Production of Bacterial Cellulose

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Cavka et al.

Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:25

RESEARCH Open Access

Production of bacterial cellulose and enzyme

from waste fiber sludge
Adnan Cavka1,2†, Xiang Guo1,3†, Shui-Jia Tang3, Sandra Winestrand2, Leif J Jönsson1,2* and Feng Hong1,3*

Background: Bacterial cellulose (BC) is a highly crystalline and mechanically stable nanopolymer, which has excellent
potential as a material in many novel applications, especially if it can be produced in large amounts from an inexpensive
feedstock. Waste fiber sludge, a residue with little or no value, originates from pulp mills and lignocellulosic biorefineries.
A high cellulose and low lignin content contributes to making the fiber sludge suitable for bioconversion, even without
a thermochemical pretreatment step. In this study, the possibility to combine production of BC and hydrolytic enzymes
from fiber sludge was investigated. The BC was characterized using field-emission scanning electron microscopy and
X-ray diffraction analysis, and its mechanical properties were investigated.
Results: Bacterial cellulose and enzymes were produced through sequential fermentations with the bacterium
Gluconacetobacter xylinus and the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei. Fiber sludges from sulfate (SAFS) and sulfite
(SIFS) processes were hydrolyzed enzymatically without prior thermochemical pretreatment and the resulting
hydrolysates were used for BC production. The highest volumetric yields of BC from SAFS and SIFS were 11 and 10 g/L
(DW), respectively. The BC yield on initial sugar in hydrolysate-based medium reached 0.3 g/g after seven days of
cultivation. The tensile strength of wet BC from hydrolysate medium was about 0.04 MPa compared to about 0.03 MPa
for BC from a glucose-based reference medium, while the crystallinity was slightly lower for BC from hydrolysate
cultures. The spent hydrolysates were used for production of cellulase with T. reesei. The cellulase activity (CMCase
activity) in spent SAFS and SIFS hydrolysates reached 5.2 U/mL (87 nkat/mL), which was similar to the activity level
obtained in a reference medium containing equal amounts of reducing sugar.
Conclusions: It was shown that waste fiber sludge is a suitable raw material for production of bacterial cellulose and
enzymes through sequential fermentation. The concept studied offers efficient utilization of the various components in
fiber sludge hydrolysates and affords a possibility to combine production of two high value-added products using
residual streams from pulp mills and biorefineries. Cellulase produced in this manner could tentatively be used to
hydrolyze fresh fiber sludge to obtain medium suitable for production of BC in the same biorefinery.
Keywords: Bacterial cellulose, Gluconacetobacter xylinus, Enzyme production, Cellulase, Trichoderma reesei,
Fiber sludge

Background bacterial cellulose (BC), which is a nano-structured ma-

Production of high value-added materials from residual terial produced by various species of acetic acid bacteria
streams originating from renewable feedstock is an [1]. BC is mainly built up by microfibrils, which are
interesting possibility, which has the prospective of be- around 2–4 nm in diameter and which in turn build up
coming an integral part of existing pulp mills and fibers with an approximate size of less than 100 nm [2].
lignocellulosic biorefineries. One such material is The fine and well-ordered structure of BC offers several
advantages when it is used in matrices with other
* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] materials, such as low thermal expansion and superior

Equal contributors
China-Sweden Associated Research Laboratory in Industrial Biotechnology, reinforcement [3]. Already today, BC has reached a wide
College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua array of applications, such as health food, cosmetics,
University, Shanghai 201620, China pharmaceutical and biomedical products, reinforcement
Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, SE-901 87, Umeå, Sweden
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article of high-quality papers, diaphragms for electro-acoustic

