Workshop Manual, Technical Data D16
Workshop Manual, Technical Data D16
Workshop Manual, Technical Data D16
Safety information ............................................................... 2
General information ................................................................ 5
Technical data:
General ............................................................................... 6
Short block .......................................................................... 7
Reciprocating components .................................................. 9
Valve mechanism ................................................................ 14
Timing gears ........................................................................ 18
Lubrication system .............................................................. 19
Fuel system ........................................................................ 22
Inlet and exhaust system .................................................... 24
Cooling system ................................................................... 26
Electrical system ................................................................. 28
Tightening torques .............................................................. 30
Tightening diagrams ............................................................ 33
Installing seals .................................................................... 45
References to Service Bulletins .......................................... 48
Safety information
In this book and on the product you will find the fol- Never start the engine without installing the air
lowing special warning symbols. cleaner filter. The rotating compressor turbine in
the turbocharger can cause severe injury. For-
WARNING! Possible danger of personal injury,
eign objects entering the intake ducts can also
extensive damage to property or serious me-
cause mechanical damage.
chanical malfunction if the instructions are not
IMPORTANT! Used to draw your attention to Never use start spray or similar products as a
something that can cause damage or malfunc- starting aid. They may cause an explosion in
tions on a product or damage to property. the inlet manifold. Danger of personal injury.
Group 20 Safety information
Only start the engine in a well- ventilated area. Used fuel and oil filters are polluting waste and
When operated in a confined space, exhaust must be handed to an approved waste manage-
fumes and crankcase gases must be ventilated ment facility for destruction, together with used
from the engine bay or workshop area. lubrication oil, contaminated fuel, paint residue,
solvents, degreasers and wash residue.
Always use protective glasses or goggles when
carrying out work where there is a risk of splin- Never expose a battery to naked flame
ters, grinding sparks, acid splashes or where or electrical sparks. Never smoke close to the
other chemicals are used. Your eyes are ex- batteries. The batteries generate hydrogen gas
tremely sensitive, injury could cause blindness! when charged, which forms an explosive gas
when mixed with air. This gas is easily ignited
Avoid getting oil on your skin! Repeated exposure and highly volatile. A spark, which can be
to oil or exposure over a long period can result in caused by incorrect battery connection, can
the skin becoming dry. Irritation, dryness and ec- cause a single spark which is sufficient to cause
zema and other skin problems can then occur. an explosion with resulting damage. Do not
Used oil is more dangerous than fresh oil from a move the connections when you attempt to start
health aspect. Use protective gloves and avoid oil- the engine (risk of arcing), and do not stand and
soaked clothes and rags. Wash regularly, espe- lean over one of the batteries.
cially before eating. There are special skin creams
which counteract drying out of the skin and make Always ensure that the Plus (positive) and Mi-
it easier to clean off dirt after work is completed. nus (negative) battery cables are correctly in-
stalled on the corresponding terminal posts on
the batteries. Incorrect installation can result in
Most chemicals intended for the product (e.g.
serious damage to the electrical equipment. Re-
engine and transmission oils, glycol, petrol
fer to the wiring diagram.
(gasoline) and diesel oil) or chemicals for work-
shop use (e.g. degreasers, paints and solvents)
Always use protective goggles when charging and
are hazardous. Read the instructions on the
handling the batteries. Battery electrolyte contains
product packaging with care! Always follow the
sulfuric acid which is highly corrosive. Should the
safety precautions for the product (for example
battery electrolyte come into contact with unpro-
use of protective mask, glasses, gloves etc.).
tected skin wash off immediately using plenty of
Make sure that other personnel are not inad-
water and soap. If you get battery acid in your
vertently exposed to hazardous chemicals, for
eyes, flush at once with a generous amount of
example in the air. Ensure good ventilation in
water, and get medical assistance at once.
the work place. Follow the instructions provided
when disposing of used or leftover chemicals.
Turn the engine off and turn off the power at the
main switch(es) before carrying out work on the
Exercise extreme care when leak detecting on electrical system.
the fuel system and testing the fuel injector noz-
zles. Use eye protection. The jet from a fuel Clutch adjustments must be carried out with the
nozzle has very high pressure and great pene- engine stopped.
tration power. Fuel can force its way deep into
body tissue and cause severe injury. Danger of The existing lugs on the engine/reversing gear
blood poisoning (septicemia). should be used for lifting the assembly.
