Band Partnership Agreement
Band Partnership Agreement
Band Partnership Agreement
members explaining how the band operates. It also entails how decisions regarding the band will
be made.
A band partnership agreement is a legal contract that is signed by members of a band. It entails
how the band is operated and how the decisions that relate to the band will be made. An
agreement is the most significant document that a group of musicians can compose to ensure that
Whether a band is well-established or has just been founded, a standard band partnership
decision-making, and prevents disagreements and conflicts. In the absence of a contract, any
band member can start their own band using the initial band name. It can also exploit the songs
of another band member that has struggled to write and record. Hence a proper band partnership
The following are elements that are key to drafting a band partnership agreement template:
1. Naming the members of the band and writing their addresses. A bandleader may be
three-year term. Upon expiration, the band members have the liberty to revisit the
4. Negotiating of the rights of the band name. Hence deciding on the owner and defining the
conditions that can be used by the band. The name of the trademark protection should
also be registered. The name carried the public recognition and reputation hence essential
money each partner will contribute, who will cater for the instruments and equipment,
6. Inclusion of the copyright clause. The songwriting copyright may be kept separate from
management. A determination of who selects the gigs to play and how to store and
8. Negotiation of income splits. This section will determine how the composers will share
the publishing income with the non-composers. It will also determine how the earnings
will be split and how the income earned will be shared when the band breaks up.
9. A clause on novel and former members. The amount of money owed to a former band
member with regard to royalties and other income and which member has the authority to
clearly define who will own and se the property, songs, future profits, and name.
11. Signing and dating the document. Every band member should also get a copy of the
Some of the key issues that are included in the agreement include:
o Decision-making of the band, that is either through a majority vote or unanimous vote.
o Division of revenue from record sales, touring, publishing revenue to merch sales.
o The owner of the music equipment, that is either the band or individual members.
o Band members certified to sign cheques and contracts on behalf of the band.
The majority of the bands operate as partnerships hence the need of a band partnership
agreement. A partnership is often defined as two or more people in business together. Losses,
profits and decision-making obligations are split equally among the partners. Also, there are no
together and share the profits without an agreement, the business is classified as a partnership.
Though a general partnership could be established informally, it is recommended that an attorney
prepares a written partnership agreement. The most significant reason for the same is to
guarantee the existence of the partnership if a member leaves. Without the agreement, the
Further, a band partnership agreement is among the most significant document that a group of
musicians could have. It ensures that the operations of the group run effectively. Most of the
complicated legal issues that arise later on could be avoided if there was an effective band
partnership agreement in place. However, most bands do not consider signing one until it is too
Before purchasing a new guitar, merch, or touring van, a legal agreement is needed. Some of the
common examples of the legal disputes that have arisen among band members due to the
absence of a band partnership agreement include the Pink Floyd Case. In this case, Roger
Walters and David Gilmour claimed the use of the band name and for some time there were two
versions of the Pink Floyd. Members from the conflicting bands spent much money for the legal
Therefore, it is advisable that every band gets a lawyer to help in drafting a band partnership
agreement. A competent and efficient attorney would find it easy to operate and create. Ensuring
that one has an agreement could also save the band members on unnecessary costs that would
A basic band partnership agreement includes the address and common band matters. The
members have the discretion to modify the agreement. If the band desires a more erudite band
partnership agreement, for instance, one that includes ownership of song writing. One can add
such requirements into the basic agreement or establish a more comprehensive agreement with
the assistance of an attorney. When a band prepares an agreement, the name of the existing
member partners should be included. A name of the band partnership should also be included.
Most bands use the band named and add the term ‘partnership’ at the end. For instance, Rocky
Hill Partnership.
Using a basic band partnership agreement, the band members can include information regarding
the band’s name. If the band is uncertain regarding the owner of the name, they should sort that
out among themselves. Regarding sharing of profits and losses, the band partnership agreement
normally includes a clause on who shares the profits equally. If a band member desires a
different division, the section should be struck and the desired arrangement written. Other bands
agree ahead of time regarding the voting requirements for significant matters. For instance,
adding or removing members. Such matters are normally decided by a majority vote or
In the event the majority vote is needed for some significant issues and it amounts to a tie, the
band could agree before time on the designation of one person as the tiebreaker. If the band
needs a unanimous vote for expelling or terminating a band member, the terminated party is not
entitled to vote.
A band partnership agreement also includes the terminated members clause that ensures the
partnership stays in effect after the departure of a member. It also provides that a band member
can voluntarily leave the band. Such a members has the right to a share of the net worth of the
partnership and other royalties. For the majority of the bands, such payouts are easily agreed on.
However, if a band has several record deals or equipment that generate royalties, an accountant
is needed. This is to determine with certainty the share of the leaving member.
Additionally, merely signing a band partnership agreement does not establish a band partnership.
It establishes and formalizes the rules for the existing partnership agreement. For instance, where
a dissatisfied ex-member tries to use the band name and has no right to do so, the rest of the band
members could use the band partnership agreement. The agreement would help them enforce
their rights. Also, a discontented ex-partner can not drag the rest to court since the band
partnership agreement contains a dispute resolution clause. Often, such clauses provide for the
alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to be resorted to once a conflict arises. These include
arbitration and mediation. However, if the band members do not desire to rely on them, the same
New members that desire to be added to the band should also sign the band partnership
agreement. The partnership could hire musicians as contractors or employees for several