© 2013 Cavka et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Cavka et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:25 Page 2 of 10

transducers, paint additives, coatings, reinforcement for integrated with biofuel manufacture, which would benefit
optically transparent films, and proton-conducting from production of high value-added co-products and
membranes of fuel cells [1,3-7]. The future potential for from on-site production of hydrolytic enzymes.
BC is even wider than the already existing applications,
especially if it can be produced in large amounts from Results and discussion
an inexpensive feedstock, and may include areas such Fiber sludges collected from mills operating sulfate- and
as specialty textiles [8], advanced functional materials, sulfite-based processes were characterized chemically
and packaging. and subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis without any
Production of bacterial cellulose from agricultural thermochemical pretreatment. The dry-matter content
products and residues, which include konjak glucomannan of the SAFS was 51.7%, while it was 43.7% for the SIFS.
[9], wheat straw [10,11], and cotton-based waste textiles Compositional analysis (Table 1) indicates that SAFS
[12], has previously been demonstrated. An advantage of consisted mainly of glucan (69.1%) and xylan (15.4%).
using agricultural or industrial residual streams as feed- SIFS consisted mainly of glucan (89.7%) and contained
stock for production of bacterial cellulose is the low cost very low levels of other carbohydrates, such as mannan
of the raw material. When lignocellulosic feedstocks are (2.7%) and xylan (1.7%). The content of lignin was low
pretreated at high temperature and high pressure they in both SAFS and SIFS (Table 1).
give rise to inhibitory compounds due to breakdown of The first experimental series in which G. xylinus was
polysaccharides and lignin. In the studies of Hong and grown on fiber sludge hydrolysates showed that it was
Qiu [9] and Hong et al. [10], the hydrolysates obtained advantageous to dilute the hydrolysates in order to facili-
through acid hydrolysis of konjak glucomannan and tate BC production (Figure 1). The bacterium grew well
wheat straw had to be detoxified using overliming in in all diluted media. The results indicate that G. xylinus
order to enable bacterial growth and production of BC. consumed similar amounts of reducing sugars in all of
Waste fiber sludge is a residual material originating the experiments, namely around 20 g/L of reducing
from pulp mills and lignocellulosic biorefineries. Fiber sugar during seven days of cultivation. The pH value of
sludge consists mainly of cellulose and hemicellulose, the media decreased during the cultivations, from
and usually has a low content of lignin (≤ 5%). Due to around pH 5 to around pH 3.
their composition and structure, fiber sludges are usually The volumetric yield of BC (DW) in undiluted hydrol-
easy to be hydrolyzed enzymatically without prior ysate was about 2 g/L for both SAFS and SIFS. A two-
thermochemical pretreatment, and could potentially fold dilution of the hydrolysate increased the volumetric
yield hydrolysates with high glucose concentrations and BC yield to 11 g/L for SAFS and 10 g/L for SIFS, which
low content of inhibitory compounds. A low content of represents a five-fold increase compared to undiluted
inhibitory compounds should be advantageous for the hydrolysates (Figure 1A). When the hydrolysate was
bacterial strains used for production of BC. There are, diluted three-fold, the volumetric yield of BC decreased
however, drawbacks associated with enzymatic hydroly- slightly to around 9 g/L for both SAFS and SIFS. A four-
sis, especially the high cost for the hydrolytic enzymes fold dilution resulted in a BC yield of around 8 g/L
used in the process. (Figure 1A). The volumetric yield of BC (g/L) was not
The objectives of this study were to investigate the that different in the experiments with diluted
appropriateness of waste fiber sludge for production of hydrolysates. However, the BC yield on the initial
BC, and the possibility to combine the production of amount of reducing sugar (g/g) increased with increas-
BC with production of hydrolytic enzymes useful for ing dilution (Figure 1B). The two-fold dilution resulted
degradation of lignocellulose. The fiber sludges used in in a BC yield of around 0.20 g/g, while the three-fold di-
this study were originated from a pulp mill using a lution resulted in an improvement to around 0.22 g/g.
sulfate-based process (kraft pulping) and from a The four-fold dilution resulted in the highest yields,
lignocellulosic biorefinery using a sulfite-based process. around 0.30 g of BC per g initial reducing sugar. The
In addition, we investigated the metabolic preferences yield of BC on consumed reducing sugar was 0.5-0.6 g/g
of the bacterium, Gluconacetobacter xylinus, used for for the different dilutions of the SAFS hydrolysate. For
the production of bacterial cellulose and the filament-
ous fungus, Trichoderma reesei (Hypocrea jecorina),
used for enzyme production by analyzing the con- Table 1 Composition (% w/w) of sulfate (SAFS) and sulfite
sumption of different components in the culture (SIFS) fiber sludges
medium. Sequential production of BC and enzyme Fiber Arabinan Galactan Glucan Mannan Xylan Lignin Ash
would potentially give two high value-added products
SAFS 0.3 0.2 69.1 3.3 15.4 3.5 3.6
from a residual stream of very low or no value. Produc-
tion of BC and enzyme could tentatively also be SIFS <0.02 0.1 89.7 2.7 1.6 0.8 1.7
Cavka et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:25 Page 3 of 10

