Tender Notice PFGDB
Tender Notice PFGDB
Tender Notice PFGDB
Dear Sir,
Tenders are invited, on behalf of the Director, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow for Renovation
of futsal ground by constructing multi-sport turf at Hostel-13 & 14 at IIM LUCKNOW, Prabandh Nagar,
Lucknow as per BOQ attached. The Institute invites you to participate and to send your offers as per the
attached NOTICE inviting E-TENDER.
E-Tenders are invited under two bid system (both Technical and Financial) from reputed Companies. The
complete Tender document containing General term and Conditions, pre-qualification requirements
etc. are available on https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app and our website
http://www.iiml.ac.in for reference only.
Reputed Companies may submit their bids in the prescribed format with all the necessary
documents online at https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app on or before bid submission closing Date
& Time
Dear Sir,
Tenders are invited from reputed companies for Renovation of futsal ground by constructing multi-sport turf at IIM Lucknow.
To submit their tender, quote your minimum rates on enclosed bill of quantity on behalf of Director, IIM Lucknow. The
General terms & conditions of service contract are also enclosed which are biding to both IIML and the Bidder.
Date of opening of Financial Bid Opening : Will be informed to the Bidders Qualifying the Technical l
Tenderer are advice to visit the site and see the work before submitting the tender. The Technical
and Financial bids should be uploaded through E-tendering process only before the due date & time.
Sd/ -
(ii) Bidders are required to deposit an amount of Rs. 24,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Four Thousand only)
towards Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as specified in NIT to be furnished in any of the following
forms and shall be valid up to 90 days from the last date of submission:
FDR/ Demand Draft/ Bankers Cheque / Pay Order/ Bank Guarantee payable to-Indian Institute of
Management Lucknow, from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank payable at Lucknow, & Deposition
of EMD through any other form will not be accepted. The scanned image of earnest money deposit/
MSME certificate (In case the Bidder is taking relaxation in EMD) to be uploaded online along with the
Technical bid and the original of EMD deposition proof should reach through speed post or email or
courier to the address mentioned below so as to reach Latest by 12:00 Hrs on the last date of
submission of tender. However, the details of DD no. date etc. to be provided in the technical bid. In
case needs exemption under MSME criteria then a valid MSME certificate is required to be uploaded
on e-procurement portal.
Can be deposited in the below mentioned Institute Bank Account and share the UTR/
Transaction number and date of Transaction in the Technical bid and the copy of transaction receipt
must be uploaded online on portal with other documents. Those bidders, who are exempted from the
deposit of Tender Fee & EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) must submit the relevant certificate to claim
the exemption and mention ‘Exempted’ in the Technical Bid where UTR number has been asked. In
case the enclosed certificate is not valid or not acceptable to the Institute, the submitted bid will be
treated as bid without Tender fee/ EMD and will be rejected.
Exemption of MSME for Tender Fee will be as per the format available on CPP portal
This Condition is Mandatory
(iii) Financial bid must be filled and submitted in the prescribed formats given on the CPP portal
separately. A sample format of the Financial bid has been attached with the Technical bid just for the
understanding of the bidders. This is required to be kept blank and just signed and stamped along
with the other documents of this Tender. If filled in financial bid is found along with eth e Technical
bid of this Tender, then the Tender shall be straight away rejected.
(iv) Tender must be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the date of opening.
(v) Technical offers shall be opened first, if the tenderer fails to submit the EMD than their technical
offer will not be Opened/Evaluated. The technical offers will be evaluated by the selection committee
based on technical evaluation criteria of this document. The Financial offers from technically unqualified
tenderers as per evaluation criteria will not be opened.
(vi) Financial offer shall be opened only for those tenders who are technically qualified as per
evaluation criteria of this tender document.
(vii) The dates for opening financial offer will be communicated to the tenderers and tenderers are
requested to be present at the time of opening the tenders. Authority letter is must if any person
other than who has signed the tender document attends such event.
