Handheld Display HHD
Handheld Display HHD
Handheld Display HHD
Digital Energy
Instruction manual
HHD revision: 1.0x
Manual P/N: 1601-9096-A1
GE publication code: GEK-113540
Copyright © 2009 GE Multilin
GE Multilin
215 Anderson Avenue, Markham, Ontario T
Internet: http://www.GEmultilin.com
GE Multilin's Quality
Management System is
1. HandHeld Display.............................................................................................. 1
Introduction to the HHD .................................................................................................................... 1
HHD display............................................................................................................................................ 2
Keypad...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Control keys............................................................................................................................................ 5
LED indicators........................................................................................................................................ 5
2. HHD graphical display pages.......................................................................... 6
Home display page.............................................................................................................................. 7
Default display ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Actual values pages ............................................................................................................................ 8
Status pages ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Setpoints pages.................................................................................................................................. 11
Diagnostics pages............................................................................................................................. 12
Control page ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Popup windows .................................................................................................................................. 13
3. MM300/MM200 programming techniques using the HHD ...................... 15
Enumeration setpoints.................................................................................................................... 15
Numeric setpoints ............................................................................................................................. 16
Alphanumeric setpoints ................................................................................................................. 17
Date, time, and IP entry .................................................................................................................. 17
Security access................................................................................................................................... 18
HandHeld Display
HandHeld Display
1 HandHeld Display
The HHD provides the operator with rapid access to relevant information and controls
using intuitive sequences. It also provides all available information and setting control with
an easy-to-use graphic interface.
The HHD includes a rugged enclosure which suits the requirements of on site remote use.
The unit also includes industrial strength magnets that allow the HHD to be temporarily
mounted on the LV MCC while accessing the relay.
LED indicators
Control keys
USB port
The header bar (white text on a blue background) displays the hierarchical path name, the
date and time in 24-hour format, and the current password access level. The hierarchical
path is always displayed on the left top side of the graphical display. The present time is
displayed on the right top side. If the test switch is on, the time is replaced with the text
TEST MODE in red.
The soft-key labels are indicated on the bottom line. The soft-keys are used for navigation,
performing functions, and for acknowledgement.
• Navigation: soft-keys can be used to traverse across and down the hierarchy of
• Functional: soft-keys can be used to perform page-specific functions.
• Acknowledgement: soft keys can be used to acknowledge popup windows.
Soft-keys labels change to show relevant selections for the displayed screen. The color of
each soft-key label indicates its functionality. Soft-keys are highlighted for the displayed
page, unauthorized keys are “greyed-out”, and unused keys are not displayed.
The remainder of the screen shows the selected page. Pages are organized in a
hierarchical or tree-based menu structure. To improve readability, some pages are labeled
with rectangular outlines or colored backgrounds. Some pages contain too many fields to
display at once. These pages display arrows bars at the right edge to indicate that the
page continues below the screen. When recalled, scrolled pages are re-positioned at the
top of the page.
Fields display actual value or setting information, and have behaviours that allow help
display, editing, and control.
Each Actual Value analog field displayed on the home page has an associated alarm limit
and changes color to orange when that limit is exceeded. Fields with an associated trip
limit change their color to red when that limit has tripped. Fields that are disabled or
unavailable are greyed-out.
1.1.2 Keypad
The function keys perform the labeled functionality. The summary of function key
operation is shown below.
Table 1: Summary of function key operations
Key Operation
HOME Single press recalls the home page; double press recalls the default display
UP Scroll up page, select field, tab to next field, increment value
DOWN Scroll down page, select field, tab to previous field, decrement value
ESC Single press closes pop-up, cancels editing, deselects field, moves to previous page;
sustained press logs out (cancels security passcode entry)
ENTER Single press freezes scrolling and selects field, edits selected field, saves edited value;
double press sets the selected field/page as default; sustained press logs in (enter
security passcode)
HELP Displays context sensitive help and Modbus address
The HOME key always recalls the root or home page. The home page allows access to all
sub-pages and also contains a status and process values summary. Double pressing the
HOME key recalls the default display. Like a screen-saver, the default display appears after
a period of inactivity and displays user-selected information. A typical default display is
shown below, indicating a running motor in the forward direction.