(A) 12 Sulfite fiber sludge

Volumetric yield of BC (g/L)

Sulfate fiber sludge

×0 ×2 ×3 ×4

0.35 Sulfite fiber sludge
Yield of BC on initial sugar (g/g)

Sulfate fiber sludge







×0 ×2 ×3 ×4
Figure 1 Yields of bacterial cellulose (BC) after seven days of cultivation of G. xylinus. The top graph (A) shows the volumetric yield
[g BC (DW) per L] and the bottom graph (B) shows the yield on the initial amounts of reducing sugar [g BC (DW) per g initial sugar].

the different dilutions of the SIFS hydrolysate, the yield The thickness of BC membranes is, however, less im-
of BC on consumed reducing sugar was about 0.4 g/g. portant than the tensile strength, since the thickness can
After evaluating the initial results, the four-fold dilu- be influenced by several factors, such as surface area and
tion was selected for further experiments. The second the amount of water held by the membrane. The BC
attempt of production of BC was performed in larger membranes from SAFS and SIFS hydrolysates had a ten-
scale and 100 mL of hydrolysate was used instead of sile strength of around 0.04 MPa (Table 2). This was
30 mL. Furthermore, a glucose reference with similar considerably higher than for membranes produced in
sugar content was included for comparison and the in-
cubation time was increased to 14 days, after which the
BC was collected through filtration and its properties Table 2 Properties of BC produced in different media
were investigated in order to assess the outcome of the with a four-fold dilution of hydrolysate and after 14 days
experiments. The results are summarized in Table 2. of fermentation
Surprisingly, the volumetric BC yield (DW) from the Property/Culture medium SAFS SIFS Reference
hydrolysate hydrolysate medium
SAFS hydrolysate, 6.23 g/L, was higher than for the
Volumetric yield of BC (g/L) 6.23 ± 0.14 4.65 ± 0.15 4.90 ± 0.58
reference cultivation, which reached 4.90 g/L. The culti-
vation in SIFS hydrolysate gave 4.65 g/L, a slightly lower Water-holding capacity of BC 99.5 ± 1.0 99.4 ± 2.0 99.5 ± 0.1
volumetric yield than for the reference. The water-
Thickness of BC strips (mm) 2.83 ± 0.20 2.59 ± 0.20 3.11 ± 0.22
holding capacity of the BC membranes was almost iden-
tical (Table 2). When the thickness of the strips was Tensile force (N) (wet sheet) 0.48 ± 0.09 0.41 ± 0.08 0.39 ± 0.05
measured, the results were found to be different. The Tensile strength (MPa) 0.042 ± 0.012 0.040 ± 0.020 0.031 ± 0.011
thickest BC strips, 3.11 mm, were found in the reference (wet sheet)
medium, which can be compared to 2.83 mm for the Degree of crystallinity (%)[a] 60.6 66.3 78.0
SAFS hydrolysate and 2.59 mm for the SIFS hydrolysate. [a]
Calculations were based on the empirical method found in [26].
Cavka et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:25 Page 4 of 10