(viii) Each page of the tender document must have signed by the authorized signatory of the tenderer.
(ix) Original tender document duly signed and filled up should be uploaded.
(x) The tender not accompanied by complete document or duly filled in all respect shall be rejected.
(xi) All erasures, cuttings and alterations made must be attested by the authorized person while filling
the tender document. Over-writing of figures is not permitted.
(xii) T h e b i d d e r s must visit the site and see the means of access to the site and specifications and
acquaint themselves fully about the works to be carried out and all other factors governing the works
before quoting his rate.
(xiii) The successful tenderer shall submit additional Initial Performance security of 3% of Contract Value
in form of DD/FDR/Bank Guarantee in favor of Director, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
within 07 days of award of work. Same shall be released 60 days after satisfactory completion of
contract. The Performance security which will be 3% +2 % EMD shall be refunded only after 60 days of
successful completion of the work.
(xiv) This is an item rate Tender. The rate quoted by the tenderer shall be the total sum of material
& labor at the IIM Lucknow campus, Lucknow including of GST. The rates shall be inclusive of GST as
(xvi If any discrepancy / misprint is noticed / specification or BOQ, it should be clarified from the Institute
before quoting the rate.
(xvii) Following procedures shall be adopted in case of difference in quoted rates in figures and words
and extensions:
a. Where there is difference between rates in figures and the rates, quoted in words shall be considered
as correct.
b. Where the amount of an item is not worked out or it does not correspond to the
rate either in figure or in words, the rates quoted in words shall be considered as correct and necessary
extension made.
c. Where the rate quoted by the tenderer in figures and in words tally, but the
amount is not worked out correctly, the rates quoted by the tenderer shall be considered as correct
and amount shall be corrected accordingly.
(xviii) The Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or
any other tender and reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders either in full or in
part without assigning any reason.
(xix) The tender shall be opened & evaluated by the tender committee and the successful tenderer
shall be informed.
(xx) If any of the document submitted by the tenderer is found fake, even after the acceptance of
tender, the contract will be terminated for which the concerned tenderer will itself be responsible and
no compensation, etc., will be paid by the IIM, Lucknow.
(xxi) The Director, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow has reserves the right to reject one or all
the tenders without assigning any reason. No claim, whatsoever, shall be entertained on this account.
(xxii) Security deposit / Retention money 5% of the certified work value shall be deducted from
each Running Account Bill of contractor. The Retention money/ Security Deposit deducted above
shall be released to the contractor after the completion of the stipulated Defect liability period.
No interest shall be paid on this retention money/ security deposit.
If successful tenderer fails to commence the work within 07 days from the date of issue of Letter of
Intent, the Institute may reject the award of work and get the work done by engaging other agency.
(xxiii) Tenderer can avail relaxation given on EMD and tender fees for NSIC/MSME registered firm.
(xxiv) Successful tenderer uploaded document will be verified with the original at the time of
LOI / Agreement.
(xxvi) Tender term & condition also includes GCC which is available on IIML website and shall be the
part of this contract and its terms and conditions shall be biding to both IML and the successful
Tenderer. So please read it properly.
(xxvi) Successful tenderer has to submit the design of sub base to Engineer-in-Charge before
start of work.
(xxvii) Successful tenderer has to provide time line of work within given completion date.
3. All the work will be carried out through experienced agency/ contractor.
4. He must have past experience of Construction of multi-sport turf in last five years ending of the
previous financial year.
One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 9.60 lakhs.
Two similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 7.20 lakhs.
Three similar Completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 4.80 lakhs.
5. Similar work means work related to multi-sport turf area at Government organization or in the
reputed institution like IITs IIMs and NITs or in Government stadium or District/ state/ national level /
sports academy. This condition is mandatory.
TENDER Declaration
I/We have read and examined the Notice Inviting tender, schedule, Specifications applicable, General Rules
and Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rate & other
documents and rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender document
for the work.
