JNJ 2021 Supply Chain Update
JNJ 2021 Supply Chain Update
JNJ 2021 Supply Chain Update
Marc S. Gerber
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
The Proposal requests a report, published on the company’s website and updated
semi-annually, that discloses, itemizes and quantifies all Company charitable donations,
aggregated by recipient name and address each year for contributions that exceed $999
We are unable to concur in your view that the Company may exclude the Proposal
under Rule 14a-8(i)(10). Based on the information you have presented, it appears that the
Company’s public disclosures do not substantially implement the Proposal.
Copies of all of the correspondence on which this response is based will be made
available on our website at
In accordance with Section C of Staff Legal Bulletin No. 14D (Nov. 7, 2008)
(“SLB 14D”), we are emailing this letter and its attachments to the Staff at
[email protected]. In accordance with Rule 14a-8(j), we are
simultaneously sending a copy of this letter and its attachments to the Proponent as
Office of Chief Counsel
December 16, 2021
Page 2
notice of Johnson & Johnson’s intent to omit the Proposal from the 2022 proxy
Rule 14a-8(k) and Section E of SLB 14D provide that shareholder proponents
are required to send companies a copy of any correspondence that the shareholder
proponents elect to submit to the Commission or the Staff. Accordingly, we are
taking this opportunity to remind the Proponent that if the Proponent submits
correspondence to the Commission or the Staff with respect to the Proposal, a copy
of that correspondence should concurrently be furnished to Johnson & Johnson.
I. The Proposal
The text of the resolution contained in the Proposal is set forth below:
We hereby respectfully request that the Staff concur in Johnson & Johnson’s
view that it may exclude the Proposal from the 2022 proxy materials pursuant to
Rule 14a-8(i)(10) because Johnson & Johnson has substantially implemented the
III. Background
& Johnson sent a letter to the Proponent requesting a written statement from the
record owner of the Proponent’s shares verifying that the Proponent had beneficially
owned the requisite number of shares of Johnson & Johnson’s common stock
continuously for at least the requisite period preceding and including the date of
submission of the Proposal (the “Deficiency Letter”). On November 15, 2021,
Johnson & Johnson received a letter from Fidelity Investments, dated November 12,
2021, verifying the Proponent’s continuous ownership of at least the requisite
amount of stock for at least the requisite period preceding and including the date of
submission (the “Broker Letter”). Copies of the Proposal, cover letter, the
Deficiency Letter, the Broker Letter and related correspondence are attached hereto
as Exhibit A.
* Citations marked with an asterisk indicate Staff decisions issued without a letter.
Office of Chief Counsel
December 16, 2021
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contribution, the Staff concluded that the company had substantially implemented
the proposal.
Johnson & Johnson has substantially implemented the Proposal, the essential
objective of which is to provide disclosure concerning the standards by which
Johnson & Johnson makes charitable donations. In particular, the Proposal requests
a report disclosing Johnson & Johnson’s charitable contributions, including the
policies and procedures for determining charitable contributions. The Proposal’s
supporting statement explains that “[t]he expenditure or distribution of corporate
assets, including charitable donations, should be consistent with shareholder
interests” and “[a]ccordingly, [Johnson & Johnson’s] policies and procedures for
charitable contributions should be disclosed.” The supporting statement further
asserts that Johnson & Johnson executives “exercise wide discretion over the use of
corporate assets for charitable purposes” and that “[a]bsent a system of transparency
and accountability for charitable contributions, [Johnson & Johnson] executives may
use [c]ompany assets for objectives that … may be inimical to the interests of the
[c]ompany and its shareholders.”
Johnson & Johnson already provides extensive disclosure relating to its direct
and indirect charitable contributions, including the standards and policies governing
those contributions, as well as lists of donation recipients for the bulk of Johnson &
Johnson’s charitable contributions. In particular, Johnson & Johnson discloses its
policies underlying its decision-making with respect to charitable donations. As
disclosed in Johnson & Johnson’s Position on Community Impact (the “Community
Impact Policy”),1 as the largest and most broadly based healthcare company in the
world, Johnson & Johnson focuses its contributions on (i) advancing women’s and
children’s health; (ii) strengthening the healthcare workforce; (iii) promoting access
to essential surgery; (iv) accelerating innovative solutions to address global disease
challenges; and (v) providing disaster relief and building resilient health systems. In
addition, the Community Impact Policy explains that all of Johnson & Johnson’s
corporate giving is provided to eligible nonprofit institutions and organizations that
supply the necessary proof of legal standing and good governance, and the company
does not make donations to individuals, physicians, healthcare professionals or
party-political individuals or organizations. Further, the Community Impact Policy
references Johnson & Johnson’s support by donating medicine and funding to the
Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Foundation, Inc. (the “JJPAF”), an
independent, nonprofit organization committed to helping eligible patients without
insurance coverage receive prescription products donated by Johnson & Johnson’s
operating companies. Also, the Community Impact Policy references Johnson &
See Johnson & Johnson’s Position on Community Impact, available at
about-jnj/policies-and-positions/our-position-on-community-impact and attached hereto as
Exhibit B.
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December 16, 2021
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Johnson’s support for the Johnson & Johnson Foundation (the “Foundation”), an
independent, nonprofit organization working to advance health for humanity. 2
In addition to the extensive disclosure made by Johnson & Johnson and its
subsidiaries regarding the standards and policies applicable to their charitable
contributions, there is also detailed disclosure as to the amounts, recipients and other
information regarding their charitable donations. For example, Johnson & Johnson
discloses, among other things, its total charitable contributions in its yearly “Health
for Humanity Report.” As disclosed in its 2020 Health for Humanity Report, for the
year ended December 31, 2020, Johnson & Johnson contributed products globally
having a fair market value of more than $2 billion and made cash contributions
globally of more than $500 million.4
The Foundation and the JJPAF are independent non-profit organizations. Johnson & Johnson
therefore neither controls the organizations nor has the power to require them to disclose
additional information regarding their respective charitable contributions.
See Janssen’s Transparency in Educational Grants and Charitable Contributions, available at and
attached hereto as Exhibit C; see also, e.g., DePuy Synthes’ Charitable Giving Program
Reference Guide, available at
Reference%20Guide%20001v3%204-2-20.pdf; Ethicon’s Transparency Policy, available at
See Johnson & Johnson’s 2020 Health for Humanity Report, available at https://health
report?id=00000179-eebd-d0e3-ad7b-feff30750000 and attached hereto as Exhibit D.
Office of Chief Counsel
December 16, 2021
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V. Conclusion
Based upon the foregoing analysis, Johnson & Johnson respectfully requests
that the Staff concur that it will take no action if Johnson & Johnson excludes the
Proposal from its 2022 proxy materials.
See, e.g., Janssen’s Monetary and Product Contributions to US based Charitable Organizations
Full Year 2020, available at
transparency.pdf; Ethicon’s Monetary and Product Contributions to Charitable Contributions
2020, available at
%20Monetary%20Contributions_Ethicon_2020.pdf; Ethicon’s Accredited and Non-Accredited
Educational Grants 2020, available at
Ethicon/Educational%20Grants_Ethicon_2020.pdf; DePuy Synthes’ Monetary and Product
Contributions to Charitable Organizations 2019, available at
Office of Chief Counsel
December 16, 2021
Page 8
Should the Staff disagree with the conclusions set forth in this letter, or
should any additional information be desired in support of Johnson & Johnson’s
position, we would appreciate the opportunity to confer with the Staff concerning
these matters prior to the issuance of the Staff’s response. Please do not hesitate to
contact the undersigned at (202) 371-7233.
Marc S. Gerber
Paul Chesser
Director, Corporate Integrity Project
National Legal and Policy Center
(see attached)
National Legal and
Policy Center _..,_~
"promoting ethics in public life"
November 3, 2021
National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) is the beneficial owner of 27 shares of
the Company's common stock with a value exceeding $2,000, which shares have been
held continuously for more than a year prior to this date of submission. NLPC intends to
hold the shares through the date of the Company's next annual meeting of shareholders.
A proof of ownership letter is forthcomjng and will be delivered to the Company.
I am able to meet with the Company in person or via teleconference no less than
10 calendar days, nor more than 30 calendar days, after submission of the proposal. I can
be reached at 662-374-0175 or at pchesser a nlpc oq. I am available Monday through
Friday from 9am to 5pm, Eastern Time.
If you have any questions , please contact me at the above phone number. Copies
of correspondence or a request for a "no-action" letter should be forwarded to me at 2217
Matthews Township Parkway, Suite D-229, Matthews, NC 28105.
Nat'l Headquarters: 107 Park Washlngton Court. Falls Church, Virgirua 22046
The shareholders request that Johnson & Johnson provide a report, published on the company’s
website and updated semi-annually – and omitting proprietary information and at reasonable cost
– that discloses, itemizes and quantifies all Company charitable donations, aggregated by
recipient name & address each year for contributions that exceed $999 annually.
Johnson & Johnson’s assets belong to its shareholders. The expenditure or distribution of
corporate assets, including charitable contributions, should be consistent with shareholder
interests. Accordingly, the Company’s policies and procedures for charitable contributions
should be disclosed to shareholders.
Company executives exercise wide discretion over the use of corporate assets for charitable
purposes. Absent a system of transparency and accountability for charitable contributions,
Company executives may use Company assets for objectives that are not shared by and may be
inimical to the interests of the Company and its shareholders.
Current disclosure is insufficient to allow the Company’s Board, its shareholders, and its current
and prospective customers to fully evaluate the charitable use of corporate assets.
There is currently no single source providing shareholders the information sought by this
November 4, 2021
Paul Chesser
National Legal and Policy Center
[email protected]
This letter acknowledges receipt by Johnson & Johnson, on November 3, 2021, of the
shareholder proposal submitted by the National Legal and Policy Center (the “Proponent”)
pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Rule”),
for consideration at the Company’s 2022 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the “Proposal”).
Paragraph (b) of the Rule provides that shareholder proponents must submit
sufficient proof of their continuous ownership of:
• at least $2,000 in market value of a company’s common stock for at least three
years, preceding and including the date that the proposal was submitted;
• at least $15,000 in market value of a company’s common stock for at least two
years, preceding and including the date that the proposal was submitted; or
• at least $25,000 in market value of a company’s common stock for at least one year,
preceding and including the date that the proposal was submitted.
The Company’s stock records do not indicate that the Proponent is a record owner
of Company shares, and to date, we have not received sufficient proof that the Proponent
has satisfied the Rule’s ownership requirements.
Accordingly, please furnish to us, within 14 days of your receipt of this letter, a
written statement from the “record” holder of the Proponent’s shares (usually a broker or a
bank) and a participant in the Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) verifying that the
Proponent beneficially owned the requisite number of Company shares continuously for at
least the requisite period preceding and including November 3, 2021, the date the Proposal
was submitted. The Proponent can confirm whether a particular broker or bank is a DTC
One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, New Brunswick, NJ 08933 T: (732) 524-3292 F: (732) 524-2185; [email protected];
All contents © Johnson & Johnson 2021
participant by asking the broker or bank or by checking DTC’s participant list, which is
currently available on the Internet at:
If the Proponent’s broker or bank is not on the DTC participant list, the Proponent
will need to obtain a written statement from the DTC participant through which the
Proponent’s shares are held verifying that the Proponent beneficially owned the requisite
number of Company shares continuously for at least the requisite period preceding and
including November 3, 2021, the date the Proposal was submitted. The Proponent should
be able to find who this DTC participant is by asking the Proponent’s broker or bank. If the
broker is an introducing broker, the Proponent may also be able to learn the identity and
telephone number of the DTC participant through the Proponent’s account statements,
because the clearing broker identified on the account statements will generally be a DTC
participant. If the DTC participant knows the Proponent’s broker or bank’s holdings, but
does not know the Proponent’s holdings, the Proponent can satisfy the proof of ownership
requirement by obtaining and submitting two proof of ownership statements verifying that,
for at least the requisite period preceding and including November 3, 2021, the required
amount of securities was continuously held – one from the Proponent’s broker or bank
confirming the Proponent’s ownership, and the other from the DTC participant confirming
the Proponent’s broker or bank’s ownership.
The SEC’s rules require that any response to this letter be postmarked or
transmitted electronically no later than 14 calendar days from the date you receive this
letter. Please address any response to me at Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson
Plaza, New Brunswick, NJ 08933, Attention: Corporate Secretary. For your convenience, a
copy of the Rule is enclosed.
In the interim, you should feel free to contact either my colleague, Pinto Adhola,
Assistant Corporate Secretary, at (732) 524-3581 or me at (732) 524-2472 if you wish to
discuss the Proposal or have any questions or concerns that we can help to address.
Jf{J '\JY
Matthew Orlando
Worldwide Vice President Corporate Governance
& Corporate Secretary
National Legal and
Policy Center !!.-;
"promoting ethics in public life"
As you directed, this letter responds to your Nov. 4th letter alleging a deficiency in the
Nov. 3, 2021 submission of our "Request for Charitable Donation Disclosure" proposal. l
have attached a verification letter from Fidelity Investments of our holdings.
Paul Chesser
Corporate Integrity Project
Nat'J Headquarters: 107 Park Washington Court, Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Corporate Sccrotaiy
fohns()n & .Johnson
Shtueh()lder proposal November 3, 2021
Re: Shareholder Resolution of National Legal and Policy Center
This l,imir is in response to a request fro.m Mr, Peter Flab,irty, Clrninmu1 ofthii National
[,tigal and Policy Center.
As of Novernber 3, 2021, the Niitional Leg,11 and Policy Center held, and has held
continu<lusly for at least three years, 27 shares of Johnson & Jc.1hns<ln.
Per Mr. P,,ter Flaherty: 1he National Legal and Poli"Y Center is a propon,Jnt ofa slrnreholder
proposal submitted to the co1npa11y in accordance with nde l 4(a)-8 of tlw Securities nnd
Exdrnnge Act of 1934. Our clearing fir111, National Financial Servi(;,1s LLC is a wholly•
l)wncd subsidia1y of Fidelity Investment$. Our OTC number is 0226.
I hope you find this inftm11.ation helpful. If you have any questicms regarding this issue,
please contact a Fidelity representative at 800.. 544 .. 6666 for assistance.
~ - ,J.,,?.(,,_,,.,._,..
Patrick S()lomons
Personal Investing Operations
Cost Basis,, G;iin/Loss, m1d ! Period l11Jbnnati(>1'i: NFS wUI rep<,ll't gross pr(>CC-1(fa 11nd c~t.'tnill CM!
basi~ and htilding period infomm1k,u tu you and the IRS (HI your anmwl F(lrlll 1099-B us rcq1.ti11:d or
allowed by law, but such information may 1101 reflect. adjustments rcqllircct for yom 111., repenting pm1ioscs.
T,,,paycr, should v¢ such information wh,n cakul:tting repM.,1ble gai11. or I<)$$, Fiddily ,foc.1 not
provide legal or tax advice. '!"he infi:irmation hcreiu is gcnMI.I and educational iu muu.rn and should ncH be
con,id~red legal or rnx. advic~, ·rnx laws ,md rcgul.a!k,ns arc complex and subject Ii) change,. which can.
m1Hc1fally impact i11vcs1mc11t 1-csnlts. Fidelity cannot gum·mHcc thnt the information hel'cln is nccunltt'.
complete, 01· ti1t1cly. Fi.dclil:y nu1ko$ no wamuttfos with rcg1,rds t<l such i11formati1m <>r results ob1;1.inct1 by
its use, and disch,ims any liability 111'i.sing out of your use t1f, t1r any tax posit.ion taken 111 rclianco on. such
inl'llrmatimi. Consult im utt(1mcy or tax prr.>fossi{HWI (l;)g,mling your ~p1,cilk sitm1tio1t Unless 111.herwisc
specified, NFS determines c,1s1 basis at 1.ho time of sak b,iscd on 1.11<, avcrnge wst mct.hM i'or open-,,nd
ll.lUttll!I runds 1Uld \ll\ tlJG first
W:l02055-J 2NOV21 l''i<la.lily l.i1,,koi111.<C, Ssivko:, Ll,C, Mcwbc,:a N\"SI'-, Sll'C,
(see attached)
Position on Community Impact
Corporations, by the very nature of their existence and activities, have an impact on our society and
environment and play a role in the welfare and well-being of communities. Beyond their core business
activities, corporations can also help create a better world and improve the quality of life for communities
through additional strategic philanthropic initiatives that go beyond commercial activities. These initiatives
typically complement a corporation’s business engagement with society, communities and consumers through
voluntary sharing of resources to support social causes and help meet societal needs that are not fully met via
other channels. Such activities are intended to deliver benefit to society and not to yield direct commercial
benefit to corporations. Such activities may include:
• Partnership initiatives to create platforms for social development and community capacity-building;
• Financial donations, grants and scholarships;
• In-kind donations of products, equipment or services;
• Investment of time through employee volunteering in local communities; and
• Targeted emergency support when disaster strikes.
This Position represents our overall approach to community impact and key areas of activity. See also our
Position on Disaster Relief.
As the largest and most broadly based healthcare company in the world, reaching patients and consumers
each day with our medicines, consumer health products and medical devices, Johnson & Johnson is an
essential part of the fabric of society in communities around the globe. We deeply care about the quality and
well-being of our communities. Delivering access to healthcare through medicines, medical devices and
consumer health products through our core business represents an essential contribution to community life.
Beyond this, we believe we have a responsibility to use our reach and share our resources with partners in
communities around the world to forge a healthier, more equitable future for all. Further, Johnson & Johnson
employees live and work in the communities we serve and are passionate about engaging to offer support
where they are able. They value working for a company that enables them to engage in communities,
demonstrate good citizenship and make a meaningful difference to improving the quality of life in their local
Guiding Principles
At Johnson & Johnson, we believe we are uniquely positioned to bring together science, people, technology
and the ideas needed to profoundly change the trajectory of health for humanity. That scale and reach come
with a huge sense of responsibility—and, every decision is anchored in Our Credo and our commitments to
patients and all who use our products and services, to employees, to communities around the world, and to
Johnson & Johnson Position on Community Impact
our stockholders. Our community impact work is guided by our focus on patients and frontline health workers
and the positive difference we can make on millions of lives.
Our Position
At Johnson & Johnson, we believe good health is the foundation of vibrant lives, thriving communities and
forward progress. That’s why for more than 130 years we have aimed to keep people well at every age and
every stage of life. Today, Johnson & Johnson is committed to using its reach and size for good. We are
committed to going beyond our immediate business interests by contributing to advancing health and well-
being in the communities in which we live and work. We do this through the following activities:
Focusing our contributions in areas where we can have the most significant impact
We believe that a targeted approach to corporate giving enables us to focus our resources to support
identified needs in the most effective way. As healthcare and improving the trajectory of health are closest to
our hearts, our efforts focus on three strategic platforms: our Center for Health Worker Innovation, our Talent
for Good Program to engage employees with Company purposes and our Response to People in Crisis.
Typically, we target to enhance our short-, medium- and long-term impact beyond our core business activities
in the areas of:
Johnson & Johnson Position on Community Impact
Foundation U.S. and Johnson & Johnson Foundation Scotland. Annual reports posted on the
Johnson & Johnson Foundation website reflect progress toward the stated strategic goals and
• Various corporate functional divisions and operating companies across our three business
segments around the world engage with and provide funding to diverse initiatives.
• Employees from our global operations volunteer and engage in fundraising for local causes.
For example, we utilize the Global Giving platform, a crowdfunding initiative for employees and others
to donate funds to support disaster relief and global public health efforts. Johnson & Johnson
matches a portion of funds pledged for select projects.
• Product donations via our operating companies around the world support patients in need, and are
delivered through patient assistance partners.
• Providing opportunities for employees to use their talent for good: We believe that the skills,
expertise and ingenuity of our employees are the key to our effectiveness in advancing the trajectory
of health. To unleash the potential and impact of our people, we provide a range of opportunities for
employees to help our community-based partners address critical capacity-building needs. For
example, our Global Pro Bono program offers employees the opportunity to take up to four weeks of
paid time to support NGOs globally. The Johnson & Johnson Secondment Program offers employees
the opportunity to share their skills, experiences and talents with NGO partner organizations across
25 countries in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region serving in paid, long-term assignments (up
to six months). All secondees receive one-on-one coaching from Johnson & Johnson retirees and
mentoring guidance from program alumni before, during and after their secondment.
• Supporting our employee first responders: We support our employees who volunteer to assist
when disaster strikes. Our First Responder Time-Off Policy allows employees who serve as
Emergency Volunteer Workers to take up to 40 hours a year of paid time off if an emergency
summons requires the employee to be late or absent from work. (The Policy currently applies to
employees in the United States.)
Johnson & Johnson Position on Community Impact
our passion for improving healthcare and collaborative mindset. Such partnerships are often strategic,
multi-year and multi-faceted: where appropriate, our goal is to engage via a range of channels
working in concert, including financial support, technology, knowledge-sharing and employee time
and effort.
• Working with eligible organizations: All our corporate giving is provided to eligible nonprofit
institutions and organizations that supply the necessary proof of legal standing and good governance.
We do not make donations to individuals, physicians, healthcare professionals or party-political
individuals or organizations. We do not accept unsolicited proposals.
• Assessing impact: It is important to us to know that our corporate giving is delivering the social and
healthcare benefits that we intend. For this reason, we ask our key partners to report on the way our
donated resources are used. In certain cases, we may request or conduct impact assessments to
gain a deeper understanding of social outcomes and ongoing needs. We also set goals and measure
progress toward them on an annual basis via an external assurance process which we report as part
of the Health for Humanity Report (
• The Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Foundation, Inc. (JJPAF) is an independent,
nonprofit organization that is committed to helping eligible patients without insurance coverage
receive prescription products donated by Johnson & Johnson operating companies. More information
about the JJPAF is available at
This Position is relevant for the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies, as detailed in our governance
materials. We provide updates relating to community impact in our annual Health for Humanity Report.
(see attached)
12/16/21 , 10:02 AM Grants and Charitable Contributions I Janssen United States
change location T
We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards to ensure that we are providing
educational grants and charitable contributions in an appropriate manner. There are a number of
policies and guidance documents from various external regulatory and policy-making
organizations that form the basis for the development of our company's guiding principles used to
evaluate educational grant and charitable request submissions.
Our primary focus is making life-changing, long-term differences in human health and disease
management for those who may be helped by the products and services we provide. The purpose of
our disclosure of supported educational grants and charitable contributions is to demonstrate our
ongoing commitment to this endeavor. It is our hope that this disclosure will help the general
public to better understand the nature and volume of programs that we support in the interest of
advancing patient care and supporting local communities.
Educational Grants
Please click on the appropriate link for transparency reports on educational grants:
• Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (therapeutic areas of focus are cardiovascular, type II diabetes
and mental health)
• Janssen Biotech, Inc. (therapeutic areas of focus are oncology, immunology and nephrolog., 1/7
12/16/21 , 10:02 AM Grants and Charitable Contributions I Janssen United States
change location T
We understand the need to comprehend all aspects of disease management and treatment, and
that both healthcare professionals and patients benefit from a wide variety of learning formats that
employ generally accepted adult learning techniques.
We are proud to be able to provide grants to support educational activities and programs that help
healthcare professionals enhance the care of their patients. We prioritize support in areas of
scientific interest to the company that are intended to contribute to improvement in healthcare
provider knowledge.
Our organization follows a defined and specific process to ensure that our procedures for making
educational grants are in agreement with appropriate guidelines and policies. The guidance we use
to evaluate our support of various educational programs is based on recognized standards:
• Educational grants may be given to support bona fide educational activities directed toward
healthcare professionals or patients and may include funding for accredited/ certified cont' T
change location T
mtenaea to oe usea tor tne purpose aermea wnnm tne ongmal request . .t;acn grant request 1s
evaluated for comp1 • • ~ • • • ·
Janssen's COVID-19 Vaccine Status>
1. An assessment documenting why the educational support is necessary;
2. An agenda or brochure describing the schedule of events (if applicable);
3. A detailed budget identifying all sources of funding and how grant funds will be used;
4. Evidence of accreditation to provide continuing education credit and/or tax-exempt status.
Educational grants must be provided in accordance with the policies and procedures of Janssen
and with the United States Food and Drug Administration's Guidance on Industry-Supported
Scientific and Educational Activities. They must also be consistent with the Accreditation Council
for Continuing Medical Education Standards for Commercial Support ( ("ACCME
Standards"), the American Medical Association Ethical Guidelines for Gifts to Physicians from
Industry ( ("AMA Guidelines"), the Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers of America Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals (
("PhRMA Code"), the AdvaMed Code of Ethics for Interactions with Healthcare Professionals
( ("AdvaMed Code") and/or other relevant industry standards.
Janssen's Medical Affairs or Scientific Affairs departments have responsibility for the monitoring
and recordkeeping of independent educational programs supported by Janssen, including budget,
staff and interactions with educational providers. In addition, Janssen has:
• Written policies and procedures relating to the submission, review and approval of grant
requests and interactions with educational providers, so as to comply with applicable
requirements of the guidelines mentioned above;
• An internal, multidisciplinary review process for evaluation of educational grant requests which
includes our Medical Education, Medical Affairs/Clinical Research, Healthcare Compliance,
Regulatory Affairs and Law departments, as necessary;
• Appropriate measures to ensure that support of educational programs are scientifically and
clinically justified, and the program is not intended to be promotional in nature. Janssen
considers the following factors:
• The demonstrated scientific and clinical need for the program; 3/7
12/16/21 , 10:02 AM Grants and Charitable Contributions I Janssen United States
change location T
• Requests from organizations that do not have a valid federal tax-exempt status
• Scholarships to individuals
• Direct contributions to individuals or physician practices
• Loans
• Trips or tours
• Endowments of any kind
• Sectarian and religious organizations that do not serve the general public on a
nondenominational basis
• Capital requests (building funds, endowments or multi-year commitments)
• Requests from political, fraternal or athletic groups
• Product contributions will only be placed with licensed medical and healthcare professionals
• Product contributions cannot be transferred in exchange for money, other property or services
• Product contributions cannot be used for research, experimental or demonstration purposes
• Product contributions cannot be billed to any third-party payer (public or private) 417
12/16/21 , 10:02 AM Grants and Charitable Contributions I Janssen United States
change location T
Several hundred to fhnncanrlc n.f arlnna+;nnal n--ran+ -rarmac+c "an be received by Janssen each year.
Unfortunately, not Janssen's COVID-19 Vaccine Status> ,r consideration can be funded.
Janssen abides by rules developed by several regulatory and policy-making organizations. These
rules provide guidance on several parameters. For example:
• Grants should not take into account the volume or value of purchases made by, or anticipated
from, a potential grant recipient.
• Accredited educational activities should be independent and without influence from commercial
• Educational grants may only be provided to recognized institutions, organizations, or societies;
no funding may be provided by industry directly to an individual or medical practice.
• Presentations must give a balanced view of therapeutic options and not be tied to a specific
product for commercial purposes.
Janssen uses established policies to evaluate each submission on its own merits. Funds are not
provided as "unrestricted educational grants," which implies that recipients may use the financial
support for a purpose other than what was originally intended. Although Janssen only provides
restricted educational grants, it is assumed that program content is developed in an independent
manner by the requestor. It is expected that a provider should develop accredited medical
education activities without interference, direct or nuanced, from a commercial supporter.
To ensure that the purpose of the educational activity is clearly understood, all grant requests
include several key components to be provided within the grant application when submitting a
grant request to our organization.
• The needs assessment documenting why the activity is necessary and how the proposed activity
will address the educational need or gap
• A proposed or final agenda and/ or brochure (if applicable)
• A detailed budget outlining how the funds will be utilized
• A statement of accreditation and/or tax-exempt status 5/7
12/16/21 , 10:02 AM Grants and Charitable Contributions I Janssen United States
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Janssen is proud to assist with the educational needs of health care professionals through
educational grants. We do so with intent to place the health and welfare of the patient ahead of
economic self-interest.