the reference medium, which exhibited resistance up to around 61%, while the cellulose from SIFS hydrolysate
around 0.03 MPa. Similar results were found previ- had a crystallinity of around 66%. These results are fur-
ously in a study of BC production from cotton-based ther supported by scanning electron microscope (SEM)
waste textiles [12]. The fact that the tensile strength of images, which display the structure of the cellulose
BC produced in glucose-based medium was lower than membranes at a magnification of 20,000 times. Field-
that of BC produced in hydrolysates is perhaps due to emission scanning electron micrographs (FESEM) of
the lower thickness of the BC pellicles from the hy- freeze-dried BC pellicles prepared from reference
drolysate media. The BC in the hydrolysate media medium and from SIFS and SAFS hydrolysates are
would be able to form a more compact network than shown in Figure 2A-C. The fracture surface morphology
in the reference medium. of the BC pellicles from different media is essentially the
The degree of crystallinity of the BC membranes same and the histograms (Figure 2a-c) based on the
differed depending on the cultivation medium. A higher FESEM images illustrate a small average diameter and a
degree of crystallinity gives rise to a more stable cellu- relatively narrow diameter distribution for the nanofibers
lose polymer when it comes to resistance to digestion of the BC pellicles. The fiber distribution data indicate
and breakdown of the polymer. Hence, more crystalline that most of the fibers were in the range 15 to 70 nm,
cellulose polymers are also more difficult to solubilize with an average width of 35 to 40 nm.
and add functional groups to, which would be required In the experiment in which the cultures were
if the cellulose is to be used for many of the potential harvested after 14 days, the yield of BC on consumed re-
applications for BC. The analysis of the different ducing sugar was 0.50 g/g for the SAFS hydrolysate and
membranes showed that the most crystalline cellulose 0.31 g/g for the SIFS hydrolysate. The BC yield from
was found in BC from cultures with reference medium, the cultures with reference medium was only 0.28 g/g.
where the degree of crystallinity was around 78%. The The yield of BC on the initial concentration of redu-
cellulose from SAFS hydrolysate had a crystallinity of cing sugar was 0.22 g/g for the SAFS hydrolysate,


a 30 b 35 c 30
25 Glucose Sulfite 25 Sulfate
20 20



15 15


10 10

5 5

0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

fiber diameter (nm) fiber diameter (nm) fibre diameter (nm)

Figure 2 SEM of freeze-dried BC from cultures with (A) glucose-based reference medium, (B) SIFS hydrolysate, and (C) SAFS hydrolysate.
The BC was harvested after 14 days. Figures a, b, and c show results from calculations of the diameter of fibers from glucose-based reference medium,
SIFS hydrolysate, and SAFS hydrolysate, respectively.
Cavka et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:25 Page 5 of 10

0.17 g/g for the SIFS hydrolysate, and 0.18 g/g for the the literature that most G. xylinus strains have poor
reference medium. ability to utilize xylose [15,16]. The metabolic pathway
The results obtained in our study compare well to presented by Ross et al. [17] suggests that G. xylinus
results achieved in other studies where various has the ability to utilize xylose. It has been proposed
substrates have been used for production of BC. Keshk that xylose is mainly used as a source of energy for
and Sameshima [13] studied the ability of G. xylinus the bacterium, as it is consumed by G. xylinus through
ATCC10245 to produce BC using sixteen different carbon conversion into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, which in
sources including monosaccharides, polysaccharides, and turn ends up in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) as
alcohols. Only four of these carbon sources turned out to acetyl Co-A after several other reactions [17]. Our
be useful for production of BC. The highest BC yield on study of complex fermentation media composed of fiber
the consumed amount of carbon source, 0.287 g/g, was sludge hydrolysates further supports the suggestion that
achieved with glycerol [13]. Fructose, glucose, and inositol G. xylinus does convert xylose. The analysis of the media
gave BC yields amounting to 0.153 g/g, 0.087 g/g, and before and after fermentation with G. xylinus indicates
0.078 g/g, respectively. The high yield achieved with gly- that the consumption of xylose was around 2 g/L during
cerol could be attributed to the low consumption rate for 14 days of fermentation (Table 3).
this carbon source. Thompson and Hamilton [14] The concept of sequential fermentation has previously
compared two different G. xylinus strains, ATCC10821 been successful for production of ethanol and enzymes
and ATCC23770, and their ability to grow on various car- from lignocellulosic feedstock [18] and waste fiber
bon sources, such as potato effluents, cheese whey perme- sludge [19]. This concept offers several potential
ate, and sugar beet raffinate. Their results indicated that advantages. These include efficient utilization of the
the highest yield for ATCC10821 was achieved after seven various components in the cultivation medium by two
days of incubation, while ATCC23770 gave better yield different microorganisms. In the present study, the pos-
after 14 days. The best results were achieved with potato sibility to produce two value-added products, BC and
effluents (starch) and ATCC23770, which gave a BC yield enzymes, was also investigated, and T. reesei was used in
on consumed glucose of 0.27 g/g after 14 days, nearly the the second step rather than Aspergillus niger (A. niger),
same yield as that obtained from a cultivation on optimized which was used in previous studies [18,19]. With the pro-
glucose medium [14]. This can be compared to our study, duction of enzymes in the second fermentation step, the
where the yields on consumed reducing sugars for the need of external supply of enzymes for hydrolysis of fiber
cultivations on SAFS (0.50 g/g) and SIFS (0.31 g/g) sludge would decrease, as enzymes could tentatively be
hydrolysates were higher than that of the cultivation on supplied through on-site enzyme production. The results
glucose-based reference medium (0.28 g/g). This suggests achieved in this study indicate that the spent SAFS hy-
that BC production from residual low-value streams from drolysate served as a good medium for enzyme produc-
forest biorefineries performs well compared to BC produc- tion with T. reesei. The cellulase activity after 6 days of
tion from residues originating from the agricultural sector. fermentation reached 5.2 U/mL (87 nkat/mL) (Figure 3).
The analysis of monosaccharides is summarized in T. reesei seemed to grow well in the medium despite its
Table 3. The results indicate that glucose was the main low content of easily accessible monosaccharides that the
nutrient source and that it was consumed efficiently in fungus could use as carbon source (cf. Table 3). How-
all cultivations. The analysis also suggests that some of ever, in addition to monosaccharides and acetic acid
the xylose was consumed. The utilization of xylose by (Table 3), the medium may also contain disaccharides,
G. xylinus is not well understood but it is suggested in oligosaccharides, and other substances that the fungus

