the divisions.
amortization –203,794 –169,947 –34,306 –33,852
In 2019, the Group acquired all rights to BPW’s drawbar program.
Closing balance 797,219 798,889 381 835
The acquisition plan comprises a purchase price of EUR 2.4 M, and
of which brands 764,075 792,423 168 372 assets have been identified in the form of customer relationships
I ncludes the Mobile Climate Control brand with totaling EUR 1.9 M and other intangible assets t otaling EUR 0.5 M.
an indefinite useful life of SEK 400 M (400). No liabilities were identified in conjunction with the acquisition.
Goodwill 2019 2018
Goodwill is allocated to the Group’s divisions
as follows: 2019 2018
NOTE 14 | IFRS 16
Parent Company
Interests in Group companies 2019 2018
Specification of interests in Group companies Share of equity, % Share of votes, % Carrying amount
Corporate identity numbers and domiciles of Group companies Corp. ID No. Domicile
Corporate identity numbers and domiciles of Group companies Corp. ID No. Domicile
European Trailer Systems GmbH Moers, Germany
Kamenice nad Lipou,
European Trailer Systems s.r.o. Czech Republic
Ringfeder Power Transmission GmbH Gross-Umstadt, Germany
Ringfeder Power Transmission India Private Ltd Chennai, India
Ringfeder Power Transmission s.r.o. Dobrany, Czech Republic
Kunshan Ringfeder Power Transmission Co., Ltd Kunshan, China
Ringfeder Power Transmission Tschan GmbH Neunkirchen, Germany
Tschan India Private Ltd Gurgaon, India
Ringfeder Power Transmission USA Corp Westwood, USA
Henfel Industria Metalurgica Ltda. Jaboticabal, Brazil
Mobile Climate Control Group Holding AB, Sweden 556723–5642 Vänersborg, Sweden
Mobile Climate Control Sverige AB, Sweden 556535–3074 Norrtälje, Sweden
Mobile Climate Control China Holding AB, Sweden 556819–6629 Vänersborg, Sweden
Mobile Climate Control Manufacturing Co Ltd, China Ningbo, China
Mobile Climate Control Trading Co Ltd, China Ningbo, China
Mobile Climate Control Corp., USA Goshen IN, USA
Mobile Climate Control Inc., Canada Toronto, Canada
Mobile Climate Control Sp. Zo.o., Poland Olawa, Poland
Mobile Climate Control Africa (PTY) Ltd, South Africa Durban, South Africa
Mobile Climate Control Australia (PTY) Ltd, Australia Melbourne, Australia
MCC do Brasil Ltda. Brazil
Mobile Climate Control Thermal Systems India Pvt Ltd Bangalore, India
Mobile Climate Control GmbH Renningen, Germany
As of 2019, the Swedish corporate tax rate was lowered to 21.4% from the previous 22.0%. Deferred taxes have been restated based
on the tax rate in force at the time the deferred tax is expected to be settled. The Parent Company’s deferred tax liability is included in
the line item “untaxed reserves.”
Inventories 2019 2018
The obsolescence reserve for outgoing inventories amounts to SEK 58,916 thousand (66,037), divided among: Truck & Trailer Equipment,
SEK 21,598 thousand (18,205); Ringfeder Power Transmission SEK 12,402 thousand (20,490); and Mobile Climate Control, 24,916
thousand (27,342).
Share capital comprises 26,196,024 shares with a quotient value There are thus 25,004,048 shares in free float, of which
of SEK 2.50. Of these, 2,440,000 are Series A shares carrying 10 2,440,000 are Series A shares and 22,564,048 Series B shares.
votes each. The remaining shares, Series B shares, total 23,756,024 For the full year, the average number of shares outstanding
and carry 1 vote each. was 25,004,048 (25,004,048).
The Annual General Meeting on 24 April 2002 resolved to At the AGM on April 25, 2018, a resolution was passed on a
repurchase every tenth Series B share for SEK 31.25 per share. long-term share-based incentive program based on options for the
All shareholders were offered the chance to sell back their shares. President, senior executives and certain other key personnel in the
1,191,976 shares were repurchased, which corresponds to 96% of Group, a total of approximately 50 persons. The program contains
the number that could be repurchased. At the same General Meeting, at most 375,000 call options, corresponding to approximately
the Board was authorized to use repurchased shares to pay for 0.9% of the total number of shares in the company.
acquisitions during the period up until the next AGM in 2003. This The price for the call options was established using a Black &
authorization has been extended repeatedly, most recently at the Scholes valuation at SEK 9.63, which corresponds to the market
2019 AGM to apply until the next AGM (2020). This authorization value of the options at acquisition. During 2018, 33 persons
had not been utilized at year-end, so all redeemed shares are still subscribed a total of 194,500 options at a value of SEK 1,873 M.
owned by VBG Group AB (publ).
Parent Company
2019 2018
2019 2018
Parent Company
Provisions in accordance with Swedish Pension Obligations Vesting Act
FPG/PRI pensions 12,935 13,060
Provisions in accordance with IAS 19
Defined-benefit pension plans 230,165 196,853
The amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheet for defined-benefit pension plans have been calculated as follows:
Sweden Germany countries Dec. 31, 2019 Total Dec. 31, 2018 Total
Similar to the preceding year, plan assets essentially comprise externally funded shares and corporate and government bonds.
Interest expense for pension plans is classified as financial expense. Other items are allocated in the operating profit as cost of goods sold,
selling or administrative expenses, depending on the employee’s function.
Other comprehensive income was negatively impacted by SEK 23,929 M (neg: 4,411), net after tax, as a result of the remeasurement of
defined-benefit pension plans.
The discount rate in Sweden for both 2019 and 2018 is based on Inflation risk
the interest rate for mortgage bonds with a comparable maturity. Pension plans in both Sweden and Germany are linked to inflation.
Through its defined-benefit pension plans, the Group is exposed A higher rate of inflation leads to an increase in liabilities. Because
to a number of risks, the most significant of which are described the Group mainly has unfunded plans, a higher rate of inflation will
below: increase liabilities without the occurrence of a corresponding rise in
value of plan assets.
Change in the return from bonds
A discount rate based on corporate bonds is used to determine Rate of salary increase
plan liabilities. A reduction in the interest rate on corporate bonds The Group’s pension obligation is exposed to changes in the rate of
will entail an increase in plan liabilities. Since most of the payments salary increase. Assumptions relating to the rate of salary increase
are made from unfunded plans, there is no corresponding value reflect the historic trend in salary expense, the short-term outlook
increase of plan assets. and forecast inflation.