Always check that the lifting equipment used is
All fuels, and many chemicals, are flammable. in good condition and has the load capacity to
Do not allow naked flame or sparks in the vicini- lift the engine (engine weight including gearbox,
ty. Petrol (gasoline), some thinners and hydro- if fitted, and any extra equipment).
gen gas from batteries are extremely flammable Use an adjustable lifting beam or lifting beam
and explosive when mixed with air in the correct specifically for the engine to raise the engine to
ratio. No Smoking! Ensure that the work area is ensure safe handling and to avoid damaging
well ventilated and take the necessary safety engine parts installed on the top of the engine.
precautions before starting welding or grinding All chains and cables should run parallel to
work. Always ensure that there are fire extin- each other and as perpendicular as possible in
guishers at hand when work is being carried relation to the top of the engine.
out. If other equipment connected to the engine has
altered its center of gravity, special lifting devis-
Make sure that oil and fuel soaked rags, and es may be needed to obtain the correct balance
used fuel and oil filters are stored in a safe and safe handling.
place. Rags soaked in oil can spontaneously ig- Never carry out work on an engine suspended
nite under certain circumstances. on a hoist.
Safety information Group 20
Never work alone when removing heavy engine Never use a power washer for engine cleaning.
components, even when using lifting devices such Remember the following when washing other
as locking tackle lifts. When using a lifting device components with a power washer: Never aim
two people are usually required to do the work, the water jet at seals, rubber hoses or electrical
one to take care of the lifting device and another components.
to ensure that components are lifted clear and not
damaged during the lifting operations.
When you work aboard a boat, always make
sure that there is enough space for disassembly Only use the fuels recommended by Volvo Penta.
where you are working, with no risk of personal Refer to the Instruction Book. Use of fuels that are
injury or damage to materials. of a lower quality can damage the engine. Poor
fuel can also lead to higher service costs.
Components in the electrical and fuel systems
on Volvo Penta products have been designed
to minimize the risks of explosion and fire. The
engine must not be run in areas where there
are explosive materials.
General information
Technical Data
Type designation ................................................ D16C-A/B/C MH D16C-A MG
No. of cylinders ..................................................... 6
Bore ...................................................................... 144 mm (5.669")
Stroke ................................................................... 165 mm (6.496")
Swept volume, total .............................................. 16.12 dm3 (983.9 in3)
Power ................................................................... Please refer to the sales literature
No. of valves per cylinder ..................................... 4
Direction of rotation (seen from front) ................... Clockwise
Compression ratio ................................................ 17.5:1
Crankcase pressure, normal value,
irrespective of engine speed ................................. max. 5 kPa (0.73 psi)
Firing sequence (cyl. No. 6 closest to flywheel) .... 1–5–3–6–2–4
Low idle (propulsion engine) ................................. 600 ±10 rpm –
adjustable within the range ................................ 550 –600 rpm –
D16C-500/550/600 (rating 1):
full throttle range ................................................ 1780 –1850 rpm –
D16C-650 (rating 1):
full throttle range ................................................ 1780 –1880 rpm –
D16C-750 (rating 2):
full throttle range ................................................ 1880 –1950 rpm –
High idle:
D16C-A MG .......................................................... – 1500 or 1800 rpm
Weight, engine with heat exchanger, without
reverser, (dry) approx. .......................................... 1750 kg (3858 lbs)
Group 20 Technical data
Short block
Cylinder head
Type ..................................................................... One cylinder head for all cylinders
(overhead camshaft)
Length .................................................................. 1194 mm (47.008")
Width .................................................................... 438 mm (17.244")
Height ................................................................... 135 mm (5.315")
Max. flatness error (base plane) ........................... 0.1 mm (0.0039")
Cylinder block
Length .................................................................. 1156 mm (45.512")
Height, upper block plane–crankshaft center (A) . 453 mm (17.835")
Height, lower block plane–crankshaft center (B) .. 120 mm (4.724")
Technical data Group 20
Cylinder liners
Type ..................................................................... Wet, replaceable
Height, total .......................................................... 288 mm (11.339")
Cylinder diameter (oversize not available) ............ 144 mm (5.669")
Sealing surface height above block plane ............. 0.15 –0.21 mm
Number of O-rings, upper liner seal ...................... 1
Number of O-rings, lower liner seal ...................... 2
Piston mounted in engine, height above
cylinder block plane .............................................. 0.15 –0.65 mm
No. of ring grooves ............................................... 3
Front marking ....................................................... Arrow towards front
Gudgeon pins
Diameter ............................................................... 63 mm (2.4803")
Group 20 Technical data
Piston rings
Compression rings
Number ................................................................. 2
Piston ring clearance in groove:
upper compression ring .................................... Trapezoidal profile
lower compression ring, height .......................... 0.07 mm (0.0028")
max. play (wear allowance) ............................ 0.1 mm (0.0039")
Piston ring gap, measured at ring opening:
upper compression ring .................................... 0.62 mm (0.0244")
max. ring gap (wear allowance) ...................... 0.85 mm (0.0335")
lower compression ring ..................................... 1.1 mm (0.0433")
max. ring gap (wear allowance) ...................... 1.35 mm (0.0531")
Reciprocating components
Length .................................................................. 1256 mm (49.449")
Crankshaft end float 1) ........................................... 0.15 mm (0.0059")
Main bearings radial clearance 1) .......................... 0.07– 0.14 mm
Max. permitted ovality on main- and big-end
bearing journals .................................................... 0.01 mm (0.0004")
Max. permitted taper of main- and big-end
bearing journals .................................................... 0.02 mm (0.0008")
Max. runout on center bearing .............................. 0.15 mm (0.0059")
Note. Values apply to oiled components.