For more information about reporting of grants and contributions, please visit 617
12/16/21 , 10:02 AM Grants and Charitable Contributions I Janssen United States
change location T 717
(see attached)
2020 Health for
Humanity Report
Progress in Sustainability
Contents | Message from Our CEO | Our Approach | United in Defeating COVID-19 | Better Health for All | Responsible Business Practices | Reporting Hub
Message from Our Chairman and CEO 3
2020 Year in Brief 4
Our Recognitions 5
Our Approach 6
Health for Humanity Strategy & Goals 9
Sustainability Governance 13
Sustainability Priorities 14
To Our Global Community: chains, and launching a first-of-its-kind medical device ecosystem to take on the challenges of tomorrow.
for the management of persistent atrial fibrillation. And, as always, we will hold ourselves to a high level
We all know from firsthand experience that 2020
Delivering on our responsibilities to a healthy planet, of transparency and accountability through reports
was a year of profound upheaval and uncertainty.
we made progress on reducing our carbon footprint, such as this one and our annual Janssen U.S.
It was also, however, a clarifying moment for us at
including achieving more than 50% use of renewable Transparency Report.
Johnson & Johnson.
electricity globally.
As we grappled with the wide-ranging impacts of
Throughout 2020, bearing witness to the way the
the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing economic
pandemic revealed weaknesses in our public health
volatility that threw into stark relief the issues of racial
systems and pushed businesses to do more to create
injustice and health inequities, one thing was certain:
healthier, more equitable communities was sometimes a
when it comes to global public health, the stakes could
humbling experience—but it was also an inspiration.
not be higher. While solving the most pressing global
health challenges is never easy, the once-in-a-generation I’m pleased to be able to say that these challenges of
confluence of these crises underscored the complexity 2020 only enhanced our commitment to—and continued
that organizations like ours must navigate if we truly focus on—creating long-term value for all stakeholders
want to make the maximum positive impact on human by integrating social considerations, environmental Alex Gorsky connecting with employees during a virtual visit
health. sustainability and good governance into every aspect to our Shanghai and Beijing offices.
of our business. From launching the Our Race to
At Johnson & Johnson, taking on even the most
Health Equity platform to address the root causes of I know we will continue to do our part through
daunting healthcare challenges has been at the core
healthcare inequity in the United States, to deepening whatever unknowable new challenges and upheavals
of who we are for 135 years. And while living up to
our commitments to address complex issues like lie ahead, because we will always be able to draw
our commitments embodied in Our Credo has always
smoking cessation, to environmental health innovations upon our ultimate strength: the remarkable people
required constant evolution and innovation, the last year
to make our packaging easier to recycle or reuse through of Johnson & Johnson. In an extraordinary year, our
demanded that we embrace radically new ways of doing
the Healthy Lives initiative from Johnson & Johnson 136,000-plus global employees embraced radically
business and even greater heights of purpose-driven
Consumer Health, we have kept our sights firmly set on new ways of working with greater agility than ever
collaboration through public–private partnerships.
catalyzing lasting change. before. Each individual’s ingenuity and resilience are
As we detail in this Report, the significant challenges of what allowed us to go above and beyond for all our
To help lead the world into a brighter post-COVID-19
2020 did not deter us from accomplishing many of our stakeholders. I could not be prouder of what Johnson &
future where healthier families flourish in healthier
key goals. Johnson employees showed the world is possible—
societies on a healthier planet, we know we must
or more optimistic about what their passion and
While much of the world’s attention was on our capitalize on the incredible momentum we’ve unleashed
perseverance will help us achieve in the future.
leadership in the fight against the COVID-19 at Johnson & Johnson this past year.
pandemic—culminating in the deployment of our
Building on our Health for Humanity 2020 Goals—the
Janssen COVID-19 vaccine this year—we also achieved
successes and shortcomings of which are detailed in this
our Health for Humanity 2020 Goals of fighting HIV and
Report—we are launching even more ambitious goals
tuberculosis, as well as accelerating broader access to
for 2025 that will enable us to continue living into Our
our Ebola vaccine for those most in need. We brought
Purpose as we make further contributions to 11 of the 17
this same agility to our work on behalf of our patients
United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
and customers in areas as diverse as advancing the
Given how essential collaboration was to our shared Alex Gorsky
science around the treatment of multiple myeloma,
progress in 2020, we’re actively expanding on many of Chairman, Board of Directors
deploying technological innovations and application of
our historic partnerships across the entire healthcare and Chief Executive Officer
data science to safeguard critically important supply
$100 million $800 million ambitious Health for Humanity 2025 Goals
committed over the next five years in the U.S. to help committed through 2030 to advance our Healthy
E:QUITY eliminate health inequities for people of color Lives Mission, to make our Consumer Health
addressing pandemics and epidemics, global health
equity, our people, planet and partners
products more sustainable
People We Serve
Combating COVID-19 Advancing Breakthrough Science for HIV Preventing Future Ebola
Within a year, began manufacturing our single-shot Received European Commission Marketing Outbreaks
COVID-19 vaccine, now authorized for emergency Authorization for REKAMBYS (rilpivirine injection) to Received European Commission
use by the U.S. FDA, granted a Conditional Marketing be used with ViiV Healthcare’s Vocabria (cabotegravir Marketing Authorization for
Authorization by the European Commission, and injection) as the first-ever complete, long-acting Photo by Rwanda Ebola vaccine regime11 for the
issued an Emergency Use Listing by the World Health injectable HIV treatment regimen Ministry of Health. prevention of Ebola Virus Disease
Organization (WHO)
Treating Atrial Fibrillation Partnering to Stop Smoking
Expanding Access to MDR-TB Treatment Received CE mark approval for QDOT MICRO As part of the Access Initiative for Quitting Tobacco,
Collaborated with the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Catheter, next-generation high-power, short-duration launched by the WHO to reduce smoking rates around
Drug Facility to develop and implement a novel access ablation catheter for the treatment of atrial fibrillation the world, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health
framework for SIRTURO (bedaquiline) for 135+ low- donated nicotine replacement therapy patches
and middle-income countries
Our Credo Survey results showed an all-time high: supplier spend 45% reduction through innovation and partnerships
* Funded entirely by the Johnson & Johnson Foundation, a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. The Foundation is a separate legal entity from the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies.
** Includes dividend declared in2020 Health for Humanity Report
April 2021. 4
Contents | Message from Our CEO | Our Approach | United in Defeating COVID-19 | Better Health for All | Responsible Business Practices | Reporting Hub
Our Recognitions
access T□
Constituent of the FTSE4Good me □ 1c1ne •
Ranked #2 for “social capital” in
Index Series, designed to
new The Wall Street Journal ranking 1n □ ex ■
measure the performance
of world's most sustainably managed Ranked #3 on advancing access to
of companies demonstrating
FTSE4Good companies. medicines and technologies for people
strong ESG practices.
in low- and middle-income countries in
the 2021 Access to Medicine Index.
Our Approach At Johnson & Johnson, we focus on the total health journey
Our Purpose
We blend heart, science and ingenuity to profoundly change the
trajectory of health for humanity.
Our Values
We are driven by Our Credo, a set of values and principles that, since
1943, has challenged and inspired us to put the needs and well-being
of the people we serve first.
Our Business
We operate 90 manufacturing facilities, which are located in
all major geographic regions of the world. Research facilities
are located in the United States, Belgium, Brazil, China, France,
Germany, India, Israel, the Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Sweden, Medical Consumer
Switzerland and the United Kingdom, with additional R&D support in Devices Health
over 30 other countries.
Our global headquarters are in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.
Johnson & Johnson has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange
since 1944 under the symbol JNJ. For changes in our business during
the reporting period, please visit page 83 of our 2020 Annual Report.
In this section, we share our progress in 2020 in the following areas: Pharmaceutical Medical Devices Consumer Health
Health for Humanity Strategy & Goals Cardiovascular & Interventional Solutions Baby Care
Metabolism Orthopaedics Oral Care
Sustainability Governance Immunology Surgery (General & OTC
Sustainability Priorities Infectious Diseases & Advanced) Skin Health/Beauty
Vaccines Vision Women’s Health
Neuroscience Wound Care
Pulmonary Hypertension
Our Brands
Every day, we touch more than a billion lives with our products. Following are select
brands that represent the diversity of the Johnson & Johnson product portfolio in our
three business segments, spanning the broad continuum of healthcare.
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{rilpivirine) tablets
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(clanrlavr IIOOmg/
cobicistat15()mg) laljeJs
4 nicorette
2020 Financial Results Our Total Tax Contribution1 Total Taxes Collected: Additionally, in 2020 Johnson &
Johnson collected $5.3 billion related to the commerce
Employees 136,400 ‡
Our Tax Responsibility: First published in 1943,
the Company generates. These collections were in the
Our Credo stipulates that paying taxes is our
form of payroll and social insurance taxes for more than
R&D investment $12.2 billion responsibility to the communities in which we live
136,000 employees across the world, sales and use
and work. Johnson & Johnson is committed to paying
taxes and value-added taxes. These taxes are collected
Total sales $82.6 billion our fair share of taxes. Our tax footprint evolves
on behalf of governments, from employees, customers,
over time and reflects our healthcare activities and
and other business partners. Taxes Collected are an
Net earnings $14.7 billion investments, including in research and development and
important part of the measure of the contribution made
manufacturing. What has not changed or wavered is our
by Johnson & Johnson through job creation and business
Market price per share, $153.09 commitment to good corporate citizenship, which we
activities in the many countries in which we do business.
year-end close demonstrate through sustainable values and behaviors
relating to tax governance, compliance, planning,
Number of consecutive 59
risk management, relationships with governmental
years of dividend
authorities and transparency; these are more fully
2020 Tax Contribution
described in our Johnson & Johnson Tax Policy.
Taxes Taxes
‡ See PwC’s Report of Independent Accountants. In 2020, Johnson & Johnson contributed approximately Borne Collected
* Includes dividend declared in April 2021.
$12 billion in taxes and fees to governments and
economies around the world. This Total Tax Contribution Corporate Income $4.6
is made up of two components: Total Taxes Borne by the (billions)
Company and Total Taxes Collected. Taxes Borne are a
Sales by Business Segment direct cost to the Company, whereas Taxes Collected
Payroll and Social $1.3 $4.3
Insurance (billions)
Pharmaceutical $45.6 billion are collected from customers and employees on behalf
of governments and ultimately remitted to them. Sales/Use and Other $0.8 $1.0
Medical Devices $23.0 billion (billions)
Our intent is to provide a comprehensive view of total
taxes paid around the world. Corporate Income Tax Total (billions) $6.7 $5.3
Consumer Health $14.1 billion represents payments in all markets in which we operate
and is the amount reported as Income Taxes Paid in the Total Tax Contribution
2020 Annual Report. Other taxes shown aggregate the (billions)
Company’s data from 18 major markets representing the
vast majority of our revenues. We aspire to include all
markets in future years.
Total Taxes Borne: In 2020, Johnson & Johnson bore
$6.7 billion in taxes around the world. The taxes include
corporate income taxes, the Company’s share of payroll
and social insurance taxes, and the Company’s share
of sales and other taxes. Sales taxes include sales, use,
and non-recoverable value-added tax. Other taxes
are primarily composed of customs and other duties
such as local taxes and special fees related to the
pharmaceutical industry.
We achieved significant progress in our final year Expand the database, documenting the effectiveness, efficacy, and safety profile of SIRTURO (bedaquiline)
✓ Achieved
of reporting against our Health for Humanity 2020 through collaborative efforts to further increase access.
Goals. Specifically, we achieved or exceeded 16 of the Collaborate on Phase 3 trials and make regulatory submissions for rilpivirine LA, the first all injectable depot
✓ Achieved
regimen for HIV.
17 targets across the goal focus areas of: providing
people with better health access and care, using 2. Deliver innovative healthcare access and training programs that impact a billion lives in underserved areas.1
fewer and smarter resources, and partnering to create Produce and donate 1 billion doses of VERMOX (mebendazole) to treat >100 million children per year at risk for
a culture of health and well-being. The one target not + Exceeded
intestinal worms.
fully achieved was enrolling suppliers covering 80%
Deliver HIV/AIDS therapy access to a cumulative 130,000 adults and 5,000 children. + Exceeded
of our spend in our Supplier Sustainability Program.
This was due to COVID-19 impacts experienced by Deliver access to MDR-TB therapy to a cumulative 200,000 patients, potentially curing2 157,000 people3 with
+ Exceeded
MDR-TB of the disease.
Johnson & Johnson and by our suppliers.
Together with partners, train 30,000 skilled birth attendants to assist 6 million births. + Exceeded
This Scorecard provides an at-a-glance view of final
progress made against our 2020 Goals. For full results, Support the delivery of 6 million vision screenings to underserved children and corrective treatments (spectacles)
+ Exceeded
as needed to 100,000 underserved children.
see our Health for Humanity 2020 Goals Progress
Scorecard. 3. Collaborate with government, nonprofit and private sector to foster new models of health that improve economic well-being and
healthcare in key emerging markets.
Activate signature partnerships/initiatives for five of our largest Consumer Health brands to promote the health
✓ Achieved
and well-being of people in need around the world.
Progress against our Health for Humanity 2020 Goals, and associated data,
have been assured by ERM CVS. See independent assurance statement by ERM Drive policy thought leadership and strategic engagements to expand healthcare access and coverage in at least
CVS. three emerging markets (including Brazil, China and India), and lead three to five pilots to demonstrate the results ✓ Achieved
1 “Underserved” refers to populations that are disadvantaged because of ability of these efforts.4
to pay, ability to access care, ability to access comprehensive healthcare, or
other disparities for reasons of race, religion, language. 4. Fully integrate sustainable design solutions into our product innovation processes.
2 The cure rate is 87.8% for patients treated with bedaquiline containing
regimens, based on The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, Volume 392, September New and existing products representing 20% of Johnson & Johnson revenue achieved EARTHWARDS recognition
+ Exceeded
2018, Pages 821-34. for sustainable innovation improvements.
3 As communicated through the product label, SIRTURO is taken for six months
Increase the recyclability of our Consumer Health product packaging to 90+% (on a weight basis) via design and
as part of a combination therapy with multiple other drugs; in total, a patient
often requires up to two years of treatment to be cured. partnerships in five key markets where mature recycling infrastructure exists (Canada, France, Germany, UK, and
✓ Achieved
4 Engagements are defined as contacts made between Johnson & Johnson’s U.S.).5 In three other markets where recycling infrastructure is less mature engage in partnerships to advance
Government Affairs & Policy and Global Public Health teams and the govern- material recovery and recycling efforts.
ments in each market. Pilots are defined as projects implemented among the
population in markets to expand healthcare access and coverage. 5. Reduce our impacts on climate and water resources.
5 In 2018 Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. signed the New Plastics Economy
Global Commitment. By joining this global multi-stakeholder initiative, we set Reduce absolute carbon emissions 20% by 2020, and 80% by 2050. + Exceeded 2020 Target
a new ambitious 2025 plastics packaging commitment, which supersedes our
2020 target. Progress against the new 2025 commitment is reported in the
Produce/procure 35% of electricity from renewable sources by 2020; aspire to power all facilities with renewable
+ Exceeded 2020 Target
Product Sustainability section of this Report. energy by 2050.
6 Based on spend data from prior calendar year. Conduct a comprehensive water risk assessment at 100% of manufacturing/R&D locations and implement
7 The COVID-19 pandemic impacted both Johnson & Johnson’s capacity to ✓ Achieved
resource protection plans at the high-risk sites.
perform supplier assessments and our suppliers’ ability to dedicate time and
resources to meet the requirements of our Supplier Sustainability Program. As 6. Collaborate with our suppliers to accelerate environmental and social improvements across the value chain.
a result, we were unable to assess, and therefore unable to enroll enough of our
supply base to achieve our 2020 target. Enroll suppliers covering 80% of our spend6 in our Supplier Sustainability Program. Not Achieved 7
8 Represents spend we have control over/addressable spend, defined as
products and services that procurement teams can negotiate with suppliers to Consistently achieve benchmark spending with U.S. diverse suppliers and small suppliers and double the number
meet business goals. + Exceeded
of countries with established supplier diversity and inclusion programs.8
9 We count our 28,000 active employees who completed ENERGY FOR
PERFORMANCE training prior to January 1, 2016, toward progress against this 7. Empower and engage the Johnson & Johnson family of employees to become the healthiest workforce.
10 Defined as 100% implementation of policies, programs and practices for both Empower and engage employees toward a “personal best” in health and well-being via: training of at least
healthy eating and healthy movement. 100,000 employees in the principles of ENERGY FOR PERFORMANCE;9 connecting at least 100,000 employees
+ Exceeded
to their health via innovative digital health tools; and providing access to at least 100,000 employees to both fully
implemented10 healthy eating and fully implemented healthy movement cultures.
2020 Health for Humanity Report 10
Contents | Message from Our CEO | Our Approach | United in Defeating COVID-19 | Better Health for All | Responsible Business Practices | Reporting Hub
UN SDGs Commitment Progress Summary UN Sustainable Development Goals Commitment Progress Scorecard Progress for 2016 – 2020‡
At-A-Glance implementation years
The cumulative progress reported here is for the
Health Workforce: A world where the current and future healthcare workforce has the necessary competencies to deliver high-quality
2016 – 2020 timeframe and represents an at-a-
glance view of final progress made against our initial
SDG commitment. We exceeded four out of the five 902,000 healthcare providers (139%
targets across the aspirations of health workforce, of overall goal achieved)
650,000 health workers will have received training to better deliver quality healthcare.
essential surgery, global disease challenges and
+ Exceeded
environmental health. We did not fully achieve our
target relating to women’s and children’s health due Women’s & Children’s Health: A world where every woman and child survives and has the opportunity for a healthy future.
to a change in strategy (see footnote below). For
50.9 million women and children (85%
additional details on progress see our full UN SDGs of overall goal achieved)*
Commitment Progress Scorecard. 60 million women and children will have received support and tools to enable a healthy future.
Not Achieved
Essential Surgery: A world where safe, essential and timely surgical care can be accessed by all to save lives, prevent disability, promote
economic growth, and reduce social marginalization.
Global Disease Challenges: A world where innovations and holistic health solutions
prevent, control and eliminate global disease challenges and epidemics.
Environmental Health: A world where all people have healthy places to live, work and play.
‡ Progress against our UN SDGs Commitment, and associated data, have been assured by ERM CVS. See independent assurance statement by ERM CVS.
* This five-year target is predominantly supported by Johnson & Johnson Foundation grants facilitated by the Global Community Impact organization. We are reporting
the target as not achieved due to a shift in our strategy in 2019, which transitioned from programs primarily reaching consumer groups directly to programs targeting
frontline health workers (i.e., nurses, midwives, and community health workers). We believe this transition will have greater, more far-reaching and sustainable impact
on women’s and children’s lives in the longer term. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical needs facing our frontline health workers and their unique
ability to address the healthcare needs of our society, and in particular, the underserved. The new commitment we announced in early 2020 acknowledges the pivotal
role that health workers play in providing essential services to these groups. As such, the programming and tracking toward the original goal transitioned, with fewer
programs directly reaching women and children and more programs reaching the health workers who serve them.
3:0.,~:NC ........
4 '"""' 5 G[MO(R
UN Sustainable Development Goals "'""""'
Agenda for Sustainable Development. Through our 8 """""""' 9::"w: 10 :.. 11~'::~
Health for Humanity 2025 Goals, we are contributing
""""""'""' ....
to the global effort to achieve a majority of the SDGs ftf ~ ◄=
.... ► Affl~w
by supporting 11 of the 17, spanning the spheres
of global health, social justice, environmental
stewardship and responsible business practices.
12 =.:. 13 : ' 17 ~~
CX) G ®
2020 Health for Humanity Report 12
Contents | Message from Our CEO | Our Approach | United in Defeating COVID-19 | Better Health for All | Responsible Business Practices | Reporting Hub
Increasing importance
Humanity Report, we report our performance against
COH4B practices and metrics. Visit the Reporting Hub (Degree of Sustainable
Products • • Access
to see our COH4B Framework. concern) Climate, Energy Use Strengthening
• Ethics &
& Emissions Health Systems
Improving our ESG Policies and Positions: As • ••
transparency and disclosure on ESG has become of
Human Rights
• Disclosure
& Transparency Pricing
R&D Investment
increasing interest among various stakeholders, we have Bioethics
• • • Diversity, Equity
Cyber Risk
& Privacy
free workplace, our innovative ecosystem, our efforts
• • Local Economic
to strengthen health systems and our commitment Waste Management
• •
Workforce Attraction
Supply Integrity,
to business continuity. For more information see ESG Counterfeit &
& Development
United in
In late 2019, reports of a novel coronavirus sparked international
concern among the scientific community. Within months, SARS-
CoV-2 had spread to nearly every continent, shutting down entire
cities and countries and igniting a global effort to find a vaccine that
could stop the virus from impacting more damage.
Since then, the COVID-19 pandemic has stretched global healthcare
systems and posed a critical challenge for governments, healthcare
authorities, health professionals and the industries supporting the
healthcare infrastructure.
Whether directly or indirectly, COVID-19 has had a drastic and
oftentimes devastating impact on the lives of people worldwide.
Restrictions and isolation have placed people under great stress
where limited access to healthcare continues to take a severe toll on
mental health leading to increased anxiety and fear.
Throughout our more than 130-year history, Johnson & Johnson has
a legacy of responding during crisis. We have actively engaged in
fighting global outbreaks from tuberculosis to HIV and Ebola. Our
knowledge and experience, successes and setbacks alike inform
everything we have done to tackle COVID-19.
Johnson & Johnson moved swiftly, mobilizing our research teams,
establishing key partnerships and collaborations, and committing to
put every resource at the Company's disposal to develop a vaccine
to help combat the pandemic. In just over a year, our dedication
came to fruition with the delivery of a COVID-19 vaccine candidate
at a not-for-profit price that has been approved for emergency use
as a single-dose injection in countries around the world. Taking into
account issues of access, equity, supply chain infrastructure and the
varied needs of a global population, we are providing an important
component to a worldwide vaccination strategy for a virus unlike
anything we’ve seen in a century.
Advancing a Vaccine
Vaccines are key to eradicating the COVID-19
pandemic. For years, Johnson & Johnson has
invested in building state-of-the-art antiviral and
vaccine capabilities, which we have used to develop
and manufacture our Ebola vaccine regimen and
construct our investigational Zika, RSV and HIV
vaccine candidates. We have used these capabilities
and facilities to accelerate our efforts to develop a
ABOVE: Wang D., a Senior Strategic Account Manager for Medical
COVID-19 vaccine, moving with the utmost urgency
Devices at Johnson & Johnson China, helped coordinate Johnson &
while ensuring quality, compliance and safety
Johnson’s donations of Company products and globally sourced
protocols are observed. Within a year, we began
personal protective equipment in Wuhan, where he lives with his
manufacturing our single-shot COVID-19 vaccine,
family, during the pandemic.
authorized by the Food and Drug Administration for
emergency use. LEFT: Laura G., Health Economics & Access Manager, Johnson &
Johnson Medical GmbH, is a former general nurse who used
Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Medical Personnel Leave
Policy — which enabled medically trained employees worldwide
to take a paid leave to provide medical services and help diagnose,
treat and contribute to public health support for COVID-19 — to
volunteer in the ICU at a hospital in Hamburg, Germany.
Timeline of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine Development (through March 31, 2021)
Initiated development
of a vaccine candidate
Formed an expanded
collaboration on the
- APRIL 2020
Joined biopharma
companies in a
and development against COVID-19 and vaccine program with the Bill & Melinda Gates #WeStandWithScience
expertise in combating collaborations to screen BARDA. Foundation, with support pledge to prioritize the
epidemics, pandemics a library of antiviral from additional global safety and well-being
Together with BARDA,
and global pathogens therapies that provide partners. of vaccinated individuals
we committed to invest
that threaten public relief in advance of new in the development of
more than $1 billion to This new advocacy and
health. therapy development. COVID-19 vaccines.
co-fund vaccine research, communications initiative
Johnson & Johnson Our vaccine program development, and clinical aims to advocate for The pledge, signed by
introduced the epidemic leverages Janssen’s ADVAC testing. policy changes and Johnson & Johnson’s
mask in 1919 to help technology that was used increased resources to CEO and CEOs of
contain the Spanish Flu. in the development of ensure countries are better eight major biopharma
Thereafter followed our investigational Ebola prepared to prevent, detect companies, outlines a
notable successes in vaccine, which is currently and respond to future united commitment to
vaccine technology for deployed in the Democratic pandemic threats. uphold the integrity of the
diseases such as Ebola, Republic of the Congo and scientific process as we all
Zika and HIV, creating Rwanda, and also used to worked toward potential
a strong foundation for construct our investigational global regulatory filings
the development of a Zika, RSV and HIV vaccine and approvals of the first
vaccine that is effective candidates. COVID-19 vaccines.
in containing COVID-19.
Timeline of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine Development (through March 31, 2021)
Signed an Agreement
in Principle with Gavi
Received additional
authorizations and
Our Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine
Vaccine Manufacturing,
Supply and Access
Our vaccine is estimated
The Company’s anticipated to remain stable for two
manufacturing timeline will years at -20°C / -4°F
enable it to meet its full year Most refrigerators
and a maximum of three
2021 supply commitments, store food at or below
months of which can
including those signed with 4° C / 40° F and
be at temperatures of
governments and global freezers clock in at or
2-8° C / 36°–46° F
organizations below -18° C / 0° Fi
• Supporting our manufacturing collaborators with we are collaborating with other companies developing
on-site personnel and expertise in quality, safety, COVID-19 vaccines to enable the sharing of and access
manufacturing technical operations and compliance. to datasets relevant to vaccine safety surveillance and
the development of a registry to monitor vaccine safety
Quality and compliance in the development of our in pregnancy.
COVID-19 vaccine: We maintain a strong focus on
Assuring cyber protection for vaccine development:
quality, compliance and excellence in our COVID-19
Our Information Security & Risk Management (ISRM)
vaccine program through a dedicated Quality &
team launched a COVID-19 Vaccine Cybersecurity
Compliance team to ensure compliance readiness at all
Program, dedicated to the security of our vaccine
levels; collaborating with regulatory agencies including
development, manufacturing and distribution. The
the FDA and EMA, and enlisting an independent Data
program included targeted protection for key personnel
and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) made up of clinical
We are harnessing our deep scientific expertise, or those with a public or media presence, detection and
research experts, physicians, and statisticians to monitor
collaborations and global reach to keep the public response activities, securing collaboration methods with
safety data and clinical trial progress.
informed on the latest scientific developments internal and external partners, raising user awareness
relating to COVID-19 and vaccines. We raised of secure methods for data sharing, enhancing security
the bar for transparency with the introduction of measures through focused security monitoring,
The Road to a Vaccine, an educational video series conducting security assessments of critical partners
hosted by Lisa Ling, which examines the latest and vendors, and deploying advanced threat detection
efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic We are committed to our and protection capabilities. We also collaborated with
and breaks down the complex process of high-quality, safety and government agencies, industry groups, and key partners
developing a vaccine. The series also shares the ethical standards each and to share threat intelligence. See also our Positions on
latest developments on the work underway by Information Security and Data Privacy.
many to bring access to a vaccine to billions every day, and the quality of
Diverse representation in COVID-19 vaccine trials:
around the world. our investigational vaccine As part of our commitment to the communities most
candidate is no different; we impacted by COVID-19, we have ensured a diverse and
Additional considerations and initiatives in our COVID-19 will never compromise quality representative group of study volunteers in our vaccine
vaccine program included: clinical trials. Such representation helps us learn how
and safety for speed. differences like age, race and ethnicity may impact
Resourcing for quality during COVID-19: We joined our
the efficacy and safety of our vaccine candidate. The
peer companies in signing a historic pledge to uphold the Carol Montandon, Worldwide Vice ENSEMBLE Phase 3 clinical trial for our single-dose
integrity of the scientific and manufacturing processes in President, Global Chief Quality Officer, COVID-19 vaccine enrolled approximately 45,000
developing an investigational COVID-19 vaccine. And, at Johnson & Johnson participants from eight countries, with volunteers
Johnson & Johnson, we continue to ensure all aspects of
representing age and ethnic/racial diversity.
our COVID-19 vaccine development program meet our
safety and quality standards. This includes: Approximately 45,000 enrolled participants
Commitment to safety in COVID-19 vaccine clinical globally across eight countries
• Dedicating employees with deep expertise in
trials: We set up an independent, external expert Safety
infectious disease and vaccines to focus solely on 3%
Advisory Board for advice on post-authorization safety Asian
vaccine development; 6%
planning through our COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial 19%
Black/African American
• Appointing a senior Quality Leader to serve in a newly program. We have partnered with external independent 13%
created role focused on the execution of vaccine safety panels, health authorities, institutional review Hispanic/Latinx
development, manufacturing, storage and distribution; boards and cross-industry consortia. We have also 9%
Native American
published our statistical approaches and clinical trial
• Creating a new website to enable customer access
to product information and up-to-date expiry date of
protocols, an unprecedented step in our commitment to
transparency throughout clinical development. Further,
•• Age 18-59
Age 60+
Leveraging real-world data to support COVID-19 response through companies focused on public health COVID-19 vaccine on the Black community and mental
vaccine development: Our teams from Epidemiology, threats and emerging infectious diseases. Blue Knight health realities for Black America.
