Article JEEET 2
Article JEEET 2
Article JEEET 2
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Industrial Systems the broader term of power quality disturbances [2]. Moreover
in industries common disturbances occur and disturb switching
Abraham Dandoussou1, Martin Kamta2, Frank Parfait control devices that are fired respect to voltage magnitude and
Tchoundou1 angle. When the disturbance inrushes, it leads to the change
of these parameters. Degradation in quality of power is mainly
caused by disturbances such as voltage swell, voltage sag,
notch, transients, and harmonic distortions and so on [3].
Table 1 shows some power disturbances according to IEEE.
The objective of this study is to clearly analyse by identifying and There are some period where distribution network encounter
providing specifications on each disturbance. The main targets
different sort of disturbance. Generally in Cameroon, from
are the study of faults that suddenly happen on wires which
supply loads, and the survey of detrimental effect coming from
November to December, distribution network is overloaded with
the load especially common loads used in industries. Simulation utilities apparatus and transformers are that saturated [3]. High
results were presented to illustrate analysis of these disturbances harmonic distortion can negatively impact a facility’s electric
on a Distribution Line network. For signle-phase earthing fault distribution system, and lead to excessive heat in transformers,
model, the results show the duration of the voltage sag of 90 ms causing early failures. Heat also builds up in wire insulation
with the magnitudes of 0 kV, 30.97 kV and 30.98 kV respectively causing breakdown and failure. Load harmonics can cause the
for Va, Vb and Vc. For phase to phase fault model, the duration overheating of the magnetic cores of transformer and motors
is around 85 ms with Va = 21.3 kV and Vb=Vc= 0kV. When using
hence, produce skin effect. Increased operating temperatures
non-linear loads, the obtained THD varies from 32.10 % to 44.32
% and the total demand distortion (TDD) from 91.42% to 95.21
can affect other equipment as well, resulting in malfunctions
%. and early failure. This is load that disturbs the source. Switching
ON/OFF of electronics devices which transform the current or
Keywords: Power Systems, Power Disturbances, Industrial voltage waveforms. Such happen to adjustable speed driver
Systems, Total harmonic distortion
and causes huge financial losses, with the consequent loss of
productivity and competitiveness. It is the source that disturbs
Introduction the load. More over natural threat as storm even raining or wind
could break down one, two or the three phases to ground such
Electrical equipment is more sensitive to disturbances a way that a pylon fell down or shutdown, as well as create a
that arise both on the supply power system and within the large current unbalance that could blow fuses or trip breakers
customers’ apparatus. Furthermore, this equipment is more and completely destroyed the network system even customer’s
interconnected in networks and industrial process so that the apparatus. These faults might cause voltage dips in one or
impacts of a problem with any piece of apparatus are much more of the phases involved and may even indirectly cause
more severe. Nowadays, buses have been commonly used over-voltages on the other phases. The system behaviour is
in industrial plants in order to change the mode of operating then unbalanced by definition, but such phenomena are usually
machines through the modification either of the supply voltage classified under voltage disturbances. Abnormal system
waveform, current waveform, frequency power system, or the conditions also cause disturbance either from the load or from
direct and alternating currents. The use of static inverters in the supplier [3].
electrical energy distribution networks, considerably improve
the system performances and effectiveness. Unfortunately, Distribution line system often operated only at the primary
the inverters in general contribute to the degradation of the substation that caused limitation of information. Distribution
quality of the currents and voltages in the distribution networks. network also perplex due to various factors such as non-
Indeed, the common occurrences of electric disturbances are uniformity of line, uncertainty on fault resistance value,
due to the growing number of non-linear loads imposed on the lateral branches, distribution loads and loading diversify. All
electric lines, as the loads have the tendency to absorb non- this factors limited the use of some disturbances analysis
sinusoidal currents and thereby introduce harmonic distortions techniques. Analysis of these disturbances is moving through
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Citation: Abraham Dandoussou et al. (2020) Analysis of Electrical Power Disturbances in Distribution and Industrial Systems. J Electr Eng Electron Technol
electrical parameters. Measurement and evaluation are geared The purposes of understanding, the following terms and
throughout the distribution and the industries. Determining the definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should
start and end of the disturbance event is very important for be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. Harmonic is
analysis. Some suitable techniques for distribution network with a component of order greater than one of the Fourier series
limited data were proposed in [4]. These techniques compile of a periodic quantity. For example, in a 60 Hz system, the
iterative calculation to locate fault disturbance detection harmonic order 3, also known as the “third harmonic,” is 180
applying power quality information [5] [6]. The brightness Hz. Interharmonic is a frequency component of a periodic
principal is based on the fact that disturbance at distinct quantity that is not an integer multiple of the frequency at
detections presents distinct waveform on characteristics. By which the supply systems operating (50 Hz or 60 Hz). The total
identifying the patterns at different detection, the detection of demand distortion (TDD) is the ratio of the root mean square
fault can be determined. A recent method of fault detection of the harmonic content, considering harmonic components
using some disturbances was proposed in [7]. In this technique, up to the 50th order and specifically excluding interharmonics,
an algorithm was introduced to identify the possible faulty expressed as a percentage of the maximum demand current.