I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for IIM Lucknow within the time specified, viz.,
schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs, drawings
and instructions in writing.
I/ We agree to keep the tendered rates valid till 120 days from the date of opening of tender and not to
make any modifications in its terms and conditions.
A sum of Rs. 24,000/- is hereby forwarded in Cash/Receipt Treasury Challan/Deposit at call Receipt of a
Scheduled Bank/Fixed deposit receipt of scheduled bank/demand draft of a scheduled bank/bank guarantee
issued by scheduled bank as earnest money.
I/We had submitted a self-attested copy of valid certificate as a proof of exemption from submission of
Earnest money deposit.
If I/we, fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee or fail to commence the work within prescribed
period I/we agree that the IIM Lucknow or its successors in office shall without prejudice to any other right
or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely. Further, if I/we fail of commence
work as specified, I/we agree that IIM, Lucknow or his successors in office shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money and the performance
guarantee absolutely, otherwise the said earnest money shall be retained by him towards security deposit
to execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained
or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations/ additional/ extra items as may be ordered as per the
provisions in the Contract.
Further, I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of earnest money or both Earnest Money & Performance
Guarantee as aforesaid, I/We shall be debarred for participation in the re- tendering process of the work.
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/ have not been got executed through another
contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department, then
I/we shall be debarred for tendering in IIM, Lucknow in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes
to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit
the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
I/We hereby declare that I/we shall treat the tender documents drawings and other records connected with
the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information derived therefrom to any
person other than a person to whom I/we am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the
information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the State.
Signature of contractor
Postal Address **
Intending parties are required to submit an undertaking as given in the following format:
i) All the information furnished by me / us here above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
ii) I / we have no objection if enquiries are made about the work listed by me / us in the accompanying
sheets / Annexures.
iii) I / We agree that the decision of Indian Institute of Management Lucknow in selection of contractor will
be final and binding to me / us.
iv) I / We have read the instructions and I / we understand that if any false information is detected at a
later date the tender shall be cancelled at the discretion of the Company and liable for any action, as
deem fit by the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow.
v) I/ we have never been blacklisted/ debarred from any Govt./ Public sector enterprises/ Autonomous
Body/ IIM Lucknow in minimum last 5 years.
vi) There is no Arbitration case/ legal case/ dispute of my firm with Indian Institute of Management
vii) There is no criminal case on me/ and my partner/ board of directors is there in any court/
Police station of India.
viii) All the information and attachments submitted in the tender document/ envelope are true and correct.
ix) There is no suppression or concealment of information / document with regard to execution of work
during the last 05 years.
x) I/ We are aware that any false information provided herein will result in the rejection of my tender at
any stage.
The Technical Bid should contain the followings documents for technical qualification: -
c) Prospective vendors shall have well experienced in similar type of works with Central/State/PSU/Govt.
Photocopy of Experience Certificate of similar field of the firm of during the last three years, ending 31st
March of the previous financial year.
d) Experience of having successfully completed works of construction of multi-sport turf during the last
five years, ending of the previous financial year.
One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 9.60 lakhs.
Two similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 7.20 lakhs.
Three similar Completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 4.80 lakhs.
f) Similar work means work related to multi-sport turf area at Government organization or in the reputed
institution like IITs IIMs and NITs or in Government stadium or District/ state/ national level / sports academy.
This condition is mandatory.
e) Documents / Balance sheet to confirm the turnover during last 5 years i .e. 2017-18, 2018‐19,
2019‐20 and 2020‐21, 2021-22 along with Income Tax Returns. In case if CA certificate is being submitted
as proof of turn over then same should have UDIN No. else CA certificate will not be considered.
f) An EMD amounting to Rs. 24,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Four Thousand only) drawn in favor of
SIGNATURE ………………………………………
In this Contract, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings as stated below:
i) ‘IIM’ shall mean Indian Institute of Management, IIM Road, Lucknow and shall include
their successors and assigns, as well as their authorized representatives.