Table 3 Analysis of media used for cultivation of G. xylinus

A. Prior to fermentation with G. xylinus and with a four-fold dilution of the hydrolysates.
Media/Composition Glucose (g/L) Xylose (g/L) Arabinose (g/L) Galactose (g/L) Mannose (g/L) Acetic acid (g/L)
SAFS hydrolysate 14.1 ± 0.3 3.3 ± 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
SIFS hydrolysate 17.6 ± 0.2 0.2 ± 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
Reference medium 18.3 ± 0.3 - - - - -
B. After 14 days fermentation with G. xylinus (with a four-fold dilution of the hydrolysates).
Media/Composition Glucose (g/L) Xylose (g/L) Arabinose (g/L) Galactose (g/L) Mannose (g/L) Acetic acid (g/L)
SAFS hydrolysate < 0.1 1.8 ± 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
SIFS hydrolysate < 0.1 0.2 ± 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
Reference medium 0.6 ± 0.1 - - - - -
Cavka et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:25 Page 6 of 10

10 11
pH of sulfate hydrolysate sulfate hydrolysate
9 10 6
pH of reference medium reference medium
sugar of sulfate hydrolysate

Total reducing sugar (g/L)


Cellulase activity (U/mL)

8 sugar of reference medium 5
pH value

6 6
5 5 3

4 4
1 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fermentation time (d) Fermentation time (d)
Figure 3 Cultivations of T. reesei in SAFS spent hydrolysate and reference medium supplemented with 2% waste fiber sludge (SAFS).
The figure shows the concentration of reducing sugar and the pH value (left) and the cellulase (CMCase) activity (right).

