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Global warming

When we pollute the Earth’s atmosphere with gases like CO2 or methane, they collect there and
absorb the sunlight and solar radiation which would normally bounce off the surface and escape but,
in this case, cannot because of the layer that these gases create. This phenomenon increases the
temperature of the planet and causes several changes on it, like

 extreme weather events

 ice melt
 the increase of sea levels
 plants and animals lose their natural habitats and food
 social effects

air pollution water soil pollution noise pollution light

pollution pollution

WHAT IS IT? It consists of Water When the level There are over
toxic pollution is of toxical sounds from illumination
chemicals and when toxic substances like everywhere. of cities,
other harmful waste enters trash, debris or They are a vital night skies
particles that water bodies, poisonous part of our by artificial
have an such as chemicals in the daily routine. lighting
adverse ponds, lakes, soil increase (alarm clock,
(káros)effect oceans etc. enough to cause traffic, school
on our health The toxic severe damage bell, loud
and materials get to living speakers)
ecosystem dissolved in organisms If These
them, lie (plants, animals, necessary
suspended in humans) The sounds reach a
the water or soil becomes volume that's
get deposited CONTAMINATED dangerous for
on the bed. all living
beings. (too
loud, last too
long – then it’s

CAUSES Natural natural Waste produced Natural causes: outside light

(NATURAL, causes: activities: at giant birds, animals, sources
HUMAN) Volcano volcano factories; (most of the (billboards,
eruption, eruption, excessive use of time minimal) street lights,
dust storms, animal waste, pesticides on Man-made: homes,
allergens, storms, agricultural loudspeaker, office
wild fires - we floods land; Traffic, buildings)
don’t have trash thrown construction increased
any control Man-made away sites urban
over these causes: development
Human garbage is
activities: dumped into
smoking the ocean, oil
cigarettes, spills,
burning fossil chemical
fuels, to fertilizers,
driving cars fossil fuel
(toxic exhaust combustion,
fumes) and pesticides
toxic smoke
from factories
EFFECTS/ -HEALTH Degradation the breakdown Can cause WILDLIFE
CONSEQUENCES PROBLEMS of the quality of trash (at permanent sea turtles
breathing of water landfills) damage to get
difficulties, releases the your ears disrupted
asthma It harms greenhouse gas: leading to and
lung cancer aquatic methane, which hearing loss or therefore
respiratory ecosystems may lead to cause a range they cannot
infections The toxic global warming; OF HEALTH get to the
heart disease waste can adverse effects PROBLEMS, sea after
birth defects reach ground on living stress hatching
eye irritation water --> we organisms Poor (they follow
can drink this (cancers, concentration, the light of
CO2 and contaminate deformities, skin productivity the moon
other d water --> problems) loss towards the
greenhouse hepatitis, Fatigue from ocean, but
gases appears cholera lack of sleep, because of
if we burn communication city lights
fossil fuels – It kills Difficulties, they are
they trap the organisms cardiovascular confused
heat and it (dead disease, and do not
leads to animals are cognitive find their
higher wound up on impairment ways to the
temperatures beaches (enyhe értelmi water)
and GLOBAL AND károsodás)
WARMING. It damages marine life is eye damage
Vicious circle the also affected
– global ecosystem by the noise of sleep
warming oil drills and deprivation
intensifies air submarines
pollution and (additional)
it results in carbon
SMOG emission in
order to
energy for
WHAT CAN WE We don't SAVING Recycling, Set the volume energy
DO TO have any water--> picking up trash of TV-where efficient
PREVENT/REDUC control over taking from your it's only lightbulbs,
E IT? natural shorter surroundings, audible enough directional
causes showers, produce less to you lighting
-we can turning off waste (no paper Try to avoid- designs (the
spread running tap, towel/napkin, noisy light
awareness of when it's not cup rather than firecrackers particles do
the used, leakage plastic bottle, do not honk not scatter
consequences check properly dispose unnecessarily everywhere)
of burning of harmful
fossil fuels Pick up trash trash)
-switch off (at the
the lights and beach)
any other Spread
electrical awareness
device when
not in use
-limit the use
of private
cars and
walk, ride a
bike, use the