ii) ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall mean the engineer appointed by the IIM to supervise all
activities of the project.
iii) ‘TENDERER’ shall mean the company / agency who quote against the tender enquiry for
undertaking the work.
iv) ‘CONTRACTOR’ shall mean the successful tenderer whose tender has been accepted by the
IIM and to whom the order is placed by the IIM and shall include his heirs, legal
representatives, successors etc.
v) ‘PERMANENT WORKS’ shall mean all the works included in the schedule of quantities and
shall also include additions, alterations etc. communicated in writing.
vi) ‘SITE’, shall mean the all place i.e. IIM, Lucknow where the project is to be executed.
vii) ‘PROJECT’ shall mean entire work specified in the contract documents inclusive of extra
items/extra quantities (if any) executed during the contract period.
viii) ACCEPTANCE LETTER’, shall mean written consent by a letter of IIM to the tenderer
intimating him that his tender has been accepted.
ix) ‘CONTRACT’ shall mean the articles of Contract Agreement. The conditions of contract,
schedule of quantities, specifications, attached and duly signed by the IIM and the
x) ‘DATE OF CONTRACT’ shall mean the date on which the IIM has issued acceptance
xi) ‘CONTRACT PERIOD’ shall mean the period (including rainy season) specified in the
tender documents during which the contract shall be executed.
xii) ‘COMPLETION C E R T I F I C A T E ’ s h a l l m e a n t h e c e r t i f i c a t e i s s u e d b y t h e I I M t o
t h e contractor after successful completion of the project. This certificate will be issued
on the basis of consultant’s/ User’s certificate to IIM about the completion of the job.
xiii) ‘EXTRA ITEMS’ are those items, which are not appearing in the BOQ but are required to be
executed during the project period and for which rates are to be derived as per the formula
given in the conditions of the contract.
xiv) ‘EMD’ shall mean Earnest Money Deposit. The Owner takes this amount to check the
earnestness/seriousness of the tenderers in case they are selected as winners.
1. Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, bushes above ground level and
removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared by
ploughing the ground and removing all vegetation then levelling and compacting the surface.
2. Anti-termite treatment and spray weedicide on the total area by making min-9’’Deep holes
spaced min 12’’ apart.
3. Levelling and preparing required slope and Compaction of soil by 8-10 Ton roller and making the
desired slope without any grass or weeds.
4. Providing earthen drains throughout edges in required slope and drains towards the nearest
5. Providing, Laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specified sizes to WBM
specifications in uniform thickness, hand picking, rolling with 3 wheeled road/vibratory roller 8-
10 tonne capacity in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of
screening / binding material to fill up interstices of coarse aggregate, atering and compacting to
the required density. 150 mm thick
Coarse aggregates grading for WBM 150 mm thick over all
(i) 90 mm to 45 mm
(ii) 63 mm to 45 mm
(iii) 53 mm to 22.4 mm
6. The peripheral ground base to be connected with this WBM top in slope 1:12 and will be
7. Supplying, stacking and Spreading 6 mm thick red bajri, watering and rolling complete including
preparation of the surface and rolling.With road roller/ hand roller 8-10 ton roller.
8. 2.5 cm thick bitumastic sheet with hot bitumen of approved quality, using stone chippings (60%
with 12.5 mm nominal size and 40% with 10 mm nominal size) @ 1.65 cum per 100 sqm and
coarse sand @ 1.65 cum per 100 sqm of road surface and with bitumen @ 56 kg/cum of stone
chippings and @ 128 kg/cum of sand over a tack coat with hot straight run bitumen, including
consolidation with road roller of 8 to 10 tonne etc. complete. With paving Asphalt grade VG - 30.
or equivalvent which is readily available
To be laid over a previously prepared surface with finishing to the required grade, slope/level and
alignment and rolled to achieve the desired compaction. Priming with emulsiom etc. for bonding
with sub base.
Note: - No depression or birdbath deeper than 6mm should be present on the finished surface.