Sensitivity of the defined-benefit obligation to changes in the weighted essential assumptions are:
Impact on defined benefit obligation
2019 Change in assumption Increase in assumption Decrease in assumption
The above sensitivity analysis is based on the change of one assumption, while all other assumptions remain constant. In reality, it is
improbable that this will occur and changes in some of the assumptions may be correlated. In the calculation of sensitivity in the
defined-benefit obligation for essential actuarial assumptions, the same method was used as for the calculation of pension liabilities
that are recognized in the statement of financial position.
2019 2018
Warranty obligations
The products sold by the VBG Group are covered by warranties that are valid for a predetermined period. Provisions for such product
warranties are based on historical data plus expected costs for quality problems that are known or can be foreseen.
In June 2019, the Group signed a new financing agreement with its conditional on net indebtedness/EBITDA. The financing agreement
primary bank, a revolving facility of SEK 1,300 M and an overdraft also allows the VBG Group to utilize the working capital facility
facility of SEK 100 M. It is a three-year agreement with the option (short-term loans) of SEK 10 M in CAD, that Mobile Climate Control
of two extensions of one year each. In conjunction with the new in Canada has with another bank. At year-end, this credit had been
agreement, previous loans were replaced with new ones that at unutilized.
December 31 totaled SEK 741.2 M. The financing agreement is
Age distribution of trade receivables and reserve for doubtful debts 2019 2018
The Group’s bad debt losses normally amount to less than 0.05% of sales.
The Group has overdraft facilities amounting to SEK 100 M (100), which remained unutilized at year-end. In addition,
there is a revolving credit facility totaling SEK 1,300 M, of which SEK 559 M was unutilized at year end.
Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated. They are these calculations (Note 12). The Group recognized a total inven-
based on historical experience and other factors, including expec- tory value of SEK 638,661 thousand (634,865) after obsolescence
tations of future events that may have a financial impact on the reserves of SEK 58,916 thousand (66,037). An obsolescence
entity and that are believed to be reasonable under the circum- reserve is recognized if the estimated net realizable value is lower
stances. The Group makes estimates and assumptions about the than the cost, and in conjunction with this, the Group makes esti-
future with regard to pensions (Note 21), provisions and restruc- mates and assessments regarding, for example, future market con-
turing costs (Note 22). The accounting estimates that result from ditions and the estimated net realizable value. These assessments
these assumptions will, by definition, seldom correspond to the are made in accordance with the Group’s obsolescence policy. This
actual result. Every year, the Group carries out impairment testing policy takes into account the past rate of scrapping and the time
of goodwill and trademarks with indeterminable lifetimes. Recov- certain items spend in inventory, which together with the actual
erable amounts for cash-generating units have been established by and estimated future sales volumes provide data for the obsoles-
calculation of value in use. Certain estimates must be made for cence reserve.
In proposing the dividend, the Board of Directors has taken into The following funds in the Parent Company
account the Parent Company’s and Group’s short- and long-term are available for distribution by the AGM:
liquidity requirements, development potential, financial position
and investment needs. In light of these factors, the Board of Directors SEK 2019 2018
of VBG Group AB (publ) proposes that the 2019 AGM resolve on a
Retained earnings 1,194,310,475 1,084,697,423
dividend of SEK 5.00 per share (3.50) and no extra dividend (1.00)
for fiscal year 2019, which entails a disbursement of funds of SEK Net profit for the year 183,027,784 222,122,877
125.0 M (112.5) from the Parent Company, corresponding to 5.1% Total 1,377,338,259 1,306,820,300
of the Group’s equity or 8.4% of the Parent Company’s equity at
year end. The Group reported profit after tax of SEK 299 M (273.0), The Board of Directors proposes that
which means that the proposed dividend comprises 41.7% (41.2) these funds be distributed as follows:
of the net profit for the year for the Group. SEK 2019 2018
The income statements and balance sheets will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting on 28 April 2020 for adoption.
The undersigned ensure that the consolidated accounts and annual accounts have been prepared in accordance
with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as approved by the EU and with generally accepted accounting policies
and give a true and fair view of the Group’s and the Company’s results of operations and financial position, and that the
Report of the Directors provides a true and fair view of the performance, financial position and results of operations of
the Group and the Company and describes significant risks and uncertainties faced by the companies included in the Group.
Johan Malmqvist
Authorized Public Accountant
Auditor’s report
Unofficial translation. To the general meeting of the shareholders of VBG Group AB (publ), corporate identity number 556069-0751
REPORT ON THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS an opinion on the consolidated financial statements as a whole,
AND CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS taking into account the structure of the Group, the accounting pro-
cesses and controls, and the industry in which the group operates.
Opinions When we designed our group audit strategy and group audit
We have audited the annual accounts and consolidated accounts plan, we assessed the scope and degree of the audit activities
of VBG Group AB (publ) for the year 2019. The annual accounts required to be executed by the group audit team, respective by
and consolidated accounts of the company are included on pages the component auditors in the PwC network. As a result of the
39–91 in this document. VBG group’s decentralized finance organization, a significant
In our opinion, the annual accounts have been prepared in portion of the group’s financial reporting is prepared in units
accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and present fairly, in located outside Sweden. This implies that a significant portion
all material respects, the financial position of parent company and of the audit needs to be executed by component auditors working
the group as of 31 December 2019 and its financial performance within the PwC network in other countries.
and cash flow for the year then ended in accordance with the When we assessed the degree of audit activity required to
Annual Accounts Act. The consolidated accounts have been pre- be executed in the respective units, we considered the group’s
pared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and present geographical spread, the size of the respective units, and the
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the group specific risk profile represented by the respective units. Against
as of 31 December 2019 and their financial performance and cash this background, we determined that a complete audit would be
flow for the year then ended in accordance with International executed as regards, in addition to the parent company’s financial
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the EU, and statements in Sweden, nine subsidiaries’ financial information.
the Annual Accounts Act. The statutory administration report is For those units for which a full audit could not be motivated,
consistent with the other parts of the annual accounts and consoli- specifically defined audit activities were, instead, undertaken by
dated accounts. component auditors on the basis of instructions from the group
We therefore recommend that the general meeting of share- audit team (one company). For other units deemed to be individually
holders adopts the income statement and balance sheet for the insignificant to the group audit, the group team executed analytical
parent company and the group. procedures at group level.