could utilize as carbon source. The glucose-based any negative effect on the microorganism. Since reducing
reference medium and the spent SAFS hydrolysate sugar was consumed and the pH changed (Figure 4), the
supplemented with fresh sulfate fiber sludge produced problem may instead be related to cellulase production.
almost equal levels of cellulase activity (Figure 3). An attempt was made to improve enzyme production
Cultivations in glucose-based reference medium by T. reesei by dilution of the spent SIFS medium. With
supplemented with sulfite fiber sludge did exhibit higher a two-fold dilution with water, addition of 2% (w/v) SIFS,
activity (Figure 4) than the cultivations in reference and adjustment of the level of reducing sugars to 10 g/L
medium with sulfate fiber sludge or spent SAFS hydrol- using glucose, T. reesei produced a cellulase activity level
ysate medium (Figure 3), but the cultivations in spent of 5.2 U/mL (Figure 5) after 4 days of cultivation, the
SIFS did not result in any substantial enzyme activity same level of activity that was obtained using spent
(Figure 4). These results were somewhat surprising, since SAFS medium. More research is needed to elucidate
it is not clear that the media contained compounds that why undiluted spent SIFS medium inhibited or failed to
inhibit T. reesei. Analysis of the raw material showed that induce enzyme production.
none of the fiber sludges contained any detectable Several other studies have been performed with T. reesei
concentrations of sulfite [<5 mg/kg (DW)]. Both fiber Rut C-30 and complex carbon sources derived from ligno-
sludges contained some sulfate, namely 100 mg/kg (DW) cellulose. Shin et al. [20] investigated several different
for the SAFS and 200 mg/kg for the SIFS. As only very cellulose-based media. In one of these experiments, a
small amounts (2% w/v) of the sludges were added as mixture of milled newspaper (2%) and lactose (1%) was
supplement to the cultivation media used for enzyme used as substrate for enzyme production and the highest
production, the sulfate content is unlikely to have had activity reached was 30 nkat/mL (1.8 FPU/mL). The same

11 12 9
pH of sulfite hydrolysate sulfite hydrolysate
10 11
pH of reference medium 8 reference medium
sugar of sulfite hydrolysate 10
Total reducing sugar (g/L)

Cellulase activity (U/mL)

sugar of reference medium 9 7

8 6
pH value

7 7
6 6
5 4
4 3
3 2
2 1 1

1 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fermentation time (d) Fermentation time (d)
Figure 4 Cultivations of T. reesei in SIFS spent hydrolysate and reference medium supplemented with 2% waste fiber sludge (SIFS).
The figure shows the concentration of reducing sugar and the pH value (left) and the cellulase (CMCase) activity (right).
Cavka et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:25 Page 7 of 10

sludge serves as a low cost and abundant raw material

2-fold diluted sulfite hydrolysate
sulfite hydrolysate
which is easily hydrolyzed to sugars without pretreat-
ment. The results also indicate that production of BC
Cellulase activity (U/mL)

5 from fiber sludge hydrolysates gives a cellulose polymer

displaying superior properties compared to the one
4 produced from a glucose-based reference medium.
Conditioning of hydrolysates and optimization of the
cultivation conditions are likely to result in higher volu-
metric yields than what reported here and deserve atten-
tion in future studies.
0 Fiber sludges
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The waste fiber sludges that were used in this study were
Fermentation time (d) kindly provided by two different European mills, one pulp
Figure 5 Cellulase (CMCase) activity in cultivations of T. reesei and paper mill using a sulfate-based process (SAFS) and a
in SIFS spent hydrolysate with and without dilution of lignocellulosic biorefinery using a sulfite-based process
the medium.
(SIFS). The characterization and analysis of the feedstocks
and the content of monosaccharides, lignin and ash was
performed by MoRe Research (Örnsköldsvik, Sweden).
study reported about experiments performed with fiber
residues from hydrolyzed office paper (2%), in which the Enzymatic hydrolysis
highest enzymatic activity was 45 nkat/mL (2.7 FPU/mL). The hydrolysis of the fiber sludges was performed
Furthermore, pretreated newspaper (1%) and pretreated enzymatically without any prior thermochemical pre-
oak wood (2%) were also used for enzyme production in treatment. Initially, 290 g of moist SAFS with a dry-
the same study. In experiments with newspaper and oak weight content of 51.7% were mixed with 693.8 g of
media, the cellulase activity reached levels of 25 nkat/mL citrate buffer (0.05 M, pH 5.0), while 343 g of moist
(1.5 FPU/mL) and ~72 nkat/mL (4.3 FPU/mL), re- SIFS with a dry-weight content of 43.7% were mixed
spectively. Pretreated wood has been used for enzyme with 640.8 g of the citrate buffer. The fiber sludges
production with T. reesei Rut C-30 in other studies as were mixed in 2-L shake flasks, the final dry-matter
well. Szengyel et al. [21] used steam-pretreated willow content was 15% (w/w), and the total content per
as substrate and achieved 30 nkat/mL (1.8 FPU/mL) shake flask was 1 kg. The enzyme preparation used for
as the highest activity. This was obtained in hydrolysis was Cellic CTec2 (Novozymes, Bagsvaerd,
experiments where 50% fibrous pretreated willow was Denmark). The enzyme preparation was added to a
mixed with 50% of concentrated filtrate (liquid). The final concentration of 1.6% (w/w) of the reaction mix-
medium contained around 20 g/L of carbohydrate ture, which corresponded to 10 FPU/g biomass (dry
[21]. Softwood has also been used for enzyme produc- weight of waste fiber sludge). The flasks were
tion in a similar manner. Szengyel et al. [22] used incubated with orbital shaking (Ecotron, Infors AG,
steam-pretreated spruce as the carbon source. Several Bottmingen, Switzerland) at 50°C and 150 revolutions
different experiments were performed and 2% washed per minute (rpm) for 48 h. The glucose level during hy-
steam-pretreated spruce gave the highest activity, drolysis was monitored using a glucometer (Glucometer
namely ~13 nkat/mL (0.8 FPU/mL). Although it is Elite XL, Bayer Healthcare, Leverkusen, Germany).
evident that a variety of cellulosic media can be used After hydrolysis, the slurries were centrifuged (Allegra
for enzyme production with T. reesei, our study differs X-22R, Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA, USA) at 4°C and
from the others by the utilization of a waste stream 4,200 g for 10 min to recover the liquid fractions. The
(spent hydrolysate) and by that the enzyme produc- pH of the liquid fractions was adjusted to 2.0 with sul-
tion step was preceded by a BC production step, furic acid, and they were then stored in a freezer be-
which makes the enzymes a secondary product. fore further processing.

