Yes-O Action Plan
Yes-O Action Plan
Yes-O Action Plan
Department of Education
Mobo South District
Cristeta Bagano Memorial High School
Umabay exterior, Mobo, Masbate
Targets/Objectives Activities Time Frame Person/s Involved Expected Output/s Budgetary Fund source
To establish active and 1. Orientation of the Last week of 1. School Head 1. Narrative 500.00 MOOE/ YES-O
functional YES-O in the YES-O mandates August to the 2nd 2. YES-O report General fund
school and objectives in week of Coordinator 2. Filled up YES-
the school. September 2022 3. Science O membership
2. School-wide student Teachers form
application for YES- 4. Parents
O membership. 5. Students
To conduct school-wide 1. Establish YES-O 3rd week of 1. School Head 1. Narrative 1000.00 MOOE/ YES-O
YES-O Election COMELEC September to 1st 2. YES-O report/Minutes General fund
2. Conduct of school- week of October Coordinator of the meeting.
wide election 3. Science 2. Appointment of
campaign for the Teachers YES-O
YES-O election. 4. Students COMELEC
3. Conduct of Election. 3. Canvas
4. Canvasing of votes. Reports
5. Proclamation of 4. Certificate of
Tree planting and growing 1. Planning March 2023 1. School Head 1. Minutes of the 1,000.00 MOOE/ YES-O
conference with 2. YES-O Adviser meeting. General fund
Network with other GOs and 1. Planning April 2023 1. School Head 1. Minutes of the 1,000.00 MOOE/ YES-O
NGOs including with other conference with 2. YES-O Adviser meeting. General fund
YES-O within the division. YES-O officers, 3. Science 2. Narrative
YES-O adviser, and Teachers report.
selected science 4. YES-O Attendance.
teachers. Officers 3. MOA/Application
2. Signing of 5. All students for a
Agreement/Applying 6. Others membership
for membership with form.
other youth and
3. Post conference.
YES-O officers’ regular 1. Conduct of Right after the 1. YES-O 1. Minutes of the 1,000.00 MOOE/ YES-O
conduct of meetings meeting every YES-O Election Adviser meeting. General fund
1st week of the and Oath Taking 2. YES-O 2. Resolution.
month. of the winning Officers 3. Attendance.
candidates. 3. Others