Our opinions in this report on the annual accounts and consoli- In the case the component auditors executed work which was
dated accounts are consistent with the content of the additional significant to our audit of the group, we evaluated, in our role as
report that has been submitted to the parent company’s Board group auditors, the need and degree of involvement required in
of Directors in accordance with the Audit Regulation (537/2014) the component auditors’ work, with the aim of determining
Article 11. whether sufficient audit evidence had been obtains as a basis for
our opinion in the group’s Auditor’s Report. With this aim, the
Basis for Opinions group audit team regularly visited the component auditors and
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards significant subsidiaries.
on Auditing (ISA) and generally accepted auditing standards in
Sweden. Our responsibilities under those standards are further Materiality
described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities section. We are indepen- The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality.
dent of the parent company and the group in accordance with An audit is designed to obtain reasonable assurance whether the
professional ethics for accountants in Sweden and have otherwise financial statements are free from material misstatement. Misstate-
fulfilled our ethical responsibilities in accordance with these ments may arise due to fraud or error. They are considered material
requirements. This includes that, based on the best of our knowl- if individually or in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected
edge and belief, no prohibited services referred to in the Audit to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of
Regulation (537/2014) Article 5.1 have been provided to the the consolidated financial statements.
audited company or, where applicable, its parent company or Based on our professional judgement, we determined certain
its controlled companies within the EU. quantitative thresholds for materiality, including the overall group
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient materiality for the consolidated financial statements as a whole.
and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions. These, together with qualitative considerations, helped us to determine
the scope of our audit and the nature, timing and extent of our
Our audit activities audit procedures and to evaluate the effect of misstatements, both
The focus of the audit and scope of the Audit individually and in aggregate on the financial statements as a whole.
We designed our audit by determining materiality and assessing
the risks of material misstatement in the consolidated financial Key audit matters
statements. In particular, we considered where management made Key audit matters of the audit are those matters that, in our
subjective judgements; for example, in respect of significant professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit
accounting estimates that involved making assumptions and of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of the current
considering future events that are inherently uncertain. As in all period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit
of our audits, we also addressed the risk of management override of, and in forming our opinion thereon, the annual accounts
of internal controls, including among other matters consideration and consolidated accounts as a whole, but we do not provide
of whether there was evidence of bias that represented a risk of a separate opinion on these matters.
material misstatement due to fraud. We tailored the scope of our
audit in order to perform sufficient work to enable us to provide
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Valuation of goodwill We have in our audit performed for example the following key
As at 31 December 2019, the group reports a goodwill totaling audit activities:
MSEK 1 143 which is divided between the group’s four divisions. • We have in our audit performed for example the following
The group also accounts for a brand of MSEK 400 with indefinite key audit activities:
useful life. • An assessment of the cash flow calculation’s mathematical
In accordance with IAS 36, the group tests, at least annually, correctness and a reconciliation of the cash flow forecasts
for any impairment requirement as regards reported goodwill and against the adopted budget for 2020 and against the prepared
other assets with indefinite useful lives. This testing is undertaken business plans for 2021–2022.
by the operation’s recoverable value being calculated and com- • Valuation and assessment to determine whether the company’s
pared with the reporting value of the operations. valuation model complies with generally accepted valuation
The recoverable value was determined by company management techniques.
on the basis of a calculation of the operation’s capacity to generate • On the basis of our own executed sensitivity analyses, we have
cash flow in the future (so-called value in use). challenged company management’s assumptions and tested
Impairment testing is important to our audit as goodwill and the safety margins and assessed the risk of an impairment
the brand with indefinite useful life represents a significant requirement.
amount in the balance sheet and, in addition, impairment testing We have also assessed whether the company has provided suf-
implies that company management must make significant estima- ficient disclosures in the annual report regarding the assump-
tions and judgements regarding future developments. tions which in the case of a change could lead to a write-down
Based on company management’s impairment testing, the of goodwill the brand with indefinite useful lives in the future.
Board of Directors has concluded that there was no write-down
requirement with regards goodwill or the brand with indefinite
useful lives as at 31 December 2019.
The most significant assumptions applied in this impairment
testing are described in Note 12.
Valuation of inventories Our audit activities included an evaluation of the group’s princi-
As at 31 December 2019, the group reports inventories in an ples for calculating obsolescence in the inventories.
amount of MSEK 639. With the aim of assessing the reasonableness of the company’s
Company management determine the value of inventories obsolescence provision, we have instructed our component audi-
based on the calculation of the acquisition costs, with deduction tors to examine and report to the group team on any possible
of estimated obsolescence. deviations from the statistically calculated obsolescence in accor-
The valuation of inventories is significant to our audit as the dance with the group-wide obsolescence policy.
valuation includes a number of estimations and judgements and, In those cases where company management have chosen to
in addition, the inventory value is significant. deviate from the statistically calculated obsolescence, we have
An important assessment which company management is undertaken a special testing of the reasonability of such deviations.
required to undertake in the valuation of the inventory refers to We have discussed with management, and examined minutes
the group’s capacity to be able to sell its products in the inventory from Board meetings and other important management meetings,
at a price in excess of acquisition cost, and, in this context, consider with the aim of identifying forecasted changes in the company’s
the risk of obsolescence. sales which could result in inventory articles being obsolete.
With the aim of identifying and consistently calculating the risk Finally, we have evaluated to ensure that the group has, in a
of obsolescence, company management has adopted a group-wide satisfactory manner, described its principles for the valuation of
obsolescence policy. This obsolescence policy considers the histori- inventories in the annual report, including the estimations and
cal scrappage rate, the staying time of individual articles in the judgements made in evaluating the inventory as at 31 December
inventory (slow moving articles), which, together with the actual 2019.
and assessed future sales volumes, provide company management
with a basis for determining a reasonable obsolescence provision.
The group’s principles for the valuation of inventories and
reporting of obsolescence are described in Note 1. Important
estimations and judgements applied in the accounting are
described in Note 30 in the annual report.