9. Providing and laying seal coat of premixed fine aggregate ( passing 2.36 mm and retained on 180
micron sieve) with bitumen using 128 kg of bitumen of grade VG - 10 bitumen or equivalent
which is readily available per cum of fine aggregate and 0.60 cum of fine aggregate per 100 sqm
of road surface, including emulsion for bonding, including rolling and finishing with road roller all
10. Leave the coat for curing / further compaction for minimum of One month.
11. Providing and fixing Multi-Sports Turf 16 mm at futsal ground with suitable adhesive and nails etc
so that the turf does not moves or wear out. Astroturf or equivalent make. Turf should be made
of polypropylene yarn, Dtex-8000-12000 adhering to EN14904 and should have minimum 05
years warranty. Along with line marking in suitable pattern as per the futsal ground requirement.
C. The detailed scope of work is mentioned in the attached BOQ (Bill of Quantity).
The interested tenderer is advised to visit the site once to understand the quantum of work to be
1.1 Directive to Contractor
WORK, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, General Conditions of Contract which are available on IIML
Web site and FINANCIAL BID) forming part of the contract are to be taken as mutually
explanatory, supplementary and complementary to each other. If there is any error,
omission or discrepancy in any of them, it shall be brought to the notice of the IIM. The
decision of the IIM shall be final and binding. The contractor shall execute the work accordingly.
(ii) The contractor shall examine all the contract documents thoroughly including the scope,
nature and magnitude of works he has to execute in accordance with the contract documents.
(iii) The contractor shall visit the project site so as to study the site conditions, means of access
to the site and other factors governing the works.
The time period for completion of Renovation of futsal ground by constructing of multi-sport turf
AT IIM LUCKNOW, Prabandh Nagar, Lucknow. Work shall be completed 60 days from the date
of issue of LOI (Letter of Intent).
1.1.3 Delay in work execution due to reasons beyond contractor control: Force Majeure:
If the execution of work is delayed due to force majeure, or due to the circumstance which
were not in the control of the Tenderer then IIM as per the affected period may extend the time
period as per the discretion of the Director of the Institute but no escalation will be given in such
(i) All disputes or differences whatsoever arising between the parties out of or
relating to this contract or the specifications, designs and quality of work, quality of materials
used for the work, construction, meaning and operation or effect of the work or the breach
thereof that cannot be settled by good faith and negotiations between the parties within 60 days
of the commencement of the negotiation shall be settle by mutually referring the dispute to
a sole Arbitrator and the award passed by him shall be final and binding on the parties.
Selection of arbitrator shall be made by mutual consent. The cost of arbitration shall be divided
equally. The proceedings will be governed by the provisions of the arbitration & Conciliation
Act, 1996. The place of arbitral proceedings will be Lucknow. The language of the arbitral
proceedings shall be English
(ii) By consent of Parties the jurisdiction of all other courts are excluded and the courts at
Lucknow alone shall have jurisdiction.
(iii) “Abandonment/incomplete work”, wherein it should be mentioned that apart from the
forfeiture of security the incomplete work shall be got completed from some other agency and
the costs thereof be recovered from the contractor.
(iv) The service of notice will be given by e-mail, fax, courier, speed post or registered post
be added and the address for service of notice be specified both for IIM and contractor.
1.1.5 Escalation:
The rates quoted by the contractor in the contract documents shall be final and firm and shall
not be subjected to any change due to the increase in labor wages or inflation wages or inflation
in the cost of materials or any other price variations due to any reason during the stipulated time
period of the contract or during the extended time period of completion.
1.2.1 General:
All the works shall be executed in accordance with the specifications and instructions approved
by the IIM as mentioned in the contract document.
(i) The IIM shall have the full authority to inspect the works at any time, at any stage. The
contractor shall provide adequate facilities to carry the inspection work. The contractor should
present himself or his authorized representative during the inspection so that the IIM can convey
the instruction regarding the works.