Production of bacterial cellulose

Conclusions Production of BC was performed using Gluconacetobacter
In conclusion the results of this study show that there is xylinus (Acetobacter xylinus) ATCC 23770 (American Type
a great potential in utilizing waste fiber sludge for co- Culture Collection, Manassas, VA, USA). A series of
production of bacterial cellulose and enzymes. Fiber 100-mL flasks were filled with 30 mL fiber sludge
Cavka et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:25 Page 8 of 10

hydrolysate and supplemented with 5 g/L yeast extract 10% (v/v) of a suspension of T. reesei pellets from a culture
and 3 g/L tryptone. Fiber sludge hydrolysates were ei- with glucose-based reference medium that was pre-grown
ther undiluted or diluted two-fold, three-fold and four- at 30°C for 36 h. The cultivations were carried out at 28°C
fold. The flasks were autoclaved at 105°C for 30 min in and 160 rpm for the following 8 days.
order to sterilize the growth media. The flasks were
inoculated with 10% (v/v) G. xylinus inoculum, which Enzyme activity assay
was pre-grown for 24 h in a synthetic medium (25 g/L The cellulase activity was measured using a reducing
D-glucose, 5 g/L yeast extract and 3 g/L tryptone, sugar assay developed for determination of xylanase ac-
pH 5.0). The flasks were incubated statically at 30°C for tivity and based on dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) [24], but
7 days, after which the yield of BC and the pH value with 1% (w/v) of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as
were measured. Samples of the culture fluid were taken substrate instead of xylan, and using a buffer consisting
for analysis of the monosaccharide content. of 50 mM citric acid (pH 5.0). A mixture containing
A second series of experiments consisted of four-fold 0.9 mL substrate solution and 0.1 mL enzyme sample
diluted fiber sludge hydrolysates and a glucose reference was incubated at 50°C for 10 min. Blanks containing
with similar monosaccharide content. The experiments (A) enzyme but no substrate and (B) substrate but no
were performed as described above but with 100 mL of enzyme were included with all assays of enzyme activ-
medium in 250-mL flasks. The time of incubation was ity, and the values obtained for the samples were
increased from 7 days in the first experiment to 14 days. corrected using the blank values. One unit of cellulase
After 14 days of static incubation, the BC membranes activity equals formation of 1 μmol glucose from CMC
were collected by filtration and were then dried to con- per min at pH 5.0 and 50°C. The activity of the culture
stant weight at 105°C. After that, the BC was weighed fluids were calculated as the volumetric activity (U/mL)
for calculation of the yield. [one unit (U) equals 16.67 nkat].
The yield of BC on initial reducing sugar (g/g) was
calculated by dividing the volumetric yield of BC with Analysis of sugars and acetic acid
the initial concentration of reducing sugar. The yield of The concentrations of arabinose, galactose, glucose, xylose,
BC on consumed sugar (g/g) was calculated by using the and mannose were determined using high-performance
following equation: anion-exchange chromatography (HPAEC). The system
used was an ICS-3000 from Dionex (Sunnyvale, CA, USA)
BC yield on consumed sugar ðg=g Þ with an electrochemical detector. The separation was
BCðg Þ performed with a CarboPac PA20 (3 × 150 mm) separation
Initial reducing sugar  residual sugar ðg Þ column equipped with a CarboPac PA20 (3 × 30 mm)
guard column (Dionex). Elution was performed with a