Technical data Group 20
Group 20 Technical data
Technical data Group 20
Group 20 Technical data
Con rods
Length center – center (D) .................................... 280 mm (11.0236")
Conrods and bearing caps are marked with
a three-figure number (see figure).
“FRONT” on rod turned ..................................... Forwards
Big end bearing cap internal
diameter (E) .......................................................... 63.036–63.046 mm
(2.4817– 2.4821")
End float, con rod – crankshaft, max. 1) ................. 0.35 mm (0.0138")
Big end bearings, radial clearance, max. 1) ............ 0.10 mm (0.0039")
Straightness, max. deviation per 100 mm
(3.937") measured length ..................................... 0.06 mm (0.0024")
Twist, max. deviation per 100 mm (3.937")
measured length ................................................... 0.15 mm (0.0059")
Values apply to oiled components.
Flywheel, installed
Max permitted runout on measured radius 150 mm
(5.905") ................................................................. 0.1 mm (0.0039")
No. of teeth on starter gear ring ............................ 153
Sensor grooves on flywheel .................................. 3 × 18
Technical data Group 20
Valve mechanism
Checking camshaft setting:
The check shall be performed with a cold en-
gine and valve clearance = 0.
Inlet valve for no.1 cylinder shall, at
flywheel position 6° a. t. d. c. have opened ........... 1.4 ±0.3 mm
(0.0551 ±0.0118")
Note. During this check, the timing gear
must be turned in the correct direction
(clockwise seen from the front) to take up all
gear backlash.
NOTE: Do not forget to adjust the valve clear-
ance back to the correct value after the check.
Camshaft bearings
Camshaft bearing thickness, standard .................. 1.92 mm (0.0756")
Oversize dimension:
0.25 mm (0.0098") ............................................ 2.05 mm (0.0807")
0.50 mm (0.0197") ............................................ 2.17 mm (0.0854")
0.75 mm (0.0295") ............................................ 2.30 mm (0.0906")
Diameter, camshaft bearing seat:
Bearings 1 to 7 .................................................. 69.97–70.00 mm
Group 20 Technical data
Head diameter:
Intake ................................................................ 49 mm (1.9291")
Exhaust ............................................................. 46 mm (1.8110")
Stem diameter:
Inlet ................................................................... 10 mm (0.3937")
Exhaust ............................................................. 10 mm (0.3937")
Valve seat angle:
Intake ................................................................ 24.5°
Exhaust ............................................................. 44.5°
Seat angle in cylinder head:
Intake ................................................................ 25°
Exhaust ............................................................. 45°
Technical data Group 20
Valve seats
Outer diameter (dimension A), standard:
Intake ................................................................ 52 mm (2.0472")
Exhaust ............................................................. 49 mm (1.9291")
Outer diameter (dimension A), oversize:
Intake ................................................................ 52.2 mm (2.0551")
Exhaust ............................................................. 49.2 mm (1.9370")
Height (dimension B):
Intake ................................................................ 7.6 mm (0.2992")
Exhaust ............................................................. 7.8 mm (0.3071")
Distance from valve head to cylinder head
plane (check measurement):
Inlet ................................................................... 0.9 –1.4 mm
(0.0354– 0.0551")
wear tolerance ................................................ max. 1.5 mm (0.0591")
Exhaust ............................................................. 1.4–1.9 mm
(0.0551– 0.0748")
wear tolerance ................................................ max. 2.0 mm (0.0787")
If the distance is greater, the valve seat must be
NOTE! When the valve seats are changed, the
valves must be changed at the same time.