(ii) The contractor shall give information to the IIM before covering up the works so that the
same can be inspected and measured jointly & correctly to true dimensions.
(iii) If the contractor fails to get the work inspected before covering it up, then the IIM has full
authority to get the work uncovered at the expense of the contractor and if any fault is found
then the contractor should rectify the same without claiming any extra payment.
(iv) Contractor to maintain and keep record of field checks executed by him or by IIML for quality
level etc. during the execution of the work.
(ii) If any work executed by the contractor is found to be of bad workmanship, then the same is
to be dismantled and re-executed by the contractor without claiming any extra payment or
extension in time period.
1.2.4 Default of Contractor in compliance:
If the contractor or his authorized representative fails to follow the instructions given by the
IIM regarding any of the works, then the same shall be got executed by engaging other
contractor/ persons by IIM at the risk and cost of the contractor.
The several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one
another, detailed d r a w i n g s being followed in preference to small scale drawing and figured
dimensions in preference to scale and special conditions in preference to General Conditions.
In the case of discrepancy between the schedule of Quantities, the Specifications and/ or
the Drawings, the following order of preference shall be observed: -
iii. Drawings.
If there are varying or conflicting provisions made in any one document forming part
of the contract, the Accepting Authority shall be the deciding authority with regard to the
intention of the document and his decision shall be final and binding on the contractor.
Any error in description, quantity or rate in Schedule of Quantities or any omission
therefrom shall not vitiate the Contract or release the Contractor from the execution of the
whole or any part of the works comprised therein according to drawings and specifications or
from any of his obligations under the contract.
If any discrepancy occurs between the various instructions conveyed to contractor or his
authorized representative or if any misunderstanding arises between the contractor’s staff and
IIM’s staff, the contractor shall report the matter immediately to the IIM. The decisions of IIM
shall be final and binding. Moreover, no claims for losses due to discrepancies between
instructions, doubts or misunderstandings shall be admissible.
If it shall appear to the IIM that any work has been executed with imperfect or unskilled workman
or with materials of any inferior description, or of quality inferior to that contracted
for, or otherwise not in accordance with the contract, the contractor shall on demand in writing
from the IIM or his representative specifying the work, materials or articles complained of,
notwithstanding that the same may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for
forthwith rectify or remove and reconstruct that work so specified and provide other proper and
suitable materials or articles at his own charges and cost, and in the event of failure to do so
within a period to be specified by the IIM or his demand aforesaid, the Incharge may on expiry
of notice period rectify or remove, re-execute the work at the risk of Contractor and the cost
be recovered from the Contractor. The decision of the IIM as to any question arising under this
clause shall be final and conclusive.
There warranty period must be of minimum 05 years and this period of time the contactors must
be bearing the cost of the defects such as fading, cracking and peeling of surface, settlement etc.
The contractor shall specifically mention the items and works that comes under the warranty
The contractor shall suspend the progress of work on receipt of the written order from the IIM
for any of the following reasons:
(i) On account of any default on the part of the contractor. In this case the contractor
shall be entitled for the extension of time, but the contractor shall have no claim for
payment of compensation for re-execution of faulty works.
(ii) For execution of the works for reasons other than the default of the contractor.
a. The contractor shall during such suspension, properly protect and secure the works and
carry out the instructions of the IIM.
The IIM shall have authority to take possession of any completed or partially completed works.
Such possession shall not be deemed to be acceptance of any work completed in accordance
with the contract. If such prior possession delays the progress of works, then the adjustment in
the time of completion shall be done accordingly. The decision of the Engineer-
Incharge regarding the extent of delay shall be final and binding.
From the commencement to the completion of works, the contractor shall take full responsibility
for the care of all works and his material. In case any damage or loss occurs then the contractor
shall repair and make good the same at his own cost so that on completion of the work, the same
shall be in good order in every respect in accordance with the contract and to the satisfaction
of the IIM. The institute will not be responsible for any theft of contractor’s material /
equipment’s etc. The contractor will be himself responsible for the safety of his material.