Figure 3: Typical default display (actual size)
The UP and DOWN keys function in different ways depending on their context.
• Where a scroll bar is displayed, the UP and DOWN keys scroll the page up and down.
• Where there is no scroll bar or it is greyed-out, the first press of the UP and DOWN
keys selects the first field. Subsequent presses tab up and down through the fields,
scrolling as required.
• When a field is open for editing, the UP and DOWN keys increment/decrement the
value of that field.
The ENTER key functions in different ways depending on its context.
• If there are no selected fields, the ENTER key will freeze any scroll bars and select the
first field on the display.
• If a field is selected, pressing ENTER will attempt to open it for editing.
• If a field is opened for editing, pressing enter will exit the edit sequence.
• Double pressing the ENTER key at any time selects the displayed page as the default
• A sustained press on ENTER prompts the security passcode and displays a dialog box
that allows passcode entry.
For example, pressing and holding the ENTER key, or attempting a control where a
password is required, displays the following page.
Figure 4: Passcode entry dialog box
Pressing an invalid key displays a message explaining the problem and recommending a
solution. Where the keypress is invalid because a security passcode is required, the dialog
window will be a passcode entry window.
When a lockout occurs that clears when a count-down timer expires or when the thermal
capacity recovers for a restart, the Status > Message page is displayed indicating timer
value or thermal capacity.
Values Summary
Amps Motor
Inputs Trips
Outputs Alarms
Comms Control
Status Message Reset
System Virtual
Flex Summary
V Inputs
Setpoints Config
V Outputs
Control Auto
Values Summary
Status Message Reset
Inputs Trips
Outputs Alarms
Comms Control
Control Auto
• The longest current timeout from any of the pre-contactor time, time to overload, time
to reset, starts/hour block, time between starts, transfer time, undervoltage restart
time, and restart block timers.
• Temperature of the hottest stator RTD (if there is an RTD and the two previous items
are not applicable).
• Average line-to-line voltage (if there is no RTD).
Figure 8: Typical HHD home display
The Values, Status, Setpoints, Diag, and Control soft-keys are displayed on the home
page. The Status soft-key will be highlighted red if any trip conditions are active, orange if
relay is not tripped and any alarm conditions are present. Otherwise it will be grey. If the
’tripped LED flasher’ setpoint is set to ’ON’, the softkey will flash red if there is a trip or
Pressing any of the soft-keys displays the first sub-page in the hierarchy. Pressing the ESC
key within any of these sub-pages returns directly to the home page.
• Flex (displays the present state of the FlexLogic™ engine and number of lines used -
MM300 only).
A typical display is shown below:
Figure 12: Typical status message page
Message types are classified by color and associated icon type, as follows::
• Red Triangle = Trip
• Orange Square = Alarm
• Blue Circle = Inhibit
• Black Text = Information Message
Message can have an associated countdown timer.
When the relay is first powered up, the status page lists why the relay is not available for
service. This is not an exhaustive list of setpoints to be configured, but is a list of key items
such as FLA, CT Type, starter type and control Source, that must be configured before the
unit will be available for use. Protection values must still be configured for the motor to be
protected correctly.
These include Process Interlock Stop, and Field Stop.
Trips / Alarms
These trigger depending on the protection setpoints. A typical example would be;
“Overload Trip”.
Information Messages
Information pages are split into two groups
– With navigation (shown above, as an Enter symbol on the right side of the
– Without navigation
When a line showing a message (with navigation) is highlighted, pressing Enter will take
the HHD directly to the page in question, so that the situation can be quickly resolved. A
typical example would be “FLA not set”. Selecting this entry on the page will take you to the
\setpoints\config\motor page.
To streamline the setpoint entry process, the HHD will not display setpoints that are not
relevant at the specific instance. For instance, if a process interlock function is disabled,
the six setpoints associated with that interlock function will not be displayed. If all ten
process interlock functions are disabled, the MM300 will display on the HHD only 10
successive “Disabled” list items. If one of the interlock functions were then enabled, then
room is made on the display for the six setpoints which are now functional.