section by matching the measured one with the disturbance Harmonic components of order greater than 50 may be included
wave shape in the database. The weakness of this method is when necessary. The total harmonic distortion (THD) is the ratio
the difficulty to clearly locate faulty section on the distribution of the root mean square of the harmonic content, considering
network. There are several detection methods that are usually harmonic components up to the 50th order and specifically
expressed in the terms of Hysteresis Voltage Technique, RMS excluding interharmonics, expressed as a percentage of the
Value Evaluation Method, Peak Value Evaluation Method, fundamental. Harmonic components of order greater than 50
Novel technique and Missing Voltage Technique which are may be included when necessary. A great quantity of work
used to detect and analyse detrimental effects such as fault has been focused in the estimation of amplitude and phase of
that happen or moved along the grid. Nonlinear loads are the fundamental frequency as well as its related harmonics. A
mostly the cause of harmonics, Fourier series analysis method primary tool for estimation of fundamental amplitude of a signal
that can be used to detect, analyse waveform phenomenon. is the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) or its computationally
The ability to express a non-sinusoidal waveform as a sum efficient implementation called fast Fourier transform
of sinusoidal waves can use the more common mathematical (FFT). With this tool is possible to have an estimation of the
expressions and formulas to solve power distribution system fundamental amplitude and its harmonics with a reasonable
problems [8]. approximation. FFT performs well for estimation of periodic
signals in stationary state; however, it doesn’t perform well for
This paper deals with the detailed study of power disturbances detection of suddenly or fast changes in waveform transients or
that occur firstly on distribution system network and secondly voltages dips. Using it as analysing take into account distorted
on industries. Clearly identify and provide specifications on waveform, effective value, THD, effect of harmonic for power
each disturbance. Our main targets are the study of faults that and power factor are analysed and presented using Fourier
sudden happen on wires whose supply loads, also survey of series [9][10].
detrimental effect coming from the load especially common
loads used in industries. Furthermore quantify through The amount of distortion in the voltage or current waveform
measured and evaluation in term of RMS (Vrms phase-phase, is quantified by means of an index called the total harmonic
Vrms phase-ground) Time offset Period, discrete time power distortion (THD). According to IEEE 519-2014, it is defined
analysis in terms of THD and harmonics contents and on FFT as a ratio of the root-mean-square of the harmonic content to
of detrimental effects that move along the supplier up to loads the root-mean-square value of the fundamental quantity and
common used in factories. expressed as a percentage of the fundamental [2][9] [10] [11].
B Voltage sag A reduction in RMS voltage over a range of 0.1 – 0.9 pu for a duration greater than 10 ms but less than 1s
According to IEEE 519-2014, the total effect of distortion in
An increase in RMS voltage over a range of 1.1 – 1.8 pu for a duration greater than 10 ms but less than 1s
the current waveform at the PCC is measured by the index
C Voltage swell
E Voltage/Current unbalance Deviation in magnitude of voltage/current of any one or two of the three phases called the total demand distortion (TDD), as a percentage of
F Ringing waves A transient condition which decays gradually the maximum demand current at the PCC. In other words, it
G Outage Power interruption for not exceeding 60 s duration due to fault or maltripping of switchgear/system
is defined as a ratio of the root mean square of the harmonic
content, (considering harmonic components typically up to the
H Transients Sudden rise of signal
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Citation: Abraham Dandoussou et al. (2020) Analysis of Electrical Power Disturbances in Distribution and Industrial Systems. J Electr Eng Electron Technol
Equation (2)
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Citation: Abraham Dandoussou et al. (2020) Analysis of Electrical Power Disturbances in Distribution and Industrial Systems. J Electr Eng Electron Technol
Equation (13)
The two signals, Vi(t) and vi’(t) are a pair of orthogonal function. with m(t) gives the instantaneous deviation of equation (15).
If they are sent to two separate multipliers and squared,
equations (10) can be derived.
Equation (10) Equation (14)
Equation (11)
This method seems to be shown to be superior to the RMS
Where K is the multiplication factor of the multipliers. Due to the
method for sag analysis where phase angle jumps occur. It
characteristic of orthogonal function it v01(t) and v02(t) is easy
relies on the assumption that the system frequency is constant
to obtain the square of the input voltage peak value by adding
during the sag. Since the technique requires the RMS method
equations (9) and (10).
to determine the amplitude of the pre-sag and sag voltages
and, respectively. This method is suitable for sag analysis
rather than detection but since its style need RMS it shows that
the method is too long and fastidious [19] [20].