Research & Development, Data Sciences, Global Clinical companies continue to be selected on a rolling basis
Advocating for health equity: In the context of the AIDS
Organization and scientists across the United States and include those working to fill gaps in the current set
2020 conference, Macaya Douoguih, Head, Janssen
collaborated to analyze data to predict the optimal of potential COVID-19 solutions, as well as solutions for
Clinical Development and Medical Affairs, Vaccines,
locations for our vaccine trials, enabling enrollment of future health threats.
published an open letter on systemic racism and health
people with a higher likelihood of developing COVID-19,
disparities, in which she urged all to understand that
thereby enhancing the design of the clinical trials for
COVID-19 causes substantially more morbidity and
our COVID-19 vaccine candidate. This data-driven
mortality in underserved, underrepresented populations
prioritization of participants at high risk of symptomatic
and that more must be done to drive equity in our global
infection based on demographics, occupation, Because we never stopped approach to managing through the pandemic.
and/or underlying health conditions involved extensive
collaboration with local healthcare systems leaders
putting the world’s most
in different regions. Our Johnson & Johnson Office vulnerable and underserved
of the Chief Medical Officer (OCMO) team also populations at the heart of Dr. Douoguih noted: No single organization
co-led the COVID19 Rapid Collaboration Call with the can solve the full range of these challenges.
European Health Data & Evidence Network (EHDEN) everything we do, we have However, together as a community we must
in spring 2020 to provide financial and technical support never been in a better position step up and act. At Johnson & Johnson, our
for harmonizing data to the Observational Medical to secure their health. actions are focused in three areas that we
Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model, believe are essential to drive change:
to help facilitate more rapid open science on COVID-19. 1. Strengthening data and insights on
Martin Fitchet, M.D., Global Head,
Solving critical COVID-19 questions with health Global Public Health, Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 health disparities;
data science: In March 2020, Johnson & Johnson 2. Driving health education and awareness, to
co-led the Observational Health Data Sciences and accelerate the development of solutions and
Informatics (OHDSI) four-day Virtual Study-A-Thon strategies to address health disparities; and
to generate immediate RWE on prioritized questions Helping Eradicate Health Inequities 3. Supporting community leaders and frontline
shared by national governments and other healthcare health workers with the resources they
While developing a safe and effective vaccine against
organizations and design COVID-19-specific studies that need to improve the health and vitality of
COVID-19 has been a major focus since the start of
can be validated when such data are available. Eighty- underserved communities.
the pandemic, we have placed equal importance on
eight hours of collaboration between more than 350
addressing the disproportionate effect of the pandemic
participants from 30 countries resulted in innovative
on ethnically diverse communities. Through Our Race
studies aimed to generate new findings to aid decision-
to Health Equity initiative, we seek to help eradicate
making in response to the pandemic. The studies Promoting Black maternal health: In 2020, our Health
health inequities for people of color, many of which have
were published in The Lancet Rheumatology, Nature of Women team within OCMO prioritized two maternal
emerged or been exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis.
Communications and The Lancet Digital Health. health issues: understanding COVID-19 in pregnancy and
We are working directly with many branches of addressing the Black maternal health crisis in the United
Partnering to accelerate response to health threats:
government and partnering with advocates, NGOs States. Colleagues from Health of Women introduced a
We announced the first companies to participate in
and leadership bodies like the U.S. Congressional “No Patient Safety Without Equity” campaign to educate
BLUE KNIGHT™, our joint initiative with BARDA. This
Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) to lend our voice women about the relationship between COVID-19 and
joint initiative aims to stimulate innovation and incubation
and expertise to improving health outcomes in Black maternal health. They worked with our Worldwide
of technologies that improve health security and
communities. In 2020, we supported as a title sponsor Government Affairs & Policy team and other partners to
CBCF's “Policy for the People” webinar series with advocate for key pieces of legislation, including the Black
experts, prominent thought leaders and CBC members, Maternal Health Momnibus Act of 2020 in Congress and
•• _I BLUE KNIGHT'" debating issues of public policy related to COVID-19. In extending Medicaid’s postpartum insurance coverage
February 2021, we partnered with CBCF to deliver the for pregnant women from an arbitrary 60-day period
2021 Health Equity Summit addressing the impact of the to the 12 months following birth.
Addressing Patient Needs tech-based solutions for the most pressing COVID-19 a public information and resource hub, aimed to inspire
healthcare challenges. More than 500 hackers joined people to prioritize their health and reach out to their
Our initiatives addressing broader patient needs in the
the first NurseHack4Health event in May 2020 and over healthcare professionals about deferred care. My
context of the COVID-19 pandemic include providing
650 participated in the second event in November 2020. Health Can’t Wait offers resources for patients and for
tools to help people through the pandemic, developing
View the video here. healthcare professionals, including personal stories of
solutions to health issues exacerbated by COVID-19,
patients facing different health challenges during the
and securing the availability of urgent equipment and Doubling access to ventilators: In March 2020, Ethicon,
products. Examples are: a part of JJMDC, and Prisma Health collaborated to
deliver an urgently needed ventilator expansion device Meeting demand for consumer health products: As the
Leveraging our innovation platforms: In May
called the VESper™ Ventilator Expansion Splitter. COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe, Consumer
2020, Johnson & Johnson GPH and JLABS together
VESper was authorized by the FDA for emergency use, Health responded to support nurses, hospitals and local
launched the DR-TB Lifeline QuickFire Challenge,
allowing a single ventilator to be fitted with the Ventilator community organizations; convert manufacturing lines
a hackathon-style initiative aimed at finding creative,
Splitter to enable two rescuable COVID-19 patients to to produce hand sanitizer; and increase production of
community-based solutions to help ensure continuity
receive ventilatory support until individual ventilators high-demand products to meet the needs of consumers
of care for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB)
could be made available. The innovative collaboration everywhere.
patients in high-burden countries in the midst of the
used 3D printing technology to bring the splitter rapidly
COVID-19 pandemic. These solutions will be critical Adding hand sanitizer availability: Given the spike
from prototype to launch in just 10 days. Leveraging
in addressing the serious disruptions in DR-TB care in demand for hand sanitizer with the outbreak of
our key supplier relationships, we manufactured and
caused by COVID-19, which has weakened already- COVID-19, our China Consumer Health team rapidly led
distributed thousands of VESper units at no cost to
fragile health systems. Infrastructure typically used to the development and launch of BAND-AID® Isopropyl
healthcare providers in the United States. In March
diagnose and provide in-patient care for DR-TB patients Alcohol (BIPA) hand sanitizer for Chinese consumers,
2021, Johnson & Johnson earned a Gartner, Inc. Power
has been reallocated to the fight against COVID-19. increasing local production capacity by a third while
of the Profession Award in the category of “Customer
Lockdowns have made it difficult for DR-TB patients increasing the alcohol concentration from 60% to 70%
or Patient Innovation of the Year” recognizing VESper’s
to access face-to-face care, putting efforts to ensure for increased efficacy. Completing regulatory licensing
treatment adherence and prevent the development approval and new bottle designs, the team launched in
of drug resistance at risk. The five winning innovators a record two months, with a target annual volume of
received grant funding from a total of $250,000 and two million units. The manufacturing technology for
the opportunity to engage with experts from Johnson & BIPA has now been introduced at our facilities in
Johnson to help bring their ideas to life. Thailand to enable further access in Southeast Asia.
Similarly, our LISTERINE manufacturing facility in
Engaging nurses in COVID-19 innovation: The
the United States switched several lines from making
Johnson & Johnson Nurses Innovate QuickFire
mouthwash to producing hand sanitizer for distribution
Challenge Series invites nurses worldwide to develop
to our employees and health and community service
and share novel treatment approaches that have the
workers on the front lines of care. To date, we have
power to profoundly change human health. Nurse
donated hundreds of thousands of bottles to frontline
innovators with the best ideas receive up to $100,000
workers in communities most impacted by COVID-19.
in grant funding, access to mentoring from Johnson &
Johnson and access to our JLABS ecosystem to Minimizing COVID-19 risks from tobacco use: In 2020,
help bring their ideas to life. In 2020, we launched The VESper™ Ventilator Expansion Splitter a new Access Initiative for Quitting Tobacco (AIQT)
two challenges directly related to COVID-19, one was launched by the World Health Organization, aimed
relating to COVID-19 patient care, and one relating Helping patients prioritize healthcare: Following at helping the world's 1.3 billion tobacco users stop
to mental health. Both challenges received hundreds a survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of smoking through improved access to smoking cessation
of submissions. Additionally, Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson,3 in which it was found that 68% services and medicines such as nicotine replacement
partnered with SONSIEL, Microsoft and dev up to of Americans said they or someone in their household therapy. This program became an even more urgent
launch the NurseHack4Health virtual hackathon series delayed or canceled healthcare services due to priority given the higher likelihood of smokers to have
to encourage nurses and technology specialists to find COVID-19, JJMDC introduced My Health Can’t Wait, severe outcomes from COVID-19 than non-smokers.
To support this effort, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Helping healthcare providers with online care:
Health donated nearly 380,000 NICORETTE InvisiPatch Building on our established HealtheVoices online patient
nicotine patches to treat 5,400 people in Jordan, advocate platform, we launched HealtheVoices for
supporting the Jordanian Ministry of Health in its healthcare providers in partnership with an advisory
comprehensive AIQT smoking cessation programs. board of healthcare experts. Through this new platform, We are humbled and proud to
Contributing to eye health: As part of ongoing initiatives
we delivered virtual sessions to guide care providers use our legacy and resources to
of all specialties in topics such as using social media
to help support eye care in the wake of COVID-19,
to build a supportive community, practicing self-care, invite more people to put care
Johnson & Johnson Vision, part of JJMDC and a global
leader in eye health, made a donation of $320,000
elevating issues of health inequities and continuing to in the world during a time when
reach and provide care for patients online.
to Optometry Cares – The American Optometric we need it most.
Association (AOA) Foundation and the American Improving tools for patient outreach in Africa:
Academy of Optometry Foundation. As we are an Johnson & Johnson supported repurposing patient Dawn Hampton, Vice President, North
AOA Recovery Partner, our donation provides financial outreach tools to help local health workers provide America Consumer Experience Organization
support to practitioners uniquely impacted by COVID-19. real-time support as part of an intensified COVID-19 (CxO), Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health
Additionally, shortly after the outbreak of COVID-19 response. In Uganda, our mobile health (mHealth)
in Wuhan, China, the Johnson & Johnson Vision team platform, CONNECT FOR LIFE, originally introduced
responded to requests for disposable contact lenses for to help encourage adherence to ARV therapy among
medical workers in Wuhan, due to problems wearing people living with HIV, is now being used to make Caring for caregivers: BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive
eyeglasses under newly required safety goggles. Within automated phone calls to individuals quarantined Bandages and Care® partnered to deliver “CARE
eight days, the team packed off a shipment of 1,364 because of COVID-19. In Zimbabwe, a local youth-led Packages” including meals, personal protective
1-DAY ACUVUE TRUEYE packs along with hand cream organization, Youth Advocates Zimbabwe, leveraged its equipment (PPE) and critical healthcare and delivery
and LISTERINE. Youth Helpline to disseminate messaging on COVID-19 services to caregivers on the front lines of the COVID-19
to thousands of recipients and respond to calls regarding pandemic. BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages
Supporting Local Communities COVID-19. The Youth Helpline was developed as part of donated $100,000 to Care® and encouraged consumers
the DREAMS Partnership that supports young women to send Care Packages to support frontline heroes and
Alongside broader support we provided to healthcare
with and at risk of HIV infection; Johnson & Johnson is caregivers around the world for 100 days, aligning with
professionals, nurses and caregivers, (see the section
an anchor partner of the DREAMS Partnership which the 100th anniversary of BAND-AID®
Supporting the Front Lines of Care), Johnson &
is also supported by PEPFAR, the Bill & Melinda Gates Brand Adhesive Bandages.
Johnson made several meaningful contributions in our
Foundation, Girl Effect, Gilead Sciences, and ViiV
communities, for example: Donating PPE: While not a manufacturer of PPE,
Johnson & Johnson donated significant quantities of
Resources for medical professionals: We created the
PPE, hand sanitizer and other needed support to local
COVID-19 Resources Center to help meet the immediate
communities, including healthcare workers around the
and pressing needs of surgeons and other healthcare
world. For example, in the initial period of the pandemic,
professionals. The Center is powered by dialogEDU
we donated over $3.7 million (20 million yuan) in PPE
and was created by our Johnson & Johnson Institute
for frontline health workers in China, one million masks,
in collaboration with the Advances in Surgery (AIS)
100,000 protective suits and 100,000 pairs of goggles.
Channel. More than 30,000 healthcare professionals
viewed the AIS resources the first day they became
available. Will Song, Chairman of
Johnson & Johnson China
and President of Johnson &
Johnson Medical China, helps
prepare a globally sourced PPE
An advertisement for the Youth Helpline featuring young women delivery from a warehouse in
serving as ambassadors in their community. Shanghai, China.
Front Lines of Care technology, and other immediate support for communities response and protect frontline health workers
At no other time in our history have frontline health
workers been more prominent than during the
~ The World Con tinuin g
~ Education Alltance
Our Center for Health Worker Innovation, Helping educate health workers at scale and providing updates Investing in software and program tools that scale up digital
launched in 2019, catalyzes our efforts to build in response to changing needs and health worker feedback. technologies for disease surveillance, contact tracing, case
Collaborations include: management and referral. These tools help community health
a thriving health workforce and is underpinned
by a $250 million, 10-year commitment by the
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies and
~ ,FPD ®
, . The World Contmu1ng
Education Alllance
workers achieve maximum safety and efficiency in their work.
Developers include:
Co-creating evidence-based resources to support health worker Supporting individual health workers experiencing emotional
resilience, working with Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public and mental distress through community-based outreach
Health, Thrive Global, and the CAA Foundation. programs in several countries with organizations such as:
The Center for Health Worker Innovation is delivering a
global portfolio of programs in regions with the highest FIRST
community health burdens and frontline health worker FIRST
gaps. In March 2020, we added a further $50 million to
this budget to support frontline health workers battling vitalko ~ Save the Children•
COVID-19, with a focus on the safety, well-being and
resilience of health workers while helping to improve
the quality and availability of digital tools to further
Raising awareness and support
empower their work. The Center supported the front Leveraging the power of social media to raise awareness and garner support for frontline health workers
lines of healthcare in 2020 in a range of ways working
with multiple partners across the globe. Through the first half of 2020, in ...........~- Our #BacktheFrontline campaign on
collaboration with the American Nurses social media generated thousands of
Association (ANA), we aired our “SEE YOU
SEE messages in support of our frontline
NOW COVID-19: The Nurse Response” Y01i healthcare professionals, raising
podcast series, shining a light on the N6'w awareness for specific needs and
challenges and experiences of nurses I/ ANA encouraging donations and engagement.
through the pandemic.
Protecting Employees Ensuring the Health and Safety of our Employees in the Workplace
We transitioned nearly two-thirds of our workforce to remote working at the onset
Protecting and supporting our employees has been a top priority throughout
of the pandemic, providing employees where relevant with necessary equipment
the pandemic and our approach has included:
and connectivity to work effectively while informing them of the necessary health
• Keeping employees informed; and safety precautions for the remote working environment. Similarly, we developed
guidance, tools and tracking mechanisms to effectively leverage Flexible Work
• Ensuring the health and safety of our employees in the workplace;
Arrangements, as for many, a “regular” working day was not possible because
• Supporting employees with pay continuity, benefits and well-being tools; and of individual remote working circumstances.
• Recognizing employee contributions at work and in our communities. Return to work in Waves: For the return to the workplace, we developed a
comprehensive, phased approach, prioritizing employee health and safety.
We have instituted a variety of workplace enhancements for the one-third of We categorized five return to work “Waves,” with Wave 0 representing our
our global 136,000+ employees who, as essential workers, continued to work at Onsite Superheroes who remained in the workplace for essential work through
Johnson & Johnson sites and facilities every day throughout the pandemic, and the pandemic, Waves 1 through 3 representing gradual expansion of workplaces,
supported others as they adapted to remote work arrangements. In line with our and Wave 4 representing unrestricted workplaces that we hope to achieve globally
own standards and guidance from local healthcare and governmental authorities, in 2021.
we have gradually and thoughtfully been returning our people to the many places
Onsite safety measures: Across our workplaces, we put in place safety measures that
we work.
addressed key site-specific needs in our various types of environments including:
Keeping Employees Informed
Workplace physical distancing
At the start of the crisis, we established several communication channels so that
Enhanced cleaning, sanitization practices and new signage at our facilities
employees could stay informed about the COVID-19 situation in their region, receive
guidance in relation to Johnson & Johnson’s approach, and ask any question at Mandatory use of masks
any time and receive a fast response. We also conducted employee sentiment
Visitor restrictions
surveys weekly to gather feedback on a number of topics, including engagement,
organizational support, and awareness and availability of resources. These surveys Temporary physical barriers and furniture reconfiguration
help to uncover how we can best support our employees and shape our approach. Key
Temperature screening and symptom questionnaires in line with government
channels, in addition to these surveys and regular employee communications, included:
recommendations and indirect screening for symptomatic employees
J&J Responds intranet
COVID-19 resources and regular newsletter
COVID-19 questions In March 2020, with an impending shortage of
Bank of responses to wide-ranging questions on any aspect of COVID-19 alcohol-based hand sanitizer to protect our essential
onsite colleagues, we retrofitted manufacturing
COVID-19 hotline
lines across several operations to produce hand
7 days a week, 24 hours a day, in local language
sanitizer. In just four days, we created a formula,
AskGS assessed manufacturing capabilities, and ensured
Global Services team portal providing rapid responses to COVID-19 questions the standards met U.S. and European safety and
quality regulations. Our first shipment commenced
Video messages from our CEO and leaders
with 140,000 bottles to our essential U.S. sites and
Regular updates and encouragement to our global employees
employees, followed by a ramp-up in production
to allow for worldwide internal distribution. We
subsequently distributed this alcohol-based hand
sanitizer to hospitals in need around the world.
Medical support: Within days of identifying the first risk of COVID-19 for our During the pandemic, our objective was not only to protect the safety of our
employees in China, Johnson & Johnson established a clinical team around the world employees, but also to help them navigate the pandemic financially, practically
to support employees who had been potentially exposed to or infected with COVID-19. and in a healthy state of mind. A selection of the benefits we provided follows:
The global medical staff within Global Health Services provided tens of thousands
of employees with medical case management and clinical support throughout the
pandemic. Continuing salary A one-time Onsite Coverage of the full
and benefits Superhero award cost of in-network
COVID-19 testing and vaccinations: During the year, Johnson & Johnson employees
9 weeks of base salary and Approximately $1,000 (differing telemedicine visits
were able to receive COVID-19 tests at any approved testing facility, and in the
benefits for those unable to by country) and one additional for any diagnosis, including
United States, employees covered by Johnson & Johnson health insurance benefited work remotely working week of paid time off COVID-19 for employees in the
from a home diagnostic test for COVID-19 at no charge. We established a COVID-19 for tens of thousands of essential U.S. and for telemedicine advice
Workforce Vaccination Taskforce to enable our workforce and their families to gain on-site employees for COVID-19-related symptoms
efficient access to COVID-19 vaccines through a coordinated, appropriate, and for employees outside the U.S.
informed approach in line with governmental guidelines and priorities in each country.
Guidance for employees on information security and data privacy: In response to the
COVID-19 pandemic, our Information Security & Risk Management team launched an
Continuity of our global Additional back-up Engagement in our
employee awareness campaign around protecting our employees' own data, and that
Employee Assistance dependent care 2020 global activity
of others, and also the security of Company data and systems, especially in remote
Program in the U.S. to support caregiving challenge
working situations. We provided guidance on secure remote working practices,
24/7 access to counselors who needs for children and elders Employees took part in 70
guidelines for social media use and how to recognize COVID-19 social engineering and when regular care is unavailable countries, demonstrating a
understand pandemic-related
phishing scams, highlighting ransomware attack methods and how to protect against stress for employees and their significant increase in physical
them. We utilized our security technology capabilities to both identify and block family members activity
inbound email scams and phishing threats sent under the guise of COVID-19.
Resiliency assessments, Substantial reimbursement for closed Company-wide for
mental well-being educational health and well-being activities, two days, one in May and
and engagement resources including the purchase of one in September, to allow
At Johnson & Johnson, we have long championed policies that provide and daily tips to support mental home exercise equipment and colleagues to recharge
flexibility for our employees to balance personal and professional well-being subscriptions (including mental
responsibilities, and we are continuously evaluating our offerings to meet health apps)
the ever-changing needs of employees. When the pandemic hit, our teams
acted quickly and strategically in order to adapt to meet the health and
well-being needs of employees, enhancing our available resources into
Hosted health and Remote home office
virtual programs that are accessible across our global network.
well-being webinars reimbursement
Peter Fasolo, Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer, Live and on-demand trainings Reimbursement for home office
Johnson & Johnson worldwide to support total equipment, including monitors,
health and well-being and build printers, furniture, office
resiliency while navigating the supplies, incremental internet
pandemic or mobile service and more
Recognizing Employee Contributions Employee volunteering: At the outset of the pandemic, Celebrating Onsite Superheroes: On our global
at Work and in our Communities Johnson & Johnson introduced a new global Medical intranet platform, we shared several personal stories
Personnel Leave Policy. Medically trained employees of our Onsite Superheroes and their dedication in
We could not be prouder of our employees’ resilience
who were called to serve, or who volunteered, benefited the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their
through the pandemic, both those who transitioned
from paid leave to serve their communities in diagnosing, individual stories illustrate the strength of Johnson &
to remote working and those who continued in the
treating and providing health support for patients with Johnson employees from around the world and their
workplace. We saw an outpouring of compassion
COVID-19. More than 100 medically trained employees contributions in the most challenging of times.
and caring from our colleagues in every country at
volunteered their time to combat COVID-19, supported
every level and a sense of solidarity as we brought our
by an investment of $600,000 by Johnson & Johnson.
respective energies together to help each other and
our communities make it through the crisis. Employees Employee fundraising: Employees across Johnson &
volunteered time and donated to relief efforts, and we Johnson engaged in raising funds for COVID-19
all celebrated the inspiring dedication of those who response efforts through CARINGCROWD—our
maintained onsite operations. crowdsourcing platform created and operated by
Johnson & Johnson Global Public Health (GPH).
Through CARINGCROWD, employees led 27 distinct
pandemic relief projects, including providing meals to
frontline healthcare workers, supporting hospital staff,
fighting COVID-19-related hunger, and addressing the
needs of underserved people, including members of
Every day, I went to the the Latinx community and the Navajo nation. Johnson &
hospitals to communicate Johnson contributed 20% of the funding goal to kick
off every employee-led COVID-19 project. In total,
with medical workers. I was CARINGCROWD efforts garnered over $340,000 in
pledges for COVID-19 relief in 2020.
afraid of infecting my son, See our video of special messages from Johnson & Johnson
so I wore a mask all the leaders to our Onsite Superheroes and their reactions from our
sites around the globe.
time. Every night, we’d do
a video call with his mom.
“Every day, when I leave home I think of my family and hope I come
Wang Donghua, Senior Strategic Account
back safely. It helps so much that when I arrive at work, our leaders tell
Manager for Medical Devices, Johnson &
us that we need to return home as safely as when we got there—and
Johnson China, who hand-delivered PPE
then they back up their words with actions. At this critical moment,
and other supplies to healthcare facilities
they are providing hand sanitizer and masks, increasing cleaning
at the outset of the outbreak in Wuhan,
procedures, holding extra safety meetings and asking us about our
China. Wang’s wife is the head nurse in the
families and daily routines. We are the on-site superheroes and
respiratory and critical care department of
appreciate that the Company is taking such good care of us!”
a hospital in Wuhan, and at the time she was
staying in a hotel to avoid infecting her family
with COVID-19. Elaine Faria de Almeida, Production Operator, Johnson & Johnson
Consumer Health, Brazil
Our frontline Superheroes were instrumental in distributing the initial shipments of the first doses
of our COVID-19 vaccine.
the strength of our longstanding partnerships with
suppliers and service providers was demonstrated
through the many initiatives led by our Procurement
Achieving end-to-end supply chain readiness on a global level organization to meet critically urgent needs arising
from the disruption caused by COVID-19. Such
takes the effort of thousands of people—all of whom are initiatives included:
committed to putting the patient first. We are setting up a global • using data science to identify high-risk individuals to
shorten clinical trial recruitment times and increase
supply chain network that we expect will enable us to deliver at representation of diverse populations;
a rate of more than one billion doses per year. • expanding our supplier financing program to protect
small and diverse businesses during the pandemic;
• establishing dual sourcing channels where necessary
Paul Lefebvre, Vice President, COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain program, Johnson & Johnson
and reserving capacity for materials and equipment;
• implementing efficient and robust selection and
onboarding procedures for external manufacturing;
Expanding vaccine manufacturing capacity: We Preparing delivery capabilities: To further enhance
launched unprecedented efforts to develop and scale a our global delivery capabilities while meeting • developing product and materials testing procedures
COVID-19 vaccine to address the global pandemic. We Johnson & Johnson’s high quality and safety standards, by engaging with new testing facilities;
are establishing new vaccine production capabilities we took several new measures. These included
• tailoring a solution to accelerate contractor hiring to
through collaborations with external manufacturers in adding cold chain capacity by building new freezer
support elevated resourcing needs;
the United States and various other countries, while also storage and distribution capabilities in under four
scaling up our in-house manufacturing. Importantly, we months; and working extensively with transportation • identifying scalable, temperature-controlled logistics
expect these efforts will enable us to deliver our vaccine partners to ensure suitable logistics capabilities, options to meet specific new demands; and
at scale worldwide. Our Supply Chain teams worked including temperature monitoring and track and trace
• partnering to develop a globally managed contact
closely with our external manufacturing collaborators technologies for transactions across the supply chain.
center for medical information to support customer
to help them gain the knowledge and government The use of innovative technology solutions and increased
engagement demands.
approvals required to receive, manufacture, package and collaboration across the supply chain assisted in
transport our Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. We supporting these new requirements.
Enabling virtual auditing and manufacturing: In
will continue to invest in collaborations so we can bring
Watch the journey of our COVID-19 vaccine candidate. response to stay-at-home orders around the world,
our full resources and best scientific minds to combat
our Quality & Compliance organization expanded
this pandemic.
its “See What I See” (SWIS) Smart Glasses internal
Navigating regulatory processes: In a rapidly changing program. SWIS is currently used to support virtual
regulatory environment, our Quality and Regulatory auditing and clean room sterilization, allowing us to
Affairs teams navigated multi-country regulatory conduct elements of various processes and inspections
regimes, interpreting regulations and reviewing virtually, eliminating health risks to employees for on-site
manufacturing processes to facilitate EUA strategies inspections. We are expanding use of the SWIS program,
and readiness to support the delivery of critical existing allowing more employees to reduce physical contact
and new products needed to fight the pandemic. points wherever possible. At many Johnson & Johnson
This included regulatory approvals for our innovative locations, the combination of smart glasses technology
VESper™ Ventilator Expansion Splitter, TYLENOL and privileged remote access to essential data has
production ramp-up, hand sanitizer line conversion, enabled manufacturing to continue without interruption.
and most notably, our COVID-19 rapid vaccine
The first doses of our COVID-19 vaccine leaving the warehouse.
development program.