1.3 Certificate and Payment
(i) The payments to be made to the contractor shall be as per the finalized rates in tender
documents and the rates of extra items finalized from time to time.
(ii) The rates finalized in the tender document shall remain firm till the completion of work
including extension of time, if any. Mode of Payment:
All measurements shall be in the metric system and in accordance with Indian Standard
Specifications and in accordance with standard engineering practice. If the contractor has any
objection regarding the measurements, then the contractor shall inform the IIM immediately.
The decision given by the IIM shall be final and binding on the contractor.
1.3.3 Billing:
The contractor shall submit final bill only after complete successful completion of work
(complete in all respect).
(i) The payment due to the contractor shall be made only in Indian Currency by Crossed Account
Payee Cheque or RTGS. In no case, IIM will be responsible if the cheque is misled or miss-
appropriated by the contractor or his representatives. The cheque shall be released only
against submission of duly signed and revenue stamped receipt.
(ii) The IIM reserves the right to carry out post payment audit and technical examination of
the bills and work executed including all supporting vouchers etc. the IIM further reserves the
right to enforce recovery of over-payment when detected. Similarly, if any under payment is
discovered, the amount shall be paid to the contractor.
(iii) Wherever any claim for the payment against the contractor arises as per the contract, the
same may be deducted from the bill of the contractor or from his security deposit.
(iv) 5% of the payable bill value will be retained from each bill as security deposit & shall be
released on the satisfactory completion of the defect liability period i.e 05 years. No interest shall
be paid on security deposit amount.
(v) Tax Deduction: All statuary deduction like Income Tax, Works Contract Tax, E.S.I., P.F or
any other government-imposed liability shall be borne by the contractor (as applicable at the
time of execution of job) and shall be deducted from each bill submitted by the contractor.
1.3.5 Provisional Completion Certificate:
When the contractor successfully completes the works as per the contract, he shall be
eligible to apply for provisional completion certificate in respect of the works. The IIM shall issue
to the contractor the provisional completion certificate after verifying from the completion
documents submitted by the Engineer-Incharge and satisfying him/ user Department that the
work has been completed in accordance with the contract document. The contractor, after
obtaining the provisional completion certificate, is eligible to present the final bill for the work
executed by him under the terms of the contract.
The work will not be considered as complete and taken over by the IIM until all the temporary
works, labor hutments etc. are removed and the work site cleared to the satisfaction of the IIM.
If the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the above on or before the date for
the completion of the works, the IIM may, at the expense of the contractor, remove the tools
and plants and surplus materials and dispose-off the same and the contractor shall pay the
amount of all expenses incurred.
(i) Labour below the age of 18 years shall not be employed on the work.
(ii) The contractor shall not pay less than what is specified by the law to labours engaged
by him on the work.
(iii) The contractor shall, at his own expenses, comply with all labour laws and the IIM shall
not be responsible for any recovery/penalty imposed by the respective authorities for
violating the labour laws.
(iv) If the contractor is covered under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, he
shall obtain a license from the licensing authority (i.e. the office of labour Commissioner),
by payment of the necessary prescribed fee and deposit, if any, before starting the work.
(v) The contractor shall furnish to the IIM, the details of the workers employed on the works.
(vi) The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the existing rules and regulations relating
to labour laws.
(vii) The IIM shall on a report having been made by an inspecting officer as defined in Contract
Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1980, have the power to deduct from the amount
due to the contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the
losses suffered by a worker or workers by reason of non-fulfilment of the conditions of the
contract for the benefit of the workers, or if deductions made from his or their wages which are
not justified by the terms of contract or non-observance of the said regulations.
1.4.2 Minor/Fatal Accident on Duty:
For cases of minor/Fatal accident on duty not covered under compensation by IIM, the
contractor shall have to compensate the affected person/family. The absence from duty, if
takes place, due to such accident shall be considered as special leave and full payment shall
have to be made for duration of such absence.