For characterization of BC membranes, the cellulose 2 mM solution of NaOH during 25 min, followed by re-
pellicle was soaked in a 0.1 M solution of sodium hy- generation at 5 min with 100 mM NaOH, and equilibra-
droxide (60 min, 80°C) to remove impurities, such as tion for 15 min with 2 mM NaOH (Sodium hydroxide
culture medium and trapped bacterial cells. A second solution for IC, Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany). The
wash was performed with deionized water at the same flow rate was 0.4 mL/min.
temperature and for the same period of time. The BC The concentration of acetic acid was determined with
pellicle was then washed with deionized water until the HPAEC by using the ICS-3000 system and its conductiv-
pH of washing water was neutral. ity detector. The separation was performed with an
IonPac AS15 (4 × 250 mm) separation column equipped
Production of cellulase with an IonPac AG15 (4 × 50 mm) guard column
Enzyme production with Trichoderma reesei Rut C-30 was (Dionex). The mobile phase consisted of a 35 mM solu-
performed by using spent hydrolysates obtained after BC tion of NaOH (Sodium hydroxide solution for IC,
production, and with the addition of 2% (w/v) of the Sigma-Aldrich), and the flow rate was 1.2 mL/min.
corresponding dried waste fiber sludge. Reference medium,
which was used as a control, was based on glucose (10 g/L) Tensile strength of wet BC membranes
with 2% (w/v) additional waste fiber sludge. Separate The washed BC pellicle was cut into 40 mm long and
cultures with reference medium were used for SAFS and 10 mm wide strips for analysis of tensile strength. The ten-
SIFS. Each of a series of 500-mL flasks contained 100 mL sile strength of the wet BC was measured by using a uni-
spent hydrolysate supplemented with 0.1% (w/v) tryptone, versal testing machine (H5K-S, Hounsfield Test Equipment
0.05% citric acid, 2% Vogel’s media [23], and 0.015% Tween Ltd., UK) operating at a crosshead speed of 50 mm/min.
80. The flasks containing the media were autoclaved at All data for determination of tensile strength were
110°C for 30 min. The flasks were then inoculated with collected under the same conditions. The tensile strength
Cavka et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:25 Page 9 of 10

(in megapascal, MPa, or N/mm2) was calculated by divid- SEKAB E-Technology AB (Örnsköldsvik, Sweden) through the Umeå University
ing the tensile force by the area of the cross section of the Industrial Graduate School.

BC strips. Each test was performed by using 10 samples Author details

and mean values of the strength of BC are given. 1
China-Sweden Associated Research Laboratory in Industrial Biotechnology,
College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua
University, Shanghai 201620, China. 2Department of Chemistry, Umeå
Electron microscopy University, SE-901 87, Umeå, Sweden. 3Group of Microbiological Engineering
The purified BC pellicle was dried by using a vacuum and Industrial Biotechnology, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
freeze dryer (LyoQuest-55 Plus, Telstar, Spain) and the and Biotechnology, Donghua University, 201620, Shanghai, China.

samples were then coated with gold (E-1045, Hitachi, Received: 5 September 2012 Accepted: 14 February 2013
Tokyo, Japan). Analysis of the structure of the BC was Published: 16 February 2013
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Cite this article as: Cavka et al.: Production of bacterial cellulose and
enzyme from waste fiber sludge. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013 6:25.

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