The setpoint pages are in a common format of twelve rows and two columns displaying
setpoint name, value, and units.
The Home > Setpoints > Config > Motor page is shown below.
Figure 14: Typical setpoints page, motor setpoints
Pressing ENTER on the highlighted line (line 9 above) will take you directly into the detailed
event analysis screen:
Invalid operation popups explain the problem and provide direction on how to rectify it.
This may also include invalid features or uninstalled options (for example, accessing the
undervoltage restart page when undervoltage restart option is not ordered). Where a
keypress is illegal because a security passcode is required, the popup is a passcode entry
dialog box.
Figure 20: Typical invalid operation popup window
Help and illegal action popup windows remain open until they are acknowledged by
clicking any soft or hard key, or until a pre-determined period of inactivity has passed.
Label of
setpoint being
Indication of additional
setpoint values
The navigational soft keys change the numeric key in focus, which is highlighted in orange.
There are also five functional soft-buttons in the popup window.
• BkSpc: This key performs the backspace function, clearing the last digit or decimal
from the display.
• CLR: This key clears the field’s value from the display
• Default: This key returns the setpoint value to its default value.
• OFF: This key disables the setpoint and is visible only for setpoints that can be
In order to activate the functions offered by these buttons, the user has to highlight the
appropriate button and press Select.
The UP and DOWN front panel keys can also be used to increment and decrement the
setpoint by its step value. Clicking the ENTER key verifies the displayed value. If the
setpoint value is valid, it is stored as the new setpoint value and the editor is closed.
Otherwise, an error statement is displayed and the Default soft-button is brought to focus.
Clicking HOME before the value is stored cancels the edit sequence and recalls the home
The following procedure describes how to edit a numeric setting.
1. Use the navigation keys to select the relevant setting page.
2. Use the navigation keys to select the relevant setting field.
3. Press the ENTER key to open the numeric setpoint editor.
4. Use the navigational soft-keys to highlight the first digit of the new setpoint value.
5. Press the Select soft-key to select the highlighted digit.
6. Use the navigational soft-keys to highlight the next digit, then press Select.
7. When the new value has been fully entered, press the ENTER key to store the value
and close the window.
A flashing underline marks the current character. The “<” and “>” soft-keys shift the cursor
left and right. When the cursor is at the extreme right hand side of the field and the field
has not reached its maximum length of string input, the “>” key shifts the cursor to the
right and sets the selected character to the space character. Up to 20 characters can be
stored for alphanumeric setpoints. A long click of the “<” and “>” soft keys move the cursor
to the first or last character in the string.
The up and down soft-keys increment and decrement the selected character through the
character set. A long click of the up or down soft-keys sets the selected character to “a”
and “Z”, respectively. The shift soft-key toggles the case of the character set. Pressing
ENTER stores the selected value, while pressing ESC cancels the editing sequence and
closes the popup editor.
The following procedure describes how to edit an alphanumeric setting.
1. Use the soft-keys to select the relevant setting page.
2. Use the arrow soft-keys to select the relevant alphanumeric setpoint field.
3. Press the ENTER key to open the alphanumeric setpoint editor.
4. The first character of the alphanumeric setting value will be marked with a flashing
cursor (underline).
5. Use the up, down, left, right, shift, and space soft-keys to change the indicated
6. Use the left and right arrow soft-keys to select and change more characters.
7. Press the ENTER key when complete to exit the edit sequence. The changes are
automatically saved.
NOTE The entry process for date, time, and IP setpoints follows the same convention as numeric
setpoints, where the day, month, year, hour, minute, second, and each octet of the IP
address are entered as separate fields. Input verification is performed for all fields of the
setpoint when the ENTER key is pressed. As these are standard formats, the minimum,
maximum and step value displays are removed. For date and time setpoints, a format
string of DD/MM/YYYY or HH:MM:SS is included as a part of the setpoint label for reference
when entering a new value.
The encrypted key information appears only when the current security access level is 0.