TYPES solar coal
wind oil
hydro electric natural gas
geothermal nuclear fuel
biomass minerals
ADVANTAGES  Renewable energy won’t  high in energy
run out (infinite)  huge profit
 Maintenance  easy to use
requirements are lower  cost-effective price
 Renewables save money  easily found
 Renewable energy has  job creating
numerous health and  easy to store
environmental benefits
(no greenhouse gases)
 Renewables lower
reliance on foreign energy
sources (no imported

DISADVANTAGE  Higher upfront cost  time-consuming

S  Intermittency (időzítés)  dangerous to humans
 Storage capabilities (respiratory problems)
 Geographic limitations  release CO2destroying the
ozone layer
 acidic rain
 finiteselfish to use all of it
 smog
 accidents while
 storage can occupy a lot of space
and money
 health risksdeath

How to make our school greener

 local food sources, local suppliers

 least possible packaging/sustainable packaging
 sustainable kitchen equipment (compostable sponge, reusable sink glowes)
 raising environmental awareness with school programmes (collecting and donating,
 take advantage of natural sunlight
 switch to LEDs
 turn everything off when not needed
 bring own plate to events with food
 zero waste day

How to make our home greener

 install a smart meter

 energy efficient lightbulbs
 solar panels
 natural cleaning products
 insulate (szigeteli)
 compost garden
 buy recycled
 collect rainwater
 plant a simple backyard garden
 find or start a food-swap in your area
 line dry your laundry
 avoid things that can only be used once
 menstrual cups, reusable pads, period panties

How to make our city greener

 transport (electric cars, buses, car control, bike lanes)

 recycling, composting
 creating more green areas (cleans the air)
 green leadership
 supporting renewable energy sources

Endangered species


 natural causes: evolution, invasive species

 human activity: habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, overfishing, hunting
 no genetic variation –> similarity, inbreeding

To prevent:

 house them in wildlife parks, protected areas

 breeding programmes
 educate conservation
 public emotional connection
 trees cannot be cut down
 roads cannot be built
 poaching has to stop
 take care of the plants

Food crisis: one billion people go to bed hungry, weather, insects and natural disasters destroy crops

Vertical farming: To grow food in multi-storey, climate-controlled farm buildings in the heart of our
anything anytime (doesn’t depend on the more energy used
feed whole cities effect on farmers
doesn’t have to be transported expensive
space saving

Eat less meat:

 It takes about seven kilos of corn to produce one kilo of beef

 climate change, soil-, air-, water-pollution
 obesity, cancer, heart-diseases
 alternatives: insects
 more vegetables –> more vitamins

GM crops:

 increases food production

 genetically modified crops
 drought-resistant, disease-resistant, more productive crops and crops with increased
 health risks, damage to other plants near

Increase aid:

 rich countries could send food or money to people who need it

 it makes people dependent on rich countries
 The World Food Programme (to end hunger)

Carbon footprint

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane)
that are generated by our actions. By making small changes to our actions, like eating less meat,
taking less connecting flights and line drying our clothes, we can start making a big difference.

Zero waste

The conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and
recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning and with no discharges to land,
water, or air that threaten the environment or human health.

Zero waste means designing and managing products and processes to reduce the volume and toxicity
of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not burn or bury them.

Waste management

Waste management includes the activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception
to its final disposal. This includes the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste, together
with monitoring and regulation of the waste management process and waste-related laws,
technologies, economic mechanisms.

Sources of waste can be broadly classified into four types: Industrial, Commercial, Domestic, and

It can be by discarding, destroying, processing, recycling, reusing, or controlling wastes. The prime
objective of waste management is to reduce the amount of unusable materials and to avert potential
health and environmental hazards.

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