The contractor shall adhere to safe construction practice and guard against hazardous and unsafe
working conditions. While carrying out the work, the contractor should provide for;
The contractor shall have to ensure availability and use of all desired safety gadgets like
safety belts, helmets, goggles, hand gloves, gumboots etc.
The contractor shall provide first aid facilities for his employees and those of his sub- contractors.
The requisite first aid box and medicines should always be available at work site.
The contractor shall take precautions to prevent any riotous or unlawful behavior by his workers,
for the preservation of peace and protection of inhabitants and the security of property in the
neighborhood of the work.
(i) The work shall be done in such a manner so as to clear work force availability for other
agencies working at site.
(iii) In general the complete work is to be done as per Indian Standard and esthetical norms
as specified and detailed in Tender.
1.7 Site
The site is located at IIM Lucknow, IIM Road, Lucknow. The contractor shall be responsible for
his own arrangements of accommodation of the manpower outside the institute premises, the
movement of his men, material and equipment at his own cost.
1.8 Electricity
The Institute will provide free water and electricity for the work from existing point only for
site works. The material such as for the Necessary loose pipes and electric wire and plug etc.,
to be arranged by contractor themselves on their cost.
1.9 Contractor’s Scope of Supply
All materials required for executing the jobs specified in the Bill of Quantities, inclusive of all
tools, tackles, scaffolding, consumables and testing equipment’s etc. what so ever shall be
procured and supplied by the contractor at his own cost except for any items specified as IIM
0.05% per day of contract value for delay up to 15 days. 0.10% per day of contract value for delay
from 15-30 days and for delay beyond 30 days it will be 0.25 % of the contract Value per day.
Total levy of this Liquidated damage shall not exceed more than 10% of the contract value.
In case the delay continues beyond 3 Months than the tender/ Contract will be automatically
(i) If the contractor or his employees damage or destroy the property of the IIM, then the same
shall be replaced / refunded by the contractor, otherwise the expenses may be recovered
from his bill or security deposit.
(ii All compensation and recoveries to be made as per terms of the contract shall be deducted
from the contractor’s bill or security deposit.
(iii) Forfeiture of Security Deposit: Whenever any claim against the contractor is to be
recovered then the same may be made from the security deposit. If the contractor abandons the
work or leaves the work incomplete, then the IIM has the right to forfeit the security deposit.
(iv) The contractor will make fence around the area given for labor hutment to avoid
unauthorized entry.
05 years from the virtual date of completion of work and removal of hutments, materials, etc.
from site
All notices, consents, approval or other communication required to be given or served here
under by either party hereto to the other party shall be in writing, and in English and shall be
personally delivered to, left at, sent by registered post, email, courier, speed post or facsimile by
either party to the other at the addresses mentioned here in below. Both parties agree t h a t
the facsimile transmission will not be used as a sole method for the
communication of important notices such as any modification or termination.
(ii) Notice to the Tenderer at the Address mentioned in the Tender Document.
The approved make of materials / turf has to be from Astro Turf or equivalent. Bidders are to
note that in-order to avoid any poor quality materials and tampering, materials quality will be
checked prior to the start of work and if any discrepancy or malpractice is found, the executing
agency shall be debarred / blacklisted from any further execution.
All the work will be carried out through experienced agency/ contractor those who have ISO
The Seller will have to provide guarantee of the turf life for minimum 05 years.
a. TUR- MAT 16 MM
b. Pile height- 16 MM
c. Turf Gauze- 6/16”
d. Material DtexP8000 adhering to EN14904
e. Stitch rate- 34/10 CM
f. Density- 71400 Stiches / m2
g. Roll size- 2 M x 20 M
h. Triple backing
1. The Manufacture Test Certificates for the bought out items and the material at the time of
inspection of the site has to be submitted. The MTC should be related to the material bought.
Note: The contractor is advice to survey the actual site for assessment of critical application if any & accordingly
quote the rates.