As spare parts, the valve seats are fully machined
and should not need additional grinding.
Group 20 Technical data
Valve guides
Intake ................................................................ 83.5 mm (3.287")
Exhaust ............................................................. 83.5 mm (3.287")
Inner diameter:
Intake ................................................................ 10 mm (0.3937")
Exhaust ............................................................. 10 mm (0.3937")
Height above cylinder head spring plane:
Intake ................................................................ 24.5 ±0.2 mm (0.9646 ±0.0079")
Exhaust ............................................................. 22.5 ±0.2 mm (0.8858 ±0.0079")
Clearance, valve stem – guide:
Intake ................................................................ 0.025 –0.054 mm
Wear tolerance ................................................ max. 0.9 mm 1) (0.0354") 1)
Exhaust ............................................................. 0.058 – 0.087 mm
Wear tolerance ................................................ max. 0.9 mm 1) (0.0354") 1)
Max. permissible clearance between valve stem and
valve guide: (according to method in “Workshop manu-
al group 21–26, D16C; Valve guides, inspection”).
Valve springs
Inlet (single springs)
Unloaded length ................................................... 67.5 mm (2.6575")
with 522 N (117.4 lbf) load ................................. 57.0 mm (2.2441")
with 1205 N (270.9 lbf) load ............................... 43.3 mm (1.7047")
coilbound length max. ........................................ 40.3 mm (1.5866")
Rocker arms
Bearing clearance ................................................. max. 0.1 mm (0.0039")
Rocker arm roller, clearance ................................. max. 0.1 mm (0.0039")
Technical data Group 20
Timing gears
Group 20 Technical data
Lubrication system
D16C-A/B/C MH, D16C-A MG:
Oil grade 1) Fuel sulfur content by weight
up to 0.5% 0.5 – 1.0% more than 1.0% 2)
Oil change interval: Reached first in operation
VDS-3 500 hrs. or 12 months. 200 hrs. or 12 months. 100 hrs. or 12 months.
VDS-2 and ACEA E7 3), 4)
VDS-2 and Global DHD-1 3) ⎬ 400 hrs. or 12 months. 200 hrs. or 12 months. 100 hrs. or 12 months.
VDS-2 and API CH-4 3)
VDS-2 and API CH-4 3) ⎭
VDS and ACEA E3 3), 5) ⎬ 300 hrs. or 12 months. 150 hrs. or 12 months. 75 hrs. or 12 months.
VDS and API CG-4 3), 6) ⎭
ACEA: E3 5) ⎬ 200 hrs. or 12 months. 100 hrs. or 12 months. 50 hrs. or 12 months.
API: CG-4 6) ⎭
NOTE: Mineral based oil, as well as fully or semi-synthetic, can be used on condition that it complies with the
quality requirements above.
Lowest recommended oil grade. A lubricating oil with a higher grade can always be used.
With sulfur content >1.0 weight% oils with TBN >15 shall be used.
The lubricating oil shall fulfil both requirements.
ECEA E7 has replaced ACEA E5. ACEA E5 can however be used if oil of this grade is available.
ACEA E3 can be replaced with ACEA E4, E5 or E7.
API CG-4 can be replaced with API CI-4.
Technical data Group 20
Lube oil volume
Change volume, including changing three filters,
without regard to engine inclination .................... 55 liters (14.5 US gals)
volume difference min.– max. ............................ 10 liters (2.6 US gals)
Oil filter
Full-flow filter, number .......................................... 2
(tightened ¾ turn after contact)
By-pass filter, number ........................................... 1
(tightened ¾–1 turn after contact)
Group 20 Technical data
Oil valves
4 3
Technical data Group 20
Fuel system
Fuel specification
The fuel must comply with national and international standards for commercially supplied fuels, such as:
EN 590 (with nationally adapted environmental and cold weather requirements)
ASTM D 975 No 1-D and 2-D
JIS KK 2204
Sulfur content: Complying with legal requirements in each country.
Low density fuel (city diesel in Sweden and Finland) can cause a loss of up to 5% of power and an increase in fuel
consumption of about 2–3%.