Equation (12)
II. Simulation Models
In order to measure the peak value, the signal v0a(t) is fed to a
square root circuit. Then the output of the square root circuit is For simulation purpose, electrical power distribution model
given by equation (12). is designed and the single-line diagram of the distribution
model is shown in Figure 1. Using SimPowerSystem library of
Simulink®, this model is simulated by applying various type of
loads commonly seen in industries and faults like short circuit
Where K1 is the multiplication factor of the square root circuit. fault, heavy load, normal load, non-linear load (Power converter,
when the multiplication factors of the multiplier and the square efficient bulb lighting, etc.), and capacitor bank. The electrical
root circuit are selected properly, the value of constant K1 power distribution model consists of a 25-kV voltage source
can be set as 1. The output voltage of the detector is equal to and 50 Hz fundamental frequency. Each power quality events
the peak value of the input voltage. Because the detector is simulate for 10 cycles and a sampling frequency of 10 kHz.
based on the concept of an orthogonal function pair, it is called When single-line to ground fault is applied to bus 1 then, voltage
orthogonal detector [17] [18]. sag and interruption are caused on faulty phase and voltage
D. Missing voltage evaluation method swell is caused on healthy phase. It is known that voltage sag,
swell and interruption are also caused by switching on a heavy
The Missing Voltage can be used to see the real time variation load but for simulation purpose we will target on faulty. Table 2
of the waveform from the ideal and the actual severity of the shows the specifications of the power distribution system used
event. It is also capable to give more accurate indication of in the simulation. The performance study of sample system is
the duration of voltage sag/swell/interruption as well as the carried out for detection and characterization of voltage due to
start and the end of event. The Missing Voltage Technique is power system faults. It is assumed that a fault has occurred at
defined as the difference between the desired instantaneous position short circuit fault, on the primary side of distribution
voltage and the actual instantaneous value. The desired transformer T2, and the fault lasted for 4 cycles from t = 0:045
voltage can be easily obtained by taking the pre-event voltage to 0:125 seconds.
and extrapolating this out during the event which is similar to
the way a phase-locked loop (PLL) operates. A PLL is a control
loop incorporating a voltage control oscillator and phase
sensitive detector in order to lock a given signal to stable
reference frequency. Therefore, the desired voltage waveform
will be known as PLL waveform (VPLL(t)) and it will be locked
in magnitude, frequency, and phase angle to the pre-event
voltage waveform [19] [20].
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Citation: Abraham Dandoussou et al. (2020) Analysis of Electrical Power Disturbances in Distribution and Industrial Systems. J Electr Eng Electron Technol
Line 2 10 + j6 Ω ; 20 km
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Citation: Abraham Dandoussou et al. (2020) Analysis of Electrical Power Disturbances in Distribution and Industrial Systems. J Electr Eng Electron Technol
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Citation: Abraham Dandoussou et al. (2020) Analysis of Electrical Power Disturbances in Distribution and Industrial Systems. J Electr Eng Electron Technol
to preserve wave shape appearance. detectives that help to sense some disturbances. FFT is also
applied to measure harmonics generated by non-linear load.
Although, there are many different theoretical approaches that
THD Phase A Phase B Phase C are used to measure diversification. In perspective, we would
think of further analysis by focusing on sag/swell disturbances,
THD (%) 44.32 32.10 36.44 their severity of individual events (single-event characteristics),
by quantifying the performance at a specific location (single-
TDD (%) 91.42 95.21 93.95 site indices), and by quantifying the performance of the whole
system (system indices) with respect to IEEE standard 1564-
Selected signal: 10 cycles. FFT window (in red): 1 cycles
0 This research was carried out during the end of cycle project at
-200 the University of Buea, Cameroon.
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Time (s)
0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Fundamental (50Hz) = 252.9 , THD= 36.44% [1] Akagi H. (1994), Trends in active power line. IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, volume 9(number
3):pp 263–268.
M ag (% of Fundam ental)
[2] Math H Bollen and Irene Gu. (2006) Signal processing of
power quality disturbances. John Wiley And Sons, 30.
[3] SHARMISTHA SARKAR. (2014), Power quality
disturbance detection and classification using signal
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 processing and soft computing techniques. Master’s
thesis, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela,
Frequency (Hz)
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Citation: Abraham Dandoussou et al. (2020) Analysis of Electrical Power Disturbances in Distribution and Industrial Systems. J Electr Eng Electron Technol
January 1984 1984. EPRI 1209-1. School of Agro-Industrial Sciences, University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon.
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problems:voltage sags and interrup-tions. New York,
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80 Journals
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