Other Information than the annual accounts the preparation of annual accounts and consolidated accounts that
and consolidated accounts are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
This document also contains other information than the annual In preparing the annual accounts and consolidated accounts,
accounts and consolidated accounts and is found on pages 1–38 in The Board of Directors and the Managing Director are responsible
this document. The Board of Directors and the Managing Director for the assessment of the company’s and the group’s ability to
are responsible for this other information. Our opinion on the continue as a going concern. They disclose, as applicable, matters
annual accounts and consolidated accounts does not cover this related to going concern and using the going concern basis of
other information and we do not express any form of assurance accounting. The going concern basis of accounting is however not
conclusion regarding this other information. In connection with applied if the Board of Directors and the Managing Director intend
our audit of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts, our to liquidate the company, to cease operations, or has no realistic
responsibility is to read the information identified above and alternative but to do so.
consider whether the information is materially inconsistent with
the annual accounts and consolidated accounts. In this procedure Auditor’s responsibility
we also take into account our knowledge otherwise obtained in Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
the audit and assess whether the information otherwise appears the annual accounts and consolidated accounts as a whole are free
to be materially misstated. If we, based on the work performed from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to
concerning this information, conclude that there is a material issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinions. Reasonable
misstatement of this other information, we are required to report assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee
that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard. that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs and generally
accepted auditing standards in Sweden will always detect a material
Responsibilities of the Board of Director’s misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud
and the Managing Director or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggre-
The Board of Directors and the Managing Director are responsible gate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic
for the preparation of the annual accounts and consolidated decisions of users taken on the basis of these annual accounts and
accounts and that they give a fair presentation in accordance consolidated accounts.
with the Annual Accounts Act and, concerning the consolidated A further description of our responsibility for the audit of the
accounts, in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU. The annual accounts and consolidated accounts is available on Revi-
Board of Directors and the Managing Director are also responsible sorsinspektionen’s website: www.revisorsinspektionen.se/revisorn-
for such internal control as they determine is necessary to enable sansvar. This description is part of the auditor´s report.
REPORT ON OTHER LEGAL AND lines and instructions and among other matters take measures that
REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS are necessary to fulfill the company’s accounting in accordance
with law and handle the management of assets in a reassuring
Opinions manner.
In addition to our audit of the annual accounts and consolidated
accounts, we have also audited the administration of the Board of Auditor’s responsibility
Director’s and the Managing Director of VBG Group AB (publ) for Our objective concerning the audit of the administration,
the year 2019 and the proposed appropriations of the company’s and thereby our opinion about discharge from liability, is to obtain
profit or loss. audit evidence to assess with a reasonable degree of assurance
We recommend to the general meeting of shareholders that the whether any member of the Board of Directors or the Managing
profit be appropriated in accordance with the proposal in the stat- Director in any material respect:
utory administration report and that the members of the Board of • has undertaken any action or been guilty of any omission which
Director’s and the Managing Director be discharged from liability can give rise to liability to the company, or
for the financial year. • in any other way has acted in contravention of the Companies
Act, the Annual Accounts Act or the Articles of Association.
Basis for Opinions
We conducted the audit in accordance with generally accepted
Our objective concerning the audit of the proposed appropriations
auditing standards in Sweden. Our responsibilities under those
of the company’s profit or loss, and thereby our opinion about this,
standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities
is to assess with reasonable degree of assurance whether the proposal
section. We are independent of the parent company and the
is in accordance with the Companies Act.
group in accordance with professional ethics for accountants in
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a
Sweden and have otherwise fulfilled our ethical responsibilities
guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with generally
in accordance with these requirements.
accepted auditing standards in Sweden will always detect actions
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
or omissions that can give rise to liability to the company, or that
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions.
the proposed appropriations of the company’s profit or loss are
not in accordance with the Companies Act.
Responsibilities of the Board of Director’s
A further description of our responsibility for the audit of the
and the Managing Director
administration is available on Revisorsinspektionen’s website:
The Board of Directors is responsible for the proposal for appropri-
www.revisorsinspektionen.se/revisornsansvar. This description is
ations of the company’s profit or loss. At the proposal of a dividend,
part of the auditor’s report.
this includes an assessment of whether the dividend is justifiable
Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, was appointed auditor of
considering the requirements which the company’s and the group’s
VBG Group AB (publ) by the general meeting of the shareholders
type of operations, size and risks place on the size of the parent
on the April 24, 2019 and has been the company’s auditor for
company’s and the group’ equity, consolidation requirements,
more than twenty years.
liquidity and position in general.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the company’s organi-
Göteborg 27 March 2020
zation and the administration of the company’s affairs. This
includes among other things continuous assessment of the company’s
Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB
and the group’s financial situation and ensuring that the company´s
organization is designed so that the accounting, management of
assets and the company’s financial affairs otherwise are controlled
Johan Malmqvist
in a reassuring manner. The Managing Director shall manage the
Authorized Public Accountant
ongoing administration according to the Board of Directors’ guide-
transferred, notwithstanding the shareholders’ pre-emption to the VBG Group far enough in advance so that the proposal
rights, and that non-cash payment (apport) can be made for such can be presented in the notice convening the AGM and at the
transferred shares. This authorization enables the Board to use same time on the VBG Group’s website.
the Company’s treasury shares as payment for acquired companies. The Nominating Committee strives for an even gender balance
The AGM resolved to accept the Board’s proposal for guide- and diversity in terms of breadth of qualifications, experience and
lines regarding remuneration and other terms of employment for background, which is also reflected in the current composition.
senior executives. The Nominating Committee applies rule 4.1 of the Swedish Cor-
Furthermore, the AGM resolved to appoint a Nominating porate Governance Code as its policy for diversity on the Board.
Committee comprising Göran Bengtsson (Herman Krefting Half of the members of the Nominating Committee are inde-
Foundation for Allergy and Asthma Research), Johnny Alvarsson pendent in relation to the company, the executive management
(Chairman of VBG Group AB), Per Trygg (SEB Asset Management and the shareholder with the most votes, the Herman Krefting
SA) and Johan Lannebo (Lannebo Fonder), with Göran Bengtsson Foundation for Allergy and Asthma Research.
as Chairman. Member Jessica Malmsten declined re-election ahead of the
On April 24, 2019, it was announced that the 2020 AGM 2020 AGM. The Nominating Committee proposes the re-election
would take place in Vänersborg at 5:00 p.m. on April 28, 2020. of Johnny Alvarsson, who is also proposed for re-election as the
Chairman of the Board, Peter Augustsson, Louise Nicolin, Mats R.
Nominating Committee Karlsson and Anders Birgersson (President), as well as the election
The Nominating Committee is appointed by the AGM and, for of Anna Stålenbring as a new Board member. Anna Stålenbring
the 2020 AGM, consists of the following members: has a graduate degree in Business Administration from Växjö Uni-
• Göran Bengtsson, Herman Krefting Foundation for Allergy versity and is presently the owner and Senior Adviser at A Advi-
and Asthma Research, also the Chairman of the Nominating sory AB. Previously, Anna worked for more than 20 years at Nefab
Committee AB in Jönköping, initially as Chief Accountant, then as CFO and
• Johnny Alvarsson, Chairman of VBG Group AB then EVP Head of M&A and Legal and IR. Anna is on the Board
• Per Trygg, SEB Asset Management SA of Troax AB, FM Mattsson AB and Investment AB Chiffonjén.