Better Health
for All
Our progress in advancing better health for all reflects our 130+
year legacy, the efforts of 136,000+ employees who make up the
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies, and our extensive global
networks and partnerships. A vision for better health for all unites
our employees and ignites our passion to improve healthcare for
patients, consumers and their families, and for all the healthcare
professionals and caregivers who support them.
Our commitment to advancing better health for all includes
multiple focus areas:
• innovating to eradicate, prevent and cure disease;
• engaging and partnering to improve access and affordability;
• investing to build the capacity of health systems;
• catalyzing efforts to support the people on the front lines of care;
• delivering medicines, medical devices and consumer health
products to billions of people in a way that is ethical, compliant,
efficient and respectful of human needs.
Children participate in national de-worming campaign in Kenya, in partnership with The END Fund.
Photo by Mo Scarpelli/The END Fund.
2020 Health for Humanity Report 30
Contents | Message from Our CEO | Our Approach | United in Defeating COVID-19 | Better Health for All | Responsible Business Practices | Reporting Hub
Innovation The Johnson Medal for Research and Development, named in honor of
General Robert Wood Johnson, Johnson & Johnson chairman from 1932
GRI J&J20-5, J&J20-10
to 1963, and author of Our Credo, is the most prestigious award given
Innovation has been the key to delivering our wide range of for R&D excellence within our Company. Since 1960, 423 scientists and
important breakthroughs in health for humanity over our 130+ engineers from our three business segments have received this award,
years as a diversified healthcare company. Our vast scope of representing a proud legacy of innovation at Johnson & Johnson.
R&D expertise across multiple pharmaceutical, medical devices
The winning teams of 2020 included 21 innovators who delivered four
and consumer health applications works synergistically to deliver
new technologies:
medicines and products that save and improve lives and strengthen
society. Our global scale and extensive collaborative partnerships
and networks amplify the reach of our innovation. The thread
that runs through all our innovation investments is our vision to
positively impact human health and build a future where everyone’s ~~
best health is within reach. --~OUlD,,
Innovation in Practice • Advancing cell therapy science in multiple myeloma: data science algorithms, we predicted risk factors for
We submitted a Biologics License Application to patients most likely to develop IED and incorporated
Across all our business segments, 2020 was another year
the FDA for ciltacabtagene autoleucel (cilta-cel), these insights into our development plan. By working
filled with inventive ideas that were brought to fruition
an investigational chimeric antigen receptor T to reduce the total sample size required and to
through our diverse innovation systems and platforms.
cell (CAR-T) therapy, for the treatment of adults improve trial speed and efficiency, we can help bring
Our achievements in 2020 include:
with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. In this treatment option to patients faster.
Pharmaceutical innovation: Our pharmaceutical R&D 2017, Janssen entered into an exclusive worldwide
• New research collaboration and licensing
focuses on areas of medicine where we can make the agreement with Legend Biotech USA Inc. to develop
agreements: We are continuously seeking new
most meaningful impact on unmet patient needs. These and commercialize cilta-cel.
partnerships to advance our pharmaceutical
include: Cardiovascular & Metabolism, Immunology,
• Working to reduce the risk of stroke: We continued innovation, and in 2020, examples include an
Infectious Diseases & Vaccines, Neuroscience,
in the second year of our HEARTLINE Study in agreement with Xencor, Inc. to focus on the discovery
Oncology, and Pulmonary Hypertension. We apply
collaboration with Apple, which aims to analyze and development of antibodies for the treatment of
our R&D expertise in small molecules, monoclonal
whether a heart health engagement program patients with prostate cancer, an agreement with
antibodies, cell and gene therapies, RNA therapeutics
and Apple Watch can enable the early detection MacroGenics, Inc. to develop a potential best-in-
and vaccines, and study biological pathways that
of irregular heart rhythms consistent with atrial class antibody to treat autoimmune diseases, and
underpin more than one disease to help speed the
fibrillation, and potentially improve heart health an agreement with Lava Therapeutics N.V. to develop
development of new therapies for multiple diseases.
outcomes, including reducing the risk of stroke antibodies to gamma-delta T cells for the treatment
We leverage data science to reimagine the discovery
and other cardiovascular conditions. of cancer. We also entered into an expanded R&D
of new medicines.
agreement with Monash University to further advance
• Revolutionizing adherence for schizophrenia
In addition to innovation noted in our section on Global the clinical development of inhaled oxytocin for the
patients: We filed a supplemental New Drug
Public Health Strategy and in our United in Defeating prevention of post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) in
Application to the FDA for paliperidone palmitate six-
COVID-19 section, we progressed across several developing countries. PPH, a condition of excessive
month (PP6M) for the treatment of adults diagnosed
fronts in 2020 to provide transformational medicines blood loss after birth, is the world’s leading cause of
with schizophrenia. If approved, PP6M will be the
to patients, including: maternal mortality, resulting in an estimated 60,000
first and only long-acting injectable schizophrenia
deaths per year in resource-limited countries. In
• Pioneering treatment for inherited retinal disease: medication with a twice-yearly dosing regimen
these countries, access to oxytocin is often limited
Inherited retinal disease X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (previously requiring monthly or quarterly treatments),
as current products are only available in an injectable
(XLRP) causes progressive vision loss from childhood revolutionizing how adults with schizophrenia can be
form requiring refrigerated supply and storage and
to adulthood, resulting in legal blindness typically by treated and facilitating higher rates of adherence. See
trained personnel to administer the product safely.
age 40. Currently, there are no approved treatments. more in our section on Mental Healthcare.
An inhaled form of oxytocin, that does not require
Our investigational adeno-associated virus (AAV)-
• Breakthrough treatment for lung cancer: We sought refrigeration, would offer a unique solution that could
RPGR gene therapy for the treatment of XLRP, jointly
FDA and EMA approval of amivantamab for the save the lives of thousands of women.
developed with MeiraGTx Holdings plc, was granted
treatment of patients with metastatic non-small cell
Fast Track Designation by the FDA and PRIME • Expanding our capabilities in autoimmune diseases:
lung cancer whose disease has progressed during
(PRIority MEdicines) and Advanced Therapy Medicinal Our immunology pathway strategy creates an
or after chemotherapy. This marks the first-ever
Product designations by the EMA. opportunity to develop therapies for multiple
regulatory submission for the precision treatment of
potential indications across autoimmune diseases
• Reducing treatment time for patients with patients with this lung cancer variation.
with substantial unmet medical need. Our acquisition
multiple myeloma: We received approval from the
• Predicting risk factors in E. Coli vaccine clinical trial: of Momenta Pharmaceuticals,Inc., a company
FDA for DARZALEX FASPRO (daratumumab and
Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) is that discovers and develops novel therapies for
hyaluronidase-fihj), and from the EMA for DARZALEX
a leading cause of bacteremia and sepsis worldwide immune-mediated diseases, advances our progress
SC, for the treatment of patients newly diagnosed
and can cause severe invasive ExPEC disease (IED). in developing medicines for rare and autoantibody-
or with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma.
To combat ExPEC, we are developing a novel vaccine driven diseases including maternal-fetal disorders,
This subcutaneous, fixed-dose formulation reduces
candidate to prevent IED in adults aged 60 and older. neuroimmune disorders, rheumatology, dermatology,
treatment time from several hours to minutes.
Using real-world electronic health record data and and autoimmune hematology.
Medical Devices innovation: As pioneers in medical JJMDC innovation progress in 2020 includes:
devices, Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices
• Success in treating atrial fibrillation: This year, our
Companies (JJMDC) continually focuses on elevating
Biosense Webster business received European CE In 2020, we achieved a milestone of
the standard of care, working to expand patient access,
mark approval for QDOT MICRO Catheter, a next- one million patients globally who have
improve outcomes, reduce health system costs and
generation high-power, short-duration ablation received our ATTUNE Knee System,
drive value. We use our extensive expertise in surgery,
catheter that has demonstrated the ability to reduce delivered by our DePuy Synthes company,
orthopaedics, interventional solutions and vision
total procedure time,4 and FDA approval for the part of JJMDC. Backed by comprehensive
care to deliver innovative solutions for doctors and
treatment of persistent atrial fibrillation with the clinical and performance data, the ATTUNE
patients, often in partnership with experts and specialist
THERMOCOOL SMARTTOUCH SF Ablation Catheter. Knee System alleviates the chronic pain and
organizations around the world.
These are important milestones to further treatment disability associated with osteoarthritis that
options for the millions of people who suffer from atrial affects millions of people worldwide. DePuy
fibrillation. Synthes continues to innovate to provide
state-of-the-art knee solutions to meet
• Seeing surgery remotely: JJMDC in the UK
the full spectrum of patient needs with the
completed its first digitally assisted case using
As we look to the future, Rods&Cones surgical glasses as part of a
ATTUNE Knee System.
groundbreaking pilot that ensures we can continue to
Johnson & Johnson help surgeons remotely, a benefit especially relevant
Medical Devices is driving during the COVID-19 pandemic that continues to
impact hospital access. These glasses provide a
• New surgical instruments for obstetric fistula
repair: There have been few innovations in surgical
innovation in a fast-evolving “surgeon’s eye view,” allowing remote communication
instrumentation for obstetric fistula repair in the last
with the surgical team throughout a procedure. This
MedTech industry and first case was a laparoscopic liver resection carried out
50 years. In 2020, we collaborated with Dr. Rachel
Pope, Assistant Professor, Urology Institute, University
at University Hospital Southampton, assisted virtually
technology landscape. by a technical expert from our Ethicon business.
Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, to develop or
improve three surgical instruments used during fistula
Our vision for the future • A better way to staple: Ethicon launched ECHELON surgery. These improvements aim to provide high-
ENDOPATH Staple Line Reinforcement (SLR), a novel quality instrumentation to increase patient comfort,
of medical devices is to buttressing device designed to further strengthen maximize surgeon visibility, and improve safety for
staple lines and reduce potential complications during both the patient and the surgeon. By reducing cost
make medical intervention bariatric, thoracic and general surgical procedures. and surgery time, the goal is to develop a sustainable
The SLR device complements our existing stapling sourcing model in resource-limited settings.
smarter, less invasive and technology that has been associated with a lower
more personalized. rate of air leaks and bleeding complications. The
prevention and reduction of leaks in complex surgical
cases is a critical success factor in these procedures.
Ashley McEvoy, Executive Vice President,
Worldwide Chairman, Johnson & Johnson • Managing astigmatism: Our new CATALYS cOS 6.0
Medical Devices Companies (JJMDC), software with advanced astigmatism management,
Johnson & Johnson developed for the CATALYS Precision Laser System
by Johnson & Johnson Vision in collaboration with
Cassini Technologies, received FDA clearance.
Limitations of the currently available diagnostic and
surgical methods are some of the key barriers to
surgical correction of astigmatism. CATALYS cOS 6.0
software offers improved astigmatism management
and improved patient experience.
Consumer Health advances personal health for
consumers every day with products that are rooted in
science and endorsed by professionals. We combine
the power of science with meaningful human insights At a time when health-conscious and empowered consumers
and digital-first thinking to deliver life-enhancing, first-
to-market innovation, including over-the-counter and are seeking solutions trusted for their efficacy and social
naturally inspired health and wellness products; high-
performance products for healthy skin; and everyday
responsibility, we can support them with iconic personal health
products that deliver effective outcomes for healthier
consumers at every stage of life.
brands that drive better outcomes. We are designing products
Consumer Health innovation achievements in 2020 that reflect the diversity of the consumers we serve, while
keeping the health of people and our planet front and center
• Better outcomes for smoking cessation: In the UK, we
launched NICORETTE QUICKMIST SMARTTRACK, to make an enduring impact on personal health.
the first connected OTC product in the world. This
groundbreaking product is a mouth spray for rapid Thibaut Mongon, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Chairman,
craving relief, connected to a smartphone app for Consumer Health, Johnson & Johnson
tracking usage and progress against goals, as well as
receiving tips and support on how to stop smoking.
Developed in partnership with our behavioral science
experts, QUICKMIST is clinically proven to improve Accelerating external innovation: A significant benefit Supporting breakthrough healthcare innovation:
“quit” outcomes significantly when compared to of our broad and diversified capabilities across our In 2020, we were thrilled to see impressive innovators
willpower alone. three pharmaceutical, medical devices and consumer in healthcare receive recognition and awards worth
health segments is our ability to leverage the specialist $50,000 each for their breakthrough innovations to
• Healthier scalps: We launched the NEUTROGENA
capabilities of each to deliver innovations that span a improve human health and help people age well and live
Healthy Scalp collection, bringing the science of
range of health outcomes. Through Johnson & Johnson longer, healthier lives. The awards were granted in the
skincare to scalp and haircare. Healthy Scalp is
Innovation, for instance, startups, entrepreneurs and first round of the National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM)
clinically proven to cleanse and moisturize the scalp
academic researchers, among others, can discuss early- Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards in the United States.
without stripping strands, starting with a healthy,
stage deals and collaborations, company incubation These awards are sponsored by Johnson & Johnson
gentle daily approach to overall scalp and hair health,
and other startup services, venture capital funding—or Innovation and are part of a larger NAM initiative called
while traditional haircare focuses on the strand, and
combinations of these and further support measures— the Healthy Longevity Global Competition, which is
therapeutic scalp solutions tailored to addressing
with Johnson & Johnson. In 2020, Johnson & Johnson aimed at spurring innovation that has the potential
specific scalp concerns.
Innovation launched 12 QuickFire Challenges inviting to transform the field of healthy longevity. Globally,
• Faster and more convenient pain relief: We rolled innovators to receive funding and support for new approximately 450 awards of $50,000 each will be
out TYLENOL Dissolve Packs for adults, building on technologies and therapies relating to mental health, made available by NAM and its sponsoring partners
the success of last year’s similar product designed for oncology, tuberculosis, pediatric surgery, respiratory over the duration of the multiphase competition. In the
children. This offers fast effective relief in a convenient infections, digital surgery, digital beauty and much more. final phase, by 2025, one or more Grand Prize winner(s)
powder form that dissolves without water on the A total of $1.7 million in grant funding was awarded to will each be awarded up to $5 million to help make their
tongue in seconds. 31 innovators. Read more about these and other game-changing innovations a reality.
initiatives including our JLABS incubation and startup
services in the JLABS 2020 Review.
Global Public Health Strategy • Reaching more underserved populations through even closer collaboration across
all the Johnson & Johnson companies to leverage the full scale and synergies of
GRI J&J20-2 our resources, including deeper engagement with our Global Community Impact
organization and its commitment to support frontline health workers; and
Johnson & Johnson has a longstanding commitment to addressing unmet needs
of underserved populations. As the largest healthcare company in the world, we • Expanding our scope to include a focus on global surgery, in close collaboration
have an opportunity, and a duty, to impact the health of people everywhere, and with JJMDC. This includes obstetric fistula, a preventable and treatable birth
this is especially relevant today as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to lay bare injury caused by prolonged labor, which occurs most frequently in areas where it
and exacerbate the disparities in healthcare systems worldwide. Our industry-first, is difficult to access professional medical care. For many years, we have pioneered
fully dedicated Global Public Health (GPH) organization combines world-class programs with organizations like the United Nations Population Fund and the Fistula
research and development, global strategy and external affairs capabilities with local Foundation. Such programs reduce the suffering and stigma of obstetric fistula
implementation and impact teams to tackle the biggest health challenges facing the through community outreach, surgeon and surgical team training, product donations,
underserved, measuring our success in lives improved. and post-surgical rehabilitation. We are continuing to support women who suffer
from this devastating injury through our new Health for Humanity 2025 Goal:
SASB HC-BP-240a.1
Global HIV Prevalence5
HIV continues to be a priority global health concern,
affecting millions of people and their families each year.
At Johnson & Johnson we aspire to make HIV history,
including through the public goals we set relating to 38 million
HIV. See our Health for Humanity 2020 Goals Progress
people living with HIV in 2019
Scorecard for progress we made on HIV in the last five
Our Health for Humanity 2025 Goal relating to HIV is
no less ambitious and focuses on providing expanded
access to our most innovative treatments.
1.7 million
2025 Goals people newly infected with HIV in 2019
By 2025, develop and enable
HIV long-acting injectable (LAI)
access solutions to provide care 25.4 million
for people living with HIV in two
people accessed antiretroviral therapy in
countries in Resource-Limited
The youth-led, peer-to-peer HIV prevention program DREAMS 2019, up from 6.4 million in 2009
Settings (RLS).
Thina Abantu Abasha reached over 1.1 million adolescent girls and
young women in South Africa in 2020.
Phase 3 success in HIV treatment regimen: We confirmed 48- and 96-week results of
our global Phase 3 trials demonstrating the safety and efficacy of long-acting injectable
HIV treatment with our rilpivirine long-acting (LA) and ViiV Healthcare’s cabotegravir
At Janssen, we are incredibly proud of this progress in achieving our goal
LA, offering people living with HIV a new approach for maintaining viral suppression.
to address some of the biggest health threats of our time. We will continue
This novel regimen was co-developed as part of a collaboration with ViiV Healthcare.
building on our 25-year commitment to make HIV history and to change the
Approvals for use of HIV treatment regimen: The first long-acting, two-drug course of the epidemic through our passionate pursuit of innovation, from
injectable regimen, co-developed in collaboration with ViiV Healthcare, has been long-term remission to effective prevention of HIV.
approved for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults by health authorities around the
world. This breakthrough two-drug injectable regimen, combining Janssen’s rilpivirine
LA with ViiV Healthcare’s cabotegravir LA,6 enables reduction of daily treatment to just Paul Stoffels, M.D., Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee,
12 treatment days a year (administered once-monthly), or in some countries, only six Chief Scientific Officer, Johnson & Johnson
treatment days per year (administered once-every-two-months)—see table below. The
long-acting injectable regimen was preferred by a majority of clinical trial patients who
tried the treatment over their previous daily, oral, three-drug regimen and represents a
milestone in enabling a better quality of life for adults living with HIV. Progress in Imbokodo and Mosaico vaccine programs: We won’t stop until we make
HIV history. Since 2005, we have progressed the development of our preventive HIV
vaccine; we are currently the only company with an HIV vaccine in late-stage clinical
HIV treatment regimen approvals development, including two large-scale efficacy studies (Mosaico and Imbokodo)
underway. The investigational HIV vaccine regimen is based on ADVAC viral vector
2020 2021 technology, which we have successfully reapplied in our development of a COVID-19
vaccine and an Ebola vaccine.
March: Once-monthly regimen January: Once-monthly regimen
approved by Health Canada approved by the FDA 2005 2014 2017 2019 2020
March: Once-every-two-months
regimen approved by Health Canada Our two investigational preventive vaccine efficacy studies are progressing in 13
countries with enrollment of 6,000+ participants, despite the challenges presented
by COVID-19. As the COVID-19 pandemic spread, the teams overseeing and staffing
Regulatory review is ongoing in several other countries around the world.
the Imbokodo study sites in five different African countries quickly secured additional
supplies of PPE for trial staff and implemented a variety of controls to ensure the safety
of study participants. Despite these challenges, all participants have since completed
vaccination. Additionally, the Mosaico trial has now opened enrollment in all trial
Our GPH team is also collaborating with organizations like the U.S. President’s
Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation,
the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and others in those countries
hardest hit by HIV.
HIV prevention for women: The first long-acting HIV prevention method specifically HIV treatment for children in sub-Saharan Africa: Our founding role in the
designed for women, the monthly dapivirine ring, developed by the International New Horizons Collaborative (NHC) aims to provide children with HIV therapies
Partnership for Microbicides using exclusive rights to our ARV compound, received in 11 countries across the region, through drug donation—including our PREZISTA
a positive opinion from EMA as part of its EU-M4all program. In addition, the WHO (darunavir) and INTELENCE (etravirine)—and capacity building. Preliminary analysis
prequalified the ring and recommended the product in its updated HIV guidelines, from a real-world evidence study conducted by EGPAF found that among the children
which many countries use to inform their own policies. The dapivirine ring offers and adolescents enrolled in NHC receiving our medicines, 78% achieved virologic
women an alternative to existing methods, which can present challenges for some suppression at 12 months.8 In 2020, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, NHC onboarded
women, such as side effects, adherence to daily dosing regimens or a need for partner one new country, the Republic of the Congo, and continued to enroll new patients.
cooperation. The flexible, silicone ring is discreet, easy to use, has minimal side effects We are now collaborating with NHC partners to increase the program impact through
and only needs to be replaced monthly. greater technical assistance and other measures. We have also participated in the
High Level Dialogues on Pediatric HIV organized by The Vatican, which resulted in the
HIV prevention for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW): In sub-Saharan
2020 Rome 5 Action Plan and a set of specific commitments from Johnson & Johnson
Africa, our collaboration with DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-
focused on young people living with HIV.
free, Mentored and Safe) Thina Abantu Abasha (DTAA), a youth-led, peer-to-peer
HIV prevention program, continues to empower AGYW aged 14 – 24 with leadership, HIV diagnosis and treatment for men: As a founding member, in 2018, of the MenStar
employability, sexual and reproductive health and rights information and skills in six Coalition, aiming to expand the diagnosis and treatment of HIV infections in men,
high-incidence districts in two provinces in South Africa. The program reached 1.4 particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, we have worked with our five collaborators to guide
million young women in 2018 and 2019. In 2020, results of an independent qualitative the development of the MenStar strategy and programs. In 2020, we played a key role
evaluation of DTAA were published, with encouraging outcomes. Of those evaluated, in launching MINA, a campaign in South Africa that speaks directly to men on health
64% of sexually active young women aged 19 – 24 reported starting to use condoms, and well-being, including HIV care and treatment. The MINA campaign includes real-
88% reported starting to use contraception, and 100% reported they were tested for life stories from men living with HIV, and resources such as a roadmap to health that
HIV 7 as a result of program participation. In light of challenges due to COVID-19, more depicts the healthcare journey in a clear, concise and motivating manner.
extensive use was made of social media and communication tools to ensure continued
Piloting drones in Uganda: We are currently funding a multiyear pilot program with
reach to over 1.1 million AGYW in 2020.
the Infectious Diseases Institute in Kampala, Uganda, to explore the feasibility of using
medical drones to deliver critical treatments where they are needed most, for example,
in Uganda’s Kalangala District, which comprises 84 islands in Lake Victoria and has the
highest HIV prevalence in the nation. The goals of the program are to bring lifesaving
solutions to patients directly and efficiently, protect healthcare workers and allow them
more time with patients within their health centers. Today, health workers must travel
to patients by small boats, where they face inclement weather and risk drowning to
access these areas which will now be served by drones.
For more about our progress in HIV vaccines, treatments and collaborations, see our
HIV webpage.
Adolescent girls and young women participating in the DREAMS Thina Abantu Abasha program,
a youth-led, peer-to-peer HIV prevention program in South Africa.
TB Prevalence9
SASB HC-BP-240a.1
in 2020 includes:
Goals is a significant milestone. We continue to set
ambitious targets as we progress toward eliminating FDA approval of bedaquiline for children aged 5 and
this disease. older: The FDA has approved SIRTURO (bedaquiline)
as part of combination therapy for the treatment of
As the world responds to
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in infected COVID-19, it is critical that
children aged 5 years and older weighing at least 15
2025 Goals
kg. This new 20 mg formulation allows for dispersal in
we don’t just fight the new
water for those unable to swallow pills and represents pandemic but act decisively to
Developing an important step in modernizing pediatric therapies for
mitigate the knock-on impact
Tuberculosis (TB) some of the most vulnerable MDR-TB patients.
on other diseases, protecting
Treatment Supporting the uptake of recommended MDR-TB
treatment: Johnson & Johnson and the Stop TB lifesaving programs and
By 2030, shorten and simplify TB Partnership joined forces to scale up use of bedaquiline
treatment by developing at least in an effort to accelerate global implementation of the
shoring up overstretched health
one new TB drug and/or regimen. 2019 WHO treatment guidelines. These guidelines systems. This new bedaquiline
recommend the inclusion of bedaquiline in all-oral
access agreement offers an
Access to TB treatment regimens, thus enabling home-based care and
helping protect the safety of drug-resistant TB patients, opportunity to save more
Treatment a critical measure during the COVID-19 pandemic. To
lives through scaling up more
facilitate this, we made bedaquiline available to the
By 2025, enable access to
bedaquiline to 700,000 cumulative
Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility at a reduced effective treatment of a difficult-
price per six-month treatment course for more than 135
patients, potentially averting
eligible countries, including an escalating percentage of
to-treat and deadly disease.
6,000,000 new multidrug-
free goods when certain volume thresholds are reached
resistant TB (MDR-TB) infections.
on an annual basis.
Peter Sands, Executive Director, The Global
Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
For full details of these Goals and KPIs,
see our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals.
Patient finding: We have supported the MTV Staying Alive Foundation to launch a
first-of-its-kind “edutainment” campaign called MTV Nishedh to raise awareness and
reduce stigma around TB among young people in India, as a way to encourage those
with TB symptoms to seek care. MTV Nishedh demonstrated the reality of living with
Current tools are insufficient for accelerating TB through TV, radio and online content, reaching nearly 200 million people in India
and sustaining global progress against TB. and directing more than 100,000 viewers to the National TB helpline. In China, we are
also working with the National Health Commission and the Chinese Center for Disease
Innovative partnerships, such as the PAN-TB Control and Prevention to improve MDR-TB case detection rates, covering 10 million
people in poverty-stricken regions.
collaboration, are urgently needed to develop Preventing TB in cities: We support the Harvard Medical School and other members
new drugs and treatment regimens that can in the ambitious Zero TB Initiative that aims to create "islands of elimination" that will
contribute to lowering rates of TB in cities. In 2020, using its “Search-Treat-Prevent”
address TB and advance progress towards strategy in 31 cities across high-burden countries, the Zero TB Initiative continued to
lay the foundation for TB elimination, as well as care delivery for other infectious and
achieving global elimination TB goals. non-communicable diseases.
Educating healthcare professionals: In the Philippines, Johnson & Johnson and
local partners, supported by the Union, a global organization working to improve
Trevor Mundel, President, Global Health, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
health in low- and middle-income countries, launched the TB Academy, an online
learning platform aimed to further the education of Filipino healthcare practitioners
and specialists in treating MDR-TB. The TB Academy program consists of three
certification training levels for clinical officers and nurses, clinicians and DR-TB
New collaboration to treat TB: We were the founding members of the Project to
Accelerate New Treatments for Tuberculosis (PAN-TB collaboration), a consortium
of philanthropic, nonprofit and private sector organizations aiming to accelerate the For more about our progress in tackling TB, see our TB Factsheet and our
development of novel “pan-TB” drug regimens. The regimens will be designed to have TB web page.
little to no drug resistance and an acceptable safety profile, and be better-tolerated,
shorter in duration and simpler to use than existing options. Together with PAN-TB
collaboration members, we committed to leveraging our resources and scientific
expertise to advance the development of such new treatments that will address the
current complexities and challenges of tackling TB.
TB initiatives during COVID-19: With the COVID-19 pandemic creating acute
challenges for TB patients and access to treatment, we advanced several initiatives
to maintain and enhance access to MDR-TB treatment during 2020. For example, our
Global Public Health and JLABS teams launched the Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-
TB) Lifeline QuickFire Challenge to generate solutions to help ensure continuity of care
for DR-TB patients. Read more about this in the section United in Defeating COVID-19:
Addressing Patient Needs.
