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difference is less than one-seventh for horses.

less than

is highly instructive in revealing the almost insurmountable

largely diminished by his want of perseverance and frequent

Republic. In the previous September Pondoland had been

assembled, and by the authority of the same.'' Where the

diseases. There are fine hotels, club houses and cottages,

head a revolt and seized Shechem. Abimelech, warned by his

boarding-school, first at Bethnal Green and then at Hackney.

at Manchester, special awards were made for fruit baskets and

lead covered by active material. On assembling the plates,

marine type characteristic of the Eastern Alps but belongs

Ascophyllum they are single and median; in Macrocystis

the hills some miles south of the city, are numerous topes. In

which, acting equally on every point of the surface, would tend

decomposition was complete. About 100 lb of bronze, containing

R.C</ --> R.C<-OZnCH3 --> R.C<-OZnCH3 --> R.C<-OH

by Marshal Macmahon, duc de Magenta (September 1864 to July

fact seems accepted by Aristotle, it is probably authentic.

and a box factory. The timber used, chiefly white pine, is

Age, and, though still in the Bronze Age at the Achaean

'' (dried) 529 136 8 57 266 62

cotton and tobacco are manufactured, and there are extensive

gas, it can be ignited by any red-hot carbonaceous matter,

Augustus und seine Zeit, vol. i. 762 foll., ii. 432 foll.

lasting settlement was made in Virginia, and after a period

and is the junction for the line to Maymyo and the Kunlong

as far as the Danube on the N., the Inn on the S. and the Lech
has been effected, or indeed apparently attempted, in

the number of pips. Ties are decided by the number of pips.

L. Salembier, Petrus de Alliaco (Lille, 1886); H. Denifle

smattering of a great many subjects, and a good practical

inhabitants), Reinach (3668 inhabitants), Rheinfelden (3349

In America the amateur question is less complicated than in

He takes an imoortant step in denying objective existence to

charged with an offence declared by this act to be within the

as imitations belonging to different periods--the oldest probably

that the growth of a leguminous crop, such as red clover, leaves

attempting to cause miscarriage by administering poison or

experience, the same for others as for myself. We touch

between coffee, chicory and other adulterants of coffee;

water. The temple was considerably enriched by the spoils

process, by driving off the excess of water in a lead pan,

It lies off the S.E. coast of the continent, from which

aegyptiacus); the latter bird also occurs wild in New

(by R. and S. Stirling) in 1827 and 1840. A double-acting

of attempts to introduce this tree into general cultivation

and every spot from which a view could be ob obtained was

sibilant (sigma) may simply mean the hissing letter and be

administration passed through four editions, and secured

from that of the sharpness of reproduction; in unsharp,

England, France, Holland and the Empire at once it brought

the theory of the strength or avidity of acids.

Mogwandi Wa-Kimbu }of

was taken, shortly before its destruction, nearly all the

remission till the power of Portugal fell with the loss of

S.E. from this at Pescara and running via Sulmona (whence

mentioned. The two last-named kingdoms occupied respectively

splits up into acetic acid and ammonia when warmed with

any want of energy, for the armies were in deadly earnest and

he was almost typical of Hegelian idealism. All processes

E. Hohe Griesspitze. . . . . . 9,052 Hochvogel. . . . . . . . . . . . .8,511

1710, with the view of promoting the study and practice of

Indies, China and Japan. The MS. of his logs written during his

god was always required to be lower than the statue itself

to the ultramontane party, but demurring nevertheless to

say that, at any rate as regards contracts made in partibus

and his barons. He was elected pope to succeed Innocent V.

into which the country is divided. A court of appeal sits at

1904 37 1 39 3 45 2 47 1 49 11

It forms part of the educational division (academie)

the twelve years' truce in 1606. His conduct of affairs having

This idea of typical beauty (which was adopted by Reynolds)

chapter-room, refectory, dormitory, all grouped according to the

the Essays on Literature and Government are remarkable for

hands. In the 16th century the Spanish explorer Orellana

polybasicity the existence of compound salts with different

memory in good works.'' The book has come down to us in two MSS.

disbursements. Some notes on admiralty finance will be

sages. From them the practice passed to the Greeks and

home-bred. He wrote a considerable quantity of verse; but


by his father, remained tributary; Judah, with whose king,

ABEL (Hebrew for breath), the second son of Adam, slain

secretary is president and the accountant-general himself

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