• Johan Lannebo, Lannebo Fonder The proposal of the Nominating Committee regarding fees to
the Board and the Audit and Compensation Committees entails
The task of the Nominating Committee is to present proposals to an increase to SEK 1,800,000 (1,750,000). Allocation of the fees
the AGM on behalf of the shareholders for election of a Chairman is proposed as follows: SEK 600,000 (600,000) to the Chairman
and other members of the Board of Directors as well as proposals of the Board and SEK 250,000 (250,000) each to the other Board
for fees and other remuneration for Board work and auditors’ members.
fees. The Nominating Committee shall also submit nominations Of the total fee, SEK 150,000 (100,000) is to be paid to the
for election of an auditor based on discussions in the VBG Group’s Audit Committee and SEK 50,000 (50,000) to the Compensation
Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. Committee, to be distributed by the Board of Directors. No fee is
When the Nominating Committee nominates a Chairman paid to the President.
and other members of the Board of Directors, it shall issue a Furthermore, the Nominating Committee proposes to the
statement to the effect that the nominated individuals are to 2020 AGM the re-election of Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers
be regarded as independent in relation to the company and the as auditor for a period of one year, with Johan Malmqvist as
executive management as well as major shareholders in the auditor in charge. Fees to auditors are proposed to be paid as
company. The Nominating Committee’s proposals shall be given billed, upon approval, for work performed.
Compensation Committee
Johnny Alvarsson Chairman 2004 / Audit Committee Yes No
Peter Augustsson Board member 2011 Audit Committee Yes Yes
Louise Nicolin Board member 2014 Audit Committee Yes Yes
Jessica Malmsten Board member 2016 Audit Committee Yes Yes
Compensation Committee
Mats R. Karlsson Board member 2018 / Audit Committee Yes Yes
Board member,
Anders Birgersson President and CEO 2001 Audit Committee No No
5/6 4/6
Shareholders representing more than 75% of the total number following the AGM. The Board is also called to attend Extraordinary
of votes in VBG Group AB propose that the 2020 AGM appoint Meetings whenever the situation warrants. Company officers take
the following persons to the Nominating Committee: part in Board meetings as rapporteurs, and the company’s CFO
• Göran Bengtsson, Herman Krefting Foundation for Allergy also serves as secretary.
and Asthma Research, also as the Chairman of the Nominating The company’s auditor reports his observations every year
Committee based on his review and gives his assessment of the company’s
• Johnny Alvarsson, Chairman of VBG Group AB internal control.
• Johan Lannebo, Lannebo Fonder
• Per Trygg, SEB Asset Management SA Role of the Chairman
The Chairman organizes and leads the work of the Board of Direc-
Composition of the Board of Directors tors so that it complies with the Swedish Companies Act, other laws
The members of the Board of Directors are elected annually by and ordinances, rules governing stock market companies (including
the AGM for the period up until the next AGM. VBG Group AB the Code) and the Board’s internal governance documents.
has not established a specific age limit for the Board members The Chairman monitors the company’s operations via continuous
nor a time limit for how long someone may sit on the Board. contacts with the President and is responsible for ensuring that
The 2019 AGM elected Board members Johnny Alvarsson, other Board members receive relevant information and documents.
Anders Birgersson (President), Peter Augustsson, Louise Nicolin, The Chairman also ensures that an annual evaluation is conducted
Jessica Malmsten and Mats R. Karlsson. Johnny Alvarsson was of the work of the Board and the President, and that the results
elected Chairman of the Board and no Deputy Chairman was of this evaluation are communicated to the Nominating Committee.
elected. There is a presentation of the Board members and their According to the by-laws of the shareholder in the VBG Group
assignments on pages 104–105. AB with the most votes, the Herman Krefting Foundation for
In addition to the six members elected by the AGM, the trade Allergy and Asthma Research, the company’s Chairman shall be
unions Unionen/Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers/ a member of the board of the Foundation.
Ledarna and IF Metall each appointed one member and one
deputy member. Board committees
The number of AGM-elected members for the 2020 AGM The Board of Directors appointed both an Audit Committee and
who are independent in relation to the company, according to a Compensation Committee for the period up until the 2020 AGM.
the requirements for listing on the stock exchange, is judged
to be five. Furthermore, four members are also judged to be Compensation Committee
independent of the company’s major shareholders and all six At the statutory Board meeting in April 2019, the Board of Direc-
members meet the requirements relating to experience. The tors appointed a Compensation Committee consisting of Johnny
President is the only Board member who works actively in the Alvarsson (chairman) and Mats R. Karlsson. The Committee had
company. two meetings during 2019 where it discussed remuneration and
other terms of employment for the President and senior execu-
The work of the Board of Directors tives in the Group. The President was co-opted, but did not
The work of the Board follows an annual plan designed to satisfy participate in the discussion when remuneration to the President
the need of the Board for information. In all other respects, the was addressed.
work of the Board is subject to the special rules of procedure The principle applied within the Group is that the manager’s
the Board has adopted governing the division of responsibilities manager should approve decisions in compensation matters. A
between the Board, its committees and the CEO. According to presentation was made at the AGM of the Board’s proposal for
the adopted rules of procedure, the Board of Directors holds guidelines for remuneration to the President and other senior
eight ordinary meetings per year, including the statutory meeting executives. The AGM adopted the guidelines in accordance with
the Board’s proposal. Information on the Board’s proposal to the
2020 AGM for guidelines for remuneration to the President and
Attendance at Board meetings in 2019 senior executives is provided on pages 102–103.
Information on remuneration in 2019 is provided in Notes 6
Board of Audit Compensation and 7 on pages 76–77.