Global Health Security RSV, HIV and Zika) and Bavarian Nordic’s MVA-
BN technology. This approval marks the first major
SASB HC-BP-240a.1
regulatory approval of a vaccine developed by Janssen
In 2020, global health security was dominated by the and enables us to collaborate with the WHO on vaccine
COVID-19 pandemic, which highlighted rapidly and pre-qualification to help accelerate broader access to
painfully how small the world really is when it comes to those most in need, including registration of our Ebola
the spread of disease. See our COVID-19 section for our vaccine regimen in African countries. This regimen is for
enterprise-wide response. The incidence and scale of active immunization for prevention of disease caused by
disease outbreaks with epidemic potential appear to be Ebola virus in individuals one year of age or older.
worsening in the 21st century due largely to urbanization,
Continued use of our Ebola vaccine regimen: In 2020,
deforestation, globalization and greater human/animal
our Ebola vaccine regimen continued to be used in
response to the second-worst outbreak on record, in the
Outsmarting pandemics is a complex challenge, North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of the
requiring fundamentally robust healthcare systems Congo (DRC), which was declared over in June 2020.
around the world and collaborative, coordinated Our vaccine continues to be used as part of the Rwanda
preparedness across multiple disease areas that have Ministry of Health’s UMURINZI vaccination campaign,
pandemic potential. Johnson & Johnson is actively which was launched in December 2019 in response to
engaged in responding to and preventing a broad range the North Kivu outbreak, and is aimed at protecting
of pandemic threats; our experience in these areas has people living along Rwanda’s border with the DRC from
been built over more than a century. the threat of Ebola. To date, nearly 200,000 individuals
have received at least the first dose of our Ebola vaccine A health worker discusses the Johnson & Johnson Ebola vaccine
We maintain a wide range of collaborations to advance
regimen, many of whom live in Ebola-prone areas in regimen with a community member as part of the Government
global health security and pandemic preparedness.
Africa. of Rwanda’s UMURINZI vaccination campaign. Photo by Rwanda
One such collaboration is with the Biomedical Advanced
Ministry of Health.
Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to
accelerate the research and development of solutions
for a range of diseases with pandemic potential. 2025 Goals
Our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals include a key focus
on combating pandemics and epidemics. Preventive Viral Vaccine Global Access Plans 3 GOOll+tfAUH
See sections HIV and TB, and our United in Defeating Capabilities
COVID-19 section for further information. In addition
By 2025, demonstrate the capabilities to be Contribute to addressing endemic diseases
to our work in these areas, we continue to advance
ready to respond to a pandemic or epidemic by establishing global access plans for all
ways to protect global health from diseases such as
threat within 12 – 18 months of an outbreak relevant Johnson & Johnson Global Public
Ebola, Zika, influenza and others.
by generating data to support an emergency Health and Janssen Infectious Diseases &
In 2020, we made advancements in the prevention of use submission to a stringent regulatory Vaccines R&D pipeline assets by 2025.
Ebola: authority for a preventive viral vaccine (as
first demonstrated through our COVID-19
Approval of Janssen’s Ebola11 vaccine regimen: In
vaccine program).
2020, the European Commission granted marketing
authorization for our vaccine regimen for the prevention
of disease caused by Ebola virus. The vaccine regimen For full details of these Goals and KPIs, see our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals.
leverages Janssen’s ADVAC technology (that is also
being used to develop vaccines against COVID-19,
Supporting Ebola vaccination awareness and Collaborating to reduce emerging and endemic
engagement: We are supporting the Ebola vaccination infectious disease risk: In 2020, we continued our
campaign and community engagement through our work
in the EBODAC (Ebola Vaccine Deployment, Acceptance
Forest Health Futures collaboration with EcoHealth
Alliance, a nonprofit dedicated to addressing emerging
WHO has declared that
and Compliance) consortium, which is funded by the
Innovative Medicines Initiative and also includes the
infectious diseases, and the Government of Liberia. Our
focus was on advancing modeling efforts that will help
AMR is one of the top 10
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, World the Liberian government better predict the potential risk global public health threats
Vision and Grameen Foundation. Innovative iris scanning of emerging infectious diseases, including Lassa Fever,
technology and automated phone reminders help track from development activities, and the potential risk of facing humanity.13
the uptake and impact of the Janssen Ebola vaccine increasing rates of endemic diseases (e.g., malaria).
while a mobile training platform reinforces key Ebola
Other areas of progress in 2020 include:
messages for the community health worker population.
Unlocking the collective power of the global Growing drug resistance is compounding AMR as a
Our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals include a focus
community: In December 2020, Johnson & Johnson’s public health challenge. For example, drug-resistant TB
on using digital technologies to combat pandemics
JLABS and BARDA convened a virtual three-day (DR-TB) now accounts for nearly one-third of all deaths
and epidemics.
symposium of the BLUE KNIGHT™ community from AMR,14 with hundreds of thousands of new cases
comprised of thought leaders, innovators and of DR-TB detected each year. See also the section on TB.
entrepreneurs to explore infectious disease, public
For more about Global Health Security and our ongoing
health and acceleration of response. The sessions
2025 Goals work to address other diseases such as Malaria, Zika,
explored high-priority areas of interest for scientific
Chagas disease and more, see our Factsheet and our
and technological innovation aimed at improving our
Vaccination 3 llOOUHf.Urtt
ANOWW·BUlfli preparedness and response to emerging health security
We Must Outsmart Pandemics webpage.
Neglected Tropical Diseases parasitic worms, eliminating the need for lab technicians
to manually read slides and reducing the burden of
SASB HC-BP-240a.1
reporting and surveillance for country NTD program
Our work to deliver critical solutions to combat managers. In 2020, we formed a collaboration with
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) includes both Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, through its Global Johnson & Johnson’s donation
ensuring access to our medicine for soil-transmitted Health Institute, to include schistosomiasis, an NTD
helminthiasis (STH), also known as intestinal worms, as caused by parasitic flatworms, in the AI platform.
will improve the lives of millions
well as advancing R&D for dengue, Chagas and leprosy.
Continuing to combat intestinal worms: Our VERMOX
and fast-track progress towards
In collaboration with WIPO Re:Search, the Janssen
Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson
(mebendazole) donation program achieved its Health the elimination of disease caused
for Humanity 2020 Goal of one billion doses donated
(Janssen) share 80,000+ chemical compounds from its
from 2016 – 2020. In 2020, our donations included 50 by parasites that have held back
Jump-stARter molecular library with the global research
community to help collaborators accelerate treatment
million doses of VERMOX to the WHO to treat expanded human progress for millennia.
populations such as adults and women of reproductive
and prevention of NTDs and other diseases common in
age. This donation enabled The END Fund to unlock
the developing world. Our efforts are supportive of the
additional philanthropic funding through its Deworming Ellen Agler, CEO, The END Fund
World Health Organization NTD Roadmap and its 2030
Innovation Fund to support treatment delivery and
global targets to reduce the impact of NTDs.
broader efforts to build health systems capacity in
Ethiopia, Rwanda and Kenya.
treatment option. Our antiviral treatment is now
in Phase 2a clinical development. Also, during 2020,
More than 1.7 billion people are affected by
we signed a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing
NTDs, comprising about 20 communicable
to collaborate with King Abdullah University of Science
diseases that cause debilitating conditions
and morbidity.15
Since the VERMOX and Technology to explore opportunities for research
and innovation in NTDs with a specific focus on dengue
(mebendazole) donation fever.
program’s inception in Combating leprosy: More than 200,000 new cases
of this ancient disease were reported in 2019,16 and
2006, approximately we continue to investigate how to simplify and shorten
NTDs disproportionately impact the most the current multi-drug therapy regimen, address the
vulnerable individuals in low-resource 1.8 billion doses have challenge of drug resistance and decrease transmission.
countries, often due to inadequate sanitation
and living in areas infested with vectors that
been donated, treating A Phase 2/3 trial is being planned to evaluate the
efficacy and safety of bedaquiline in participants with
transmit these diseases. up to 100 million children leprosy.
For more about our progress in tackling NTDs, see our
annually. web page on NTDs.
Our progress in 2020 in reducing the impact of NTDs
Using data science to advance innovation in combating Milestone in preventing dengue fever: Our first-in-class
NTDs: We are currently working on the development antiviral for the prevention of dengue, both for travelers
of an affordable Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based digital and vulnerable populations living in dengue-endemic
pathology tool that will enable country programs to areas, was granted fast-track designation by the FDA
effectively monitor and target treatment for STH. The in 2020. This is strong recognition of our efforts over
prototype currently being tested automatically counts the past seven years to combat dengue, for which there
parasite eggs in stool that would develop into STH is currently no effective pharmaceutical prevention or
At Johnson & Johnson, the world’s largest healthcare 6 Johnson & Johnson products are included
company, we tirelessly strive to improve access to our
innovative medicines, vaccines, devices and diagnostics
in the WHO List of Prequalified Medicinal Products:
in all countries, and especially for underserved and
vulnerable populations in resource-limited settings.
For almost one-third of the global population, medicines
and vaccines are not an option.18 Darunavir (ethanolate), Darunavir (ethanolate),
Access and pricing: Through active collaboration, we Tablet, Film-coated 75mg Tablet, Film-coated 150mg
make our medicines readily accessible and affordable
for patients and health systems in accordance with
the specific reimbursement systems and laws of
different countries. Using tools such as equity-based
tiered pricing and collaborations with public health
organizations, we strive to help achieve broad and
timely access to our medicines in a way that is affordable
Darunavir (ethanolate), Etravirine,
locally. Our Global Public Health achievements over Tablet, Film-coated 600mg Tablet, Film-coated 100mg
several years have transformed access to treatments
for HIV, TB, NTDs and more (see the Global Public
Health Strategy section). As a signatory to the Business
for Social Responsibility (BSR) Guiding Principles on
Access to Healthcare, we collaborate broadly across
our industry to improve access for patients around the
Etravirine, Mebendazole,
Leading the global access ranking: The 2021 Access
Tablet 25mg Tablets, Chewable 500mg
to Medicine Index (ATMI) was released in January 2021
and we are proud to again rank as one of the top three
companies advancing access to medicines in low-
and middle-income countries around the world. Our
consistent, decade-long recognition of leadership in this
independent evaluation is the result of a longstanding, accessT□ --
ATMI notes: “Johnson & Johnson has a total of 95 R&D projects
deliberate and focused strategy aimed at solving
some of the most difficult global health challenges
and advancing equitable access to care for everyone,
me □ 1c1ne
1n □ ex ■
r featuring a relatively large priority R&D pipeline compared to
its peers: 51 projects. Remarkably, Johnson & Johnson has the
second largest pipeline and more than half of its R&D projects
target priority diseases.”
The ATMI evaluates the world’s 20 largest
pharmaceutical companies on their efforts to expand
access to medicines. Each new Index raises the bar for
the industry as the global health landscape changes and
expectations for companies evolve.
Pricing transparency in the United States: In early 2021, Throughout the world, we play an active role in dialogue
we published our fifth annual Janssen U.S. Transparency forums and policy initiatives that will move us closer to
Report, which highlights information related to our R&D achieving UHC. In recent years, we have participated
In 2020, we completed more than 800
investment, approach to pricing and patient support in programs in Brazil, Indonesia, Singapore and certain
engagements and launched projects to
programs. Updates from this year’s report include: African countries, including Kenya.
expand access in two countries. We also
• The average net price decline of Janssen medicines exceeded our commitment to SDG #3 to Patient engagement: Active collaboration with
in 2020 was 5.7%.* advance access to safe, essential and timely patients and caregivers helps us understand access
surgical care for 50 million people, actually needs and inform our development programs. This
• Janssen paid $29.4 billion in rebates, discounts
reaching more than 70 million people. involves partnering with patients and caregivers to
and fees to payers and others in the health system
help guide our decision-making throughout the product
in 2020.*
lifecycle and accelerate patient-inspired innovation.
• Nearly 1.2 million patients were helped with access, We aim to incorporate patients’ perspectives early in
affordability and treatment support through Janssen awareness about our efforts to strengthen health the development of medicines and medical devices,
CarePath during COVID-19.** systems and promote public policy that will enable include the patient’s voice in clinical trial protocols and
UHC. A key focus for Johnson & Johnson in recent collaborate with patients to develop tailored solutions
• 646,000 commercially insured patients reduced their
years has been in Kenya, where we maintain a that empower them in managing their disease.
out-of-pocket costs through Janssen CarePath during
longstanding relationship with the Kenya Ministry of
COVID-19.** In 2020, in Europe, we launched a website dedicated to
Health through which we continue to support multiple
inflammatory bowel disease for patients. This provides
programs, including the Community Health Units for
Intellectual property (IP) management: We believe a one-stop shop for patients and guides visitors through
Universal Health Coverage platform, funded by our
that flexible IP management is a key element to ensuring the patient journey. With this website, we aim to lower
Johnson & Johnson Foundation, that formally integrates
sustainable access to medicines, especially in low- the threshold for patients, relatives, caregivers and
Community Health Volunteers into the health system.
income and low- to middle-income countries. We work patient organizations to retrieve relevant, value-added
with international funders, local governments and non- content and services on this disease.
governmental organizations to develop approaches that
benefit patients in need while continuing to uphold the
value of IP in all parts of the world. For more information,
see our Position on Intellectual Property.
Universal Health Coverage (UHC): We are advocates
for global UHC and are committed to helping turn
The Community Health Units for Universal Health Coverage
the promise of UHC into reality. We believe tailored platform is geared towards strengthening our community
strategies that align local needs, resources and market
conditions must be part of the solution. For more health systems that will empower our communities to demand
information, see our Position on Universal Health
Coverage. In 2020, we achieved our Health for and participate in quality health systems, and ensure universal
Humanity Goal to drive policy thought leadership
and strategic engagements to expand healthcare access to healthcare, which is equitable, even to the most
access and coverage in emerging markets. Several
of our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals also address
marginalised populations.
and support progress toward UHC.
Dr. Maureen Kimani, Head, Division of Community Health, Ministry of Health, Kenya
In 2020, in support of Universal Health Coverage
Day, celebrated each year in December to advocate
for equitable health systems worldwide, we drove
* Figure according to Janssen Internal Financial Accounting.
** Data are an approximate number of patients supported by Janssen CarePath provided by the program administrator.
Similarly, in several markets, we enhanced our use through the PAH statistics group, informed the medical
of digital tools to reach out to patients and gain their affairs study design to expand the inclusion criteria to
perspectives, especially during 2020 when more people allow for broader PAH patient trial participation. We also
were engaging online because of COVID-19 restrictions. successfully piloted a psoriatic arthritis (PsA) Patient
In South Korea, we launched a Patient Engagement Engagement Day, uniting our employees with PsA PERC
Program that provides patient support capabilities members in a virtual dialogue to better understand the
through various channels including call center, text patient perspective. In 2020, our PERC communities
service and website. were especially useful in helping us understand the
patient experience during COVID-19 and potential ways
Patient feedback in clinical trials: Now in its fourth
in which we could support healthy communities.
year, our Patient Voice in Clinical Trials (PVCT) program
continues to incorporate patient perspectives into the Building the next generation of clinical trial design:
design and plans of our pharmaceutical clinical trials. To In our role as the Project Lead of the EU Patient-Centric
date, more than 2,500 patients and caregivers from 32 Clinical Trial Platforms, or EU-PEARL, a public-private
countries have provided feedback in the formal PVCT alliance to develop a common framework for “master
program. These patient insights have resulted in changes protocol” trials to accelerate the development and
to clinical trials in response to patient feedback, for approval of drugs, we continued our collaboration
example: and engagement. Master protocol trials are used
to simultaneously test the effectiveness of multiple
• Replacing biopsies with imaging;
medicines on multiple diverse diseases. OCMO is
• Measuring fatigue; currently collaborating to develop a Clinical Trial
Platform Framework that actively incorporates input
• Reversing the order of assessments;
from patient representatives for four specific diseases:
• Providing transportation; and major depressive disorder, tuberculosis, non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis and neurofibromatosis.
• Modifying inclusion or exclusion criteria and informed
consent forms. Optimizing clinical trials and patient follow-up:
Hugo is a novel digital platform that enables the capture
Patient Engagement Research Councils (PERC): and integration of patient real-world data (RWD) from
Janssen Scientific Affairs maintains PERCs covering electronic health records, empowering patients to
five key disease areas. PERCs are a group of contracted become active partners in health research. During
individuals living with a condition of interest that our 2020, OCMO continued assessments of the feasibility
scientists can work with to quickly gather patient and value of RWD capture via the Hugo platform and
insights over time, and thereby improve how we collaborated to publish joint findings in Nature Digital
research, design studies and generate information. In Medicine, highlighting the potential of the platform to
2020, we added the fifth PERC, covering pulmonary optimize clinical trials by facilitating long-term patient
arterial hypertension (PAH), which met to understand follow-up.
attitudes and perceptions toward technology and its use
in managing PAH patient health. The insights gathered
during the PERC engagement, especially in relation
to wearable technology, coupled with data provided
Strengthening Health
GRI 201-1, 203-1, 203-2, J&J20-11, SASB HC-BP-240a.1
“There is an urgent need to take on the inequities rooted in systemic racism
that threaten health in communities of color across the United States.
At Johnson & Johnson, we contribute to advancing
health and well-being in the communities in which we
That’s why Johnson & Johnson is focusing its efforts and committing $100
live and work. Our Global Community Impact (GCI) million to address racial and social injustice as the critical public health
organization, through funding from the nonprofit
Johnson & Johnson Foundation and other functional
issue that it is. As the largest and most broadly based healthcare company
divisions and operating companies across the three in the world, we are uniquely positioned to convene private, public and
Johnson & Johnson business segments, drives
programming for our community giving, social impact
community organizations in pursuit of this shared aspiration and work
and other philanthropic initiatives around the world. together to make a meaningful impact through science, business, public
For more information, see our Position on Strengthening
Health Systems and Position on Community Impact.
health, and philanthropy.
In 2020, we made significant progress toward our Alex Gorsky, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Johnson & Johnson
UN SDG Commitment across our community impact
work. Our new Health for Humanity 2025 Goals include
a specific commitment to support nurses and other
Race to Health Equity: In 2020, we announced Our In 2020, we engaged to create more equitable health
frontline health workers.
Race to Health Equity platform, backed by $100 million systems through several collaborations. We partnered
in commitments and collaborations over the next five with Penn Medicine’s Center for Community Health
years to invest in and promote health equity solutions Workers to scale up community health worker
2025 Goals for Black people and other communities of color in the programs in communities of color; and with National
3 GOOIIHfAlftt
United States. Society has been significantly impacted Medical Fellowships to introduce new scholarships and
Support Frontline by systemic racism, the COVID-19 pandemic and the
economic decline throughout 2020, which have all
mentoring for students entering the medical, scientific
and health fields. We invested in diverse entrepreneurs
Health Workers spotlighted healthcare inequities. whose solutions address healthcare through Johnson &
Johnson Impact Ventures (JJIV), an impact investment
By 2030, in its efforts to Our commitment prioritizes three key areas:
initiative founded in 2019 within the Johnson &
strengthen health systems
• Healthier Communities – investing in programs that Johnson Foundation. JJIV invests in mission-driven
globally, the Johnson &
help provide equitable healthcare for underserved social enterprises that offer solutions for low-income
Johnson Center for Health
communities; populations. In particular, we believe that impact should
Worker Innovation will support
be built into the business model and we typically engage
and champion at least one • Enduring Alliances – forging partnerships and
once the business model has some early traction and has
million nurses, midwives and alliances that combat racial and social health
community health workers
with skills, tools and growth
1d determinants; and
proven market viability.
We also leveraged our innovation platforms to support
• Diverse & Inclusive Corporate Culture – ensuring
opportunities. health equity. For example, in the face of increasing
a diverse and inclusive workforce.
maternal mortality rates, JLABS launched the Maternal
Health QuickFire Challenge, with a goal to spark new
For more information, see Our Race to Health Equity
For full details of this Goal and KPI, technologies that will improve pregnancy, birth, and
see our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals. web page.
postpartum care outcomes for women, making birth
safer in the United States.
Four challenge winners are advancing technology, Meeting the needs of nurses: We collaborated with the Supporting African American physicians: In 2020,
surgical instrumentation or training methodologies that American Organization for Nursing Leadership on a new we entered into a joint initiative with the Medical
improve mothers’ health literacy, access to services, or learning program for nurses on LinkedIn and conducted a Society Consortium on Climate & Health and the
clinical outcomes. study with Montana State University, examining COVID- National Medical Association (NMA), the largest and
19’s effect on the U.S. nursing workforce to help identify oldest national organization representing the interests
Several Consumer Health brand initiatives supported
new needs. In addition, we supported a new study led of African American physicians, to help educate and
Our Race to Health Equity in 2020 around the world.
by WHO and other organizations that documents the recruit climate advocates within NMA to protect their
LISTERINE and JOHNSON'S Baby joined the UN
potential impact of midwives in preventing and reducing communities from the disproportionate health impacts of
Foundation’s “Unite for Health” program, bringing
maternal and newborn mortality and stillbirths. climate change. Through this partnership, we created the
partners together to demand greater cooperation
first fellowship program for physicians of color focused
and equity in health. In Brazil, STAYFREE partnered A call to action to support frontline health workers:
on climate and health equity.
with NGO Plan International to engage consumers in We call on all stakeholders to advance policies and
choosing a social project in areas that can help other programs that support frontline health workers and
girls to progress in life: education, entrepreneurship and ensure the global health workforce is adequately
women’s health. In France, our teams partnered with resourced to care for future generations. In 2020, we
Secours Populaire Français to donate VANIA napkins published our Frontline Health Workers Policy Position
and NETT tampons to women unable to access sanitary that advocates for policies and programs including
products. fair pay, ongoing professional development, work-life
balance, safety and security, and meaningful diversity
Additional progress in strengthening health systems in
in leadership. Our advocacy for frontline health workers
2020 includes:
focuses on five key areas:
Investing in frontline health workers: Our daily lives and
• Training and education;
global economies are intricately tied to the strength of
our health systems, and in turn resilient health systems • Leadership and management;
depend on a trained, supported and empowered
• Well-being and resilience;
frontline health workforce. In 2020, continuing our
long track record in this area, Johnson & Johnson • Connection and integration; and
announced a $250 million commitment to support
• Respect and recognition.
frontline health workers to help close the global health Healthcare professionals at a community health clinic in
worker gap and make health for all a reality. To that end, Jacksonville, Fla.
Impact investment to support health worker
our Center for Health Worker Innovation is working
innovation: In 2020, JJIV’s global investment portfolio
with partners around the globe to develop a portfolio of
grew to include a total of 12 exciting enterprises in the
programs in regions with the highest community health
Americas, Europe, East Africa and Southeast Asia,
burdens and health worker gaps, aiming to support one In this section, we share our progress in 2020
covering a broad range of health innovation including:
million frontline health workers (nurses, midwives and in the following areas:
education, municipal monitoring of public health,
community health workers) and reach 100 million people
diagnostics, healthcare models, financing and access to Our Giving & Partnerships
by 2030.
clean water.
Disaster Preparedness & Relief
Our Giving & Partnerships Product donations and financial support: In the United States, we also support
independent initiatives by donating medicines and funding to the Johnson & Johnson
GRI 413-1
Patient Assistance Foundation, Inc. (JJPAF), an independent, nonprofit organization
At Johnson & Johnson, inspired by Our Credo, we use our scale and resources for committed to helping eligible patients without insurance coverage receive prescription
good, contributing to many causes around the world to help advance health and products donated by Johnson & Johnson operating companies.
improve people’s lives through targeted initiatives providing local support, engaging
employees in our communities, supporting them in cases of emergencies and donating
products for a range of needs.
Our giving is funded by the Johnson & Johnson Foundation, a registered charitable In 2020, we donated $1.9 billion in products
organization that reflects the commitment of the Johnson & Johnson Family of
Companies to advancing better health for all. Funded solely by the Johnson & Johnson
and financial support to JJPAF, enabling the
Family of Companies, the Foundation currently operates worldwide as Johnson &
Johnson Foundation US (founded 1953) and Johnson & Johnson Foundation Scotland
Foundation to provide medicines at no cost
(founded 2007). These independent entities support both global and in-country to approximately 95,000 patients.*
partnerships and initiatives, opportunities for employee engagement, and disaster
response activities managed by the Global Community Impact team at Johnson &
* See The 2020 Janssen U.S. Transparency Report.
Johnson, including the Center for Health Worker Innovation. See our Position on
Community Impact.
Signature partnerships: We also maintain several global partnerships and platforms
that advance healthcare and the quality of life for patients, consumers and Our Giving
communities. In 2020, we continued to engage across our range of partnerships, in
many cases, intensifying our support to help combat the challenges of COVID-19. (See 2020 2019 2018
also our section United in Defeating COVID-19). These partnerships include: Total products and cash contributed globally (millions) $2,567‡ $1,806+ $1,612
• CARINGCROWD: A crowdfunding platform for global public health. Products contributed globally (millions) $2,043‡ $1,383+ $1,299
• Save the Children: A longstanding partnership, supporting a range of programs such Cash contributed globally (millions) $524 ‡
$423 +
as newborn survival, support for refugees, response to humanitarian crises and joint
‡ See PwC’s Report of Independent Accountants.
• UNICEF: A 30-year partnership to strengthen health systems in 20 countries and + See PwC’s Report of Independent Accountants in 2019 Health for Humanity Report.
• Johnson & Johnson One Young World Program: A partnership since 2013 to provide
young leaders in healthcare with opportunities to contribute to solving health issues.
• Global Citizen: A partnership since 2016 to address public health challenges through
this social action platform.
At Johnson & Johnson, we aim to create an open and honest
environment where we can achieve our best work both compliantly
and with integrity. That’s what we mean by responsible conduct,
and we strive to ensure it’s reflected in every decision and
interaction of every employee throughout every day at work.
There’s no compromising when it comes to ethical and responsible
practices. We expect all our employees to help us sustain the
trust earned over the course of more than 130 years of business
operations. In doing so, we are empowered to advance Our
Purpose of blending heart, science and ingenuity to profoundly
change the trajectory of human health.
We apply this solid foundation of ethical and values-based conduct
to every area of our business practices, including how we govern
our organization; engage and inspire a diverse, skilled workforce;
apply the highest standards of ethics in our research; assure the
safety of our products for our patients and consumers; act as
stewards of the environment and maintain a global supply network
that supports our mission.
Starting in March 2020, some of our employees have adjusted to a flexible working environment.
In this section, we share our progress in 2020 In our policies, we comprehensively address anti- Management processes leaning on updated
in the following areas: corruption and anti-bribery, following the U.S. Foreign risk segmentation to drive a risk-based TPI Due
Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act 2010, and Diligence process and background checks, red flag
Compliance & Bioethics
other applicable local anti-bribery and anti-corruption management, monitoring, and risk mitigation. All
Corporate Governance laws and regulations. See our Positions on Ethics and employees are directed to utilize these standards when
Compliance and Anti-Corruption. Similarly, we value selecting and managing TPIs and other intermediaries.
Information Security & Data Privacy
transparency as a key component of building trust with
• Supporting distributor compliance: In collaboration
Human Rights all those engaged with our business and aim to comply
with the Advanced Medical Technology Association
with multiple regulatory reporting requirements in
(AdvaMed) and member industry partners, the
different jurisdictions around the world. Beyond meeting
AdvaMed Distributor Capability Working Group
our regulatory reporting requirements, we also publish
completed the development of a Global Compliance
a wide range of voluntary disclosures. See our Position
Distributor Toolkit. This publicly available Toolkit offers
on Transparency.
access to compliance guidance, training and other
Aspects of compliance and transparency we advanced resources to help third-party distributors formalize
in 2020 include: and strengthen their compliance program to meet the
expectations and standards for doing business in the
• Pricing transparency in the United States: In early
medical devices and diagnostics industry.
2021, we published our fifth annual Janssen U.S.
Transparency Report. See the Access & Affordability
section for highlights.
