Kids Games
Kids Games
Kids Games
1. Animal Walk
Inside or out, encourage your child to slither like a snake, hop like
a frog, gallop like a horse, or walk like a bear on all fours.
Skills developed: hopping, galloping
3. Ball Kicks
Balls are a staple for so many games and activities. Using
different types and sizes of balls, have your child see how far they
can kick, or play goalie in front of a wall or fence and see if your
child can kick the ball past you.
Skills developed: kicking
4. Balance Beam
Using an actual gymnastics beam isn’t the only way for a child to
learn balance skills. Indoors, use painters tape to make a straight
line on the floor. Encourage your child to walk forwards,
backwards, and sideways. [link to tightrope activity] Outdoors, use
a plank of wood, a rope, or make a line with chalk for the same
activity. When your child masters a straight line, add semi-circles
or zigzags to add a bit more of a challenge.
Skills developed: balancing
5. Fill the Bucket Water Game
Provide your child with a cup and two buckets (one smaller, one
larger). Place the smaller bucket a short distance from the larger
bucket and fill the larger bucket with water. Have your child scoop
water from the larger bucket and fill the smaller one. To make the
game more challenging, put small holes in the cup or have your
child dance as they move from bucket to bucket.
Skills developed: agility, balancing
6. Lemon Spoon
For this ultimate hand-eye coordination and balance game, give
kids a spoon and have them balance a lemon from one point to
another either indoors or out. How quickly can they go? Can they
dance as they move?
Skills developed: balance, coordination
4) Potato Race
A potato race is one of several similar racing events where
contestants compete to collect a number of potatoes as quickly as
The first child should crouch down and rest their hands on their
knees. ...
The second player runs up to the crouched child in front, placing
their hands on their back and leaping over like a frog flying
through the air, straddling their legs wide apart on each side.
8) Walking on hand
9) Duck Jump
The object of the game is for the group to pass back the ball
either over their head or under their legs, alternating methods with
each person (first person passes over their head, second
person passes under their legs, third person over their head
and so on).