Board members Directors Committee Committee
Board activities in 2019 Over the short term, the Group works on one annual business
Prior to each Board meeting, an agenda is sent out to the Board plan (operations and finance) per division, which are then moni-
members along with in-depth information on the business at tored monthly and for rolling twelve months. With each quarterly
hand. Nine (12) meetings were held during the 2019 fiscal year, report, the divisions and the Group provide an outlook for the
of which four (February, April, August and October) were held remainder of the fiscal year. This provides the Parent Company
in connection with the publication of the company’s quarterly and the Board with the documentation for any decisions on
reports. One meeting in March was held to adopt the 2018 adjustments or the need for necessary measures. For the longer
Year-end/Annual Report and the annual statutory Board meeting planning horizon, the business plans also contain bigger activities
was held immediately after the AGM. In conjunction with the and financial information for an additional two years, which is
October meeting, the Board visited BusWorld 2019, the major important for strategic governance and financial planning by the
international bus exhibition, in Brussels, Belgium. The business Group over the slightly longer term.
plan for 2020 was adopted at the December meeting. The other Different business processes such as marketing, sales, purchasing
two Board meetings in September and November primarily and production are used to manage the operational activities in
address issues related to acquisitions. each division in order to achieve the activity goals that have been
Operational activities Earnings are followed up through regular financial reports, and
The President is responsible for the VBG Group AB’s day-to-day the results of adopted measures are followed up through supple-
administration, and rules established by the Board of Directors mentary follow-up reports.
govern the President’s power of decision regarding investments
and financing matters. Auditors
The auditing firm of Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB (PwC)
President and CEO was elected by the 2019 AGM as auditor for a period of one
President Anders Birgersson, MSc. Eng., has been employed by the year, with authorized public accountant Johan Malmqvist as
VBG Group AB since 2001 and has been active in the engineering auditor in charge.
industry since 1984 with a focus on logistics, production, product The audit includes a statutory annual audit of VBG Group AB’s
development and senior management at ABB, SKF and ESAB. annual accounts, a statutory audit of the Parent Company and
As President of VBG Group AB, Anders Birgersson is also a all significant subsidiaries (where required), an audit of internal
member of the boards of the Herman Krefting Foundation for report packages, an audit of the year-end closing and a general
Allergy and Asthma Research, the SLK Employees’ Foundation review of one interim report. Reviews of internal control are
and the VBG-SLK Foundation, in keeping with the by-laws of the included as a part of the work.
owner foundations. In the autumn, a meeting and dialogue is held with executive
The President holds 1,017 shares and 20,000 warrants. management and, where necessary, the Chairman of the Audit
Committee for analysis of the organization, operations, business
Group Management processes and balance sheet items for the purpose of identifying
Group Management comprises four persons from the Parent areas involving an elevated risk of errors in the financial report-
Company: President and CEO Anders Birgersson; Chief Financial ing. A general review of the year-end closing is performed for the
Officer Claes Wedin; Bo Hedberg, Senior Vice President of Busi- period January–September. An early warning review of the third
ness Development; and Christina Holgerson, Senior Vice Presi- quarter accounts is conducted in October-November, followed
dent of HR and Corporate Responsibility. Anders Erkén, Executive by an early warning meeting with company management and
Vice President of VBG Group and Division Manager Truck & the Audit Committee where important issues for the annual
Trailer Equipment with responsibility for the Ringfeder Power closing are raised. Review and audit of the year-end and annual
Transmission division, is also part of Group Management. Former reports is performed in January–March.
Group Management member Clas Gunneberg, Executive Vice During 2019, in addition to the audit assignment, the VBG
President VBG Group and Division Manager, Mobile Climate Group consulted PwC on taxes, transfer price matters and
Control left the Group during the year and Anders Birgersson accounting matters. The amount of remuneration paid to PwC
took up the post as manager of the division. in 2019 is shown in Note 7 on page 78.
Group Management holds regular monthly meetings and deals PwC is obliged to assess its independence prior to providing
with such matters as earnings performance and reports prior to independent advice to the VBG Group in addition to its auditing
and after Board meetings, strategy and business planning, discus- assignments.
sions of goals, investments, internal control, policies and review
of the market situation, the economic trend and other external Report on internal control
factors that affect the business. Furthermore, Group and division- This section contains the Board’s annual report on how internal
related major projects are discussed and decided on. control is organized in so far as it pertains to financial reporting.
Information on Group Management is provided on pages The point of departure for the description has been the Code’s
106–107. rules and the guidance provided by working groups within the
Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and FAR.
Internal governance processes The Board’s responsibility for internal control is described in
Governance of the VBG Group is based on the vision, business the Swedish Companies Act, and the internal control regarding
concept and strategies of the Group and its divisions. Under the financial reporting is covered by the Board’s reporting instruction
Board of Directors, the CEO and the Group Management, to the President. The VBG Group’s financial reporting complies
responsibility for operational activities has been decentralized to with the laws and rules that apply to companies listed on the
the three divisions. Responsibility for the coordination of certain Stockholm Stock Exchange and the local rules that apply in each
functions such as accounting and finance, HR, IT, legal affairs, country where business is conducted.
intellectual property, and acquisition-related matters rests with Besides external rules and recommendations there are internal
the Parent Company. instructions, directions and systems, as well as an internal
PROPOSAL FOR GUIDELINES REGARDING REMUNERATION Variable remuneration is to be limited and based on the finan-
AND OTHER TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT FOR SENIOR cial performance of the Group or respective division compared
EXECUTIVES (ITEM 11) with established goals. For senior executives, the annual variable
The Board of Directors proposes that the 2020 AGM resolve to portion will depend on position and contract. Variable remunera-
adopt the guidelines below for remuneration to senior executives. tion can amount to a maximum of 50% of the senior executive’s
fixed annual salary.
Scope and application of the guidelines Pension benefits in general will correspond to pension benefits
The guidelines pertain to remuneration and other terms of as provided by law and collective agreement (the ITP plan). It is,
employment for the Group Management of VBG Group and however, possible for the executive to opt for other pension
other senior executives. The Board’s proposal conforms to the arrangements at the same cost to VBG Group. Pension benefits
remuneration policies of previous years and is based on agree- can amount to a maximum of 35% of the senior executive’s fixed
ments already signed between the company and the respective annual salary.
executives. The preparation of remuneration issues is managed Other benefits could entail a company car, health care and
by the Compensation Committee, which completes the tasks the other similar benefits. Other benefits will comprise a smaller
Committee has under the Swedish Corporate Governance Code. share of total remuneration, and can correspond to a maximum
The guidelines are to be applied to contracted remuneration, of 12% of the senior executive’s fixed annual salary.
and to changes in previously contracted remuneration after For conditions of employment covered by laws and regulations
adoption by the 2020 AGM. in a country other than Sweden, reasonable adjustments as far as
The guidelines do not cover remuneration resolved by the pension and other benefits can be made to comply with compul-
General Meeting such as Board fees and share-based incentive sory laws or local practices, whereupon the overall purposes of
programs. these guidelines must be satisfied to the greatest extent possible.