Feed pump
Feed pressure after fuel filter at:
600 rpm ............................................................. min. 100 kPa (14.5 psi)
1200 rpm ........................................................... min. 280 kPa (40.6 psi)
full load .............................................................. min. 280 kPa (40.6 psi)
By-pass valve
Opening pressure ................................................. 300–550 kPa (43.5–79.8 psi)
Group 20 Technical data
Unit injectors
D16C-A/B/C MH, D16C-A MG
Technical data Group 20
Group 20 Technical data
The exhaust temperatures are measured at duty rating. Temperature of inlet air +27°C (80.6°F) and
exhaust back pressure 10 kPa (1.45 psi / 1019 mm water column / 40.118" water column).
D16C-A MG (HE/KC)*
Power – ISO Standard Power
1500 rpm .............................................................. 215 kPa (31.2 psi) 465°C (869°F)
1800 rpm .............................................................. 230 kPa (33.4 psi) 435°C (815°F)
Technical data Group 20
Cooling system
Type ..................................................................... Pressurized, sealed
Pressure cap opens at .......................................... 75 kPa (10.9 psi)
Coolant volume, approx. ....................................... 56 liters* (14.8 US gals)*
* Note. Incl. heat exchanger (HE).
Type ..................................................................... Piston thermostat
Quantity ................................................................ 1
The thermostat starts to open at ........................... 84 – 88°C (183– 190°F)
fully open at ..................................... 94 – 98°C (201– 208°F)
Coolant filter
Number ................................................................. 1
Coolant pump
Type ..................................................................... Belt driven centrifugal pump
Pressure after coolant pump:
1200 rpm ........................................................... 150 kPa (21.8 psi) –
1500 rpm ........................................................... 220 kPa (31.9 psi) 220 kPa (31.9 psi)
1800 rpm ........................................................... 290 kPa (42.1 psi) 290 kPa (42.1 psi)
1900 rpm ........................................................... 330 kPa (47.9 psi) –
Group 20 Technical data
“Volvo Penta Coolant, Ready Mixed” .................... Ready-mixed coolant
Consists of ......................................................... 40% ethylene glycol with corrosion inhibiting
additives and 60% water
Protects against freezing down to approx. ......... –28°C (–18°F)
“Volvo Penta Coolant” .......................................... Concentrated coolant
Consists of ......................................................... Ethylene glycol + anti-corrosion additives
Color .................................................................. Blue-green
Water quality
ASTM D4985:
Total solid particles ............................................ < 340 ppm
Total hardness ................................................... < 9.5° dH
Chloride ............................................................. < 40 ppm
Sulfate ............................................................... < 100 ppm
pH value ............................................................ 5.5 – 9
Silica (acc. to ASTM D859) ............................... < 20 mg SiO2/l
Iron (acc. to ASTM D1068) ................................ < 0.10 ppm
Manganese (acc. to ASTM D858) ..................... < 0.05 ppm
Conductivity (acc. to ASTM D1125) ................... < 500 µS/cm
Organic content, CODMn (acc. ISO8467) ........... < 15 mg KMnO4/l
Technical data Group 20
Electrical system
System voltage ..................................................... 24 V
Battery capacity .................................................... 2 series-connected 12 V, max. 220 Ah
Battery electrolyte density at +25°C (77°F):
fully charged battery ........................................... 1.28 g/cm3 (1.24 g/cm3)*
0.0462 lb/in3 (0.0448 lb/in3)*
re-charge battery at ............................................ 1.24 g/cm3 (1.20 g/cm3)*
0.0448 lb/in3 (0.0434 lb/in3)*
* Note. Applies to batteries with tropical acid.