• Third Party Intermediary (TPI) compliance:
We continued to enhance end-to-end TPI Risk
We continued to adhere to strict bioethics principles and practices in 2020: Inquiries and Complaints as Filed with Our Credo Integrity Line
by Category*
• To address the complex ethical questions arising in the field of biological research,
science and medicine, our Enterprise Johnson & Johnson Bioethics Committee
METRIC 2020 2019 2018
(JJBC), sponsored by OCMO, serves as an advisory body to our worldwide teams
on bioethical issues, advocating adherence to bioethical principles, providing an Human Resources-related 51%‡ 60% 58%
expert forum for teams to obtain guidance on bioethical issues and championing
Financial-related 14%‡ 13% 11%
our commitment to bioethical decision-making across the Enterprise. The JJBC
is guided by the fundamental principles of bioethics, including beneficence, Business integrity-related 12% ‡
6% 6%
non-maleficence, autonomy and justice and our Ethical Code for the Conduct
Other 11% ‡
8% 10%
of Research and Development. See also our Position on Bioethics.
• As part of our COVID-19 response, OCMO convened a working group of internal General information questions 10%‡ 11% 13%
and external experts to develop an ethical framework to guide the allocation of Product quality and patient safety-related 2%‡ 2% 2%
donated supplies of PPE globally. The working group also established guidance
on ethically balancing a drug’s current approved use and its potential usefulness in ‡ See PwC’s Report of Independent Accountants.
fighting COVID-19 in the absence of peer-reviewed data from randomized clinical * Changes to Our Credo Integrity Line complaint categories were made in December 2020 as a part of a broader project to
trials. See the United in Defeating COVID-19 section. enhance the overall user experience of and accessibility to Johnson & Johnson’s anonymous reporting mechanism. As such,
certain inquiries and complaints received in December 2020 under newly created or updated categories are excluded. These
• Since 2014, we have been working with the Yale University Open Data Access exclusions comprise less than 0.49% of total inquiries and complaints made in 2020. These changes will be included in next
year’s 2021 Health for Humanity Report.
(YODA) Project to enable a consistent approach for assessing external research
proposals requesting the use of clinical trial data generated by Johnson & Johnson
companies. As of 2020, 206 research proposals have been reviewed and 41 articles
Compliance-Related Investigations and Responsible Marketing Indicators
published using data shared through the YODA Project, enabling researchers to
build on existing findings to accelerate research that leads to improvements in
METRIC 2020 2019 2018
public health.
Number of compliance-related allegations investigated 559‡ 738 707
• We continued to uphold the ethical treatment of animals used in laboratory through Triage Committee
settings to advance patient safety and well-being. Johnson & Johnson companies
Percentage of compliance-related allegations investigated through Triage Committee, by category
have policies and guidelines in place to assure the ethical and humane treatment
of the animals and promote the use of non-animal alternatives whenever feasible. Healthcare compliance 41%‡ 40% 46%
We support and participate in efforts to obtain regulatory acceptance of alternative
testing methods. See our Humane Care and Use of Animals Policy. Financial 51%‡ 50% 40%
ESG disclosure plays an essential role in presenting to our shareholders
and all stakeholders how Johnson & Johnson operates as a responsible
• Our Policy on Outside Board Memberships was
updated to reflect Johnson & Johnson’s current
operations and the complexities applicable to our
businesses. The new policy clarifies the definition of
Board memberships and the approvals required for
and accountable corporate citizen. It is important to have a strong financial senior leaders in the Company to accept external
Board positions and under which conditions.
balance sheet and to disclose it in financial statements, but we are also
• In order to further align the long-term financial
committed to demonstrating how we are living Our Purpose. The Board interests of Johnson & Johnson executive officers with
of Johnson & Johnson supports sound ESG practices, and we believe that those of shareholders, the Board increased the number
of shares executive officers must own. The Company
continued transparency on these matters is critical to building trust with ownership guidelines now require our CEO to own a
our stakeholders and those we serve. number of shares equal to 12 times his base salary and
each of our other executive officers to own sufficient
Anne M. Mulcahy, Lead Director, Johnson & Johnson shares to equal six times their base salaries.
Our suppliers: The Johnson & Johnson Responsibility policies or the law, including potential human rights Acquisitions: We firmly believe that identifying and
Standards for Suppliers outline our expectations violations. We communicate the Our Credo Integrity understanding environmental, safety and employee
of supplier business conduct. The Standards were Line access broadly, and the visibility of this access and issues, including potential human rights concerns, are
developed to align with the UN Guiding Principles on the mechanism’s functionality is in scope for enterprise- critical components of our acquisition and other business
Business and Human Rights and the Consumer Goods wide audit procedures. Concerns raised through the Our development activities. We conduct thorough due
Forum Social Resolution on Forced Labour and Priority Credo Integrity Line are reported at an enterprise level. diligence investigations prior to acquiring businesses
Industry Principles. We continue to strengthen our More information on the Our Credo Integrity Line is and apply a commensurately higher level of scrutiny
due diligence approach to human rights issues in the available in our Compliance & Bioethics section. to businesses with operations or suppliers in countries
supply base. In 2020, we further enhanced our supplier where there are traditionally higher risks of compliance
In addition to the Our Credo Integrity Line, our
selection process with a deeper focus on human rights violations and/or human rights abuses. We continue
employees can report potential violations to Human
evaluation criteria. Through our participation in the to be mindful of these concerns as we transition newly
Resources either locally or through our Global Services
Consumer Goods Forum, in September 2020 Johnson & acquired businesses into the Johnson & Johnson
team. Alternatively, they can report potential violations
Johnson signed onto a letter to the UN, calling for Family of Companies and are prepared to escalate
to management. To read more, see our Position on
measures to protect seafarers’ well-being and human and appropriately remediate any issues uncovered.
Resolving Employee Grievances.
rights in line with the UN Guiding Principles and in
support of ILO’s Decent Work Agenda, while supporting
the global economy, unblocking sea transportation Englith ~_,,J1 Oeut1,<:h £1,paflol Espai'lol (European Union) Fran~ait (F=rance) Fran~ais {Cam11da) EM'1VIKd fft1 lndone.sifl Italiano B.f..rn ~c?.ot
routes and ensuring the supply of critical goods. To read Nederlands Polski Port.ugues Portuguis (European Union) RomAnA Pvca<Mlil l"11 TOrk4re Tiling Vll,1 IHl'PX lml!ltl:SC
on human rights and the responsibilities we have as How does NAVEX Globa l maintain
Johnson & Johnson employees. Should employees re port a concern
How can we help?
through NAVEX Global or through their
Grievance mechanisms: We are committed to manager or human re,ources
providing effective resolution where we have caused
(gJ Report a Concern ClD A sk a Questio n
daily actions from our thousands of colleagues. For more
about how we protected employees through 2020, see
GRI 102-8
the section COVID-19: Protecting Employees.
The culture of Johnson & Johnson, inspired and guided
Here at one of the world’s largest corporations, Our core set of leadership
by Our Credo for over 75 years, continues to energize
more than 136,000 individuals around the world to
we have a considerable impact on the lives of many,
including the employees of the Johnson & Johnson
behaviors that define
advance a shared purpose: to blend heart, science and
ingenuity to profoundly change the trajectory of health
Family of Companies. Our Credo values underpin expectations for all
our approach to leadership, management and human
for humanity.
resources strategy and policy. They guide us to create employees underscores
a safe and caring workplace that embraces diversity,
Global Workforce by Region nurtures equity and inclusion, focuses on performance the importance of
while providing the tools to succeed, ignites creativity,
Latin America fosters collaboration and partnership, and recognizes inspiring those around
and rewards contribution. By creating an organization
in which people thrive, we create a corporation that
you to contribute ideas
North America
46,900‡ helps society thrive. that challenge thinking,
For more information, see our policies and positions
Asia Pacific relating to Employment and Labor Practices. and to have the courage
to test and learn, while
demonstrating agility to
In this section, we share our progress in 2020
in the following areas: drive and adapt to change.
41,201‡ Employee Attraction & Development And in 2020, we witnessed
‡ See PwC's Report of Independent Accountants. Employee Engagement these behaviors in practice
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Every one of us at Johnson & Johnson plays a role in every day at every level
bringing these values to life through what we say and Employee Health, Safety & Wellness
do, the stakeholders we connect with and the people across our businesses and
we serve. COVID-19 has tested us all; but in 2020, heart,
science and ingenuity came together in incredible ways. around the world.
From the delivery of our COVID-19 vaccine, to making
it available on a not-for-profit basis for emergency
Peter Fasolo, Executive Vice President,
pandemic use, to our Onsite Superheroes who kept our
Chief Human Resources Officer,
plants running so that we could continue to make needed
Johnson & Johnson
products available to patients and consumers, to our
thousands of employees who volunteered in their local
communities, to every single individual who adjusted
Alongside leadership development, we provide and their families to attain a sustainable standard of
opportunities for employees to acquire new skills living. For more details, see the section on Human Rights.
across a broad range of professional functions and In addition to salary and wages, our benefits packages
skill areas. For example, in 2020: aim to improve the quality of life for employees by
• Tens of thousands of employees in more than 70 providing practical support for family, health and well-
countries completed programs offered through our being, education and long-term financial management
LinkedIn Learning platform, accessible in different needs. We continuously review and update the range
languages. of benefits we offer in line with new needs as they arise,
• We continued promoting the development of employee feedback and changes in market practices.
capabilities in data science and digital literacy through See also our Position on Employee Compensation
our Digital Learning Academy, including a three-day and Benefits.
Women in Data Science Summit. Hear the story of
Sarah Asio, Data Science Lead, Johnson & Johnson
Medical Devices.
principles that guide all compensation decisions,
recognizing the important contributions of our
employees to deliver our mission in ways that align with
our values. We are committed to pay equity, including
gender and ethnic/racial group pay equity. From time of employees completed
to time, we analyze our pay across functions and levels,
and strive to eliminate unconscious bias or other barriers
year-end performance
to full pay equity across the Enterprise. In 2020, we
completed a living wage assessment to ensure pay is not
reviews. Many Johnson & Johnson employees have been able to adjust
only equitable and market competitive, but also more to a flexible working arrangement that allows for growth and
than sufficient to provide the means for our employees development via remote digital tools.
Vice President 83% 76% 72% U.S. employees who took parental leave, by gender
Manager & Director 93% 90% 90% Women 45% 47% 44%
Professional 93% 90% 89% Men 55% 53% 56%
Other* 88% 82% 86% U.S. employees who returned to work after parental leave ended, by gender
Overall for all employees 93% 89% 89% Women 97% 98% 98%
Men 97% 100% 100%
* Category includes employees who don’t have a merit plan as part of their compensation package.
Employee Turnover
Support a cause mentoring and coaching enterpreneurial
and competencies
& partnerships opportunities to help organizations in need of
Position on Community Impact. others develop and
their skills to strengthen
Advocate for a cause Programs with strategic organizational capacity
partnerships that help to reach their full potential
During 2020, most of our Talent for Good programs Programs that enable all build healthy communities
employees to participate
converted to virtual platforms to enable participation. without being away from
and careers
the office or requiring travel
For example:
• Bridge to Employment continued to serve students Local Volunteer Leaves
through college preparation provided by university
partners and thousands of hours of mentoring by
Johnson & Johnson colleagues. Pathways to Success Level of Engagement
provided virtual internships for college seniors.
• Hundreds of employees took part in skills-based pro
bono programs serving 81 NGOs across Talent for Strategic Talent for Good programs:
Good platforms. • Bridge to Employment: engages employees • Talent for Healthy Communities: connects
as mentors to help young people improve employees with local community partners in
• Thousands of Johnson & Johnson employee
performance and learn about different career a remote pro bono program to address critical
volunteers and nonprofit partners engaged more
opportunities. The extension progam, Pathways capacity-building needs.
than 300,000 girls with STEM2D education through
to Success, provides internships at Johnson & • Vital Voices Global Partnership: engages
our WiSTEM2D Youth Pillar. Activities included a
Johnson. colleagues in helping scale and accelerate
live Facebook series featuring Johnson & Johnson
volunteers supporting STEM2D activities at home, • WiSTEM2D: engages Johnson & Johnson the impact of women leaders at the forefront
distribution of educational kits and virtual summer employees globally to inspire young girls and of change and global progress.
camps. women to enter STEM2D fields. See the section • One Young World: convenes the brightest
Women in STEM. young talent working to accelerate social
• We launched the VV100 ScopeAthon program, to
continue to support women leaders at the forefront • Secondment programs: assigns employees impact around the world with support from
of change and global progress. The program pairs to NGO partners for secondments of up to six Johnson & Johnson employees who guide
Johnson & Johnson with VV100 leaders in four- months and senior leaders engaging for four to and mentor participants.
hour virtual consulting sessions to help address six months in strategic and advisory roles.
organizational challenges. • Global Pro Bono: pairs teams of employees Additionally, several signature partnerships
• Where virtual platforms were not possible, certain with NGO partners working on the front lines provide opportunities for employee engagement.
activities were temporarily postponed, for example, of health for capacity building over a four-week See the section Our Giving & Partnerships.
our One Young World program, which we expect to period (12-week virtually in 2020).
continue in 2021.
Employees and their families gathered at the Johnson & Johnson Suzhou site’s cleanup campaign
to support environmental sustainability.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion In 2020, we published our second You Belong: Diversity,
Equity & Inclusion Impact Review, which shares stories
GRI 405-1
of how we have advanced DEI across all the different
Our mission is to make diversity, equity and inclusion dimensions of our business and in line with our strategic
(DEI) how we work every day. We know that bringing goals. As part of our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals,
together our diverse backgrounds, cultures and we have committed to a new set of ambitious targets to employees engaged in
perspectives drives innovation to solve today’s complex further improve our internal resilience and to contribute
health problems. We continue to challenge ourselves on to greater social equity. Employee Resource Groups
what it means to prioritize DEI in every business decision
we make, and we leverage our DEI strategy, policies and
Complementing and reinforcing our DEI strategy and (ERGs)
initiatives that we have been pursuing for years, Our
programs to provide our workforce with the support and
Race to Health Equity initiative, launched in 2020, is
opportunities they need to help create a healthier, more
a bold aspiration to help eradicate racial and social
equitable world. For more information, see our Diversity,
injustice as a public health threat by eliminating health
Equity & Inclusion Policy.
inequities. Internally, we are prioritizing areas that will U.S. ERG Chapters
enable us to take meaningful, deliberate and thoughtful
actions, including: accelerating inclusive leadership
behaviors and cultural competencies; transforming
human resources processes to optimally access,
hire, develop and deploy diverse individuals; and non-U.S. ERG Chapters
strengthening our pipeline of diverse talent by partnering
with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
and other diverse associations. Our Race to Health
Equity platform will help us evolve our capabilities,
sharpen our strategic focus and amplify our contribution
to a more just society.
the U.S.
For full details of these Goals and KPIs, see our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals.
Women 48.1% ‡
47.8% +
47.1% Asia Pacific
Age Diversity by Job Category1 Ethnic/Racial Diversity in the U.S. by Job Category
Under 30 0% ‡
0% +
0% White 72.7% 75.4% 74.9%
Under 30 1.3% ‡
1.3% +
1.4% Other 0.9% 0.6% 0.4%
Professionals 4
White 67.7% 70.2% 70.7%
Under 30 20.7% ‡
21.4% +
21.4% Asian 17.2% ‡
Other 1.3% ‡
Women 35.7% ‡
28.6% +
By Region
By Gender
Men 47.5% ‡
48.6% 48.4%
By Age 4
30 – 50 48.5% ‡
42.8% +
As additional information, we have included our most recently filed U.S. Federal Employer Information Report EEO-1.
Because federal reporting requirements group employees in the EEO-1 differently than the Company does in its
Health for Humanity Report (which aligns with the Company’s organizational structure and employee level or pay
grade), the numbers are not directly comparable. While we are making the EEO-1 Report available, we believe the
data as presented in our Health for Humanity Report is the most meaningful measure of our diversity progress.
2025 Goals
We operate 119 on-site healthcare clinics
Healthiest in 35 countries across all sectors
Workforce Score of our business.
129,000 and 126,000 employees were provided A Johnson & Johnson employee in the U.S. and his sons kept healthy by exercising together while he
worked from home.
with access to and fully implemented healthy eating
and healthy movement cultures, respectively.
Serious Injury and Illness Case rate 0.02‡ 0.04+ 0.05 Europe, Middle East & Africa 0.04‡ 0.05+ 0.05
Crashes Per Million Miles (CPMM) rate*** 4.86 5.54 5.81 North America 0.07 ‡
0.08 +
Injuries Per Million Miles (IPMM) rate*** 0.05 0.06 0.07 Total Recordable Injury Rate
"I understand Qua lity as a continuous process of Number of FDA inspections of Johnson & Johnson sites 10‡ 17+ 24
re -defining and questioning the current state.
With the Quality Month we are given the
opportunity to remember this principle and look
Percentage of FDA inspections that resulted in zero observations 80%‡ 76%+ 75%
back at what we have achieved. But most of all,
the Quality Month allows us to look forward and Average number of observations per FDA inspection 1.7‡ 0.6+ 0.6
Christoph Goohring define how we wa nt to exercise our responsibility
Senior Specialist Risk
Management towards a better product and a better servi ce to Number of independent audits of Johnson & Johnson sites to ensure
165‡ 156+ 179
Janssen Vaccines
the patient:· compliance with Johnson & Johnson Quality Policy & Standards
for Health Policy
2025 Goals
for Women
By 2025, publish insights into See our positions and policies relating to patient safety:
best-practice healthcare for
• Position on Patient Safety
women based on real-world data
of one million women. • Position on Consumer Safety and Care
• Position on Clinical Trial Data Transparency
For full details of this Goal and KPI,
see our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals. • Position on the Conduct of Clinical Trials
• Ethical Code for the Conduct of Research and Development
• Position on Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research
Improving maternal health outcomes: In partnership Talc safety: We continue to address allegations that
with the Center for Maternal Health Equity at the JOHNSON’S Baby Powder can cause adverse health
Morehouse School of Medicine, OCMO convened the effects. We sympathize deeply with cancer patients
In September 2020, Johnson & Johnson Georgia Maternal Health Research for Action Steering and their families and appreciate that they are seeking
joined the WHO and the International Committee, a group of clinical and academic experts in answers. However, the science and the facts show
Alliance of Patients’ Organizations Black maternal health in Georgia, U.S.,19 which has one of that their illnesses were not caused by their use of our
(IAPO) to bring attention to patient and the highest maternal mortality and morbidity rates in the talcum-based products. Our website
health worker safety through World United States. The Committee aims to provide guidance includes independent studies from leading universities,
Patient Safety Day, and to increase on an integrated suite of scalable programs to improve research from medical journals and third-party opinions
public awareness and engagement, maternal health outcomes for Black mothers. We are confirming that our talc is safe. Johnson & Johnson
enhance global understanding, and spur conducting ethnographic research to understand the remains steadfastly confident in the safety of talc-based
global action to promote patient safety. unique concerns and needs of Black mothers in Georgia JOHNSON’S Baby Powder. Decades of scientific studies
Our OCMO colleagues participated as during their pregnancy journey that will guide potential by medical experts around the world support the safety
keynote speakers and panelists in IAPO’s digital solutions to increase postpartum co-morbidity of our product. The facts are that JOHNSON’S Baby
annual Global Patients Congress. self-management and to promote early notification of Powder is safe, does not contain asbestos and does not
postpartum complications. increase the risk of cancer. In 2020, as a response to
declining demand for this product, we discontinued sales
Accelerating access to medicines for young patients:
in the United States and Canada.
Typically, there is a small and widely dispersed pediatric
In 2020, we further advanced medical safety for our patient population available for clinical trials, which
diverse patients and consumers in innovative and presents a challenge in terms of assessing efficacy
collaborative ways, including: and safety of medicines for children. Utilizing existing
databases to supplement pediatric clinical trial data
Leveraging artificial intelligence
can reduce drug development time by years. In 2020,
for pharmacovigilance:
OCMO championed the use of data extrapolation from
We are advancing a first-in-kind AI capability to
adult clinical trials to seek a pediatric indication for
streamline pharmacovigilance processes for faster
SIMPONI ARIA (golimumab) in pediatric patients with
handling of complaint cases. At the Medicines and
arthritis. The submission was approved by the FDA,
Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
leading to a pediatric indication for SIMPONI ARIA,
Symposium 2020, Johnson & Johnson was recognized
and accelerated access to this medicine to help children
for our Literature Assist Tool, noting we are one of
get the treatment they need faster.
the few companies to demonstrate a first-in-kind AI
capability in production and commending our unique Innovating to prevent accidental ingestions and
intelligent automation strategy that includes both medication errors in children: Child safety has
prescription and OTC products. The Literature Assist always been a cornerstone of our medical safety
Tool, developed by Janssen R&D, leverages artificial work. Thousands of children are rushed to emergency
neural networks and natural language processing departments every day due to accidental unsupervised
to review scientific literature and identify safety ingestions. In 2020, we worked with JLABS to introduce
cases, enabling faster complaint case processing the Pill Protect QuickFire Challenge: Designing for
with the capability to review hundreds of thousands Medication Safety with support from the Scientific
of literature abstracts and articles each year. This Education and Patient Advocacy in coordination with
technology reduces the burden of data entry from the CDC PROTECT Initiative. The best potential solution
the labor-intensive literature review process so that to prevent or reduce the accidental access by children
pharmacovigilance experts can focus on verifying data to medications in pill dispensers will be announced in
accuracy and ensuring the safety of drugs and products. 2021 and receive up to $100,000 in grant funding,
access to the global JLABS network and mentorship
from Johnson & Johnson experts.
Counterfeiting & Illicit Trade Illicit trade complaints are also incorporated as a
category of complaints into the Product Quality
partnerships resulted in an increase of suspect product
notifications and related seizures from the previous
GRI J&J20-4, SASB: HC-BP-260a.1; HC-MS-430a.2
Complaint/Adverse Event training that all employees year. This increases confidence that our patients and
Counterfeit, illegally diverted and tampered-with are required to take. In addition, we provide dedicated consumers will receive genuine Johnson & Johnson
healthcare products place people at risk of serious training modules for employees in certain functions products. We also continue to engage with seven
health problems—potentially even death—and to continue their education on anti-counterfeiting external trade groups, alliances, organizations and
undermine confidence in product quality, safety and and product protection best practices. Outside of the agencies—either in leadership positions or as a member
reliability, which, at Johnson & Johnson, is central to Company, we regularly train government officials to help of industry working groups—to help collaboratively
everything we do. Additionally, counterfeit healthcare them identify suspect versions of Johnson & Johnson combat trade in counterfeit healthcare products.
products negatively impact the economy of healthcare products. In 2020, we launched our Global Brand
Introducing a tool to assess counterfeit risk: During
by diverting income and tax revenues from those who Protection Customs Program for customs and border
2020, we deployed a new prioritization tool that analyzes
work to improve healthcare. Illicit trade adds a cost protection officials, which delivered global product
data from various sources to determine the brands at the
burden of monitoring and control for healthcare systems, protection training virtually via 37 sessions due to the
greatest risk for illicit trade. Our Segmentation Tool uses
and can negatively impact health outcomes. COVID-19 pandemic.
market and business intelligence and multiyear internal
We believe the illicit trade of healthcare products must In 2020, we deployed multi-faceted protection data to improve decision-making in the best interests of
be stemmed for the benefit of all, and we strongly capabilities to reduce the threat of counterfeiting, patient protection.
support stricter regulation in this area. For example, we theft, cyberattacks and other forms of illicit trade
Adding security measures: We introduced a
supported the passage of the H.R. 5663 Safeguarding for our COVID-19 vaccine, as described in the section
sophisticated security feature to the existing tamper-
Therapeutics Act, giving the FDA the authority to COVID-19: Advancing a Vaccine and Therapies. We
evident seal already in use at our pharmaceutical
destroy counterfeit medical devices and combination also continued the ongoing fight against counterfeit
packaging sites in Europe. The new seal was designed
products at ports of entry. The bill was enacted after healthcare products in several ways:
for use on critical pharmaceutical products in markets
being signed by the President on January 5, 2021.
Customs, government and other partnerships: at high risk for illicit trade. We also started using digital
Our mandatory biennial Code of Business Conduct We record our trademarks with customs and border authentication features across our product portfolios to
training for all employees includes a module on protection agencies to stop illicit trade at ports of enhance the ability to authenticate products when they
counterfeit products and illicit trade to help employees entry around the world. Our customs and government are in the market.
be proactive in protecting our patients and consumers.
Anti-counterfeiting best
practices training delivered
in 2020:
Johnson & Johnson employees
customs and border patrol
Environmental Health Johnson & Johnson's latest climate goals build on a longstanding commitment to
environmental health, which includes more than two decades of public climate
commitments. Building on our strong legacy of climate action, in September 2020, we
GRI 307-1
announced Johnson & Johnson’s next generation of Health for Humanity climate goals:
At Johnson & Johnson, the world’s largest and most broadly based healthcare
company, we are deeply motivated to be active stewards of the environment and
contributors to sustainable development. We know that human health is inextricably
linked to the health of the planet, and the health of the planet depends on us, 2025 Goals 3 AIIDWWBltWG
individually and collectively. See our Position on Human Health and the Environment.
Environmental stewardship is grounded in Our Credo and is essential to delivering Renewable Electricity
on Our Purpose of profoundly changing the trajectory of health.
By 2025, source 100% of our electricity needs from
renewable sources.
we are privileged to use, protecting the By 2030, achieve carbon neutrality for our operations,
going beyond our Science-Based Target to reduce absolute
environment and natural resources. Scope 1 and 2 emissions 60% from 2016 levels.
For full details of these Goals and KPIs, see our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals.
• Managing our waste and water impacts; and Fines paid for environmental non-compliances (b) (c) (thousands) $5.9‡ $41+ $2
• Improving product sustainability.
‡ See PwC’s Report of Independent Accountants.
+ See PwC’s Report of Independent Accountants in 2019 Health for Humanity Report.
See also our Environmental Health and Safety Policy (a) Environmental non-compliances represent instances of non-compliance with environmental regulatory requirements or laws that were
and our suite of ESG policies and positions including either (i) self-reported to authorities in the reporting year or (ii) identified by authorities and the non-compliance occurred in the reporting
those relating to environmental health. year. The authorities include regional, national, state/country/province, and local/city regulatory agencies.
(b) Environmental non-compliances and fines paid exclude newly acquired sites (i.e., owned less than 2 years as of December 31, 2020).
(c) Fines paid for environmental non-compliances include those paid in the reporting year. It does not include fines assessed and/or under
in the following areas: (e) The denominator of total manufacturing and research & development (R&D) sites excludes small R&D and manufacturing sites
(defined as having less than 50 employees) and newly acquired sites (i.e., owned less than 3 years as of December 31, 2020).
Climate Resilience
Water & Waste Management
Product Sustainability
Climate Resilience
GRI 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7
Belgium / Holland Campus
Offshore Wind
Helsingborg, Sweden
Swiss Campus
Hydropower •• Biomass
Fuel cells
Amarillo, TX
Irish Campus 32%
Athens, GA Japan Mfg + R&D
Solar Hydropower
Juarez, Mexico
Greek Campus Geothermal
In 2020, we made progress in achieving energy closed-loop, geothermal system to provide heating and
efficiency and GHG emission reductions. Examples cooling for half of the campus, with the capacity to serve
include: the entire 45-acre campus in the future. The geothermal
CO2 Capital Relief Program
system replaces two large natural gas steam boilers,
Green electricity: In 2020, we signed a green tariff Overview (2005 – 2020)*
saves millions of gallons of water per year and reduces
electricity contract for our operations in the Philippines,
natural gas consumption and corresponding GHG
which went into effect in October 2020. Through this
emissions significantly. 280 projects approved
contract, our electricity supplier matches Johnson &
Johnson’s electricity consumption from the grid with Solar energy expansion: We installed a solar 241 projects completed
renewable electricity produced or purchased from photovoltaic power system capable of generating
$445 million total spent on completed
renewable sources within the same market. This follows 2,000 MWh per year at the São José dos Campos
our signature of renewable Power Purchase Agreements Campus in Brazil. This is Johnson & Johnson's first
(PPAs) in 2019 for our operations in Belgium, Ireland, photovoltaic system in South America. At Janssen's $83 million annual energy cost savings
Mexico and the Netherlands, as well as green tariff facility in Xi’an, China, we completed a 1 MW carport
2,345 TJ annual energy savings
electricity contracts in Germany, Greece and Japan, plus ground mount solar installation where the solar
all of which took effect in 2019 or early 2020. panels also serve as a covered roof for parked employee 298,905 MT CO2 annual GHG
vehicles and include charging stations for electric emissions avoided
* Results from completed projects. Based on fuel and
Green building: We continue to pursue LEED electricity reduction calculations. Avoidance of energy
For the third consecutive (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) consumption and GHG emissions calculated by compar-
ing energy consumption before project implementation
year, Johnson & Johnson certification across our facilities. For example, in 2020, and expected consumption after implementation using
was recognized with we received LEED Gold certification for our laboratory engineering estimates at the time the projects are
a CDP A List rating for building on our Beerse, Belgium campus, making it approved.