How the guidelines promote VBG Group’s business strategy, Criteria for disbursement of variable remuneration
long-term interests and sustainability The criteria forming the basis for disbursement of variable remu-
Briefly put, VBG Group’s business strategy within selected prod- neration are to be adopted yearly by the Board for the purpose of
uct and market segments entails acquiring, owning and develop- ensuring the criteria are in line with VBG Group’s current business
ing industrial companies in business-to-business commerce with strategy and earnings targets. The criteria may be individual or
strong brands and good growth potential. VBG Group strives to shared, financial or otherwise and must be designed in a way that
be the number one or number two player in these niches. Based they promote VBG Group’s business strategy, sustainability strat-
on a long-term commitment and with a focus on growth and egy and long-term interests, which means the criteria must be
profitability, the VBG Group’s shareholders will be offered clearly linked to the company’s business strategy and objectives.
zattractive value growth. The business concept is a tried and The financial criteria forming the basis of any variable remu-
tested one, having proved very successful over time. neration must be based on earnings per share and operating
To successfully implement VBG Group’s business and sustain- profit (EBIT, or alternately EBITA).
ability strategy and safeguard VBG Group’s long term interests, The non-financial criteria forming the basis of any variable
it will be necessary for VBG Group to recruit and retain manage- remuneration must be linked to clear and measurable opera-
ment with strong competence and the capacity to reach the tions-related targets, such as ones that benefit the general finan-
goals it has set. This requires VBG Group’s ability to offer com- cial criteria, earnings per share and operating profit. The targets
petitive remuneration. These guidelines promote VBG Group’s can also be at the level of specific divisions, and linked to the
business strategy, long-term interests and sustainability by pro- division’s business development, business plan or other significant
viding the company with the possibility of offering senior execu- activities decided on by the Board or Group Management. The
tives competitive remuneration. criteria can also be linked to the employee themselves, for exam-
ple personal goals to be fulfilled under a performance plan.
Forms of remuneration The period forming the basis for assessing whether or not the
VBG Group’s remuneration system must be market-related and criteria have been met (the measurement period) must be at least
competitive. Remuneration can be paid in fixed cash salary, one year. The extent to which the criteria have been met will
variable remuneration, pension and other customary forms. be determined by the Compensation Committee after the con-
Fixed remuneration shall be individual to each senior executive clusion of the measurement period. The assessment of whether
and based on the executive’s areas of responsibility and perfor- or not criteria have been met must be based on the latest financial
mance. information released by VBG Group. The Board of Directors
decides on disbursement of variable remuneration in accordance that the General Meeting is to resolve on and regarding remuner-
with preparations by the Compensation Committee. ation structures and levels in VBG Group.
In accordance with its agreements, the company does not have The Board of Directors will prepare proposals for new guide-
the possibility of demanding repayment of variable remuneration. lines when substantial changes to the guidelines are required, but
at least once every four years. The Board of Directors will present
Salaries and conditions of employment for employees the proposal for resolution at the AGM. The guidelines will be in
For the purpose of assessing the reasonability of the guidelines, force until new guidelines are adopted by the General Meeting.
the Board took salaries and conditions of employment for VBG For the purpose of avoiding conflicts of interest, senior executives
Group’s employees into account when preparing these guidelines. will not be present while the Board of Directors addresses and
In this connection, the Board of Directors has examined information decides on issues related to remuneration, to the extent such
regarding total remuneration to employees, the forms the remu- issues concern them.
neration consists of, how remuneration levels have changed over
time and at what pace. Departure from the guidelines
The Board of Directors may decided to temporarily depart from
Period of notice and severance pay the guidelines if, in an individual case, there are particular reasons
Senior executives are permanently employed. The period of for doing so and a departure is necessary to provide for VBG
notice from the company is 6–12 months, and from the senior Group’s long-term interests and sustainability, or to ensure VBG
executive 3–6 months. Group’s financial strength.
Severance pay in addition to salary during the period of notice Particular reasons may, for example, consist of a departure
may not exceed the senior executive’s fixed annual salary. The being deemed necessary to recruit or maintain key persons, or
sum total of fixed salary during the period of notice and severance under extraordinary circumstances such as VBG Group achieving
pay may not exceed an amount corresponding to the senior exec- a given desired result in less time than planned, VBG Group sign-
utive’s fixed salary for 24 months. ing a given agreement in less time and under better conditions
Remuneration may be paid for a non-competition commit- that anticipated, or VBG Group increasing in value or increasing
ment. Such remuneration must compensate for any loss of its sales or profits to a greater extent than forecast.
income, and will only be paid to the extent the former senior
executive lacks the right to severance pay. Remuneration can
total a maximum of 60% of the senior executive’s fixed salary
at the time notice is given, if not otherwise stipulated by law,
the mandatory provisions of a collective bargaining agreement
or established practice. Such remuneration may be paid during
the period the non-competition obligation is in force, which may
be a maximum of twelve months after the termination of
For conditions of employment covered by laws and regulations
in a country other than Sweden, reasonable adjustments as far
as periods of notice, severance pay and remuneration for non-
competition obligations can be made to comply with compulsory
laws or local practices, whereupon the overall purposes of these
guidelines must be satisfied to the greatest extent possible.
Board of Directors
Current position Chairman of Manava President and CEO of VBG President and owner of Chairman of Peter Augustsson
konsult AB since 2017. Group AB since 2001. Nicolin Consulting AB since Development AB since 2005.
Education MSc. Eng., Industrial Eco- MSc. Eng., Mechanical Engi- MSc. Eng., Molecular Biotech- MSc. Eng., Mechanical Engi-
nomics, Institute of Technol- neering, Chalmers University nology, Uppsala University. neering, Chalmers University
ogy at Linköping University. of Technology. Business Executive MBA, Stockholm of Technology.
Administration, University School of Business. Interna-
of Skövde. tional Directors Program
(IDP-C), INSEAD, Fontaine-
Other Board Chairman of FM Mattsson Board member of Elos Med- Chairman of AB Chairman of Smoltek Nano-
assignments Mora Group AB, Manava tech AB, Sparbanken Lid- Better Business World Wide, tech Holding AB, AXsensor
Konsult AB and Dacke köping AB, the Herman Sweden. Board member of AB, Mechanum Sverige AB
Industri AB. Board member Krefting Foundation for Volati AB, Enzymatica AB, and Fortaco Group Oy.
of Beijer Alma AB, Instalco Allergy and Asthma Optinova (Finland), and Board member of Walle-
Intressenter AB and Sdiptech Research, the VBG-SLK (until 2019) Dellner Cou- niusrederierna AB and
AB. Foundation and the SLK plers, Simris Alg AB and Ljunghäll Group AB.