Make .................................................................... Bosch
Voltage/max. current capacity .............................. 28 V / 80 A
Output, approx. ..................................................... 2240 W
Starter motor
Make .................................................................... Mitsubishi 24 V / 7 kW
Brush length ......................................................... min. 11 mm (0.433")
Speed sensor
Camshaft (timing gear cover):
distance to toothed wheel, vibration damper ...... 1.1 ±0.4 mm (0.0433 ±0.0157")
Flywheel (flywheel housing):
distance to flywheel ........................................... 1.1 ±0.4 mm (0.0433 ±0.0157")
Group 20 Technical data
Technical data Group 20
Tightening torques
D16C-A/B/C MH, D16C-A MG
General tightening torques
Nm (lbf.ft) Angle tightening
M6 standard screw 8.8 ......................................... 10 ±1.5 (7.4 ±1) –
M8 standard screw 8.8 ......................................... 24 ±4 (17.7 ±3) –
M10 standard screw 8.8 ....................................... 48 ±8 (35.4 ±6) –
M12 standard screw 8.8 ....................................... 85 ±15 (62.7 ±11) –
M14 standard screw 8.8 ....................................... 140 ±25 (103.3 ±18) –
M16 standard screw 8.8 ....................................... 220 ±35 (162 ±26) –
Group 20 Technical data
Technical data Group 20
Group 20 Technical data
Tightening diagrams
D16C-A/B/C MH, D16C-A MG
Cylinder head
4 5
2 7
1 8
Technical data Group 20
Nm (lbf.ft) Angle
Camshaft: tightening
Stage 1: (camshaft and bearing cap in place). Fit a drift to No. 7’s
bearing seat to protect the guide sleeve.
Stage 2: Tighten screws 1–7 ..................................................................... 15 ±3 (11.1 ±2) –
Stage 3: (with shorter extra screws). Tighten screws 8–13 and 20 ........... 50 ±5 (36.9 ±4) –
Stage 4: Angle tighten screws 1–7 ............................................................ – 90° ±5°
Stage 5: Remove extra screws 8–13 and 20.
Stage 6: Remove the drift from No. 7’s bearing seat.
Group 20 Technical data
Technical data Group 20
Group 20 Technical data
Technical data Group 20
Connections, turbocharger*
Stage 1:
Tighten the screwed joint until it bottoms
(“zero play”).
Stage 2 ................................................................. 25 ±5 Nm (18.4 ±4 lbf.ft)
* Note. For coolant and lube oil respectively.
Oil cooler
Tightening torque:
Stage 1 ................................................................. 10 ±4 Nm (7.4 ±3 lbf.ft)
Stage 2* ................................................................ 27 ±4 Nm (20 ±3 lbf.ft)
* Note. Tightening sequence 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 1 in stage 2.
Group 20 Technical data
Tightening torque:
Lube oil pan .......................................................... 24 ±4 Nm (17.7 ±3 lbf.ft)
Drain plug ............................................................. 60 ±5 Nm (44.3 ±4 lbf.ft)
Technical data Group 20
Group 20 Technical data
Tightening torque:
Stage 1: Tighten all M14 bolts .............................. 160 ±20 Nm (118 ±15 lbf.ft)
Stage 2: Tighten all M10 bolts .............................. 48 ±8 Nm (35.4 ±6 lbf.ft)
Stage 3: Tighten all M8 screws ............................. 24 ±4 Nm (17.7 ±3 lbf.ft)
Technical data Group 20
Fuel pipes
1. Plastic clips
2. Tension strap
3. Rubber clamp
Group 20 Technical data
Coolant pump
Technical data Group 20
Engine cables
* IMPORTANT! Use only Volvo Penta original tension straps and holders under
the valve cover for clamping the wiring for the unit injectors. These components
have been specially developed to withstand oil and high temperatures.
Group 20 Technical data
Installing seals
D16C-A/B/C MH, D16C-A MG
Cylinder block, rear
Apply a string of sealant, part No. 1161231* and with a diameter of about 2 mm (0.079").
* Note. Sealant 1161231 (cartridge 0.31 l), or 1161277 (tube 20 g).
Apply a string of sealant, part No. 1161231 and with a diameter of about 2 mm (0.079").
Technical data Group 20
Apply a string of sealant, part No. 1161231 and with a diameter of about 2 mm (0.079").
Inlet pipe
Apply a string of sealant, part No. 1161231 and with a diameter of about 2 mm (0.079") as illustrated.
Group 20 Technical data
The figure shows the joint between the cylinder block and front crankshaft seal cover and the
flywheel housing where sealant (part No. 1161231) shall be applied.
Valve cover
Apply a string of sealant, part No. 1161231 and with a diameter of about 2 mm (0.079") to the
joint between the timing gear cover and the cylinder head.
References to Service Bulletins
Report form
Do you have any comments or complaints about this manual? Please take a copy
of this page, write your comments on it and send it to us. The address is at the
bottom. We would appreciate it if you were to write in English or Swedish.
From: ............................................................................
Suggestion/Motivation: ..........................................................................................................................................
Date: ................................................................
Name: ..............................................................
AB Volvo Penta
Technical Information
Dept. 42200
SE-405 08 Gothenburg
7746641 English 04-2013