Total energy use (TJ) 11,954 12,702 13,208 Electricity 5,922 6,421 6,583
From renewable sources 3,483 2,118 2,246 Natural gas 4,412 4,808 5,020
From non-renewable sources 8,471 10,584 10,962 Diesel 613 465 592
Energy intensity ratio (TJ/billion USD)2 145 155 162 Direct heating / cooling 265 274 180
Fuel oil 13 15 15
In 2020, Johnson & Johnson received On-Site Generated Energy Use by Type (TJ)1
the EPA SmartWay Excellence Award for
outstanding environmental performance 2020 2019 2018
Wind 129 97 78
1 Includes site-specific data from all Johnson & Johnson owned and leased sites over 50,000 square feet where Johnson & Johnson has operational control, as well as manufacturing and R&D sites under 50,000 square feet, unless otherwise noted.
2 Our diverse product portfolio makes it difficult to track an organization-specific metric; therefore we use revenue as a denominator for energy intensity. Energy intensity ratio includes electricity, stationary fuels, and district heating and cooling.
has operational control, as well as manufacturing and R&D sites under 50,000 square feet, unless otherwise noted.
Refrigerants15 14,139 12,979 12,298 3 In accordance with guidance from World Resources Institute Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, we restated the 2018
and 2019 values to reflect newly released electricity grid emission factors as well as addition or removal of acquisitions and divestitures.
Aviation 3,736 8,717 9,715 This threshold for restatement deviates from the one included in the About this Report section. We do not currently use purchases, sales
or transfers of offsets in our GHG accounting. Gases covered in these calculations include CO2, CH4, N2O, and HFCs. Perfluorinated
Scope 2 GHG emissions, facilities (MT CO2e)1 3
chemicals, sulfur hexafluoride and nitrogen trifluoride do not result from our operations. Biogenic CO2 Emissions in 2020 were 1,565
MT CO2. Electricity emission factors are obtained from the International Energy Agency’s CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Report
Location-based 641,489‡ 648,598+ 681,416+ and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's eGRID publication for location-based Scope 2 reporting, and from supply contracts and
residual emission factors, where available, for market-based Scope 2 reporting. Fuel emission factors are obtained from the EPA Climate
Market-based4 383,745‡ 518,542+ 583,361+ Leadership publication. Global Warming Potentials are obtained from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment
Report. The chosen consolidation approach for emissions is operational control.
4 We did not report Scope 2 emissions using the market-based method prior to 2017. Starting from 2017, we have reported Scope 2
Scope 3 GHG emissions, by source (MT CO2e)3, 13
emissions using both location-based and market-based methods, based on the latest Scope 2 guidance from the World Resources
Purchased goods and services6 9,437,330‡ 9,229,943+ 8,826,462+ Institute in the Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.
5 Emissions were calculated using Company spend in the reporting year paired with appropriate economic input/output (IO) emission
factors from the Carnegie Mellon 2002 dataset. Where more specific primary data were able to be obtained, they were used in place
Upstream transportation and distribution6 2,043,109‡ 2,201,590+ 2,039,872+
of the IO calculation methodology.
6 Business travel emissions from personal vehicle travel reflect CO only.
Business travel5,6 303,249‡ 601,637+ 768,392+ 2
7 Data from a 2019 survey of a sample of employees in all regions, extrapolated for all employees globally, were used to estimate average
employee commuting emissions intensity per employee. This value, in conjunction with representative 2020 occupancy data estimates,
Employee commuting7 131,128 267,881 351,260 was used to calculate emissions from Employee Commuting. It should be noted that due to the assumptions that were made, Johnson &
Johnson did not receive third-party limited assurance for this scope, but will work to improve these assumptions in the coming years.
Capital goods5 271,206‡
271,422+ 8 Emissions from fuel- and energy-related activities were calculated for emissions from transmission and distribution (T&D) losses from
purchased electricity, well-to-tank (WTT) emissions from purchased electricity, WTT emissions from T&D losses, and WTT emissions
Fuel- and energy-related activities8 183,087‡ 190,386+ 203,498+ from purchased fuels. Emissions were calculated using IEA loss factors for electricity and DEFRA WTT emission factors for fuels and
electricity. Due to an update in calculation methodology, 2018 and 2019 figures are restated.
Upstream leased assets9 28,969‡ 39,830+ 39,981+ 9 Emissions from Upstream Leased Assets were calculated by applying the energy intensity from office locations in our Scope 1 and
2 footprint to the building area of leased assets less than 50,000 SqFt, or those greater than 50,000 SqFt outside of our operational
Waste generated in operations10 8,065‡ 3,618+ 3,702+ control which are excluded from Scope 1 and 2 reporting.
10 Emissions from Waste Generated in Operations were calculated for both non-hazardous and hazardous waste from manufacturing
Downstream transportation and distribution11 Available 58,184+ 65,447+ and R&D operations using DEFRA's emissions factors for waste. Previously, only non-hazardous waste emissions were reported.
11 Emissions from Downstream Transportation and Distribution were calculated using the U.S. EPA’s SmartWay Program, and are provided
for U.S. shippers only. Greenhouse gases covered in these calculations include CO2 only for the 2019 calendar year, the most up-to-date
Use of sold products12 available, and 2020 data will be available in December of 2021. We have identified a level of uncertainty around the reporting boundary,
and the reported value is potentially overstated.
Direct 108,165 168,612 78,051 12 Emissions from the Use of Sold Products and the End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products were calculated using sales volumes for all
Johnson & Johnson products combined with lifecycle assessment (LCA) models where sales volumes could be obtained; where they
Indirect 7,635,771 7,248,612 6,894,347 could not be obtained, sales revenues and average unit prices were used to estimate volumes. Due to the size of our product portfolio,
LCAs were not performed for every Johnson & Johnson product, so products were placed into LCA categories and a representative
End of life treatment of sold products12 223,038 209,994 222,404 product LCA was applied. It should be noted that due to the assumptions that were made, Johnson & Johnson did not receive third-
party limited assurance for these scopes, but will work to improve these assumptions in the coming years.
13 Emissions from the Processing of Sold Products, Downstream Leased Assets, Franchises, and Investments are not applicable to
GHG emissions intensity ratio (Scope 1 and Scope 2) 9 12 13
Johnson & Johnson operations.
per revenue (MT CO2e/million USD) 14 Greenhouse gases covered in these calculations include CO only.
15 Includes site-specific data from all Johnson & Johnson manufacturing and R&D sites only.
Percentage decrease in GHG emissions intensity 59% 46% 43%
(Scope 1 and Scope 2) per revenue compared to
2010 baseline (MT CO2e /million USD)
‡ Metric has been assured by ERM CVS. See independent assurance statement by ERM CVS.
+ See ERM CVS's independent assurance statements in 2019 and 2018 Health for Humanity Reports.
* Due to a unit conversion error, 2018 and 2019 figures are restated. The previous emissions data in 2018 and 2019
Health for Humanity Reports were historically assured and the restatement calculations have been reviewed as part
of this year’s assurance engagement.
Water & Waste Management Reuse of solvents: At our facility in Geel, Belgium, we have adopted a process to
make our solvents reusable through distillation. Our detailed analysis of around 20
GRI 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5, SASB: CG-HP-140a.1; CG-HP-140a.2
regularly used solvents shows that distillation in an open- or closed-loop cycle—
We continue to advance initiatives across all our facilities and throughout our supply whether conducted at our site or via external partners—delivers significant solvent
chain to systematically minimize our impacts on the planet through responsible use of saving and an overall reduction in GHG emissions. In this way, in 2020, we distilled
water, avoidance of waste and reduction of waste to landfill. See also our Position on more than 1.5 million liters of solvent, thereby avoiding more than 14,800 metric tons
Water and Waste Management. of CO2e emissions.
Plastic waste reduction: At Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health Shanghai, our team
found opportunities to make improvements, not only improving the process to reduce
waste plastic generation, but also to recycle and/or reuse those plastics as some form
Over the past three years, we decreased non- of raw material to produce other products. Since then, the site has deployed a robust
hazardous waste disposed to landfills from 15,356 environmental sustainability strategy and implemented a series of programs that have
metric tons in 2017 to 7,860 metric tons in 2020. reduced 52.5 tons of plastic materials and have saved 47 tons of plastic waste from
incineration by diverting them to recycling streams instead.
Johnson & Johnson was recognized
2020 with a CDP A List rating for Water
WATER Security.
Our Geel, Belgium, site.
Total water withdrawn (million m3) 11.09 11.71 11.64 Total waste generated 183,034 195,272 194,442
Total water consumed (million m3) 4.28 4.57 Not reported Hazardous waste 53,944 53,425 52,672
Total water recycled and reused (million m3) 0.75 0.81 0.84 Non-hazardous waste 129,090 141,848 141,770
Green Chemistry
Product Sustainability VISTASEAL: VISTASEAL Fibrin Sealant for surgical use
was relaunched with an innovative shipping method that
GRI 302-5, J&J20-12, SASB HC-MS-410a.1, Janssen continues to integrate principles of green
enables the product to remain frozen during transport in
SASB HC-MS-410a.2, SASB CG-HP-410a.2 chemistry and engineering to develop our medicines.
a reusable container. Compared to the previous shipping
For example, our R&D team collaborated with a supplier
We are committed to developing more sustainable method, the new packaging reduces GHG emissions by
to create a more efficient chemistry process to develop
products that contribute to a healthier planet. 75% and post-consumer waste by 95%.
an ingredient in a treatment for major depressive
Our approach is based on science and a lifecycle
disorder, which reduced raw materials by close to half.
accountability for product impacts, from discovery Lifecycle Assessment with EARTHWARDS
In another example, our R&D team applied continuous
and design, raw material sourcing and manufacturing
Since 2009, EARTHWARDS has been our approach for forward processing principles to reduce the synthesis
to product use and end of life. See also our Position on
guiding the development of more sustainable products. process for an ingredient in a cardiovascular treatment.
Sustainable Products and Packaging.
We use the EARTHWARDS approach to drive continuous The approach reduced the amount of energy and raw
Examples of products with sustainability improvements sustainable improvement by ensuring that new products materials required, and reduced waste, while increasing
in 2020 include: meet specific product stewardship requirements and the yield of ingredient produced.
helping product teams to understand the product
NEUTROGENA Skin Balancing Cleanser Line: Our Janssen R&D team also collaborated with suppliers
category's lifecycle impact areas. In 2020, we
A new product range in the United States that includes to adopt green chemistry and engineering principles
continued to make further progress with EARTHWARDS
a cleansing wipe made with plant-based, home to make a prescription medicine used with other
compostable fibers and facial cleansers sold in bottles antiretroviral medicines to treat HIV-1 infection in adults.
made of 30% post-consumer recycled material. By adopting a novel continuous catalytic process to
create a component in the final product, our suppliers
were able to improve raw material and hazardous
6 new products achieved waste profiles, contributing to decreasing the overall
EARTHWARDS recognition in environmental footprint of the product.
2020. Sustainable Packaging & Recycling
68 EARTHWARDS-recognized Packaging plays a critical role in maintaining the quality,
safety and integrity of our products throughout our
products* resulted in annual value chain. In addition to complying with packaging
impact reductions** as follows: regulations in the countries where our products are sold,
we are proactive about increasing recycled content of
• Material reduced: 19,255 MT our packaging and improving its recyclability.
In 2020, our Consumer Health business announced its
• Water saved: 368,507 liters Healthy Lives Mission, an $800 million sustainability
investment over 10 years that includes goals to reduce
• Waste reduced: 125 MT packaging waste. In 2020, we made progress to
reduce the impact of plastic packaging in several areas,
• GHG emissions avoided: including:
38,906 MT CO2e • Began several projects to replace carbon black
* Products recognized between 2009 – 2020; excludes products that
plastic bottles across our Consumer Health portfolio,
are no longer EARTHWARDS-recognized due to discontinuations, including changing OGX Purifying+Charcoal Detox
divestitures or changes to the product. Shampoo and Conditioner bottles from black to clear,
The full NEUTROGENA Skin Balancing Cleanser line ** Savings are for products recognized through the end of 2020 and
are estimated based on best available methodologies for each
which reduces the brand's output of non-recyclable
impact reduction area; select products are not included in savings plastic in North America by more than 120,000
estimation because of lack of detailed data. pounds.
• Continued actions to address two remaining PVC Partnerships for circularity: In 2020, we continued to products packaging and device take-back programs
rigid plastic containers by transitioning away from a engage with partners on projects that advance a circular in different markets. For example, we expanded
PVC tray in Latin America and replacing a PVC bottle economy, for example: the Janssen SAFE RETURNS Program for home-
in Asia. administered immunology products in the United States
• The Recycling Partnership's Film & Flexibles
and collaborated on pharmaceutical disposal options as
• Launched four new refill at-home shower gels in Coalition: Industry-wide collaborative to identify ways
members of the Pharmaceutical Product Stewardship
Europe through our LE PETIT MARSEILLAIS brand to collect more flexible packaging in the United States.
Work Group.
to minimize packaging waste, and actively advanced
• Stina Tubes CORE Project: Partnership to advance the
several options for additional products such as adult
recycling of plastic squeeze tube packaging in North
and baby body washes and lotions in different markets
America and Europe.
for launch in the coming years.
• Began removing pumps from JOHNSON’S Baby
• A*STAR Institute of Materials Research and
Engineering Circular Materials Lab: Collaboration to
1.60 million
lotions and washes in smaller sizes in several markets,
identify circular flexible film packaging solutions.
medical devices collected and
replacing them with a flip-top cap, avoiding millions of
non-recyclable pumps being routed to landfill. • We continue our partnership with the Healthcare
• Implemented a new process to produce a plastic
film for packaging that includes 30% post-consumer
Plastics Recycling Council and the Sustainable
Healthcare Coalition, collaborating with industry
leaders to increase healthcare recycling, reduce waste,
0.67 million
recycled waste for STAYFREE in Brazil.
and elevate sustainability in global health systems.
reprocessed in 2020*
Examples of recycling and packaging solutions from our • We extended our original investment in the Closed * Compared to 2019 results, device collections reduced because
Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices segments include: Loop Infrastructure Fund for an additional five years of COVID-19’s impact on reducing surgical activity.
to continue to build the recycling infrastructure in
• Launched an innovative recycling project for
North America and spur technological innovation
ETHICON single-use surgical instruments in
toward a more circular economy.
Germany, enabling recycling of their metal and
Medical Devices: The Johnson & Johnson Medical
plastic components while digitally capturing and
Devices Companies (JJMDC) are committed to
communicating the environmental impact made. Products in the Environment
helping health systems reduce expenses and decrease
• Developed new Pulp Injection Molding tray packaging We recognize that the products we create to help environmental impact while meeting or exceeding
platform, image below, that will eliminate the use of patients, doctors and consumers can have environmental original equipment manufacturing medical device
plastic trays as part of our pharmaceutical combination impacts after use. We assess the end-of-life impacts of functional requirements. Offering reprocessed single-
product portfolio. our products and develop category-specific action plans use devices manufactured by Sterilmed, Inc., a part of
to improve performance over time. See our Position on the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies, is one way
Impact of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in which we fulfill this commitment.
in the Environment.
As a leading provider of reprocessing services,20 in
Pharmaceutical Products: We continue to advance addition to reprocessing devices originally manufactured
our progress in understanding and reducing the impact by members of the JJMDC, we also offer reprocessed
of pharmaceuticals in the environment. As an active products from the other original manufacturers, which
and founding member of the Antimicrobial Resistance gives customers more options to meet their needs.
Industry Alliance, we continue to collaborate across the
industry to address AMR. For more information on our
approach to AMR, see our Position on Antimicrobial
Resistance. We are also expanding our pharmaceutical
Our extended supply chain comprises more than 51,000 suppliers across our three
51,000+ $30.6
business segments, serving our 90 manufacturing facilities and distribution operations suppliers globally billion total supplier
in virtually all countries of the world. spend*
A critically important link in our value chain, Johnson & Johnson’s supplier network
underpins our business continuity, expands our capabilities and innovation and enables
our ability to serve our patients, consumers and customers and their need for our
essential products and services. We aim to maintain collaborative and trusting supplier
relationships and encourage a broad diversity of suppliers to work with us. WeSupplier Spend
Supplier Contracted
Spend* Contracted Supplier Spend
Spend* Contracte
* *
to ensure our supplier base operates in line with Our Credo values, in compliance by Regionby Region by Business
by Segment
Business Segment
with laws and regulations and in support of our Health for Humanity Goals. We do this 3% 3%
through our Responsibility Standards for Suppliers, our Supplier Sustainability Program 11% 11% 12% 12%
(SSP) and Global Supplier Diversity & Inclusion Program. For more information, see
our Position on Responsible Supply Base and our Position on Business Continuity 34% 34%
53% 53% 24% 24%
In 2020, as part of our multiyear Health for Humanity 2020 Goals, we made progress
in advancing our responsible supply base. We have now established challenging goals
33% 33%
to drive further impact across our supplier base.
30% 30%
2025 Goals
8 =M~~::H North America
Latin America •• Asia Pacific
Latin America
•• Pharmaceutical
For full details of these Goals and KPIs, see our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals.
@ Responsible Sourcing
Supplier Engagement
GRI 308-1, 308-2, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 412-1, 414-1
Education and resources for suppliers: In partnership Improving supply chain resilience: We rely on the Auditing supplier compliance: We verify and monitor
with EcoVadis and CDP, we delivered inaugural, year-end resilience of our global supply chains to help ensure supplier compliance with laws and regulations, and
educational webinars to review the progress of our SSP patients, providers and consumers have access to with our Responsibility Standards for Suppliers, through
and supplier performance and share our progress toward medical goods, including during major public health formal assessment and audits. Our EH&S audit program,
our Health for Humanity 2020 Goals. We also shared threats. During 2020, we worked closely across our which has been in place since 2006, is conducted using
new tools, for example, the Johnson & Johnson CDP supply base to engage, assist and support suppliers as the audit protocol and checklist developed by the PSCI.
Climate and Water maturity ladder we created with CDP they partnered with us to maintain their own operations Our social audits program is conducted in accordance
to guide suppliers on their CDP disclosure journey from and supply essential products during the COVID-19 with SMETA 4 guidelines and with a focus on human
beginner to leader. pandemic. For more information, see the section rights.
COVID-19: Supply Chain Resilience.
In 2020, we completed 104 EH&S audits, the majority
Engaging suppliers to improve impacts: In 2020, in Asia, and five social audits. Our audit programs were
we undertook to improve the environmental impacts affected by COVID-19, mostly due to travel restrictions,
generated through our external manufacturing supply minimizing on-site workforces and limited resources at
Tessy saw the Supplier chain by engaging widely across the Asia Pacific region suppliers to support audits. Toward the middle of 2020,
with more than 150 external supply sites. We assessed both programs began to complete virtual audits using
Sustainability Program from several dimensions of Environmental Health and video and other online tools. By year-end, more than
Johnson & Johnson as a great Safety (EH&S) performance, including process safety half of our EH&S audits had been completed remotely
management, industrial hygiene, occupational health and our social audits were rolled into our expanded
opportunity for our company and workplace safety, and several risk assessment Supplier Sustainability Program as part of our EcoVadis
to improve our sustainability topics related to various environmental impacts, working assessments.
within the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI)
practices. After years of framework. We offered specialist training for suppliers
collaborating with Johnson & in several of these areas. Our initial assessment showed
that most of the suppliers participating in the assessment
Johnson and participating in program could demonstrate improvement in at least one
the program, I am excited to area of EH&S performance, and were eager to continue
to learn, apply best practice and improve their overall
see our achievements and impacts.
Tessy’s efforts in leading our
supply base into this space.
Spend with suppliers enrolled in SSP (billions)* $18.9 $17.1 $16.3 Supplier social audits completed, total 5 50 11
Percentage of total supplier spend attributable to Completed using SMETA 4-pillar protocol 5 37 9
74% 71% 61%
suppliers enrolled in SSP
Completed using PSCI protocol 0 13 2
Number of suppliers newly enrolled in SSP, annual 328 279 139
Social audits completed, by region
Number of suppliers enrolled in SSP, cumulative since the
1,107 779 500 Asia Pacific 4 37 8
program launch (2015)
Europe, Middle East & Africa 0 5 1
Suppliers invited to participate in CDP Supply Chain
423 344 305
Climate program Latin America 1 6 2
Suppliers invited to participate the CDP Supply Chain Number of critical findings** identified as a result of
153 112 108 3 5 0
Water program supplier social audits
EH&S audits and technical visits completed, total 156 206 185
2020 2019 2018
EH&S audits 104 134 101
EcoVadis assessments completed 1,119 750 542
Technical visits*** 52 72 84
Supplier risk ranking based on EcoVadis assessments
Audits and technical visits, by region
Low-risk 729 462 323
Asia Pacific 133 174 155
Medium-risk 349 259 195
Europe, Middle East & Africa 13 13 18
High-risk 41 29 24
Latin America 2 7 5
North America 8 12 7
Safety-related findings 2 23 21
Environmental-related findings 0 11 6
* Represents spend we have control over/addressable spend, defined as products and services that procurement teams can negotiate with suppliers to meet business goals.
** We define a critical finding as evidence of very high risk to human life or potential catastrophic impact to facility, community or environment. We expect suppliers and potential suppliers to address critical findings immediately.
*** A technical visit is a follow-up visit to the initial audit.
Supplier Diversity
Maintaining a diverse and inclusive supplier base reflects the way we think about
our business, our people, our innovation, our markets and our communities. We
believe our differences are our strength, and our inclusive culture unleashes our Guided by Our Credo, we have a
potential. Our Global Supplier Diversity & Inclusion Program provides a platform
for proactive outreach to diverse and small suppliers, collaboration with partners responsibility to the communities in which
advancing supplier diversity and guiding suppliers on how to engage with Johnson &
Johnson. We exceeded our Health for Humanity 2020 Goals, which were to achieve we live and work. Increasing our diverse
benchmark spending for Tier 1 and Small Business in the United States, and we
increased our global footprint from six countries in 2016 to 17 countries in 2020.
supplier base—and engaging all suppliers
Our global supplier diversity and inclusion goal sets a new ambitious target that will on the importance of diversity, equity and
galvanize our organization to achieve an even more inclusive supplier network.
inclusion—helps us drive social and economic
inclusion, and reflects the diversity of our
2025 Goals patients and consumers around the world.
Global Supplier Diversity and Kathy Wengel, Executive Vice President
Inclusion & Chief Global Supply Chain Officer, Johnson & Johnson
By 2025, achieve $4.5 billion Global Impact Spend with small
and diverse suppliers, representing a 20% increase from 2020. t.1 In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic placed great strain on our entire supply chain. We
worked closely across our supplier network where needed to help manage the issues
suppliers faced in maintaining operations. For more information, see the United in
Defeating COVID-19 section.
For full details of this Goal and KPI, see our Health for Humanity 2025 Goals.
Promoting diverse businesses: In 2020, we evolved our procurement processes and
strategy through which we aim to identify, engage with and contract with diverse
enterprises, and we strengthened our collaborative relationships with key advocacy
organizations that support diverse businesses.
Part of this supplier diversity evolution included the launch of strategies focused on
For the 10th consecutive year, Johnson & Johnson growing spend and footprint across the Johnson & Johnson Enterprise. They included
maintained membership in the Billion Dollar education campaigns, engagement of senior level sponsorship both in and outside
Roundtable, a group of companies that advance of procurement, and dedicated teams to develop and execute strategies. Highlights
best practices for supplier diversity, and that spend
at least $1 billion (Tier 1) annually with certified • We augmented our longstanding support for Black-owned and African American
minority-, women-, veteran-, LGBT- and disability-
• In response to the heightened focus on racial justice by Johnson & Johnson,
owned businesses. we launched a Black-owned business strategy to grow spend with this key
demographic group. We sponsored the “In This Together” campaign of the
National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) to support their
Rebuilding Fund, helping minority businesses recover from the economic
In 2020, one of our primary Contract Research Organizations, PRA Diverse supplier spend in the U.S. (billions) $1.7 $1.6 $1.4
Health Sciences, expanded its own diversity, equality and inclusion
Diverse supplier spend in countries outside the U.S.
program, focusing on people, patients, partners, and community with (billions)
$0.29 Not Reported Not Reported
initiatives that are important for Johnson & Johnson and also critical
Small business spend in the U.S. (billions) $2.7 $2.6 $2.8
for our industry which employs and engages many frontline workers.
Elements of PRA’s progress include: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender supplier spend
$4.5 $3.7 $2.0
in the U.S. (millions)
• Greater focus on hiring diversity, including engagement
with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Veteran- and disabled veteran-owned supplier spend
$193.2 $169.6 $139.0
with military veterans and those with differing learning abilities; in the U.S. (millions)
Women-owned supplier spend, global (millions) $826.0 Not Reported Not Reported
• Increased participation in women’s mentoring and leadership
programs; Minority-owned supplier spend, global (millions) $1,223.4 Not Reported Not Reported
Tier 2 diverse supplier spend, global (millions) $372.1 Not Reported Not Reported
• Global conscious and unconscious bias training for all employees; and
* Except Tier 2 diverse spend, all indicators represent spend we have control over/addressable spend, defined as products and
• Expansion of their Employee Resource Groups, including one services that procurement teams can negotiate with suppliers to meet business goals.
for nurses, to help them connect with one another, support local
communities and engage in innovation initiatives.
Responsible Sourcing
SASB HC-MS-430a.3
Reporting Hub
2019 Health for Humanity Report
Downloads: Progress in Sustainability
ESG Summary
Performance Data
GRI Content Index
GRI Culture of Health for Business Framework
SASB Index
UNGC Communication on Progress
CDP Climate Change 2020
CDP Water Security 2020
2018 Health
for Humanity
2017 Health
for Humanity
Health for Humanity Report covers from the past three years.
Photo credits: 2019 cover photos (TOP) by Rwanda Ministry of Health; 2018 cover photo (BOTTOM LEFT)
by Jonathan Burton; and 2017 cover photo (BOTTOM RIGHT) by Susan Warner for Save the Children.
2020 Health for Humanity Report 98
Contents | Message from Our CEO | Our Approach | United in Defeating COVID-19 | Better Health for All | Responsible Business Practices | Reporting Hub
About this Report stakeholders and to our Company (for more information,
please see Sustainability Priorities). As we navigate the
rapidly evolving space of ESG frameworks, standards
Our Global Audit & Assurance reviewed select data
for accuracy, completeness and validity. The financial
data and general information about the business in this
GRI 102-10, 102-46, 102-48, 102-49, 102-50,102-51, 102-52,
and guidelines, we leverage these material issues to Report were previously audited for disclosure in our
102-53, 102-54, 102-56
prioritize our disclosures and effectively communicate 2020 Annual Report.