Employees’ Foundation. Uppdragshuset Sverige AB.
Work experience President and CEO of Has worked in the engineering Consulting assignments for Has worked in the automo-
Indutrade AB, 2004–2017. industry since 1984 in logis- such companies as AstraZen- tive and component industry
President of the listed com- tics, production, product eca, Maquet Critical Care, since 1978. Saab Automobile
panies Elektronikgruppen BK development and senior man- Octapharma, Recipharm, GE AB 1998–2005. SKF AB
AB (2000–2004) and Zeteco agement. Production Man- Healthcare, Pfizer and Phar- 1994–1998. Volvo Person-
AB (1988–2000). Chief ager, President and Business madule 1998–. Marketing vagnar AB 1978–1994.
Engineer at Ericsson Tele- Area Manager in the ESAB Manager and Business Area
com, 1975–1987. Group 1997–2001. Production Head at Plantvision 2007–
Manager and Technical Man- 2011.
ager in the SKF Group 1989–
1997. Production and Logistics
in the ABB Group 1979–1988.
Remuneration approved at the 2019 AGM, including remuneration allocated by the Board from the respective committees.
Board member Board member Board member and Board member and
employee representative employee representative
white-collar employees blue-collar employees
Senior Manager Customer Chairman of Mats R. Employee in the purchasing International Welding
Relationship Management Karlsson & Partners AB and logistics division of Specialist (IWS) at Truck &
Volvo Bil AB since 2017. since 2017. Truck & Trailer Equipment. Trailer Equipment. Employed
Employed since 1998. since 1996.
MSc. Eng., Electronic Engi- MSc. Eng., Industrial Three-year economics Upper secondary welding
neering, Chalmers University Economics, Institute of program. education, Artur Lund-
of Technology. Technology at Linköping qvistskolan.
270,000 295,000 — —
100 — — —
Yes Yes — —
Yes Yes — —
Group Management
Current position President and CEO, and acting CFO, Director of Investor Relations Senior Vice President of Business
Division Manager of Mobile and IT Development
Climate Control.
Education MSc. Eng., Mechanical Engineering, MSc. Econ., School of Business, MSc. Eng., Mechanical Engineering,
Chalmers University of Technology. Economics and Law at Gothenburg Luleå University of Technology.
Business Administration, University University.
of Skövde.
Work experience Has worked in the engineering indus- Director of Finances at the Älvsborg Various positions within the VBG
try since 1984 in logistics, produc- County Council 1992–1997. CFO and Group, including Director of R&D
tion, product development and senior Executive Vice President at Mill- and Marketing. Marketing Director
management. Production Manager, er-Nohab 1986–1992. Controller and at Mark IV Automotive 1994–1996.
President and Business Area Manager Business Analyst at Volvo Flygmotor Various positions within Saab
in the ESAB Group 1997–2001. 1982–1986. Economist at Union Automobile 1981–1994, including
Production Manager and Technical Carbide 1979–1982. Platform Manager in the purchasing
Manager in the SKF Group 1989– division.
1997. Production and Logistics in the
ABB Group 1979–1988.
Board assignments Board member of VBG Group since Secretary of VBG Group AB (publ) —
2001. Board member of Elos Med- since 1997.
tech AB, Sparbanken Lidköping AB,
the Herman Krefting Foundation for
Allergy and Asthma Research, the
VBG-SLK Foundation and the SLK
Employees’ Foundation.
Senior Vice President of HR and Cor- Executive Vice President, VBG Group
porate Responsibility and Division Manager Truck & Trailer
Equipment, with overall responsibility
for Ringfeder Power Transmission.
1965 1964
— 1,107
5,000 15,000
Auditor’s report on the corporate governance report of the corporate governance report is different and substantially
To the general meeting of the shareholders in VBG Group AB less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Interna-
(publ), corporate identity number org.nr 556069-0751 tional Standards on Auditing and generally accepted auditing
standards in Sweden. We believe that the examination has pro-
Engagement and responsibility vided us with sufficient basis for our opinions.
It is the board of directors who is responsible for the corporate
governance report for the year 2019 on pages 96–108 and that it Opinions
has been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act. A corporate governance report has been prepared. Disclosures
in accordance with chapter 6 section 6 the second paragraph
The scope of the audit points 2–6 the Annual Accounts Act and chapter 7 section 31 the
Our examination has been conducted in accordance with FAR’s second paragraph the same law are consistent with the annual
auditing standard RevU 16 The auditor’s examination of the cor- accounts and the consolidated accounts and are in accordance
porate governance statement. This means that our examination with the Annual Accounts Act.
Johan Malmqvist
Authorized Public Accountant
WELCOME TO THE 2020 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Shareholders whose shares are registered to a nominee must
have the shares re-registered in their own name by the nominee
The Annual General Meeting of VBG Group AB (publ) will be held (voting rights registration) in good time before 22 April 2020.
at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 28 April 2020 in the company’s offices at
Herman Kreftings Gata 4 in Vänersborg, Sweden. Dividend
The Board of Directors and President propose that an increased
Notification ordinary dividend of SEK 5.00 per share (3.50) and no extra divi-
Shareholders wishing to attend the meeting must: dend of (1.00) be approved, thereby establishing a total dividend
• be listed in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB of SEK 5.00 per share (4.50), with a record date of 30 April 2020.
by not later than 22 April 2020. If the AGM approves this proposal, the dividend is expected to
• notify the company by not later than 4:00 p.m. on be distributed by Euroclear Sweden AB starting 6 May 2020.
22 April 2020.
Report dates
Notification may be given in writing to VBG Group AB (publ), 28 April Interim report January–March
Kungsgatan 57, SE-461 34 Trollhättan, Sweden; by telephone to 23 July Interim report January–June
+46 521 27 77 00; or by e-mail to [email protected]. 22 October Interim report January–September
The notification of attendance must include a name and personal February 2021 Year-end report 2020
or corporate identity number.
Shareholders who are represented by a proxy should send a The VBG Group welcomes inquiries about the Group and its
power of attorney with the notification of attendance. Anyone rep- evelopment. Contact persons are: Anders Birgersson, President
resenting a legal entity must present a power of attorney, a copy of and CEO, telephone: +46 521 27 77 67, and Claes Wedin, CFO,
the registration certificate or equivalent documents showing the telephone: +46 521 27 77 06. More information is available at
person(s) authorized to sign on behalf of the legal entity. vbggroup.com.
Kungsgatan 57
SE-461 34 Trollhättan
Tel +46 521 27 77 00