Johnson & Johnson’s 2020 Health for Humanity Report to our stakeholders. We will continue to evaluate these
Acquisitions: EH&S data of recently acquired
(the Report) details our progress in sustainability. topics in the future and, accordingly, our ESG disclosure
companies, except for employee road safety data and
It is also our primary source of annual disclosure may evolve over time.
site ISO and OHSAS certification data, are included in
on environmental, social and governance (ESG)
Independent Review and Assurance: ERM the Report two years after acquisition, unless otherwise
performance and should be reviewed in conjunction
Certification and Verification Services (ERM CVS) noted. This grace period allows the new acquisitions to
with disclosures on the ESG Policies & Positions page.
conducted independent review and assurance of adjust their EH&S management and reporting systems
Data in this Report cover the period between January
the following information and data in the Report to Johnson & Johnson standards. Road safety data
1, 2020, and December 31, 2020, unless otherwise
(see independent assurance statements by ERM CVS): are integrated the first year after acquisition, where
indicated. Reporting on other matters specific
available, and two years after acquisition at the latest.
to financial performance of the Company and its • Progress against our Health for Humanity 2020
ISO and OHSAS certification data are integrated three
subsidiaries can be found in our 2020 Annual Report. Goals, and associated data presented in the Health
years after acquisition. The dates and details of recent
for Humanity 2020 Goals Progress Scorecard.
This Report covers Johnson & Johnson’s worldwide acquisitions can be found in Note 18 (Acquisitions and
operations across our three business segments: • Progress against United Nations Sustainable Divestitures) on page 83 of our 2020 Annual Report.
Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices and Consumer Development Goals (UN SDGs) commitments,
Divestitures: Except for injury statistics and violations or
Health. For select metrics, we report segment-level and associated data presented in the UN SDGs
fines, EH&S data of divested companies are excluded in
data. Contract manufacturers are excluded from the Commitment Progress Scorecard.
the reporting year.
scope of this Report, unless otherwise noted. References
• Select year 2020 global greenhouse gas (GHG)
in this Report to “Johnson & Johnson,” the “Company,” Restatements: We use a 5% change threshold to apply
emissions inventory, the percentage of electricity
“we,” “us” and “our” and all similar references are to to significant changes in data or information that is
use generated by renewable energy sources, and
Johnson & Johnson and its consolidated subsidiaries, restated, unless otherwise noted. There are a number
NOx and SOx emissions (from combustion sources).
unless otherwise stated or the context otherwise of potential reasons that may lead to a restatement of
requires. either prior periods or baseline data (e.g., a significant
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) performed limited
change in newly published measures, new acquisitions
The Report has been prepared in accordance with assurance on certain data in the following categories
or divestitures, data errors, or improvements in data
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core (see PwC’s Report of Independent Accountants and
collection methodology over time). Depending on
option. New this year, we report our performance Management's Assertion):
circumstances, each is evaluated using this threshold,
against GRI’s new framework, the Culture of Health for
• Our Giving and appropriate disclosures are included in the Report.
Business (COH4B) practices and metrics. The Report
Data that were not disclosed in prior years are noted as
also includes the Sustainability Accounting Standards • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (select metrics)
“not reported” in relevant tables throughout the Report.
Board (SASB) Index, providing disclosures against
• Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Governance
relevant SASB Standards, and our first qualitative Task
Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) • Employee Turnover
disclosure, building on our responses to the CDP
• Employee Safety (select metrics) Contact us:
climate questionnaire in previous years. The Report also
serves as our annual United Nations Global Compact • Ethics and Compliance (Our Credo Integrity Line We welcome your queries and feedback on
Communication on Progress. Complaints & Inquiries) this Report. Please contact the Johnson &
Johnson Enterprise ESG Program Office at
Materiality22 Approach: The content in this Report is • Ethics and Compliance (Triage Committee
[email protected].
guided by our Priority Topics Assessment (PTA), which Investigations)
helps us identify and prioritize the environmental,
• Product Quality
social and governance topics that matter most to our
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking factors can be found in Johnson & Johnson's Annual
Statements: This Report contains “forward-looking Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January
statements” as defined in the Private Securities 3, 2021, including in the sections captioned “Cautionary
Litigation Reform Act of 1995 regarding, among other Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” and
things: future operating and financial performance, “Item 1A. Risk Factors,” in the Company’s most recently
product development, market position and business filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and the Company’s
strategy. The reader is cautioned not to rely on these subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange
forward-looking statements. These statements are Commission. Copies of these filings are available online
based on current expectations of future events. If at, or on request from
underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or known Johnson & Johnson. Any forward-looking statement
or unknown risks or uncertainties materialize, actual made in this release speaks only as of the date of this
results could vary materially from the expectations release. Johnson & Johnson does not undertake to
and projections of Johnson & Johnson. Risks and update any forward-looking statement as a result of
uncertainties include, but are not limited to: risks related new information or future events or developments.
to the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic, such
Third-party trademarks used herein are trademarks
as the scope and duration of the outbreak, government
of their respective owners.
actions and restrictive measures implemented in
response, material delays and cancellations of medical
procedures, supply chain disruptions and other impacts
to the business, or on the Company’s ability to execute
business continuity plans, as a result of the COVID-19
pandemic, economic factors, such as interest rate and
currency exchange rate fluctuations; competition,
including technological advances, new products and
patents attained by competitors; challenges inherent
in new product research and development, including
uncertainty of clinical success and obtaining regulatory
approvals; uncertainty of commercial success for new
and existing products; challenges to patents; the impact
of patent expirations; the ability of the Company to
successfully execute strategic plans; the impact of
business combinations and divestitures; manufacturing
difficulties or delays, internally or within the supply
chain; product efficacy or safety concerns resulting in
product recalls or regulatory action; significant adverse
litigation or government action, including related to
product liability claims; changes to applicable laws and
regulations, including tax laws and global healthcare
reforms; trends toward healthcare cost containment;
changes in behavior and spending patterns of
purchasers of healthcare products and services; financial
instability of international economies and legal systems
and sovereign risk; increased scrutiny of the healthcare
industry by government agencies. A further list and
descriptions of these risks, uncertainties and other
Engagement Summary
Scope of our assurance Whether cumulative 2016 - 2020 progress against the Health for Humanity 2020 Goals and related Targets as reported in the Health for Humanity 2020 Goals
engagement Progress Scorecard (the Scorecard) in the Reporting Hub section of the Report on is fairly presented, in all material respects, in
accordance with the reporting criteria.
Reporting criteria Health for Humanity 2020 Goals and Targets as defined in the Scorecard. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)/World Resources
Institute (WRI) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol for Greenhouse Gas emissions.
ERM CVS’ assurance methodology, based on the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE 3000 Revised).
Respective Johnson & Johnson is responsible for preparing the Report, including the Scorecard, and for the collection and presentation of the assured performance
responsibilities information and data.
ERM CVS’ responsibility is to provide conclusions on the agreed scope based on the assurance activities performed and on exercising our professional
Engagement Summary
Scope of our assurance Whether cumulative 2016-2020 progress against the 2020 SDG Goals as reported in the 2020 UN SDG Progress Scorecard (the SDG Scorecard) in the
engagement Reporting Hub section of the Report on is fairly presented, in all material respects, in accordance with the reporting criteria.
Reporting criteria The 2020 SDG Goals (under Vision 2030) as described in the SDG Scorecard.
ERM CVS’ assurance methodology, based on the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE 3000 Revised).
Respective Johnson & Johnson is responsible for preparing the Report, including the SDG Scorecard, and for the collection and presentation of the information within it.
responsibilities ERM CVS’ responsibility is to provide conclusions on the agreed scope based on the assurance activities performed and on exercising our professional
Engagement Summary
Scope of our assurance Whether the corporate 2020* data for the following selected indicators are fairly presented, in all material respects, in accordance with the reporting criteria:
engagement • Total absolute Scope 1 GHG emissions in metric tonnes (MT) of CO2e
• Total absolute Scope 2 GHG emissions in metric tonnes (MT) of CO2e reported using the location based and market based methods
• Total absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions in metric tonnes (MT) of CO2e for the following categories:
• 1: Purchased goods and services
• 2: Capital goods
• 3: Fuel and energy-related activities
• 4: Upstream transportation and distribution
• 5: Waste generated in operations
• 6: Business travel
• 8: Upstream leased assets
• 9: Downstream transportation and distribution for U.S. operations (from the EPA SmartWay program for the year ending 31st December 2019)
• Total NOx and SOx from facility combustion sources in metric tonnes (MT)
• Percentage of electricity use generated by renewable energy sources globally
• Percentage of electricity use generated by renewable energy sources in North America (U.S. and Canada)
• Percentage of electricity use generated by renewable energy sources in the EU
Reporting criteria The WBCSD/WRI GHG Protocol (2004, as updated January 2015) for the Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
Johnson & Johnson’s internal reporting criteria and definitions for the other metrics.
Assurance ERM CVS’ assurance methodology, based on the International Standard on Assurance Engagements ISAE 3000 (Revised).
Respective Johnson & Johnson is responsible for preparing the data and for its correct presentation in the Report to third parties, including disclosure of the reporting criteria
responsibilities and boundary.
ERM CVS’ responsibility is to provide conclusions on the agreed scope based on the assurance activities performed and exercising our professional judgement.
Our conclusions Our assurance activities statement provides no assurance on the maintenance and
Based on our activities, nothing has come to our attention Our objective was to assess whether the assured integrity of the website, including controls used to achieve
to indicate that the following selected 2020* corporate emissions data are reported in accordance with the this, and in particular whether any changes may have
metrics are not fairly presented, in all material respects, principles of completeness, comparability (across the occurred to the information since it was first published.
with the reporting criteria. This conclusion is to be read in organisation) and accuracy (including calculations, use
Due to COVID travel restrictions, we planned our
the context of the remainder of this statement, in particular of appropriate conversion factors and consolidation).
assurance engagement to include virtual site visits.
the information in the emphasis of matter and inherent We planned and performed our work to obtain all
While we believe this approach does not affect our limited
limitations paragraphs below. the information and explanations that we believe
assurance conclusion(s) above, we draw attention to
were necessary to provide a basis for our assurance
Scope 1 GHG emissions: the possibility that if we had undertaken in person visits
conclusions. We applied a 5% material error threshold.
363,924 MT CO2e we may have identified errors and omissions in the
A team of GHG and assurance specialists performed the assured information that we did not discover through
Scope 2 GHG (location-based) emissions:
following key activities: the alternative assurance program.
641,489 MT CO2e
• Virtual interviews with relevant staff to understand Our observations
Scope 2 GHG (market-based) emissions:
internal reporting processes, including the use of its We have provided Johnson & Johnson with a separate
383,745 MT CO2e
GHG Management Plan, internal spreadsheets, and management report with our detailed (non-material)
Scope 3 GHG emissions for the following categories: its various internal data management and reporting findings and recommendations. Without affecting the
systems; conclusions presented above, we have the following key
• Category 1: Purchased 9,437,330 MT CO2e
goods and services • Virtual site visits to seven sites (Georgia, U.S.; Gurabo,
Puerto Rico; Helsingborg, Sweden; Jacksonville, U.S.; • Johnson & Johnson should document its uncertainty
• Category 2: Capital goods 271,206 MT CO2e
Latina, Italy; Limerick, Ireland; Shanghai, China) to information for each GHG Scope 3 emissions category,
• Category 3: Fuel and 183,087 MT CO2e review local reporting processes and consistency of particularly regarding Category 9, and describe its
energy-related activities reported annual data with selected underlying source efforts to record uncertainty in future revisions of the
data for each indicator. We interviewed relevant staff, Scope 3 emissions inventory.
• Category 4: Upstream 2,043,109 MT CO2e
reviewed site data capture and reporting methods,
transportation and
checked calculations and assessed the local internal
quality and assurance processes;
• Category 5: Waste 8,065 MT CO2e
• A review of samples of primary data such as invoices;
generated in operations Beth Wyke
• A review of the calculations undertaken, including Partner, Global Head of Corporate Assurance Services
• Category 6: Business travel 303,249 MT CO2e
conversion factors and emission factors used; 1 June 2021
• Category 8: Upstream 28,969 MT CO2e
• A review of estimates, extrapolations and assumptions
leased assets
made in relation to the data for relevant GHG Scope 3
• Category 9: Downstream 58,184 MT CO2e emissions categories; ERMCv§
transportation and Informed Assured
• A review of the calculations for restatement of NOx and
distribution (*2019, from ERM Certification and Verification Services, Inc.
SOx data for 2018 and 2019; and
the EPA SmartWay program
for U.S. operations only) • An analytical review of the consolidated year end data Email: [email protected]
for each metric.
Emphasis of matter ERM CVS is a member of the ERM Group. The work that ERM CVS conducts
Without affecting our conclusion, which is not modified, The limitations of our engagement for clients is solely related to independent assurance activities and auditor
training. Our processes are designed and implemented to ensure that the work
we draw attention to the explanatory notes provided by
The reliability of the assured information is subject to we undertake with clients is free from bias and conflict of interest. ERM CVS
Johnson & Johnson relating to the data on pages 83-84 of and the staff that have undertaken work on this assurance exercise provide no
inherent uncertainties, given the available methods for
the Report, in particular the limitations relating to the data consultancy related services to the client in any respect.
determining, calculating or estimating the underlying
for the Scope 3 emissions category 9 on page 83 of the
information. It is important to understand our assurance
Report which should be read in conjunction with the data.
conclusions in this context. Our independent assurance
2020 Health for Humanity Report 106
Contents | Message from Our CEO | Our Approach | United in Defeating COVID-19 | Better Health for All | Responsible Business Practices | Reporting Hub
Report of Independent Accountants
We have reviewed the accompanying Johnson & Johnson management assertion, that the sustainability metrics as of or for the year ended
December 31, 2020 in management’s assertion are presented in conformity with the assessment criteria set forth in management’s assertion.
Johnson & Johnson’s management is responsible for its assertion and for the selection of the criteria, which management believes provide an
objective basis for measuring and reporting on the sustainability metrics. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on management’s
assertion based on our review.
Our review was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(“AICPA”) in AT-C section 105, Concepts Common to All Attestation Engagements, and AT-C section 210, Review Engagements. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the review to obtain limited assurance about whether any material modifications should be made
to management’s assertion in order to be fairly stated. A review is substantially less in scope than an examination, the objective of which is to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether management’s assertion is fairly stated, in all material respects, in order to express an opinion.
Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. We believe that our review provides a reasonable basis for our conclusion.
In performing our review, we have complied with the independence and other ethical requirements of the Code of Professional Conduct issued
by the AICPA.
We applied the Statements on Quality Control Standards established by the AICPA and, accordingly, maintain a comprehensive system of
quality control.
The preparation of the sustainability metrics requires management to establish the criteria, make determinations as to the relevancy of
information to be included, and make assumptions that affect reported information. The selection by management of different but acceptable
measurement techniques could have resulted in materially different amounts or metrics being reported.
Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to Johnson & Johnson’s management assertion in
order for it to be fairly stated.
June 8, 2021
Our Giving(a)
Contributions are products or cash donations made to qualified nonprofit entities (i.e., 501(c)(3) organizations in the US or with an NGOsource 501(c)(3) equivalency determination for organizations outside the
US) by Johnson & Johnson during the reporting year, or are pledged and accrued during the reporting year, with confirmation of payment in 2021. Administrative costs incurred by Johnson & Johnson during
the contribution process are also included in cash contributions (3% of the total amount).
Products contributed are measured at fair market value, which is the price of the product, as determined by an internal price list in USD as of December 31, 2020, that Johnson & Johnson would sell to
consumers on the market.
Employees(a) 136,400
Global Workforce is the global employee headcount as of December 31, 2020, excluding fixed term employees, interns, co-op employees, employees on long-term disability and employees from more recently
acquired companies who are not yet reflected in the Johnson & Johnson Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) (which does not exceed 2 years from the date of acquisition). Contingent workers,
contractors and subcontractors are also excluded. This data is based on headcount from the HRIS. Global Workforce is rounded to the nearest hundred.
Gender and ethnic/racial diversity are reported in accordance with the gender, ethnicity and race as self-reported by the employee and recorded in HRIS as of December 31, 2020. Other is defined as employees
who self-reported as American Indian or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander or two or more races.
An individual working full-time is defined as an employee working 40 hours or more a week. An individual working part-time is defined as an employee working less than 40 hours a week.
The region and job category is obtained from HRIS as of December 31, 2020.
Age diversity is reported in accordance with the age group as self-reported by the employee and recorded in HRIS as of December 31, 2020, and due to rounding may not equal 100.0%.
As of October 2020, new categories were added to allow employees to actively decline self-identification or remain unidentified. Where the value for “Declined to answer” rounded to zero, we excluded from the
reported table.
Ethnic/Racial Diversity(b) in the U.S. by Job Category(d) (j) Managers and Directors
Asian 17.2%
Black/African American 5.4%
Hispanic/Latino: 7.3%
Other 1.3%
Declined to answer 1.1%
Asian 12.9%
Black/African American 7.5%
Hispanic/Latino 10.2%
Other 2.2%
Declined to answer 0.9%
Gender Diversity(b) in Management(g) and Executive Positions(h) Women in management positions 46.4%
Women in executive positions 14.3%
Gender and ethnic/racial diversity are reported in accordance with the gender, ethnicity and race as self-reported by the employee and recorded in HRIS as of December 31, 2020. Other is defined as employees
who self-reported as American Indian or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander or two or more races.
The region and job category is obtained from HRIS as of December 31, 2020.
Age diversity is reported in accordance with the age group as self-reported by the employee and recorded in HRIS as of December 31, 2020, and due to rounding may not equal 100.0%.
Gender and ethnic/racial diversity in the Board composition is reported in accordance with the gender and ethnicity as confirmed by board members as of December 31, 2020.
Management position is considered paygrade 30 and above. The paygrades are obtained from HRIS as of December 31, 2020.
Executives are defined as employees reporting directly to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer based on an organization chart including names and positions as of December 31, 2020.
New employee hires are external hires with a start date between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 obtained from HRIS.
As of October 2020, new categories were added to allow employees to actively decline self-identification or remain unidentified. Where the value for “Declined to answer” rounded to zero, we excluded from the
reported table.
Percentage of manufacturing and R&D sites certified to ISO 14001(d) (e) 96%
Percentage of manufacturing and R&D sites certified to OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) or ISO 45001(d) (e) 21%
Environmental non-compliances represent instances of non-compliance with environmental regulatory requirements or laws that were either (i) self-reported to authorities in the reporting year or (ii) identified
by authorities and the non-compliance occurred in the reporting year. The authorities include regional, national, state/country/province, and local/city regulatory agencies
Environmental non-compliances and fines paid exclude newly acquired sites (i.e., owned less than 2 years as of December 31, 2020).
Fines paid for environmental non-compliances include those paid in the reporting year. It does not include fines assessed and/or under negotiation that were not paid as of December 31, 2020.
Certified to ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 or ISO 45001 means the site has received an external certification that is valid as of December 31, 2020.
The denominator of total manufacturing and research & development (R&D) sites excludes small R&D and manufacturing sites (defined as having less than 50 employees) and newly acquired sites (i.e., owned
less than 3 years as of December 31, 2020).
Employee Turnover
Percentage of Managers and above moved across functions, country or business segment lines, building diversity of experiences(a) (b) (c) 44.6%
Represents the percentage of employees in Manager and above job categories (defined as paygrade 30 or above in HRIS as of December 31, 2020) who in their career progression moved through upward
promotion or lateral transfer during the reporting year.
Excludes fixed term, intern, and co-op employees, employees on long-term disability, employees from more recently acquired companies who are not yet reflected in HRIS, and employees under research
& development leaders in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices and Consumer Health segments.
Employee movement is tracked monthly in HRIS and then consolidated at year end. If an employee moves, for example, across both function and country in the same month, it is only counted as one move.
Employee count excludes fixed term, intern, and co-op employees, employees on long-term disability, and employees from more recently acquired companies who are not yet reflected in HRIS. Voluntary
turnover (the numerator) excludes employees leaving the company due to retirement or death.
High performer is defined as an individual with two consecutive annual performance ratings of Exceeds/Exceeds, Exceeds/Fully Meets, or Fully Meets/Exceeds (note that “exceeds” is one out of four possible
dimension ratings). Employees who are not part of the performance management process are excluded from the voluntary turnover of high performers metric.
Employee Safety(a)
Serious Injury and Illness Case (SIIC) rate(b) (f) Global 0.02
Asia Pacific 0.02
Europe, Middle East & Africa 0.01
Latin America 0.01
North America 0.04
Includes data as of December 31, 2020 and hours worked in the reporting year. More recently acquired sites (i.e., owned less than 2 years as of December 31, 2020) are excluded from employee safety metrics.
LWDC rate, TRIR, SIIC rate, and fatalities are calculated for Johnson & Johnson employees and contingent workers. Contingent workers (i.e., workers supplied by third party agencies that are the worker’s
employer of record) are intended to supplement or temporarily replace existing workforce and are directly supervised by a Johnson & Johnson employee. Cases from contractor/ subcontractors (who are not
contingent workers) are excluded.
“Lost days” are calendar days where an employee is unable to work due to illness or injury, beginning the day after an incident has taken place through the last day of leave (excluding holidays and vacations).
LWDC rate is calculated as follows and the data used in the calculation is obtained from the internal Johnson & Johnson CURVE system: (number of LWDC * 200,000 work hours) / total work hours.
TRIR is calculated as follows and the data used in the calculation is obtained from the internal Johnson & Johnson CURVE system: (number of recordable cases * 200,000 work hours) / total work hours.
SIIC rate is calculated as follows and the data used in the calculation is obtained from the internal Johnson & Johnson CURVE system: (number of SIIC * 200,000 work hours) / total work hours.
Ethics and Compliance (Our Credo Integrity Line Complaints & Inquires)
Percentage of inquiries and complaints as filed with Our Credo Integrity Line by Category (a) (b) Human Resources-related 51%
Financial-related 14%
Business integrity-related 12%
Other 11%
General information questions 10%
Product quality and patient safety-related 2%
There are 47 inquiry and complaint categories for the complainant to select from when reporting inquiries and complaints through Johnson & Johnson’s anonymous reporting mechanism which are then
summarized into six reported categories by Johnson & Johnson. Other consists of the following categories: privacy, information security, general security, EH&S, legal/regulatory and follow up.
Johnson & Johnson introduced a 48th human rights category in December 2020 but has excluded those inquiries and complaints in calculating the 2020 percentages presented. This category will be included in
Percentage of compliance-related allegations investigated through Triage Committee, by category(a) Healthcare compliance(b) 41%
Financial(c) 51%
Other(d) 8%
Compliance-related allegations can be filed by internal or external parties, and for those allegations that meet the internal escalation criteria, they are logged and categorized by Johnson & Johnson management
within the iSight Case Management System and then presented to and investigated through the Johnson & Johnson Triage Committee. Internal escalation criteria includes actual or alleged: expense violations
exceeding $1,000; theft, fraud or misuse of funds exceeding $1,000; non-compliance with laws and regulations, such as anti-corruption laws or human trafficking rules; governmental non-compliance, such
as failure to abide by relevant terms of a US government invoice, contract or pricing program, financial conflicts of interest, false or incomplete statements made to the US government; non-compliance with
internal Johnson & Johnson policies that could result in termination of the employee; data breach or privacy incidents; and misconduct by members of the senior leadership team.
Healthcare compliance-related allegations consist of violations of Healthcare Compliance guidelines including Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) violations.
Financial compliance-related allegations consist of asset misappropriation, conflicts of interest, and financial statements.
Other compliance-related allegations consist of legal, quality, anti-trust, product registration, and privacy.
Product Quality
Number of regulatory inspections(a) of Johnson & Johnson sites by worldwide health authorities(b) 452
Number of independent audits of Johnson & Johnson sites to ensure compliance with Johnson & Johnson Quality Policy and Standards(d) 165
Number of independent audits of external manufacturing sites(e) to ensure compliance with Johnson & Johnson Quality Policy 230
and Standards(d)
A regulatory inspection is defined as an inspection conducted by the health authority to determine compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Health authorities are organizations with authority over the development, manufacture, distribution, placing on the market, and post market surveillance of products. For example, the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA), British Standards Institution (BSI), and Health Canada. The observations identified during the inspection are listed on a form provided by
the third-party health authority who conducted the inspection.
An FDA inspection is defined as a regulatory inspection performed by the FDA and an observation is defined as the observed condition or practice indicating that an FDA-regulated product may be in violation of
FDA requirements. The observations are listed on FDA Form 483 during inspections conducted by the FDA and then provided to the manufacturer following the FDA inspection.
Independent audits are conducted by internal Johnson & Johnson Regulatory Compliance auditors at Johnson & Johnson sites and external manufacturing sites.
An external manufacturing site is defined as not owned or operated by Johnson & Johnson.
Product recall rate is defined as the number of lots removed from the market as a percentage of total lots globally manufactured, based on field action removals where it has been determined internally
by a Quality Review Board and aligned by Johnson & Johnson Enterprise Compliance, that there is a reasonable probability that the product may cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health
consequences and in certain cases will cause serious adverse health consequences. A lot is defined as a specific quantity of material that has uniform character and quality and was released to market during the
2020 calendar year.
The Consumer Health product recall rate reflects over-the-counter (OTC) products.
ARV Antiretroviral
BARDA Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
OCMO The Johnson & Johnson Office of the Chief Medical Officer
1 The tax information contained in this section is 10 Nature Microbiology. “Tracking virus outbreaks 17
intended to provide the reader with an overview of in the twenty-first century.” 2019; 4(1):10-19. initiative-for-mental-health.
all taxes contributed by Johnson & Johnson, and not
11 Johnson & Johnson also acknowledges its many 18
just income taxes. It should be read in conjunction
strategic partners in the ongoing global clinical who-healthcare-challenges-2020s-climate-conflict-
with the Company’s tax information filed with the
program for the vaccine regimen, including Bavarian epidemics/. Accessed Feb 2021.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including
Nordic A/S, Centre Muraz, College of Medicine and
in the most recently filed Quarterly Reports on Form 19
Allied Health Sciences, Democratic Republic of the
10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K. This tax MMR-2018-State-Data-508.pdf.
Congo Ministry of Public Health, Emory University’s
information is supplemental to, and not a substitute
Project San Francisco, Epicentre, Grameen 20 Chen, Xi, PhD. Decision Resources Group. “Medtech
for, the information reported in the Company’s SEC
Foundation, Inserm, Inserm Transfert, Institut 360: Reprocessed Devices | Market Analysis | US |
National de Recherche Biomédicale, London School 2016.” Millennium Research Group, Inc., August 2016.
2 Authorization approval status of our COVID-19 of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Médecins Sans
21 Our Sustainable Procurement Program (SPP) was
vaccine varies by country. For the latest updates, Frontières, Republic of Rwanda Ministry of Health,
renamed as Supplier Sustainability Program (SSP).
please visit Rinda Ubuzima, Rwanda Biomedical Center, Sierra
Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Uganda 22 Materiality, as used in this Report, and our Priority
3 Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies
Virus Research Institute, Université de Kinshasa, Topics Assessment process are different than the
Elective Surgery Survey.
University of Antwerp, University of Oxford, Walter definition used in the context of filings with the
4 Comparison based on a weighted average of the Reed Army Institute of Research, World Health Securities and Exchange Commission.
procedure time with QDOT MICROTM Technology Organization, World Vision Ireland, Wellcome Trust,
in QMODE (129.8 min; N = 42) and in QMODE+™ Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations,
(105.2 min; N = 52), and the weighted average of Vibalogics, and all the people who participated in
the procedure time with irrigated, contact force RF clinical trials during the Ebola epidemic in West Africa
catheters (202.8 min; 5 studies, N = 622). Comparison and the DRC.
of non-randomized, independent single-arm studies.
5 publications/ebola-pregnant-and-breastfeeding-
Accessed Feb 2021. women/en/.
6 This combined treatment regimen is marketed as 13
CABENUVA in North America. antimicrobial-resistance. Accessed February, 2021.
7 N. Gumede and E. Durden. Johnson & Johnson, 14 Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Report: “It’s Time
Global Public Health, South Africa. Insights on youth to End Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: The case for
leadership in HIV programming for adolescent girls action.” 2019. Available here: https://www.eiu.
and young women in South Africa: Lessons from com/n/its-time-to-end-drug-resistant-tuberculosis/.
programme implementation. Last accessed 22 September 2020.
15 “A Road Map for Neglected Tropical Diseases 2021–
2030,” WHO, Executive Summary, page xii. https://
9 cases/en/.
Accessed Mar 2021.
Contact us:
Johnson & Johnson Enterprise ESG Program Office
[email protected]
One Johnson & Johnson Plaza
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08933